Me, Leo and Blippy
I’ve recently been informed that my credit card number has been listed on Google thanks to my friends at Blippy. Read the news article at Venture Beat.
I’m in two minds about the matter. Firstly, I’m a radio host and comedian, so any hacker should know my credit card numbers are more useful to a collection agency than Google. Secondly, it’s an honour to be listed in such a dishonourable way next to Leo Laporte. I pride myself on my early adoption of technology, including Blippy, and all early adopters know that when you play with fire, Google caches it. [Update: early reports said Leo Laprte was also one of the four users that were compromised, but I’m not certain this is correct, which might make my blog post title awkward]
In recent times I’ve actually removed my credit card sync with Blippy because my bank was mailing me my statement in a small box because of the extra number of transactions Blippy incurred. I hope that Blippy is doing everything in it’s power to secure their systems for all other users. I’m confident that my bank has sufficient procedures in place to stop credit card fraud and as a safety precaution I’ll be ordering a new card.
Thank you to everyone’s inquiries, my story is for sale to the highest bidding TV network, I have a dramatised version that includes divorces and a possible Zombie plot just to keep the viewers interested.
Venture Beat posted a screenshot of my credit card on Google
And the Blippy News Blog assures me that these guys have my back now lol
8am Sunday Morning: I’ve just got my card canceled, I couldn’t do it earlier because I was on an Anzac Day Outside Broadcast.
10am Sunday Morning: I just realised I now have no access to any money which means no lunch! … Blippy, why!!?!??!!