Photography I Created

    Three years of hell

    Three years ago today I had the wildest, wettest day at work so far. Bringing a wedding forward a day, performing the wedding ceremony I already had for that day, then doing the brought-forward ceremony in the rain, rushing back to Sydney Airport from the Blue Mountains, every store is closed in the airport and we catch the fabled last flight into Queensland before they closed the border.

    Three years of hell. Here’s to never getting so silly ever again. You can’t stop people from dying, it’s inevitable, but you can stop people from living.

    📷 Court (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @rom)

    A new website for Los Sagrados Horse Sanctuary

    Flexed my vintage graphic design skills for the local Baja horse sanctuary recently and I’m pretty proud of the work I’ve done.

    I used to do web design professionally back in the olden days when computers were stone tablets and Jesus was a boy.

    Plus before now you couldn’t find the ranch on Apple or Google Maps properly, and all the search engines and AI chat models didn’t know about them.

    Over the coming weeks that will all change as the databases and algorithms catch up.

    The horse sanctuary is a registered Mexican charity so they can now take donations online, and they’re on the way to taking horse riding reservations online, selling tickets to events, and also operating as an event venue with online booking etc.

    Plus they’ve now got email on their own domain name so they look and feel more professional to donors and grant-giving organisations.

    Finally, for the first time in a web design project I got to make all the photography with Britt so we had full creative control of the project.

    📷 Chance (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @V_)

    📷 Insect (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by a@alexink)

    📷 Tiny {people} (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @jasonmcfadden)

    It was Luna’s turn to decide what we had for breakfast. Her choice? La Esquina, the cafe with pancakes and a playground.

    You know yo’ve really embedded yourself in a Mexican community when you see a friend riding in the back of a truck on the highway.

    📷 Houseplant. Did I do the #mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt right, @jensands)?

    (Photo made a few moments ago on the way to get a coffee in Los Cerritos, Baja California Sur)

    📷🇲🇽 Analog (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @skarjune)

    I made these photos on Playa Cerritos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, on a broken film camera a week ago, then a few days later they were developed in a photo lab at Currumbin Beach, Australia, and I’m posting them today from Las Tunas, Mexico. The wonders of living in a connected world. (Britt has flown back to Australia this week).

    📷 Portico (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @annahavrom)

    From a snow day in Nashville between Christmas and New Year’s Eve just passed.

    📷 Early (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @krisfredrick) also shared on Pexels.

    📷 Road (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @Dejus)

    There’s a saying in Baja that “bad roads bring good people and good roads bring bad people”.

    So we keep the ungraded and bumpy dirt roads as an instrument of faith in the neighbours we want.

    📷 Patience (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @amit)

    📷 Horizon (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @crossingthethreshold)

    📷 Connection (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @agilelisa)

    The moment I connected with my minutes-old first child and daughter.

    📷 Shiny (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @odd)

    The second percolator I’ve owned in Mexico. I forgot the first one was on the stove, on heat. Melted all the plastic components.

    📷 Gimcrack (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @jafish).

    My local tyre shop here in Baja California Sur has real gimcrack vibes.

    Friday afternoon in Pescadero, Baja California Sur

    📷 Ritual (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @drewbelf)

    Our morning coffee. While we’re in El Pescadero, it’s from La Comuna Espresso Bar at Mini Super Munchies.

    📷 Together (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @sherif)

    Our little nomadic family, our most recent photo all together in Australia, in October last year.

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