Photography I Created
Ten years of you trying to convince me to go halfsies with meals. Ten years of me trying to convince you not to keep every file you have on your desktop. Ten years of loving you. Ten years of being loved by you. Ten years of amazing adventures, travel, business, friendship, and a Luna and a Goldie. Ten of the best. Happy tenth wedding anniversary, baby xx
I’ve met the end of Chinese food game boss
No, just a little lower. There it is.
Well, this W really gets a round
September in Australia, by @newyorkcartoons and @scottdools
Germany just finished a three-month trial of selling €9 monthly ‘all you can eat’ public transport tickets and not only did more than half the country take up the offer, they saw significant reductions in pollution. Now there are protests against ending the trial!
Sydney this afternoon
Luna presents me with a self-portrait for Father’s Day. I say “noo-noo”.
Luna: discovers herself
Teaching Goldie how to identify a sucker
It’s empowering seeing Ampol throw around the word “restaurant” so liberally. I’m going to erect a sign out the front of my house that says “male model”.
I make wedding photo
No-one’s singing in the streets again, Mackay, Mackay.
100 ways to improve your writing
Manyun Zou, Russell Goldenberg and Rob Smith have done the hard work on The Pudding to report on how The Big Bang Theory is censored in the People’s Republic of China.
This web app on Baseten was recommended to me to restore old photos and as you might be able to see with this ancient photo of yours truly, it works a treat!
the best part about travelling for work is coming home to a tribe that’s missed me
It might seem like a surprise but nine years ago in Seminyak I started thinking about moving to Mexico after reading this compelling sign.