Why I write (or why I'm sometimes wrong)
When I write I’m not proving myself, or asking for judgement. I’m not stating a point or opinion and hoping no-one else’s’ is different. I know that the only law that applies to having an opinion is that other people are allowed to have one too.
I write to deconstruct my brain and even then it’s not a clear representation of how my neurons are working. I write to just “get it out” because while “it’s” in I can’t sleep or hold normal conversations. I’ll spill my brain out onto the keyboard so that someone might understand it and diagnose me correctly, even if I know not what it is.
It often feels like I should write everything in pencil, just in case some reads it and gets offended or queries me, that way I could just rub it out. Is there a pencil mode on the keyboard? Why do we sit in front of a jury of our peers outside of courtrooms?
Perhaps you could write too and we all might get along better?