Photography I Created
fasten with a zipper.
move at high speed.
Rancho Gaspareño
Bryan Jáuregui quotes Greg Schredder regarding Rancho Gaspareño, Baja California Sur, just south of Todos Santos, emphasis and photos mine:

Rancho Gaspareño was named after a Spanish galleon that went aground on the point, the Gaspareño. It was one of the so-called Manila galleons, Spanish ships that sailed between the Philippines and Acapulco for 250 years, bringing spices, silks and other luxuries from the far east to New Spain. All these galleons sailed the Pacific coast of Baja on their way to Acapulco, so naturally enough the area became riddled with pirates, many of them English and Dutch.
There are many tales of buried pirate treasure in the area, and local school groups still come to explore the cave at Rancho Gaspareño each year to tap into the lore. Treasure hunters have reason for optimism; in 1974 when the road from La Paz to the ferry terminal at Pichilingue was being built, a pirate chest of plundered loot was discovered by road workers.
I think of this part of the Baja coastline as the forgotten area. People drive past Rancho Gaspareño going a hundred miles an hour on the new 4-lane highway and have no idea of the history of the area.
The Guaycura and Pericue Indians were the original inhabitants before the Jesuit’s arrival in 1697, and they were essentially wiped out by the time the Jesuits left in 1768. The Jesuits built their theocracy based on a promise to the King of Spain to get rid of the pirates who were plundering his ships, and the pirates faded away with the demise of the Manila galleons in 1815. Dominican Padre Gabriel González had a ranch near Gaspareño from 1825 to 1850, and the tobacco, rum, sugar, corn, and livestock he produced there made him the richest man in Baja California. From his ranch the padre engaged in espionage and guerilla warfare during the Mexican-American war of 1846-1848, and – thanks in part to the Padre – Mexico won a major victory near Gaspareño (but lost the war). By 1855 the Padre had lost his political backing and left Baja for good. For the next one hundred years entrepreneurs made fortunes in the sugar cane industry with fields in areas like Gaspareño, but in the 1950s a severe drought and price drop lead to the demise of the industry; the last sugar processing plant closed in 1974. In that same year the trans peninsular highway made its way to Todos Santos, bringing new life to the town, and in 1985 renowned artist Charles Stewart arrived from Taos, planting the seed for Todos Santos’ current incarnation as an artists’ colony. It remains an agricultural center and surfing hotspot, only now it is firmly on the radar of major developers.
Now we all just speed past at 120km/hr on the four-lane highway and wonder how much the owner wants for it (shhh, $12M).
📷 Early morning beach walks with my three girls (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt ‘walk’ suggested by @lwdupont)

Ten whale soup off Todos Santos yesterday 🐋📷🚁

📷 Whole (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @val)
A whole lot of whale as I saw it from my aerial camera yesterday.

Because I couldn’t get my head clear to write this morning I worked on a cover for the book instead.
If you’d walk past this in a shop and stop, like this.
Would you buy it? Let me know why.

📷 Engineering (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @ridwan)
These are my DJI microphones, and as a travelling nerd I really appreciate how they’ve been engineered, all to stay within the little charging case.

📷 Tile (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @thedimpulse)
Luna, nine months old, taking a breather on the floor of a Tuscan church.

📷 Tile (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @thedimpulse)
Photo made outside a small Italian restaurant in Brisbane.

📷 Zip (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @miraz)
zip /zip/

Local Baja news includes the taco price index

📷 Solitude (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @circustiger)
I made this photo in Yosemite National Park.

The most interesting (to me) new app/social net-ugh-something-work is Artifact. It’s from the guys who created Instagram but it’s like a ‘TikTok for articles/blog posts/news.
I personally would much prefer to read than watch a video, so this is my kind of network.
Islands, they’re always in the last place you look.

📷 Weather (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @pcora)
Photo made in Newport Beach looking at Catalina on Saturday just passed.

They got me by talking about my main domain name and my main domain host. Even though it’s not hosted at VentraIP. I’m just so used to having to correct payments there.
I didn’t even notice the bung I in VentraIP, the bad email address, the bad domain.
I’ve locked the two credit cards I fed them. Feel like an idiot.
As Abe Simpson said, and it will happen to yoouuuuu.

A letter from a freelancing poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay, to her publisher, Poetry magazine, with the business inspiration we all could take, from Letters of Note.

📷 Four frames from El Pescadero, Baja California Sur, today
📷🚁🇲🇽 Four aerial frames from Playa Los Cerritos, Baja California Sur