
Full Post List

Jul 27, 2024: Ever since Bo Burnham’s Inside I’ve felt like it’s not worth creating anymore. Content peaked in 2020 with Inside. Now we live in the post-Inside era.

Jul 23, 2024: “Do you want to be really good at a thing? I’ve got bad news for you. You’re going to have to be significantly worse at a lot of other …

Jul 19, 2024: Lady at this cafe in the Huon Valley is working on an 11” MacBook Air running one of big cat OS X operating system releases. It would have to be more …

Jul 17, 2024: I’m researching for project in Tasmania and I think, to the best of my research and knowledge so far, this is the oldest and first photograph of …

Jul 15, 2024: My greatest fear in life is that Jaycar could go broke and shutdown

Jul 12, 2024: If you talk to anyone in the destination wedding industry they have their bucket list of places they want to work. Mine is remarkably weirder than …

Jul 10, 2024: Tuscany versus Amalfi

Jul 10, 2024: When I first started as a wedding celebrant in 2009 you’d write some blog posts, build some SEO, and maybe attend a wedding expo to promote yourself …

Jul 10, 2024: I visited The Vatican

Visiting The Vatican inevitably evokes strong feelings. Regardless of your faith—Catholic, Christian, other, or none—the rich tapestry of history …

Jul 10, 2024: Is the @abcnews_au Instagram account off-ABC-charter In the year 2024, we - the consumer/viewer/listener/single-digit-in-a-spreadsheet - have an opportunity to cultivate and curate our media diet, and I …

Jul 9, 2024: Turns out hope might be good for the soul. Emily Brown in Relevant Magazine: Gen Z has been fairly vocal about their struggles with mental health, …

Jul 9, 2024: A transport nerd's Italian journies I’m a transport nerd, so here’s my transport journey to and across Italy over the last few weeks. Missing in my photos is my phat electric …

Jul 9, 2024: The criminalisation of journalism Julian Assange and the criminalisation of journalism: A story of moral injury and moral courage in New Matilda today: 12th July 2007: Two US Apache …

Jul 9, 2024: That face when you're “worried” about Spotify and podcasting In an interview about broadcasting the Olympics on AM radio network in Australia (a sentence that could have been typed in 1970 and still make perfect …

Jul 9, 2024: Why are the Vatican guards dressed like clowns? Orrrr why are clowns dressed like Vatican guards?

Jul 9, 2024: iPhone hack: when your iPhone 14 overheats in Rome, get a drink from McDonalds and melt the ice on the phone until it cools down.

Jul 9, 2024: L'angolo tra Via dei Gracchi e Via Fabio Massimo I spent the last two hours in this seat, capturing as many interesting photos as possible from this single location in Rome, Italy, on the early …

Jul 7, 2024: Professor Giuseppe’s Grand Hotel Tritone and its 1000-odd steps to the beach.

Jul 6, 2024: Some frames I have a captured on the Amalfi coast this week

Jul 6, 2024: When you’re hot-headed and your Ray-Bans stage an intervention

Jul 2, 2024: Why did they call it the Amalfi Coast when they could of called it the Stairs Coast and it would’ve been far more accurate

Jul 2, 2024: My favourite thing to do whilst in Italy is to pretend to not be in Australian then surprise traveling Aussies with a big “G’Day, mate!”

Jul 1, 2024: Apple Health: You’ve been on tour through Asia and Europe for four weeks. Flighty: Your journey home begins in nine days. Me: This is going to ruin …

Jul 1, 2024: Isle of Procida Things I saw on Procida, a little island off Napoli

Jun 29, 2024: I was trying to to get to the Metro Linea 2 in Napoli, I saw this series of lines, and let’s just say that things escalated quickly

Jun 28, 2024: Pictures of steak I ate in Florence

Jun 28, 2024: Some things I looked at in Roma, Italy

Jun 24, 2024: Rachel Rumi: You don’t like to see that other person neglecting their homework when it comes to growth through intimacy so you take on the curriculum …

Jun 24, 2024: Some frames from Tuscany this last week

Jun 24, 2024: Do you ever see someone else’s project and realise that everything you’ve ever done in your life is meaningless? That’s for me …

Jun 24, 2024: Colours of Toscana

Jun 24, 2024: May the API bless you, Threads humans

Jun 23, 2024: Perugia’s People Movers My local laundromat in Passignano is closed on Sundays so I journeyed over to Perugia, Umbria, for my clothes washing today, caught a glance of …

Jun 23, 2024: Scopello // Sicilia

Jun 22, 2024: Kurt Vonnegut, Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage​, in 1981: What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But …

Jun 22, 2024: John Gruber: Fortunately, because Apple is delaying Apple Intelligence and these other new features in the EU, all of the thriving EU-based …

Jun 21, 2024: AI, wasted on us old people You’ve got to be careful when you pull this card, so many in tech pull it too quickly, but you’ve got to reserve the Steve Jobs Card for …

Jun 21, 2024: When you’re watching Instagram Reels before the Zoom meeting begins and the AI Zoom Meeting Summary takes it as fact

Jun 18, 2024: Pentax has made a portrait-orientation, made for sharing on modern social media, analog film camera in the new Pentax 17. DPReview: The Pentax 17 has …

Jun 18, 2024: That was $9.95 I’ll never get back. (Stolen from Basic Apple Guy on Threads)

Jun 18, 2024: Jamstack websites terrify me. I feel technology often takes a backward step as it advances. I used to make the most powerful small business, single …

Jun 18, 2024: Our Imaginary Brother Only Watches PBS by Eileen Donovan-Kranz What happened next made sense only to my mother: She created an eighth child, a …

Jun 18, 2024: In the spirit of Zuckerberg renaming Facebook in honour of what’s coming up, please no longer call me Josh. Only refer to me as my new personal …

Jun 14, 2024: Everyone has their different social media celebrities they get excited about meeting. Today I meet mine.

Jun 14, 2024: 12 years ago I shared this infographic about the data being transferred around then. Here’s the 2024 version on my daily letter.

Jun 14, 2024: Little pleasures in life is your laptop remembering the password and automatically connecting to the wifi at your cheap Rome airport hotel

Jun 14, 2024: Yes, hello, is this Qatar Airways? I’d like to collect my prize money.

Jun 13, 2024: Qatar things

Jun 12, 2024: When I make photos I like I share them, and because of the way the world is today (i.e everyone has a camera, algorithms rule the world, photos …

Jun 9, 2024: The Sunday night commute to work 📍 Beachcomber Island, Fiji

Jun 9, 2024: Easy like Sunday Melbourne Airport morning

Jun 9, 2024: I like writing, I like reading, I enjoy running a sustainable and fun business, and I like getting email letters on the topic, so I made one called …

Jun 9, 2024: In my happy place - plane watching - for a few hours in Melbourne Airport on the way to Fiji for a wedding

Jun 9, 2024: Shalom Auslander: I was thinking about sex the other day because I was having a really depressing day, and a dead body had been found by the pier, …

Jun 7, 2024: Free entry!

Jun 7, 2024: What’s weird/nerdy/fun/cool and not on the “must see” lists for Doha, Qatar? I’ve got a full transit day there on Thursday.

Jun 3, 2024: My will: and I hereby bequeath to my children, 739 partially completed buy 10 get one free cards from coffee shops all over the city.

Jun 2, 2024: A love letter to defrag.exe Scott sent me this cute Thread by Calm and I remarked that defragging my computer ‘back in the day’ was one of my favourite tasks. I loved running …

Jun 2, 2024: You know what sucks about using the internet today - whether it’s Facebook or Instagram or Threads - is that they’re all geared towards …

Jun 1, 2024: 48 hours in Bali - a photo dump

May 31, 2024: It must be terrible for every other musician and songwriter in the world to know that anything they ever make will be - at very best - second best to …

May 30, 2024: One day, some day in the next few years, I probably won’t fly as much as I do, and as my Qantas status fades and staff forget my face, the thing I’ll …

May 29, 2024: WWDC 2024 prediction: iOS is dead. Long live aiOS. aiOS: Think Different.

May 26, 2024: Did you know Japan had its own beautiful and amazing method of measuring time before Christians ruined it all? The Uniqueness of Japanese Time - …

May 26, 2024: Kent Nerburn: Debt defines your future, and when your future is defined, hope begins to die. You have committed your life to making money to pay for …

May 25, 2024: Apart from actually doing the work couples pay me to do, like making their weddings and elopements, some of the proudest professional work I’m …

May 25, 2024: I can’t stop looking out the front door of our new home in the Huon Valley, so now I’ve got to show you. Plus a photo of the door because it’s …

May 25, 2024: They say that when you have kids you enter your second stage of life. This is me entering my third stage of life.

May 22, 2024: John Green on happy marriages and feeding the content machine that is 2024 and the internet

May 18, 2024: Call me a conspiracy theorist, call me crazy, or call me stupid, but I get a feeling that TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Twitter, LinkedIn and …

May 12, 2024: The aurora australias, the southern lights, were a spectacle to behold last night aroundd Hobart, even with lots of cloud cover. My first taste was a …

May 12, 2024: I can’t stop thinking about this Boox Palma

May 12, 2024: I could work for a million years, doing the best jobs, making the best things, writing the most eloquent words, delivering the best service, or …

May 10, 2024: Do you ever just do something, then regret it, then feel awesome about it? That’s how I felt when I got the domain name this …

May 9, 2024: Vale Stan Hillard A quick search on the internet for Stan Hillard doesn’t reveal much. You’ll find my name-dropping about a decade ago on Radio Today as I …

May 8, 2024: Brought wedding-ready two pairs of pants and three shirts to Queenstown for three weddings here this week with the full confidence that one of the …

May 4, 2024: I’ve realised that I am not equipped enough to manage replies to my actual Mastodon account - @[email protected] - and my Micro.Blog account, …

May 4, 2024: This reporting on the mysterious 777 Partners and it’s Australian investment in airline, Bonza is a good read and good reporting by Ian …

May 4, 2024: Happy Star Wars Day! I saw Episode 1 at the cinema this week and I’ve got a hot take. Jar Jar Binks is an important character and the people that hate …

May 1, 2024: Weird week to be running an airline

Apr 30, 2024: The parable of the prodigal traveller: “For this budget traveller of mine was dead to me and has now returned to life. He was flying Bonza, but now …

Apr 28, 2024: Wedding photography is about to evolve in two ways. After a century in the closet, Sepia is about to come into fashion The wedding content creator is …

Apr 27, 2024: One day, when I grow up, I’d like an Apple Jonathan please

Apr 25, 2024: In 2115 will we still commemorate Anzac Day like we do today? Anzac Day 1916 was a very different ANZAC Day compared to that I experienced in Canberra this morning. Martin Crotty, a historian at the University of …

Apr 23, 2024: I honestly didn’t know that public speakers like comedians, Arj Barkers, and wedding celebrants were allowed to have opinions on babies being in …

Apr 23, 2024: Seven 8ths Torn and the beauty not stored in data centres Kids, gather round for an Australian TV, culture, and music history lesson. On Instagram ABC TV’s Rage account posted: Anyone remember when …

Apr 22, 2024: The internet’s all upset at my latte/flat white comments while I’m over here drinking a fat white, a long black with a dash of pouring cream

Apr 4, 2024: What’s the word for when something is a hilarious joke but also very true? I also own and recommend whichever Brother printer you want, I got …

Apr 3, 2024: This reminds me of the internet I grew up and I love it so much: After The Beep.

Apr 1, 2024: The Frequent Vower Card For the first time in the world I’m launching a wedding loyalty card, the Frequent Vower Card! How often do you get married and at the end of …

Mar 27, 2024: As March 2024 almost comes to a close I’m reminded how it’s four years since my life fell apart. Four years on I’m seeing a therapists and building a …

Mar 27, 2024: I heard you could install Linux on an Apple Silicon MacBook Pro … so I did it … I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m like a …

Mar 25, 2024: Found this old piece of pretty poor writing by me on Medium, about podcasting from 11 years ago.

Mar 24, 2024: The thing that will bring our society to an end is our compulsion to insist that things are other people’s problems

Mar 22, 2024: You might have noticed Kate Middleton has been a bit quiet on the socials lately. Well, let’s just say Tasmania now has two princesses. …

Mar 21, 2024: Naval Ravikant, on the modern struggle: Lone individuals summoning inhuman willpower, fasting, meditating, and exercising… Up against armies …

Mar 21, 2024: Finished reading: Extremely Hardcore by Zoë Schiffer 📚 what a terrifyingly odd account of one of the richest men alive today.

Mar 16, 2024: Palmsy is amazing. A cute little social network just for you with fake likes and notifications from your friends. We should all tell our parents that …

Mar 12, 2024: Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph …

Mar 9, 2024: If this photo I made ten minutes ago excites you, you’re going to love this real estate listing for our home.

Mar 8, 2024: A lovely Qantas flight attendant yesterday asked me if I was Josh Withers, at which point I prepare myself to say yes and have a chat to her about a …

Mar 4, 2024: Prediction: Wedding photography is about to undergo a massive change. The people who hold cameras like Fuji/Sony/Canon/Nikon need to figure out how to …

Mar 1, 2024: I’m fast realising that my only real talent in this world is being the member of the conversation who can provide the comedic exit of the conversation …

Feb 29, 2024: I asked readers of my Aisle Authority daily letter to the best celebrants in the world what they thought about the length of the daily email letter …

Feb 27, 2024: New favourite website:

Feb 23, 2024: I’m thoroughly convinced that email can be a meaningful method of communication, relationship, community, and entertainment in the future. …

Feb 21, 2024: The CEO of the biggest supermarket chain in Australia is stepping down because no other news media dared question an advertiser. This is the strength …

Feb 20, 2024: Matt Ruby on metadata: “Is metadata really that powerful?” “OK, let’s say there’s a guy who texted a girl 5 times …

Feb 18, 2024: I find reading the news depressing but I still want to get an idea of what’s happening in the local news so I made an AI bot that writes the …

Feb 17, 2024: Hobart sunset - high res download for any Apple Vision Pro users, and direct link to the 360 photo on Panoraven and direct link to the 360 JPEG in …

Feb 15, 2024: Levelling up in nerdom is running your own AI/LLM on your own hardware.

Feb 15, 2024: A unified theory of fucks: The theory goes like so: you are born with so many fucks to give.

Feb 14, 2024: 14 ideas to build and grow a podcast network today I recently had the opportunity to express my interest in a field I’ve never officially worked in, for a company I’d never worked for, in …

Feb 14, 2024: I’ve just found out - through hearing it - that the Disney cruise ship horn blows the tune “When you wish upon a star” in port and now I feel all …

Feb 11, 2024: Tracy Chapman & Luke Combs at the Grammys singing Fast Car

Feb 10, 2024: 10 issues into my new daily letter to the best wedding celebrants in the world, Aisle Authority, and it’s feeling good. Shoutout to my Swede and …

Feb 8, 2024: Seriously

Jan 31, 2024: No-one asked but if I was a wrestler my walk-out music would be In The Shadows by The Rasmus

Jan 31, 2024: For those of us that know Internet Explorer 4.0 was the GOAT, a reflection on the Geocities, marquee rage, dial-up Internet era, the 90s on the web, …

Jan 27, 2024: I’ve written the first seven issues of my new daily email letter for wedding celebrants: Aisle Authority. I’m writing for the North …

Jan 26, 2024: For those of us that know Internet Explorer 4.0 was the GOAT, a reflection on the Geocities, marquee rage, dial-up Internet era, the 90s on the web, …

Jan 24, 2024: Took a peek at a peak across the Remarkables today

Jan 24, 2024: 40 years of the Mac and why I can’t use anything else now By the time I was buying my first Apple Macintosh computer the launch of the Mac in …

Jan 21, 2024: Marketing is actually part of the product. That’s an intangible element of Apple products that is often missed by the Android, Windows, Meta Quest …

Jan 21, 2024: Ben Thompson’s interview podcast with Spike Eskin about radio from 2023 is a really good listen if you have a Stratechery membership.

Jan 21, 2024: a mob of kangaroos

Jan 21, 2024: If every website firewall brought this kind of tease energy I’d be a broke man but journalism would be funded globally.

Jan 21, 2024: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you can just nominate awesome people around you for an Order of Australia medal on the …

Jan 20, 2024: Ten years on since we filmed the first season of Married At First Sight, nine years on since it aired, and I still get recognised. Just happened in …

Jan 20, 2024: Listen to Really Specific Stories Linking to, sharing, telling people about podcasts is a hard problem to solve. If only because I personally do most of my listening while driving. So …

Jan 20, 2024: Designing the iTunes Music Store: "Refer to the main.psd" This is a really insightful read by Michael Darius behind designing the iTunes Music Store, wrapping up on the video at the end though, really amazing …

Jan 19, 2024: A little life update: we handed the keys for our Gold Coast home back to the landlord yesterday. Today we’re home-less. I’ve just boarded a flight to …

Jan 15, 2024: going to bed with an empty inbox and an audience size of 3 …

Jan 15, 2024: I can’t escape this idea of what ‘taste’ is, as discussed on the Ezra Klein show. I like to think about taste not as something that’s not just about …

Jan 15, 2024: Surely, and please give me grace if this isn’t the case, surely the people really upset about not being able to buy new Chinese manufactured cheap …

Jan 15, 2024: The Farnham Street email: A different take on what makes us feel so busy, stressed, and anxious. As a rule, the larger your surface area, the more …

Jan 14, 2024: I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world, this makes it difficult to plan the day. — E. B. …

Jan 12, 2024: How it started, and how it finished

Jan 9, 2024: Flashback Camera, some first thoughts A Brisbane based crew have delivered on their Kickstarter promise to deliver a “camera for the small moments”, the Flashback Camera. …

Jan 9, 2024: Disappointed this hasn’t come to pass yet

Jan 8, 2024: This article on “Afrofuturism” is so interesting, so I’ll lead with the end: The fate of humanity in the 21st century and beyond …

Jan 7, 2024: I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. I love her far horizons, I love her …

Jan 5, 2024: Drove the 90 minutes from Exmouth to photograph the sunset in Coral Bay this afternoon and also see the couple I’m marrying this weekend, and …

Jan 2, 2024: When I’m president I’m going to classify printers as terrorists

Jan 2, 2024: Digital incompetency truly will be the swan song of the people of the 2020s.

Dec 22, 2023: “The information you consume each day is the soil from which your future thoughts are grown.” – James Clear

Dec 14, 2023: I wrote this eight years ago on Facebook. I think it’s more valid today plus I want to preserve it on my blog: With all of our books, albums, …

Dec 5, 2023: My app defaults 📨 Mail Client - 📮 Mail Server - Fastmail 📝 Notes - Drafts/Obsidian ✅ To-Do - 📷 iPhone Photo Shooting - 🟦 Photo …

Nov 28, 2023: Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nov 22, 2023: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: I am, at the Fed level, libertarian; at the state level, Republican; at the local level, Democrat; and at the family and …

Nov 21, 2023: You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days. – Alain de Botton

Nov 13, 2023: It’s amazing how close Google is to upsetting the iMessage monopoly and I’m betting they’ll let go of the opportunity. I’ve …

Nov 10, 2023: The hardest thing about being a wedding celebrant is figuring out the right balance of smiley faces, exclamation marks, or periods, to end sentences …

Nov 10, 2023: You know, it’s super fun and easy to take a pot shot at the Humane AI Pin, but put your hesitations aside and 1) watch the video and tell me it’s not …

Nov 9, 2023: Watch out guys, the police have installed new air drumming detection cameras and if you actually can’t play drums or if you’re out of time …

Nov 8, 2023: Answering the most common question I get asked, “Do you travel for weddings?”

Nov 8, 2023: This is so fascinating, CT scans of real AirPods versus the fake ripoff AirPods

Nov 7, 2023: Sorry I missed your text, I’m currently being force-fed all of the information about the entirety of the existence of the human race, past, …

Nov 6, 2023: Old people/nerds like me: Do you have memories, or photos, of the computer software and shareware kiosks from the mid-90s in Australia. I remember …

Oct 28, 2023: the more you K-sound now

Oct 22, 2023: We celebrated my moon girl’s fifth birthday today and without doubt I have so much love for everyone that loves and celebrates her, but I wanted …

Oct 19, 2023: This musical tribute to the #SydneyOperaHouse by Tim Minchin and crew is the best thing on the internet today

Oct 14, 2023:

Oct 12, 2023: In my dream last night I had to explain the “bah-lark-eh” substitute teacher joke from Key and Peele to a wedding guest named Blake. So I guess …

Oct 11, 2023: I love how at no point is the world left wondering what Ziggy Stardust did and if he was good at it

Oct 10, 2023: GM - how people apparently say good morning on social media where - globally speaking - there is no real morning or night or day. GM - me, thinking …

Oct 5, 2023: Here to help

Sep 24, 2023: Monthly photography revenue: $5 Monthly photography audience: 9 million across Unsplash and Pexels.

Sep 17, 2023: Can someone check on Mark Di Stefano? Surely the trust fund babies have a price on his head now?

Sep 15, 2023: There’s a lot said about how we Aussies are more divided and alone than we ever have been in this country. But when I see multiple cars across lanes …

Sep 14, 2023: Show me a more “Aussie” Aussie, than this legit Aussie legend. I’ll wait.

Sep 11, 2023: I have a confession to make: I’ve built an Australian news website that is purely created by large language models. It’s autonomous and although I can …

Sep 11, 2023: Hoo roo, Uluru, am I even supposed to be here? Uluru is such an icon. Its simple beautiful existence is one of my earliest memories, reading about it in encyclopaedias or National Geographic and …

Sep 11, 2023: Flying into Sydney over the Blue Mountains from Uluru this afternoon was a visual treat

Sep 11, 2023: Two Google conspiracy theories proven true today: 1: Google Chrome tracks and shares your web browsing for advertising purposes: Chrome now directly …

Sep 11, 2023: Podcast recommendation for the media, podcasting, and tech nerds in my circles: Really Specific Stories. It’s by @martinfeld of @HemisphericViews on …

Sep 11, 2023: Shane Parrish on playing the long game: Every action is a step toward the short game or the long game. You can’t opt out, and you can’t play a …

Sep 10, 2023: Duelling Retro Roos sighting

Sep 9, 2023: Books hold most of the secrets of the world, most of the thoughts that men and women have had. And when you are reading a book, you and the author are …

Sep 7, 2023: Most of us, me included, can barely think past the next three minutes. We operate in this fear of lack, lack of good or sleep or money, that …

Sep 5, 2023: I’ve driven 737km today, I have 93 left, and I just want to say there needs to be a royal commission into the state of servo food in this once great …

Sep 5, 2023: I often wonder if Lin-Manuel Miranda is working on a Peggy spin-off

Sep 5, 2023: Many thanks to the airline gods for offering up a new CEO for our national flights of Australia for make benefit glorious nation of Qantastralia! May …

Sep 5, 2023: Guy who’s not the sharpest tool in the shed gets rolled by the world The lead singer responsible for bringing this century its greatest motivational pop/ska punk/power pop song, All Star, has passed away. Pitchfork: …

Sep 3, 2023: For sale: Leica Z2X vintage point and shoot film camera Selling my beloved vintage Leica Z2X 35mm film camera for $700 AUD. I bought it in Paris but I’d like to step up to a bigger film camera. The …

Sep 1, 2023: Can anyone I know remember the name of the modern web browser for MacOS System 9? I don’t know why this matters to me so much but I need to …

Aug 30, 2023: I’m a part of the Hobart wedding trail coming up in a few weeks. I’m expecting a great crowd to fly down and come and jump on a bus or …

Aug 29, 2023: You’re never going to guess who Nouba interviewed.

Aug 29, 2023: I’m guest editing The Sizzle today. Apologies for any banana peel in the email.

Aug 28, 2023: I’m the guest on the most recent episode of Polka Dot Wedding’s Feel Good Wedding Podcast. My audio recording isn’t great because it …

Aug 27, 2023: YouTube bringing that dad energy

Aug 25, 2023: Death to paper straws

Aug 25, 2023: Home

Aug 19, 2023: Can confirm, hearing the instrumental “Still Call Australia Home” as you’re settling in your seat as everyone boards, tickles an emotional muscle.

Aug 19, 2023: I’m in the Qantas Singapore Lounge and the waiter poured me a glass of Shiraz, a 2020 from South Australia, on the left. I make the joke, “2020, not a …

Aug 19, 2023: Frames from Singapore

Aug 19, 2023: Four year old just now at our Singapore hotel as we’re getting ready to go to Singapre airport: I don’t want to eat here, I want to eat at …

Aug 18, 2023: Luna calls cable cars “plane trains” and honestly, that’s a much better name.

Aug 16, 2023: When we took the kids overseas everyone told us to make sure we look after them …

Aug 16, 2023: Hello, Qantas my old friend

Aug 15, 2023: Entering the Paul Kelly stage of our Europe adventure … Arriverderci, au revoir, aufwiedersen, hasta la vista. Yeah, every fucking city’s just …

Aug 15, 2023: We’re packing and getting ready for our homeward journey tonight in Paris. We’ve got three flights left, and the longest ones just earned …

Aug 15, 2023: Michael A. Fletcher reports for ESPN that the real life story behind the Sandra Bullock movie, The Blind Side, was based on a lie. Retired NFL star …

Aug 15, 2023: I walked out of the house this morning and a man was urinating onto the street, facing in my direction, two metres away. I called out that he was …

Aug 14, 2023: Richard Rohr in Things Hidden: It is amazing how religion has turned this biblical idea of faith around to mean its exact opposite: into a tradition …

Aug 13, 2023: We have 48 hours left in Paris. I’m I’m curious what your one awesome thing to do, see, eat, or photograph in Paris. We travel slow, …

Aug 13, 2023: I think I’ve spent too much time in Paris this year. I just got into an argument with another dad about which Parisian playground is the best one. The …

Aug 13, 2023: Bearly made it home last night

Aug 12, 2023: Another chapter in the ever-growing story of how I interact with, and use, social media: I wrote a little while ago about choosing two social …

Aug 12, 2023: Just a couple of Australians having a French win. Frame from last night in Paris with yours truly.

Aug 12, 2023: Will the Australian government send in an SAS extraction group to save Britt, the girls, and I when France loses to the Matildas in the World Cup …

Aug 12, 2023: Did some A-grade marrying in the rain in Paris today

Aug 12, 2023: A Modest Proposal; For preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them …

Aug 12, 2023: I’d forgotten how nice Facebook Paper was. What was the last great UX you experienced?

Aug 12, 2023: My daily steps over the past seven months

Aug 11, 2023: I think it’s beautiful that the one thing that binds us together as a global community, regardless of colour of skin, religion, where we were …

Aug 11, 2023: Resume the conversation

Aug 11, 2023: My only regret from my radio career is that I never once said, whilst on air, the line that inspired my career: Tank fly, boss walk, jam …

Aug 10, 2023: An element of the wedding industry which offends so many inside and out, the part that eventually pushes many insiders out and back into the normal …

Aug 10, 2023: Sari Azout’s “letter to a friend who is thinking of starting something new” is beautiful. As Sari subtitles it, ‘if you are …

Aug 10, 2023: Colonel Sanders and the sadness in scaling businesses Mimi Sheraton in the New York Times in 1976 telling the story of walking into a KFC with Colonel Harland Sanders: You’re frying for 12 …

Aug 10, 2023: Tess McClure in The Guardian reports on Pak ‘n’ Save’s mealbot: A New Zealand supermarket experimenting with using AI to generate …

Aug 9, 2023: After two months in London, across regional Austria, Liechtenstein, regional Italy, Puglia, and Tuscany, it is so refreshing for my soul to be walking …

Aug 8, 2023: Why do airlines communicate a flight’s departure time instead of a “be at the gate” time? Every airport and every airline has …

Aug 8, 2023: Pro tip for flying out of Vienna Airport: you walk past a Starbucks before check-in, and you think, “awesome, a not-Austrian coffee! If there’s …

Aug 8, 2023: Over the weekend I wrote a piece about the fluff coming out of commercial radio in Australia, referencing my own time in a commercial radio station in …

Aug 8, 2023: Driving from Siena, Italy, to Graz, Austria, today Goldie and I were looking for somewhere to stop for lunch and we decided on this place named after …

Aug 7, 2023: Commercial radio isn't "booming", it's barely paying the minimum wage The PR-wing of the commercial radio community in Australia is getting everyone excited about a new report - that they commissioned and is weirdly in …

Aug 6, 2023: Not everything is forever. Some things are just internet onions. This website,, will live from July 26th …

Aug 6, 2023: Things I can remember: ✅ My couple’s names in a wedding ceremony ❎ Which of my children has which name ❎ My credit card PIN ❎ How old I am? ❎ …

Aug 6, 2023: Father of the bride yesterday asked me who’s father I was. I’m now that old.

Aug 6, 2023: This is your annual reminder that there is a pager emoji 📟 please don’t forget to use the emoji for all of your pager-themed conversations.

Aug 6, 2023: My favourite part of the wedding ceremony is when we show each other our best memes

Aug 6, 2023: Things I learned today: When you drive many kilometres past beautiful sunflower fields in Tuscany full of big and ripe sunflowers ready to be in a …

Aug 6, 2023: I wonder if Mariah Carey ever regretted collaborating with Ol’ Dirty Bastard?

Aug 5, 2023: Adi Ignatius inteviewing Karim Lakhani for the Harvard Business Review: Just as the internet has drastically lowered the cost of information …

Aug 5, 2023: Two applications I used daily in the 90s/2000s but don’t exist today and I haven’t sufficiently found replacements for are MS Money and MS Access. …

Aug 5, 2023: For couples that book my David Copperfield package I do a cool magic trick and make your guests disappear. Take & Leanna this afternoon in …

Aug 3, 2023: WinRAR

Aug 3, 2023: Three years ago today I called for a new Saint to be named in Melbourne. turns out Aussies are super compliant and boring so nothing happened. Saint …

Aug 3, 2023: Jake Meador in The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church in The Atlantic: Contemporary America simply isn’t set up to …

Aug 2, 2023: I love my email. Not because I love my email but because due to the swings and round-a-bouts of modern life needing email, and because writers and …

Aug 2, 2023: I was today years old when I learned that the word ‘homographic’ didn’t mean what my brain assumed it meant. homograph - noun each …

Aug 2, 2023: 50 years of …. celibacy

Aug 1, 2023: Doing God’s work over here, keeping the Gold Coast honest about it’s Super Mario koala

Aug 1, 2023: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the All Saints sung, “flexing vocabulary runs through my head”. Not, “sex and the …

Aug 1, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 Siena, Tuscany

Aug 1, 2023: For an interesting NASA and Apple-related fall down a rabbit hole, start with the origin of the name of “The Whole Earth Catalog” in 1966, …

Aug 1, 2023: I, for one, welcome our new British open web overlords The BBC has embraced ActivityPub, nice work @[email protected]! I’ve always thought that the long term advantage from a commercial and brand …

Jul 31, 2023: Tuscany for a week or so

Jul 30, 2023: Look, all I want to do with my life is make enough money so I can afford to buy Yahoo! which owns AOL which owns Netscape so I can once more have a …

Jul 30, 2023: Shane Parrish on with, Hanlon’s Razor: Not Everyone is Out to Get You, is such an encouraging read today. I was only thinking about how we …

Jul 29, 2023: Years from now the people of Puglia will still talk of the strange man who came from the land down under, where women glow and the men have takeaway …

Jul 29, 2023: Imagine your audience are the stupidest people alive About 20 years ago, somewhere early 2003 from memory, I learned the most important lesson I’d ever been taught in broadcasting and business, …

Jul 29, 2023: I reinstalled the Twitter app when X first appeared just so I could experience this firsthand, in the flesh

Jul 29, 2023: Opportunity cost and Eggs Benedict Leaving Puglia today and I’m struck by the thought, after having experienced about thirty different international communities and societies over the …

Jul 29, 2023: 11:27pm Italy time and I’ve been slogging away for hours at the stupidest CSS thing that changed in the most recent version of the Shopify code. …

Jul 28, 2023: A MacBook with a turntable instead of a keyboard? Shut up and take my money, DJ.

Jul 27, 2023: ABC Radio National’s Andrew West interviewing Ian Buruma on in The religious and spiritual ethics of wokeness: It’s when a movement to …

Jul 27, 2023: Update on the book writing: I wrote a lot and I thought it was ok, I ran it past some friends and it wasn’t as good as I thought, and on further …

Jul 27, 2023: A photographer at the water park we were just at asked a family to say “Mozzarella” because I guess formaggio doesn’t make a smile?

Jul 27, 2023: In Western Australia yesterday

Jul 27, 2023: Amanda Holpuch in the New York Times in June 2023: South Koreans became a year or two younger on Wednesday after a law standardizing the way the …

Jul 27, 2023: The deeper I traverse into life on Planet Earth, into fatherhood, business, weddings, photography, and friendship I am ever further interested in art, …

Jul 27, 2023: Uluṟu, that beautiful monolith that captures the very essence of Australia. It’s my favourite place in Australia. This iconic natural wonder is …

Jul 27, 2023: Reed Albergotti in Semafor Technology: Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, and the navigation company TomTom released a free mapping dataset in a bid to compete …

Jul 27, 2023: Keith Richards, April 1962: Mick (Jagger) is the greatest R&B singer this side of the Atlantic and I don’t mean maybe.

Jul 26, 2023: I’ve been having problems for years where my iPhone would have no space left, yet seemingly actually have space left. I’ve always felt …

Jul 26, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🏊🏼 Luna looking like she’s not having fun in the water when she’s truly having a ball.

Jul 26, 2023: Lefineder: The English, said Sir John Fortescue (c. 1470), “drink no water, unless at certain times upon religious score, or by way of doing …

Jul 26, 2023: Do I get my eye scanned by Worldcoin when I’m in Paris in two weeks or do I just share my genitalia size here in public instead?

Jul 26, 2023: Anthony Agius in The Sizzle The ATO is cool with scammers ripping off $557m in MyGov identity fraud. A whopping $557m has been stolen off the ATO and …

Jul 26, 2023: Six years of making photos and droning Reflecting on Matt Mullenweg ten years ago reflecting on Steve Jobs/Apple’s courage to release products, I’ve been on an early morning …

Jul 26, 2023: Matt Mullenweg on Apple and 1.0 products back in 2010: Many entrepreneurs idolize Steve Jobs. He’s such a perfectionist, they say. Nothing leaves the …

Jul 26, 2023: This has rocked my day. Re is its own word. It’s not short for regarding.

Jul 26, 2023: ✈️ Flighty 3 is a private frequent flyers social network! One of my most-used and favourite apps is Flighty, and they’ve just announced a new version that’s basically a frequent flyer’s …

Jul 25, 2023: Imagine being the butt of this line in a news report “The launch of the eye-scanning cryptocurrency project Worldcoin” and you’re …

Jul 25, 2023: Matt Levine on “Leon Smuk”, from X: I guess my question is, what was he paying for? Musk didn’t want Twitter for its employees (whom he …

Jul 25, 2023: I’m looking for an erratic egotistical billionaire to trust my savings and family’s future to, if you can recommend anyone, slip into my …

Jul 25, 2023: Scissor me on parenting In a story on the book ‘Welcome to Sex’, Amy Remeikis writes in The Guardian: The response to a sex education and consent book which was …

Jul 25, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 Our last Monday in Puglia

Jul 25, 2023: 📚 After backing and reading Renai Le May’s The Frustrated State it felt like Australian governments had completed, achieved the highest level of …

Jul 25, 2023: When people talk about how the 80s were better I want to remind them that there was a character on TV whose name was Gordon Shumway, called himself …

Jul 25, 2023: This is terrible branding, design, and UX. How am I going to remember where to go to be an insufferable prick now?

Jul 24, 2023: Thirteen eggs, four pregnancies, six years, and two children ago I shared this on Facebook six years ago, on July 24, 2017: Something you probably don’t realise when you ask me to be your celebrant is that in …

Jul 24, 2023: Michael Bierut: No one will remember that it was on time, everyone will remember that it was bad.

Jul 24, 2023: Starting to feel a little bit alone over here in Italy. Trying to get some Aussie work done and it looks like Telstra cuts you off from WiFi calling …

Jul 24, 2023: A birds eye view of Martina Franca, in southern Puglia, where we’ve been hanging out this month. In these photos, happening at the same time, is …

Jul 24, 2023: Enshittification reaches the wedding industry, revealing The Knot to be rotten Three former employees of The Knot have blown thy whitsle. Jennifer Croom Davidson, former Global Fashion Director; Rachel LaFera, former Director of …

Jul 23, 2023: I’ve just finished reading Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution by P. W. Singer, recommended by my favourite Cybersecurity Guard, …

Jul 23, 2023: This is Luna, pitching you her idea for her new TV show. If you are a TV producer, Luna would like to sit down and talk about you buying the rights to …

Jul 23, 2023: Love will save the day

Jul 23, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🚁 Fifteen of Monopoli’s best from my Mavic in Puglia yesterday

Jul 22, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🏖️ Torre Canne, Puglia

Jul 22, 2023: One day we’ll have to explain to our grandkids that we all dressed daggy now because of Elon Musk.

Jul 22, 2023: Big news crew, new gender droppin

Jul 22, 2023: Doing the right thing is always the right thing If you're interested in learning more about Tony Bennett's activism, take a look at this story from …

Jul 22, 2023: ⛪️ I did it, I finally did it. I crucified the sun. … and other photos from the sunset over Monopoli, Puglia, this afternoon 📷🌇🇮🇹

Jul 21, 2023: This might be a silly question for an old nerd to ask, but for those that know the answer, why is the book he famously write in prison, ‘The …

Jul 21, 2023: Derek Sivers in The past is not true: Aim a laser pointer at the moon, then move your hand the tiniest bit, and it’ll move a thousand miles at the …

Jul 20, 2023: No matter how hard they try, the modern web can’t escape Wordpress.

Jul 20, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🏖️ Family day at the beach at Cala Maka. The beach is apparently/allegedly called Torre Canne Nord Prima della Casa Grigia, which translated from …

Jul 20, 2023: I shared these words from Craig Mod a year ago today. But since then we made the choice to uproot our life in Australia, move to Mexico, then leave …

Jul 19, 2023: 🗺️ Where’s Josh’o? An update Just going on the record for everyone who asks where we are, where we’re living now, and if we’re ever coming home to Australia: we’re in Italy then …

Jul 19, 2023: I think this would be an awesome idea: a mashup of a reddit-like voting system with events calendar and geotagging plus some Atlas Obscura. Basically …

Jul 19, 2023: Will the 2026 Commonwealth Games, originally supposed to be in Victoria, Australia, be the first ones to test the “Vancouver should be the …

Jul 19, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 40 degrees celsius today in Martina Franca, but the second you step into the shade the temperature drops about fifteen of those bad boy degrees.

Jul 19, 2023: Thought I would check on the two-year-old before going to bed …

Jul 19, 2023: A Declaration of the Interdependence of Cyberspace: Closed Fiefdoms of the platform world, you weary giants of stocks and small talk, I come from the …

Jul 19, 2023: Apparently, it’s wise to let people know you have things available if you indeed do have things available … which I have neglected to do …

Jul 19, 2023: I really like the tiny awards

Jul 19, 2023: Much gratitude to @Mtt for designing a really nice and extremely useful Micro.Blog theme in Tiny Theme. I woke up this morning with a blog refresh on …

Jul 19, 2023: I feel like not a day goes by that I don’t witness an even more Italian thing than I had witnessed previously. Today’s most Italian thing I’ve ever …

Jul 19, 2023: It’s always easy to differentiate Italians and tourists on the streets of Puglia. Italians are in the street yelling at each other, tourists are in …

Jul 18, 2023:

📷🇮🇹 Alberobello, Puglia

Jul 18, 2023: Looks like Canon is doing five blades

Jul 17, 2023: Aliens have come to Australia. When they ask for our leader, who do we call? Chuck, Albo, Sandilands, or Murdoch?

Jul 17, 2023:

📷🇮🇹 Polignano a Mare, Puglia

Jul 16, 2023: Wild times back in the forties

Jul 16, 2023: Diver

Jul 16, 2023: Swimming in the ocean and in ocean caves with your four year old is a workout right?

Jul 15, 2023: This week ahead sees the Australian celebrancy movement celebrate its 50th anniversary. 50 years ago 0% of Australian weddings were lead by a civil …

Jul 15, 2023: I sure hope these peeps who make somewhere between $150,000 USD to multiple millions a year are going to be financially ok through this strike.

Jul 15, 2023: If I can be really frank, does anyone else “have parents” but honestly really doesn’t have parents relationally/socially/spiritually and when you have …

Jul 15, 2023: Italian kids get way more realistic puzzles than Aussie kids

Jul 15, 2023: The most terrifying thing I’ve seen in Italy so far was ten Italian youths aged around 12 years old loudly chanting “gay!” and aggressively geaturing …

Jul 14, 2023: My favourite/least-favourite thing to do when travelling Italy is go to these million year old classical Italian osterias (restaurants) run by the …

Jul 14, 2023: Does anyone else have weird iPhone storage glitches? I’ve had this problem for the last maybe 4-5 years where my iPhone doesn’t actually …

Jul 13, 2023: The most fascinating, whilst also overwhelming, experience in travel, especially when you undertake it for more than a weekend is …

Jul 12, 2023: I think I just accidentally haggled with a vendor in an Italian street market. I thought the fruit cost less than five euros, I gave him five euro., …

Jul 12, 2023: When I first went into self-employment over a decade ago now I set up templates for common or transactional emails and I was always aware that I …

Jul 12, 2023: You’ve heard the phrase “Content is King”, coined by Sumner Redstone - the old rich white person behind CBS, Viacom, Paramount, MTV, …

Jul 11, 2023: 15 years of the Apple App Store and my first purchases are realllll nerdy

Jul 11, 2023: I’ve been featured in all the great newspapers around the world, the New York Times was one of the coolest. But none felt as good as having one of my …

Jul 11, 2023: Why the rush to 5G? On a per user basis, a 5G network is cheaper to operate than a 4G one. The technology is easier to maintain and more reliable. …

Jul 11, 2023: Jiddu Krishnamurti: The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.

Jul 11, 2023: “For everything there is a place but that of wonders is just a little more hidden…”

Jul 11, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 We went for a drive to the little village of Ostuni today and unknowingly stumbled upon a Dolce & Gabbana fashion show. We didn’t stick around …

Jul 10, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 Sunday frames from Martina Franca, Puglia, Italy

Jul 10, 2023: Threads, compared to Mastodon and BlueSky, is the difference between an idea and a product. When Steve Jobs saw the graphical user interface with a …

Jul 10, 2023: Apple Photos face detection software needs a “tell me the date and location of that photo” button when asking which of your daughters it …

Jul 10, 2023: Programmed a Zapier zap to get ChatGPT to reply to my website wedding enquiries with an email and a text message in the form of our deceased cat …

Jul 9, 2023: Pretty much me

Jul 8, 2023: Can I share a weird thing that has haunted me for over a decade now? Yoko Ono followed me on Twitter 10 years ago and I forgot to follow her back. Has …

Jul 8, 2023: PJ Vogt’s new podcast helps me feel better about my deep desire to drink coffee mid-flight. Do you drink airline coffee?

Jul 8, 2023: One of my great loves in this world is the format and medium of audio storytelling. First radio, then podcasting, it’s one of the most beautiful …

Jul 7, 2023: The girls say they’ll catch us dinner tonight. I’m googling pizzerias.

Jul 7, 2023: I think about the Malcolm Gladwell book ‘Talking to Strangers’ every day We think we can easily see into the hearts of others based on the flimsiest …

Jul 7, 2023: My day job is to stand in between people on their wedding day and make them smile then kiss. It’s not a bad gig tbh. Yesterday in Puglia, Italy, with …

Jul 7, 2023: Cory Doctorow was on the ABC talking about enshittification and it was beautiful. Must listen audio/radio.

Jul 7, 2023: Advice I read recently said “Social networks: choose two” and I can’t drop the feeling that it’s quite sage. In the overwhelm …

Jul 7, 2023: The shining light in the rubbish pile that is Twitter is the @HelpfulNotes service. There is so much misinformation out there, so many people so keen …

Jul 6, 2023: Social media tier list - July 6, 2023, update 🎂 This is the official tier list of social networks, all of them, from the beginning of time to July 6, 2023. This list is not to be questioned and is …

Jul 6, 2023: 🧵

Jul 6, 2023: Normalise back to work after a sabbatical photos

Jul 6, 2023: First day back at work photos

Jul 5, 2023: After being on sabbatical for almost seven months I’m creating a marriage ceremony today. I don’t think I’ve ever had a break from my day job for this …

Jul 5, 2023: 🏖️ Tuesday at Spiaggia Lido Silvana, Puglia, Italy

Jul 4, 2023: Threads, a thread 🧵 Decentralisocial networks are cool, but you know what’s also cool? Talking to your existing friends group, and having your content enjoyed by …

Jul 4, 2023: Happy America Day

Jul 4, 2023: We’ve been in more Airbnb’s this last year than most people, about 35 so far I think. Most hosts mention either in person, or in their …

Jul 4, 2023: Remember when we’d suffix names with 2000 to make them feel cool and modern?

Jul 3, 2023: 2023: when everything has to mean something. Taylor Swift touring somewhere or not touring somewhere being a political move is wild. She’s not …

Jul 3, 2023: If anyone’s forgotten their password recently I can pick you up a new one when this store opens later today

Jul 3, 2023: Italian supermarkets: two aisles worth of pasta, but no rolled oats

Jul 3, 2023: Sunday in Puglia

Jul 3, 2023: My new Kobo is better than my old Kindle, but barely 📚 I’ve owned and used a Kindle for over a decade, it had been my favourite gadget for so long. But over the years I started to realise that …

Jul 2, 2023: Looking for fiction book recommendations. Give me the name and why you think I’ll like it.

Jul 2, 2023: Hey Siri, prepare an edit of the Richmond FC players singing So Long, Farewell to Elon Musk.

Jul 2, 2023: New month, new locale. Hello, Martina Franca, Puglia.

Jul 1, 2023: Temple of Valadier: Refuge for sinners Over 1000 years old, this sanctuary in Genga’s Frasassi Caves was intended to be a refuge from sinners, but when you see it from a sky, it looks …

Jun 30, 2023: Rate my desk (June 2023 edition) For the past ten months, my and my family’s non-clothing and non-toiletries life has completely lived inside a Think Tank camera bag and it will …

Jun 30, 2023: Is the future of TV, radio? Or the future of radio is TV? Either way, it’s almost 7pm and this is what Italians are watching on TV?

Jun 29, 2023: The number one indicator that you’re an old dad is when your cables and leads company emails “Let’s Catch Up!” and “We …

Jun 29, 2023: My (IMHO aweome) international travel charging situation As a family we travel with a MacBook Pro, iPad mini, two iPhones, Apple Watch, and a series of things that require either USB-A, USB-C, or micro USB …

Jun 28, 2023: Tonight we sojourn at the Tavignano Estate in Cingoli, Italy.

Jun 27, 2023: Apple Vision has been 'in development' for 28 years Tim Cook once said that “we are high on AR for the long run” and it’s true, for 28 years Apple - and the rest of the tech industry - …

Jun 26, 2023: Was just driving and stopped at a red traffic light in a small Italian village and a civilian car drives up being me, looks around, and just overtakes …

Jun 26, 2023: South Carolina, you go grrl

Jun 26, 2023: Does Apple Vision mean 360 content is finally going to have its moment? I’ve been playing around with 360 content for over seven years ago now and I have a few questions about where Apple is going to take the format. …

Jun 25, 2023: I just want to go on the record for being totally cool and not scared at all by the demonic kitten sound coming from the vineyard outside our Airbnb …

Jun 25, 2023: Apple Reminders in iOS 17 is finally getting pretty useful

Jun 25, 2023: How Italians know whether to walk around shirtless or not

Jun 25, 2023: Our Italian Airbnb’s TV made me feel all nostalgic

Jun 24, 2023: I’m back baby! Listening to an investor on a podcast today reminded me of how and why I do what I do. He was talking about advice that he had been …

Jun 24, 2023: Is there an AI tool around yet to help manage customer journeys? New client comes in, and the AI can take that journey on the pre-set rails we decide …

Jun 24, 2023: Made our way into Italy today and caught the sun at it’s grandest, just before it goes to sleep.

Jun 23, 2023: I accidentally installed the developer beta of iOS 17. It’s mostly fine with a handful of annoying bugs you’d expect to see three months away from …

Jun 23, 2023: Whenever someone sees a photo of mine and asks me what iPhone I used my 25kg full ThinkTank camera bag weeps.

Jun 23, 2023: The thing that’s extremely visible throughout Europe is that there was a time that buildings weren’t just built but they were created, and created …

Jun 23, 2023: A 360 view of the sunset on our last night in Liechtenstein from the Fürstin-Gina-Weg, or in English, Princess Gina memorial trail on the Sareis …

Jun 22, 2023: Snuck over the border to Switzerland to watch the sun set today

Jun 22, 2023: Striking images at the Lichtenstein national museum of a medieval Liechtensteiner teenager using his early-model iPhone

Jun 22, 2023: Weirdest thing I’ve seen in Liechtenstein award goes to …

Jun 22, 2023: How all men bathe

Jun 22, 2023: Hey, Europe. Why?

Jun 21, 2023: Despite being 450km from an ocean or sea, summer has hit Lichtenstein and the country’s beach is open!

Jun 21, 2023: It’s normally pretty hard to try and fit an entire nation in one photo. It’s a little bit easier if you’re making a 360 panoramic …

Jun 21, 2023: Showed the kids what the early iPhones looked like at the Liechtenstein National Museum

Jun 21, 2023: Can you spot which country FIFA left off the list of countries that play football/soccer in the FIFA exhibit at the Lichtenstein national museum?

Jun 21, 2023: I have a confession to make. I didn’t know “The Alps” were a thing. I thought people referred to “the alps” when they …

Jun 21, 2023: You should not open a door and see someone pooping. Srsly.

Jun 20, 2023: From the University of Berkshire Hathaway by Daniel Pecaut, Corey Wrenn: Buffett also shared some of his classic bits of wisdom about growing wealth. …

Jun 20, 2023: AI and I just published a children's book: The Mountain Princess About three hours ago I was putting my daughter to bed and thought it would be cute to have ChatGPT write a fairytale about Luna and where we’re …

Jun 18, 2023: Lichtenstein 3D One of my childhood happy memories was receiving gifts from my Aunty Tracey who lived in Lichtenstein. She was always sending Liechtenstein …

Jun 17, 2023: Be curious, not judgmental. – Walt Whitman

Jun 17, 2023: From Apple IIe to AI: Embrace the Wave or Risk Irrelevance I vividly remember all of my earliest computer experiences. I remember borrowing computer magazines from the school library that contained basic code, …

Jun 17, 2023: I’ll always remember the day I met the late Gold Coast Mayor, Ron Clarke, and he called me Red Dog for no apparent reason.

Jun 17, 2023: In 2012 I was newly married. Britt and I had decided to take our wedding business somewhere bigger than 1-2 weddings a year, so we started marketing …

Jun 17, 2023: The fascinating story of Castle Itter and the last European WWII battle Driving across Austria this week we’ve seen plenty of castles, we even stayed in one, and every sighting of one is pretty special. There’s …

Jun 17, 2023: We’re taking the girls to one of the smallest countries in the world tomorrow, somewhere I’ve known about since I was a very young boy. My …

Jun 16, 2023: Retiring now

Jun 16, 2023: It’s so pleasurable to read lovely and persuasive writing like this

Jun 16, 2023: I know that we have ye olde internet, but I think I’d still like to have a physical encyclopaedia at home for our kids. Check out this Ars …

Jun 16, 2023: Watched the sun set into Germany across the German/Austrian border tonight.

Jun 15, 2023: There’s no kangaroos in Austria. You know what’s funny about our time in Austria is that I knew nothing about the country a few weeks ago, my main …

Jun 15, 2023: Travelling with children advice I was asked recently about advice for travelling with young children. My family including our now 4.5 and 2 year olds, left home almost a year ago and …

Jun 14, 2023: Cuddling Goldie after a late night diaper change and I was contemplating how she and Luna have slept under almost 37 roofs since we left home in …

Jun 14, 2023: Driving through Mondsee (Moon Lake)

Jun 14, 2023: Blue skies and tailwinds makes for a good day in the office/Mavic 3 at Drachenwand (in English, Dragon Wall).

Jun 14, 2023: I’m not sure I’ll ever feel an emotion stronger than what I felt when I saw this #iykyk

Jun 12, 2023: There’s a campaign to update the Australian Marriage Act of 1961 and every letter to a Federal Member of Parliament helps move the needle on …

Jun 12, 2023: Views of and from and above Lake Wolfgang, near Salzburg, Austria

Jun 10, 2023: David Cain in Everything Must Be Paid for Twice: If you look around your home, you might notice many possessions for which you’ve paid the first …

Jun 10, 2023: I’m at a cafe in Pöggstall, middle of nowhere, Austria, and next to me are two elderly couples loudly discussing the issues of the world in German. …

Jun 10, 2023: We flew into Vienna two days ago and didn’t even go into the city, but straight out into the hills, which despite their beauty, they are not filled …

Jun 10, 2023: An important note from a local store

Jun 10, 2023: Tonight’s AirBnb is 770 years in the making: Pöggstall Castle, in Lower Austria. Our 35th accomodation since we left home last August. Honestly …

Jun 9, 2023: Who wins the MS Publisher 2023 wars? Canva? The new Adobe Express? Microsoft Designer?

Jun 9, 2023: It must be lovely to be proud of where you're from I imagine it would feel rather nice to be proud of the part of your story that you didn’t really have any choice in. The country you were born …

Jun 9, 2023: Our pilot wanted to give us the full Heathrow tour. Never go full Heathrow.

Jun 8, 2023: Adios, Heathrow

Jun 8, 2023: The Withers family has done London

Jun 8, 2023: David Whyte: The ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement, neither of the other nor of the self, the ultimate touchstone is witness, the …

Jun 8, 2023: Does anyone want to start an Australian airline with me and ChatGPT?

Jun 7, 2023: Did you know that the Windows XP Bliss wallpaper was photographed in Sonoma? The same Sonoma this year’s macOS is named after.

Jun 7, 2023: People seeing the iMac, then iPod, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AirPods, and then Apple Vision, on day one: it’s stupid, not for me, too …

Jun 6, 2023:

Jun 6, 2023:  Vision Pro

Jun 5, 2023: London is a fascinating place where Big Tea™️ has convinced an entire population that garbage water is a valid hot drink. Everyone speaks in a cute …

Jun 5, 2023: Mum to kid (about 4) trying to get him to do something: … or someone’s going to be very upset with you. Kid, loudly, in the sweetest British accent: …

Jun 3, 2023: I needed help planning the month ahead’s travel, having not been off the beaten track too much in Europe, so I engaged everyone’s …

Jun 3, 2023: British things

Jun 3, 2023: Come together, right now

Jun 3, 2023: Hey Britain, why did you all get so excited about leaving Europe but still walk on the right hand side of the footpath?

Jun 3, 2023: Everyone’s talking about augmented reality at WWDC but no-one’s talking about sharing bodily liquid movements. Come on Apple. Let me share more bodily …

Jun 2, 2023: I’d like a 2023 version of Piano Man where Paul, the real estate novelist, upskills to writing prompts for ChatGPT, John the bartender starts a …

Jun 2, 2023: 185 million views on Unsplash, 19 million views on Pexels, and I’ve just sold my first photo from my print store. Don’t rush and twist an …

Jun 2, 2023: Don’t tell anyone but the opening of track six on the new Foo Fighters album had me thinking that there was a Taylor Swift collab inside. …

Jun 2, 2023: I made a Steve Jobs chatbot based on the book Make Something Wonderful and asked him how he would bring AR glasses to market. “… and …

Jun 1, 2023: Luna’s following in my footsteps! By being a radio broadcaster to an unprofitably small audience.

Jun 1, 2023: Remember that classic scene from Notting Hill where Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts' characters meet at a travel bookstore and then get a doughnut from …

May 31, 2023: Overcast and 14 degrees Celsius and the Britts are so sure it’s good weather that there’s a kid at the park in their swimmers.

May 30, 2023: London things

May 29, 2023: WordPress just turned 20 years old, which means I’ve been using it for different projects for a smidge under 20 years. My memory is that I was …

May 28, 2023: Luna, who considers herself royalty, wanted to present at the king’s house

May 28, 2023: Someone call the fire brigade

May 28, 2023: Maggi Hambling: It is not difficult to make a work of art, the difficulty lies in being in the right state to do it.

May 27, 2023: Withers on film in Hawaii

May 27, 2023: Withers on film at the TWA Hotel. Man, I loved this hotel!

May 27, 2023: Withers in Mexico. I found an undeveloped roll of film from our time in Baja California Sur. Missing Cerritos Beach!

May 27, 2023: Withers in Paris on 35mm film

May 27, 2023: What is, and isn’t, AI/artificial intelligence? Is displaying the letter a on a computer screen, or printing it to paper with a printer, by pressing …

May 26, 2023: Every leg of this journey we drop a bag. We’re down three suitcases so far. At this stage when we come home to Australia in August we’ll be …

May 25, 2023: Bought Luna her first camera, the Hyundai Excel of first cameras: a Nikon point and shoot. I believe that my kids should save for their first Canon …

May 25, 2023: She called us to the church house, gin house, school house, and outhouse. She called us to the Nutbush City limits from the wedding dance floors of …

May 24, 2023: AI is genuinely exciting and terrifying but most of us nerds have been thinking about it and talking about it for 30 years. This is Steve Jobs in …

May 24, 2023:

May 24, 2023: If you ever want to hate yourself you should try writing a book, then editing the book, and then reading it.

May 24, 2023: AI is super interesting to me

May 23, 2023: This is beautiful and terrifying

May 23, 2023: A terrifying argument for paper voting in voting booths from Ready Player One: Besides, now that everyone could vote from home, via the OASIS, the …

May 23, 2023: Do dogs understand elevators or are they just like ‘Ok it’s time to get into the world changer’? (via @ronnui_ on Twitter via the Dense Discovery …

May 23, 2023: Those good family dinners, they’re no accident

May 22, 2023: Hawaii versus Paris

May 21, 2023: I

May 20, 2023: Imagine being as big as a failure as Yahoo

May 20, 2023: Dan Shipper in The Unreasonable Effectiveness of 1-1 Learning: One of the most famous studies in educational psychology found that students who …

May 20, 2023: Just found out that Metallica played a concert across town last night and there were tickets available. I had Australian tickets for their …

May 20, 2023: Film’s not dead. On arrival to a film lab at 3pm on a Friday in Paris there’s like seven people ahead of me and three behind me pretty quickly.

May 19, 2023: If publishers paid as much attention to how their articles were experienced by readers as newspaper editors used to, maybe they wouldn’t be going …

May 19, 2023: “Non-smoking Garden of Eden” As Moses wrote in the book of Genesis, the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good …

May 19, 2023: A mum playing Frozen on her phone for her daughter at the playground is super confused as to why every other kid at the playground is up in her grill …

May 18, 2023: Watching 1980s Inspector Gadget with Luna this morning and I never realised how much Gadget influenced my life. All I ever wanted was Penny’s …

May 18, 2023: Am I a man or a muppet? Sitting in a park in Paris watching my kids play I was struck by the idea that at age 41, married for almost 11 years, with two children, that …

May 18, 2023: Evidence that the world’s first mobile phone was probably French

May 17, 2023: Excited to share another chapter of the book today: I still distinctly remember the day after getting engaged and Britt’s aunty called with thoughts …

May 17, 2023: None of the current large language models/artificial intelligences understand the concept of months, or calendar months, or leap years. So I’m …

May 17, 2023: Look, AI is great and everything, but I think we’re going to be ok

May 16, 2023: What a wonderful time to be alive:

May 15, 2023: Photos I made yesterday in Paris

May 15, 2023: I stacked a Lime scooter an hour ago to make this photo of this local tower in Paris so you better like it or share it or comment or something so my …

May 14, 2023: The not her damn of paris - still under construction

May 14, 2023: The Brisbane Story Bridge of Paris is what they call it

May 14, 2023: Parisian things

May 14, 2023: Fourteen The 14th of May is my celebrant anniversary and today in 2023 I begin my 15th year creating awesome marriage ceremonies for adventurous couples who …

May 14, 2023: Paris’s final metre You’ve heard of the final mile. This is the final metre. Up until 1791 they’d been measuring things without any care for a standard, much like the USA …

May 12, 2023: Milton Glaser: You feel differently towards the world when you make things.

May 12, 2023: Apple Shortcut for recording photography metadata I’m passionate about making photos, but I have a sub-passion in recording good metadata around those photos as they enter my iCloud Photo …

May 12, 2023: I think this is the great pyramid of France

May 12, 2023: Introducing, an eye full tower. Built for the 1889 World’s Fair only to be upstaged 99 years later at 1988 World Expo by the Brisbane Sky Needle.

May 11, 2023: When you order an americano with ‘some cold milk on the side’ in Paris

May 11, 2023: Stumbled into a second-hand-camera/new-Leica store in Paris and accidentally left with a Leica film camera after swiping my credit card. Oops.

May 11, 2023: Play

May 10, 2023: Luna Withers, art critic

May 10, 2023: Paris’s NFT Factory I stumbled across and subsequently visited an NFT art gallery in Paris today whilst walking the streets with Luna and trying to escape the rain. The …

May 9, 2023: My favourite thing to do in the big cities of the world is to ignore the must-do lists, the must-see places, the hotspots and the icons, and to just …

May 9, 2023: The playlist in the French cafe I’m sitting in just went from contemporary hits to one of the songs from Star Wars. Wild taste here.

May 9, 2023: The genesis story of Apple computers I’ve been thinking about this story from Steve Jobs, recalled in 1996 and told in the new book Make Something Wonderful, about how and why he …

May 9, 2023: 12 Ancient Greek Terms that Should Totally Make a Comeback Aidos was actually the Greek goddess of shame, modesty, respect, and humility. Aidos, as a …

May 8, 2023: My review and photos of the TWA Hotel at JFK Airport Let me spin you a yarn about my favourite airport hotel, the TWA Hotel at JFK Airport in New York. This hotel is a real beauty, with a great story …

May 6, 2023: Bluesky lovin

May 6, 2023: If you see my travel photos and think they’d look cool on your walls, I sell fine art prints, framed fine art prints, and canvas wraps in my online …

May 6, 2023: 44 hours door to door, Kona to Paris. Godspeed, us, with a four and two year old.

May 4, 2023: Ever since Twitter started falling on its face I’ve tried so many contenders, Mastodon, T2, BlueSky, Nostr, and I’ve been on for years …

May 4, 2023: This is a lovely click for today

May 4, 2023: I can still remember my ICQ number 25 years on (49739400) but I can’t remember the joke about remembering my ICQ number

May 3, 2023: Why Nick Cave is attending the King’s Coronation: I am not a monarchist, nor am I a royalist, nor am I an ardent republican for that matter; what I …

May 2, 2023: The Withers family in the island of Hawaiʻi

May 1, 2023: 🗿

May 1, 2023: 🔱

May 1, 2023: Some feelings of the Big Island of Hawaii, or the Island of Hawaiʻi, or Hawaiʻi Island, or Big Island, or Kona, or Hawaii County, or just Hawaii. I …

Apr 30, 2023: Unkept looking bloke who’s loudly mumbling to himself and is scaring the parents at the playground he’s circling because he looks like an addiction …

Apr 29, 2023: If you’ve ever been the first guy to map parts of Australia and New Zealand, to witness the transit of Venus so ya bois in the lab could figure out …

Apr 29, 2023: Lusting after the new Teenage Engineering microphone

Apr 28, 2023: Sitting in a Starbucks in Kona just now and a family of four Brits fresh off the Quantum of the Seas cruise ship which just arrived in town. …

Apr 26, 2023: Harry Belafonte finally met Mister Tally Man and had his banana’s tallied.

Apr 24, 2023: James Tylor and Matt Chun in the ANZAC Myth: The Australian government has fabricated a nationalist mythology around the invasion of Gelibolu …

Apr 24, 2023: The saddest part about Elon Musk screwing up Twitter and Twitter Blue is that the Internet needs to install a values system where we understand things …

Apr 21, 2023: I’ve been saying crap on the internet and into microphones connected to radio and TV towers for 20 years next year, it’s a miracle that the most …

Apr 21, 2023: I need help with panoramic images made with my DJI Mavic 3 drone. The camera itself stitches the images together but the stitch is never great. So it …

Apr 20, 2023: For Polkadot Wedding’s Planning Issue this month I wrote an article on choosing a wedding reading and also how you don’t need one so if you have one, …

Apr 20, 2023: Well, count me surprised and dumbfounded /s that this weird crap is happening on Spotify.

Apr 20, 2023: Stumbled across this fascinating story of Little Richard being in Australia in 1957, seeing the Russian satellite Sputnik in the sky and thinking the …

Apr 20, 2023: My first tweet was tweeted 18 months before I even started tweeting I’ve been reminiscing over Twitter this week, wondering what the last tweet will be amongst other things as Space Karen prepares to take away …

Apr 20, 2023: I’m working on a new business that is a web service - a mobile/desktop web app with video and audio upload components + email. I’ve never …

Apr 19, 2023: I was moved to hear of Father Bob’s passing. I’ve never met or talked to a crankier, lovelier, old bloke who was thoroughly and …

Apr 19, 2023: Shared my nerd bio in my NerdyBio interview

Apr 19, 2023: Everything that was old and awesome becomes new and terrible, whist still whipping the llama’s ass.

Apr 19, 2023: My “Batman only exists because of 9/11” theory I have a theory: today in 2023, we have a Batman because terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Centre towers in New York City, a.k.a Gotham …

Apr 16, 2023: Goldie, who just turned two, just buckled up her own airplane seat and is patiently awaiting takeoff whilst playing peek-a-boo with three different …

Apr 15, 2023: The news is incentivised to be broken and terrible I was a media and news man for over a decade, I loved being - what I considered to be - an important part of the community, telling its stories and …

Apr 14, 2023: Will, a mate of mine has written and released a guide on working in film and television production, something he’s an expert in. I thought …

Apr 14, 2023: Because I’m a man-child I wanted to share my two of my favourite photos from photographing the horse sanctuary in Baja

Apr 13, 2023: I’m pretty sure I know enough old nerds who would enjoy this purely for the nostalgia.

Apr 13, 2023: Reckon we could get the ChatGPT guys to spend an an afternoon working on spam filtering?

Apr 12, 2023: Once all the adults admit that they don’t know what a conservatory is we’ll finally get world peace

Apr 11, 2023: Bad news for plastic kitchen good lovers, Tupperware is about to go broke. Turns out they were about seven decades too early on the influencer …

Apr 11, 2023: Six months a gringo and no bad days Six months ago to the day we arrived in Baja California Sur without even knowing that’s what B.C.S. stood for in our hotel’s address as we filled out …

Apr 11, 2023: Our last Baja sunset for a while

Apr 11, 2023: Our last day in Baja

Apr 11, 2023: Last day of school for the girls in Baja

Apr 11, 2023: Never forget the French dancing plague of the summer of 1518.

Apr 11, 2023: Charlie Munger on how the world actually works: Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome.

Apr 10, 2023: I’ve thought about these three points pretty much every hour of every day since I first read it three days ago in James Clear’s 3-2-1 …

Apr 10, 2023: The future of content: video of someone watching a video of someone who wrote a song about their low self esteem sponsored by a real estate agent I’d …

Apr 9, 2023: Location, location, location #playacerritos

Apr 9, 2023: You’ve got to get up early to catch the Mexican Coke dealers

Apr 8, 2023: Todos Santos, BCS, on Good Friday

Apr 8, 2023: Still the best food and beverage proposition in Baja

Apr 8, 2023: Martha!

Apr 8, 2023: I’m doing a redesign of a website whilst also moving them from Squarespace to Shopify and I’m pretty sure the cheeky copy sprinkled across the new …

Apr 8, 2023: Good Friday for Luna

Apr 8, 2023: I’m going to miss living in the desert when we leave next week. So many cactus started flowering this week and they’re beautiful.

Apr 8, 2023: Apple’s gotta be the company to come in and either buy or partner with StabilityAI right?

Apr 6, 2023: “Please lower your standards”

Apr 4, 2023: Baja sunset

Apr 4, 2023: Synecdoche The worst sin committed by the news media, today is using synecdoches, helping simplify stories, fitting complex stories into headlines or a tweet …

Apr 4, 2023: Millennial quiz: What have you got if you’ve got Sick Puppies next to Puddles of Mud with Twenty One Pilots?

Apr 4, 2023: How do you do fellow kids?

Apr 2, 2023: The moon over Baja tonight was so beautiful. Here it is captured by three lenses. Ones an iPhone 14 Pro’s 24mm lens, another is a Canon RF 35mm, and …

Apr 2, 2023: Researching places to stay and this is the third sentence in the second paragraph in Wikipedia: In 1968, five Swiss artillery shells accidentally hit …

Apr 1, 2023: I’ve never flown Delta Air Lines, but Britt did last week, and a friend here in Baja is a frequent flyer with the airline, both, unprompted, cited the …

Mar 31, 2023: 📷 Practice (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @hollie)

Mar 31, 2023: My first look at the 400 megapixel mode on the Canon EOS R5 I’m a sucker for megapixels, because as much as they really don’t matter to most people - and they really shouldn’t - for me they …

Mar 31, 2023: Ronald Sharp via James Clear’s excellent email, on how friendship transforms us (or any great relationship, really): It’s not about what someone can …

Mar 31, 2023: “Now this being so, how much happier and better would the world not be if only it could be purged of women?” From a March 28, 1912, letter to the …

Mar 31, 2023: 📷 Mirror (@Rori) Now you’re just a music playback medium that I used to know. (Found in an op-shop in 2017)

Mar 30, 2023: I’m feeling bullish on the new group-messaging app and platform, Wavelength, After reading John Gruber’s review, then using it and joining …

Mar 30, 2023: Eleven years ago I asked Britt to marry me, and honestly, it would still be my best idea yet. I’ve written the story into my Rebels Guide draft …

Mar 30, 2023: Over a decade ago Vinod Khosla wrote a series of blog posts about artificial intelligence, the forecasts hold up today, and the headline basically …

Mar 30, 2023: 📷 Slice (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @meandering) Last week Goldie grabbed a big knife off the kitchen bench when I …

Mar 29, 2023: Number of times a well-regulated militia has been required in the USA this year: zero. Number of times a school student has been wanted to not be shot …

Mar 29, 2023: Dropped a new draft chapter of the Rebels Guide to Getting Married today: choosing a person to marry.

Mar 29, 2023: Thinking about the Coolangatta boardriders today

Mar 29, 2023: Ted Gioia on becoming a Substack shareholder and why the rest of the business isn’t run like this. Why don’t the creators own the …

Mar 29, 2023: 📷 Prompt (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @moonmehta)

Mar 28, 2023: I cannot imagine living in a community where the word “another” preceding “school shooting” isn’t cause for rioting in the streets and major societal …

Mar 28, 2023: I’m just a boy, standing in front of a couple, asking them to make out in front of their grandparents. (I’m a wedding celebrant)

Mar 28, 2023: When Vanilla Ice rapped that he was back with a ‘brand new invention’, he was indeed ‘back’ after his first hit, a cover of …

Mar 28, 2023: Oh, this is awkward. The artificial intelligence doesn’t know that the United Kingdom has left the European Union. If I tell it is it going to …

Mar 28, 2023: 📷 Support (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @JohnAN) I’ve spent a lot of time at the Los Sagrados Horse Sanctuary …

Mar 28, 2023: The computer at Picfair has decided that these pieces of art are the ones people are most likely to buy from my print store and hang on their wall, …

Mar 28, 2023: Creedence Clearwater Revival’s ‘Have You Ever Seen the Rain?’ is playing in the cafe and I’m singing ‘Have you ever seen …

Mar 27, 2023: The one where Father Nathan Monk casually suggests that Jesus might of been gay. The Christians are going to roast you, Monk. Godspeed.

Mar 27, 2023: Are we giving the window washers at traffic lights too much money?

Mar 27, 2023: 22 Jump Street is going to be Kanye’s Mother Theresa moment.

Mar 27, 2023: Which cinematic alien or monster do you think my huevos rancheros looks like? I’m seeing Dr. Zoidberg.

Mar 27, 2023: I have a confession. I don’t know where to take the book I’m writing. I actually feel kind of stupid for even having thought I should …

Mar 27, 2023: 📷 Instrument (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @UnfocusedWanderlust) On Friday I was photographing Los Sagrados for their …

Mar 27, 2023: All eyes on Apple’s AI move, are they going full neural? I’ve spent the last week mulling an idea about Apple and AI then Linus goes and writes a piece which basically is what I was going to write, with the …

Mar 26, 2023: Disco tech

Mar 26, 2023: Luna and I flexing our frequent flyer privileges this afternoon.

Mar 26, 2023: This week in cactus

Mar 26, 2023: While Britt’s been away this last fortnight I’ve had heaps of one-on-one time with Goldie while her big sister is at school.

Mar 26, 2023: Jose M. Gilgado on embracing a title to help you actually become, that title: The earlier you use that new term: “athlete,” “writer,” or “artist,” …

Mar 26, 2023: Jon Haidt in Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest: There was a culture that was encouraged on Tumblr, which was to be able …

Mar 26, 2023: Bono and The Edge’s Tiny Desk Concert is beautiful. In particular, the “argument between two mates”, Stuck in Moment You Can’t …

Mar 26, 2023: Missing home/Australia/Gold Coast tonight

Mar 26, 2023: After reading this, all I want to do is walk the streets of LA.

Mar 26, 2023: Helen Garner on happiness in The Guardian: What is happiness, anyway? Does anybody know? It’s taken me 80 years to figure out that it’s not a …

Mar 26, 2023: Virginia Heffernan in the Wired article on TSMC, “I Saw the Face of God in a Semiconductor Factory”: In 1675, A French merchant named …

Mar 26, 2023: 📷 Spice (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @cygnoir)

Mar 26, 2023: It’s been four months since I’ve blasted this idea across the internet, so here’s my regular reminder that I blog before I post on …

Mar 26, 2023: I can’t stop thinking about this RIAA story with Steve Jobs. It’s amazing how fragile - while also strong - the world is. Thank God Rogue …

Mar 26, 2023: How to cook soup, by the late Dean Allen: First, you need some water. Fuse two hydrogen with one oxygen and repeat until you have enough. While the …

Mar 26, 2023:

Mar 26, 2023: Shane Claiborne in The Irresistible Revolution: Once we are actually friends with folks in struggle, we start to ask why people are poor, which is …

Mar 26, 2023: Gurwinder: The Opinion Pageant: The rise of social media as the primary mode of interaction has caused us to overvalue opinions as a gauge of …

Mar 25, 2023: Help me name my new creation which I made for the kids for dinner tonight. It’s a quesadilla with leftover spaghetti bolognaise sauce and despite …

Mar 25, 2023: Coming soon to old London Town, pixels that I made in Burleigh Heads.

Mar 25, 2023: Rutger Bregman in Humankind: Cynicism is a theory of everything. The cynic is always right.

Mar 25, 2023: Three years of hell Three years ago today I had the wildest, wettest day at work so far. Bringing a wedding forward a day, performing the wedding ceremony I already had …

Mar 25, 2023: 📷 Court (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @rom)

Mar 24, 2023: Most people I respect or look up to journal every day but it’s not a habit I can get into. Tonight I learned about the simple and powerful 1-1-1 …

Mar 24, 2023: Had coffee at a cafe in Todos Santos today where they hand out 30-minute wifi access codes. They mixed my order up - bringing a cold americano with …

Mar 24, 2023: A new website for Los Sagrados Horse Sanctuary Flexed my vintage graphic design skills for the local Baja horse sanctuary recently and I’m pretty proud of the work I’ve done. I used to do web …

Mar 24, 2023: 📷 Chance (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @V_)

Mar 23, 2023: 📷 Insect (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by a@alexink)

Mar 22, 2023: 📷 Tiny {people} (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @jasonmcfadden) It was Luna’s turn to decide what we had for breakfast. …

Mar 21, 2023: It’s easy to laugh at Rupert Murdoch getting engaged for the fifth time at the ripe age of 92, but at least he’s doing his part to help …

Mar 21, 2023: Maryanne Wolf on reading: Literacy literally changes the human brain. The process of learning to read changes our brain, but so does what we read, …

Mar 21, 2023: You know yo’ve really embedded yourself in a Mexican community when you see a friend riding in the back of a truck on the highway.

Mar 21, 2023: 📷 Houseplant. Did I do the #mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt right, @jensands)? (Photo made a few moments ago on the way to get a coffee …

Mar 20, 2023: 📷🇲🇽 Analog (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @skarjune) I made these photos on Playa Cerritos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, …

Mar 19, 2023: 📷 Portico (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @annahavrom) From a snow day in Nashville between Christmas and New Year’s Eve …

Mar 18, 2023: Dan Shipper’s representation of AI/GPT as a copilot for the mind harkens back to Steve Jobs talking about computers in 1990 as “a bicycle …

Mar 18, 2023: Ansel Adams: You don’t take a photograph, you make it.

Mar 18, 2023: 📷 Early (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @krisfredrick) also shared on Pexels.

Mar 17, 2023: Everyone move along, there’s nothing to see here. The “crack” on Josh’s iPhone screen that has occupied his sad mind for the last two hours was …

Mar 17, 2023: A bunch of smart people say we need to learn “‘critical ignoring’ – the ability to choose what to ignore and where to invest our limited …

Mar 17, 2023: 📷 Road (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @Dejus) There’s a saying in Baja that “bad roads bring good people and good roads …

Mar 16, 2023: Alexander Haymen: “Home is where people notice when you’re not there.”

Mar 16, 2023: 📷 Patience (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @amit)

Mar 15, 2023: 📷 Horizon (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @crossingthethreshold)

Mar 14, 2023: 📷 Connection (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @agilelisa) The moment I connected with my minutes-old first child and …

Mar 13, 2023: 📷 Shiny (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @odd) The second percolator I’ve owned in Mexico. I forgot the first one was on …

Mar 12, 2023: 📷 Gimcrack (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @jafish). My local tyre shop here in Baja California Sur has real gimcrack …

Mar 11, 2023: Friday afternoon in Pescadero, Baja California Sur

Mar 11, 2023: July: great at selling luggage, not great at supporting it Update: July have made good on this error and sent me a replacement bag to where I was in the USA. Thanks for going the extra-mile guys. I feel so …

Mar 11, 2023: You’re a Miracle by Mike McHargue is a book that zings around the inside of my brain all day every day: You are a miracle because 86 billion …

Mar 11, 2023: March 10, 1976, the first and last time “Articulate speech was transmitted intelligibly” over a telephone. For the 147 years since …

Mar 10, 2023: 📷 Ritual (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @drewbelf) Our morning coffee. While we’re in El Pescadero, it’s from La Comuna …

Mar 10, 2023: Keith Richards: To me, the main thing about living on this planet is to know who the hell you are and be real about it. That’s the reason …

Mar 10, 2023: 📷 Together (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @sherif) Our little nomadic family, our most recent photo all together in …

Mar 10, 2023: Rancho Gaspareño Bryan Jáuregui quotes Greg Schredder regarding Rancho Gaspareño, Baja California Sur, just south of Todos Santos, emphasis and photos mine: Rancho …

Mar 9, 2023: Charlie Warzel in The Atlantic writes on the vindication of Ask Jeeves: Many years later, it seems I owe Jeeves an apology: He had the right idea all …

Mar 9, 2023: 📷 Early morning beach walks with my three girls (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt ‘walk’ suggested by @lwdupont)

Mar 8, 2023: When dating apps match you up and ChatGPT writes your wedding vows, it’s like you’re part of a high-tech breeding program for computers. …

Mar 8, 2023: Ten whale soup off Todos Santos yesterday 🐋📷🚁

Mar 8, 2023: Just a wee little note that imma be on NBC News tonight from 8pm NY time talking about weddings with Gadi Schwartz in case you hadn’t heard enough …

Mar 8, 2023: Ed Catmull: We are meaning-making creatures who read other people’s subtle clues just as they read ours.

Mar 8, 2023: Jeff Hammerbacher, an early Facebook engineer: The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads.

Mar 8, 2023: Number three surprised me: The Best Nikon Camera For Wedding Photography In 2023.

Mar 8, 2023: From On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King 📚 “Put your desk in the corner, and every time you sit down there to write, remind …

Mar 8, 2023: 📷 Whole (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @val) A whole lot of whale as I saw it from my aerial camera yesterday.

Mar 7, 2023: Well, that’s a wrap on another day of pretending like I know what’s happening.

Mar 7, 2023: Because I couldn’t get my head clear to write this morning I worked on a cover for the book instead. If you’d walk past this in a shop and …

Mar 7, 2023: The future of creating is damned My greatest fear for my kids and for future generations is what it means to create within and around such specific analytics being available. I …

Mar 7, 2023: 📷 Engineering (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @ridwan) These are my DJI microphones, and as a travelling nerd I really …

Mar 6, 2023: 📷 Tile (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @thedimpulse) Luna, nine months old, taking a breather on the floor of a Tuscan …

Mar 6, 2023: 📷 Tile (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @thedimpulse) Photo made outside a small Italian restaurant in Brisbane.

Mar 5, 2023: Talking to a lovely old Mexican bloke in Cabo San Lucas and he asks where we live, I say Pescadero. He says, ‘I love Pescadero because it looks like a …

Mar 4, 2023: 📷 Zip (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @miraz) zip /zip/ verb fasten with a zipper. move at high speed.

Mar 4, 2023: Local Baja news includes the taco price index

Mar 4, 2023: If you look closely you’ll find yours truly’s name mentioned in the New York daily rag today.

Mar 4, 2023: U.S. petrochemicals giant Dow Inc and the Singapore government said they were transforming old sneakers into playgrounds and running tracks. Reuters …

Mar 4, 2023: 📷 Solitude (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @circustiger) I made this photo in Yosemite National Park.

Mar 3, 2023: The most interesting (to me) new app/social net-ugh-something-work is Artifact. It’s from the guys who created Instagram but it’s like a ‘TikTok for …

Mar 3, 2023: I fell victim to a phishing scam yesterday and man, I haven’t felt shame like that in a while. Here’s what happened, and how you could …

Mar 3, 2023: Anthony Bourdain in 1999 before he was that chef guy everyone knew, writing ‘Don’t Eat Before Reading This’ in the New Yorker: …

Mar 3, 2023: I don’t wish to cause the editors at Atlas Obscura any stress, but why is this not titled ‘The God’s Must Be Thirsty (for Red …

Mar 3, 2023: Islands, they’re always in the last place you look.

Mar 3, 2023: Celebrating Wayne Shorter (1933-2023) with his 2018 open letter co-authored with Herbie Hancock: “We are all pieces in a giant, fluid puzzle, …

Mar 3, 2023: 📷 Weather (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @pcora) Photo made in Newport Beach looking at Catalina on Saturday just …

Mar 2, 2023: 📷 Secure (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @mandaris)

Mar 2, 2023: They got me by talking about my main domain name and my main domain host. Even though it’s not hosted at VentraIP. I’m just so used to having to …

Mar 2, 2023: One of the little joys of being great at your art is inspiring others to take part in it. So often I am asked how to become a celebrant, that I have …

Mar 2, 2023: A letter from a freelancing poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay, to her publisher, Poetry magazine, with the business inspiration we all could take, from …

Mar 2, 2023: I’m a sucker for a crazy plan of any genre, but a crazy plan to save newspapers, I’m all in, Ted.

Mar 2, 2023: This line from the late Rich Mullins is my inspiration for writing, but gosh it’s hard sometimes God spoke to Balaam through his ass, and God’s …

Mar 2, 2023:

Mar 1, 2023: 📷 Four frames from El Pescadero, Baja California Sur, today

Mar 1, 2023: 📷🚁🇲🇽 Four aerial frames from Playa Los Cerritos, Baja California Sur

Mar 1, 2023: 📷✈️🇺🇸 Four frames out the window of AA2171

Mar 1, 2023: 📷✈️🇺🇸 Four frames from LAX on Sunday

Mar 1, 2023: 📷 Four frames from Newport Beach this past weekend

Mar 1, 2023: Stephen King in On Writing: If you’re just starting out as a writer, you could do worse than strip your television’s electric plug-wire, wrap a spike …

Mar 1, 2023: Debt by David Graeber: If you owe the bank a hundred thousand dollars, the bank owns you. If you owe the bank a hundred million dollars, you own the …

Mar 1, 2023: Hey, don’t be alarmed or anything but the President of Mexico, the head honcho, the big guy in charge, has tweeted that one of his engineers has taken …

Feb 27, 2023:

Feb 27, 2023: I’ve just had my peak Mexican moment. I delivered a dad joke in Spanish and it was perfect. I’m at our local sushi restaurant ordering takeaway dinner …

Feb 27, 2023: If you want surf and snow in the same trip, I can definitely recommend Los Angeles today.

Feb 26, 2023: Drove past this park today and noticed something interesting on Google Maps at (33.6621623, -117.8775484). I wonder how many aircraft the Google Maps …

Feb 26, 2023: Now I’ve just got to hope the people writing memos or sending emails regarding Bel’s Guide don’t stop me.

Feb 26, 2023: Do you think Carls Sr. is proud of his son?

Feb 25, 2023: This is good content, we should podcast about it.

Feb 25, 2023: Visited the Japanese mothership (aka Canon campus) in Los Angeles and asked them to clean my cameras and lenses.

Feb 25, 2023: Steve Jobs in 1984 spotting a Macintosh in the wild for the first time. I couldn’t begin to imagine the what he was feeling seeing a product he knew …

Feb 24, 2023: I tried but it turns out you can’t go Out before you go In

Feb 24, 2023:

Feb 24, 2023: It’s so special to be in LA to watch the city fall to pieces with my own eyes.

Feb 23, 2023: ‘dat light + reflection

Feb 23, 2023: Los Angeles bound for a few days, thankfully it’s raining so we won’t stay long enough for it to make us soft.

Feb 23, 2023: Goldie, taking full advantage of the Shatner Seat

Feb 23, 2023: What a time to be alive

Feb 22, 2023: Pure second child energy. I’m going to start sneaking in to her room while she sleeps and bottling some of that excess second child energy and selling …

Feb 22, 2023: Hey everyone, make sure you update your … checks notes … Apple power cord …

Feb 21, 2023: Mexican Marines

Feb 21, 2023: Sunday // Playa Cerritos, BCS

Feb 19, 2023: Mark Twain’s use of a typewriter. I wonder if AI-writing is today’s typewriter?

Feb 19, 2023: Steven Pressfield on going deep: Everyone wants to succeed immediately and without pain or effort. Or they love to write books about how to write …

Feb 19, 2023: What’s the go with Mayor Humdinger? Is Foggy Bottom even a real township? Why does the Paw Patrol continue to rescue this evil man?

Feb 18, 2023: Tres es compañía (three frames of three humpback whales shot a few minutes ago in El Pescadero, Baja California Sur, Mexico)

Feb 17, 2023: Watched the sun set over the Pacific tonight as humpback whales came right up close to the shore so they could scratch their backs on the sand bars. …

Feb 16, 2023: Wednesday frames

Feb 13, 2023: Whale watching in Baja When you look down at just the right time // whale watching in El Pescadero, Baja California Sur

Feb 12, 2023: El Pescadero seafood stall

Feb 12, 2023: I heard you were into Jesus, so I got you some Jesus