Photography I Created
She’s my daughter


JQ133 to Auckland this morning. I think the sun was rising as well. @jetstarairways


A year on year decrease in traffic might lead one to say that the media is incentivised to encourage Trump-like politics.


Forgive me for thinking that the Victorian government doesn’t know what is going on.
I just transited through Melbourne Airport from Tugun (Gold Coast) to Hobart.
Applying for a transit permit: fine. Getting the travel permit: you’ve been in an orange or red zone (no I haven’t) Arriving in Victoria: “let me check with my supervisor, I think we need to escort you” An hour after arriving in Hobart: You need to quarantine.
Get it together guys.
One of my favourite views is from a few thousand feet above earth at sunset

“By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?”
I hope people will recognise us by our children. That knowledge of their kindness, joy, and peace would go before them.
Transiting through Melbourne Airport this afternoon
Widgets on iPadOS 15 are glorious. A year late, but glorious.

Apple Photos thinks Britt and I had couple photos taken in Tenerife to commemorate a day Australia celebrates killing horses because we gamble on them. Algorithms are fun.

Curtis Falls

I’m going to start trying to make wedding photos professionally
I really enjoy making photos.
This photo is one of my favourites, it’s of an unknown hiker taking a breather at Taft Point in Yosemite National Park.
Something I’m struggled with for the longest time is that I identify as a celebrant, that’s what I do, but I really enjoy making photos of, and for, people.
If you’ve been married by me, you’ve probably received a text message after your wedding with a sneaky photo, and an apology to your photographer for cutting their grass.
That’s my modus operandi, I’m already at an epic location for a sweet wedding, and there’s another photographer there directing, creating, expressing, and I steal a shot in the background. Most are pretty cool with it, and some, like my mate James Day, have been encouraging me in it for a while now. But it’s a bit cheap of me to steal other people’s shots, the real thing to do, is to make my own.
So today when I met with a couple about making photos at their wedding I felt so excited at the prospect of a new avenue of creativity for me, and the possibility of creating meaningful and enjoyable work for you.
I don’t have a photography website, or portfolio, or packages, or prices. I’ve been a wedding celebrant for over 12 years now, and I love doing that, but somewhere along the way I’ll figure out how me making photos can be a thing I market, but for now, feel free to check out the really quick portfolio I made with Adobe today so I had something to show the couple today, at and if you’re willing to take a bet on a celebrant making photos at your wedding, slide on in to those DMs

Sunrise at The Spit #goldcoast #sunrise
Walk like a Goldcoastian

FaceTime - 6.0/iOS15/Monterey - links to join a chat are easy and beautiful, and much more elegant than a Zoom link if it’s just a simple chat. I can see them taking the place of many a meeting.
Screenshot from iPadOS 15 Photos.
Somehow Photos has figured out from location and date metadata these photos are from a ticketed event, a Foo Fighters concert. But the hero image is of Weezer opening the show, and if you tap through to the slideshow the music is Fleetwood Mac.
Vale Alan James Snow
Today, Britt and I attended - remotely via live stream - the memorial service of her grandfather, Alan James Snow.
Alan’s life story is wide ranging and interesting, from his time in the NSW Police through to his large and international legacy in his family.
On the 1st of November 2013, while Alan was visiting his son in Queensland, I took the opportunity to record a podcast episode with him. I’ve always wanted to record the stories of people around us, but as often happens, time and priorities get in the way. So today, I’m proud to share this hour-long recording today with our family, and anyone else wanting to.

Apple Weather in iOS 15 is still wrong in Australia
Since the moment Steve Jobs introduced us to the iPhone, Australian users have had bad weather data.
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology is the only true source of weather data in Australia, but Apple sources it’s data from, even though it owns Dark Sky now. That said, Dark Sky’s data doesn’t seem accurate in Australia either.
But it doesn’t matter how you skin it, Apple Weather has had bad data for a long time, and it continues in iOS 15.
Here’s comparisons from three apps, Apple Weather, Carrot Westher which is sourcing its data from Willyweather which I’m guessing it licensed from the BoM, and the one true BoM app.
Apple Weather developers, if you want to source true weather data, this is a great place to start.