
    15 pieces of advice for my unborn son

    1. Your dad thinks the world of you and will support you through anything.
    2. Your mother is my greatest treasure and gets my utmost respect and trust. You should treat her even better than I do.
    3. Let music be your mistress.
    4. Never underestimate the power of doing chores unasked.
    5. Never miss a practice and I’ll never miss a game.
    6. Don’t ever start quitting; it’s a hard habit to break.
    7. Never say no to a breath mint or deodorant.
    8. Aim higher; no one accidentally became prime minister.
    9. You will fall in love and marry one day, so be discreet and save money.
    10. Become an expert in something.
    11. Don’t spend too much money on a haircut. They don’t last. But don’t tell your girlfriend or wife that.
    12. Dance with the prettiest girl there.
    13. Only flip your steak once and cook it until the blood rises on each side.
    14. In monopoly buy the orange properties.
    15. Always pack a pair of jeans. They go with everything.

    15 pieces of advice for my unborn daughter

    1. Your dad loves you more than you could ever imagine.
    2. Read.
    3. I want you to dress however you want to, and go wherever you like, but I also don’t trust people around you, so we’ve got a tricky road to navigate, together.
    4. People will lie, hurt and betray you but the truth will set you free.
    5. Your mother is the most amazing person I have ever met.
    6. Master a second language.
    7. Every week, identify and eliminate your most used word.
    8. Keep your word.
    9. Collect things.
    10. Talent is learned. Learn a talent.
    11. Avoid gossip.
    12. Ask your mother all the questions. She has lots of answers.
    13. Go bushwalking on mountains.
    14. Ask me how a car works.
    15. Travel to at least three continents.
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