A Blog Post 27 Years In The Making
So this is old age.
Each day a new one, never to be repeated again. The opportunities that present themselves today may never appear again. It’s one part exciting, one part depressing and one part liberating.
As I shrug off the childhood myth that each year you get older you can do less and the responsibility and cost is more, I find each day a little more exciting.Depressing
As I find each day more exciting, I find that I like to share it with people. And despite my best attempts at ignoring it there is some sort of biological internal thing in my blood or brain that draws me to some sort of female partner ... weird. Why is it depressing? Often not everyone else gives a rats bottom about what you're excited about. No fault of theirs, but it still is a little depressing ... my brain is a little off-kilter compared to everyone elses I think.Liberating
And as I find each day more exciting and a little depressing I find liberty, the escape from the past, the collection of experiences, hurts, times and days of past. It's a nice thing to find at the back end of 27 years of life.</deep>
Happy 28th Birthday me!
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