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Oct 21, 2024: Still have found what I'm looking for 🌵 Joshua Tree When we were living in Baja California Sur a real hippy-looking bloke told me that the reason we felt so calm and at home in Baja was because it was a …

Oct 20, 2024: How to know if it’s a legit cowboy hat, a guide

Oct 20, 2024: Testing iMessages via Satellite in Joshua Tree So earlier today I was takin the family around Joshua Tree National Park. I took my phone out and realised I had no service but that little satellite …

Oct 20, 2024: We don't have to live this way I’m reading Kirsten Power’s Substack on how life in the USA is not normal, whilst visiting the USA, and I can not only agree, but say that …

Oct 20, 2024: Lucy Schiller in the Columbia Journalism Review’s The Final Flight of the Airline Magazine: The idea of the airline magazine reaching everyone …

Oct 19, 2024: Thomas Hooven on Love: “By the time I met my wife, I was a changed man and a real doctor. And our love developed differently from any I had …

Oct 19, 2024: Robert Pirsig the author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance in this interview in 1974: If a plant only gets sunlight, it’s very harmful. It …

Oct 19, 2024: A mashup of Y.M.C.A. by the Village People and a track from Hans Zimmer’s Interstellar soundtrack shouldn’t be so beautiful

Oct 19, 2024: Ezra Klein in Happy 20th Anniversary, Gmail. I’m Sorry I’m Leaving You: I have thousands of photos of my children but few that I’ve set aside to …

Oct 18, 2024: Disneyland for Luna’s 6th birthday. What an amazing sensory overload. A work of art!

Oct 17, 2024: I don’t want to join an Illuminati that wants me as a member

Oct 17, 2024: The enshittification of Squarespace and why you should own your own website Private equity completes another stroll through the web-hosting world (after WP Engine), and thus today begins (or perhaps continues) the …

Oct 16, 2024: Lightroom’s Generative AI-powered remove feature is wildly good

Oct 16, 2024: The pilots of QF15 invited Luna to the flight deck for her 6th birthday

Oct 13, 2024: Cabel Sasser’s XOXO talk is required watching for all inhabitants of earth. Put the 19 minutes aside and watch this.

Oct 13, 2024: Seth Godin in Amplifying the fringes: It’s no wonder people feel ill at ease. Instead of the ship adding ballast to ensure a smooth journey, the crew …

Oct 11, 2024: Aurora Australis over the Huon River in Franklin, Tasmania. Aurora you glad you stayed up?

Oct 4, 2024: What is podcasting Dave Winer’s 2004 definition of podcasting is what I think podcasting is: Think how a desktop aggregator works. You subscribe to a set of …

Sep 30, 2024: Why do we homeschool? Our decision to homeschool our children is often a hot topic of conversation among friends and colleagues. There are the usual jokes, and many people …

Sep 30, 2024: I’m predicting the Apple foldable phone will have a hinge I’ve been pondering what an Apple response to the foldable phones from Pixel/Google and Samsung might look like, and M.G. Siegler’s piece on Spyglass …

Sep 27, 2024: A front-page of the internet for the good burghers of the Apple nation When I read about iMore closing yesterday an idea I’d been thinking about for a while came back to the front of my mind. My favourite sport to …

Sep 27, 2024: In case anyone was interested, it costs $1600 to fly Qantas then Jetstar from Hobart to the Gold Coast today if Virgin wasn’t able to rebook you on …

Sep 25, 2024: My high school internet username results in a Googlewhack today. I’ve never been so proud.

Sep 25, 2024: Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm The story-song by the Crash Test Dummies, ‘Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm’, played this morning and I decided to - for the first time in my life - …

Sep 21, 2024: Britt Shoo sketched me at work at a wedding in Maleny today, how cool is it! All the guests recieved portraits like this.

Sep 21, 2024: Jenny Saville: When I paint, I don’t search for beauty, but for the power of life’s force: when you fall in love with someone, it’s life’s …

Sep 21, 2024: A short love letter to QuickTime. RIP QuickTime Pro.

Sep 20, 2024: My favourite thing about taking a car to the dealer for a warranty issue and they make you feel like you’re a woman in the fifties reporting …

Sep 18, 2024: tap, tap is this thing on?

Sep 18, 2024: I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my wedding celebrant story, my passions, my heart, and to also talk videographers and audio from an audio …

Sep 13, 2024: We lost our three favourite wattle trees in the storm ☹️ One of the redeeming features of our home when we bought it was that there was a great space for a veggie garden and some animals. So we got some help …

Sep 13, 2024: Qantas’s ears were burning

Sep 12, 2024: Well, that was Swell I made the 4am alarm to catch the 2024 Swell Sculpture Festival before sunrise this morning and as always it was a treat. Something that stood out to …

Sep 11, 2024: Wild how we use the same bowl for popcorn and vomit

Sep 11, 2024: I would personally donate money to keep the Raygun fire burning

Sep 11, 2024: All the News Fit to Print Is Not All the News For the past week, a globally well-known person has been on the Gold Coast for a reason unrelated to their popular life as one of the world’s …

Sep 10, 2024: Along with a social media age limit I’d like to see the app icons and splash screens changed to shocking images of people depressed, public …

Sep 8, 2024: Look, I might not be your favourite person, but at least I’ve never tried to sell you a MLM, or a course that promises you that you can make …

Sep 8, 2024: A drive through Outback Queensland yesterday

Sep 8, 2024: “I try to think what questions I’m not asking” - Benedict Evans

Sep 8, 2024: Hallelujah Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer’s suicide, by Yashvardhan Jain: It took Cohen over four years to write …

Sep 7, 2024: Deleting Overcast I lost a friend in software today as I delete Overcast from my iPhone. A ten year relationship ended because life’s too short to use annoying apps. …

Sep 4, 2024: I’m a Remarkable tablet user and was excited to see what they launched today but I’m out of the live stream already. Colour e-ink and a …

Sep 4, 2024: Twenty years of podcastingv this month

Sep 4, 2024: Took an early morning photo walk around the host city for the 2032 Olympics, Brisbane, and the new Star (casino name TBC probably if the regulators do …

Sep 2, 2024: Brisbane’s looking nice tonight

Sep 1, 2024: I’ve got a genuine interest inst in the new Pixel phones. Genuinely curiosity if they’d feel nice in hand, how the UI feels, how it works. Maybe …

Aug 31, 2024: If you actually get Oasis tickets today, start planning emotionally for the excruciating wait for them to play Wonderwall as they walk off stage for …

Aug 30, 2024: Hey Siri, define my last four years and five months in a reply by Nilay Patel

Aug 25, 2024: Am I an influencer now?

Aug 24, 2024: Wendell Berry’s thoughts on Technological progress Josh Nadeau, aka Instagram’s @swordandpencil, shared these words in a story today and my boy @qldnick shared them with me, which is all to say I have …

Aug 23, 2024: What is a photo: Thinking about the Pixel 9 and my 1994 Packard Bell My 1994 Packard Bell 486SX 25/33 isn’t that impressive thirty years on but it impressed me in the 90s because it had a the set of matching SVGA …

Aug 21, 2024: Imagine the monotony of life if the sun slipped away without a whisper, and the skies farewelled the day with no fanfare, leaving the world untouched …

Aug 19, 2024: Seated behind me on this A321neo are a bunch of boys who refer to “normal planes” as ones that have a 3-3/4-3 configuration and they’re bemused that …

Aug 17, 2024: It’s a real creature comfort to be able to listen to my home state Cole’s Supermarket in-store music while in Brisbane

Aug 16, 2024: Surfers Paradise street performer in four photos

Aug 14, 2024: Remember that time the world united around a dude called Matt dancing in front of things around the world? Better times.

Aug 13, 2024: They completed technology. No more technology is needed anymore. They’ve done it all now.

Aug 12, 2024: Apparently people don’t know that Flight Control has been reborn as Planes Control, so, ya know, it has been

Aug 11, 2024: Imagine being so good at dancing that you got a doctorate in it and then were chosen to represent your country in it at the Olympics, only to realise …

Aug 8, 2024: A court case I lost a few years ago over a frustrated contract had the ruling go to a hypothetical “man on the 3pm omnibus to Clapham” which is a …

Aug 8, 2024: I couldn’t stomach any delays today, but I was kinda hoping we’d get the slightest delay so I could test the new machine learning features in Flighty …

Aug 6, 2024: Donut not have kids … they’re the best

Aug 6, 2024: It honestly is impossible to get a doctors appointment in the Huon Valley, I called around a few weeks ago (from today’s newspaper)

Aug 5, 2024: South Hobart tip shop find of the week: $15 for a 1971 Auto Tamron 80-250mm F/3.8 telephoto lens with a Minolta mount. Add on my MD-RF adaptor from …

Aug 5, 2024: On dying, from @[email protected] who recently died: It’s because we don’t die online properly. We need a way to die online. If my time comes …

Aug 5, 2024: Reading The Sizzle’s opening lines today by @[email protected] really took me for a six. No day in this life is promised to us, but I’m glad to …

Aug 5, 2024: ABC Chairman on the web: a “pretty ancient concept now” Josh Withers: “kill me now” … however I do agree with his stance on lifestyle news receiving …

Aug 3, 2024: Honouring soldiers from all three of Australia’s major wars here at Samsonvale

Aug 3, 2024: Took a Demo of Apple Vision Pro Amazing on two notes. Amazing technology to experience today in real life, not in a YouTube video or a TED Talk, especially considering the poor demo …

Aug 2, 2024: I’ve just been named the number one Asia-Pacific photographer who made zero dollars from their passion in the month of July but had a lot of fun …

Jul 30, 2024: Well, this definitely whips the llama’s ass

Jul 30, 2024: Guy next to me on my flight is pricing up bacon and how much it costs him to produce and I’ve never wanted more to strike up a flight-friend-for life.

Jul 27, 2024: Ever since Bo Burnham’s Inside I’ve felt like it’s not worth creating anymore. Content peaked in 2020 with Inside. Now we live in the post-Inside era.

Jul 23, 2024: “Do you want to be really good at a thing? I’ve got bad news for you. You’re going to have to be significantly worse at a lot of other …

Jul 19, 2024: Lady at this cafe in the Huon Valley is working on an 11” MacBook Air running one of big cat OS X operating system releases. It would have to be more …

Jul 17, 2024: I’m researching for project in Tasmania and I think, to the best of my research and knowledge so far, this is the oldest and first photograph of …

Jul 15, 2024: My greatest fear in life is that Jaycar could go broke and shutdown

Jul 12, 2024: If you talk to anyone in the destination wedding industry they have their bucket list of places they want to work. Mine is remarkably weirder than …

Jul 10, 2024: Tuscany versus Amalfi

Jul 10, 2024: When I first started as a wedding celebrant in 2009 you’d write some blog posts, build some SEO, and maybe attend a wedding expo to promote yourself …

Jul 10, 2024: I visited The Vatican

Visiting The Vatican inevitably evokes strong feelings. Regardless of your faith—Catholic, Christian, other, or none—the rich tapestry of history …

Jul 10, 2024: Is the @abcnews_au Instagram account off-ABC-charter In the year 2024, we - the consumer/viewer/listener/single-digit-in-a-spreadsheet - have an opportunity to cultivate and curate our media diet, and I …

Jul 9, 2024: Turns out hope might be good for the soul. Emily Brown in Relevant Magazine: Gen Z has been fairly vocal about their struggles with mental health, …

Jul 9, 2024: A transport nerd's Italian journies I’m a transport nerd, so here’s my transport journey to and across Italy over the last few weeks. Missing in my photos is my phat electric …

Jul 9, 2024: The criminalisation of journalism Julian Assange and the criminalisation of journalism: A story of moral injury and moral courage in New Matilda today: 12th July 2007: Two US Apache …

Jul 9, 2024: That face when you're “worried” about Spotify and podcasting In an interview about broadcasting the Olympics on AM radio network in Australia (a sentence that could have been typed in 1970 and still make perfect …

Jul 9, 2024: Why are the Vatican guards dressed like clowns? Orrrr why are clowns dressed like Vatican guards?

Jul 9, 2024: iPhone hack: when your iPhone 14 overheats in Rome, get a drink from McDonalds and melt the ice on the phone until it cools down.

Jul 9, 2024: L'angolo tra Via dei Gracchi e Via Fabio Massimo I spent the last two hours in this seat, capturing as many interesting photos as possible from this single location in Rome, Italy, on the early …

Jul 7, 2024: Professor Giuseppe’s Grand Hotel Tritone and its 1000-odd steps to the beach.

Jul 6, 2024: Some frames I have a captured on the Amalfi coast this week

Jul 6, 2024: When you’re hot-headed and your Ray-Bans stage an intervention

Jul 2, 2024: Why did they call it the Amalfi Coast when they could of called it the Stairs Coast and it would’ve been far more accurate

Jul 2, 2024: My favourite thing to do whilst in Italy is to pretend to not be in Australian then surprise traveling Aussies with a big “G’Day, mate!”

Jul 1, 2024: Apple Health: You’ve been on tour through Asia and Europe for four weeks. Flighty: Your journey home begins in nine days. Me: This is going to ruin …

Jul 1, 2024: Isle of Procida Things I saw on Procida, a little island off Napoli

Jun 29, 2024: I was trying to to get to the Metro Linea 2 in Napoli, I saw this series of lines, and let’s just say that things escalated quickly

Jun 28, 2024: Pictures of steak I ate in Florence

Jun 28, 2024: Some things I looked at in Roma, Italy

Jun 24, 2024: Rachel Rumi: You don’t like to see that other person neglecting their homework when it comes to growth through intimacy so you take on the curriculum …

Jun 24, 2024: Some frames from Tuscany this last week

Jun 24, 2024: Do you ever see someone else’s project and realise that everything you’ve ever done in your life is meaningless? That’s for me …

Jun 24, 2024: Colours of Toscana

Jun 24, 2024: May the API bless you, Threads humans

Jun 23, 2024: Perugia’s People Movers My local laundromat in Passignano is closed on Sundays so I journeyed over to Perugia, Umbria, for my clothes washing today, caught a glance of …

Jun 23, 2024: Scopello // Sicilia

Jun 22, 2024: Kurt Vonnegut, Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage​, in 1981: What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But …

Jun 22, 2024: John Gruber: Fortunately, because Apple is delaying Apple Intelligence and these other new features in the EU, all of the thriving EU-based …

Jun 21, 2024: AI, wasted on us old people You’ve got to be careful when you pull this card, so many in tech pull it too quickly, but you’ve got to reserve the Steve Jobs Card for …

Jun 21, 2024: When you’re watching Instagram Reels before the Zoom meeting begins and the AI Zoom Meeting Summary takes it as fact

Jun 18, 2024: Pentax has made a portrait-orientation, made for sharing on modern social media, analog film camera in the new Pentax 17. DPReview: The Pentax 17 has …

Jun 18, 2024: That was $9.95 I’ll never get back. (Stolen from Basic Apple Guy on Threads)

Jun 18, 2024: Jamstack websites terrify me. I feel technology often takes a backward step as it advances. I used to make the most powerful small business, single …

Jun 18, 2024: Our Imaginary Brother Only Watches PBS by Eileen Donovan-Kranz What happened next made sense only to my mother: She created an eighth child, a …

Jun 18, 2024: In the spirit of Zuckerberg renaming Facebook in honour of what’s coming up, please no longer call me Josh. Only refer to me as my new personal …

Jun 14, 2024: Everyone has their different social media celebrities they get excited about meeting. Today I meet mine.

Jun 14, 2024: 12 years ago I shared this infographic about the data being transferred around then. Here’s the 2024 version on my daily letter.

Jun 14, 2024: Little pleasures in life is your laptop remembering the password and automatically connecting to the wifi at your cheap Rome airport hotel

Jun 14, 2024: Yes, hello, is this Qatar Airways? I’d like to collect my prize money.

Jun 13, 2024: Qatar things

Jun 12, 2024: When I make photos I like I share them, and because of the way the world is today (i.e everyone has a camera, algorithms rule the world, photos …

Jun 9, 2024: The Sunday night commute to work 📍 Beachcomber Island, Fiji

Jun 9, 2024: Easy like Sunday Melbourne Airport morning

Jun 9, 2024: I like writing, I like reading, I enjoy running a sustainable and fun business, and I like getting email letters on the topic, so I made one called …

Jun 9, 2024: In my happy place - plane watching - for a few hours in Melbourne Airport on the way to Fiji for a wedding

Jun 9, 2024: Shalom Auslander: I was thinking about sex the other day because I was having a really depressing day, and a dead body had been found by the pier, …

Jun 7, 2024: Free entry!

Jun 7, 2024: What’s weird/nerdy/fun/cool and not on the “must see” lists for Doha, Qatar? I’ve got a full transit day there on Thursday.

Jun 3, 2024: My will: and I hereby bequeath to my children, 739 partially completed buy 10 get one free cards from coffee shops all over the city.

Jun 2, 2024: A love letter to defrag.exe Scott sent me this cute Thread by Calm and I remarked that defragging my computer ‘back in the day’ was one of my favourite tasks. I loved running …

Jun 2, 2024: You know what sucks about using the internet today - whether it’s Facebook or Instagram or Threads - is that they’re all geared towards …

Jun 1, 2024: 48 hours in Bali - a photo dump

May 31, 2024: It must be terrible for every other musician and songwriter in the world to know that anything they ever make will be - at very best - second best to …

May 30, 2024: One day, some day in the next few years, I probably won’t fly as much as I do, and as my Qantas status fades and staff forget my face, the thing I’ll …

May 29, 2024: WWDC 2024 prediction: iOS is dead. Long live aiOS. aiOS: Think Different.

May 26, 2024: Did you know Japan had its own beautiful and amazing method of measuring time before Christians ruined it all? The Uniqueness of Japanese Time - …

May 26, 2024: Kent Nerburn: Debt defines your future, and when your future is defined, hope begins to die. You have committed your life to making money to pay for …

May 25, 2024: Apart from actually doing the work couples pay me to do, like making their weddings and elopements, some of the proudest professional work I’m …

May 25, 2024: I can’t stop looking out the front door of our new home in the Huon Valley, so now I’ve got to show you. Plus a photo of the door because it’s …

May 25, 2024: They say that when you have kids you enter your second stage of life. This is me entering my third stage of life.

May 22, 2024: John Green on happy marriages and feeding the content machine that is 2024 and the internet

May 18, 2024: Call me a conspiracy theorist, call me crazy, or call me stupid, but I get a feeling that TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Twitter, LinkedIn and …

May 12, 2024: The aurora australias, the southern lights, were a spectacle to behold last night aroundd Hobart, even with lots of cloud cover. My first taste was a …

May 12, 2024: I can’t stop thinking about this Boox Palma

May 12, 2024: I could work for a million years, doing the best jobs, making the best things, writing the most eloquent words, delivering the best service, or …

May 10, 2024: Do you ever just do something, then regret it, then feel awesome about it? That’s how I felt when I got the domain name this …

May 9, 2024: Vale Stan Hillard A quick search on the internet for Stan Hillard doesn’t reveal much. You’ll find my name-dropping about a decade ago on Radio Today as I …

May 8, 2024: Brought wedding-ready two pairs of pants and three shirts to Queenstown for three weddings here this week with the full confidence that one of the …

May 4, 2024: I’ve realised that I am not equipped enough to manage replies to my actual Mastodon account - @[email protected] - and my Micro.Blog account, …

May 4, 2024: This reporting on the mysterious 777 Partners and it’s Australian investment in airline, Bonza is a good read and good reporting by Ian …

May 4, 2024: Happy Star Wars Day! I saw Episode 1 at the cinema this week and I’ve got a hot take. Jar Jar Binks is an important character and the people that hate …

May 1, 2024: Weird week to be running an airline

Apr 30, 2024: The parable of the prodigal traveller: “For this budget traveller of mine was dead to me and has now returned to life. He was flying Bonza, but now …

Apr 28, 2024: Wedding photography is about to evolve in two ways. After a century in the closet, Sepia is about to come into fashion The wedding content creator is …

Apr 27, 2024: One day, when I grow up, I’d like an Apple Jonathan please

Apr 25, 2024: In 2115 will we still commemorate Anzac Day like we do today? Anzac Day 1916 was a very different ANZAC Day compared to that I experienced in Canberra this morning. Martin Crotty, a historian at the University of …

Apr 23, 2024: I honestly didn’t know that public speakers like comedians, Arj Barkers, and wedding celebrants were allowed to have opinions on babies being in …

Apr 23, 2024: Seven 8ths Torn and the beauty not stored in data centres Kids, gather round for an Australian TV, culture, and music history lesson. On Instagram ABC TV’s Rage account posted: Anyone remember when …

Apr 22, 2024: The internet’s all upset at my latte/flat white comments while I’m over here drinking a fat white, a long black with a dash of pouring cream

Apr 4, 2024: What’s the word for when something is a hilarious joke but also very true? I also own and recommend whichever Brother printer you want, I got …

Apr 3, 2024: This reminds me of the internet I grew up and I love it so much: After The Beep.

Apr 1, 2024: The Frequent Vower Card For the first time in the world I’m launching a wedding loyalty card, the Frequent Vower Card! How often do you get married and at the end of …

Mar 27, 2024: As March 2024 almost comes to a close I’m reminded how it’s four years since my life fell apart. Four years on I’m seeing a therapists and building a …

Mar 27, 2024: I heard you could install Linux on an Apple Silicon MacBook Pro … so I did it … I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m like a …

Mar 25, 2024: Found this old piece of pretty poor writing by me on Medium, about podcasting from 11 years ago.

Mar 24, 2024: The thing that will bring our society to an end is our compulsion to insist that things are other people’s problems

Mar 22, 2024: You might have noticed Kate Middleton has been a bit quiet on the socials lately. Well, let’s just say Tasmania now has two princesses. …

Mar 21, 2024: Naval Ravikant, on the modern struggle: Lone individuals summoning inhuman willpower, fasting, meditating, and exercising… Up against armies …

Mar 21, 2024: Finished reading: Extremely Hardcore by Zoë Schiffer 📚 what a terrifyingly odd account of one of the richest men alive today.

Mar 16, 2024: Palmsy is amazing. A cute little social network just for you with fake likes and notifications from your friends. We should all tell our parents that …

Mar 12, 2024: Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph …

Mar 9, 2024: If this photo I made ten minutes ago excites you, you’re going to love this real estate listing for our home.

Mar 8, 2024: A lovely Qantas flight attendant yesterday asked me if I was Josh Withers, at which point I prepare myself to say yes and have a chat to her about a …

Mar 4, 2024: Prediction: Wedding photography is about to undergo a massive change. The people who hold cameras like Fuji/Sony/Canon/Nikon need to figure out how to …

Mar 1, 2024: I’m fast realising that my only real talent in this world is being the member of the conversation who can provide the comedic exit of the conversation …

Feb 29, 2024: I asked readers of my Aisle Authority daily letter to the best celebrants in the world what they thought about the length of the daily email letter …

Feb 27, 2024: New favourite website:

Feb 23, 2024: I’m thoroughly convinced that email can be a meaningful method of communication, relationship, community, and entertainment in the future. …

Feb 21, 2024: The CEO of the biggest supermarket chain in Australia is stepping down because no other news media dared question an advertiser. This is the strength …

Feb 20, 2024: Matt Ruby on metadata: “Is metadata really that powerful?” “OK, let’s say there’s a guy who texted a girl 5 times …

Feb 18, 2024: I find reading the news depressing but I still want to get an idea of what’s happening in the local news so I made an AI bot that writes the …

Feb 17, 2024: Hobart sunset - high res download for any Apple Vision Pro users, and direct link to the 360 photo on Panoraven and direct link to the 360 JPEG in …

Feb 15, 2024: Levelling up in nerdom is running your own AI/LLM on your own hardware.

Feb 15, 2024: A unified theory of fucks: The theory goes like so: you are born with so many fucks to give.

Feb 14, 2024: 14 ideas to build and grow a podcast network today I recently had the opportunity to express my interest in a field I’ve never officially worked in, for a company I’d never worked for, in …

Feb 14, 2024: I’ve just found out - through hearing it - that the Disney cruise ship horn blows the tune “When you wish upon a star” in port and now I feel all …

Feb 11, 2024: Tracy Chapman & Luke Combs at the Grammys singing Fast Car

Feb 10, 2024: 10 issues into my new daily letter to the best wedding celebrants in the world, Aisle Authority, and it’s feeling good. Shoutout to my Swede and …

Feb 8, 2024: Seriously

Jan 31, 2024: No-one asked but if I was a wrestler my walk-out music would be In The Shadows by The Rasmus

Jan 31, 2024: For those of us that know Internet Explorer 4.0 was the GOAT, a reflection on the Geocities, marquee rage, dial-up Internet era, the 90s on the web, …

Jan 27, 2024: I’ve written the first seven issues of my new daily email letter for wedding celebrants: Aisle Authority. I’m writing for the North …

Jan 26, 2024: For those of us that know Internet Explorer 4.0 was the GOAT, a reflection on the Geocities, marquee rage, dial-up Internet era, the 90s on the web, …

Jan 24, 2024: Took a peek at a peak across the Remarkables today

Jan 24, 2024: 40 years of the Mac and why I can’t use anything else now By the time I was buying my first Apple Macintosh computer the launch of the Mac in …

Jan 21, 2024: Marketing is actually part of the product. That’s an intangible element of Apple products that is often missed by the Android, Windows, Meta Quest …

Jan 21, 2024: Ben Thompson’s interview podcast with Spike Eskin about radio from 2023 is a really good listen if you have a Stratechery membership.

Jan 21, 2024: a mob of kangaroos

Jan 21, 2024: If every website firewall brought this kind of tease energy I’d be a broke man but journalism would be funded globally.

Jan 21, 2024: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you can just nominate awesome people around you for an Order of Australia medal on the …

Jan 20, 2024: Ten years on since we filmed the first season of Married At First Sight, nine years on since it aired, and I still get recognised. Just happened in …

Jan 20, 2024: Listen to Really Specific Stories Linking to, sharing, telling people about podcasts is a hard problem to solve. If only because I personally do most of my listening while driving. So …

Jan 20, 2024: Designing the iTunes Music Store: "Refer to the main.psd" This is a really insightful read by Michael Darius behind designing the iTunes Music Store, wrapping up on the video at the end though, really amazing …

Jan 19, 2024: A little life update: we handed the keys for our Gold Coast home back to the landlord yesterday. Today we’re home-less. I’ve just boarded a flight to …

Jan 15, 2024: going to bed with an empty inbox and an audience size of 3 …

Jan 15, 2024: I can’t escape this idea of what ‘taste’ is, as discussed on the Ezra Klein show. I like to think about taste not as something that’s not just about …

Jan 15, 2024: Surely, and please give me grace if this isn’t the case, surely the people really upset about not being able to buy new Chinese manufactured cheap …

Jan 15, 2024: The Farnham Street email: A different take on what makes us feel so busy, stressed, and anxious. As a rule, the larger your surface area, the more …

Jan 14, 2024: I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world, this makes it difficult to plan the day. — E. B. …

Jan 12, 2024: How it started, and how it finished

Jan 9, 2024: Flashback Camera, some first thoughts A Brisbane based crew have delivered on their Kickstarter promise to deliver a “camera for the small moments”, the Flashback Camera. …

Jan 9, 2024: Disappointed this hasn’t come to pass yet

Jan 8, 2024: This article on “Afrofuturism” is so interesting, so I’ll lead with the end: The fate of humanity in the 21st century and beyond …

Jan 7, 2024: I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. I love her far horizons, I love her …

Jan 5, 2024: Drove the 90 minutes from Exmouth to photograph the sunset in Coral Bay this afternoon and also see the couple I’m marrying this weekend, and …

Jan 2, 2024: When I’m president I’m going to classify printers as terrorists

Jan 2, 2024: Digital incompetency truly will be the swan song of the people of the 2020s.

Dec 22, 2023: “The information you consume each day is the soil from which your future thoughts are grown.” – James Clear

Dec 14, 2023: I wrote this eight years ago on Facebook. I think it’s more valid today plus I want to preserve it on my blog: With all of our books, albums, …

Dec 5, 2023: My app defaults 📨 Mail Client - 📮 Mail Server - Fastmail 📝 Notes - Drafts/Obsidian ✅ To-Do - 📷 iPhone Photo Shooting - 🟦 Photo …

Nov 28, 2023: Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nov 22, 2023: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: I am, at the Fed level, libertarian; at the state level, Republican; at the local level, Democrat; and at the family and …

Nov 21, 2023: You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days. – Alain de Botton

Nov 13, 2023: It’s amazing how close Google is to upsetting the iMessage monopoly and I’m betting they’ll let go of the opportunity. I’ve …

Nov 10, 2023: The hardest thing about being a wedding celebrant is figuring out the right balance of smiley faces, exclamation marks, or periods, to end sentences …

Nov 10, 2023: You know, it’s super fun and easy to take a pot shot at the Humane AI Pin, but put your hesitations aside and 1) watch the video and tell me it’s not …

Nov 9, 2023: Watch out guys, the police have installed new air drumming detection cameras and if you actually can’t play drums or if you’re out of time …

Nov 8, 2023: Answering the most common question I get asked, “Do you travel for weddings?”

Nov 8, 2023: This is so fascinating, CT scans of real AirPods versus the fake ripoff AirPods

Nov 7, 2023: Sorry I missed your text, I’m currently being force-fed all of the information about the entirety of the existence of the human race, past, …

Nov 6, 2023: Old people/nerds like me: Do you have memories, or photos, of the computer software and shareware kiosks from the mid-90s in Australia. I remember …

Oct 28, 2023: the more you K-sound now

Oct 22, 2023: We celebrated my moon girl’s fifth birthday today and without doubt I have so much love for everyone that loves and celebrates her, but I wanted …

Oct 19, 2023: This musical tribute to the #SydneyOperaHouse by Tim Minchin and crew is the best thing on the internet today

Oct 14, 2023:

Oct 12, 2023: In my dream last night I had to explain the “bah-lark-eh” substitute teacher joke from Key and Peele to a wedding guest named Blake. So I guess …

Oct 11, 2023: I love how at no point is the world left wondering what Ziggy Stardust did and if he was good at it

Oct 10, 2023: GM - how people apparently say good morning on social media where - globally speaking - there is no real morning or night or day. GM - me, thinking …

Oct 5, 2023: Here to help

Sep 24, 2023: Monthly photography revenue: $5 Monthly photography audience: 9 million across Unsplash and Pexels.

Sep 17, 2023: Can someone check on Mark Di Stefano? Surely the trust fund babies have a price on his head now?

Sep 15, 2023: There’s a lot said about how we Aussies are more divided and alone than we ever have been in this country. But when I see multiple cars across lanes …

Sep 14, 2023: Show me a more “Aussie” Aussie, than this legit Aussie legend. I’ll wait.

Sep 11, 2023: I have a confession to make: I’ve built an Australian news website that is purely created by large language models. It’s autonomous and although I can …

Sep 11, 2023: Hoo roo, Uluru, am I even supposed to be here? Uluru is such an icon. Its simple beautiful existence is one of my earliest memories, reading about it in encyclopaedias or National Geographic and …

Sep 11, 2023: Flying into Sydney over the Blue Mountains from Uluru this afternoon was a visual treat

Sep 11, 2023: Two Google conspiracy theories proven true today: 1: Google Chrome tracks and shares your web browsing for advertising purposes: Chrome now directly …

Sep 11, 2023: Podcast recommendation for the media, podcasting, and tech nerds in my circles: Really Specific Stories. It’s by @martinfeld of @HemisphericViews on …

Sep 11, 2023: Shane Parrish on playing the long game: Every action is a step toward the short game or the long game. You can’t opt out, and you can’t play a …

Sep 10, 2023: Duelling Retro Roos sighting

Sep 9, 2023: Books hold most of the secrets of the world, most of the thoughts that men and women have had. And when you are reading a book, you and the author are …

Sep 7, 2023: Most of us, me included, can barely think past the next three minutes. We operate in this fear of lack, lack of good or sleep or money, that …

Sep 5, 2023: I’ve driven 737km today, I have 93 left, and I just want to say there needs to be a royal commission into the state of servo food in this once great …

Sep 5, 2023: I often wonder if Lin-Manuel Miranda is working on a Peggy spin-off

Sep 5, 2023: Many thanks to the airline gods for offering up a new CEO for our national flights of Australia for make benefit glorious nation of Qantastralia! May …

Sep 5, 2023: Guy who’s not the sharpest tool in the shed gets rolled by the world The lead singer responsible for bringing this century its greatest motivational pop/ska punk/power pop song, All Star, has passed away. Pitchfork: …

Sep 3, 2023: For sale: Leica Z2X vintage point and shoot film camera Selling my beloved vintage Leica Z2X 35mm film camera for $700 AUD. I bought it in Paris but I’d like to step up to a bigger film camera. The …

Sep 1, 2023: Can anyone I know remember the name of the modern web browser for MacOS System 9? I don’t know why this matters to me so much but I need to …

Aug 30, 2023: I’m a part of the Hobart wedding trail coming up in a few weeks. I’m expecting a great crowd to fly down and come and jump on a bus or …

Aug 29, 2023: You’re never going to guess who Nouba interviewed.

Aug 29, 2023: I’m guest editing The Sizzle today. Apologies for any banana peel in the email.

Aug 28, 2023: I’m the guest on the most recent episode of Polka Dot Wedding’s Feel Good Wedding Podcast. My audio recording isn’t great because it …

Aug 27, 2023: YouTube bringing that dad energy

Aug 25, 2023: Death to paper straws

Aug 25, 2023: Home

Aug 19, 2023: Can confirm, hearing the instrumental “Still Call Australia Home” as you’re settling in your seat as everyone boards, tickles an emotional muscle.

Aug 19, 2023: I’m in the Qantas Singapore Lounge and the waiter poured me a glass of Shiraz, a 2020 from South Australia, on the left. I make the joke, “2020, not a …

Aug 19, 2023: Frames from Singapore

Aug 19, 2023: Four year old just now at our Singapore hotel as we’re getting ready to go to Singapre airport: I don’t want to eat here, I want to eat at …

Aug 18, 2023: Luna calls cable cars “plane trains” and honestly, that’s a much better name.

Aug 16, 2023: When we took the kids overseas everyone told us to make sure we look after them …

Aug 16, 2023: Hello, Qantas my old friend

Aug 15, 2023: Entering the Paul Kelly stage of our Europe adventure … Arriverderci, au revoir, aufwiedersen, hasta la vista. Yeah, every fucking city’s just …

Aug 15, 2023: We’re packing and getting ready for our homeward journey tonight in Paris. We’ve got three flights left, and the longest ones just earned …

Aug 15, 2023: Michael A. Fletcher reports for ESPN that the real life story behind the Sandra Bullock movie, The Blind Side, was based on a lie. Retired NFL star …

Aug 15, 2023: I walked out of the house this morning and a man was urinating onto the street, facing in my direction, two metres away. I called out that he was …

Aug 14, 2023: Richard Rohr in Things Hidden: It is amazing how religion has turned this biblical idea of faith around to mean its exact opposite: into a tradition …

Aug 13, 2023: We have 48 hours left in Paris. I’m I’m curious what your one awesome thing to do, see, eat, or photograph in Paris. We travel slow, …

Aug 13, 2023: I think I’ve spent too much time in Paris this year. I just got into an argument with another dad about which Parisian playground is the best one. The …

Aug 13, 2023: Bearly made it home last night

Aug 12, 2023: Another chapter in the ever-growing story of how I interact with, and use, social media: I wrote a little while ago about choosing two social …

Aug 12, 2023: Just a couple of Australians having a French win. Frame from last night in Paris with yours truly.

Aug 12, 2023: Will the Australian government send in an SAS extraction group to save Britt, the girls, and I when France loses to the Matildas in the World Cup …

Aug 12, 2023: Did some A-grade marrying in the rain in Paris today

Aug 12, 2023: A Modest Proposal; For preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them …

Aug 12, 2023: I’d forgotten how nice Facebook Paper was. What was the last great UX you experienced?

Aug 12, 2023: My daily steps over the past seven months

Aug 11, 2023: I think it’s beautiful that the one thing that binds us together as a global community, regardless of colour of skin, religion, where we were …

Aug 11, 2023: Resume the conversation

Aug 11, 2023: My only regret from my radio career is that I never once said, whilst on air, the line that inspired my career: Tank fly, boss walk, jam …

Aug 10, 2023: An element of the wedding industry which offends so many inside and out, the part that eventually pushes many insiders out and back into the normal …

Aug 10, 2023: Sari Azout’s “letter to a friend who is thinking of starting something new” is beautiful. As Sari subtitles it, ‘if you are …

Aug 10, 2023: Colonel Sanders and the sadness in scaling businesses Mimi Sheraton in the New York Times in 1976 telling the story of walking into a KFC with Colonel Harland Sanders: You’re frying for 12 …

Aug 10, 2023: Tess McClure in The Guardian reports on Pak ‘n’ Save’s mealbot: A New Zealand supermarket experimenting with using AI to generate …

Aug 9, 2023: After two months in London, across regional Austria, Liechtenstein, regional Italy, Puglia, and Tuscany, it is so refreshing for my soul to be walking …

Aug 8, 2023: Why do airlines communicate a flight’s departure time instead of a “be at the gate” time? Every airport and every airline has …

Aug 8, 2023: Pro tip for flying out of Vienna Airport: you walk past a Starbucks before check-in, and you think, “awesome, a not-Austrian coffee! If there’s …

Aug 8, 2023: Over the weekend I wrote a piece about the fluff coming out of commercial radio in Australia, referencing my own time in a commercial radio station in …

Aug 8, 2023: Driving from Siena, Italy, to Graz, Austria, today Goldie and I were looking for somewhere to stop for lunch and we decided on this place named after …

Aug 7, 2023: Commercial radio isn't "booming", it's barely paying the minimum wage The PR-wing of the commercial radio community in Australia is getting everyone excited about a new report - that they commissioned and is weirdly in …

Aug 6, 2023: Not everything is forever. Some things are just internet onions. This website,, will live from July 26th …

Aug 6, 2023: Things I can remember: ✅ My couple’s names in a wedding ceremony ❎ Which of my children has which name ❎ My credit card PIN ❎ How old I am? ❎ …

Aug 6, 2023: Father of the bride yesterday asked me who’s father I was. I’m now that old.

Aug 6, 2023: This is your annual reminder that there is a pager emoji 📟 please don’t forget to use the emoji for all of your pager-themed conversations.

Aug 6, 2023: My favourite part of the wedding ceremony is when we show each other our best memes

Aug 6, 2023: Things I learned today: When you drive many kilometres past beautiful sunflower fields in Tuscany full of big and ripe sunflowers ready to be in a …

Aug 6, 2023: I wonder if Mariah Carey ever regretted collaborating with Ol’ Dirty Bastard?

Aug 5, 2023: Adi Ignatius inteviewing Karim Lakhani for the Harvard Business Review: Just as the internet has drastically lowered the cost of information …

Aug 5, 2023: Two applications I used daily in the 90s/2000s but don’t exist today and I haven’t sufficiently found replacements for are MS Money and MS Access. …

Aug 5, 2023: For couples that book my David Copperfield package I do a cool magic trick and make your guests disappear. Take & Leanna this afternoon in …

Aug 3, 2023: WinRAR

Aug 3, 2023: Three years ago today I called for a new Saint to be named in Melbourne. turns out Aussies are super compliant and boring so nothing happened. Saint …

Aug 3, 2023: Jake Meador in The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church in The Atlantic: Contemporary America simply isn’t set up to …

Aug 2, 2023: I love my email. Not because I love my email but because due to the swings and round-a-bouts of modern life needing email, and because writers and …

Aug 2, 2023: I was today years old when I learned that the word ‘homographic’ didn’t mean what my brain assumed it meant. homograph - noun each …

Aug 2, 2023: 50 years of …. celibacy

Aug 1, 2023: Doing God’s work over here, keeping the Gold Coast honest about it’s Super Mario koala

Aug 1, 2023: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the All Saints sung, “flexing vocabulary runs through my head”. Not, “sex and the …

Aug 1, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 Siena, Tuscany

Aug 1, 2023: For an interesting NASA and Apple-related fall down a rabbit hole, start with the origin of the name of “The Whole Earth Catalog” in 1966, …

Aug 1, 2023: I, for one, welcome our new British open web overlords The BBC has embraced ActivityPub, nice work @[email protected]! I’ve always thought that the long term advantage from a commercial and brand …

Jul 31, 2023: Tuscany for a week or so

Jul 30, 2023: Look, all I want to do with my life is make enough money so I can afford to buy Yahoo! which owns AOL which owns Netscape so I can once more have a …

Jul 30, 2023: Shane Parrish on with, Hanlon’s Razor: Not Everyone is Out to Get You, is such an encouraging read today. I was only thinking about how we …

Jul 29, 2023: Years from now the people of Puglia will still talk of the strange man who came from the land down under, where women glow and the men have takeaway …

Jul 29, 2023: Imagine your audience are the stupidest people alive About 20 years ago, somewhere early 2003 from memory, I learned the most important lesson I’d ever been taught in broadcasting and business, …

Jul 29, 2023: I reinstalled the Twitter app when X first appeared just so I could experience this firsthand, in the flesh

Jul 29, 2023: Opportunity cost and Eggs Benedict Leaving Puglia today and I’m struck by the thought, after having experienced about thirty different international communities and societies over the …

Jul 29, 2023: 11:27pm Italy time and I’ve been slogging away for hours at the stupidest CSS thing that changed in the most recent version of the Shopify code. …

Jul 28, 2023: A MacBook with a turntable instead of a keyboard? Shut up and take my money, DJ.

Jul 27, 2023: ABC Radio National’s Andrew West interviewing Ian Buruma on in The religious and spiritual ethics of wokeness: It’s when a movement to …

Jul 27, 2023: Update on the book writing: I wrote a lot and I thought it was ok, I ran it past some friends and it wasn’t as good as I thought, and on further …

Jul 27, 2023: A photographer at the water park we were just at asked a family to say “Mozzarella” because I guess formaggio doesn’t make a smile?

Jul 27, 2023: In Western Australia yesterday

Jul 27, 2023: Amanda Holpuch in the New York Times in June 2023: South Koreans became a year or two younger on Wednesday after a law standardizing the way the …

Jul 27, 2023: The deeper I traverse into life on Planet Earth, into fatherhood, business, weddings, photography, and friendship I am ever further interested in art, …

Jul 27, 2023: Uluṟu, that beautiful monolith that captures the very essence of Australia. It’s my favourite place in Australia. This iconic natural wonder is …

Jul 27, 2023: Reed Albergotti in Semafor Technology: Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, and the navigation company TomTom released a free mapping dataset in a bid to compete …

Jul 27, 2023: Keith Richards, April 1962: Mick (Jagger) is the greatest R&B singer this side of the Atlantic and I don’t mean maybe.

Jul 26, 2023: I’ve been having problems for years where my iPhone would have no space left, yet seemingly actually have space left. I’ve always felt …

Jul 26, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🏊🏼 Luna looking like she’s not having fun in the water when she’s truly having a ball.

Jul 26, 2023: Lefineder: The English, said Sir John Fortescue (c. 1470), “drink no water, unless at certain times upon religious score, or by way of doing …

Jul 26, 2023: Do I get my eye scanned by Worldcoin when I’m in Paris in two weeks or do I just share my genitalia size here in public instead?

Jul 26, 2023: Anthony Agius in The Sizzle The ATO is cool with scammers ripping off $557m in MyGov identity fraud. A whopping $557m has been stolen off the ATO and …

Jul 26, 2023: Six years of making photos and droning Reflecting on Matt Mullenweg ten years ago reflecting on Steve Jobs/Apple’s courage to release products, I’ve been on an early morning …

Jul 26, 2023: Matt Mullenweg on Apple and 1.0 products back in 2010: Many entrepreneurs idolize Steve Jobs. He’s such a perfectionist, they say. Nothing leaves the …

Jul 26, 2023: This has rocked my day. Re is its own word. It’s not short for regarding.

Jul 26, 2023: ✈️ Flighty 3 is a private frequent flyers social network! One of my most-used and favourite apps is Flighty, and they’ve just announced a new version that’s basically a frequent flyer’s …

Jul 25, 2023: Imagine being the butt of this line in a news report “The launch of the eye-scanning cryptocurrency project Worldcoin” and you’re …

Jul 25, 2023: Matt Levine on “Leon Smuk”, from X: I guess my question is, what was he paying for? Musk didn’t want Twitter for its employees (whom he …

Jul 25, 2023: I’m looking for an erratic egotistical billionaire to trust my savings and family’s future to, if you can recommend anyone, slip into my …

Jul 25, 2023: Scissor me on parenting In a story on the book ‘Welcome to Sex’, Amy Remeikis writes in The Guardian: The response to a sex education and consent book which was …

Jul 25, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 Our last Monday in Puglia

Jul 25, 2023: 📚 After backing and reading Renai Le May’s The Frustrated State it felt like Australian governments had completed, achieved the highest level of …

Jul 25, 2023: When people talk about how the 80s were better I want to remind them that there was a character on TV whose name was Gordon Shumway, called himself …

Jul 25, 2023: This is terrible branding, design, and UX. How am I going to remember where to go to be an insufferable prick now?

Jul 24, 2023: Thirteen eggs, four pregnancies, six years, and two children ago I shared this on Facebook six years ago, on July 24, 2017: Something you probably don’t realise when you ask me to be your celebrant is that in …

Jul 24, 2023: Michael Bierut: No one will remember that it was on time, everyone will remember that it was bad.

Jul 24, 2023: Starting to feel a little bit alone over here in Italy. Trying to get some Aussie work done and it looks like Telstra cuts you off from WiFi calling …

Jul 24, 2023: A birds eye view of Martina Franca, in southern Puglia, where we’ve been hanging out this month. In these photos, happening at the same time, is …

Jul 24, 2023: Enshittification reaches the wedding industry, revealing The Knot to be rotten Three former employees of The Knot have blown thy whitsle. Jennifer Croom Davidson, former Global Fashion Director; Rachel LaFera, former Director of …

Jul 23, 2023: I’ve just finished reading Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution by P. W. Singer, recommended by my favourite Cybersecurity Guard, …

Jul 23, 2023: This is Luna, pitching you her idea for her new TV show. If you are a TV producer, Luna would like to sit down and talk about you buying the rights to …

Jul 23, 2023: Love will save the day

Jul 23, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🚁 Fifteen of Monopoli’s best from my Mavic in Puglia yesterday

Jul 22, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🏖️ Torre Canne, Puglia

Jul 22, 2023: One day we’ll have to explain to our grandkids that we all dressed daggy now because of Elon Musk.

Jul 22, 2023: Big news crew, new gender droppin

Jul 22, 2023: Doing the right thing is always the right thing If you're interested in learning more about Tony Bennett's activism, take a look at this story from …

Jul 22, 2023: ⛪️ I did it, I finally did it. I crucified the sun. … and other photos from the sunset over Monopoli, Puglia, this afternoon 📷🌇🇮🇹

Jul 21, 2023: This might be a silly question for an old nerd to ask, but for those that know the answer, why is the book he famously write in prison, ‘The …

Jul 21, 2023: Derek Sivers in The past is not true: Aim a laser pointer at the moon, then move your hand the tiniest bit, and it’ll move a thousand miles at the …

Jul 20, 2023: No matter how hard they try, the modern web can’t escape Wordpress.

Jul 20, 2023: 📷🇮🇹🏖️ Family day at the beach at Cala Maka. The beach is apparently/allegedly called Torre Canne Nord Prima della Casa Grigia, which translated from …

Jul 20, 2023: I shared these words from Craig Mod a year ago today. But since then we made the choice to uproot our life in Australia, move to Mexico, then leave …

Jul 19, 2023: 🗺️ Where’s Josh’o? An update Just going on the record for everyone who asks where we are, where we’re living now, and if we’re ever coming home to Australia: we’re in Italy then …

Jul 19, 2023: I think this would be an awesome idea: a mashup of a reddit-like voting system with events calendar and geotagging plus some Atlas Obscura. Basically …

Jul 19, 2023: Will the 2026 Commonwealth Games, originally supposed to be in Victoria, Australia, be the first ones to test the “Vancouver should be the …

Jul 19, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 40 degrees celsius today in Martina Franca, but the second you step into the shade the temperature drops about fifteen of those bad boy degrees.

Jul 19, 2023: Thought I would check on the two-year-old before going to bed …

Jul 19, 2023: A Declaration of the Interdependence of Cyberspace: Closed Fiefdoms of the platform world, you weary giants of stocks and small talk, I come from the …

Jul 19, 2023: Apparently, it’s wise to let people know you have things available if you indeed do have things available … which I have neglected to do …

Jul 19, 2023: I really like the tiny awards

Jul 19, 2023: Much gratitude to @Mtt for designing a really nice and extremely useful Micro.Blog theme in Tiny Theme. I woke up this morning with a blog refresh on …

Jul 19, 2023: I feel like not a day goes by that I don’t witness an even more Italian thing than I had witnessed previously. Today’s most Italian thing I’ve ever …

Jul 19, 2023: It’s always easy to differentiate Italians and tourists on the streets of Puglia. Italians are in the street yelling at each other, tourists are in …

Jul 18, 2023:

📷🇮🇹 Alberobello, Puglia

Jul 18, 2023: Looks like Canon is doing five blades

Jul 17, 2023: Aliens have come to Australia. When they ask for our leader, who do we call? Chuck, Albo, Sandilands, or Murdoch?

Jul 17, 2023:

📷🇮🇹 Polignano a Mare, Puglia

Jul 16, 2023: Wild times back in the forties

Jul 16, 2023: Diver

Jul 16, 2023: Swimming in the ocean and in ocean caves with your four year old is a workout right?

Jul 15, 2023: This week ahead sees the Australian celebrancy movement celebrate its 50th anniversary. 50 years ago 0% of Australian weddings were lead by a civil …

Jul 15, 2023: I sure hope these peeps who make somewhere between $150,000 USD to multiple millions a year are going to be financially ok through this strike.

Jul 15, 2023: If I can be really frank, does anyone else “have parents” but honestly really doesn’t have parents relationally/socially/spiritually and when you have …

Jul 15, 2023: Italian kids get way more realistic puzzles than Aussie kids

Jul 15, 2023: The most terrifying thing I’ve seen in Italy so far was ten Italian youths aged around 12 years old loudly chanting “gay!” and aggressively geaturing …

Jul 14, 2023: My favourite/least-favourite thing to do when travelling Italy is go to these million year old classical Italian osterias (restaurants) run by the …

Jul 14, 2023: Does anyone else have weird iPhone storage glitches? I’ve had this problem for the last maybe 4-5 years where my iPhone doesn’t actually …

Jul 13, 2023: The most fascinating, whilst also overwhelming, experience in travel, especially when you undertake it for more than a weekend is …

Jul 12, 2023: I think I just accidentally haggled with a vendor in an Italian street market. I thought the fruit cost less than five euros, I gave him five euro., …

Jul 12, 2023: When I first went into self-employment over a decade ago now I set up templates for common or transactional emails and I was always aware that I …

Jul 12, 2023: You’ve heard the phrase “Content is King”, coined by Sumner Redstone - the old rich white person behind CBS, Viacom, Paramount, MTV, …

Jul 11, 2023: 15 years of the Apple App Store and my first purchases are realllll nerdy

Jul 11, 2023: I’ve been featured in all the great newspapers around the world, the New York Times was one of the coolest. But none felt as good as having one of my …

Jul 11, 2023: Why the rush to 5G? On a per user basis, a 5G network is cheaper to operate than a 4G one. The technology is easier to maintain and more reliable. …

Jul 11, 2023: Jiddu Krishnamurti: The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.

Jul 11, 2023: “For everything there is a place but that of wonders is just a little more hidden…”

Jul 11, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 We went for a drive to the little village of Ostuni today and unknowingly stumbled upon a Dolce & Gabbana fashion show. We didn’t stick around …

Jul 10, 2023: 📷🇮🇹 Sunday frames from Martina Franca, Puglia, Italy

Jul 10, 2023: Threads, compared to Mastodon and BlueSky, is the difference between an idea and a product. When Steve Jobs saw the graphical user interface with a …

Jul 10, 2023: Apple Photos face detection software needs a “tell me the date and location of that photo” button when asking which of your daughters it …

Jul 10, 2023: Programmed a Zapier zap to get ChatGPT to reply to my website wedding enquiries with an email and a text message in the form of our deceased cat …

Jul 9, 2023: Pretty much me

Jul 8, 2023: Can I share a weird thing that has haunted me for over a decade now? Yoko Ono followed me on Twitter 10 years ago and I forgot to follow her back. Has …

Jul 8, 2023: PJ Vogt’s new podcast helps me feel better about my deep desire to drink coffee mid-flight. Do you drink airline coffee?

Jul 8, 2023: One of my great loves in this world is the format and medium of audio storytelling. First radio, then podcasting, it’s one of the most beautiful …

Jul 7, 2023: The girls say they’ll catch us dinner tonight. I’m googling pizzerias.

Jul 7, 2023: I think about the Malcolm Gladwell book ‘Talking to Strangers’ every day We think we can easily see into the hearts of others based on the flimsiest …

Jul 7, 2023: My day job is to stand in between people on their wedding day and make them smile then kiss. It’s not a bad gig tbh. Yesterday in Puglia, Italy, with …

Jul 7, 2023: Cory Doctorow was on the ABC talking about enshittification and it was beautiful. Must listen audio/radio.

Jul 7, 2023: Advice I read recently said “Social networks: choose two” and I can’t drop the feeling that it’s quite sage. In the overwhelm …

Jul 7, 2023: The shining light in the rubbish pile that is Twitter is the @HelpfulNotes service. There is so much misinformation out there, so many people so keen …

Jul 6, 2023: Social media tier list - July 6, 2023, update 🎂 This is the official tier list of social networks, all of them, from the beginning of time to July 6, 2023. This list is not to be questioned and is …

Jul 6, 2023: 🧵

Jul 6, 2023: Normalise back to work after a sabbatical photos

Jul 6, 2023: First day back at work photos

Jul 5, 2023: After being on sabbatical for almost seven months I’m creating a marriage ceremony today. I don’t think I’ve ever had a break from my day job for this …

Jul 5, 2023: 🏖️ Tuesday at Spiaggia Lido Silvana, Puglia, Italy

Jul 4, 2023: Threads, a thread 🧵 Decentralisocial networks are cool, but you know what’s also cool? Talking to your existing friends group, and having your content enjoyed by …

Jul 4, 2023: Happy America Day

Jul 4, 2023: We’ve been in more Airbnb’s this last year than most people, about 35 so far I think. Most hosts mention either in person, or in their …

Jul 4, 2023: Remember when we’d suffix names with 2000 to make them feel cool and modern?

Jul 3, 2023: 2023: when everything has to mean something. Taylor Swift touring somewhere or not touring somewhere being a political move is wild. She’s not …

Jul 3, 2023: If anyone’s forgotten their password recently I can pick you up a new one when this store opens later today

Jul 3, 2023: Italian supermarkets: two aisles worth of pasta, but no rolled oats

Jul 3, 2023: Sunday in Puglia

Jul 3, 2023: My new Kobo is better than my old Kindle, but barely 📚 I’ve owned and used a Kindle for over a decade, it had been my favourite gadget for so long. But over the years I started to realise that …

Jul 2, 2023: Looking for fiction book recommendations. Give me the name and why you think I’ll like it.

Jul 2, 2023: Hey Siri, prepare an edit of the Richmond FC players singing So Long, Farewell to Elon Musk.

Jul 2, 2023: New month, new locale. Hello, Martina Franca, Puglia.

Jul 1, 2023: Temple of Valadier: Refuge for sinners Over 1000 years old, this sanctuary in Genga’s Frasassi Caves was intended to be a refuge from sinners, but when you see it from a sky, it looks …

Jun 30, 2023: Rate my desk (June 2023 edition) For the past ten months, my and my family’s non-clothing and non-toiletries life has completely lived inside a Think Tank camera bag and it will …

Jun 30, 2023: Is the future of TV, radio? Or the future of radio is TV? Either way, it’s almost 7pm and this is what Italians are watching on TV?

Jun 29, 2023: The number one indicator that you’re an old dad is when your cables and leads company emails “Let’s Catch Up!” and “We …

Jun 29, 2023: My (IMHO aweome) international travel charging situation As a family we travel with a MacBook Pro, iPad mini, two iPhones, Apple Watch, and a series of things that require either USB-A, USB-C, or micro USB …

Jun 28, 2023: Tonight we sojourn at the Tavignano Estate in Cingoli, Italy.

Jun 27, 2023: Apple Vision has been 'in development' for 28 years Tim Cook once said that “we are high on AR for the long run” and it’s true, for 28 years Apple - and the rest of the tech industry - …

Jun 26, 2023: Was just driving and stopped at a red traffic light in a small Italian village and a civilian car drives up being me, looks around, and just overtakes …

Jun 26, 2023: South Carolina, you go grrl

Jun 26, 2023: Does Apple Vision mean 360 content is finally going to have its moment? I’ve been playing around with 360 content for over seven years ago now and I have a few questions about where Apple is going to take the format. …

Jun 25, 2023: I just want to go on the record for being totally cool and not scared at all by the demonic kitten sound coming from the vineyard outside our Airbnb …

Jun 25, 2023: Apple Reminders in iOS 17 is finally getting pretty useful

Jun 25, 2023: How Italians know whether to walk around shirtless or not

Jun 25, 2023: Our Italian Airbnb’s TV made me feel all nostalgic

Jun 24, 2023: I’m back baby! Listening to an investor on a podcast today reminded me of how and why I do what I do. He was talking about advice that he had been …

Jun 24, 2023: Is there an AI tool around yet to help manage customer journeys? New client comes in, and the AI can take that journey on the pre-set rails we decide …

Jun 24, 2023: Made our way into Italy today and caught the sun at it’s grandest, just before it goes to sleep.

Jun 23, 2023: I accidentally installed the developer beta of iOS 17. It’s mostly fine with a handful of annoying bugs you’d expect to see three months away from …

Jun 23, 2023: Whenever someone sees a photo of mine and asks me what iPhone I used my 25kg full ThinkTank camera bag weeps.

Jun 23, 2023: The thing that’s extremely visible throughout Europe is that there was a time that buildings weren’t just built but they were created, and created …

Jun 23, 2023: A 360 view of the sunset on our last night in Liechtenstein from the Fürstin-Gina-Weg, or in English, Princess Gina memorial trail on the Sareis …

Jun 22, 2023: Snuck over the border to Switzerland to watch the sun set today

Jun 22, 2023: Striking images at the Lichtenstein national museum of a medieval Liechtensteiner teenager using his early-model iPhone

Jun 22, 2023: Weirdest thing I’ve seen in Liechtenstein award goes to …

Jun 22, 2023: How all men bathe

Jun 22, 2023: Hey, Europe. Why?

Jun 21, 2023: Despite being 450km from an ocean or sea, summer has hit Lichtenstein and the country’s beach is open!

Jun 21, 2023: It’s normally pretty hard to try and fit an entire nation in one photo. It’s a little bit easier if you’re making a 360 panoramic …

Jun 21, 2023: Showed the kids what the early iPhones looked like at the Liechtenstein National Museum

Jun 21, 2023: Can you spot which country FIFA left off the list of countries that play football/soccer in the FIFA exhibit at the Lichtenstein national museum?

Jun 21, 2023: I have a confession to make. I didn’t know “The Alps” were a thing. I thought people referred to “the alps” when they …

Jun 21, 2023: You should not open a door and see someone pooping. Srsly.

Jun 20, 2023: From the University of Berkshire Hathaway by Daniel Pecaut, Corey Wrenn: Buffett also shared some of his classic bits of wisdom about growing wealth. …

Jun 20, 2023: AI and I just published a children's book: The Mountain Princess About three hours ago I was putting my daughter to bed and thought it would be cute to have ChatGPT write a fairytale about Luna and where we’re …

Jun 18, 2023: Lichtenstein 3D One of my childhood happy memories was receiving gifts from my Aunty Tracey who lived in Lichtenstein. She was always sending Liechtenstein …

Jun 17, 2023: Be curious, not judgmental. – Walt Whitman

Jun 17, 2023: From Apple IIe to AI: Embrace the Wave or Risk Irrelevance I vividly remember all of my earliest computer experiences. I remember borrowing computer magazines from the school library that contained basic code, …

Jun 17, 2023: I’ll always remember the day I met the late Gold Coast Mayor, Ron Clarke, and he called me Red Dog for no apparent reason.

Jun 17, 2023: In 2012 I was newly married. Britt and I had decided to take our wedding business somewhere bigger than 1-2 weddings a year, so we started marketing …

Jun 17, 2023: The fascinating story of Castle Itter and the last European WWII battle Driving across Austria this week we’ve seen plenty of castles, we even stayed in one, and every sighting of one is pretty special. There’s …

Jun 17, 2023: We’re taking the girls to one of the smallest countries in the world tomorrow, somewhere I’ve known about since I was a very young boy. My …

Jun 16, 2023: Retiring now

Jun 16, 2023: It’s so pleasurable to read lovely and persuasive writing like this

Jun 16, 2023: I know that we have ye olde internet, but I think I’d still like to have a physical encyclopaedia at home for our kids. Check out this Ars …

Jun 16, 2023: Watched the sun set into Germany across the German/Austrian border tonight.

Jun 15, 2023: There’s no kangaroos in Austria. You know what’s funny about our time in Austria is that I knew nothing about the country a few weeks ago, my main …

Jun 15, 2023: Travelling with children advice I was asked recently about advice for travelling with young children. My family including our now 4.5 and 2 year olds, left home almost a year ago and …

Jun 14, 2023: Cuddling Goldie after a late night diaper change and I was contemplating how she and Luna have slept under almost 37 roofs since we left home in …

Jun 14, 2023: Driving through Mondsee (Moon Lake)

Jun 14, 2023: Blue skies and tailwinds makes for a good day in the office/Mavic 3 at Drachenwand (in English, Dragon Wall).

Jun 14, 2023: I’m not sure I’ll ever feel an emotion stronger than what I felt when I saw this #iykyk

Jun 12, 2023: There’s a campaign to update the Australian Marriage Act of 1961 and every letter to a Federal Member of Parliament helps move the needle on …

Jun 12, 2023: Views of and from and above Lake Wolfgang, near Salzburg, Austria

Jun 10, 2023: David Cain in Everything Must Be Paid for Twice: If you look around your home, you might notice many possessions for which you’ve paid the first …

Jun 10, 2023: I’m at a cafe in Pöggstall, middle of nowhere, Austria, and next to me are two elderly couples loudly discussing the issues of the world in German. …

Jun 10, 2023: We flew into Vienna two days ago and didn’t even go into the city, but straight out into the hills, which despite their beauty, they are not filled …

Jun 10, 2023: An important note from a local store

Jun 10, 2023: Tonight’s AirBnb is 770 years in the making: Pöggstall Castle, in Lower Austria. Our 35th accomodation since we left home last August. Honestly …

Jun 9, 2023: Who wins the MS Publisher 2023 wars? Canva? The new Adobe Express? Microsoft Designer?

Jun 9, 2023: It must be lovely to be proud of where you're from I imagine it would feel rather nice to be proud of the part of your story that you didn’t really have any choice in. The country you were born …

Jun 9, 2023: Our pilot wanted to give us the full Heathrow tour. Never go full Heathrow.

Jun 8, 2023: Adios, Heathrow

Jun 8, 2023: The Withers family has done London

Jun 8, 2023: David Whyte: The ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement, neither of the other nor of the self, the ultimate touchstone is witness, the …

Jun 8, 2023: Does anyone want to start an Australian airline with me and ChatGPT?

Jun 7, 2023: Did you know that the Windows XP Bliss wallpaper was photographed in Sonoma? The same Sonoma this year’s macOS is named after.

Jun 7, 2023: People seeing the iMac, then iPod, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AirPods, and then Apple Vision, on day one: it’s stupid, not for me, too …

Jun 6, 2023:

Jun 6, 2023:  Vision Pro

Jun 5, 2023: London is a fascinating place where Big Tea™️ has convinced an entire population that garbage water is a valid hot drink. Everyone speaks in a cute …

Jun 5, 2023: Mum to kid (about 4) trying to get him to do something: … or someone’s going to be very upset with you. Kid, loudly, in the sweetest British accent: …

Jun 3, 2023: I needed help planning the month ahead’s travel, having not been off the beaten track too much in Europe, so I engaged everyone’s …

Jun 3, 2023: British things

Jun 3, 2023: Come together, right now

Jun 3, 2023: Hey Britain, why did you all get so excited about leaving Europe but still walk on the right hand side of the footpath?

Jun 3, 2023: Everyone’s talking about augmented reality at WWDC but no-one’s talking about sharing bodily liquid movements. Come on Apple. Let me share more bodily …

Jun 2, 2023: I’d like a 2023 version of Piano Man where Paul, the real estate novelist, upskills to writing prompts for ChatGPT, John the bartender starts a …

Jun 2, 2023: 185 million views on Unsplash, 19 million views on Pexels, and I’ve just sold my first photo from my print store. Don’t rush and twist an …

Jun 2, 2023: Don’t tell anyone but the opening of track six on the new Foo Fighters album had me thinking that there was a Taylor Swift collab inside. …

Jun 2, 2023: I made a Steve Jobs chatbot based on the book Make Something Wonderful and asked him how he would bring AR glasses to market. “… and …

Jun 1, 2023: Luna’s following in my footsteps! By being a radio broadcaster to an unprofitably small audience.

Jun 1, 2023: Remember that classic scene from Notting Hill where Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts' characters meet at a travel bookstore and then get a doughnut from …

May 31, 2023: Overcast and 14 degrees Celsius and the Britts are so sure it’s good weather that there’s a kid at the park in their swimmers.

May 30, 2023: London things

May 29, 2023: WordPress just turned 20 years old, which means I’ve been using it for different projects for a smidge under 20 years. My memory is that I was …

May 28, 2023: Luna, who considers herself royalty, wanted to present at the king’s house

May 28, 2023: Someone call the fire brigade

May 28, 2023: Maggi Hambling: It is not difficult to make a work of art, the difficulty lies in being in the right state to do it.

May 27, 2023: Withers on film in Hawaii

May 27, 2023: Withers on film at the TWA Hotel. Man, I loved this hotel!

May 27, 2023: Withers in Mexico. I found an undeveloped roll of film from our time in Baja California Sur. Missing Cerritos Beach!

May 27, 2023: Withers in Paris on 35mm film

May 27, 2023: What is, and isn’t, AI/artificial intelligence? Is displaying the letter a on a computer screen, or printing it to paper with a printer, by pressing …

May 26, 2023: Every leg of this journey we drop a bag. We’re down three suitcases so far. At this stage when we come home to Australia in August we’ll be …

May 25, 2023: Bought Luna her first camera, the Hyundai Excel of first cameras: a Nikon point and shoot. I believe that my kids should save for their first Canon …

May 25, 2023: She called us to the church house, gin house, school house, and outhouse. She called us to the Nutbush City limits from the wedding dance floors of …

May 24, 2023: AI is genuinely exciting and terrifying but most of us nerds have been thinking about it and talking about it for 30 years. This is Steve Jobs in …

May 24, 2023:

May 24, 2023: If you ever want to hate yourself you should try writing a book, then editing the book, and then reading it.

May 24, 2023: AI is super interesting to me

May 23, 2023: This is beautiful and terrifying

May 23, 2023: A terrifying argument for paper voting in voting booths from Ready Player One: Besides, now that everyone could vote from home, via the OASIS, the …

May 23, 2023: Do dogs understand elevators or are they just like ‘Ok it’s time to get into the world changer’? (via @ronnui_ on Twitter via the Dense Discovery …

May 23, 2023: Those good family dinners, they’re no accident

May 22, 2023: Hawaii versus Paris

May 21, 2023: I

May 20, 2023: Imagine being as big as a failure as Yahoo

May 20, 2023: Dan Shipper in The Unreasonable Effectiveness of 1-1 Learning: One of the most famous studies in educational psychology found that students who …

May 20, 2023: Just found out that Metallica played a concert across town last night and there were tickets available. I had Australian tickets for their …

May 20, 2023: Film’s not dead. On arrival to a film lab at 3pm on a Friday in Paris there’s like seven people ahead of me and three behind me pretty quickly.

May 19, 2023: If publishers paid as much attention to how their articles were experienced by readers as newspaper editors used to, maybe they wouldn’t be going …

May 19, 2023: “Non-smoking Garden of Eden” As Moses wrote in the book of Genesis, the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good …

May 19, 2023: A mum playing Frozen on her phone for her daughter at the playground is super confused as to why every other kid at the playground is up in her grill …

May 18, 2023: Watching 1980s Inspector Gadget with Luna this morning and I never realised how much Gadget influenced my life. All I ever wanted was Penny’s …

May 18, 2023: Am I a man or a muppet? Sitting in a park in Paris watching my kids play I was struck by the idea that at age 41, married for almost 11 years, with two children, that …

May 18, 2023: Evidence that the world’s first mobile phone was probably French

May 17, 2023: Excited to share another chapter of the book today: I still distinctly remember the day after getting engaged and Britt’s aunty called with thoughts …

May 17, 2023: None of the current large language models/artificial intelligences understand the concept of months, or calendar months, or leap years. So I’m …

May 17, 2023: Look, AI is great and everything, but I think we’re going to be ok

May 16, 2023: What a wonderful time to be alive:

May 15, 2023: Photos I made yesterday in Paris

May 15, 2023: I stacked a Lime scooter an hour ago to make this photo of this local tower in Paris so you better like it or share it or comment or something so my …

May 14, 2023: The not her damn of paris - still under construction

May 14, 2023: The Brisbane Story Bridge of Paris is what they call it

May 14, 2023: Parisian things

May 14, 2023: Fourteen The 14th of May is my celebrant anniversary and today in 2023 I begin my 15th year creating awesome marriage ceremonies for adventurous couples who …

May 14, 2023: Paris’s final metre You’ve heard of the final mile. This is the final metre. Up until 1791 they’d been measuring things without any care for a standard, much like the USA …

May 12, 2023: Milton Glaser: You feel differently towards the world when you make things.

May 12, 2023: Apple Shortcut for recording photography metadata I’m passionate about making photos, but I have a sub-passion in recording good metadata around those photos as they enter my iCloud Photo …

May 12, 2023: I think this is the great pyramid of France

May 12, 2023: Introducing, an eye full tower. Built for the 1889 World’s Fair only to be upstaged 99 years later at 1988 World Expo by the Brisbane Sky Needle.

May 11, 2023: When you order an americano with ‘some cold milk on the side’ in Paris

May 11, 2023: Stumbled into a second-hand-camera/new-Leica store in Paris and accidentally left with a Leica film camera after swiping my credit card. Oops.

May 11, 2023: Play

May 10, 2023: Luna Withers, art critic

May 10, 2023: Paris’s NFT Factory I stumbled across and subsequently visited an NFT art gallery in Paris today whilst walking the streets with Luna and trying to escape the rain. The …

May 9, 2023: My favourite thing to do in the big cities of the world is to ignore the must-do lists, the must-see places, the hotspots and the icons, and to just …

May 9, 2023: The playlist in the French cafe I’m sitting in just went from contemporary hits to one of the songs from Star Wars. Wild taste here.

May 9, 2023: The genesis story of Apple computers I’ve been thinking about this story from Steve Jobs, recalled in 1996 and told in the new book Make Something Wonderful, about how and why he …

May 9, 2023: 12 Ancient Greek Terms that Should Totally Make a Comeback Aidos was actually the Greek goddess of shame, modesty, respect, and humility. Aidos, as a …

May 8, 2023: My review and photos of the TWA Hotel at JFK Airport Let me spin you a yarn about my favourite airport hotel, the TWA Hotel at JFK Airport in New York. This hotel is a real beauty, with a great story …

May 6, 2023: Bluesky lovin

May 6, 2023: If you see my travel photos and think they’d look cool on your walls, I sell fine art prints, framed fine art prints, and canvas wraps in my online …

May 6, 2023: 44 hours door to door, Kona to Paris. Godspeed, us, with a four and two year old.

May 4, 2023: Ever since Twitter started falling on its face I’ve tried so many contenders, Mastodon, T2, BlueSky, Nostr, and I’ve been on for years …

May 4, 2023: This is a lovely click for today

May 4, 2023: I can still remember my ICQ number 25 years on (49739400) but I can’t remember the joke about remembering my ICQ number

May 3, 2023: Why Nick Cave is attending the King’s Coronation: I am not a monarchist, nor am I a royalist, nor am I an ardent republican for that matter; what I …

May 2, 2023: The Withers family in the island of Hawaiʻi

May 1, 2023: 🗿

May 1, 2023: 🔱

May 1, 2023: Some feelings of the Big Island of Hawaii, or the Island of Hawaiʻi, or Hawaiʻi Island, or Big Island, or Kona, or Hawaii County, or just Hawaii. I …

Apr 30, 2023: Unkept looking bloke who’s loudly mumbling to himself and is scaring the parents at the playground he’s circling because he looks like an addiction …

Apr 29, 2023: If you’ve ever been the first guy to map parts of Australia and New Zealand, to witness the transit of Venus so ya bois in the lab could figure out …

Apr 29, 2023: Lusting after the new Teenage Engineering microphone

Apr 28, 2023: Sitting in a Starbucks in Kona just now and a family of four Brits fresh off the Quantum of the Seas cruise ship which just arrived in town. …

Apr 26, 2023: Harry Belafonte finally met Mister Tally Man and had his banana’s tallied.

Apr 24, 2023: James Tylor and Matt Chun in the ANZAC Myth: The Australian government has fabricated a nationalist mythology around the invasion of Gelibolu …

Apr 24, 2023: The saddest part about Elon Musk screwing up Twitter and Twitter Blue is that the Internet needs to install a values system where we understand things …

Apr 21, 2023: I’ve been saying crap on the internet and into microphones connected to radio and TV towers for 20 years next year, it’s a miracle that the most …

Apr 21, 2023: I need help with panoramic images made with my DJI Mavic 3 drone. The camera itself stitches the images together but the stitch is never great. So it …

Apr 20, 2023: For Polkadot Wedding’s Planning Issue this month I wrote an article on choosing a wedding reading and also how you don’t need one so if you have one, …

Apr 20, 2023: Well, count me surprised and dumbfounded /s that this weird crap is happening on Spotify.

Apr 20, 2023: Stumbled across this fascinating story of Little Richard being in Australia in 1957, seeing the Russian satellite Sputnik in the sky and thinking the …

Apr 20, 2023: My first tweet was tweeted 18 months before I even started tweeting I’ve been reminiscing over Twitter this week, wondering what the last tweet will be amongst other things as Space Karen prepares to take away …

Apr 20, 2023: I’m working on a new business that is a web service - a mobile/desktop web app with video and audio upload components + email. I’ve never …

Apr 19, 2023: I was moved to hear of Father Bob’s passing. I’ve never met or talked to a crankier, lovelier, old bloke who was thoroughly and …

Apr 19, 2023: Shared my nerd bio in my NerdyBio interview

Apr 19, 2023: Everything that was old and awesome becomes new and terrible, whist still whipping the llama’s ass.

Apr 19, 2023: My “Batman only exists because of 9/11” theory I have a theory: today in 2023, we have a Batman because terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Centre towers in New York City, a.k.a Gotham …

Apr 16, 2023: Goldie, who just turned two, just buckled up her own airplane seat and is patiently awaiting takeoff whilst playing peek-a-boo with three different …

Apr 15, 2023: The news is incentivised to be broken and terrible I was a media and news man for over a decade, I loved being - what I considered to be - an important part of the community, telling its stories and …

Apr 14, 2023: Will, a mate of mine has written and released a guide on working in film and television production, something he’s an expert in. I thought …

Apr 14, 2023: Because I’m a man-child I wanted to share my two of my favourite photos from photographing the horse sanctuary in Baja

Apr 13, 2023: I’m pretty sure I know enough old nerds who would enjoy this purely for the nostalgia.

Apr 13, 2023: Reckon we could get the ChatGPT guys to spend an an afternoon working on spam filtering?

Apr 12, 2023: Once all the adults admit that they don’t know what a conservatory is we’ll finally get world peace

Apr 11, 2023: Bad news for plastic kitchen good lovers, Tupperware is about to go broke. Turns out they were about seven decades too early on the influencer …

Apr 11, 2023: Six months a gringo and no bad days Six months ago to the day we arrived in Baja California Sur without even knowing that’s what B.C.S. stood for in our hotel’s address as we filled out …

Apr 11, 2023: Our last Baja sunset for a while

Apr 11, 2023: Our last day in Baja

Apr 11, 2023: Last day of school for the girls in Baja

Apr 11, 2023: Never forget the French dancing plague of the summer of 1518.

Apr 11, 2023: Charlie Munger on how the world actually works: Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome.

Apr 10, 2023: I’ve thought about these three points pretty much every hour of every day since I first read it three days ago in James Clear’s 3-2-1 …

Apr 10, 2023: The future of content: video of someone watching a video of someone who wrote a song about their low self esteem sponsored by a real estate agent I’d …

Apr 9, 2023: Location, location, location #playacerritos

Apr 9, 2023: You’ve got to get up early to catch the Mexican Coke dealers

Apr 8, 2023: Todos Santos, BCS, on Good Friday

Apr 8, 2023: Still the best food and beverage proposition in Baja

Apr 8, 2023: Martha!

Apr 8, 2023: I’m doing a redesign of a website whilst also moving them from Squarespace to Shopify and I’m pretty sure the cheeky copy sprinkled across the new …

Apr 8, 2023: Good Friday for Luna

Apr 8, 2023: I’m going to miss living in the desert when we leave next week. So many cactus started flowering this week and they’re beautiful.

Apr 8, 2023: Apple’s gotta be the company to come in and either buy or partner with StabilityAI right?

Apr 6, 2023: “Please lower your standards”

Apr 4, 2023: Baja sunset

Apr 4, 2023: Synecdoche The worst sin committed by the news media, today is using synecdoches, helping simplify stories, fitting complex stories into headlines or a tweet …

Apr 4, 2023: Millennial quiz: What have you got if you’ve got Sick Puppies next to Puddles of Mud with Twenty One Pilots?

Apr 4, 2023: How do you do fellow kids?

Apr 2, 2023: The moon over Baja tonight was so beautiful. Here it is captured by three lenses. Ones an iPhone 14 Pro’s 24mm lens, another is a Canon RF 35mm, and …

Apr 2, 2023: Researching places to stay and this is the third sentence in the second paragraph in Wikipedia: In 1968, five Swiss artillery shells accidentally hit …

Apr 1, 2023: I’ve never flown Delta Air Lines, but Britt did last week, and a friend here in Baja is a frequent flyer with the airline, both, unprompted, cited the …

Mar 31, 2023: 📷 Practice (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @hollie)

Mar 31, 2023: My first look at the 400 megapixel mode on the Canon EOS R5 I’m a sucker for megapixels, because as much as they really don’t matter to most people - and they really shouldn’t - for me they …

Mar 31, 2023: Ronald Sharp via James Clear’s excellent email, on how friendship transforms us (or any great relationship, really): It’s not about what someone can …

Mar 31, 2023: “Now this being so, how much happier and better would the world not be if only it could be purged of women?” From a March 28, 1912, letter to the …

Mar 31, 2023: 📷 Mirror (@Rori) Now you’re just a music playback medium that I used to know. (Found in an op-shop in 2017)

Mar 30, 2023: I’m feeling bullish on the new group-messaging app and platform, Wavelength, After reading John Gruber’s review, then using it and joining …

Mar 30, 2023: Eleven years ago I asked Britt to marry me, and honestly, it would still be my best idea yet. I’ve written the story into my Rebels Guide draft …

Mar 30, 2023: Over a decade ago Vinod Khosla wrote a series of blog posts about artificial intelligence, the forecasts hold up today, and the headline basically …

Mar 30, 2023: 📷 Slice (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @meandering) Last week Goldie grabbed a big knife off the kitchen bench when I …

Mar 29, 2023: Number of times a well-regulated militia has been required in the USA this year: zero. Number of times a school student has been wanted to not be shot …

Mar 29, 2023: Dropped a new draft chapter of the Rebels Guide to Getting Married today: choosing a person to marry.

Mar 29, 2023: Thinking about the Coolangatta boardriders today

Mar 29, 2023: Ted Gioia on becoming a Substack shareholder and why the rest of the business isn’t run like this. Why don’t the creators own the …

Mar 29, 2023: 📷 Prompt (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @moonmehta)

Mar 28, 2023: I cannot imagine living in a community where the word “another” preceding “school shooting” isn’t cause for rioting in the streets and major societal …

Mar 28, 2023: I’m just a boy, standing in front of a couple, asking them to make out in front of their grandparents. (I’m a wedding celebrant)

Mar 28, 2023: When Vanilla Ice rapped that he was back with a ‘brand new invention’, he was indeed ‘back’ after his first hit, a cover of …

Mar 28, 2023: Oh, this is awkward. The artificial intelligence doesn’t know that the United Kingdom has left the European Union. If I tell it is it going to …

Mar 28, 2023: 📷 Support (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @JohnAN) I’ve spent a lot of time at the Los Sagrados Horse Sanctuary …

Mar 28, 2023: The computer at Picfair has decided that these pieces of art are the ones people are most likely to buy from my print store and hang on their wall, …

Mar 28, 2023: Creedence Clearwater Revival’s ‘Have You Ever Seen the Rain?’ is playing in the cafe and I’m singing ‘Have you ever seen …

Mar 27, 2023: The one where Father Nathan Monk casually suggests that Jesus might of been gay. The Christians are going to roast you, Monk. Godspeed.

Mar 27, 2023: Are we giving the window washers at traffic lights too much money?

Mar 27, 2023: 22 Jump Street is going to be Kanye’s Mother Theresa moment.

Mar 27, 2023: Which cinematic alien or monster do you think my huevos rancheros looks like? I’m seeing Dr. Zoidberg.

Mar 27, 2023: I have a confession. I don’t know where to take the book I’m writing. I actually feel kind of stupid for even having thought I should …

Mar 27, 2023: 📷 Instrument (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @UnfocusedWanderlust) On Friday I was photographing Los Sagrados for their …

Mar 27, 2023: All eyes on Apple’s AI move, are they going full neural? I’ve spent the last week mulling an idea about Apple and AI then Linus goes and writes a piece which basically is what I was going to write, with the …

Mar 26, 2023: Disco tech

Mar 26, 2023: Luna and I flexing our frequent flyer privileges this afternoon.

Mar 26, 2023: This week in cactus

Mar 26, 2023: While Britt’s been away this last fortnight I’ve had heaps of one-on-one time with Goldie while her big sister is at school.

Mar 26, 2023: Jose M. Gilgado on embracing a title to help you actually become, that title: The earlier you use that new term: “athlete,” “writer,” or “artist,” …

Mar 26, 2023: Jon Haidt in Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest: There was a culture that was encouraged on Tumblr, which was to be able …

Mar 26, 2023: Bono and The Edge’s Tiny Desk Concert is beautiful. In particular, the “argument between two mates”, Stuck in Moment You Can’t …

Mar 26, 2023: Missing home/Australia/Gold Coast tonight

Mar 26, 2023: After reading this, all I want to do is walk the streets of LA.

Mar 26, 2023: Helen Garner on happiness in The Guardian: What is happiness, anyway? Does anybody know? It’s taken me 80 years to figure out that it’s not a …

Mar 26, 2023: Virginia Heffernan in the Wired article on TSMC, “I Saw the Face of God in a Semiconductor Factory”: In 1675, A French merchant named …

Mar 26, 2023: 📷 Spice (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @cygnoir)

Mar 26, 2023: It’s been four months since I’ve blasted this idea across the internet, so here’s my regular reminder that I blog before I post on …

Mar 26, 2023: I can’t stop thinking about this RIAA story with Steve Jobs. It’s amazing how fragile - while also strong - the world is. Thank God Rogue …

Mar 26, 2023: How to cook soup, by the late Dean Allen: First, you need some water. Fuse two hydrogen with one oxygen and repeat until you have enough. While the …

Mar 26, 2023:

Mar 26, 2023: Shane Claiborne in The Irresistible Revolution: Once we are actually friends with folks in struggle, we start to ask why people are poor, which is …

Mar 26, 2023: Gurwinder: The Opinion Pageant: The rise of social media as the primary mode of interaction has caused us to overvalue opinions as a gauge of …

Mar 25, 2023: Help me name my new creation which I made for the kids for dinner tonight. It’s a quesadilla with leftover spaghetti bolognaise sauce and despite …

Mar 25, 2023: Coming soon to old London Town, pixels that I made in Burleigh Heads.

Mar 25, 2023: Rutger Bregman in Humankind: Cynicism is a theory of everything. The cynic is always right.

Mar 25, 2023: Three years of hell Three years ago today I had the wildest, wettest day at work so far. Bringing a wedding forward a day, performing the wedding ceremony I already had …

Mar 25, 2023: 📷 Court (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @rom)

Mar 24, 2023: Most people I respect or look up to journal every day but it’s not a habit I can get into. Tonight I learned about the simple and powerful 1-1-1 …

Mar 24, 2023: Had coffee at a cafe in Todos Santos today where they hand out 30-minute wifi access codes. They mixed my order up - bringing a cold americano with …

Mar 24, 2023: A new website for Los Sagrados Horse Sanctuary Flexed my vintage graphic design skills for the local Baja horse sanctuary recently and I’m pretty proud of the work I’ve done. I used to do web …

Mar 24, 2023: 📷 Chance (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @V_)

Mar 23, 2023: 📷 Insect (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by a@alexink)

Mar 22, 2023: 📷 Tiny {people} (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @jasonmcfadden) It was Luna’s turn to decide what we had for breakfast. …

Mar 21, 2023: It’s easy to laugh at Rupert Murdoch getting engaged for the fifth time at the ripe age of 92, but at least he’s doing his part to help …

Mar 21, 2023: Maryanne Wolf on reading: Literacy literally changes the human brain. The process of learning to read changes our brain, but so does what we read, …

Mar 21, 2023: You know yo’ve really embedded yourself in a Mexican community when you see a friend riding in the back of a truck on the highway.

Mar 21, 2023: 📷 Houseplant. Did I do the #mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt right, @jensands)? (Photo made a few moments ago on the way to get a coffee …

Mar 20, 2023: 📷🇲🇽 Analog (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @skarjune) I made these photos on Playa Cerritos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, …

Mar 19, 2023: 📷 Portico (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @annahavrom) From a snow day in Nashville between Christmas and New Year’s Eve …

Mar 18, 2023: Dan Shipper’s representation of AI/GPT as a copilot for the mind harkens back to Steve Jobs talking about computers in 1990 as “a bicycle …

Mar 18, 2023: Ansel Adams: You don’t take a photograph, you make it.

Mar 18, 2023: 📷 Early (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @krisfredrick) also shared on Pexels.

Mar 17, 2023: Everyone move along, there’s nothing to see here. The “crack” on Josh’s iPhone screen that has occupied his sad mind for the last two hours was …

Mar 17, 2023: A bunch of smart people say we need to learn “‘critical ignoring’ – the ability to choose what to ignore and where to invest our limited …

Mar 17, 2023: 📷 Road (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @Dejus) There’s a saying in Baja that “bad roads bring good people and good roads …

Mar 16, 2023: Alexander Haymen: “Home is where people notice when you’re not there.”

Mar 16, 2023: 📷 Patience (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @amit)

Mar 15, 2023: 📷 Horizon (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @crossingthethreshold)

Mar 14, 2023: 📷 Connection (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @agilelisa) The moment I connected with my minutes-old first child and …

Mar 13, 2023: 📷 Shiny (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @odd) The second percolator I’ve owned in Mexico. I forgot the first one was on …

Mar 12, 2023: 📷 Gimcrack (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @jafish). My local tyre shop here in Baja California Sur has real gimcrack …

Mar 11, 2023: Friday afternoon in Pescadero, Baja California Sur

Mar 11, 2023: July: great at selling luggage, not great at supporting it Update: July have made good on this error and sent me a replacement bag to where I was in the USA. Thanks for going the extra-mile guys. I feel so …

Mar 11, 2023: You’re a Miracle by Mike McHargue is a book that zings around the inside of my brain all day every day: You are a miracle because 86 billion …

Mar 11, 2023: March 10, 1976, the first and last time “Articulate speech was transmitted intelligibly” over a telephone. For the 147 years since …

Mar 10, 2023: 📷 Ritual (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @drewbelf) Our morning coffee. While we’re in El Pescadero, it’s from La Comuna …

Mar 10, 2023: Keith Richards: To me, the main thing about living on this planet is to know who the hell you are and be real about it. That’s the reason …

Mar 10, 2023: 📷 Together (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @sherif) Our little nomadic family, our most recent photo all together in …

Mar 10, 2023: Rancho Gaspareño Bryan Jáuregui quotes Greg Schredder regarding Rancho Gaspareño, Baja California Sur, just south of Todos Santos, emphasis and photos mine: Rancho …

Mar 9, 2023: Charlie Warzel in The Atlantic writes on the vindication of Ask Jeeves: Many years later, it seems I owe Jeeves an apology: He had the right idea all …

Mar 9, 2023: 📷 Early morning beach walks with my three girls (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt ‘walk’ suggested by @lwdupont)

Mar 8, 2023: When dating apps match you up and ChatGPT writes your wedding vows, it’s like you’re part of a high-tech breeding program for computers. …

Mar 8, 2023: Ten whale soup off Todos Santos yesterday 🐋📷🚁

Mar 8, 2023: Just a wee little note that imma be on NBC News tonight from 8pm NY time talking about weddings with Gadi Schwartz in case you hadn’t heard enough …

Mar 8, 2023: Ed Catmull: We are meaning-making creatures who read other people’s subtle clues just as they read ours.

Mar 8, 2023: Jeff Hammerbacher, an early Facebook engineer: The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads.

Mar 8, 2023: Number three surprised me: The Best Nikon Camera For Wedding Photography In 2023.

Mar 8, 2023: From On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King 📚 “Put your desk in the corner, and every time you sit down there to write, remind …

Mar 8, 2023: 📷 Whole (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @val) A whole lot of whale as I saw it from my aerial camera yesterday.

Mar 7, 2023: Well, that’s a wrap on another day of pretending like I know what’s happening.

Mar 7, 2023: Because I couldn’t get my head clear to write this morning I worked on a cover for the book instead. If you’d walk past this in a shop and …

Mar 7, 2023: The future of creating is damned My greatest fear for my kids and for future generations is what it means to create within and around such specific analytics being available. I …

Mar 7, 2023: 📷 Engineering (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @ridwan) These are my DJI microphones, and as a travelling nerd I really …

Mar 6, 2023: 📷 Tile (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @thedimpulse) Luna, nine months old, taking a breather on the floor of a Tuscan …

Mar 6, 2023: 📷 Tile (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @thedimpulse) Photo made outside a small Italian restaurant in Brisbane.

Mar 5, 2023: Talking to a lovely old Mexican bloke in Cabo San Lucas and he asks where we live, I say Pescadero. He says, ‘I love Pescadero because it looks like a …

Mar 4, 2023: 📷 Zip (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @miraz) zip /zip/ verb fasten with a zipper. move at high speed.

Mar 4, 2023: Local Baja news includes the taco price index

Mar 4, 2023: If you look closely you’ll find yours truly’s name mentioned in the New York daily rag today.

Mar 4, 2023: U.S. petrochemicals giant Dow Inc and the Singapore government said they were transforming old sneakers into playgrounds and running tracks. Reuters …

Mar 4, 2023: 📷 Solitude (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @circustiger) I made this photo in Yosemite National Park.

Mar 3, 2023: The most interesting (to me) new app/social net-ugh-something-work is Artifact. It’s from the guys who created Instagram but it’s like a ‘TikTok for …

Mar 3, 2023: I fell victim to a phishing scam yesterday and man, I haven’t felt shame like that in a while. Here’s what happened, and how you could …

Mar 3, 2023: Anthony Bourdain in 1999 before he was that chef guy everyone knew, writing ‘Don’t Eat Before Reading This’ in the New Yorker: …

Mar 3, 2023: I don’t wish to cause the editors at Atlas Obscura any stress, but why is this not titled ‘The God’s Must Be Thirsty (for Red …

Mar 3, 2023: Islands, they’re always in the last place you look.

Mar 3, 2023: Celebrating Wayne Shorter (1933-2023) with his 2018 open letter co-authored with Herbie Hancock: “We are all pieces in a giant, fluid puzzle, …

Mar 3, 2023: 📷 Weather (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @pcora) Photo made in Newport Beach looking at Catalina on Saturday just …

Mar 2, 2023: 📷 Secure (#mbmar Micro Blog March photo challenge prompt suggested by @mandaris)

Mar 2, 2023: They got me by talking about my main domain name and my main domain host. Even though it’s not hosted at VentraIP. I’m just so used to having to …

Mar 2, 2023: One of the little joys of being great at your art is inspiring others to take part in it. So often I am asked how to become a celebrant, that I have …

Mar 2, 2023: A letter from a freelancing poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay, to her publisher, Poetry magazine, with the business inspiration we all could take, from …

Mar 2, 2023: I’m a sucker for a crazy plan of any genre, but a crazy plan to save newspapers, I’m all in, Ted.

Mar 2, 2023: This line from the late Rich Mullins is my inspiration for writing, but gosh it’s hard sometimes God spoke to Balaam through his ass, and God’s …

Mar 2, 2023:

Mar 1, 2023: 📷 Four frames from El Pescadero, Baja California Sur, today

Mar 1, 2023: 📷🚁🇲🇽 Four aerial frames from Playa Los Cerritos, Baja California Sur

Mar 1, 2023: 📷✈️🇺🇸 Four frames out the window of AA2171

Mar 1, 2023: 📷✈️🇺🇸 Four frames from LAX on Sunday

Mar 1, 2023: 📷 Four frames from Newport Beach this past weekend

Mar 1, 2023: Stephen King in On Writing: If you’re just starting out as a writer, you could do worse than strip your television’s electric plug-wire, wrap a spike …

Mar 1, 2023: Debt by David Graeber: If you owe the bank a hundred thousand dollars, the bank owns you. If you owe the bank a hundred million dollars, you own the …

Mar 1, 2023: Hey, don’t be alarmed or anything but the President of Mexico, the head honcho, the big guy in charge, has tweeted that one of his engineers has taken …

Feb 27, 2023:

Feb 27, 2023: I’ve just had my peak Mexican moment. I delivered a dad joke in Spanish and it was perfect. I’m at our local sushi restaurant ordering takeaway dinner …

Feb 27, 2023: If you want surf and snow in the same trip, I can definitely recommend Los Angeles today.

Feb 26, 2023: Drove past this park today and noticed something interesting on Google Maps at (33.6621623, -117.8775484). I wonder how many aircraft the Google Maps …

Feb 26, 2023: Now I’ve just got to hope the people writing memos or sending emails regarding Bel’s Guide don’t stop me.

Feb 26, 2023: Do you think Carls Sr. is proud of his son?

Feb 25, 2023: This is good content, we should podcast about it.

Feb 25, 2023: Visited the Japanese mothership (aka Canon campus) in Los Angeles and asked them to clean my cameras and lenses.

Feb 25, 2023: Steve Jobs in 1984 spotting a Macintosh in the wild for the first time. I couldn’t begin to imagine the what he was feeling seeing a product he knew …

Feb 24, 2023: I tried but it turns out you can’t go Out before you go In

Feb 24, 2023:

Feb 24, 2023: It’s so special to be in LA to watch the city fall to pieces with my own eyes.

Feb 23, 2023: ‘dat light + reflection

Feb 23, 2023: Los Angeles bound for a few days, thankfully it’s raining so we won’t stay long enough for it to make us soft.

Feb 23, 2023: Goldie, taking full advantage of the Shatner Seat

Feb 23, 2023: What a time to be alive

Feb 22, 2023: Pure second child energy. I’m going to start sneaking in to her room while she sleeps and bottling some of that excess second child energy and selling …

Feb 22, 2023: Hey everyone, make sure you update your … checks notes … Apple power cord …

Feb 21, 2023: Mexican Marines

Feb 21, 2023: Sunday // Playa Cerritos, BCS

Feb 19, 2023: Mark Twain’s use of a typewriter. I wonder if AI-writing is today’s typewriter?

Feb 19, 2023: Steven Pressfield on going deep: Everyone wants to succeed immediately and without pain or effort. Or they love to write books about how to write …

Feb 19, 2023: What’s the go with Mayor Humdinger? Is Foggy Bottom even a real township? Why does the Paw Patrol continue to rescue this evil man?

Feb 18, 2023: Tres es compañía (three frames of three humpback whales shot a few minutes ago in El Pescadero, Baja California Sur, Mexico)

Feb 17, 2023: Watched the sun set over the Pacific tonight as humpback whales came right up close to the shore so they could scratch their backs on the sand bars. …

Feb 16, 2023: Wednesday frames

Feb 13, 2023: Whale watching in Baja When you look down at just the right time // whale watching in El Pescadero, Baja California Sur

Feb 12, 2023: El Pescadero seafood stall

Feb 12, 2023: I heard you were into Jesus, so I got you some Jesus

Feb 11, 2023: For Britt’s 33rd birthday we went to CDMX, Mexico City, and painted the town pink. Pro Tip: if you’re ever asked what the largest city in North …

Feb 11, 2023: To celebrate Britt’s birthday we took a walking food tour of Coyoacán in Mexico City with Sabores Mexico Food Tours. 10 points to our guide, Enya, for …

Feb 11, 2023: Zoológico de Chapultepec // Mexico City’s free zoo Mexico City’s zoo is free to access, and weirdly, equal parts cool and scary. I’m Australia animal enclosures are 1) large and spacious, and 2) very, …

Feb 11, 2023: Freddie deBoer on SubStack: “The 90s were better. They just were. I’m sorry, but it’s science.”

Feb 10, 2023: In a world consumed by the idea of creating content, Burt Bacharach created the most evergreen content we’ve seen in recent times: “what …

Feb 10, 2023: The Rebel's Guide to Getting Married Most people don’t know why they’re doing what they’re doing. They imitate others, go with the flow, and follow paths without making their own. They …

Feb 10, 2023: I’m unsure how many more Om Malik blog posts I can read before I trade in my Canon EOS R5 for a Leica. Please stop taunting me, …

Feb 9, 2023: Every day I experience another “Mexico moment” and I am hesitant to share them publicly because I don’t want to ruin things here, nor be a stupid …

Feb 9, 2023: Wednesday in Todos Santos

Feb 9, 2023: Wednesday in El Pescadero

Feb 9, 2023: If Marie Kondo can give up on having a tidy house you can give up on a whole range of crap. Celebrate quitting, cancelling and giving up. Not …

Feb 8, 2023: This is on the menu as Fresh Water or Agua Fresco. Sometime before now Mexicans weren’t taking to actual water that was fresh and without watermelon …

Feb 8, 2023: Ed Catmull in Creativity, Inc.: “We aren’t aware that the majority of what we think we see is actually our brain filling in the gaps.”

Feb 8, 2023: Nick Cave: “Rather than feel impotent and useless, you must come to terms with the fact that as a human being, you are infinitely powerful, and take …

Feb 6, 2023: A smart Australian government would’ve sorted their colonising the indigenous population problems out before the Internet.

Feb 5, 2023: UnClobber by Colby Martin 📚 “In the essentials, unity; in the nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

Feb 4, 2023: From Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull 📚 “The best way to predict the future is …

Feb 3, 2023: D.H. Lawrence: “the world fears a new experience more than anything. Because a new experience displaces so many old experiences.”

Feb 2, 2023: Anthony shared this signed cover art in today’s edition of The Sizzle and very few images can conjure up so much nostalgia. I still remember …

Feb 2, 2023: In You’re a Miracle (and a Pain in the Ass) by Mike McHargue 📚: “You are a miracle because 86 billion neurons in your brain form into …

Feb 2, 2023: Spotting a scam email

Feb 2, 2023: The most Mexican thing I’ve seen yet is a guy who has a table to sell so he’s just carried it around the neighbourhood singing out if …

Feb 1, 2023: Don’t believe everything AI tells you. This bio sounds right, but it’s not. From what I understand I’ve never been in Vogue, The …

Feb 1, 2023: Dan Shipper writes: “Honestly, I’m usually annoyed when something gets trendy” and I felt seen. So his article Permission to Be Excited …

Feb 1, 2023: From Love Matters More by Jared Byas 📚 “Social media encourages the myth that who we are is defined by the opinions we type. But the older I …

Feb 1, 2023: The duo behind Instagram - who sold for good coin and then left Instagram/Facebook in 2018 - have a new thing and it’s right in my ballpark. …

Jan 31, 2023: The many branches of the Fediverse by Per Axbom.

Jan 30, 2023: Do you know the most disappointing thing about the United States of America? That the entire narrative of and about the country is defined by a small …

Jan 30, 2023: Luna just asked Britt, “will you ever kill me, mummy?” And honestly, at the age of four it’s impressive that she’s already assembling friends and …

Jan 28, 2023: One Million Downloads on Unsplash Ive always secretly thought that when I reached 1 million downloads on Unsplash I’d stop posting there. But as I passed the landmark this week I …

Jan 24, 2023: It might be 8yrs late, but you’re finally getting my book: The Rebel’s Guide To Getting Married is coming in 2023. It’s a book about …

Jan 22, 2023: Every time Buzz Aldrin comes up in the news or conversation I think of this Rhys Darby standup piece from 15-odd years ago. Starts 2:30 in.

Jan 22, 2023: Current status: forgot to put coffee in the percolator.

Jan 22, 2023: Throwback to that time ten years ago when I had awesome not-grey hair

Jan 22, 2023: Judging by the many different recordings I’m hearing and also seeing pop up on the web of Rick Rubin doing the circuit to promote his new 📚 …

Jan 22, 2023: 📚 The Art of Growing Up by John Marsden: “A friend of mine told the story of driving along a country road one day with her little son, when he …

Jan 22, 2023: Current status: horizontal at El Pescadero

Jan 22, 2023: E.B. White in Here Is New York: “New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation; and better than most dense communities it …

Jan 20, 2023: If you’re wondering how Starlink is going, at my local Todos Santos (Baja California Sur, Mexico) post office today there 16 new Starlink packages and …

Jan 20, 2023: Why is no-one talking about how most movies are just made up in people’s brains?!

Jan 19, 2023: Sad. The person typing this has finally given up on the dream of eternal youth and is scaling back his dream of More Space to Default.

Jan 19, 2023: Bill Bishop on living in DC.

Jan 19, 2023: Popped up to say hi then went back down again

Jan 18, 2023: Hola

Jan 18, 2023: I’ve lived around the ocean my whole life and I’ve never seen the ocean as angry and ferocious as I have at Todos santos, Baja California Sur, this …

Jan 18, 2023: In so many ways existing on earth has never been better with threat of war or famine never being lower for so many of us. But for 339 million people …

Jan 17, 2023: Currently reading: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin 📚

Jan 17, 2023: Rick Rubin is the guest on episode 649 of the Tim Ferris show and this is one of those podcasts you really want to listen to. “Look for what …

Jan 17, 2023: Somehow both our girls have learned to pose like this and I have no idea how, or why, or where it’s from.

Jan 16, 2023: Craig Hockenberry, of Icon Factory and Twitterific fame, unloads on Space Karen.

Jan 16, 2023: In 1978, neurologist Dr. James Austin proposed that there are 4 types of luck: (1) Blind Luck (2) Luck from Motion (3) Luck from Awareness (4) Luck …

Jan 16, 2023: Passport Photos is a very fun and cool photo series by Max Siedentopf.

Jan 16, 2023: Steve Jobs on how asking for help is a superpower: “I’ve never found anybody that didn’t want to help me if I asked them for help. …

Jan 16, 2023: Polina Pompliano with 15 People on the Most Important Question They’ve Ever Been Asked. “Would you do this if you weren’t being paid?”

Jan 16, 2023: I’ve never felt more inadequate and stupid as a person whilst reading this essay and list of recommendations for writing good English prose by …

Jan 16, 2023: My favourite fiction/not-really-not-fiction book of 2022 was Russian Sleeper Cell by Nathan Monk 📚

Jan 16, 2023: Reading Publishers Weekly top twenty-five bestseller list is something I’m finding depressing, not because of the content of the list, but the …

Jan 16, 2023: It’s been twenty years since Bill Gates expressed his frustration at his own operating system and the team behind it on how hard it was to …

Jan 15, 2023: Ok then, photorapture it is

Jan 15, 2023: In every intellectual relationship there’s the person who recommends podcast episodes, and there’s the other person who doesn’t even listen to the …

Jan 15, 2023: The Home Owners Association is not going to be happy

Jan 15, 2023: 🏡 at El Pescadero, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Jan 15, 2023: I’m not going to lie, I don’t have to hug everyone I marry when I first see them at the ceremony, but I want to. Alani & Ethan #marriedbyjosh on …

Jan 15, 2023: Luna asked me to play some fairy songs. So I search for such a thing in Apple Music.

Jan 15, 2023: Seth Godin in his post, The platform and the curator, on the difference between current platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and …

Jan 14, 2023: Friday afternoon at Pescadero

Jan 13, 2023: My friend Jay has made a really beautiful documentary about being a digital nomad, remote working around the Arctic Circle.

Jan 13, 2023: Joe Mayall in There’s No “Woke Capitalism.” Only Capitalism: “Profit: By any means necessary.” “Companies seek …

Jan 13, 2023: The spare tyre for our car sits up and under the body of the car, under the front seats. Myself and the tyre guy took quite a while to figure this all …

Jan 12, 2023: Quick little shoutout for a new series of daily/weekly emails I’ve recently subscribed to and actually really like. The formatting in the email …

Jan 12, 2023: Just between you and me most of the time when I’m alone and approach the car as the driver in the USA or Mexico I approach the passenger side …

Jan 11, 2023: Dataism, the newest religion on the block Meghan O’Gieblyn in The Believer posits that AI is a new god, the god of Dataism. “Science was supposed to have banished God, but he keeps …

Jan 11, 2023: Thirteen years ago I read this on Seth Godin’s blog and it’s sat with me every day since: “One option is to struggle to be heard whenever …

Jan 10, 2023: My 2023 challenge is to get really good at modern search engine optimisation, which is pretty different to 2019’s SEO. So I’ve got a new …

Jan 10, 2023: You look at this photo and think it’s some kind of grand cathedral in Rome. It’s a storage room in Ravello. Every week, sometimes every …

Jan 10, 2023: 16 years ago today the way I viewed the world changed completely. I can still remember seeing that little lump of plastic and metal in Steve …

Jan 8, 2023: When you elope in a far-away destination you’re choosing a very different vibe and moment than a domestic elopement. It firmly places your ceremony - …

Jan 8, 2023:

Jan 7, 2023: I chose a Kindle Scribe A few days ago I ordered a latest generation Kindle Oasis and a new Kindle Scribe with the intention of only keeping one to replace my six year old …

Jan 7, 2023: I have a long and beautiful history of catching up with friends in weird and wonderful places. I just had lunch with someone I’m pretty sure I met in …

Jan 7, 2023: The rubbish being pushed by Instagram Reels is astonishingly bad. Jacob Sweet unveils some of the nonsense in the New Yorker.

Jan 7, 2023: Currently reading: Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker 📚 I’m only two pages into this book and already I’m sensing something important. …

Jan 7, 2023: Steve Jobs: The thinker and the doer Steve Jobs in 1990: “My observation is that the doers are the major thinkers. The people that really create the things that change this …

Jan 6, 2023: Elderly lady walking her dog with a Bluetooth speaker blaring Li’l Jon’s 2002 banger, Get Low. Stay cool, Nashville.

Jan 5, 2023: Dear the United States of America, I would like to submit my application to become your house’s Speaker. I’m of the understanding than you …

Jan 5, 2023: Tasted fine Kentucky Angel’s Envy bourbon with a Great Indiana Man™️

Jan 5, 2023: Roadtrip to meet an old friend for the first time

Jan 4, 2023: Naval in Don’t Rely on Credibility Stamps: “It’s a priesthood. You’re only allowed to say what the priests have approved, and you can only say …

Jan 4, 2023: My new favourite parable: "sleep late, catch a few fish" Just discovered my favourite parable: A businessman is sitting on the beach of a small fishing village when he sees a fisherman approach the shore …

Jan 4, 2023: Better times

Jan 4, 2023: This nugget from Cory Muscara is sitting well with my soul today: “We often need to get out of alignment with the rest of the world to get back …

Jan 4, 2023: Kindle Oasis or a Kindle Scribe - which will be my new normal? My second Amazon Kindle is a Kindle I’ve owned since late 2016, my first generation Kindle Oasis. It’s been a solid travel companion but …

Jan 3, 2023: 🦇

Jan 3, 2023: 🐸

Jan 3, 2023: This bloke was just chilling but when he saw I had a camera he came and stood next to his sign as if he was at an animal trade show manning a booth

Jan 3, 2023: Monkey business

Jan 3, 2023: Live footage of me trying to find a better deal on insurance by comparing deals available on the market

Jan 3, 2023: Breaking news: not all flamingos are pink

Jan 3, 2023: My favourite Apple Watch feature is New Year’s Day

Jan 3, 2023: I’ve assembled a top 10 list of top 10 lists I’m paying attention to this year: 1-10: .

Jan 2, 2023: Noah Smith in The internet wants to be fragmented: “Perhaps someday the human race will be ready to become one collective consciousness. But …

Jan 1, 2023: Neighbourhood fireworks > City provided fireworks

Jan 1, 2023: Water damage and damage electrical damage to the house were housesitting thanks to frozen water pipes over Christmas means we’re bringing in New …

Jan 1, 2023: Vale 2022

Jan 1, 2023: Being in Tennessee for New Year’s Eve this year has really revealed to me How annoying it must be to be an American with Australian friends. You wake …

Dec 30, 2022: Reflecting back over 2022 the one thing I can say for sure is that it’s been 21 years and I still haven’t forgotten about Dre

Dec 29, 2022: As lovely as it is, TikTok is candy from Chinese spies and really ought to be banned purely on national security reasons. More at …

Dec 29, 2022: Another day, another Airbnb, another part of Tennessee, another sunset. Seems cyclical.

Dec 29, 2022: Ted Gioia documents the story of Barnes and Noble’s rebirth and regrowth: “Daunt refused to play this game. He wanted to put the best books in the …

Dec 29, 2022: Boring kids

Dec 27, 2022: A Squirrel’s tale

Dec 27, 2022: So a white Christmas in Nashville is pretty cool

Dec 27, 2022: Old mate out on the back fence of our Airbnb in Nashville this morning is a bit cold.

Dec 25, 2022: Merry Christmas from The Withers, Tennessee edition.

Dec 24, 2022: Please let it be true, that 2023 is the year of RSS. Death to big tech running our conversations, our views, our beliefs, our relationships and our …

Dec 24, 2022: That cold front hits Franklin, Tennessee and its -18 degrees Celsius but feels like negative 30.

Dec 24, 2022: So so cold

Dec 23, 2022: Where you from? Australians: Australia. Americans: Town, State, GPS Coordinates, local landmarks, name of their neighbour.

Dec 22, 2022: I’ve been in Nashville less than 24 hours and the Christmas miracles have already begun

Dec 22, 2022: It is well

Dec 21, 2022: and with that the 2022 wedding season comes to an end

Dec 21, 2022: State of The Withers union, 20 December 2022 Waiting in an airport lounge for a flight to Dallas after wrapping up all my wedding bookings in Australia I thought I’d answer a few questions. …

Dec 20, 2022: I’ve almost escaped Australia, just waiting for that delay to Dallas to stop being a delay

Dec 20, 2022: Pretty proud to see our AirBnb - The Tugun Pause - featured as a best Gold Coast AirBnb beach house and also best Gold Coast pet-friendly …

Dec 18, 2022: Have you ever wondered what the last tweet will be?

Dec 17, 2022: Update on my Playdate pre-order/order that I’ve been salivating over since 2019: they were kind enough to move me to American shopping and it’s now in …

Dec 17, 2022: You’re Being Lied to About Electric Cars writes Jonny Lieberman: “Science has repeatedly shown EVs are better for humans, despite the meme you …

Dec 17, 2022: What a dramatic moment: Just dropped in to get a haircut from my favourite barber before I fly back to North America on Tuesday and he’s quitting his …

Dec 16, 2022: Really proud of how The Sizzle has grown. You deserve all the success, Anthony/@decryption.

Dec 16, 2022: “If you find yourself asking yourself (and your friends), ‘Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?’ chances are you are. The counterfeit …

Dec 16, 2022: I’m selling a 245L Hisense freezer if anyone is interested, like this totally genuine buyer.

Dec 15, 2022: 24 hours in the town I grew up in: Mackay 24 hours in the town I grew up in. My first ISP: still going My first job at the cinema: cinema closed down Fav restaurant: still going First …

Dec 15, 2022: Growing up in Central Queensland meant your coastline was always filled with ships taking coal and sugar to the world. I really weirdly always feel …

Dec 15, 2022: Before we get too excited about fusion energy, space travel and flying cars, it’s important to remember that this is how Australia Post wants me to …

Dec 15, 2022: My favourite thing about flying out of regional locations in Australia is that you can be having coffee with a mate just before the flight, watch the …

Dec 14, 2022: iOS 16.2 means we can listen to music without the lyrics for focused work

Dec 14, 2022: Chatted to a flight attendant today who is proudly quitting and taking a job with Virgin after Christmas because of all the “negativity at …

Dec 14, 2022: Such a Century Gothic welcome

Dec 14, 2022: Is flying with your pillow a thing? Half the passengers disembarking and about the same boarding my flight have pillows. It’s an 11am 90 minute …

Dec 14, 2022: How is Jetstar the only Australian airline fully utilising the Apple Wallet API with flight and gate updates and heaps of info inside the ticket info …

Dec 14, 2022: Nine years ago I had an internet-enabled egg tray. I feel like technology has not really advanced past this milestone.

Dec 11, 2022: It’s absolutely glorious reading the reactions to the introduction of the push button. “The fact that so often in modern America one may …

Dec 11, 2022: Oxford University was over 300 years old when the Aztec Empire was founded - more unlikely simultaneous events over at Kottke.

Dec 11, 2022: The invention of jaywalking by Clive Thompson.

Dec 10, 2022: Me doing my job on Bruny Island on Thursday from two different points of view

Dec 10, 2022: Patrick McKenzie’s travel recommendations post for Japan is really good: “You should have most of your meals at places which you don’t …

Dec 10, 2022: I read posts like this and wish I was a better/wish I was a graphic designer. I jsut don’t hold the skill.

Dec 10, 2022: I like the premise of this app, I’m always keen to have breakfast with someone new and interesting.

Dec 10, 2022: Cam Winstanley on Read Only Memory writes about the making of what I still consider the ultimate real time strategy game, Dune II; “Dune II did …

Dec 9, 2022: “You have to think anyway, so why not think big?”

Dec 9, 2022: back in my safe place: “going somewhere”

Dec 9, 2022: A week in Tasmania The first point of order was to check out the land we’ve just bought! From there it was straight into work. First in New Norfolk … Then in Freycinet … …

Dec 9, 2022: Hey, you guys wanna play old people’s Seven Minutes in Heaven?

Dec 9, 2022: Novelist Jeanette Winterson on the value of darkness: “I have noticed that when all the lights are on, people tend to talk about what they are …

Dec 7, 2022: AI loves a good beach deer: “brown deer on white sand beach during daytime photo”

Dec 5, 2022: Imma start sending this to everyone I ever meet so they know how to rate me when the social credit system from Black Mirror finally comes into play.

Dec 5, 2022: Brian Eno: “One of the reasons I have to take distinct breaks when I work is to allow the momentum of a particular direction to run down, so that …

Dec 5, 2022: Ted Gioia: “Mr. Zuckerberg’s ideal Metaverse is just a panopticon—those infamous prisons where every inmate can be scrutinized …

Dec 5, 2022: Chris Dixon: “What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in 10 years.”

Dec 5, 2022: Well, that will be the last time I ever take hot or not advice from Balenciaga.

Dec 4, 2022: The couple I married today at Freycinet’s Honeymoon Bay married in secret (after booking me four years and a pandemic ago) so I tried my hand at …

Dec 2, 2022: Annie-B Parson: “Social media forms are performative solo forms with an odd conflation of friendship and marketing; the body is alone in a room …

Dec 2, 2022: Today milestones: 11yrs ago Rhi and Jarryd became official. 10yrs ago Rhi found me on Instagram. 9 yrs ago I quit 4BC, went full time as a celebrant, …

Dec 1, 2022: Today is day 10 away from my family. I embarked on this trip to Australia thinking I’d get lots of sleep and rest from being a dad. Instead of barely …

Dec 1, 2022: Three reasons why Mastodon will succeed followed by three reasons Mastodon will fail Mastodon’s celebration of the open web, the indie web, is an evergreen celebration that enough people, me included, will always get onboard with. …

Nov 30, 2022: Travel hack for New Zealand is to fly out of Queenstown Airport because they have a special check in counter for frequent flyers.

Nov 30, 2022: If you’re thinkin' of being my burger it don’t matter if you’re black or white

Nov 30, 2022: Glacier to Ground pop-up waterfall

Nov 30, 2022: The Mātukituki River valley

Nov 27, 2022: ZQN bound

Nov 26, 2022: How am I supposed to drive five hours on an Ice Break

Nov 25, 2022: I’m sitting in row three - the last row - of business class on this flight from Canberra to Brisbane after being upgraded overnight and the Queensland …

Nov 25, 2022: Couple I’m marrying tomorrow: We’d like to have an entertaining and funny wedding ceremony. Me: Oooh, I’m going to have to Google …

Nov 25, 2022: 🎶 It must be hard for musicians and songwriters to try and produce better songs than the best song ever produced, Frenzal Rhomb’s Mr. Charisma.

Nov 25, 2022: The internet is more fun when you upload as much as you download. When you stop, comment, post, share instead of doom scroll. People create and also …

Nov 25, 2022: Re: Bird app

Nov 25, 2022: Cute. On the news that the leap second is being removed, Rev. Pavel Gabor, an astrophysicist and the vice director of the Vatican Observatory Research …

Nov 25, 2022: Breaking: news.

Nov 24, 2022: You take a six week break in Mexico and your phone gets real judgemental

Nov 23, 2022: Philip Glass: ”I don’t know what I’m doing. And if you don’t know what to do, there’s actually a chance of doing something new. As long as you know …

Nov 22, 2022: It’s not often you get Coolangatta and Surfers Paradise in the same photo. But that’s what happens when I’m back in Australia :)

Nov 20, 2022: Current status: Getting wasted on old fashioneds in the Los Angeles Qantas First Class Lounge.

Nov 20, 2022: I don’t think Trump will even make it to the Republican Nomination for President, let alone the actual Presidency. The Trump voter hates losers …

Nov 20, 2022: I’ve been talking about switching social networks for a decade now …

Nov 20, 2022: Having my first experience of Live Activities on the latest iOS software. The app that is “live” is Flighty, and I really like this. The only negative …

Nov 19, 2022: To chool for school

Nov 19, 2022: Experiencing the weirdest vibe right now. I’m packing to leave home for a month, and the place I’m travelling to is Australia. I never thought …

Nov 19, 2022: Dane Winer: “Twitter inherited the blogosphere, in a sense, and the chaos of the company hid the fact that it was owned, all that we put into …

Nov 19, 2022: Sharing God’s Law from Letters of Note, as seen multiple times around the internet and on The West Wing, now in it’s original form, by …

Nov 19, 2022: Are you a parent of a toddler or an assistant to a male CEO of a tech startup?

Nov 19, 2022: Why Mastodon is “big” in Japan

Nov 19, 2022: I think about this email that Steve Jobs wrote to himself a lot

Nov 19, 2022: Gosh I needed to enjoy this: “You Can’t Handle The Truth,” but it’s the Toy Story Song

Nov 19, 2022: Touché Google Translate

Nov 18, 2022: Watching Seinfeld and the episode ‘The Limo’ starts. Opening scene is at a NY airport and a Trump airline Boeing 727. Of course the only Trump cameo …

Nov 18, 2022: Rancho Pescadero, the new old kid on the block, just re-opened. Keen as mustard to start making weddings there!

Nov 18, 2022: ❤️ El Pescadero, Baja California Sur

Nov 18, 2022: "You are all your work has" Maeve Brennan in a letter to Tillie Olsen via Letters of Note: “I have been trying to think of the word to say to you that would never fail to …

Nov 17, 2022: Britt & I toured around this new resort, Rancho Pescadero, last week to talk about making weddings there. Those oceanview rooms are actually built …

Nov 17, 2022: This is Noah Sushi in Pescadero. The best sushi I have ever tasted, and I’ve had good sushi, even in Japan. It’s on a dirt road, with no …

Nov 17, 2022: Street names in Baja are wild, in that they barely exist. To prove my residence/address I need to show an electrical bill. So this street a few blocks …

Nov 17, 2022: In the future we won’t share our most intimate stories with, and through, the world’s biggest tech companies. Mastodon and blogs might not be the …

Nov 15, 2022: I’ll never forget today. The day that my 20 month old daughter, whilst holding a banana, screamed for another banana, but when she had two, realised …

Nov 15, 2022: A proposal: a social network owned by creators Social networks have three assets: a network effect (so we can connect with people), content moderation (so we can actually enjoy using it), content …

Nov 15, 2022: Siri, one of the foremost artificial Intelligences, thinks I should call in to the Airbnb to check out. Thanks mate.

Nov 14, 2022: Apparently I don’t share my photography enough (sorry, Zac) so it’s mostly on Unsplash.

Nov 14, 2022: There you go ya filthy tech-news-lovin animals.

Nov 14, 2022: Gosh it irritates me when ‘down south’ writes the national news stories as if no-one from ‘up north’ reads it // @crikey_news @emmaels

Nov 14, 2022: My favourite thing about Mastodon actually has nothing to do with Mastodon. It’s the experience of embracing a completely new network with a handful …

Nov 14, 2022: James Hennessy in The Terminal: “His primary motivator at this point is the absolutely daunting mathematics of the deal he signed … saddled it with …

Nov 13, 2022: A few thoughts on Mastodon at the end of day one: The network brand name is stupid and not sticky, as is “toot”. Running your own instance is not the …

Nov 13, 2022: Fish tacos, margaritas, a mariachi band, all on the beach. A perfect night on the Sea of Cortez.

Nov 13, 2022: Balandra

Nov 13, 2022: I could imagine this hanging on a wall somewhere, I’m really proud of it. On the left there you’ve got what the Mexicans say is there best beach, …

Nov 13, 2022: Fifty shades of blue

Nov 13, 2022: I decided I was being a grumpy old man by not even trying Mastodon - I think it has a stupid name for a modern product, great for an extinct elephant …

Nov 13, 2022: One of us, and I won’t say who, just fell off the bed and landed face first on the tiled floor

Nov 13, 2022: On the Sea of Cortez, near La Paz, today

Nov 13, 2022: I can handle my parents being disappointed in me, my wife, children and friends. All of your disappointments will come and go. But man, letting …

Nov 12, 2022: Notes for my gravestone

Nov 11, 2022: “This is not a verification status; it’s an Important Blue Internet Checkmark, which in 2022 is just as legit. Also the Important Blue …

Nov 11, 2022: Finally, the BeReal competitor I’ve been waiting for: TweetReal.

Nov 10, 2022: Day 30 in Mexico: Still haven’t joined a drug cartel. Fish tacos are amazing. Send coffee.

Nov 10, 2022: Trung Phan on the “massive” podcast opportunity he’s identified, and something I’ve thought about a lot: “Whatever your …

Nov 10, 2022: So apparently the Commonwealth marriage celebrants portal and database was hacked … just a program run by the Commonwealth …

Nov 10, 2022: Is swashbuckling still a thing? Why don’t we use the word “swashbuckling” more? It’s a very cool word. The MacOS dictionary defines swashbuckling as an …

Nov 10, 2022: It’s weird to see so much talk about Mastodon and people walk right past I’ve been a user since @manton launched it on Kickstarter, and I …

Nov 9, 2022: Missed the eclipse, but caught sunrise this morning

Nov 9, 2022: We’re heading back to Hawaii in mid-January and it got me thinking about the last time I was there and I created a marriage ceremony across the bay …

Nov 9, 2022: Apple Frames is the ultimate shortcut that most Apple computer users don't know about Over seven years since Workflow first graced the Apple ecosystem - since then being acquired by Apple and renamed Shortcuts which makes it so easy to …

Nov 9, 2022: We don't have a Trump/Musk/political problem, we have a being human problem I am continually fascinated whilst reading Letters of Note as to how people not of this time, people who lived 50, 100, or 200 years ago talk about …

Nov 9, 2022: Martha Gellhorn in a letter to Victoria Glendinning on 30th September 1987: “Anyway, I intend to spend the rest of my life wasting time.” …

Nov 8, 2022: There are two kinds of people in the world, people who confidently pronounce “pho” and the people who anxiously listen to those people say it because …

Nov 8, 2022: I can’t believe that so much valuable conversation is {you should give me all your money} interspersed with ads and unrelated content {gamble …

Nov 7, 2022: Apple executives discussing iMessage for Android is beautifully shortsighted. We put these people on pedestals but they’re just lucky enough to be …

Nov 7, 2022: Idea: The most important part of Twitter is the feeling of sending the tweet. No-one sees your tweets anyway, so what if we made a new Twitter where …

Nov 7, 2022: I’m wondering whether “stay in your medium lane” is good advice for Elon Musk and Twitter today? I think about Instagram starting as …

Nov 7, 2022: El Arco, Cabo San Lucas Sunday sunrise from Cabo

Nov 7, 2022: “Chinese restaurant”

Nov 6, 2022: Evan Amrmstrong at Every on How Elon Wins: “Twitter is a perfect case study of the shifting power dynamics of the ad market and how to make money in …

Nov 6, 2022: Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye.

Nov 6, 2022: I met Charles Wooley when I was in line to be his producer on what’s now called the Triple M regional radio network. Smart guy, good interviewer, …

Nov 6, 2022: Wondering about Unsplash and why my recent work isn't resonating I’ve been uploading to Unsplash for almost five years, and people always ask why I would submit my work to a website that gives it away mostly …

Nov 6, 2022: In the Gold Coast Bulletin today @AnnWasonMoore nails it making the biggest losses/mistakes the Gold Coast has experienced. But I’ll add one more: the …

Nov 6, 2022: Put a bag of cookies in the break room and it might sit for days. Open the bag and leave it out, and within an hour, all the cookies will be gone. …

Nov 6, 2022: I think a lot about the guy whose car I ran into on the first day of owning a car in Mexico. I didnt put the car in park or put the handbrake on, …

Nov 6, 2022: “Good day” in Spanish is “Buenos días”, phonetically (in Josh Spanish) “beh-wan-ass dee-ass” and I now understand how Australian English must be hard …

Nov 5, 2022: Cerritos A Thursday afternoon at Playa Los Cerritos

Nov 5, 2022: Just a boy and his favourite seventy to two-hundred millimetres of glass photographed by another boy and his medium format film camera, Jack Fitz at …

Nov 5, 2022: John Ruskin in a letter to C. E. Norton, 4th Nov 1860: “I find Penguins at present the only comfort in life. One feels everything in the world so …

Nov 3, 2022: Computerspielemuseum Thinking about Berlin’s computer Game Museum, the Computerspielemuseum, today. It’s the only building in Berlin I can walk into and feel nostalgic and …

Nov 3, 2022: TomTom: I came here to sell satnavs and kick ass, and I’m all outta satnavs.

Nov 3, 2022: Business idea: a coffee translator. All I want in Mexico is to just order my coffee. In Australia I order a long black with cream (pouring cream), or …

Nov 2, 2022: I’m reflecting on the recent Optus hack today as I wonder what to do with my phone number I’ve had for 20 odd years. So much of modern society needs a …

Nov 2, 2022: Reason no. 72 to read James Hennessy’s email: “I decided to dig into this, because the prospect of an intersection of forgotten Australian pulp lit …

Oct 31, 2022: Just going on the record before November 2022 hits to say that I had a blue tick before it wasn’t cool. That’s right, mum. I was verified before …

Oct 31, 2022: Nieman Labs reckons that newspaper political endorsements might not matter anymore. I think that’s for the better?

Oct 31, 2022: Gary Voth’s piece, The Forgotten Lens, reminds me why I love the 50mm so much. I only have a vintage Minolta f/2 manual focus lens at the moment …

Oct 31, 2022: Is this mural on the toilet entry wall about menstruation?

Oct 30, 2022: Dave Winer with the best Twitter analogy: “Why would I leave Twitter? It’s like living in NY and not taking the subway. Sure it’s dirty …

Oct 29, 2022: The latest in dynamic bus signage technology

Oct 29, 2022: Reporting for The Verge, Justine Calma says that “Traffic jams are tied to lower birth weights.” It’s almost like us humans are making ourselves …

Oct 29, 2022: Someone just got a fire truck for their birthday or the truck celebrated its birthday. Either way, congrats!

Oct 29, 2022: Tequila shot $1USD

Oct 29, 2022: James Cameron, artist: outside and other and alone This New Yorker profile of Director, James Cameron, hit home with this line: “He sees himself as essentially outside and other and alone; he bites …

Oct 28, 2022: Thursday’s sunset

Oct 27, 2022: Netflix, One Tel, and me, a nostalgic love triangle Britt and I are watching Netflix’s new show The Mole at the moment and as that guy who knows Queensland like the back of his hand I’ve …

Oct 27, 2022: Good business sense tells me it’s time to sell all my beef, children, petrol, and non-essential oils, and buy more computers. Thanks for the …

Oct 27, 2022: The moonrise over the Pacific Ocean was pretty cool tonight

Oct 27, 2022: It’s funny how the human brain likes little milestones and we call it “feeling real” … like just now how I put the finishing …

Oct 27, 2022: On ya bus

Oct 27, 2022: Bob Dylan: “Boy, I hurried… I hurried for a long time. I’m sorry I did. All the time you’re hurrying, you’re not really as aware as you should be. …

Oct 26, 2022: Tuesday’s sunset from Todos Santos

Oct 26, 2022: Punta Gasparino, Baja California Sur

Oct 26, 2022: Finally, it happened

Oct 26, 2022: I’m a sucker for 360 spherical images, but the places you can view them not-flattened are few. Lightroom online is one, so here’s the link …

Oct 26, 2022: El Pescadero, the little fishing village we’re calling home this month

Oct 25, 2022: Deporte bus

Oct 25, 2022: El Pescadero // home

Oct 24, 2022: Felt cute, might delete later

Oct 24, 2022: Hey, if you ever can’t get a hold of Jesus, lemme know, I’ll send you some Mexican Salvo, a sin remover.

Oct 24, 2022: Did Bono actually encourage Tim Cook on services and subscriptions when they worked out the deal to give away Songs of Innocence through iTunes? Tim …

Oct 24, 2022: Bono in The Guardian on the birth of U2, that iTunes album and Live Aid: “I don’t think I voted for the name U2, but I didn’t stop it. I definitely …

Oct 23, 2022: I’ve eaten sushi in Japan, Iceland, New York & Vancouver. Australians have made me sushi, Italians, Croatians & Kiwis. But I never thought the …

Oct 23, 2022: I’ve never heard of Haiku photography but I like it.

Oct 22, 2022: Breaking news: Luna rode a horsey and she is pretty flippin pumped about the whole idea.

Oct 22, 2022: The directions to the Los Sagrados horse rescue we visited today said to go through the Cardone Forest. I was curious what a forest in the desert …

Oct 21, 2022: A helpful guide to our journey so far. We like Baja California Sur so much I’m worried we might not see the rest of the country.

Oct 21, 2022: Thursday in Todos Santos

Oct 21, 2022: A Mexican reformat Sell everything and start again somewhere else, it’s awesome! When I first started as a computer tech back in 1998 there was a really complex …

Oct 21, 2022: 2022, the year where Lettuce made the news twice.

Oct 20, 2022: My li’l mate, Luna, turns four today. She wants you all to know that she’s a big girl now.

Oct 20, 2022: Ted Gioia asks if smart people do books anymore? “Goodby logos, hello brand logos.”

Oct 19, 2022: Sammy J on ABC Melbourne: ‘Acts like a Bureau but always the BOM to me.’

Oct 18, 2022: I can’t help but feel that Mark Zuckerberg is a bit off Apple at the moment. As someone who uses WhatsApp because he’s forced to, not …

Oct 18, 2022: Travel money tips: Up Bank vs. Wise vs. Qantas Business Money (Airwallex) We’re in Mexico at the moment and I have thoughts on spending Australian money abroad. Four years ago today I became an Up Bank customer, and …

Oct 18, 2022: Inherent problems in the internet of 2022 Some inherent problems in the internet of 2022, in my humble opinion: Everyone is too exposed to everyone else, for example, it’s wild that …

Oct 18, 2022: Dear Kanye, get a blog The most embarrassing thing about Kanye West buying Parler isn’t that he bought Parler, but that he (and most people) think that the world needs …

Oct 17, 2022: Ted Gioia in the Honest Broker: “This is a signal that we have reached the endgame (of the internet) stage. And a new game is beginning with …

Oct 17, 2022: “This could be Heaven or this could be Hell”

Oct 17, 2022: One week in Mexico There’s a difference between good tacos and just tacos, good tacos are more likely to be in less-fancy buildings without flashy signage. …

Oct 16, 2022: Todos Santos We left Los Cabos today for an adventure up to Todos Santos about an hour’s drive north of Cabo San Lucas. A few observations. The best branding …

Oct 16, 2022: I love Morpho, my new favourite currency (and other numbers) conversion iOS app. Ahead of travelling to Mexico I wanted to find a new currency …

Oct 16, 2022: Kurt Vonnegut: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

Oct 16, 2022: It’s happened! We’ve had our first American tourist in Mexico think that Austria and Australia are the same place. The lovely person “spent some time …

Oct 16, 2022: How can I nominate myself for the Father of the Year Awards? I just bought Luna a Paw Patrol car seat with and without beef.

Oct 15, 2022: Sam Kris: The internet is already over. “In the future—not the distant future, but ten years, five—people will remember the internet as a brief dumb …

Oct 15, 2022: Drove in Mexico for the first time today. I didn’t witness another car on the road in Los Cabos use it’s turn indicator. I’m worried if I keep using …

Oct 15, 2022: When asked at the restaurant what we were celebrating at dinner tonight I said “being alive!” Now every staff member congratulates us on every …

Oct 14, 2022: The podcast series “Startup” was a thrilling listen as Alex Blumberg created Gimlet. It’s depressing to now read how Spotify has gutted that creation …

Oct 14, 2022: I’m using the new Apple Translate app every day in Mexico, it’s pretty cool. Currently having a full conversation with my zero-English Uber driver, …

Oct 14, 2022: A day in the life of the Withers family: day four (13 October 2022) in Los Cabos, at the Instituto Nacional de Migración (the Mexican National …

Oct 13, 2022: Wednesday sunset

Oct 13, 2022: Patron saint of pioneers and travelers, Saint Joseph of the capes. Or, in Spanish, San Jose del Cabos.

Oct 13, 2022: “Fish killer of the week story”

Oct 12, 2022: Teaching the Withers girls how to share margaritas

Oct 12, 2022: Episode five of Who’s Gonna Save Us with Saul Griffiths, paraphrased by Kai in Dense Discovery: “A typical Australian suburb spends about $4m on …

Oct 12, 2022: Turns out that Cabo San Lucas is basically the Bali of the USA.

Oct 12, 2022: What a wild ride. At first Jesus was coming to meet me and take us home. Then Jesus cancelled on me. I’m quite conflicted on how I feel about meeting …

Oct 12, 2022: Mexican pests are chill AF

Oct 11, 2022: First Mexican sunset // Cabos

Oct 11, 2022: Driving from the airport to the hotel in San Jose Cabo and I’ve spotted my first guard in a watch house holding a gun. Despite the girl at immigration …

Oct 11, 2022: Mexicans really dislike BlackBerrys

Oct 11, 2022: This TSA agent at LAX is giving us a hard time

Oct 10, 2022: Adios, Australia

Oct 10, 2022: Sitting on a flight that’s migrating our family to Mexico and I’ve never been more terrified and excited in my life. With any luck that energy, and …

Oct 10, 2022: One of these two people just vomited up a whole bloody watermelon on the Qantas lounge carpet

Oct 9, 2022: Targeted ad of the year award goes to this lot who just advertised at me, the bloke moving his family to Mexico tomorrow

Oct 8, 2022: Self portrait of a tired and weary man who isn’t working for the next six weeks

Oct 7, 2022: Will Sansom at UT Health: “Could eating salmon, cod, tuna, herring or sardines keep our brains healthy and our thinking agile in middle age? New …

Oct 7, 2022: Freya Stark: “There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.” Three days til the Mexican …

Oct 7, 2022: 14 years of the best job in the world It was kind of fitting for one of my last weddings before we head to Mexico to be at Weddings at Tiffany’s. One of my first was there as well, …

Oct 6, 2022: This is so bizarre and weird to listen to: AI-generated Joe Rogan interviews AI-generated Steve Jobs. By “Your audience is just so …

Oct 6, 2022: Finally found the band for me

Oct 5, 2022: Tim Burrowes reports on Rupert Murdoch’s “remarkable” 70-year career in the media: He created a newspaper empire which has shaped …

Oct 5, 2022: The world is starting to reflect on 2020-2022 and what everyone did, and how we reacted, and I’m not reading many pieces that are all in with …

Oct 4, 2022: 7 Photographers on Finding Your Voice

Oct 4, 2022: I could quote Robin Rendle’s post, ‘Take Care Of Your Blog’ forever: “There will be blog posts that you adore that no one …

Oct 4, 2022: We're off to Mexico and how we can stay in contact, a manifesto My anxiety is of the opinion that none of you really care about me, contacting me or enjoying our family travels, if that’s so, please cease …

Oct 4, 2022: An interesting piece from Ted Gioia where he highlights something I’d missed, that music, and music reporting, as turned from being fresh and …

Oct 4, 2022: Six days to Mexico. “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” …

Oct 2, 2022: Making wedding photos today

Oct 2, 2022: 50 ways to be ridiculously generous—and feel ridiculously good by Alexandra Franzen. If you have a colleague who is self-employed, encourage them to …

Oct 2, 2022: Rules for Online Sanity

Oct 1, 2022: Becoming a dad shrinks your brain. I’m not mad, I’m just stupid.

Oct 1, 2022: Nine days until we migrate to Mexico, a country Britt and I have never been Andrzej Stasiuk: “It is good to come to a country you know practically nothing about. Your thoughts grow still, useless. In a country you know …

Oct 1, 2022: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but despite their ads this week, Optus wasn’t attacked. They left the front door open and unlocked and a thief …

Oct 1, 2022: The most horrible hotel in the world featured in Tone Knob by Nick Parker: Then in 1996 they asked the new-kids-on-the-block agency KesselsKramer2 to …

Sep 30, 2022: Does the Kindle Scribe replace a five year old Kindle Oasis? My reading device of choice has been a Kindle Oasis (2nd model) I picked up at a Best Buy in Vegas in December 2017. It fast became my favourite …

Sep 30, 2022: We called our Airbnb the Tugun Pause because a few times a day you get to take a one to two second pause in your conversations

Sep 29, 2022: How good is it when you just find The One

Sep 29, 2022: I call this one “Jetstar flight captured over Brisbane with a manual focus lens”

Sep 28, 2022: If you’ve ever wanted to use our dishwasher, TV, or closet? You’re going to love the

Sep 28, 2022: Are there any signs we should look out for to see if Goldie is being fed enough?

Sep 28, 2022: Ted Gioia’s predictions of the music industry in 2032: “A legitimate musical counterculture will arise, with a cadre of new artists achieving …

Sep 27, 2022: Cam Wilson in Web Cam on crime reporting: “There’s a lot of good criticism of crime reporting. It fosters systemic racism. Crimes are reported on …

Sep 27, 2022: Andrew Greene reporting on the Optus data thief (they like to call the person a hacker): WARNING - do not click on latest link from alleged Optus …

Sep 27, 2022: The end of the shared experience that is music Larry Miller, NYU, in The Future of Music podcast on The Verge hosted by Ariel Shapiro: “The magnitude of most hits is smaller.” …

Sep 27, 2022: Zane Lowe with Stevie Nicks is an beautiful podcast conversation not only about Fleetwood Mac, but also about Tom Petty, Prince, Harry Styles, Neil …

Sep 27, 2022: Smashing a spacecraft into an asteroid Emma Elsworthy in the Crikey Worm this morning: The nerds at NASA are going to smash a spacecraft into an asteroid hurtling through space this …

Sep 27, 2022: Why so dramatic, Rockhampton sunrise?

Sep 26, 2022: iOS 17 prediction: an Apple Shortcuts Store. After writing my first semi-complex-but-bit-that-complex shortcut for Apple Shortcuts today I can’t …

Sep 26, 2022: Vinay Prasad, Professor, Hematologist, Oncologist, Health policy researcher, on the weird place we’re at with Covid vaccines today: “The …

Sep 26, 2022: Qantas T80 seat selection reminder shortcut for Apple Shortcuts Reading a recent Point Hacks email about the ol' ‘T-80’ Qantas rule reminded me of an Apple Shortcuts shortcut I’d been meaning to …

Sep 26, 2022: If I was going to make a travel vlog this week my episode would be about how you should just stay at home again, airports are terrible, it’s quicker …

Sep 26, 2022: It’s 2022 and there’s no real solution for blisters yet Started this morning in a cheap Brisbane hotel with a 4am alarm and a 6:05am flight at gate 16, which became a 6:05am flight at gate 26, which …

Sep 26, 2022: I’m impressed by how many other people made the stupid decision to catch a 6am flight

Sep 26, 2022: If only all of us queued for hours at airports had let them know we were coming. They need some kind of air travel ticketing system so they’re not …

Sep 25, 2022: Be here

Sep 25, 2022: Patrick O’Shaughnessy on the power of audio: “Audio feels to me like a secret hiding in plain sight. Everyone loves to learn, everyone …

Sep 25, 2022: Here comes the Sunday sun

Sep 24, 2022: If you’d like to buy bottles of Goldie’s energy, please back her kickstarter

Sep 24, 2022: 40 months wait and I’m pretty sure I’m never going to see this Playdate It all started when I read this May 2019 Daring Fireball article and fell in love with a little gadget I’d only just heard of. I subscribed for …

Sep 24, 2022: George Bernard Shaw: “The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with …

Sep 24, 2022: Rattling the Cage by Rhian Sasseen: For years, I was the person whose job it was to keep you clicking, to keep you scrolling.

Sep 23, 2022: Sitting at the next table from a group of people attending an NRL conference (wearing NRL logo shirts) and one guy jokingly says “fucking Polynesians” …

Sep 23, 2022: Hey, big apologies if I die in the next 24 hours. My 18 month old just sneezed directly into my open mouth and laughed.

Sep 23, 2022: Good advice for people who have been Optus customers since 2017, I have been one, is to enact a credit freeze. IDCARE has a fact sheet on freezing …

Sep 23, 2022: No woman, no cry? From 1938.

Sep 23, 2022: What do sensors know? - Om Malik: Did you notice: That we have not heard a peep from Elon Musk about why Chinese regulators haven’t approved Tesla’s …

Sep 23, 2022: When Donald Trump suggests that the FBI were looking for Hillary Clinton’s emails at Mar-a-Lago is he also suggesting that he has her emails? If so, …

Sep 23, 2022: Why Coles is getting out of the servo game, asks Tim Burrowes: “In a time when corporate social responsibility has given way to environmental, social …

Sep 23, 2022: This psych study is going to set the metal world on fire: “Extreme metal guitar skill: A case of male–male status seeking, mate attraction, or …

Sep 22, 2022: These old Qantas maps and timetables from the 1970s (lifted from the FFA fB group) are wild. That Acapulco is a destination but Los Angeles isn’t!

Sep 22, 2022: Big Bee Energy

Sep 22, 2022: Astonished. The best coffee I’ve had on this public holiday is from the Scenic Rim Milkbar in Boonah, made at 5pm by a bloke of Asian descent with the …

Sep 22, 2022: Is the Il Bogan Bridge over the Logan River the genesis of the Fully Sick Logan Bogan?

Sep 22, 2022: “He came that I might have life. Therefore, let me live.”

Sep 22, 2022: Getty Images says no to artificially generated art.

Sep 22, 2022: I’ve been meaning to link to Down Round for a while, but most of my podcast listening is while I’m driving and that’s not a time that I’m blogging. …

Sep 20, 2022: If there was a game that could drag me into purchasing a Nintendo Switch, it’d be Monkey Island. I really miss the nineties PC games from …

Sep 19, 2022: Ten years ago today that iOS 6 launched, removed Google Maps from the iPhone, and left us with Apple Maps while many major landmarks around Australia …

Sep 19, 2022: Rose Eveleth on interrupting people: “So here are my tips for anybody who might find themselves in a situation like Hubeny, where someone …

Sep 19, 2022: Robin Rendle on blogging: Someone asked me for advice about their career a while ago and even though I absolutely do not feel qualified enough to …

Sep 19, 2022: ‘Gifs are cringe’: Giphy. “They have fallen out of fashion as a content form, with younger users in particular describing gifs as ‘for boomers’ and …

Sep 19, 2022: When I’m elected King of Straya I will make this our coat of arms in my first 100 days /via @ozkitsch

Sep 19, 2022: Mary Oliver: Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Sep 19, 2022: I take back whatever I’ve said about wedding awards in the past. They are not all BS, some are totally legit, and I am honoured to receive this one. …

Sep 18, 2022: Moving from my iPhone 12 Pro to a new iPhone 14 Pro would have to be the worst upgrade experience I’ve had in a long time. Where’s the …

Sep 17, 2022: Mother

Sep 17, 2022: Everything I’ve Learnt About Public EV Charging With Two Failed Startups, by Anthony Agius “The point of this post isn’t to analyse why I’m not …

Sep 17, 2022: Kevin Kelly: “The chief prevention against getting old is to remain astonished.”

Sep 17, 2022: “Prince Andrew, a friend of Jeffrey Epstein who this year settled a lawsuit accusing him of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old girl, will receive the …

Sep 17, 2022: Patagonia Founder Gives Away the Company to Fight Climate Change, writes David Gelles in The New York Times: “In some ways, the forfeiture of …

Sep 17, 2022: Encouragement to a friend who’s a brand new dad this week All of your life’s work, efforts, learnings, skills and talents, has been for this next season, you’re now slave and superhero at the same time. …

Sep 16, 2022: “All we can do is build trust, that’s the only asset a newsroom has.” - @reckless, or, Nilay Patel, Editor-in-chief of The Verge on Stratechery

Sep 16, 2022: Friday night on the drive home to the Gold Coast from Toowoomba

Sep 15, 2022: Who are you even going to choose? Someone who bakes fresh pies every day in a commercial kitchen, or someone who makes pies on an unknown schedule at …

Sep 15, 2022: Goonoo Goonoo on a Thursday morning

Sep 14, 2022: The one with a Britt in front is our Airbnb … the other is just how damn cute Tamworth homes are

Sep 14, 2022: Shooting the sunset over Tamworth with Luna

Sep 13, 2022: Took the girls to the office today. I must’ve married hundreds of people in the Blue Mountains over the past 14 years so it was weird to be there …

Sep 13, 2022: You might find the memes and the jokes horrible but this is all King Charles' fault for becoming king in a meme culture his mother neglected to …

Sep 13, 2022: You know you’re at an Australian country pub when they don’t know what an IPA, or XPA, or pale ale is. I asked for a beer from a brand that’s less …

Sep 13, 2022: Glenbrook

Sep 13, 2022: Has anyone tried letting their toddler just leave and run into the wild? Maybe us parents are the only things holding them back from glory? Maybe warm …

Sep 12, 2022: Got a new 24mm I acquired a new lens for my Canon EOS R5 camera today, the new Canon RF 24mm f/1.8. I’m generally a fan of a long lens, like my favourite …

Sep 12, 2022: When you’re trying to escape the backpackers

Sep 12, 2022: Everyone goes shopping and posts a selfie of the new clothes they bought while I’m over here like, I got some more camera things

Sep 12, 2022: 🌙

Sep 12, 2022: Steve Jobs emails himself Sent from Steve Jobs' iPad: From: Steve Jobs To: Steve Jobs Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 11:08PM I grow little of the food I eat, and of …

Sep 12, 2022: Otto English in Politico: “The world’s papers will be full of obituaries of the queen today. This is the life of Elizabeth Windsor.”

Sep 12, 2022: What scientists have learnt from COVID lockdowns. Restrictions on social contact stemmed disease spread, but weighing up the ultimate costs and …

Sep 12, 2022: Richard Branson: “All businesses are an idea or service that make somebody else’s life better. If you make other people’s life …

Sep 12, 2022: I truly struggle to understand why we - as a global community - are so weird about immigration. That because of the genetic lottery you were born in a …

Sep 12, 2022: I don’t want normal, I want magic.

Sep 11, 2022: Becoming a crypto bro just got easier

Sep 11, 2022: Sunday morning at Bondi

Sep 10, 2022: A delightful Batman story

Sep 10, 2022: It’s amazing to me that the least valued, least used, and most uncool social network in the world is constantly the most important.

Sep 10, 2022: Louis L’Amour​: “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”

Sep 9, 2022: Proud to announce that I’ve been appointed as a noted person to dispose of any currencies with former heads of state on them. Please mail all …

Sep 8, 2022: I miss old-school Steve Jobs era Apple product launches. Steve would say that they designed some cool tech, we’d all agree and cheer. Tim Cook’s Apple …

Sep 7, 2022: What’s the most you’ve paid for an Old Fashioned?

Sep 7, 2022: Finally the Pringles people have removed the unnecessary lids. If once you pop you can’t stop, why have plastic lids?

Sep 7, 2022: An opera I’d go to

Sep 7, 2022: You can say what you want about the downfall of a Sydney institution like Bread & Circus after being sold but I can’t trust a cafe that takes my …

Sep 7, 2022: The Withers’ in Wonderland (at The Grounds of Alexandria)

Sep 7, 2022: Experiencing Sydney through the eyes and words of a three year old is marvellous. She looks at this building and calls it a castle and supposes there …

Sep 7, 2022: Luna upon seeing Circular Quay and the Sydney ferries for the first time: they’re like pirates!

Sep 7, 2022: Ten years of you trying to convince me to go halfsies with meals. Ten years of me trying to convince you not to keep every file you have on your …

Sep 6, 2022: How boring and sad for AFL, to keep up the boring old broadcast model for another 7 years.

Sep 6, 2022: I’ve met the end of Chinese food game boss

Sep 6, 2022: #notallstains

Sep 6, 2022: No, just a little lower. There it is.

Sep 6, 2022: Well, this W really gets a round

Sep 6, 2022: September in Australia, by @newyorkcartoons and @scottdools

Sep 6, 2022: Why international standard paper size ISO 216, the standard you might know as A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/A6 is one of the greatest innovations of the 18th …

Sep 6, 2022: Germany just finished a three-month trial of selling €9 monthly ‘all you can eat’ public transport tickets and not only did more than half …

Sep 6, 2022: Epictetus: “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”

Sep 5, 2022: Sydney this afternoon

Sep 5, 2022: The real conspiracy I’d like Qanon to tell me about is why Australians are denied eggnog. How does Big Nog continue to ruin the lives of everyday …

Sep 5, 2022: Darryl Campbell in The Verge: “There’s no evidence two decades of pat-downs and shoe removal have made travellers any safer — so why does the …

Sep 4, 2022: Luna presents me with a self-portrait for Father’s Day. I say “noo-noo”.

Sep 4, 2022: Luna: discovers herself

Sep 4, 2022: Teaching Goldie how to identify a sucker

Sep 4, 2022: This Ars Technica article - Remembering the best shareware-era DOS games that time forgot - - reminds me of how I got shareware games before the …

Sep 3, 2022: Three year-old firstborn looks at me as I’m putting her to bed tonight and says “when you were a little boy I made you a daddy!” It’s like she’s …

Sep 3, 2022: 11 weddings to go before Mexico!

Sep 2, 2022: It’s empowering seeing Ampol throw around the word “restaurant” so liberally. I’m going to erect a sign out the front of my house that says “male …

Sep 2, 2022: I make wedding photo

Sep 2, 2022: Things people have said to me tonight as I DJ a wedding I wasn’t even supposed to DJ: Young female guest: Do you know who is playing right now? …

Sep 1, 2022: Someone on Hacker News found an unbelievable Wikipedia article about the Athletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics – men’s marathon “While …

Sep 1, 2022: Steve Jobs: “When you’re young, you look at TV and think “there’s a conspiracy.” The networks have conspired to dumb us …

Sep 1, 2022: “Hey honey comma oh this is a voice message sorry babe anyway” is how I start every voice message to my wife on my iPhone.

Aug 31, 2022: This Mavic 3 drone footage over and from Mount Everest is beyond amazing

Aug 31, 2022: Still waiting for Big Audio Dynamite III

Aug 31, 2022: No-one’s singing in the streets again, Mackay, Mackay.

Aug 30, 2022: Hey, you know, you can just do stuff, like you don’t need anyone’s permission or anything

Aug 30, 2022: 100 ways to improve your writing

Aug 30, 2022: Manyun Zou, Russell Goldenberg and Rob Smith have done the hard work on The Pudding to report on how The Big Bang Theory is censored in the …

Aug 28, 2022: This web app on Baseten was recommended to me to restore old photos and as you might be able to see with this ancient photo of yours truly, it works a …

Aug 28, 2022: Sunrise on a Sunday morning from Cabarita Beach, New South Wales

Aug 28, 2022: Someone was up at 4:30am and nothing would settle her. Hint: it wasn’t Britt.

Aug 28, 2022: 25 lessons learned from working at Clubhouse

Aug 28, 2022: Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work, a summary: Share your thoughts and your process and your work, online, for free. You don’t need to be an expert …

Aug 28, 2022: David Perell on the news: “The paradox of news: By telling us to care about everything, the news leads to apathy instead of action.” …

Aug 28, 2022: Rob Hardy on non-coercive marketing: “The key ingredient in non-coercive marketing is the golden rule. We should market to others the way …

Aug 27, 2022: Introducing the next joshPhone. You can design yours on Neal’s website.

Aug 27, 2022: Patrick Collison has assemblers a fascinating list of questions, like: Why do there seem to be more examples of rapidly-completed major projects in …

Aug 27, 2022: The end of social media and the rise of algorithmic media

Aug 27, 2022: The rising cost of living is actually encouraging us to spend more

Aug 27, 2022: The people behind Refind are doing something really interesting with the “here’s a list of really interesting articles in an email” …

Aug 27, 2022: Amelia Earhart​: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you …

Aug 27, 2022: The guy who goes out of his way to hilariously grimace and loudly say ”good practice for your next marriage” at every wedding must be elated when he …

Aug 27, 2022: Forever amazed at what people wear to weddings. It must be so beautiful to do that last gaze in a mirror at home before you leave for the ceremony and …

Aug 26, 2022: Evan Armstrong supposes that if Steve Jobs knew how to speak finance (bs) he might have stayed CEO of Apple back in the 80s: “If he had known …

Aug 25, 2022: The average duration of a viral song on TikTok is 19.5 seconds. RIP music.

Aug 25, 2022: Letters of Note: “In June of 1460, news reached Pope Pius II of an orgy which had recently taken place in the gardens of Giovanni di Bichis’s palace …

Aug 24, 2022: the best part about travelling for work is coming home to a tribe that’s missed me

Aug 24, 2022: I can’t believe no-one has been celebrating Digital Radio’s (DAB) 13th anniversary in Australia. It’s like DAB doesn’t mean anything to anyone.

Aug 24, 2022: Matt Damon very simply and succinctly explains why we don’t get the movies like we used to - and it’s all to do with the death of the DVD.

Aug 24, 2022: It might seem like a surprise but nine years ago in Seminyak I started thinking about moving to Mexico after reading this compelling sign.

Aug 24, 2022: Wow, I didn’t know this but you can use your $50 Qantas voucher like a power-up mid-flight so the flight attendant doesn’t smash into your elbows with …

Aug 24, 2022: Retro ‘Roo

Aug 23, 2022: I’ve created marriage ceremonies in the coldest climates, through Californian deserts in winter, Iceland in winter, New Zealand mountaintops in …

Aug 23, 2022: Seeing the #SolidarityWithSanna posts reminds me of something that happened 10 years ago next week: Alan Jones and Barnaby Joyce on the radio …

Aug 22, 2022: I need to see Michael Heizer’s City

Aug 22, 2022: Get back to me when your wedding invite is a bottle of craft gin. This is an actual wedding I’m at in December.

Aug 21, 2022: She watches her big sister (try to) do ballet all week

Aug 21, 2022: As a person born in 1981, the greatest dilemma I face is whether I identify as Gen X or Gen Y. I don’t like Gen Whiners, they don’t seem like my kind …

Aug 21, 2022: I get itchy when I sit with a photo I’ve made for more than 24 hours, I couldn’t imagine dedicating 50 years to a work of art.

Aug 21, 2022: Time to get off the hamster wheel: interview with Spencer Howson Spencer Howson on 4BC Weekends invited me into the studio to explain why we’re moving to Mexico.

Aug 21, 2022: DJ Patil - former U.S. Chief Data Scientist - has the best advice on building: dream in years, plan in months, evaluate in weeks, ship daily.

Aug 21, 2022: Nine years since I’ve walked through these doors

Aug 21, 2022: Henry Luce, founder of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated magazines: “To see life; to see the world; to eyewitness great events; to watch …

Aug 20, 2022: Eve Peyser in Intelligencer on Mensa: “Many of its members think of themselves as outsiders and feel like Mensa is a place where they can be …

Aug 20, 2022: B.D. McClay in The Hedgehog Review: “The other great crime of whataboutism is that it solidifies the online sense that the appearance of paying …

Aug 19, 2022: View the world through a series of incentives and you’ll find we’re doomed in every direction. Health departments want people to drink less. Tax …

Aug 18, 2022: When this real estate agent announces a successful deal on Instagram, she doesn’t put SOLD or PURCHASED on the listing — she puts MANIFESTED!

Aug 18, 2022: How sunrise at Currumbin Rock looked this morning

Aug 17, 2022: An update to the whole ‘my photos were stolen and published in a book at Kmart" story: Before beginning any legal proceedings I sent them …

Aug 17, 2022: Expo 88 is the reason I'm a nerd One of my earliest memories is from Expo 88 in Brisbane. I remember the intense display of future technology - or at least what they thought it would …

Aug 17, 2022: My favourite kind of internet communication is when you write a joke then people comment with real advice.

Aug 16, 2022: Sam Neil is bringing Jurassic Park down under!

Aug 16, 2022: My mate Jay has made a documentary about remote knowledge workers, digital nomads, working around the Arctic Circle and I’m pretty damn jealous …

Aug 16, 2022: Temple & Webster bed: $450. Koala king mattress: $1039. I Love Linen sheets: $335. How Luna sleeps: priceless.

Aug 16, 2022: The only correct way today can go in #auspol is if the Prime Minister does a press conference where he takes off an Albo mask and is Scott Morrison …

Aug 15, 2022: It’s weird when I hear about people watching the same TV show at the same time as other people because the antennas on a nearby mountain determined it …

Aug 15, 2022: Running your own business is the most powerful vessel for learning. Theory actualises itself into practical, meanwhile, you’ve placed a bet, …

Aug 15, 2022: An ever-changing and growing list of the top 50 life hacks at

Aug 15, 2022: Muppets magic. “I’d save every day like a treasure and then again I would spend them with you” Cover of Jim Croce’s …

Aug 15, 2022: Salon Tom Weston’s Five Rules of Being A Grown-Up: You must not have anything wrong with you, or anything different about you. If you have something …

Aug 14, 2022: How many fools you know that have specific global and Australian marriage law, rituals, traditions, and customs knowledge like this? Not many. If any?

Aug 14, 2022: On distrusting Instagram Tavi Gevinson in NY Mag’s The Cut: “There are plenty of well-documented reasons to distrust Instagram — the platform where one is never not branding, …

Aug 13, 2022: Outside our front door just now

Aug 13, 2022: A solid opportunity to transfer some of your wealth to me and for me to transfer some of my art to your walls at

Aug 13, 2022: Y’all bringing your outdoor furniture inside after using it?

Aug 13, 2022: As an old nerd I find it fundamentally offensive when tech podcasts publish a 404th episode instead of skipping it, or maybe publishing a no-audio …

Aug 13, 2022: Saturday morning coffee date

Aug 13, 2022: I’d rather have no phone than an Android phone.

Aug 12, 2022: Why is it ok for William Joel to be professionally called Billy Joel but it’s not ok for Joshua Withers to be professionally called Joshy Withers?

Aug 10, 2022: Science says we can all just stay at home and the Titans will still lose despite a home ground advantage.

Aug 10, 2022: Jerry Saltz is a gift to this generation, and his Vulture article: How to Be an Artist should be required reading for humans on planet earth: …

Aug 10, 2022: Matt Ruby (plus every wedding photographer I know): Your grandparents have photos in a shoebox, but we’ll have nothing. Reminder: Just like …

Aug 10, 2022: I never knew I needed a Transformer that transformed into a Canon R5 until now. now it’s all I want in this life.

Aug 10, 2022: Answers to the 10 most common questions people ask about us moving to Mexico Answering the most common questions I’ve been asked about Britt and I moving to Mexico with our two kids: When do you go? October 10, 2022, then I …

Aug 10, 2022: A fascinating element of modern web design is that developing/producing for the open web has actually gotten harder, not easier. I remember the …

Aug 10, 2022: Never forget that time the two largest mobile phone software companies partnered together and the Australian federal government said, yeah nah, and …

Aug 10, 2022: Sunrise this morning from Snapper Rocks Photos were created by me, on the sunrise of Wednesday, 10 August 2022, at Snapper Rocks and Greenmount Beach …

Aug 9, 2022: Ok, this is cool:

Aug 9, 2022: Can confirm this is true. Please refrain from messing with me: “I don’t mess around with anyone over 42, they built different, their …

Aug 9, 2022: My favourite weekly email newsletter - Dense Discovery - just clocked over 200 editions. Give it a read and subscribe.

Aug 9, 2022: You know what the most disappointing element of the Trump presidency has been is finally finding out that Area 51, aliens, werewolves etc, they don’t …

Aug 9, 2022: Australian weather data on the iOS 16 public beta doesn’t look to be any better than previous incarnations. The leftmost app is Weathergraph which is …

Aug 8, 2022: Finally it’s happened! Millennials are old too!!!

Aug 8, 2022: Jideofor Onwugbenu on his Leverage Thoughts Substack wonders if doing a lot really does much: In our world where the current zeitgeist is of being …

Aug 8, 2022: I found the ‘Soon Horse’ at The Ekka today

Aug 8, 2022: Ekka 2022 The Withers kids hit Brisbane’s Royal Queensland Show for 2022. All Luna wanted was a “Skye Puppy” from Paw Patrol.

Aug 8, 2022: John Dickerson in Slate: “My children are vampires. I don’t mean that they are going to dress as vampires for Halloween. I mean that, like vampires, …

Aug 8, 2022: I’ve been working on getting my Instagram account back to friends and family, after a decade of “better follow this account for brand and business …

Aug 7, 2022: Where are the most notable people on the planet from? This really cool mashup of Wikidata and Openmaps shows you, on a globe. Looks like I’ve …

Aug 7, 2022: 28

Aug 5, 2022: TikTok Moderators Are Being Trained Using Graphic Images Of Child Sexual Abuse, in Forbes: “Nasser expected to be confronted with some …

Aug 5, 2022: How annoying are cold fries

Aug 4, 2022: Port Dougie this afternoon. Port Douglas, Far North Queensland.

Aug 4, 2022: Spain says no to nice aircon temps: “A decree published on Tuesday morning in the official state gazette and scheduled to go into effect next …

Aug 4, 2022: It’s the crocodile you don’t see you have to worry about. Crocodiles found on the Mowbray River, just south of Port Douglas in Queensland. …

Aug 4, 2022: Write one blog post every day that scares you If you’re uncultured swine like me, you probably thought that Baz Lurhmann gave this commencement speech and it was released as a song. The …

Aug 4, 2022: Free business idea: Instagram, but for photos.

Aug 4, 2022: Many think that “the elites” or “the media” are pushing an agenda. They’re not, it’s actually worse. They’re …

Aug 3, 2022: “When you hit a wrong note, it’s the next note that makes it good or bad.” – Miles Davis

Aug 2, 2022: Brisbane on a Tuesday afternoon

Aug 2, 2022: It was a good month for me on Unsplash. Zero dollars made, but millions of feel-good bucks.

Aug 2, 2022: More Aussies - 18% - are going to be investing in crypto in the next 2yrs than real estate - 17% - so it’s going to be a pretty good 2yrs for A …

Aug 2, 2022: TikTok's talking points are totally cool, nothing to see here, move along now, everything's cool ya see It almost seems like TikTok is the great globalist company we’ve all been waiting for, to save us from the boredom of our everyday lives, and to …

Aug 1, 2022: Tugun Beach tonight

Aug 1, 2022: What we measure is often not what matters Byrne Hobart, in The Diff: “If actors are getting older and the music we listen to is getting older, it may be because TikTok stars, Twitch …

Jul 31, 2022: 🌙

Jul 31, 2022: The radio is dead, long love the radio Tim Burrowes in Unmade: The meat of the event came in the panel, which included SCA CEO Grant Blackley. As is regularly the case, he was refreshingly …

Jul 31, 2022: Reels is less than half as successful as Stories was on the same theft timeline Nathan Baschez in Every: Is Reels even working? Yes and no. Reels is now two years old and, according to my reading of the data, it’s only working …

Jul 31, 2022: Zuckerberg and the rice playpen As I write this I’m standing in what used to be a seed, or maybe rice, playpen at a local indoor play centre. Used to be, because this last week …

Jul 31, 2022: Another dose of inspiration for my family’s 2023: Seneca: “Everybody agrees that no one pursuit can be successfully followed hoping I by a man who is …

Jul 28, 2022: My 2023 goal in Mexico is to no longer know to do. Wendell Berry: “It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work, …

Jul 28, 2022: May god save any of you who find this book in your family homes

Jul 28, 2022: Scott Rosenberg in Axios: “Mark last week as the end of the social networking era, which began with the rise of Friendster in 2003, shaped two …

Jul 28, 2022: Taylor Lorenz on why you don’t want the old Instagram back: “It’s tempting to think that if Instagram simply reverted to a previous …

Jul 26, 2022: A fancy hotel in Brisbane is trying to engage the Streisand effect by asking that these photos be removed from my Unsplash profile. It’s funny …

Jul 26, 2022: I might not be TikTok cool, but I’m Grammarly cool

Jul 25, 2022: Paul Ford in Wired mag might be onto something

Jul 24, 2022: Where is trust growing? It’s often remarked upon that trust is dropping. Trust in government, science, corporations, media, journalists etc. But …

Jul 24, 2022: I feel seen, @gruber

Jul 23, 2022: Where the hell is she?

Jul 23, 2022: One of the key elements to parenting is knowing whether to say “wow” or “no, don’t do that” when your kid screams “Hey, dad!”

Jul 23, 2022: The co-founder of podcast host Anchor has written about his perceived issue with podcasting in the Standards Innovation Paradox, and James Cridland …

Jul 23, 2022: Instagram is embarrassing itself because it didn't steal, it copied Five days after Instagram launched in October 2010 I graced the new photo-sharing service with this gold nugget. [] …

Jul 23, 2022: Coffee. Coffee is what’s at the end of the rainbow. There, I solved it all for you.

Jul 21, 2022: They’re showing off Wisk’s flying cars at King George Square in Brisbane today.

Jul 19, 2022: Craig Mod (devastatingly) on travel: “The romantic ideal of travel is to leave as one version of yourself and return another, changed, ‘better’ …

Jul 18, 2022: Monday morning from Main Beach, Surfers Parasise, and the Broadwater

Jul 17, 2022: Only 80s kids will know the answer: CGA EGA TANDY VGA

Jul 17, 2022: But …

Jul 16, 2022: The story behind “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain”: “Most foremen working at that time were chiefly hired for their …

Jul 16, 2022: Consider me sold on water filtration. Six months ago we got a complete home water filtration unit installed. I wasn’t against it, I just didn’t …

Jul 15, 2022: I still believe this 10 years on

Jul 15, 2022: The one where Charlie Day beats up Ben Abraham. If I Didn’t Love You, the Music Video.

Jul 14, 2022: These Hubble vs Webb photos are amazing

Jul 14, 2022: Jim Rohn: “You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.”

Jul 13, 2022: Do banks call debit cards, credit cards, and credit cards, debit cards? Because if it’s a credit card for me, it’s a debit card for them. …

Jul 13, 2022: I swear I’m the only person who googles “New Amazon Kindle Oasis” every week waiting to see if I’ve missed the announcement …

Jul 12, 2022: I’m fascinated by this idea: Vickrey auction as price discovery mechanism “If you run a sale at $X, the most you can learn is that Y …

Jul 12, 2022: Queensland woman sacked for not including an emoji in a text message: Ms Wang stated repeatedly that the Applicant “didn’t add any smiley faces! …

Jul 12, 2022: Tuesday sunrise from Tugun with Luna (and a visit to Highline Palm Beach for espresso afterward)

Jul 11, 2022: I’ve convinced Luna that Hall & Oates’ “Rich Girl” is actually “Big Girl” and that it’s about her. She now requests the song about her. I don’t …

Jul 10, 2022: I can only, and will only, eat hotdogs from this day on, after I have been introduced like this

Jul 10, 2022: This story about Disney - and Hollywood - in China is wild: The other fascinating part about Disney’s strategy involves the string of English …

Jul 10, 2022: James Clear: “Many people are not ready for their lucky break when it comes to them. Develop your skills. Study your craft. Save some money. …

Jul 10, 2022: 🕵️ Fresh air

Jul 7, 2022: Police are now targeting: People who don’t know to walk away from the counter after they’ve ordered their coffee. Americans who think that America is …

Jul 6, 2022: Jetstar Informs Passengers Mid Flight That The Trip Has Been Cancelled: “Thank you for choosing Jetstar.”

Jul 6, 2022: Taking a pause from the Tugun Pause

Jul 3, 2022: Facebook, weve been married for like 15 years now, I really thought you’d know me better. Also, Brittany, this is 33% your fault.

Jul 3, 2022: Not everyone is an artist

Jul 3, 2022: James Dale Davidson: “In the future, wealth will be measured not just by the amount in your bank account, but in your ability to structure your …

Jul 3, 2022: A Josh-eyed view of Pullerbopulloke, or as the brits called it, Bacchus Marsh, named after Captain William Henry Bacchus and the marsh he brought his …

Jul 3, 2022: Love Gets Weird God is love but love gets weird Said the flea to the ant in the devil’s beard We are passengers here, and it’s as we feared That God is love but love …

Jul 3, 2022: It’s great that Google’s automatically deleting location history to keep people safe, it’d just be nice if they extended it to include me buying ice …

Jul 3, 2022: Watching Melbourne wake up this morning from the Maribyrnong River

Jul 2, 2022: Nothing says “you’re awesome at decisions” like purchasing a $2 service station coffee at 5pm on a Saturday.

Jul 2, 2022: A few observations on flying out of the Gold Coast this morning. I departed through a new fancy boarding gate, they have scales in the floor to …

Jul 2, 2022: Dr. Gabor Maté​: “The road to hell is not paved with good intentions. It is paved with lack of intention.”

Jul 1, 2022: Tom Johnson on realising his attention span has become fragmented: “Sometimes, I’d occasionally pull out my phone without any particular reason, …

Jul 1, 2022: I’d like to start a coffee shop in Cupertino called Appel Perk

Jul 1, 2022: The Queensland government is rolling out a plastic ban, which is going to be detrimental to the Gold Coast surgical improvement market.

Jul 1, 2022: It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

Jun 29, 2022: I don’t know which PAW Parrol parents need to hear this but: Mayor Goodway is the mayor of Adventure Bay and Mayor Humdinger is the mayor of Foggy …

Jun 29, 2022: “Hopefully this makes you really angry or confirms your preexisting biases and worldviews. Best of luck xoxo” The Algorithm

Jun 28, 2022: Off to the lawyers we go I’ve always wanted to see my work published, so when my friend Justin suggested I had been in a photo book called “Australia: A Celebration”, I went …

Jun 28, 2022: "Make known the unknown; murder your fantasies Craig Mod to Kai in Dense Discovery 194: “It’s easy to be seduced by the world of potentiality. A book is always greatest before it’s written. You …

Jun 28, 2022: From my boy @JayT0pp’s email: “The tourist seeks out culture because in our world culture has disappeared into the maw of the spectacle. …

Jun 27, 2022: Gold Coast winter’s sunset

Jun 27, 2022: View to Surfers Paradise in 1986 versus 2022. 1986 photo by Leo Meier, published in Above Queensland in 1986, purchased in an op-shop for $1 in 2022.

Jun 26, 2022: Allow yourself the uncomfortable luxury of changing your mind

Jun 25, 2022: Abortion Banned In Parts Of USA, So Children Can Live Long Enough To Be Shot Dead At High School

Jun 25, 2022: Kevin Kelly in The Need for World Government “It seems obvious to me that planetary problems demand planetary government.”

Jun 25, 2022: owner

Jun 25, 2022: Some personal news: we’re moving to Mexico later this year. It’s time to get off the hamster wheel.

Jun 24, 2022: “I want something more concise, more simple, more serious; I want more soul and more love and more heart.” – Vincent van Gogh

Jun 24, 2022: The audio is dead, long live the audio! Audio is such an intimate medium. I was lucky enough to catch the final half hour of Laurel, Gary & Mark’s final breakfast show on …

Jun 24, 2022: Please sign my petition to have butter knives demoted to flat metal sticks. They’re clearly not a type of knife.

Jun 24, 2022: Get behind me, devil!

Jun 23, 2022: The British Embassy versus the USA Embassy versus the Iranian Embassy in Canberra.

Jun 23, 2022: Fav YouTube of all time: New Yorkers missing the train

Jun 22, 2022: I don’t want to be the one to tell them that’s not how podcasts work

Jun 20, 2022: What a Story // Brisbane

Jun 20, 2022: Spent today making profile and branding photos for a Brisbane cybersecurity firm which failed to protect these bread rolls from pigeons so I’m not …

Jun 20, 2022: Stolen valour: Christianity Today’s Mike Cosper publishes a damming review of some Christian leaders that have made news of late. “an interesting …

Jun 20, 2022: Good morning, Gold Coast

Jun 19, 2022: Sign me up for this reading

Jun 18, 2022: Just a note for my obituary, if you’re looking for extra things to mention: every time I encounter a wrong address, or entry, or error on Apple Maps I …

Jun 18, 2022: Adults, we must rise up. We have the power, we have the means, we have the skills, we have the tools. We must delete, remove, stop the Baby Shark. For …

Jun 17, 2022: Flying my drone to capture the sunrise this morning and on the way back home I stumbled across these magnificent creatures

Jun 16, 2022: The moonrise tonight over the Paciifc Motorway at Ormeau

Jun 16, 2022: Derek Thompson: “work is not life’s product, but its currency. What we choose to buy with it is the ultimate project of living.”

Jun 15, 2022: Not gonna lie, Internet Explorer peaked at version 3. It’s been down hill for the 26 years since.

Jun 15, 2022: My in-depth review of the new Eclipse ‘Comfort’ mints in honey, lemon, and ginger flavour: Chew these mints to open a portal to hell in your mouth.

Jun 15, 2022: Heaven is the right USB-C cable

Jun 15, 2022: Funny way to spell Straya

Jun 15, 2022: A re-release of Nickelback’s Photograph but it’s about Facebook Memories.

Jun 14, 2022: iOS 17 Idea: Screensavers for iPhone. Specifically After Dark.

Jun 13, 2022: She did this all on her own 🍆

Jun 11, 2022: Posting this photo because I’m simply pretty proud of it. I’ve been carrying this 16mm lens around for a while in-case I was stuck between a rock and …

Jun 11, 2022: 99% of asking for advice is just confirming what you already wanted to do.

Jun 11, 2022: ‘You only have one shot’: how film cameras won over a younger generation. Imogen Kars in the Guardian: “The lack of instant feedback is …

Jun 10, 2022: It’s whack to think that 329 million people’s identity and culture is built on a document written by a few rebellious 29-year-olds wearing …

Jun 10, 2022: Friday afternoon in Wentworth Falls, NSW

Jun 10, 2022: Josh Spector on writing a newsletter that helps you sell: “You’ll never become the center of a community by only talking about yourself.” …

Jun 10, 2022: The world as 100 people over the last two centuries. Spoiler: things are looking good.

Jun 10, 2022: This is cool: “Sleep stories from First Nations storytellers.” Dreamy.

Jun 10, 2022: This is the weakest take. (See screenshot) A groom’s role in a wedding is in equal nature to the other person being married. A wedding is not a …

Jun 10, 2022: "The world is a museum of passion projects" Three collected thoughts on what the world, all this around us, is: “As you become an adult, you realise that things around you weren’t …

Jun 10, 2022: “Pessimists sound smart. Optimists make money.” — @natfriedman

Jun 8, 2022: It’s Time to Bring Back the Away Message, Lauren Good in WIRED: I miss Away Messages. This nostalgia is layered in abstraction; I probably miss …

Jun 7, 2022: And Away

Jun 6, 2022: Today in Sydney

Jun 6, 2022: It’s now Six Guys, I’m that invested

Jun 6, 2022: “Once upon a time people were born into communities and had to find their individuality. Today people are born individuals and have to find their …

Jun 6, 2022: It’s really nice to see the Queen finally make Platinum, but I thought @Qantas would’ve just given her an honorary frequent flyer status considering …

Jun 4, 2022: Whose pockets is Big Honeydew in so tht honeydew continues to be included as a token fruit salad filler. (Six months later I have an investigative …

Jun 4, 2022: Elon Musk sentiment is slowly swinging negatively, but in a Trump-like fashion, where it’s not so much about a swing, but a widening, gaping, divide …

Jun 3, 2022: Today in the Numinbah Valley

May 30, 2022: “So what’s the Original Sin of the Internet? Nearly all business models it supports require spying on consumers and monetising them.” — Bob Sullivan

May 28, 2022: Say what you will about brand activations and capitalism ruining the world, I am 100% here for the Bondi Bigfoot and whatever has happened to The …

May 27, 2022: Norman Greenbaum’s Spirit in the Sky but it’s about coffee.

May 27, 2022: “Lust for the future, treasure the past.” — Jimmy Buffett

May 26, 2022: Went to Sydney for 10 hours today and tried to go to Luna park which could honestly do some yard work.

May 26, 2022: Sydney today

May 25, 2022: Is it tho?

May 25, 2022: Simulating your life’s finances like a computer game is depressing

May 25, 2022: A cyber security article published twenty years ago. Envisioning a Cyber “Center for Disease Control”

May 24, 2022: Was blessed to actually see colour in the sky this afternoon. Had to ask Google whether colour in the sky was a shepherd’s delight or not.

May 24, 2022: Anyone who isn’t embarrassed by who they were last year isn’t learning enough

May 24, 2022: "He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers" We, we the people, reframe and view government as a god. Which is quite unhealthy. We position our prime ministers and presidents as idols, put them …

May 23, 2022: Yes, I do want to report the problem now. Boots and swimmers is illegal I think.

May 23, 2022: Apple has rebranded “Apple Pay Cash” to “Apple Cash” and launched new splash pages for the service, along with new pages for …

May 22, 2022: I think about this daily. It really challenges my default setting of hitting life like a to-do list: “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a …

May 22, 2022: Anyone else just really want to see Louis Theorux’s Fiat?

May 22, 2022: Well, I’m so glad that we got the correct result with the election and all of our problems are solved and we can all just share cat videos …

May 22, 2022: The “day after a federal election” vibes

May 21, 2022: I, for one, welcome our new DJ overlord.

May 21, 2022: If I am elected President of Australia tonight, in my first 100 days I will bring back the stirring spoon to McDonalds McFlurries. I will make …

May 21, 2022: Luna was really upset. She thought we were going on a boat when I said that we were going to vote. Teach your kids the difference between floating on …

May 20, 2022: Name a better collab, I’ll wait

May 18, 2022: As someone who attends weddings professionally, I find it amazing that in ‘woke 2022 where we’ve #metoo’d, we’re feminists, …

May 18, 2022: I just realised I slid into my 14th year as a marriage celebrant over the weekend. Three years ago the Gold Coast Bulletin did a piece on me about how …

May 18, 2022: “Leaving everything up to the publishing industry is not the best way to run a culture.” – Brewster Kahle

May 18, 2022: “It is far easier to critique than to create” – Laurence Endersen

May 18, 2022:

May 16, 2022: Grandpa

May 16, 2022: I think it’s beautiful that guys with crazy eyes who only wear gym shorts find love.

May 15, 2022: Who had Louis Theroux being the most popular rapper of 2022 on their 2022 bingo card?

May 15, 2022: I, for one, welcome our new sunny and shining overlord

May 14, 2022: David Thorne was doing NFTs well before everyone else

May 13, 2022: One of the best things about the internet is how you are distincitly awards how few people are listening to you. For a decade I worked in an industry …

May 13, 2022: Rest In Peace, still images on Instagram Ok, I’m a little bit sad because the Internet is changing and I don’t like it. My favourite thing to create outside of marriage ceremonies, are …

May 13, 2022: When a wedding vendor emails you prices and you don’t reply

May 13, 2022: Talking to a celebrant friend this morning and they have a funeral this afternoon where there’s only one family member attending because the …

May 12, 2022: Apple Photos’ memories feature can detect when I’m at a Foo Fighters concert but categorises the photos from the hospital at Southport where both our …

May 12, 2022: As an Australian who consumes far too much American content in the form of podcasts and emails, let me echo Douglas Adams: “American audiences …

May 12, 2022: When I’m not marrying people, or shitposting on social, I write a weekly email for the southern end of the Gold Coast called The Tugun Pause. In …

May 11, 2022: Whenever I hear people talk about the Christian/Catholic vote I always wonder why it has nothing to do with Matthew 25. I reckon if Jesus was a …

May 11, 2022: Staff member of the 24/7 convenience store next to nightclubs in Fortitude Valley tells me that the clothes and footwear are how they make bank. The …

May 10, 2022: Playing with motion in Fortitude Valley tonight

May 9, 2022: Filed under “odd anniversaries” today is the 13th anniversary of the first time I saw a Newton in real life and also the Robina Apple …

May 8, 2022: It’s funny that the term “PC” aka personal computer has been essentially been burned describing Wintel computers when the truest and most-personal …

May 8, 2022: 🦋

May 8, 2022: So, like, this wasn’t a thing before?

May 7, 2022: Currumbin

May 7, 2022: At first I was stridently against the idea of combining a hen’s party and a marriage ceremony, but honestly, it worked out fine. A++ would recommend. …

May 6, 2022: OOL

May 6, 2022: “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

May 5, 2022: Moon. No editing or filtering. Just the boring old moon standing there looking glorious tonight. As seen from Byron Bay.

May 5, 2022: A new issue of the Tugun Pause is in inboxes with my proudest headline yet: 416 crimes and a beach ain’t one.

May 5, 2022: A friend just reminded me of that time I was on Sunrise for a Star Wars wedding on … May the fourth. God bless the internets, may you always …

May 4, 2022: Tintenbar garden

May 4, 2022: “Everyone has talent; what is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark places where it leads.” – Erica Jong

May 4, 2022: “To keep young kids behaving on a car road trip, have a bag of their favourite candy and throw a piece out the window each time they …

May 3, 2022: I love a sunburnt country

May 3, 2022: SYD

May 3, 2022: Photography from space was an afterthought. Astronaut John Glenn bought a Minolta 35mm from a drugstore. “At the beginning of the space program …

May 2, 2022: 329km driving. 807km flying. 11km hike. All to create a marriage ceremony on a Monday afternoon.

May 2, 2022: 12 French submarines < 255 French-ish aircraft

May 2, 2022: That’s not a Qantas flight … that’s a Qantas flight. An Airbus A350-1000 in Hangar 96, Sydney Airport, for the announcement of Project Sunrise.

May 2, 2022: That face when the situation is not escalating

May 2, 2022: Back at my Ryan Bingham impersonation this morning.

May 1, 2022: 🏖

May 1, 2022: Rich people need it. Poor people have it. If you eat it, you die. And when you die, you take it with you. What is it?

Apr 30, 2022: Hastings Point this afternoon 📷 playing with a 45 year old 35mm manual focus Canon FD lens on my Canon EOS R5.

Apr 30, 2022: ☀️

Apr 29, 2022: My three year old loves making photos, has a Micro.Blog! Her username is @lunawithers, her blog is here, and this is the kids camera she’s using.

Apr 29, 2022: Tom Cruise #notshotoniphone

Apr 28, 2022: Is love of aviation photography a hereditary thing? I guess we’ll never know.

Apr 28, 2022: 6:42am this morning // Brunswick Heads // Susara & Jake

Apr 28, 2022: Set an alarm to get up for sunrise this morning ….

Apr 28, 2022: What’s the story with hot air balloons carrying advertising? Is it a layover from former deals? Do the advertisers pay once, or a regular rate? It …

Apr 28, 2022: Sunrise elopement at Brunswick Heads this morning

Apr 27, 2022: Wategos Beach this afternoon

Apr 27, 2022: Do you guys need me to pick you up anything while I’m here?

Apr 27, 2022: Whenever I am out in public with either or both of my children I always carry their birth certificate with me so that I can easily and quickly prove …

Apr 27, 2022: How my body feels after the last two years of life and parenting

Apr 26, 2022: Everyone stop looking. I found them.

Apr 26, 2022: My thoughts on Elon Musk buying Twitter A friend asked “Thoughts on Musk Twitter?” in a message, I replied, and thought, that should be a blog post: The man’s not an idiot, and Twitter …

Apr 26, 2022: How old do kids have to be to ride on the dash? Asking for Goldie.

Apr 26, 2022: Everyone’s worried about what @elonmusk is going to do to Twitter the social network, but no-one’s talking about how he’s going to get printed copies …

Apr 26, 2022: I just can’t believe a rich guy bought the free bird website off other rich people. It’s like non-rich people only get to use the free bird website, …

Apr 24, 2022: ☀️

Apr 24, 2022: I’m a little bit obsessed with strapping this 50 year old Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 lens onto my Canon EOS R5 mirrorless camera with an Urth adaptor.

Apr 23, 2022: Canon FD 50mm strapped onto a Canon EOS R5 ⛽️

Apr 23, 2022: Police are now targeting podcast producers who say that they will put a link in the show notes, yet do not put that link in the notes.

Apr 23, 2022: VH-VPE, VH-VPD, VH-VPH at Wellcamp Airport Former Virgin Australia Boeing 777-300ERs, VH-VPE, VH-VPD, VH-VPH, hanging out at Toowoomba’s Wellcamp Airport.

Apr 23, 2022: Queensland Regional Accommodation Centre. Or as Scotty McDonald calls it, The Steven Miles Centre For Excellence, or as I’ll call it, The Queensland …

Apr 23, 2022: Just three Boeing 777’s hanging out in a field.

Apr 23, 2022: 💨

Apr 23, 2022: If I had to choose, I’d give it all away for the simple joy of being their dad

Apr 22, 2022: This is weird, but I need your help finding a ball. KMart used to sell these little massage balls that look like a virus emoji 🦠. About 12cm in …

Apr 21, 2022: It is so weird to experience old white male sexism in the flesh. I am pushing a pram through a shopping centre with my one-year-old daughter in it and …

Apr 20, 2022: DF: Biden Administration Looks Gift Horse in Mouth, But Can’t See It Because the Horse Is Wearing a Mask CDC guidelines suggest, for example, …

Apr 19, 2022: Danny Elfman, creator of The Simpson’s theme song, performs The Simpson’s Theme Song at Coachella and it’s beautiful.

Apr 17, 2022: Flight attendant said that if we “hear the words e and vacuate” then those of us in the emergency row have to do something with the window and it’s …

Apr 17, 2022: Making like ScoMo and Canberra’s in my rearview mirror

Apr 17, 2022: At the risk of outing myself as a business guy and customer journey nerd, why don’t cafes and shops just increase their prices by 1.5% instead …

Apr 17, 2022: Finally someone answers the big question: Where has Yahoo Serious been?

Apr 17, 2022: Drove the dirt road from Tumut to Canberra this morning.

Apr 17, 2022: Is it street photography if you made the photo in a car?

Apr 17, 2022: Argalong - population of 29 - at 6am this morning

Apr 17, 2022: Yes, I would like fries with that

Apr 15, 2022: Waxing Gibbous from QF1765 tonight

Apr 15, 2022: Damn Qantas gamifying being green so I feel incentivised to achieve an arbitrary goal.

Apr 15, 2022: The Good Friday commute

Apr 15, 2022: Pretty good Friday

Apr 14, 2022: VA534

Apr 14, 2022: Game night at the Gabba

Apr 14, 2022: Tonga’s triple disaster - Expsoure: “We felt very vulnerable because our island, Lifuka, is so low. We just ran for the highest point, the hospital. …

Apr 13, 2022: I still have a bit of a traumatic reaction crossing this border to go to work.

Apr 13, 2022: Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

Apr 13, 2022: A list of principles for a class taught by artist and educator Sister Corita Kent in 1967-1968: Nothing is a mistake.

Apr 13, 2022: If I’m making photographs for fun - aka not for money - I’m often shooting with a 41 year old lens that was passed on to me from my aunty, a Minolta …

Apr 13, 2022: “We’re the Aristocrats!” RIP Gilbert Gottfried.

Apr 13, 2022: This weekend I’m in Gundagai for a wedding, and I’ve got a little bit of Saturday and Sunday morning exploration time. Where should I go exploring in …

Apr 12, 2022:

Apr 12, 2022: “How to communicate the dangers of nuclear waste to future civilizations."

Apr 12, 2022: I don’t know how to say this without sounding a bit up my self, but I just spelled ‘poignantly’ correctly on the first go.

Apr 11, 2022: My fuel and drink at BP just came to $100.01, so I asked the girl behind the counter if I have a one cent discount so I could get a really nice number …

Apr 11, 2022: Twitter’s asking a lot of questions about longer form writing today

Apr 11, 2022: Can we, or more to the point, will we innovate our way out of gestures at everything? “So long as we keep choosing to create. If we keep doing …

Apr 11, 2022: I hope for a future where our thoughts, our conversations, our relationships, and our transactions are not handled by a handful of the largest …

Apr 11, 2022: Mark Fisher, in k-punk, on naming things like music genres: “Naming is not a neutral act of referring. Naming produces surplus value, something …

Apr 11, 2022: One of my favourite aspects of the world wide web and the internet, is the process upon which we find people who think the same as we do. People whose …

Apr 11, 2022: Police in San Francisco pull over a driverless car

Apr 10, 2022: Seems to have worked out ok for them tho

Apr 10, 2022: Kim Beazely - former Deputy PM of Australia, Ambassador to the USA, and current Governor of WA - on the general operational capacity of the United …

Apr 9, 2022: One of those weeks where I was on FaceTime a lot

Apr 9, 2022: You guys need anything while I’m here?

Apr 9, 2022: The difference 80km and a Ukrainian/Russian border makes in what you see on TikTok.

Apr 8, 2022: Ned Kelly’s legacy in tatters. I booked a two night stay at this motel hoping for stay based on Ned Kelly’s principles of stealing livestock, …

Apr 7, 2022: Just in: the new rankings for reading a book: Acquire the book and read it with your eyes. Acquire the book and intend to read it. Listen to a …

Apr 6, 2022: we’re all looking for someting, not knowing exactly what it is. then one day you’re driving toward the sunset with your window down, and wind …

Apr 6, 2022: I’ve got a hunch that this week will be the last one where Australia has a bloke named Scott Morrison as its Prime Minister. That election looms …

Apr 6, 2022: The view from Kirribilli last night

Apr 6, 2022: This week is one of those weeks where I’m reminded that I’m actually quite good at being a wedding celebrant and I really enjoy it despite a pandemic …

Apr 6, 2022: It wet. Pilot just explained that he and the other pilot were flying up from Melbourne for this flight and baggage loading staff were low at Melbourne …

Apr 5, 2022: Layers

Apr 5, 2022: Now that vaccinated segregation is coming to an end in Queensland why should we give up on classism now? I propose we start separating people based on …

Apr 4, 2022: Bedtime views

Apr 4, 2022: Feels good to be back in Sydney/the Blue Mountains today. Feels like I’m back in the office like the good ol’ days.

Apr 3, 2022: Life with a three year old and a one year old feels like a blur


Apr 3, 2022: Souht of ‘Talle sunday afternoons

Apr 2, 2022: Australia

Apr 2, 2022: Why the original iMac had a handle

Apr 1, 2022: Arrived home from work late tonight to a vomiting toddler. She managed to soil two compete bed settings, a bunch of Britt and my clothes, two pyjamas, …

Apr 1, 2022: Eight hospitality trends/opportunities that could emerge from Covid: Towns for remote workers Home swapping City getaways and glamping Coliving in …

Apr 1, 2022: 2022: Mac Studio 2023: iPad Studio 2024: AirPods Sussudio 2025: iPhone Studio

Apr 1, 2022: Cows with a beef

Mar 30, 2022: Turns out I’m very much not ready to see photos of my kids growing up. Luna’s 3.5 and I’ve got happy tears looking at photos of her from 2 years ago.

Mar 30, 2022: Charlie Munger: “Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome.”

Mar 29, 2022: Steve Albini to Kurt, Dave and Chris, aka Nirvana: “I like to leave room for accidents or chaos. Making a seamless record, where every note and …

Mar 29, 2022: VA531 SYD-OOL @virginaustralia Boeing 737 landing at @gcairport this afternoon.

Mar 29, 2022: Virgin aircraft offers me just the tip in my bathroom

Mar 28, 2022: One month ago, on the 28th of February we enjoyed 268mm of rain and our pool and lawn met for the first time. Today’s brought 168mm so far, enough to …

Mar 28, 2022: Free business idea: software that monitors your email and to-do list and tells a stranger to call you when you get through all your emails and tasks - …

Mar 28, 2022: Hearing about Chris Rock and his mate today reminded me to watch Bel Air, the modern remake of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It pushes The Batman way …

Mar 28, 2022: There was a really well known wedding photographer who was talking to Britt about shooting for The Elopement Collective, and on the phone to her (my …

Mar 28, 2022: The Polestar O₂ concept car that will never ship has a built-in drone and now I hate every other car “Cinematic drone, standard. Polestar O₂ doesn’t just elevate the driving experience. It also allows you to record it. Housed in the rear is a …

Mar 28, 2022: The most unforgiving part of password parenting is needing to take your passwords to the gym so the other passwords don’t bully it for being weak. …

Mar 26, 2022: Pop quiz: name a song about New York in the year 1776

Mar 26, 2022: Against Right Liberalism, Adrian Vermeule: “The old right liberalism finds itself short on fresh ideas but very long on donors, dollars, …

Mar 24, 2022: Please sign up for my OnlyDads. $9.99 a month for all of my best dad content.

Mar 24, 2022: Every ‘c’ in Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently

Mar 24, 2022: The shopping centre across the road was on fire, so our real estate office is now a temp daycare centre for the 70 kids from Busy Bees. Because …

Mar 23, 2022: Goldie and the light leak at Tallebudgera

Mar 23, 2022: A tourist is driving on the wrong side of the road on the Gold Coast Highway. It’s so beautiful now that the international borders are open again, …

Mar 23, 2022: A real estate colleague asked me yesterday how I marketed myself in weddings. I said, I just did really good work and then people enquired. Like this …

Mar 22, 2022: Marriage celebrants get all the cool stories.

Mar 22, 2022: 100% Bruce Wayne was influenced by “Son, when you grow up, would you be, the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?” in 2006 …

Mar 22, 2022: In light of the Hillsong news getting around, I’ve been reading Beyond Belief: How Pentecostal Christianity Is Taking Over the World by Elle …

Mar 22, 2022: Steve de Shazer: “Problem talk creates problems. Solution talk creates solutions.”

Mar 22, 2022: In 2003 Pusha T wrote the McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle, and because he wasn’t properly compensated he’s now worked …

Mar 21, 2022: Good, good, the metaverse has a volunteer police department full of randos planting weed on people and arresting people using annoying avatars.

Mar 21, 2022: I’ve always wanted to be able to watch planes land from my toilet. Now that our bathroom renovation is finished, I can!

Mar 20, 2022: Splash of crocodile hatchling

Mar 20, 2022: A few more hours of doing absolutely nothing for a week in Cairns until I go back to figuring out how to convince someone to sell their house with me, …

Mar 20, 2022: Substack’s idealogy by Nathan Baschez in Every: “The history of modern publishing (can be traced) back to the decision in 1833 of a guy named …

Mar 20, 2022: March 14, 2020: The Day the World Stopped Traveling.

Mar 19, 2022: Good news, the iOS Photos Look Up feature now works in Australia. Bad news, it can’t see crocodiles.

Mar 19, 2022: At what point can I add photograoher for @DealStreetAsia on my LinkedIn?

Mar 17, 2022: For everyone that’s thought Apple iCloud email didn’t have server-side rules/forwarding, they apparently do now.

Mar 16, 2022: Great. Now I’m part of the “use a correct aircraft type” problem. Qantas doesn’t fly Boeing 717s to New Zealand m8.

Mar 16, 2022: Haycock Island

Mar 16, 2022: Smile from a crocodile

Mar 16, 2022: Smile at a baby crocodile

Mar 15, 2022: A morning on the Daintree River with some baby, and not-so-baby crocodiles

Mar 15, 2022: Can confirm, the Canon EOS R5’s eye-autofocus for animals, does not work on baby crocodiles

Mar 14, 2022: That’s it, I’m done. I’m moving to Mars.

Mar 14, 2022: Apple event March 2023: We’ve put an M1 in the Polishing Cloth and it’s available for pre-order this Friday for $229.

Mar 14, 2022: From where you’d rather be, if where’d you rather be is a tropical paradise in the middle of a really rainy week

Mar 13, 2022: Home for the next few days // Clifton Beach, Qld

Mar 12, 2022: People who like to party on ice have moved to my neighbourhood

Mar 12, 2022: Hanging the boots up

Mar 12, 2022: Strip clubs and black holes, a review of a review of the life of Stephen Hawking.

Mar 11, 2022: Well there goes my plans on starting an airline based around coitus once we reach cruising altitude.

Mar 11, 2022: “The realization that life is absurd cannot be an end, but only a beginning.” – Albert Camus

Mar 10, 2022: I uploaded 72GB of data for a project today and it only took a few hours. I’m reflecting on that today as we berate the NBN, and government internet …

Mar 10, 2022: My dad gifted my 1 year old a commemorative 50c coin for her birthday. I don’t know what this means. Is this a secret code, like when someone leaves a …

Mar 9, 2022: Two years ago this week, we were all walking into the last normal week we’d see in a while. We were so innocent and unaware.

Mar 9, 2022: auDA is celebrating the 36th birthday of .au today, a few weeks away from the launch of .au direct. One of my earliest memories of .au is how …

Mar 8, 2022: So many of you have been asking how much money I make. I make a Medium income.

Mar 8, 2022: I’ve been thinking a lot about the current disaster situation north and south of our home in flood devastated areas and how “the …

Mar 8, 2022: James Greig in Stop making the Ukraine war about you: “Social media isn’t necessarily the source of this tendency, but it has accelerated the …

Mar 7, 2022: A solid amen to Arne Bahlo on his article: You’re using email wrong. “If I look at my inbox, it’s a joy.”

Mar 7, 2022: I’m really good at sales

Mar 7, 2022: Just attended my eight court mediation hearing because of Covid cancelling someone’s wedding plans. If you ever want to feel sad come shout me a …

Mar 6, 2022: The Hustle via Kyle Westaway: “Sixty percent of IKEA purchases are impulse buys. And IKEA’s own creative director has said that only 20% of the …

Mar 6, 2022: Evan Armstrong: “There is perhaps no more colossal waste of human potential than Netflix. An algorithmic content feeding tube, designed by Silicon …

Mar 5, 2022: Every time I pick up an AFR lately and the front page headline isn’t “World is Fukt” I’m honestly surprised.

Mar 4, 2022: Lismore and the New South Wales Northern Rivers needs help. Skilled labour, stood down unvaxxed workers re-employed and resourced, fresh water, …

Mar 4, 2022: Most advice is people’s own lost dreams disguised as good advice.

Mar 4, 2022: “I think it’s important to live in a nice country rather than a powerful one. Power makes everybody crazy.” Kurt Vonnegut in a letter to his …

Mar 3, 2022: Kevin is listening through every album of every band he loves: “Even the great treasure of music can seem dull at times. I’ve found that giving …

Mar 3, 2022: This Eater story of how a New York restaurant took the unpopular route of closing on Saturdays plus they increased profitability is the kind of …

Mar 3, 2022: “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.” – Henry Ford

Mar 2, 2022: “He mooed we must fight, escape or we’ll die. Cows gathered around, cause the steaks were so high.”

Mar 2, 2022: Sunrise Surfers Paradise shoot this morning for a construction client

Mar 2, 2022: Our precious Goldie turns one today!

Mar 1, 2022: Deep cuts for Nikon photographers

Mar 1, 2022: Luna’s taken it upon herself to put the front page of Spectrum from the weekend’s SMH on the fridge because she likes the bird.

Feb 28, 2022: Tugun got a bit wet today

Feb 28, 2022: #floodlyf

Feb 28, 2022: Why You’re Christian, by David Perell: “If you believe in human rights but don’t believe in God, you need a logical explanation for why they’re …

Feb 28, 2022: Todays a good day to announce that we’re extending the pool and colouring it the same colour as the lawn

Feb 27, 2022: Quiz

Feb 26, 2022: Friday 13 Mar 2020, and the ABC quotes an F1 fan in its report on the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix being cancelled: “Are you going to close schools …

Feb 26, 2022: Just one moment

Feb 26, 2022: Eric Karjaluoto on the fallacy of individual wins and benefiting from the one force that every great business success has leveraged: The Wave: Henry …

Feb 25, 2022: Day four no bathroom. Old Spice has been drafted for service.

Feb 25, 2022: Chuck Klosterman on the 90s: “It feels as though the 1990s weren’t just the last decade of the 20th century but sort of the last decade, period …

Feb 25, 2022: David Ogilvy: “The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.”

Feb 25, 2022: “Wonderful things can happen when your brain is empty.” – Maira Kalman

Feb 25, 2022: The Russian Military website is down with HTTP error code 418, which means it is a teapot #nottheonion “The HTTP 418 I’m a teapot client …

Feb 25, 2022: I do appreciate how impossibly hard Kanye West has made to listen to Donda 2. It’s like Schrödinger’s album.

Feb 25, 2022: What ever happened to the Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention?

Feb 24, 2022: Crime in Tugun: Cromulent. A new issue of The Tugun Pause is in inboxes.

Feb 24, 2022: For those wondering where “Old Zealand” is, it’s in the Netherlands and it’s called Zeeland.

Feb 24, 2022: “Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln

Feb 24, 2022: Day three without a shower and bathroom and I’m considering starting using Lynx Africa.

Feb 23, 2022: I impulse purchased a Stem Player a while back because I convinced myself I needed something this weird in my life. Now I’m probably one of like ten …

Feb 22, 2022: Most of you wouldn’t know about the disappointment I carry that my first personal computer was a 486SX and not a 386DX. All my friends had 386s and my …

Feb 22, 2022: Our bathroom, a photo series. Sometime around the turn of the century (before we owned it) vs. 7am today vs. 11am today.

Feb 22, 2022: It’S TWOSDAY! Tuesday 22/2/22.

Feb 21, 2022: Guy in a Palm Beach cafe this morning: “Anything north of Mermaid Beach is Logan, love”

Feb 20, 2022: In my humble opinion, one of the most under-appreciated literary works of the past 25 years are Chuck Lore’s vanity cards

Feb 19, 2022: One day boomers are going to learn about Option + Shift + Command V and then us Millennials are going to be really screwed.

Feb 19, 2022: Dear Vanessa Carlton, Despite your willingness to walk a thousand miles to see me, I regret to inform you that you cannot fall into the sky.

Feb 18, 2022: “Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome” – Charlie Munger

Feb 16, 2022: If NCIS: Sydney can get off the ground Blue Heelers: New York. Surry Hills, 2010. ER: Covid Ward. Buffy the Prime Minister Slayer. Law & Order: …

Feb 15, 2022: Successful Man 2022 BC: Killed animal for family to eat. Successful Man 2022 AD: I’ve emptied three of my four email inboxes and there’s only seven …

Feb 15, 2022: Good and new music alert: Ben Abraham - If I Didn’t Love You

Feb 15, 2022: Smiling for photos is largely the result of marketing campaigns From this week’s Dense Discovery email: When looking at older portraits (first painted, then photographed) you would notice that very few …

Feb 15, 2022: René Girard in Wanting: “Humans don’t desire anything independently. Human desire is mimetic – we imitate what other people want. This affects the …

Feb 15, 2022: A wild Filet-O-Fish spotted near Hinze Dam on the Gold Coast

Feb 15, 2022: Hey, feel free to join me, imma storm Meta HQ. I’m taking a convoy to Menlo Park to demand that the Business Suite app work better.

Feb 14, 2022: If you didn’t watch the 2010 banger of a film, Valentine’s Day, tonight, you’re actually not in love. Trust me, I’m a celebrant, I’d know.

Feb 14, 2022: SMH reports that we are on the way to the darkest timeline: “Premier Dominic Perrottet said the information was uploaded in error and the bungle, …

Feb 14, 2022: Business idea: a screening of the Super Bowl for people like me who like to stay culturally relevant but don’t care about the football - and also have …

Feb 13, 2022: The sunset over Tugun tonight was all levels of madness.

Feb 13, 2022: Advice to a friend travelling Europe with a baby A text message I thought was worth sharing as a blog post: First stop, I reckon you need to get into a camera. Look at a Fuji X100 or a Sony RX100 as …

Feb 12, 2022: Every day I wonder why when I was a young boy my father never took me into the city to see a marching band. Just something else for me please thank …

Feb 12, 2022: It seems like the path to podcasting success isn’t to create good new content, but to have old good content

Feb 11, 2022: Sliding into the weekend from Burleigh

Feb 11, 2022: Some people donate to good causes, my personal contribution to world peace is wasting time for scam callers. Rosie here just spent 30 minutes trying …

Feb 11, 2022: Isaac Asimov: “It is important to remember that the viciousness and wrongs of life stick out very plainly but that even at the worst times …

Feb 11, 2022: Muhammad Ali’s letterhead in 2003 #GOAT

Feb 11, 2022: What ever you do, do not google goats eyes.

Feb 10, 2022: “He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch.” – Jean-Luc Godard

Feb 10, 2022: Elle Hardy talking her new book and the global Pentecostal movement with James Hennessy in The Terminal “Pentecostals are basically eating …

Feb 10, 2022: Alex Ross with Reasons to Abandon Spotify That Have Nothing to Do with Joe Rogan: “I don’t know how to explain to them that it has never been …

Feb 10, 2022: The only thing more terrifying than a Black Hawk rocking up on you in the middle of a battle with a load of bad ass soldiers, would be a ghost Black …

Feb 10, 2022: I’d bet $10 that the image was created on a Mac and saved without a .jpg extension. Can’t wait for the link that proves this and the …

Feb 10, 2022: If you say “website dot com” when it’s a, you’re a boomer.

Feb 10, 2022: The painting was defaced by a security guard who added two pairs of eyes to the painting 😂

Feb 10, 2022: Why?!

Feb 10, 2022: Kaitlyn Tiffany in The Atlantic, “When Multilevel Marketing Met Gen Z”: “She has more time and wealth than she knows what to do …

Feb 10, 2022: When I moved to Tugun four years ago we paid half what is now marketed as “Tugun’s most affordable home” … what a time to be …

Feb 10, 2022: Georgia O’Keeffe // “I said to myself, ‘I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me…shapes and ideas so near to …

Feb 10, 2022: Before he became CEO of the Trump campaign Steve Bannon made his living selling virtual gold on the Internet … Bannon managed to convince …

Feb 10, 2022: I think about this a lot

Feb 10, 2022: James Clear: “When considering a new project or opportunity, one of the first questions to ask is, “How do I want to spend my days?”

Feb 10, 2022: C. S. Lewis in a letter to a young fan: Don’t use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the thing you are describing. I mean, …

Feb 9, 2022: How Telegram Became the Anti-Facebook, Darren Loucaides: “As I sat with him, I thought back to the conversation Zuckerberg and Durov allegedly …

Feb 9, 2022: How much are they paying for this myGov thing again? I got the notification email overnight, I’ve been anxious about it all day, finally got the …

Feb 9, 2022: New data on how Americans drank themselves to death during the pandemic, by Christopher Ingraham

Feb 9, 2022: The Final Comeback of Axl Rose, by John Jeremiah Sullivan in 2006, referenced in the Rubesletter by Matt Ruby, today: Axl has said, “I sing in …

Feb 9, 2022: Remember when (20 years ago) British Telecom tried to patent hyperlinks so that everyone who used the web would owe them?

Feb 8, 2022: Sitting next to a couple on a first date (over lunch at a kebab shop) and the poor girl is really trying to make this work. After about 30 seconds of …

Feb 8, 2022: Miles Davis: “If you hit a wrong note, it’s the next note that you play that determines if it’s good or bad.”

Feb 7, 2022: Sad to see that TED Talks are actually useless

Feb 7, 2022: One day I’m going to open a restaurant called Alice’s Restaurant so that the three other Arlo Guthrie fans have somewhere to come and take …

Feb 4, 2022: English writer and poet, D.H. Lawrence (1885–1930): “The world fears a new experience more than anything. Because a new experience displaces so many …

Feb 3, 2022:

Feb 2, 2022: If there was a 24/7 streaming channel of just Rhys Darby talking about things in his funny manner, you could just pump that directly into my brain.

Feb 2, 2022: Finally made it to Buzzfeed

Feb 1, 2022: Every cricket season I think about the couple I met with who didn’t book me because I didn’t know who the groom was. I asked what he “did”, he said …

Feb 1, 2022: Also currently reading: On Reckoning by Amy Remeikis 📚

Feb 1, 2022: Currently reading: Things Hidden by Richard Rohr 📚

Feb 1, 2022: Chemical emitted by babies could make men more docile, women more aggressive: The study provides “pretty convincing evidence that HEX can modulate …

Feb 1, 2022: Yossi Ghinsberg is speaking to my Harcourts team today, this early statement about him reading books during school classes ignoring the teacher …

Feb 1, 2022: Readers and viewers aren’t dumb, via The Why Axis email.

Feb 1, 2022: I’ll probably do your wedding for free if you walk down the aisle to Goldfinger’s cover of 99 Red Balloons.

Jan 31, 2022: Thinking about Citipointe Christian College in Brisbane this afternoon … “Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless …

Jan 31, 2022: Has Spotify had a deep clean yet? I’m staying out until everything on Spotify is 100% sanitised.

Jan 31, 2022: “You can do it like it’s a great weight, or you can do it like it’s part of the dance.” – Ram Dass

Jan 30, 2022: The year is 2034 and your 12 y/o is getting ready for school. She starts the day with classes on empathy and then human connection. After lunch she …

Jan 29, 2022: Any other old school nerds ever just feel like re-visiting astalavista dot box dot sk?

Jan 29, 2022: Are you even from Brisbane if you don’t come to the Gold Coast on a long weekend and arrogantly proclaim to your partner that (insert beach suburb …

Jan 29, 2022: Notice how we keep on hearing from people who claim to be silenced?

Jan 29, 2022: Jen Ortiz, The Cut on weed’s last taboo, pregnancy: Those bong rips did the trick: “I fucking thrived after I felt better. I had the best …

Jan 28, 2022: What If We Just Stopped Being So Available?

Jan 28, 2022: Whites Beach, New South Wales

Jan 28, 2022: Please print this TikTok and put it on your bedroom walls

Jan 28, 2022: Gm Byron Bay 👋💪

Jan 28, 2022: Wategos Beach for sunrise this morning

Jan 28, 2022: “When rain falls, it flows downhill. If desired, you can collect the rain in a bucket and carry it uphill, but the natural tendency of water is …

Jan 28, 2022: Name a banger more bangish than Orgy’s Blue Monday. I’ll wait.

Jan 28, 2022: What which craft is this? Surfing without waves!? #witchcraft #byronbay #wategosbeach #surfing

Jan 26, 2022: If you’re interested in joining my new rectangle scheme we just give each other the same amount of money for doing nothing. Plus we get name badges.

Jan 26, 2022: You know how we’d all hate a guy who annually celebrated the anniversary of that time he raped someone. Now think about January 26.

Jan 26, 2022: Why Agatha Christie could afford a maid and a nanny but not a car, Timothy B Lee: “It’s one of the most important economic mysteries of the …

Jan 26, 2022: A story of hope, that the old internet might be coming back, the old internet was when the internet was a wonderland. Not a computer generated echo …

Jan 26, 2022: Brian Koppelman: “To an artist, rejection, at first, feels like death. That’s how personal the work is. And that’s why we’re afraid to do the …

Jan 26, 2022: "If you can live your life without an audience, you should do it" I don’t like a lot of what I see on Instagram Stories. Nick Catucci says the same in Embedded this week: “Instagram Stories had been an …

Jan 25, 2022: The story of how five seconds of one movie changed the entire California wine industry forever. The Sideways effect:

Jan 25, 2022: It really bothers me that Logan City Council uses Lobster font for its entry to the region motorway signage.

Jan 24, 2022: What lays beneath … // Cook Island, off Fingal Head

Jan 24, 2022: Fingal Head this afternoon. Was nice to visit and not have to convince a police to let me go home afterward.

Jan 24, 2022: A million dollar sunset over #Tugun tonight

Jan 24, 2022: What If Friendship, Not Marriage, Was At The Center Of Life? asks The Atlantic.

Jan 24, 2022: A relationship is about inventing your own language, says Céline Sciamma: “You’ve got the jokes, you’ve got the songs, you have this anecdote that’s …

Jan 24, 2022: Is a LIDAR capture of a person a photograph? Wired asks what is a photograph.

Jan 24, 2022: This is nuts: “CoreLogic’s Quarterly Auction Market Review shows 42,918 properties were taken to auction across the combined capital cities in …

Jan 24, 2022: Why would you make new music when all the growth in the industry is from old music At a wedding recently I heard my mate Hutcho belt out an old school banger with more energy and passion than the original artist could of. I jokingly …

Jan 23, 2022: I just want to get out ahead of any rumours being spread by our almost 11 month old and go on the record saying that we do feed her enough food, and …

Jan 22, 2022: I have issue with Apple’s Texas Hold’em game. Do they not have a graphic designer on staff? Could they not just get a photo of a bunch of Macs on a …

Jan 22, 2022: Sea breeze

Jan 22, 2022: Make taxi ranks car parks again. Return the taxi tanks to the people.

Jan 21, 2022: If only he’d been like a bat out of Wuhan, still here when the morning comes, when Christmas comes, when the wedding comes, the funeral comes, still …

Jan 21, 2022: “Like a bat out of hell I’ll be gone when the morning comes”

Jan 21, 2022: If you’ve ever worried about robots rising up and taking over, have no fear, they’re a long way off. I’ve used brooms smarter than our Roomba i7.

Jan 21, 2022: Toowoomba’s, Gabbinbar Homestead, on a Thursday afternoon

Jan 21, 2022: A Jewish scholar I once heard speak talked about how his people viewed life and death not as one season followed by another, life and then death, but …

Jan 21, 2022: The one truth everyone that has ever existed can testify to is that you cannot stop people dying, but you can stop them living.

Jan 20, 2022: Who do I have to talk to about making the next Mission: Impossible movie about stolen NFTs. Mission: Impossible - Right Click.

Jan 19, 2022: She turns around to tell me to make sure I take a photo of her on the scooter, “take photo of me!” My firstborn, @lunawithers.

Jan 19, 2022: January 2022 in the Associated Press: “A bill … that would prohibit public schools and private businesses from making white people feel …

Jan 18, 2022: Jason Chatfield’s cartoon from his email today

Jan 18, 2022: That face when dad makes you leave the beach

Jan 18, 2022: South of Talle’ on a Tuesday afternoon

Jan 18, 2022: I’m not antistacks, I’m just saying, when you’re on the bottom of a stacks-on it sucks. It’s all well and good if you’re on the top of the stack, but …

Jan 18, 2022: I’ve upgraded my MacBook this week to a new MacBook Pro, and a friend asked me how it was. I said it’s unnoticeable, like a good marriage …

Jan 18, 2022: @jkleske: “A signal is not a trend. A trend is not a future. A future is not THE future.”

Jan 18, 2022: The Algorithmic Trap by David Perrell: “If you want to find emerging and under-rated ideas, stop using algorithms … and improve the …

Jan 16, 2022: Luna got a camera for Christmas from Uncle Harley & Ainsley, so tonight she wanted to go and make photos of planes taking off. You couldn’t …

Jan 16, 2022: In 2022 I want to be a lot more deliberate about my inputs. Garbage in, garbage out. I’m continuing to craft my newsletters and subscriptions, …

Jan 16, 2022: I’m not anti-tax, I’m just saying that we don’t know the long term effects of giving these politicians half our cash. How do we know they’re not going …

Jan 15, 2022: Breaking news: Novak Djokovic wins the Australia Closed grand door slammed tournament.

Jan 15, 2022: When Britt and I were dating we lived in different cities the whole time as I travelled for radio work (Port Macquarie, Mackay, Cairns, Sydney, …

Jan 15, 2022: Finished reading: Volcanic Winter by Mark Rutherford 📚

Jan 15, 2022: Currently reading: Fortune-teller Told Me: Earthbound Travels In The Far East by Tiziano Terzani 📚

Jan 15, 2022: “Your goals are meant to honour you, not fix you”

Jan 15, 2022: “As soon as you decide to do without planes, you realise how they impose their limited way of looking at things on you. Oh, they diminish …

Jan 15, 2022: Proposal: Let’s drop the metaverse, and go all in on the meatverse. Less virtual reality meetings, more steak.

Jan 15, 2022: Dear Me, If, in future years, anyone asks you to give advice to your sixteen year old self… don’t. Make your own unique messes, and then work …

Jan 15, 2022: Molly White: blockchains are decentralised but not really, immutable but not really.

Jan 15, 2022: “Implicit egotism”

Jan 14, 2022: Peter Sagal’s Rules of Twitter:

Jan 14, 2022: Cows can be in the metaverse. This is disturbing.

Jan 14, 2022: I missed this New York Times piece on my hometown, Mackay in North Queensland, about how the mayor is almost single-handedly trying to turn the …

Jan 14, 2022: Things we were very worried about in our youth that turned out to be non-issues: using algebra the Bermuda Triangle snakes on planes quicksand …

Jan 13, 2022: 2021, the year in typography, if you’re into that kinda nerdy thing like I am.

Jan 13, 2022: Om Malik on the lethal and constant feeling of self-importance we walk around with: “With all the conversation of breaking free from big social …

Jan 13, 2022: “I used to think the top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought with 30 years of good …

Jan 13, 2022: My mate @scotty_mcdonald knows Brisbane better than you, and he’s writing an email about it called Brisbane is Weird and you ought to subscribe.

Jan 13, 2022: West Philadelphia born and raised, and now rebooted, much more dramatically Morgan Cooper made a fan-trailer of a dramatic reboot of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in 2019: Will Smith saw that video and now there’s a real …

Jan 13, 2022: Where’d I get this rainbow fudge? The Country Non-Binary’s Association stall at the markets this morning.

Jan 12, 2022: A weird celebration: we won our first Covid court case Today, on the 683rd day of March 2020, we won our first Covid wedding cancellation court case, a court hearing I attended from the carpark of a …

Jan 12, 2022: The gestation period for new MacBooks is past the two month mark #joy

Jan 11, 2022: The best Bob Saget clip is the one when Hamish & Andy convinced him to join their gang.

Jan 10, 2022: 15 years of iPhone

Jan 8, 2022: Currently reading: Atomic Habits by James Clear 📚

Jan 8, 2022: Your Animals With Attitude artists were so preoccupied with whether they could make a Super Mario Koala, they didn’t stop to think if they …

Jan 8, 2022: Why don’t they make phone screens out of the same glass they make fridge shelves out of?

Jan 7, 2022: I’m just saying, if you can’t trust people who spend billions of dollars to get fit good looking people to run around aggressively in arbitrary …

Jan 7, 2022: Isn’t it wild to imagine that if everyone on the whole planet just stayed at home until February there’d be no Covid. No deliveries, no takeaway, no …

Jan 7, 2022: The government response to Covid this month seems akin to trying to stop a large boulder running out of control down a mountain. I, for one, welcome …

Jan 7, 2022: ‘The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.’ — Steve Jobs

Jan 7, 2022: W.L. George in The New York Herald in May 1992 didn’t think that “the little girl who sells candles at Grand Central Station” would …

Jan 6, 2022: I really thought that by this age I would’ve found Carmen Sandiego. Life is just a series of disappointments.

Jan 6, 2022: I remember my friend Clifford showing me these photos and us waiting for them to render. Seeing a girl’s naked shoulders was a big deal back then.

Jan 6, 2022: 1 in 10 Brits will launch their own podcast in 2022 says Acast via @podnews

Jan 6, 2022: Heresy from @jayeless: “Cricket and ten-pin bowling ultimately derive from the same sport. It makes sense if you think of the wicket in cricket …

Jan 6, 2022: Olivia Laing in 2015 on the future of loneliness: “the cure for loneliness is not being looked at, but being seen and accepted as a whole …

Jan 6, 2022: The most disappointing element of modern society is the insistence that all stories (including the news, and celebrity or sport stories) must be …

Jan 6, 2022: Australia’s space dot is too small!

Jan 6, 2022: How to design a house to last for 1000 years

Jan 5, 2022: What could of been: Fuji developed a breakthrough which it is calling Nano Cubic which will allow as much as three gigabytes of data to be recorded …

Jan 5, 2022: Shopify entering NFT’s means your aunty will be minting an NFT before the end of the year.

Jan 5, 2022: In 1931 ceilings in movies was impressive. The 10 best films of 1931

Jan 5, 2022: A group of enterprising and nostalgic nerds want to take Blockbuster back. “Our mission is to liberate Blockbuster and form a DAO to …

Jan 5, 2022: There are only 25 blimps in the world, but this guy is trying to bring them back. Can you imagine standing in front of a venture capitalist telling …

Jan 5, 2022: The Australian people for the last 30 years: “We want - and will vote for - smaller and governments, with lower taxes, which means less tax revenue, …

Jan 5, 2022: The UX on this Small Child Is Terrible, McSweeney’s: “It’s as if this Small Child was not designed with accessibility in mind”

Jan 5, 2022: Week one of writing an email about life on the southern Gold Coast is that poor that @revue isn’t sure how to communicate it to me. …

Jan 4, 2022: I don’t understand magazine publishing in 2022. Today, January 4, a few minutes ago, someone published a pdf to Apple News and it’s about Macs …

Jan 4, 2022: One more Tokyo memory. No man has ever made me as happy as this man, as he handed me the nicest coffee my body has ever experienced. Japan is missing …

Jan 4, 2022: Whenever Brittany talks about having more kids, I start thinking about buying us a children buggy like this mum in Tokyo I saw in 2019.

Jan 4, 2022: I think about this bloke I saw out the front of a Tokyo train station in November 2019 reading a book with a magnifying glass quite a lot.

Jan 4, 2022: Nick Cave on Kanye: Making art is a form of madness – we slip deep within our own singular vision and become lost to it. There is no musician on …

Jan 4, 2022: The trick with life is you have to actually mean it, which can be the hardest part.

Jan 4, 2022: As a very proficient speaker of radio, this video burns

Jan 4, 2022: I’ve got an old friend and we share ideas with each other. Then years later we share a news article about how someone “stole” our …

Jan 4, 2022: In Praise of Conspiracy Theories, David Perell: It’s easy to hate on conspiracy theories, but what are the best arguments for taking them seriously? …

Jan 4, 2022: Peter O’Dowd and Kalyani Saxena: “When you were a kid, it seemed like you could walk up to just about anybody and be best friends the …

Jan 4, 2022: Understand the rules so you can break them One of the wisest things I was ever taught about radio broadcasting … and life … was that you needed learn the rules so you understood …

Jan 4, 2022: Storytime with Seth Rogen is a new fav podcast and it’s going on my inputs page. The most recent episode, The Ballad of Mount Doogie Dowler, is …

Jan 3, 2022: Drafting up an email for my #southoftalle email list right now with all my photos from today where Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth was hitting the Gold Coast …

Jan 3, 2022: Gold Coast afternoon

Jan 3, 2022: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth brings some surf to Snapper

Jan 3, 2022: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth is bringing some wind to the waves at Tugun and Snapper Rocks today.

Jan 3, 2022: Expect streaming TV consolidation in the coming years Matthew Belloni in Puck A good model is Peacock-WWE. Last March, NBC Universal took over the pro wrestling outfit’s WWE Network and its 1.1. million …

Jan 3, 2022: I noticed a Jetstar Boeing 787-8 coming into Gold Coast Airport in some pretty strong winds and broke the camera out quickly.

Jan 1, 2022: Happy 120th birthday to the Federal Government, its birth of course being an issue for the states.

Jan 1, 2022: Joan Didion on being in the world: “I’m not telling you to make the world better, because I don’t think that progress is necessarily part of the …

Jan 1, 2022: I never thought I’d be in such a winning position, but if anyone is trying to buy a rat, the ones under my house are of good breeding and honestly I’m …

Jan 1, 2022: Sliding doors. Daily Mail, 5 December 2000: “The internet may be only a passing fad for many users, according to a report.”

Jan 1, 2022: Some of Betty White’s best recent work was for Air New Zealand

Jan 1, 2022: In 2016 Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Academy Award. Many scholars believe this upset the gods and brought torment on our people and the only …

Dec 30, 2021: Some personal news, I’m changing the definition of fun to things that take less than four hours to do.

Dec 30, 2021: James Cameron walks into the boardroom and “wrote the word Alien on a board. Then he pluralized it, making it Aliens and insinuating he was about to …

Dec 28, 2021: I'm selling my car, if that's the kind of thing you're looking for 2018 Volkswagen Polo Launch Edition AW Auto MY18 Sixth-generation 2018 Volkswagen Polo Launch Edition in Limestone Grey metallic, five door hatch, 4.9 …

Dec 27, 2021: Song idea: Nugget Connection. A song about why there are so many songs about chicken nuggets and why they look like little maps of Australia if …

Dec 27, 2021: This is the first episode I’ve heard of Seth Roger’s Storytime podcast, but it’s a beautifully made podcast, and this episode is gripping and the …

Dec 27, 2021: Productivity inversely affects creativity, and vice-versa. So, welcome to the lowest productivity week of the year. May your creativity flourish.

Dec 27, 2021: A letter to a newborn child, requested of Desmond Tutu by the girl’s father, July 2016: Dear Juliet Hello, little sister. You don’t know me. I am …

Dec 26, 2021: Whenever I hear Carol Of The Bells I have this tribal urge to run home to protect it because I think it’s about to get robbed.

Dec 25, 2021: Disney+ thinks that Iron Man 3 is a Christmas movie. Is everything a Christmas movie now?

Dec 25, 2021: Bob Lefsetz, self-proclaimed boomer, on boomers: “Going to see McCartney, the Stones and the Eagles has become a ritual. Because their music reminds …

Dec 25, 2021: “A tribe without enemies is, almost by definition, not a tribe. As a consequence, tribal dispute and warfare is part of what defines humanity.” …

Dec 23, 2021: I met a Betty once and told her that when she calls me she can call me Al. She just nodded in reply. I think about this a lot.

Dec 23, 2021: If you got your professionally shot wedding, couple, or family photos printed at Officeworks, Harvey Norman, Big W this Christmas, know that you broke …

Dec 23, 2021: Kate Lindsay in Embedded: “In the not too distant future, learning video editing will be the new learning cursive.”

Dec 22, 2021: there is no perfect monitor ra…

Dec 22, 2021: When I’m elected your President I will legislate that bakeries are allowed to make and serve real rum rum balls. None of this bullshit chocolate ball …

Dec 22, 2021: A lot of people whinge about Jesus being taken out of Christmas, my issue is much more important. My two local grocery stores have zero Christmas …

Dec 21, 2021: There’s a very late model MacBook Pro on my kitchen table and aside from all the power in that chip, I’m getting serious PowerBook Titanium G4 vibes …

Dec 21, 2021: Pretending to be important.

Dec 21, 2021: Sophie Zhang and a Honduran disinformation researcher on Facebook’s election problem: “We don’t expect Philip Morris to solve tobacco addiction” …

Dec 21, 2021: The British Medical Journal fact checks Facebook’s false fact checking of the BMJ’s “news blog”. I can’t help but feel that the …

Dec 21, 2021: PSA: next year isn’t actually 2022, it’s 2020 Two. It’s the sequel. 2020 II: 2020 and the Chamber of Secrets.

Dec 21, 2021: How grunge started From today’s edition of Josh Spector’s For the Interested email: “At the start of the 1990s, no one cared about the Seattle music scene. …

Dec 21, 2021: I really want to help this guy find this photo of Leonardo DiCaprio at the University of Sydney student bar, but the websites he mentions - 2Day FM …

Dec 21, 2021: Is Santa coming on a one horse open sleigh, or with nine reindeers? Why are there so many holes in a fabricated story? Does Christmas need better …

Dec 20, 2021: Chinese spies infiltrated Aussie telco using Huawei gear and installed malware Anthony in the The Sizzle via the old mates at Bloomberg who keep on reporting solid tech news despite screwing up ‘The Big Hack’ all those years ago: …

Dec 20, 2021: A new religion is being formed on the Internet Rebecca Jennings for Vox “Call it the religion of “just asking questions.” Or the religion of “doing your own research.” It’s still in its infancy, …

Dec 20, 2021: COOKIES.TXT in 1994 according to Microsoft Reading through this beautiful 1994 email remnant of a Microsoft that was trying to beat Apple and Unix from owning the Internet, apart from the …

Dec 19, 2021: Some personal news: in the new year I’m also going to be studying a diploma in the difference between the “Auto Intensive”, “Auto Wash”, and “Super …

Dec 19, 2021: What a time to be alive. When Dawkins defined a meme as “unit of cultural information spread by imitation” he was definitely thinking of Sidetalk …

Dec 19, 2021: What exactly is Crazy Frog riding? Is it a spacecraft, a motorbike, a bicycle, an Imperial Speeder Bike?

Dec 18, 2021: "Some worker’s preferences and lifestyles may have shifted after a year and half out of the labor force" James Hennessy’s The Terminal on the rise of anti-work “It’s not just media talking about the brewing revolution. In a November note to …

Dec 18, 2021: Ira Glass on beginners If you’ve been in a car with me for for more than 30 minutes I’ve probably told you this story by Ira Glass, adlibbed by me. Here it is in …

Dec 17, 2021: Alan Jones’ “audience didn’t go anywhere. It’s still there and it’s still being fed the same old shit to serve the same old interests of the truly …

Dec 16, 2021: Spiders, mannn looks large over Brisbane

Dec 16, 2021: 📈

Dec 15, 2021: Calile-rise

Dec 15, 2021: Astral Codex Ten on the potential threat of ancient plagues emerging: “I think if something goes wrong, the third most likely vector will be curious …

Dec 15, 2021: Listing of the day: “With minimal land left in this stunning new estate”

Dec 15, 2021: Stand back, imma fix email Why people hate their email but also why they should love it. I think it’s a crime that not many people subscribe to The Sizzle. The idea of paying $5 …

Dec 13, 2021: Science: “Researchers have identified an odorless compound emitted by people—and in particular babies—called hexadecanal, or HEX, that appears to …

Dec 13, 2021: Just a heads up and reminder - because @scottymcdonald reminded me - that maybe you’re walking around with excess blood this Christmas, so why not …

Dec 13, 2021: Nature is healing! The Queensland border has been open to other people for 12 hours and our roads are filled with tourists who don’t know the roads …

Dec 13, 2021: Business idea: Home Alone 6: Too home, too alone.

Dec 13, 2021: Name the song with lyrics and without searching: “You serve me up with cake and that’s your big mistake”

Dec 12, 2021: How you know email communities are a real threat: when Facebook enters the game.

Dec 12, 2021: James Clear: “Someone else living a good life does not prevent you from living a good life. There are many ways to win and plenty of space.”

Dec 11, 2021: Some personal news, December 2021 The past two years has rocked us to the very core financially, mentally, emotionally, and to think it’s still not over yet. We’ve been …

Dec 11, 2021: Mavic 3’s 1x versus 28x zoom.

Dec 10, 2021: Somewhere in my nerdiness - born in DOS, grew into Win 3.11-XP, morphed on over to macOS sometime in 2006 - I missed the workshop that explained how …

Dec 9, 2021: I’m so keen I reckon I’ll double these numbers before 2022

Dec 9, 2021: After being grounded for over a year - since the great wave vs. drone fight of 2019 - some of my favourite people bought me a new bird to commemorate …

Dec 9, 2021: Cherian George for Nieman Lab: “China’s and Russia’s global influence operations won’t need to resort to fake news to exploit the genuine …

Dec 8, 2021: Photoshoot with a spider

Dec 8, 2021: The most depressing take on the state of “the media” today is the one in Max Read’s email that basically suggests that …

Dec 8, 2021: Happy Pretend to Be A Time Traveller Day! (Yes, this is a real international day, Google it.)

Dec 7, 2021: I’m vibing this Dutch multigenerational living space

Dec 6, 2021: Ever seen a goanna scale a brick wall?

Dec 6, 2021: “So let’s sink another drink, ‘Cause it’ll give me time to think, If I had the chance I’d ask the world to dance, And …

Dec 6, 2021: With every drop of news about Omicron I feel sicker about our future. The pandemic is strangling the life out of a business we’ve spent 10 years …

Dec 5, 2021: Why eleven babies have been born on (in?) Antarctica

Dec 5, 2021: “If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be …

Dec 5, 2021: Spouses, as you cross the 75% completion mark of cleaning up after dinner, be like: “oh, honey, I’ll clean up, leave it to me”

Dec 5, 2021: Hello! I’m Josh Withers. You may remember me from such movies as Regional Breakfast Radio Guy, Weird International Wedding Celebrant, Super Zoom …

Dec 4, 2021: All the world’s a social feed, and all the men and women are merely variables in an algorithm.

Dec 4, 2021: That time Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo “They just laughed their asses off. Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went.” – Kevin Bachus, …

Dec 2, 2021: I find it interesting that this important research of 60,000 Australians released as a YouTube video has only been watched 154 times. It’s fascinating …

Dec 2, 2021: Southern Gold Coasters wondering what’s happening at the old Pizza Hut beachside pavilion, it’s called Siblings, and I’ve been documenting the build.

Nov 30, 2021: “Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.” – Buckminster Fuller

Nov 30, 2021: My 2020-2030 prediction A friend, hi Andy, was talking about business and investment opportunities in the coming years. I blurted this out as a text message but thought I …

Nov 30, 2021: Thought I’d share something I’m proud of today: I’ve consolidated all of our family’s brands and business ventures under the one website/domain name: …

Nov 30, 2021: You’re Probably Not Late From David Perell’s Monday Musings email: Whenever you find yourself thinking you’re late to a new technological trend, remember that Walt …

Nov 30, 2021: We’re proud to announce that we’re expecting. Santa that is. We’re expecting Santa. I also told Luna this week that Santa’s not alive any more, but …

Nov 30, 2021: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but we don’t use whisky stones, save your money

Nov 28, 2021: Epidemiologists: Omicron’s not a big deal guys. News media: NEW FLESH, LET’S GO BABY!

Nov 28, 2021: 1859 or 2021? “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of …

Nov 28, 2021: Finally, ScoMo will keep me safe from you all.

Nov 28, 2021: We’ll that’s the last time I try to rent a hit man through, the guy behind it just forwards all the enquiries to the police and they …

Nov 26, 2021: Business idea: drone birth photography.

Nov 26, 2021: Britt: You’re not going to be able to get the cactus inside once you’ve repotted it. Me: Trust me honey, I’ve got this. Narrator: And yet he did not …

Nov 26, 2021: Got fizzy photographs // documented the build of Hard Fizz’s first home here on the Gold Coast.

Nov 25, 2021: #toiletsofthegoldcoast #hardfizzhq

Nov 25, 2021: My secret superpower is telling people that the lyrics in the chorus of George Ezra’s Budapest are “I’d leave it all”. Welcome to the …

Nov 25, 2021: What’s the @qldpolice definition of illegal littering? Because every week a kid drives past my house and throws this rubbish on my driveway. And is it …

Nov 24, 2021: I’m on a conference call right now with Dally Messenger and other leaders of the celebrant community with the Attorney-General’s office, and …

Nov 24, 2021: Ten years ago yesterday: “I believed that he was clearly implying that News Corp would run news stories or editorial content concerning any …

Nov 24, 2021: A tale of two burghers

Nov 23, 2021: One of the best things about working in the wedding industry through Covid is that I’ve finally become the disappointment my step-mother said I …

Nov 22, 2021: My three most embarrassing celebrity interview stories You’ve probably heard about Seven’s Matt Doran’s not listening to Adele’s new album before interviewing her. Classic “you had one job” kinda material. …

Nov 21, 2021: "More evidence suggests that nature does something essential for our mental health" “More evidence suggests that nature does something essential for our mental health. Specifically, we have learned that nature tends to result in …

Nov 20, 2021: I turn 40 in a few weeks. There was a time where I never believed I’d make it past 21 as I saw friends and people around me dropping like flies. …

Nov 20, 2021: There’s a new Terminal command in macOS Monterey: networkquality. It’s an internet speed test in the terminal.

Nov 20, 2021: Is this how Apple News is supposed to work? I make an active decision to not engage with content from a certain brand, and in its place I just get a …

Nov 19, 2021: I don’t know who need to hear this, but the young male voice that says “Welcome to McDonalds, we’ll be with you in a moment” as you pull up at a …

Nov 19, 2021: “Most people in life want one-of-a-kind outcomes. The problem is, in the quest to get there, most people follow the same path as everyone else. …

Nov 19, 2021: You need to know about, and install the Shortcut for, if you browse the webs and don’t want to have a subscription to every flipping …

Nov 19, 2021: Presenting the Hard Fizz HQ Gold Coast toilets … shot for zero 9.

Nov 18, 2021: Taking expressions of interest in a Slightly Interested Koalas Yacht Club from any of you that have too much money.

Nov 18, 2021: “Over the last couple of years, governments have been telling Australians what to do, now there has been a need for that as we have gone through the …

Nov 17, 2021: If you’re waiting for a sign …

Nov 17, 2021: “I realised that anything I did long enough to master was no longer useful to me.” – Designer, Milton Glasser

Nov 17, 2021: A mate mentioned pirating software and it took me right back to 20 years ago where we had a keygen or a hack or serial number for ecverything. They …

Nov 16, 2021: This thread on antivaxx rings so true right now in my own life 🧵

Nov 16, 2021: “Rich people need it. Poor people have it. If you eat it, you die. And when you die, you take it with you. What is it?” From: The Nothingness …

Nov 16, 2021: Have you heard the one about how they bought the US constitution in a DAO?

Nov 16, 2021: The “Simple Sabotage Field Manual,” declassified in 2008 and available on the CIA’s website, provided instructions for how everyday people could help …

Nov 16, 2021: “Divorce does funny things to people.”

Nov 14, 2021: Introducing Luna to the great Australian tradition of running through sprinklers naked in summer

Nov 14, 2021: I’m not an anti-vaxxer I just enjoy typing those five words to trigger you.

Nov 14, 2021: Currently reading: Inside Steve’s Brain by Leander Kahney 📚

Nov 14, 2021: The awkward story of my first photo

Nov 14, 2021: Will driverless cars do burnouts?

Nov 13, 2021: It’s cool that there’s a Catwoman, Batman, and Spider-Man, but where’s all the stories about Possumperson, Koalaman, and Wombatwoman?

Nov 12, 2021: Reminder today of the best coffee I’ve ever drink in the whole planet, two years ago in Tokyo: Sarutahiko Coffee, outside a train station. Their …

Nov 12, 2021: Seven years ago since Kim Kardashian broke the internet. Hopefully they’ll start fixing it soon.

Nov 12, 2021: Is this like climate change? How long have they been recording it? And by what measure do they define it being good or bad? I have so many questions.

Nov 12, 2021: 1991 tech ad from Brashs

Nov 12, 2021: What’s the best New York street?

Nov 10, 2021: If I can be real for a bit, I find it extremely disconcerting that the unvaccinated are being treated like this. Seriously. It’s scary how a …

Nov 10, 2021: The Metaverse already exists, it's just currently called the Internet Here is the punchline: the Metaverse already exists, it just happens to be called the Internet. Consider the seven qualities Matthew Ball used to …

Nov 10, 2021: “Doing small things with love is the atom of bravery.” — Mark Nepo

Nov 10, 2021: Listening to radio on the Sunshine Coast and the announcer plays three grabs of three songs then says “find out which one we’re going to play after …

Nov 9, 2021: Proposal: Reclassify the Logan Hyperdome to a Logan Dome.

Nov 8, 2021: “Most people optimise for the day ahead. A few people optimise for 1-2 years ahead. Almost nobody optimises for 3-4 years ahead (or longer). …

Nov 7, 2021: Something no-one talks about is how if you’re really cool in the metaverse, you’re actually not really cool in real life.

Nov 7, 2021: Just minted an NFT of the current vibe in my house after I’ve sole-parented all day. Critics are calling it a “hollowed out tree trunk of a man”, …

Nov 7, 2021: I don’t want to be Elon Musk Rich, I just want to be Extra Guac Even If I’m Not Sure Rich. I

Nov 6, 2021: Cool story

Nov 6, 2021: The year is 2051. All of us but the elite are working for below minimum wage in the Farmville metaverse tending to digital crops and feeding metaverse …

Nov 6, 2021: Local barista wrapped up our conversation saying “see you next week!” Am I allowed back tomorrow because I assume she works on a Sunday to Saturday …

Nov 6, 2021: It was an overcast morning for shooting the build of the new restaurant at Kirra Pavilion but they wanted it to look bright and sunny. Lightroom is …

Nov 6, 2021: In the metaverse there are no clothes. Just pixels.

Nov 5, 2021: Proud of you Scotty, you’ve now written 100% more books than most other people on the planet. You join the ranks of Seth Godin, the Apostle Paul, John …

Nov 5, 2021: Sharing a little highlight gallery from a property I’m documenting for Zero 9 Constructions. We’re a few weeks away from handover at this …

Nov 5, 2021: If our parents disown us in real life do they disown us in the metaverse?

Nov 5, 2021: Shoot day for a bunch of Gold Coast businesses today

Nov 4, 2021: Please do not worship me, but I just wound up a dish cloth tightly and whipped a fly to its death.

Nov 4, 2021: Age groupings

Nov 4, 2021: Imagine being on the Q train from Brooklyn into Manhattan, a regular Tuesday morning in September 2001, the train comes above ground and the World …

Nov 4, 2021: Snapper Rocks

Nov 3, 2021: One of my earliest memories - and there’s only a few from this traumatic time in my life - is watching my new step-mother, Selena, pile up all …

Nov 3, 2021: How do floorboards work? Like, if your toddler vomits and there’s vomit between the floorboards, is that no longer my responsibility now that it’s out …

Nov 3, 2021: Real talk fam, are people really paying $50 or $75 a month for LinkedIn?

Nov 3, 2021: A little demo of Adobe Photoshop 2022’s Neural filter on one of my photos

Nov 3, 2021: Qantas: Yeah, look, there’s been a slight delay with your flight, you’re going to be four weeks late …

Nov 3, 2021: I hope one day I can look back on my life and say I was wrong more than I was right. That will mean I wasn’t on the sidelines, but I was on the field, …

Nov 2, 2021: That distinctive, earthy odour that is associated with rainfall is called petrichor. When raindrops land on a porous surface, air from the pores forms …

Nov 2, 2021: “I heard that Warren Buffett addresses the early drafts of his shareholder letters to his sister, Dorothy. Once he finishes it, he replaces her name …

Nov 2, 2021: How I’m feeling through this season: “Each time you stopped, you would descend into a depression, believing that you had hit a wall and lost the …

Nov 1, 2021: Can you believe that we’ve turned Australia off and on again a few times, but we still have this silly Melbourne Cup virus running around our system. …

Nov 1, 2021: Boy, am I feeling this after the last two years of hell in my business. Tim Ferriss tells the crowd at South by Southwest in 2007 that: “their …

Nov 1, 2021: Netflix says 142 million households have watched Squid Games. Wikipedia says there are 2,178 million “households” in the world. So, 6.5% of the …

Nov 1, 2021: People across the liberated democracy of Australia celebrate as they are now liberated to visit other countries muted cheers as everyone realises …

Oct 31, 2021: “I just want to fucking make it one more day.” – Dave Grohl on Foo Fighters, His Memoir, Life After Nirvana in Vulture

Oct 31, 2021: Chinghee Creek on a Saturday Night for Travis & Christie

Oct 31, 2021: “Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.” Benjamin Franklin

Oct 31, 2021: Rob Bell on the comments section

Oct 30, 2021: Happy 50th Sea World 50 of my and Luna’s favourite photos at Sea World for their 50th birthday today

Oct 30, 2021: Not in a million years could I of imagined Miley Cyrus, Elton John, WATT, Yo-Yo Ma, Metallica’s own Robert Trujillo on bass + Red Hot Chili Peppers’ …

Oct 30, 2021: Remember that time that the Black Eyed Peas hadn’t hit the big time yet, but when they did they had to re-record one of their songs? I’m …

Oct 30, 2021: On @danilic’s prompting I’ve installed DaVinci Resolve and am trying it for the first time this morning. I don’t know what this does …

Oct 30, 2021: My favourite macOS Monterey feature is the bug when you spread your four fingers to expose (Mission Control) the Desktop but the Desktop isn’t …

Oct 30, 2021: Luna’s learning the ancient story of Saint Vincent de Paul, the mysterious saint that roams the homes of naughty children taking their favourite toys …

Oct 29, 2021: The most fascinating grave in Hollywood

Oct 29, 2021: Friday sunrise at Snapper Rocks

Oct 29, 2021: Corporate headshots don’t have to look like you were just dragged in front of a photographer to get a photo for the website. Created for Lightning …

Oct 29, 2021: One story out of many on how the Sydney Covid lockdown currently ending has cost me so much money On the first day of the Sydney lockdown that’s currently ending, I had a wedding booked in the Blue Mountains. I was driving down (flights had …

Oct 29, 2021: Zuckerberg chose Meta over Oasis?! That’s $100 to the bookies I’ll never get back.

Oct 29, 2021: Dreading the day that I see in VR a friend commit real-life suicide in the middle of a metaverse flame-war because they’re antivax or think pineapple …

Oct 28, 2021: It’s super cute when people talk about national debt like it’s not a completely made up concept, not a scientific force of nature like gravity.

Oct 28, 2021: Sunrise elopement at The Calile Hotel this morning

Oct 27, 2021: Sorry sir, I am all out of way

Oct 26, 2021: It’s hot, damn hot. If you’re getting married when it’s hot: 1) Bring cold water, so much flipping water, 2) Get married as late in the …

Oct 26, 2021: All of my Apple devices are upgraded and now there’s a on my network. Nest Smoke Alarms, or HomePod Minis?

Oct 26, 2021: FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8. 20 years of Windows XP #neverforget

Oct 25, 2021: Monday afternoon in Burleigh Heads

Oct 24, 2021: Luna’s birthday week comes to a close. Now we have 51 weeks of mourning until her fourth birthday celebrations can begin.

Oct 24, 2021: When Apple started using the phrase “there’s an app for that” in 2009, they were definitely not thinking of an app that simulates a cat purring on …

Oct 24, 2021: Uh, oh, watch out petrol cars, the Chief Health Officer is coming for ya!

Oct 24, 2021: Two iPods are some of my favourite computers of all time These two computers are two of my favourite Apple computers. The iMac G4, the white Intel MacBook, and my current Apple Silicon MacBook Air are up …

Oct 24, 2021: Panic’s Cabel Sasser shares a prototype original iPod on the iPod’s 20th birthday.

Oct 24, 2021: Steve Jobs’s resume: “I’m looking for a fixer-upper with a solid foundation. Am willing to tear down walls, build bridges, and light fires. I have …

Oct 23, 2021: My Kindle Oasis is starting to get a bit long in the tooth, almost four years old and it’s battery barely lasts a day or two. Is there a new Oasis on …

Oct 23, 2021: “I’ve long thought that the destruction of time in which to think – and do nothing else – is a much more massive problem than anyone cares to think …

Oct 23, 2021: Just some personal news, I’ve decided that I know about the same amount about epidemiology, public health policy, firearms, the movie industry, …

Oct 23, 2021: Facebook’s algorithm automatically sent a bot “full-on Qanon” within 48 hours. One day I’ll write an essay about how the Facebook algorithm’s tendency …

Oct 23, 2021: Life status: my three year old lives on my shoulders.

Oct 23, 2021: I’ve got 99 problems and they could all be solved with a new MacBook Pro, a DJI Mavic 3, and maybe a new 35mm lens I think.

Oct 23, 2021: Seeing as though my social media influence is waning on the daily I have some personal news, I’m starting a Withers Media & Technology Group. …

Oct 22, 2021: How do you know things? I think all day every day about the world I want to leave Luna and Goldie in. I spend so much time wondering how to teach them …

Oct 22, 2021: “The committee recommends that the Australian Government establish a new Decentralised Autonomous Organisation company structure.” In the Australian …

Oct 22, 2021: Every day I wonder when the day will arrive when it’s the last time I ever pick Luna up. What I mean is that when she’s 35 I’m probably not going to …

Oct 22, 2021: “You always know when you’re doing something for the first time, and you almost never know when you’re doing something for the last time.” Via The …

Oct 22, 2021: Explaining stocks to NFT kids “I collect shares of businesses … I use a certain type of non fungible token called a stock certificate for this.

Oct 22, 2021: Speedtest’s quarterly Australian internet report shows that Aussie Broadband outperforms everyone else, including Telstra. I’m an Aussie customer, I’m …

Oct 22, 2021: The most annoying position anyone can take through this season is a religious devotion to vaccines, or anti-vax, or lockdown, or open up, or whatever …

Oct 21, 2021: GG

Oct 21, 2021: Guy on the phone with me right now from Australia Post is trying to convince me that Australia Post does other things on top of delivering mail, I’m …

Oct 21, 2021: Ben Sherpherd’s “The Commercial Experience 21.11: Programming the news media” dissects how the news has changed over the last three years “My view is …

Oct 21, 2021: A walking disappointment to his mother

Oct 21, 2021: The Gold Coast gets one case of Covid, the first in 15 days in Queensland, and the whole state breathes in through its teeth.

Oct 20, 2021: “An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.” Charles Bukowski, click through for 94 more

Oct 20, 2021: “The stated mission of a company worth almost two trillion dollars is to “organize the world’s information” and yet the Internet remains poorly …

Oct 19, 2021: Happy third birthday Lu, I’m so proud to be your dad

Oct 19, 2021: Me, telling friends about the Hamilton soundtrack being re-released in spatial audio

Oct 19, 2021: What the actual? The notification takes you to the iCloud Backup section of settings to make sure you’re backed up before you switch to a new iPad?! I …

Oct 19, 2021: “The measure of a commercially successful newspaper is not simply how well it reports the big events, but what it does when there are no dying …

Oct 19, 2021: Avis Car Rental brings “car as a subscription” to Australia.

Oct 19, 2021: Have you ever wondered who coined the term “Content is King”? The year was 1996, and Bill Gates published an essay.

Oct 19, 2021: Apple Prediction in October 2021: the Apple Music Voice/Siri plan lasts no more than two years. Going down market never looks good on Apple. “Here’s a …

Oct 19, 2021: The year is 2061, @Anthony_Wiggle with a long grey beard is sitting on a large wooden throne in Wiggle Town making an announcement of a new Wiggle …

Oct 18, 2021: I’ve just finished the seven episode podcast, 9/12, which tells the story of a post 9/11 America, and crescendoes to a beautiful finale. It’s a …

Oct 18, 2021: Sunday was a doozy. Over the past few months we’ve shared photos on social media from trips when travel was allowed and legal, in a time when it …

Oct 18, 2021: Ben Shepherd is asked a question that I think about often: “If you were to start a media company right now, what would it look like?” …

Oct 18, 2021: “I find it hard to understand in my mind what it means to love you after you are dead — but I still want to comfort and take care of you — and I want …

Oct 17, 2021: “The human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before this millennium is out unless it starts to colonize space, top British scientist …

Oct 16, 2021: “We are born with only one obligation – to be completely who we are.” – Mark Nepo

Oct 16, 2021: Turns out that in 2005 I was the 312th person to register for an account on the new website, Reddit, and today I’m one of 30 of that 312 still …

Oct 15, 2021: I’m that insecure the password to my heart is my first daughter’s first name, capital first letter, followed by the number 1 and an exclamation mark.

Oct 15, 2021: Please tell me there are more than 30 people that have been on Reddit for more than 16 years?! I

Oct 15, 2021: Hey, I don’t like to discuss medical freedoms on here, but what is Apple TV+’s insistence on viewers watching the show’s credits to the end? Every …

Oct 15, 2021: “The best business ideas have yet to be tried. The best books have yet to be written. The best relationships have yet to be formed. It’s …

Oct 13, 2021: Your top 20 songs by plays says a lot about who you are

Oct 13, 2021: “We are a revolutionary cloud-based website” says this guy selling virtual staging to real estate agents. Why does everything in sales have to be …

Oct 13, 2021: Hey nerds, I was not aware of how nerdy we are. Someone in my Certificate IV in Real Estate class right now just asked the trainer “how many people do …

Oct 13, 2021: Lodge

Oct 12, 2021: Brisbane as the clouds subsided today at sunset

Oct 12, 2021: JQ940

Oct 12, 2021: I auditioned to join the Kyle & Jackie O show in 2011 & was flown to Sydney. In the interview the EP asked if it was ok for Kyle to call me a …

Oct 12, 2021: Buying a property soon? I’m hearing some crazy stats about meth and what it means for your personal health if you live in a house where meth has been …

Oct 12, 2021: Over the last 18 months of the spicy cough tearing apart the wedding and events industry, confidence has never been lower. So I’m in a classroom today …

Oct 12, 2021: 🌵

Oct 12, 2021: I think about this daily: Your Professional Peak Is Earlier Than You Think - The Atlantic

Oct 12, 2021: For the first time in history, Robert Palmer’s Simply Irresistible has been followed in a playlist by Feel Good Inc from the Gorillaz. Attending this …

Oct 12, 2021: My greatest fear, as recognised in 1947 by ad-man, Bill Bernbach: “I’m worried that we’re going to worship techniques instead of …

Oct 12, 2021: Remember that time Sesame Street’s Bert marched with Bin Laden?

Oct 12, 2021: Bond Can’t Take On Beijing “No major Hollywood release has portrayed China’s government in a negative light since 1997’s Seven Years in Tibet, …

Oct 11, 2021: QR898 B777 8 Oct 2021

Oct 11, 2021: Dear, tonight’s hotel, two things. Firstly, thank you for taking some of the covidsafe precautions. Secondly, 75 emails?!

Oct 11, 2021: Can you recommend a relationship manager/app that’s very iOS/iPadOS/Mac/internet native. In particular, it’d be super cool if a contact was in the CRM …

Oct 11, 2021: I’m still really proud of this photo. It was my first photo that “went somewhere” … it was printed on the side of a Queensland Rail Citytrain. Taken …

Oct 11, 2021: Three years ago I pontificated that the future of the iPhone was the Apple Watch, @markgurman lent that way today in his Power On email … should’ve …

Oct 11, 2021: I’m in training all week this week and it’s fascinating to be reminded that not everyone is all in on the Apple ecosystem. 20+ people, me and 2 others …

Oct 10, 2021: You are not an aspirant. You are as complete as you can be today. None of us are finished. All of us are aspiring, so none of us are.

Oct 10, 2021: A Primer on the Parasocial Economy - Cybernaut “One aspect of the creator economy I’ve found curiously under-explored is precisely why fans pay their …

Oct 10, 2021: Revenue generating idea for Facebook: I will pay lots of dollars a month, maybe even $3, for any of your apps to never show me a red dot or …

Oct 10, 2021: Honestly, if you saw Nate become (redacted) in the season two finale of Ted Lasso you’re officially smarter than me.

Oct 10, 2021: Luna just found out that polar bears and dogs can be friends and it’s like that scene in Ted Lasso when the billionaire tells Banksy and Sam that they …

Oct 9, 2021: I’ve been on the job hunt for a while now and I’m open to new roles that might benefit from a set of skills someone like me has. Here’s my resume … I …

Oct 9, 2021: Fairlane

Oct 9, 2021: Thanks

Oct 8, 2021: Ever since they named me Person of the Year 2006 I knew that this Time magazine thing might go somewhere

Oct 8, 2021: Why You Should Stop Reading News “We spend hours consuming news because we want to be informed. The problem is news doesn’t make us informed. In fact, the more news we consume the …

Oct 8, 2021: “The more you create, the more powerful you become. The more you consume, the more powerful others become.” – James Clear

Oct 8, 2021: There are two ways of making a living. The familiar, predictable way, and a Pareto style payoff. “This Pareto world is extremely competitive, …

Oct 8, 2021: Tyre shop guy: we’ve got tyres in that size from brand blah blah we’ve got the bluh bluhs and from brand ughh we have their gobble gobbles and the …

Oct 7, 2021: “Either we are the makers of our future or we’re the victims. And if we don’t understand these fundamental components of how the world works, …

Oct 7, 2021: There needs to be some sort of 1300 Hotline situation for people whose partners and families are antivaxxers. They are dealing with so much bullshit …

Oct 7, 2021: This website is doing god’s work … please enjoy

Oct 7, 2021: “There is always more surface to a shattered object than a whole.” Djuna Barnes to Emily Coleman, 1960, The Book of Repulsive Women and Other …

Oct 7, 2021: If you’re wondering what it looks like when you take your wife’s keys and they’re on the Find My Network …

Oct 5, 2021: I would pay at least $5, maybe even $6, to be able to log in to my old ICQ account (49739400), IRC servers, or my old MSN Messenger account, and …

Oct 5, 2021: Why is it called a podcast? I love that the iPod hackers paved the way. Thanks @podnews for compiling everything together,

Oct 5, 2021: Deconstructing Christianity Deconstructing your Christianity. A few links for friends. Four episodes of The Naked Church podcast, episodes eight, nine, ten, and eleven. The …

Oct 5, 2021: The Mind Body Prescription is blowing my mind. About to read the book and become “that guy”.

Oct 5, 2021: 20 years ago in Australian tech news, Australian composers, Nigel Helyer, aka Dr Sonique, and Jon Drummond, copyright every possible phone number as a …

Oct 5, 2021: I’m no saint, but whenever I get a scam call I’ll lead them on for as long as I can just to annoy the scammer and to waste their time. I also ask them …

Oct 5, 2021: Ten years on we’re all still bitching about iPhone launches, still looking for that 2007 iPhone feeling

Oct 5, 2021: Goldie, there’s nothing silver about her.

Oct 5, 2021: Everything will be hacked, today it’s roaming text messages for the last few years A quick Google search would say that Australia’s Optus, Telstra, and Vodafone are clients: Company That Routes Billions of Text Messages Quietly Says …

Oct 5, 2021: “Take the money and run” is the title of a blank canvas currently being exhibited that cost the museum $84,000 because the artist took the money, and …

Oct 4, 2021: Harris Farm: Due to Covid-19 please do not touch the fish. Everyone: Due to everything ever please do not touch the fish until you’re buying it: and

Oct 4, 2021: The final words of a newspaper man with 8 decades of published words “Editing the final details of one’s life is like editing a story for the final time. It’s the last shot an editor has at making corrections, the last …

Oct 3, 2021: This podcast episode by Rob Bell really helped me understand the antivaxx movement.

Oct 3, 2021: Palaszczuk, Berejiklian, quarantine. Words I still need to Google to make sure I’ve spelt them right. That will be my Covid legacy.

Oct 2, 2021: My top played songs … a peek into who I am

Oct 2, 2021: For no real reason, here’s the top three lunch-time radio station boardroom performances from my time on commercial radio. Hanson - Mmmm Bop …

Oct 2, 2021: In the name of efficiency, why don’t we turn our Australian corruption bodies to finding politicians that aren’t corrupt and are without sin. We could …

Oct 2, 2021: My internet speed in 2021 Blogging this so that somewhere in my internet history is a record of a time when I was really impressed that for multiple days in a row I actually …

Oct 1, 2021: My bet for today is that after yesterday being teased for not locking Southeast Queensland down because of the NRL Grand Final, Mumma Palaszczuk …

Sep 30, 2021: The year is 2061 and your local “Golden Oldies" radio station is playing Limp Bizkit and honestly, I am here for it. But for 2021, Wall Of Sound …

Sep 30, 2021: Wedding planning red flag: when the wedding venue/vendor refers to clients as “brides” instead of couples. Run for the hills.

Sep 30, 2021: Hey, just some personal news: if the rest of you could completely align with my values and not say anything asynchronous to them, that would make my …

Sep 30, 2021: [Happy 10th birthday @patrickc + Stripe](, about six and a half years ago we took the …

Sep 29, 2021: Aside from making the world’s best weddings, I’m also the 3rd best photographer in my home, so I’ve decided to make the not-so-radical call & …

Sep 29, 2021: I’m becoming increasingly good at avoiding death by truck

Sep 29, 2021: Not so gold, Coast

Sep 29, 2021: My social media notifications are busy because I dare wade into anti-antivaxx conversations with “let’s not be dicks to anitvaxxers" types …

Sep 29, 2021: Law & Order Season 21, episode 1, opening scene: A restaurant in Chinatown and a CGI Detective Lennie Briscoe is checking vaccine passports on …

Sep 29, 2021: I’m just saying, if Sharon the team psychologist, and Coach Ted Lasso don’t end up together romantically, I’m burning my AFC …

Sep 28, 2021: Some personal news, I’ve been photographing and filming construction projects for Zero 9 Construction and I’m getting addicted.

Sep 28, 2021: “The page loads, and a little video ad box rises from the bottom left of the screen and begins buffering. Then a big box pops up over the small one …

Sep 28, 2021: “Life should be a marvel, not a habit.”

Sep 28, 2021: Damn, I’ve only got Diners Card.

Sep 28, 2021: The memo between advertising agency DDB and Avis Rent A Car that took Avis from a $3.2 million loss to a $1.2 million profit within the year.

Sep 28, 2021: Splash

Sep 28, 2021: The best watch face in WatchOS 8 is the Portraits face because it looks really cool with this photo of Goldie. The worst watch face in WatchOS 8 is …

Sep 28, 2021: Doing my part for the Gold Coast rumour mill today by creating and sharing this

Sep 28, 2021: Have you noticed a rise in Facebook posts asking questions?

Sep 27, 2021: Luna // under the bed // showing off her “baby belly”

Sep 27, 2021: If you’re interested in taking better photos, this is a great starting piece to read and be inspired by.

Sep 27, 2021: Author Anne Lamott on imperfection: “Almost everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy, scared, and yet designed for joy. Even (or especially) …

Sep 27, 2021: Not-so-main distribution frame

Sep 27, 2021: Burleigh Heads: a bin chicken story

Sep 26, 2021: Aviation nerd win: I heard a plane landing over my house, thought, it’s stop big to be a B737 or A320 as would be normal into OOL, too loud to be a …

Sep 25, 2021: I hope all the computerised facial recognition systems around the world are freaking out over face masks. I wonder if the facial recognition companies …

Sep 25, 2021: Bridal table > guest tables > the kids table > the wedding vendor’s table

Sep 25, 2021: Me: time to edit this video Siri: this could go one of two ways

Sep 25, 2021: Why haven’t there been more waxed/vaxxed puns? Are all of you in Big Pun’s pockets? Are you just anti-waxxers?

Sep 24, 2021: Negative 5G

Sep 23, 2021: Mt Coonowrin + Mt Beerwah, from Mt Ngungun

Sep 23, 2021: Mt Ngungun at sunset yesterday for an elopement

Sep 22, 2021: Hut rules

Sep 22, 2021: Otto von Bismarck said “Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best” … I wonder if the Victorian government …

Sep 22, 2021: “We’ll never go to war”

Sep 21, 2021: When one of the Ted Lasso writers is a comedian and a parent

Sep 21, 2021: Social media: mentally toxic. Social proximity: physically toxic. Being alone: emotionally toxic. Mainstream media: intellectually toxic. We’re all …

Sep 21, 2021: Found my six month old sucking on my thong (flip flop). My father of the year trophy is now in question.

Sep 20, 2021: If there’s a real silver lining to Covid, it’s the resurgence of roadmaps. Apps like @googlemaps and satellite navigation were putting the final nails …

Sep 20, 2021: Global platitude supplies are reaching an all time low. At this rate we’ll be completely out of platitudes by Christmas 2021.

Sep 19, 2021: My favourite people are the people who look at protestors and see hurting people.

Sep 18, 2021: Instagram 2011: Let’s make that shitty iPhone photo look acceptable. Instagram 2021: Girls dancing whilst hard truths appear on screen in captions …

Sep 18, 2021: Why do people watch other YouTube videos when this superb specimen exists? The Australian Army’s Marching Band covering Rage Against The Machine’s …

Sep 18, 2021: Hey, I was wondering if any tech bloggers were up to the task of telling me which iPhone I should buy, or not buy, or whatever, today?

Sep 18, 2021: So disappointing, we were only three submarines away from unlocking our own Statue of Liberty achievement for Rundle Mall. Malls Balls 4eva.

Sep 16, 2021: Shit. I just ate my toddler’s entire supply of sultanas. I’m going to need a new passport with a new identity. Can any of you take me in?

Sep 16, 2021: Global misinformation study: The best fact-checking tries to anticipate questions that audiences have, she said, which is why she recommends explainers that address audience questions “As it is with things that are mysterious, things that we consider enigmatic, we tend to fill in the void using the information that we already have. …

Sep 15, 2021: Go be amazing

Sep 15, 2021: Instagram internal research: ‘We make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls’

Sep 15, 2021: There’s something about bolting 35 year old lens onto a brand new image sensor that feels cool

Sep 15, 2021: I think the wedding industry is changing. My first 2023 wedding booking is for a lunchtime wedding on a Monday in May.

Sep 15, 2021: The mighty bin chicken

Sep 15, 2021: I ❤️ Russel #swell2021

Sep 15, 2021: The tech press’ obsession with Ming-chi Kuo and Mark Gurman took a hit today as Apple leant into the idea of annual incremental upgrades while Kuo and …

Sep 13, 2021: Merry king of the bush is he

Sep 12, 2021: The Gothamist: Why We United After 9/11—But Less So For COVID? “Unity needs division”

Sep 10, 2021: Do you ever wonder whether we miss the old school prejudices so much that we’re actually kinda excited about vaccinism because it’s like a …

Sep 10, 2021: “If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive.” – Dorothee Sölle

Sep 10, 2021: “With its stock characters, punch-lines, reversals and running gags, ancient humour worked in much the same way as its modern counterpart.” What the …

Sep 10, 2021: Are conspiracy theories/anti-vaxxers, a personal problem or a social problem? The Boston Review suggests they are a social problem. “Debunking is a …

Sep 10, 2021: ok wow… unfollowing now. was a big fan of their music but i was not aware they were using it because their happiness was slowly creeping back now …

Sep 10, 2021: Well, the more you know #foofighters

Sep 10, 2021: “Conspiracy theories like QAnon are ultimately a social problem rather than a cognitive one. We should blame politics, not the faulty reasoning of …

Sep 10, 2021: Long Covid: the numbers

Sep 10, 2021: Triggered! “In a 2020 study in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, researchers found that trigger warnings also encouraged people to view trauma as an …

Sep 10, 2021: Triggered! “In a 2020 study in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, researchers found that trigger warnings also encouraged people to view trauma as an …

Sep 10, 2021: SimCity and car parks just don't get along While you were making those measurements of different real-world cities, did you discover any surprising patterns or spatial relationships? Yes, …

Sep 10, 2021: I’m proud to announce that our lawns are mowed, gardens are tidy, and we’ve cleaned our house, so we’re now accepting visitors until …

Sep 9, 2021: When we asked an algorithm to decide humour we should’ve known that income inequality was going to be deemed hilarious soon

Sep 9, 2021: Are you that rich that you’re not immediately aware of your net worth? There’s an app for that.

Sep 9, 2021: RU Even Aware Of What OK Looks Like Anymore?

Sep 8, 2021: I think aliens visited Burleigh Beach today and left a message. Can anyone help decipher this?

Sep 8, 2021: “You bloody fool” – Australian duck

Sep 8, 2021: Heads up, tomorrow is RUOK Day, so make sure you are prepared to pretend to have your shit together for a day.

Sep 8, 2021: Swell is back, 1.8km from the border

Sep 7, 2021: Have you ever considered that we’re all just flying around the universe on a big rock making shit up and taking made-up currencies off each other for …

Sep 7, 2021: If you’ve ever read my shit and thought “it’s a crime that I’m getting this for free” then here’s a chance to pay for it. Tomorrow, any of you who …

Sep 7, 2021: “There goes a truly great drummer.”

Sep 7, 2021: For nine years I’ve been lucky enough to call you my wife, Britt. In my vows I said “we’ll write a beautiful story together” and boy is that true. …

Sep 6, 2021: Sunrise from Tallebudgera Creek this morning

Sep 5, 2021: Instead of labelling antivaxxers or vaccine-hesitant people as stupid etc, could we consider how we as a society have contributed to the rapid …

Sep 4, 2021: The history of the blue, under-lined, hyperlink

Sep 4, 2021: “If the plan is clear no meeting is needed”

Sep 3, 2021: I’ve finally come to the realisation that the wedding industry can’t provide for my family for the near future, so I’m taking on …

Sep 3, 2021: Something no-one really tells you about adulthood is that it’s mostly just waiting.

Sep 2, 2021: Going, going, goonnneeee

Sep 2, 2021: Ten years ago today Sea FM Gold Coast fired it's drive and night radio shows Ten years ago tonight, September 2nd 2010, the 90.9 Sea FM Gold Coast studios created a local afternoon and evening show for the last time. This story …

Sep 1, 2021: “When you’re young, you look at television and think - There’s a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when …

Sep 1, 2021: Spring’s first sun has sprung

Aug 31, 2021: Even the Illuminati has to deal with the hell that is Gmail’s Promotional folder.

Aug 31, 2021: x% of all sales go to a good cause. The remainder goes to me, a not-good cause.

Aug 31, 2021: Channel 4’s tribute and favourite moments YouTube clips in remembrance of Sean Lock are solid gold.

Aug 31, 2021: Choices

Aug 30, 2021: Kesha, the artist, is a prophet: Her ’09 debut single Tik Tok turns out to be quite the business plan for the 2016 social network bearing the same …

Aug 30, 2021: 🛹

Aug 30, 2021: In the last 18 months, how have QR codes taken off but Touch-Free Copper Keys not? I feel like 2020 was the Copper Key’s year but the key missed it.

Aug 29, 2021: An ode and a farewell to my Apple iMac G4 Today I said goodbye to my prized and precious, the oldest and longest owned computer I’ve ever had the privilege of caring for, my Apple iMac G4. It …

Aug 28, 2021: On in-person education: “The Nobel laureate economist Friedrich Hayek had a phrase for the kind of awareness it’s hard to capture in metrics …

Aug 28, 2021: record scratch yup, that’s me, catching a ride out to attempt a drone rescue after a bird attacked it and sunk it into the Gold Coast Broadwater

Aug 28, 2021: Number 2

Aug 28, 2021: Highline // Palm Beach

Aug 27, 2021: The wedding industry is weird, it’s one of the few workplaces where you’re encouraged to make your clients cry,

Aug 27, 2021:

Aug 27, 2021: ☕️ Merlo

Aug 26, 2021:

Aug 26, 2021: The Calile

Aug 26, 2021:

Aug 26, 2021: “In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer …

Aug 25, 2021: 39 images, all glued together with digital sticky tape 🌳

Aug 25, 2021: As a native speaker of Strayan’ English, I feel like our own whistled language has been ignored by the Smithsonian Magazine here. The great Australian …

Aug 25, 2021: Ira Glass on loving the gap “Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But …

Aug 24, 2021: 🚙

Aug 24, 2021: 🐮

Aug 24, 2021: Secret beach

Aug 24, 2021: A weak link in Microsoft's Power Apps portal service has exposed 38 million personal records. Great. ”More than a thousand web apps mistakenly exposed 38 million records on the open internet, including data from a number of Covid-19 contact tracing …

Aug 24, 2021: “…there is no ladder of intelligence. Intelligence is not a single dimension. It is a complex of many types and modes of cognition, each one a …

Aug 24, 2021: Australia’s Channel Seven’s The Morning Show, explaining how Apple’s The Morning Show is called Morning Wars in Australia: “lawyers”

Aug 24, 2021: Happy third PM anniversary, Scott Morrison

Aug 23, 2021: 🌺

Aug 23, 2021: 🌊

Aug 23, 2021: Sunshine Beach

Aug 23, 2021: The worlds greatest scientists: do you think we can combine PPE and speed dealer sunglasses? Other scientists: no, it’s impossible World’s greatest …

Aug 22, 2021: New moon Sunday

Aug 22, 2021: A lot of people who don’t live in a border region posting big words regarding the protest from those living in border regions today. I live 1km …

Aug 22, 2021: “The Media Is Too Clueless and Sensationalistic to Properly Explain Breakthrough Covid”

Aug 22, 2021: ” I worry about a world in which many people will believe anything, but I worry far more about one in which people believe nothing beyond their own …

Aug 22, 2021: The protested-against take issue with the protestors, who aren’t in lockdown, and are allowed to meet and peacefully protest. Cool story, Nazi …

Aug 20, 2021: 🏖

Aug 19, 2021: Well guys, I think that just about wraps up our first dress rehearsal for humanity. Let’s come back tomorrow and start a fresh and try and do it …

Aug 19, 2021: BREAKING: Netflix Secures Exclusive Broadcast Rights To NSW Premier’s 11am Press Conference “The Premier’s 11am press briefing is literally the …

Aug 19, 2021: 2060 US Presidential election prediction

Aug 18, 2021: 🚲

Aug 18, 2021: 🌙 Luna

Aug 18, 2021: 🎢

Aug 18, 2021: Ok, real talk, in Paw Patrol, why does Ryder, a human, get a Jetpack, but the pups have to drive or fly with their paws? Also, why don’t they deploy …

Aug 18, 2021: 🐬

Aug 18, 2021: Spammer has given me the name of my next podcast, “Voice Massage”

Aug 17, 2021: Come on Australia, we can do this, just keep on posting about Covid and we’ll solve it once we reach heard immunity.

Aug 17, 2021: “Unravel from toxic individualism. You do nothing by yourself. Your whole life is a collaboration.” – @TheNapMinistry

Aug 17, 2021: Phone call starts with a recorded Australian accent speaking “This call is from National Crime Authority, the legal department of Services Australia” …

Aug 17, 2021: Hometown

Aug 17, 2021: Magnetic Island

Aug 16, 2021: Proposal for a name for a new Gold Coast region: SoTal. “South of Tallebudgera” It encompasses Palm Beach, Currumbin, Tugun, and Coolangatta, along …

Aug 16, 2021:

Aug 16, 2021: 🐄

Aug 15, 2021: Sunday

Aug 15, 2021: Real talk, it’s been 17 months today since the first restrictions on what I call, the Australian Beforetime. Since then our every day has simply …

Aug 15, 2021: Hey, does anyone know how Sia feels about cheap thrills?

Aug 14, 2021: #shotoniphone

Aug 14, 2021: Scientific evidence that social media makes us sadder and angrier. Why do we do this?

Aug 13, 2021: Hey, if masks are going to be a thing, could we at least use them to remind me who you are and how I know you?

Aug 13, 2021: The most ignorant thing I read these days isn’t from conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxxers. It’s the phrase “believe in science.” As if science is a …

Aug 13, 2021: For most Australians, before March 2020 we’d never identifed as a Queenslander or a West Australian, outside of the odd game of sport, or in a …

Aug 13, 2021: A few hours on Magnetic Island, Queensland

Aug 12, 2021: 🧲 Island

Aug 12, 2021: Thursday morning // Brisbane

Aug 11, 2021: Whatchulookinat

Aug 11, 2021: Yo

Aug 11, 2021: Alright, real talk, how far from an airport can you be and still call yourself an airport hotel?

Aug 10, 2021: Everyone has their little covid skill they’ve learned. Some of you might have sourdough, or knitting. I have the ability to clearly and …

Aug 10, 2021: On ABC radio this morning I predicted that the cost of weddings will rise post-covid because the wedding industry has been one of the hardest hit by …

Aug 9, 2021: I haven’t got a job because of a resume in over 18 years (thanks Ali and Sea FM Mackay!) but I made one today because I think the pandemic has fired …

Aug 9, 2021: When consumed moderately, whisky’s many medicinal benefits include preventing the “head from whirling, the tongue from lisping… the hands from …

Aug 8, 2021: As the Gold Coast left lockdown today

Aug 7, 2021: Follow-up to I’ve been extraordinarily blessed to have so many phone calls, messages, offers of help regarding my recent post, I’m not ok. I wanted to …

Aug 7, 2021: A wedding celebrant’s Covid story: I’m not ok I see so many of my friends, and randoms I follow on the Internet, talking about lockdown and Covid has affected them. Stories of woe like having to …

Aug 7, 2021: Recreating the After Dark screensavers in CSS is a strong, super strong, nostalgia kick. I’d pay good money for a Flying Toasters screensaver today …

Aug 7, 2021: Luna Hawk Amateur Skater

Aug 7, 2021: Friends often ask what it’s like to cross the border from NSW into Queensland so I filmed today’s border crossing after collecting essentials from …

Aug 7, 2021: I’m studying for a Certificate IV in Real Estate at the moment, and there’s a whole section on how real estate agents can be human. Must …

Aug 7, 2021: Meme, circa August 2021.

Aug 7, 2021: Hey Siri, please remind me of this every day “People hate their own art because it looks like they made it. They think if they get better, it will stop looking like they made it. A better …

Aug 7, 2021: “A writer—and, I believe, generally all persons—must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a …

Aug 6, 2021: Toying with the idea of flushing my entire digital identity down the toilet for my 40th birthday later this year and starting a fresh. New phone …

Aug 6, 2021: I’d pay money for an iOS upgrade that acknowledged swearing in autocorrect. I’ve never in my almost 40 years wanted to get tucked or ducked.

Aug 6, 2021: On paying more “Most people try to negotiate the lowest possible price when paying for a service. That’s a mistake. Because if you “win,” you …

Aug 5, 2021: Please check surroundings

Aug 4, 2021: Good news, I finally get to leave the quarantine I never went into, but have been texted about every day for 14 days, despite calling the Victorian …

Aug 4, 2021: Failed to save a spider

Aug 3, 2021: James Gandolfini, aka Tony Soprano, was paid $3M by HBO to reject a $5M offer to be the new boss on The Office. We should really be paying people like …

Aug 2, 2021: Forty years ago today, August 1 in the USA, 1981, MTV launched by playing Video Killed The Radio Star.

Jul 31, 2021: Everybody, through this lockdown, please think of the birds

Jul 31, 2021: The lockdowns will continue until morale improves

Jul 29, 2021: You used to call me on my landline, late night when you neeeed my love

Jul 29, 2021: She’s my daughter

Jul 28, 2021: Hey Siri, are there less people believin’ these days because there are less midnight trains goin’ anywhere?

Jul 28, 2021: Tugun

Jul 27, 2021: It’s been made aware to me that some of my social media broadcasts over the last year might paint me as some sort of person, politically etc. …

Jul 25, 2021: Hey, do you remember that time our Australian state and federal governments drove us all so far apart to the point of madness and hatred of those we …

Jul 23, 2021: Pro-vax, anti-vax, pro-lockdown, anti-lockdown, everyone’s trying to join a team, but so few people are understanding the hurt that others are …

Jul 23, 2021: JQ133 to Auckland this morning. I think the sun was rising as well. @jetstarairways

Jul 21, 2021: The @iocmedia: The winner is Brisbane! Brisbane: Sheppard, put us down for one opening ceremony. #Brisbane2032

Jul 21, 2021: The Olympics are coming home!

Jul 21, 2021: MSM

Jul 21, 2021: The Australian states in 2020/2021.

Jul 20, 2021: “Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you”

Jul 20, 2021: Are you average?

Jul 20, 2021: A year on year decrease in traffic might lead one to say that the media is incentivised to encourage Trump-like politics.

Jul 19, 2021: Yes

Jul 18, 2021: Forgive me for thinking that the Victorian government doesn’t know what is going on. I just transited through Melbourne Airport from Tugun (Gold …

Jul 18, 2021: One of my favourite views is from a few thousand feet above earth at sunset

Jul 18, 2021: “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?” I hope people will recognise us by our …

Jul 18, 2021: Transiting through Melbourne Airport this afternoon

Jul 18, 2021: Widgets on iPadOS 15 are glorious. A year late, but glorious.

Jul 17, 2021: Apple Photos thinks Britt and I had couple photos taken in Tenerife to commemorate a day Australia celebrates killing horses because we gamble on …

Jul 16, 2021: Off to court today for the third couple who had booked us for an international ceremony wedding but would now prefer a refund over a reschedule. This …

Jul 14, 2021: “For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe.” – Physician, Dr. Larry Eisenberg

Jul 13, 2021: Curtis Falls

Jul 10, 2021: I’m going to start trying to make wedding photos professionally I really enjoy making photos. This photo is one of my favourites, it’s of an unknown hiker taking a breather at Taft Point in Yosemite National …

Jul 10, 2021: I just want you all to know that I did intermittent fasting four days this week and I’m still not skinny, so it clearly doesn’t work. …

Jul 10, 2021: Sunrise at The Spit #goldcoast #sunrise

Jul 10, 2021: Walk like a Goldcoastian

Jul 7, 2021: Lockdown Effectiveness: Much More Than You Wanted To Know “Various policies lumped together as “lockdowns” probably significantly decreased R (Josh: spread). Full-blown stay-at home orders were less important …

Jul 6, 2021: There's a conspiracy theory for everyone, and hence very few people are immune “Many dismiss conspiracy theorists as a bunch of crazy people, or a bunch of stupid people, or a bunch of crazy stupid people. Yet in many ways the …

Jul 6, 2021: The six causes of burnout are: Lack of control. Lack of reward. Absence of fairness. Lack of community. Conflict in values. Work overload. I’m …

Jul 5, 2021: FaceTime - 6.0/iOS15/Monterey - links to join a chat are easy and beautiful, and much more elegant than a Zoom link if it’s just a simple chat. …

Jul 5, 2021: Screenshot from iPadOS 15 Photos. Somehow Photos has figured out from location and date metadata these photos are from a ticketed event, a Foo …

Jul 4, 2021: ”The core idea behind the Metaverse proposition is to create an immersive digital place that duplicates reality without physical constraints.” …

Jul 4, 2021: Steve Jobs in Japan

Jul 3, 2021: After the pandemic I’d like to start a comedy band called Pearlmite where we sing Australian parodies of Pearl Jam songs. Our first song: Elderly Man …

Jul 2, 2021: Billy Joel on his farewell tour “I’ll have created a bond between me and the audience where I know they will never pay another nickel to see me …

Jul 2, 2021: Vale Alan James Snow Today, Britt and I attended - remotely via live stream - the memorial service of her grandfather, Alan James Snow. Alan’s life story is wide …

Jul 2, 2021: Apple Weather in iOS 15 is still wrong in Australia Since the moment Steve Jobs introduced us to the iPhone, Australian users have had bad weather data. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology is the only …

Jul 1, 2021: Take me to Iceland … or if you can’t, let’s just look at Andre’s photos

Jul 1, 2021: “Coping by conspiracy”

Jun 29, 2021: As Brisbane goes into lockdown - 6pm June 29, 2021

Jun 29, 2021: Brisbane for the next few days

Jun 29, 2021: Every day, since whenever the feature launched, my iPhone has generated a set of Featured Photos from my 27,000 odd photos in the library. Since June …

Jun 28, 2021: It’s nice how things are precedented now. Remember back in 2020 when it was this whirlwind of unprecedented stuff, nowadays we hear that a state …

Jun 27, 2021: “Starting from zero can be a gift. If you don’t have much to begin with, you don’t have much to lose. You can be bold when you …

Jun 26, 2021: Do you ever wonder who the Ambulance calls if they’re sick?

Jun 24, 2021: Good news, Australia has twice as many cults as Arizona!

Jun 24, 2021: Who knew you could report junk spam to Apple. Where does that data go, and how does it play out? I would literally give Apple more money to stop spam …

Jun 21, 2021: If Google was serious about organising the world’s information, the Lano and Woodley episode “Mother” would be on Youtube, but here …

Jun 21, 2021: Nostalgia – its delicate, but potent. Teddy told me that in Greek nostalgia literally means ‘the pain from an old wound.’ A Mackay sugarcane fire is …

Jun 21, 2021: Honestly, is there anything more Australian than dropping in to see family while you’re on a work trip and claiming it as a travel expense?

Jun 21, 2021: So apparently the tax department website has a queue now. Does the ATO know websites don’t have queues?

Jun 21, 2021: TF when Google invites you to sit at the Knights Round Table

Jun 20, 2021: I believe my fellow young people would call Luna a “vibe”

Jun 20, 2021: Felt fatherly, might delete later

Jun 19, 2021: I’ve decided to follow my dreams and become a nonfluencer. Please don’t follow me.

Jun 18, 2021: Good news: AirTag works Bad news: my bag is in a different airport to me

Jun 16, 2021: TF when you accidentally get the Covid-09 vaccine and only get 4G.

Jun 16, 2021: Remember when everyone’s method to cope with Covid was Tiger King, sourdough, and the Hamilton soundtrack? Better times.

Jun 14, 2021: We, the people of Australia, have spent $6.7 million dollarydoos detaining the Murugappan family, instead of spending zero dollars and letting them …

Jun 14, 2021: I might not amount to much in this life, so if I die and that’s the case, please put this on my gravestone.

Jun 14, 2021: Conspiracy theory: The spicy cough was invented by Tourism Australia to stop Aussies from holidaying abroad.

Jun 14, 2021: We are a nation of believers. If only Americans could begin believing in politics less fervently, realising instead that life is elsewhere. But this …

Jun 10, 2021: Sony AirPeak S1 … want.

Jun 10, 2021: Weezer’s Buddy Holly, from Windows 95 to Apple Music 2021 I first heard this song on in August 1995, discovering it on one of the Windows 95 installation CDs in the ‘Fun Stuff’ folder - left there to …

Jun 9, 2021: The hotel quarantine system is obviously not working, I say we move to a motel quarantine system where we lock people in highway motels in the …

Jun 9, 2021: Parenting hack: Let your kid join other families at the playground and eat their food. It’s money in your pocket.

Jun 8, 2021: “Once you become informed, you start seeing complexities and shades of grey. You realise that nothing is as clear and simple as it first …

Jun 8, 2021: flicks through his bible furiously trying to find the verse about content delivery networks (CDNs) going down meaning that this is the beginning of …

Jun 8, 2021: “(A recent) audience survey showed that the word podcast is becoming linked to the word interview. So here we are.” I can’t say who said this, …

Jun 6, 2021: As a geriatric millennial, I feel seen

Jun 6, 2021: Looks like someone in ASIO has finally experienced booking a Qantas flight at the last minute.

Jun 4, 2021: All these years on I’m still no wiser as to what it is that the fox say.

Jun 4, 2021: Mare of Easttown spoiler: it was the adult female horse of Easttown.

Jun 4, 2021: The 2007 email that spawned Uber, Snapchat, Tiktok, Instagram, and trillions of dollars worth of other companies - via @techemails

Jun 2, 2021: Is this the year for editable iMessages?

Jun 1, 2021: What’s the secret to not getting text message spam? This phone number is my wedding celebrant number and I’ve had it for over 15 years, so I’m not in …

Jun 1, 2021: It just occurred to me that I could personally profit off the Victorian lockdown, so here goes. Please buy our beachside Gold Coast apartment at a …

Jun 1, 2021: Instead of calling it “the jab” what if they called it a “dad joke”? That way everyone would get it?

May 31, 2021: Police are now targeting people who lose all sense of time whilst ordering at a cafe and feel the need to share long stories with the uninterested …

May 31, 2021: If you’re curious how commissions and incentives shape the technology retail sector, JB HiFi at Robina doesn’t stock Apple TV units on the shelves, …

May 28, 2021: ”Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing someone to change their tribe. If they abandon their beliefs, they run …

May 27, 2021: Revved up like a deuce, another roller in the night

May 27, 2021: Strangers really underestimate how much I want to receive a phone call.

May 27, 2021: The humble Australian ritual of gender reveal via a burnout. “The driver burned out on a secluded road on the Gold Coast. As the drone flies …

May 26, 2021: Photographing a blood red supermoon, a lunar eclipse, is seemingly outside of my skillset. I made many photos and all were degrees of terrible, these …

May 26, 2021: Life is so busy, complex, and tiring right now, that the US government has confirmed that UFOs are a thing and everyone that finds out just shrugs and …

May 25, 2021: Did you know there’s no wombat emoji? I’m calling the president.

May 25, 2021: Three fun wedding facts you probably didn’t know: I’m a pretty awesome wedding celebrant I could be your wedding celebrant why are you …

May 25, 2021: Moses?

May 23, 2021: Sk8r grrl carving up the skate park

May 21, 2021: My top three favourite songs about meeting your newborn child: With Arms Wide Open - Creed Closing Time - Semisonic Think About Things - Daði Freyr

May 21, 2021: I just watched a retail worker wash her plastic gloved hands with hand sanitiser. Curve flattened!

May 20, 2021: TF when you think someone is going to steal your stick

May 20, 2021: The kind of rainbow that would make YouTube’s Hungrybear9562 weep with joy, a double rainbow.

May 20, 2021: Pot of coffee at Highline Palm Beach at the end of the rainbow

May 19, 2021: For the first time in many years I took what I thought was common advice and wisdom and I’ve started using on MacOS (Big Sur on Apple …

May 19, 2021: Your stripper name is the first 16 digits of your credit card number, then the month the card expires, and then the year, and then the three digits on …

May 19, 2021: Australia’s Department of Defence: Defence announces Space Division Australia: please let it be ARSE

May 18, 2021: We decided to sell our Covid-escape-beach-unit in Palm Beach on the Gold Coast. If you’re currently looking to escape to a beachside apartment, I …

May 17, 2021: Why is it called a wedding tax when wedding vendors decide to not undercut each other, and instead focus on being profitable and sustainable?

May 17, 2021: Why are people in small businesses so afraid of making an profit, having a day off or even a holiday? Why is sustainability and profit demonised in …

May 16, 2021: Wedding planning pro tip: Choose a wedding vendor team, then a date, instead of spending your whole life trying to find a team available on your date.

May 16, 2021: If you inserted a MYST CD-ROM into your computer sometime in the early 90’s and found yourself entrenched in the wonder that was MYST, then this …

May 14, 2021: John Mulaney getting getting divorced is the kind of celebrity news that makes me want to take the week off and empty some ice cream tubs whilst …

May 14, 2021: 📷 Friday sunrise on the #GoldCoast

May 13, 2021: Hanging with useless nipples Withers. Captioned by her mother who is 20 minutes away.

May 12, 2021: View out my window right now

May 11, 2021: Bitey McBiteFace

May 11, 2021: “The big money is made not by exposing the truth but by papering it over or concealing it.” – NewRepublic

May 11, 2021: Hey, bye @heyhey

May 11, 2021: Don’t forget that we’re all competing in a game where if we hit the right keys on the keyboard in the right order at the right time we win …

May 10, 2021: The worst thing about having an AirTag in your luggage is that instead of guessing that your luggage is about to come out, it removes any doubt that …

May 10, 2021: Burleigh Heads on a Monday morning

May 9, 2021: If you’ve ever wondered how weird you are, if you don’t eat the deceased at their own funeral, you’re not that weird. “In many villages, when a …

May 9, 2021: Who would’ve ever imagined that the BBQ-lovin Covid guy was actually trying to buy the whole chain of Barbecue’s Galore stores!? Apollo Global MD …

May 9, 2021: Just say that after the traumatic 14 months behind us, we were considering selling everything and travelling Australia in a caravan with a toddler and …

May 8, 2021: An old friend of mine from like 20 years ago has released an album and I found out because someone had a typo in their email address which landed the …

May 8, 2021: I’m dying of dystentery over this announcement.

May 7, 2021: Photos from inside my house identify as photos taken at houses down the street, from a GPS angle I understand this, but my iPhone knows my home …

May 7, 2021: I am going to move my personal/non-wedding email account away from Hey. I don’t want to go back to GMail for privacy reasons, no to Outlook because of …

May 7, 2021: Sunrises at airports are my theme of 2021

May 6, 2021: Melbourne weather: cloudy with a chance of Josh.

May 6, 2021: If you’re curious about AirTag use through a flight whilst on inflight wifi, Find My believes that Qantas dropped my luggage from a great height …

May 4, 2021: Someone’s been to the salon

May 4, 2021: Cows on buns

May 2, 2021: Yarra. The valley, not the river.

May 2, 2021: The one where Pete Townshend from The Who recorded an anti-smoking song while smoking cigarettes.

May 2, 2021: I’m sitting opposite a person in the Qantas Lounge who is eating so violently. Like she’s abusing her mouth with her fork of food. I can’t help but …

May 2, 2021: Mel

May 1, 2021: Four different weather reports in Lilydale, Australia. How is weather reporting still so hard? Seeing John Gruber’s recommendation of a new weather app, Hello Weather (it’s a beautiful app, just feels a little weird that two Basecamp devs are …

May 1, 2021: “As I reached for my Hasselblad, suddenly the Earth popped up over the horizon” Earth Restored

Apr 30, 2021: Name a more important Australian institution than the Great Regional Aussie Pub. Where would these acts play if not for the local?

Apr 30, 2021: You probably don’t know this about me, but the main reason I’m a happily married man and wedding celebrant, and not a professional …

Apr 30, 2021: QF

Apr 30, 2021: Doing my part for USA and Australian relations by making a photo of a @united B787 kissing a @qantas A330

Apr 30, 2021: My first photography commission: Reece Bathroom Life Pretty proud of this. For the first time since it was built last year, I’ve witnessed my first and only commissioned photo in person, at the Reece …

Apr 29, 2021: 🚙

Apr 28, 2021: Luna approves of the Sydney Qantas Business Lounge

Apr 27, 2021: App Tracking Transparency, ATT.

Apr 27, 2021: “I’m studying to become a lawyer for my friend’s upcoming court case” said no-one ever. So apart from “because Joey from Friends did it” why are …

Apr 23, 2021: The only bridge climb in Australia better than the Storey Bridge Climb, of the two available

Apr 23, 2021: Take me hommmmeeeee, country airline

Apr 23, 2021: Syd

Apr 23, 2021: That shining glint in the Crown of capitalism

Apr 22, 2021: Hey, guys who decide how comfortable Uber Comfort is, it’s not a Toyota Camry

Apr 22, 2021: If you’re in Circular Quay this afternoon, the playlist is mine

Apr 22, 2021: Sarah and Michael’s awkward start to their wedding ceremony included a promo for the Gold 104.3 Christian O’Connell Breakfast Show

Apr 22, 2021: “This is lockdown’s near forbidden secret and terrible truth — that at the heart of grief, and midst mayhem, carnage and deep sadness, people do …

Apr 21, 2021: It was not my final destination

Apr 21, 2021: Important noodle information

Apr 21, 2021: When I grow up I’m going to run a cafe and an AirBnb, both of which have functional and high speed wifi.

Apr 20, 2021: School’s out at Lismore Primary

Apr 20, 2021: Daylesford

Apr 20, 2021: What did Ausnet do?!

Apr 19, 2021: In sad tech news, my favourite Melbourne store - Mac Addict - has shut down through 2020. I literally booked a hotel across the road so I could check …

Apr 18, 2021: Trying out the NKOTB to Melbourne today

Apr 18, 2021: Conspiracy theory: Hungry Jacks has never had thick shake machines. The whole idea of a shake from HJs is a ruse. They’re under the control of Big …

Apr 16, 2021: “I’m only posting about @ARationalFear so @DanIlic sends me a prize pack”

Apr 15, 2021: Oh that burns @decryption

Apr 15, 2021: “Today we pay with both money and attention according to the direction of artists” Non-Fungible Taylor Swift, on Stratechery

Apr 15, 2021: If you want to hate the world and Twitter at the same time paste “lang:en” in a Twitter search bar will give you live and direct access to the …

Apr 15, 2021: Childhood screen time and attention problems not so closely linked A link between childhood “screen time” and attention problems has failed to replicate in this study. We evaluated 848 models, including logistic …

Apr 15, 2021: ‘Everyone can have their own reality’ Quitting QAnon: why it is so difficult to abandon a conspiracy theory

Apr 15, 2021: Can the new city of Próspera be the better world we dream of? Is it possible to build a better world? That’s what is being attempted in Honduras. Is it full of problems? Yes. Does it look promising? Yes! …

Apr 15, 2021: Very very few stories are worth telling in their infancy. Most require research, understanding, context, empathy, and nuance. For example, what if a …

Apr 15, 2021: So, you saw a video of girls twerking on a navy ship Just imagine if somehow, if there was some way, we all had the power to not laugh at Australian indigenous girls dancing on a navy ship. The problem …

Apr 15, 2021: Luna’s first phone/block of wood

Apr 14, 2021: “It’s the second-best bridge climb in the country, of both available."

Apr 14, 2021: Toddler, living her best life, sitting in a Coles Supermarket trolley, eating tuna sushi. Circa April 2021. iPhone 12 Pro 4.2mm lens, f1.6, 1/50 sec, …

Apr 13, 2021: Google “where does vanilla flavouring come from”

Apr 13, 2021: I’m going to be an Icelandic pop star, what are you going to be?

Apr 13, 2021: The economics of COVID-19 In 2014 the Prime Minister’s Office published this report noting that the statistical value of a human life was $4.2M in 2014 terms - which is …

Apr 13, 2021: Five years since DJI has handed down an Inspire or Phantom from on high, and three years since a Pro Mavic has been bestowed upon us. What, oh Chinese …

Apr 12, 2021: The Blue Mountains before the sun rises are a flippin treat

Apr 12, 2021: This is a 13,000 word essay most Australians won’t read, or even if they click through to it, they’ll find it “a bit long”, but it’s actually …

Apr 11, 2021: “A new generation of Gen Z investors are willing to take risks to counter a deck that may be stacked against them” The death of HODL and the …

Apr 11, 2021: Top three songs to listen to on your headphones whilst walking off an airplane through an airport: Mr Brightside Lose Yourself Party in the USA This …

Apr 11, 2021: sunday flyday

Apr 11, 2021: “The reason that most of us are unhappy most of the time is that we set our goals not for the person we’re going to be when we reach them, but we set …

Apr 10, 2021: An author’s view of the next 25 years on earth, published in January 1997

Apr 10, 2021: Accidentally tested the water proof capabilities of the iPhone 12 Pro today. It survived a 10 minute pool swim without a hiccup.

Apr 9, 2021: That was quick, Find My, considering there’s no items to add or find yet

Apr 4, 2021: This is a powerful read: How doctors die

Apr 4, 2021: Wearing your mask hanging off one ear is the 2021 version of kids riding their bike with their helmet hanging on the handlebar.

Apr 4, 2021: “I promise you that no-one is coming for your son’s head. The data is clear, the number of false accusations that stick is negligible. If …

Apr 3, 2021: Nothing says you’re staying at a fancy hotel like naming it after Australia’s shiftiest bird then putting the word budget afterward.

Apr 3, 2021: It’s been a while since I’ve taken the 6am Saturday flight to Sydney for a wedding, it feels good. I feel dribs and drabs of normality returning to my …

Apr 1, 2021: Person next to me in the bottle shop finally chooses a carton of cider and I say “so that’s decider” and got nothing. So now I’m telling you.

Apr 1, 2021: What a brave, cunning, and linguistic call for Tourism SA to make.

Apr 1, 2021: Gold Coast Mayor calls in Evergreen to cause our own Suez Canal incident on the M1 to stop Brisbane people going “down the coast” for Easter.

Mar 30, 2021: #notthebetootaadvocate

Mar 30, 2021: When the time comes, I will 100% support mandatory vacations, those who don’t should be forced.

Mar 30, 2021: You think that after the last year I’d be able to spell qarantein without using spellcheck.

Mar 28, 2021: Really surprised the humble salute didn’t make a comeback in 2020. It’s better than an elbow bump, and far more socially distanced, in fact the mere …

Mar 28, 2021: If cancel culture was real “If cancel culture were real, Daryl Somers, who built a career and life on the back of a show where he did and said a lot of questionable things, …

Mar 28, 2021: Turns out that the Queensland Government just thought having five people together in a house at the same time was what they image a really awesome and …

Mar 28, 2021: I feel like the marketing team at Zarraffas have never had breakfast, they just saw an Instagram Reel about it once

Mar 28, 2021: You haven’t lived until you’ve live texted a Covid press conference with all of your wedding clients getting married in the next few days.

Mar 27, 2021: Cheers to the freakin weekend

Mar 27, 2021: In a way, aren’t we all boats stuck in a Suez Canal called life?

Mar 26, 2021: 1yr ago today Queensland closed its border to other states with Police manning that border. That day was the beginning of a year from hell for our …

Mar 26, 2021: We’re only one or two more “Covid ruined my wedding and now it’s your problem, Withers” away from collecting the whole set. Good thing I’ve got great …

Mar 26, 2021: Have you been overseas in the past 14 days? Have you been in a Covid hotspot or been in contact with someone who has Covid? Do you have a fever, runny …

Mar 26, 2021: Time to fly, Melbourne

Mar 25, 2021: “I’m working in Epping, Epping is barely Melbourne, and I’m working with a group of engineers that don’t smoke!?” is literally a sentence spoken by a …

Mar 23, 2021: If you’re wondering if airports have spent the downtime they’ve been gifted over the last year to make their coffee better, they haven’t.

Mar 22, 2021: I keep on finding this weird smudge on the top of some of my photos when I get them back from the film lab. Anyone know what’s causing it?

Mar 22, 2021: If you’ve ever been disappointed, know that you’ve not been truly disappointed unless you have prepared food for a toddler to not eat despite telling …

Mar 18, 2021: For all intensive purposes words don’t matter, right?

Mar 18, 2021: I, for one, welcome our new unable to understand actual consent so we’re using a sexual consent app overlords.

Mar 18, 2021: PSA: Your kiwi fruit experience will improve once you realise you don’t need to spit out the seeds.

Mar 17, 2021: Just say, hypothetically, that you were married to a heavy rug user, what are some things you can encourage your partner to do to stop buying rugs and …

Mar 16, 2021: In the first two months of both our girls lives we’ve moved house. Oddly enough, into the same house both times. Tomorrow we’re out of the …

Mar 16, 2021: Police are now targeting a part of the people who misuse the word apart.

Mar 15, 2021: Did one person a million years ago cross their fingers and magically their situation changed for the better, or are we all just crossing fingers for …

Mar 15, 2021: It's not all men, but it's only men. “It’s not all men, but it’s only men.” Those are some tough words to read, thank you for sharing Damien Johnson. It’s …

Mar 15, 2021: Most Aussie shop ever

Mar 15, 2021: Boooo

Mar 14, 2021: “Many of us don’t have enough stories of being taken advantage of or of having something stolen because we don’t take enough risks. Any time we …

Mar 14, 2021: Remember when internet things were called cyber? Crypto is the new cyber. Whenever someone says crypto it means we don’t fully understand it yet. …

Mar 14, 2021: Shiver me timbers. The latest Adobe Photoshop release which is Apple Silicon native just loaded in 4.13 seconds on my MacBook Air, and I’ve got heaps …

Mar 14, 2021: I remember reading about wireless networking technology in computer magazines in the 90s. When they said wireless I didn’t think they’d mean on a 7mm …

Mar 14, 2021: Sitting next to a couple at the airport lounge who have just completed a whole photo shoot, different angles, poses, trying the different camera …

Mar 13, 2021: Years ago, when I was a younger man, you’d get your car serviced and they’d put air in your tyres for free, but I guess that’s how inflation works.

Mar 13, 2021: Life’s never going to be the same once you realise what the Barenaked Ladies song “One Week” is really about.

Mar 12, 2021: 🏄‍♀️ Bells Beach

Mar 12, 2021: 🐨 For once, the sign didn’t lie

Mar 11, 2021: Something not quite right?

Mar 11, 2021: I want the photographer that does the McDonalds menu photos to do my headshots.

Mar 10, 2021: Not many people know this, but Gotye’s Somebody That I Used To Know was actually written about Melbourne and I through 2020.

Mar 10, 2021: let’s fly jetstar tonight

Mar 10, 2021: After our year of “travelling” we’ve got our keys back. We’re going home!

Mar 10, 2021: Hey world, why are we giving kids middle names if every time - as a marriage celebrant - I ask one of my couples for the full name of someone, they …

Mar 10, 2021: You might be surprised to find out that Harry & Meghan are not the first people to get married before they got married. I’ve married so many …

Mar 10, 2021: “My interactions with Bartercard (Qoin) have not raised any red-flags, and as a blockchain tech enthusiast I appreciate its efforts to onboard …

Mar 9, 2021: “We just wanted to get on Zoom with you to make sure you’re as much of a smart ass as you look like on social media” I book the …

Mar 9, 2021: Luna is a really coming around to this big sister vibe

Mar 9, 2021: First films

Mar 8, 2021: I for one am shocked to find out that the Colonialist White British Empire’s Royal Family is racist.

Mar 6, 2021: Social media is evolving

Mar 5, 2021: Goldie Grace Withers' birth Britt and I are very pleased to introduce Goldie Grace Withers to the world. Just before 11am we were standing around the birthing centre cracking …

Mar 5, 2021: If you complain that you phone is listening to you, but use Google Chrome as your web browser, you’re a hypocrite - quite possibly innocently - …

Mar 4, 2021: 🌞

Mar 3, 2021: When Luna met Gracie

Mar 3, 2021: Let me introduce you to Goldie Grace Withers No-one’s betting on a 2% chance of winning anything. If there’s a 2% chance of anything happening, that basically means the thing …

Mar 2, 2021: 🌙

Mar 1, 2021: Funny looking Old Gum Tree there m8

Mar 1, 2021: I just picked Luna up from her trying to play with some rude kids who didn’t want to play with her, so in front of the kids and their yucky mother …

Feb 28, 2021: What’s with midwives not going all the way and becoming full wives? Asking for a friend.

Feb 28, 2021: Luna, we’re taking a photo for mummy, just hold on for a second

Feb 28, 2021: I’m at the markets talking to a friend and Luna walks off, treks across the whole market, to go to the stall she knows has watermelon. She gets a …

Feb 27, 2021: I love how Mentos stubbornly believes that people at service stations know what “Chewy Dragees” are.

Feb 27, 2021: I know that worrying works because nothing I’ve ever worried about has happened

Feb 27, 2021: Saturday morning, February 27, 2021. Baby still going through customs.

Feb 27, 2021: Sounds like a Pearl Jam song

Feb 26, 2021: I would like to make a public statement regarding the most recent episode, number 175, of the Wedding Photo Hangover podcast. If you listen to that …

Feb 26, 2021: Palm Beach Boardriders

Feb 25, 2021: The Gold Coast property market right now …

Feb 24, 2021: Use Vegemite.

Feb 24, 2021: If domestic violence killed as many men as it does women, and if it the threat was higher to older people, would we fight domestic violence like we …

Feb 23, 2021: You know you’re reading an article not for you when the first interview question is answered by beginning with “we millionaires”.

Feb 23, 2021: “We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.” – Bryan White

Feb 22, 2021: Imagine having never heard Enter Sandman before …

Feb 22, 2021: If your preferred mode of transport is your Facebook profile pic, I live for your Facebook comments, keep them coming.

Feb 22, 2021: This story is my favourite story of today, plus, the update makes it even better. “I accidentally created an army of crow body guards. Am I …

Feb 22, 2021: Minutes before this screenshot I was on the front page of Hacker News, which is all a nerd honestly wants in his life. I can die happy, affirmed by …

Feb 22, 2021: Sometimes when I want to feel fancy I imagine my car is a private jet, but for roads.

Feb 22, 2021: Tap your phone at Gold Coast bus stops to access my website My February 2021 Apple Fitness challenge is to walk 227km in the month. So I was out late last night closing in on the target when I stopped and …

Feb 21, 2021: Just checking because I don’t want to screw up this vaccine thing: Are we all supposed to wear the green and gold for our vaccination selfies? Did …

Feb 21, 2021: “People fall so in love with their pain, they can’t leave it behind. The same as the stories they tell. We trap ourselves.”​ — Chuck Palahniuk

Feb 20, 2021: I’m titling this sad piece “July 2020, an infrequent flyer”

Feb 20, 2021: The Facebook news ban hammer fell on our training business a day after I posted an article on surviving a Facebook ban lol … you’re great …

Feb 19, 2021: The Foo Fighters were AIDS denialists? How has it taken 20 years for me to know that a) AIDS/HIV denialiam is a thing, and b) my favourite band - The Foo Fighters - were backers of the …

Feb 19, 2021: Who should be a politician and why? I bet you have an opinion on politicians and who is a terrible one. Do you think the incentives that used to exist to become a pollie/leader have …

Feb 19, 2021: Dear DJI, I’d like a new Mavic model please. In late 2016, five years ago, you set my heart on fire. I’d been watching the Phantoms ghosting through …

Feb 19, 2021: Australian news you can use

Feb 19, 2021: “Why Josh was never invited back onto Studio 10” A screenshot, circa late February 2021. Note: First recorded use of the term PoN, an acronym for …

Feb 19, 2021: What a beautiful time to be alive in Australia

Feb 19, 2021: James Clear’s 3-2-1 regular email is such a nice format, I have to recommend it. 3 ideas from him, 2 quotes from others, 1 question.

Feb 18, 2021: “I wish Australia would take Facebook’s rejection as a sign it should rethink its approach to media regulation entirely. It could just tax companies …

Feb 14, 2021: Well that was quick, Zoom

Feb 14, 2021: I’m looking for someone in a full-time, or maybe almost full-time, role as a content creator working almost explicitly inside Wordpress. They …

Feb 14, 2021: So I’ve been thinking about this a lot. There really aren’t that many songs about rainbows, and even less that would lead us to think about what’s on …

Feb 12, 2021: Luna vs. Shark

Feb 12, 2021: Hanging out on ABC radio this morning

Feb 11, 2021: I’m (apparently) the celebrant you call when you want to find out if you have to have sex with your new spouse on the wedding night …

Feb 11, 2021: Everything you’ve just read here, and everything you’re about to read, including this, is a performance.

Feb 10, 2021: On a personal note, as of midnight tonight my borders are closed to people from the Greater Border Closing region. If you have closed a border in the …

Feb 10, 2021: Guys, I can’t stress this enough, real life snakes are nothing - I repeat, nothing - like Allens Snakes. Do not eat.

Feb 10, 2021: The most fascinating element of big tech is when a newcomer has such a good idea that it’s deemed stealable by the incumbents. Twitter launches …

Feb 9, 2021: I’m looking for the cheapest possible prices to get ‘Make Poverty History’ shirts manufactured please. Please forward all quotes and appropriate …

Feb 9, 2021: Butterfly on inside of the windscreen. Circa February, 2021.

Feb 9, 2021: When you’re still worried about the rona but wanna look like you’re not

Feb 9, 2021: Babymoon @ The Calile

Feb 9, 2021: Tuesday sunrise because sleep is overrated // Jolly’s Loookout, Mount Nebo

Feb 9, 2021: 6:29am and the staff member at the hotel lobby bar & cafe says to the barista, “you know what I like” and smiles. Yet the barista did not know …

Feb 9, 2021: “Must everyone like you?” Father James Martin on the Zeitgast podcast Jonathan Martin

Feb 7, 2021: Hey, be real with me, do you guys ever wear your daughter’s dresses?

Feb 7, 2021: February 2021 would have to be the most visually pleasing month I’ve ever seen.

Feb 7, 2021: Sunrise

Feb 7, 2021: Jumping into Sunday like …

Feb 5, 2021: May, the EK

Feb 5, 2021: How good is it watching the elected leaders of the different Australian states squabble like children in a playground whilst they sink their states …

Feb 5, 2021: Peggy

Feb 5, 2021: Fried chicken

Feb 4, 2021:

Feb 3, 2021: Do we want our journos tweeting or not? NYT asks the big questions about bias and opinion

Feb 3, 2021: Running the numbers on great writing “Hemingway, Morrison and Steinbeck, their best books, the ones that are held up and have the most attention on them now, are the books with the …

Feb 3, 2021: What if I’m not smart enough to know if my thoughts are correct?

Feb 2, 2021: Not a 5G tower, bro, but cool birth story

Feb 2, 2021: 🌈

Feb 1, 2021: What the hell is going on with guys who don’t tie up their shoelaces?

Jan 31, 2021: If there’s one thing the month of January 2021 has taught me, it’s that the Australian celebrant population (9000 odd celebrants) …

Jan 31, 2021: On today’s business to-do list: Answer a complaint from the Office Of Fair Trading about a couple who changed their 2020 wedding date to a day …

Jan 31, 2021: 🌙 Our two year old adult

Jan 30, 2021: That face when mum has moved your stash

Jan 29, 2021: You know newsletters are a thing when Facebook feels so threatened by them that it needs to develop it’s own newsletter product. Via the Techmeme via …

Jan 29, 2021: I can’t help but feel that Margot Robbie in a bathtub would explain Gamestop better than most journalists.

Jan 26, 2021: Robin Rendle’s beautiful essay on newsletters and the original sin of the internet is that, beautiful, and inspiring. Please view the essay.

Jan 26, 2021: "To disrupt legacies of exclusivity, institutionalized racism, and complicity. To build a culture of inclusion and accountability." This article by @mayags floated into my timeline today, challenging American storytelling gatekeepers to consider their gatekeeping position. …

Jan 25, 2021: Happy Australians-arguing-about-a-public-holiday-whilst-not-doing-anything-actually-good-for-the-country week! It’s a real invasion on my …

Jan 24, 2021: Sunsets // a new way of measuring each day until it’s gone

Jan 24, 2021: This is the kind of drone video I wish I made, one where a crocodile attacks the drone whilst making the film.

Jan 24, 2021: Install Hush on your Mac and iPhone/iPad to get rid of all those annoying banners, pop ups, distractions asking you to approve or accept cookies. …

Jan 24, 2021: I can honestly say the most exciting stage of parenting a toddler for me so far has been when she learned how to use door handles.

Jan 23, 2021: How cheap money and algorithms shaped the last decade and the opposite will shape the next This is a powerful read for people trying to mentally tie a bow on the 2010s. Ranjan wraps it up saying that the cheap money thanks to near zero …

Jan 23, 2021: 10 seconds of pure iPhone exposure

Jan 23, 2021: With all the science, research, wisdom, and love in the world well never stop people dying. But we can stop people living.

Jan 23, 2021: The most misunderstood element of the internet is how you or I can just post things there and they become truth. At least that’s what I was …

Jan 23, 2021: Guy freaking out a little bit a disco: I should write a song about having a sense of poise and rationality.

Jan 22, 2021: Google threatens to block Google search from Australia!!!

Jan 22, 2021: A friend kindly and jokingly mentioned that life for us looked to be all fun going by social media recently. And life is pretty fine, but … So …

Jan 22, 2021: “As the automotive brand with likely the highest name recognition across all demographics in spite of not having a new product in 40 years, we still …

Jan 22, 2021: Thing I’m just casually dropping into conversation today then laughing: “more like QA-wrong, am I right?!”

Jan 20, 2021: Podcasting turns 20 today. @podnews tells the story with Eric Nuzum.

Jan 20, 2021: Luna, presented without caption

Jan 20, 2021: I don’t like to boast, but sometimes I use occasional chairs frequently.

Jan 20, 2021: President Trump has just pardoned my passing of gas that everyone’s been talking about. I’m a free man.

Jan 20, 2021: Podcast you should sample: Queens of the Drone Age New podcast recommendation: Queens Of The Drone Age! It’s a new podcast, two episodes deep so far, and it’s hosted by four Australian tech …

Jan 19, 2021: What a time to be alive

Jan 19, 2021: Honestly, you haven’t lived until you’ve watched from afar as your daughter interrupts a beautiful little Instagram moment a mother is capturing of …

Jan 18, 2021: Luna (runs around the house screaming): Noo pooooo! Narrator: And yet there was poo.

Jan 18, 2021: 7:30pm Queensland time tonight (GMT+10) I’m hosting my first @joinClubhouse room and it would be absolutely grand if my friends would join me for a …

Jan 16, 2021: With most new relationships being the result of algorithmic matching, does that mean computers are breeding humans?

Jan 16, 2021: The DJI Mini 2 couldn’t deliver the still images I was hoping for. Who would of ever thought that a drone lighter than an orange wouldn’t deliver …

Jan 15, 2021: Have any M1 Mac owners recently tried to install an iPhone app .ipa file (circumventing the developer not making the iOS app available in the Mac App …

Jan 15, 2021: Let’s be honest guys, in this algorithm driven world, it’s only going to be a matter of time until the word ‘ducking’ is classified as a swear word.

Jan 14, 2021: Do yourself a retro favour and search for “SOL.EXE” in the iPhone App Store

Jan 14, 2021: This is one of those articles I think I’ll read a few times over the next few weeks. “Everyone reacts, few respond.” “McDonald’s Theory On How Best …

Jan 14, 2021: “Whenever you poo or pee, sterilise it for half an hour before flushing, this is to protect our city’s sewage.” SCMP

Jan 14, 2021: I’m two days deep Clubhouse and I’m feeling bullish about its potential. It’s a powerfully personal medium, with deep accountability (live voice). …

Jan 13, 2021: Show me a more Australian meal than a Chicken Schnitzel shaped like mainland Australia, served with veges, chips, and gravy. I’ll wait.

Jan 13, 2021: We brought a Peugeot to a V8 fight …

Jan 13, 2021: Feature request for iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DMs, and Facebook Page Messenger: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET ME SEE UNREAD MESSAGES SO I CAN …

Jan 11, 2021: Just googled “Is it ok to just leave the toys out spread across the lounge room floor overnight like does it even matter” in case I was wrong.

Jan 11, 2021: Homo sapiens won the evolutionary race because we were connected Research shows that Homo neanderthalensis (otherwise known as Neanderthals, the species of people that didn’t survive where we did) was more …

Jan 10, 2021: I’m speaking at the Wedding Business CEO Summit Registration is officially open for the Wedding Business CEO Summit! This summit is hosted by, and created by my friend Heidi, to help wedding …

Jan 10, 2021: When I’m president imma make it illegal for kids to crawl or climb up slippery slides.

Jan 9, 2021: How, in the 2021st year of our Lord, do we still need to go to two different huts for sunglasses and pizza?

Jan 9, 2021: You know what’s really underrated? Cookies.

Jan 8, 2021: I can’t help but feel that the rice must have had a really good PR team early on. To go from “looks like dead maggots” to “most eaten food on the …

Jan 8, 2021: record scratch freeze frame “Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation…”

Jan 8, 2021: Today was the wrong day to want to legitimately want to buy toilet paper in Southeast Queensland. Googles bidet

Jan 8, 2021: Little bit morbid there, Apple Photos

Jan 8, 2021: When Orange Hair says to his followers that their journey is “only just beginning” does that mean they’re all about to drink …

Jan 8, 2021: “(Trump) has refused to accept the basic bargain of democracy, which is to accept the result, win or lose.” WSJ

Jan 8, 2021: “Tech level determined using Qsin”

Jan 7, 2021: America, our love story, and how we fell out of love 19 years and four months ago today, when I was just 19, I woke up on the Gold Coast and discovered the United States of America. Before the 12th of …

Jan 7, 2021: A shop displayed a sign announcing that they were “only excepting card payments at this time” and it’s really sitting with me hey.

Jan 7, 2021: Day one of Baby Drone making photos and we’re back into lockdown because of fear of getting wet.

Jan 6, 2021: Watching this wombat sleep today reminded me that the wombat is my spirit animal

Jan 5, 2021: 👩‍🚀 I always wanted you to go into space, mannnn (photo not by Babylon Zoo, only the caption)

Jan 5, 2021: We can dance if we want to. We can leave your friends behind. Cause your friends don’t dance, and if they don’t dance, well, they’re …

Jan 5, 2021: ‘Nice’ doesn’t sell ads I’ve found the most quotable book I’ve read in a while. “Imagine for a moment that a new drug comes on the market. It’s super-addictive, and in …

Jan 4, 2021: In case you’d heard the outrage and you weren’t sure who he was, I just wanted to clarify: I am not the bean dad. I only make Luna wait her entire …

Jan 4, 2021: No-one is born with a passion, or a dream. Passions and dreams come from and are nurtured in our community, which is why we need to fight for and …

Jan 4, 2021: The fact that Uber achieved the same growth in 10% of its $150 million as spend is one thing, the story of how they got there, that’s something else …

Jan 3, 2021: How to overcome Phone Addiction [Solutions + Research] “Phone addiction is one of the biggest non-drug addiction in human history. Studies show that excessive phone use is linked to procrastination, …

Jan 3, 2021: It’s cute to see New South Wales and Victoria playing a game of State Of Origin. It’d just be sad to see NSW lose at the Covid football version tho.

Jan 3, 2021: With many of us grounded, has anyone had a play of PC Globe to try and scratch that travel itch? You might need to upgrade to a 486 to run it well.

Jan 3, 2021: “Dadda, not Josh” is Luna’s new way of introducing me to strangers. She’s a weird Hype Girl.

Jan 2, 2021: The book 1984, but instead of Big Brother, it’s Facebook.

Jan 2, 2021: Guilty as charged This American itch—that we must “DO SOMETHING” and “DO GOOD,” as Banfield put it—also fosters a psychological-sociological trap, wherein Americans …

Jan 2, 2021: “A prank attempt went terribly wrong for a 14-year old boy from Boise, as he was raped by a 700-lb grizzly bear while walking around in the woods in a …

Jan 2, 2021: If you’ve been following for a while you might have sensed a tension between the joy I find in being online and the disappointment I find in …

Jan 2, 2021: A podcast I first heard a year ago today still sits with me a year later, and I’ve listened to it maybe five times over. Cooking As an Art, With …

Jan 2, 2021: The future of music journalism is on (wtf) TikTok (sad face) “TikTok music blogs have thrived during quarantine, and they’re helping to blow up …

Jan 2, 2021: Simon Owens on 'the Substack problem' “2021 will be the year that publishers start to form strategies to deal with the Substack Problem. By that, I mean they’ll need to find ways to …

Jan 2, 2021: My issue with Spotify and Amazon muscling in on podcasting and how Apple has failed as well Life on the internet, and in podcasting, is a game of middlemen (middlepeople?). The middlepeople actually really benefit from being in the middle, …

Jan 2, 2021: Have you played the hottest new web game of 2021? School or Prison

Jan 1, 2021: Much applause to the people behind Pentax cameras for this seemingly crazy idea to not go mirrorless. The unpopular route is often not filled with …

Jan 1, 2021: This is a fascinating story about an Australia man with an illness discovering horology

Jan 1, 2021: Algorithms are destroying our communities and what can we, or I, do about it? There needs to be a better way to Internet Maybe it’s because 2020 gave me many opportunities to think through the implications of which technology …

Dec 31, 2020: Thriller idea: As the year 2020 is escorted from the courthouse to a life sentence in prison, after a solid 365 days of wrecking havoc on the earth, a …

Dec 31, 2020: In my almost 40 years on the planet, and most of them in Queensland, I’ve never kissed a stranger on NYE, or any other time. Am I doing life wrong or …

Dec 31, 2020: Don’t let anyone tell you today is December 31st, 2020. Today is March 306th, 2020.

Dec 31, 2020: If you thought everything else that happened this year was scary, 2020 is going out with a bang with delightfully terrifying dancing robots from …

Dec 30, 2020: This was life changing photography education

Dec 30, 2020: Don’t even talk to her before her morning oat milk froth.

Dec 30, 2020: There’s a mum sitting in the conductor’s seat of the playground train Luna wants to drive. Do I have jurisdiction here or do I have to just sit here …

Dec 30, 2020: A new family and travel photo workflow For my personal travel and family photos, I’ve started a new photos workflow, and I thought other people who are beginning their family photo …

Dec 30, 2020: Luna. Takes no bull.

Dec 30, 2020: An interesting thought exercise is to imagine that something was being introduced fresh today, how would we approach it. Much like how COVID-19 was …

Dec 30, 2020: Money shot

Dec 29, 2020: Turns out the TARDIS gets it’s time travelling power from books. Important lesson for us all to learn, ya know?

Dec 29, 2020: Calling all true crime podcasters, I’m desperate to know the story of Henk and Lane and how the small Tasmanian town of Penguin got two IGA …

Dec 29, 2020: 2014 article on ‘Silicon Valley data’ being the new ‘Wall Street debt’ “Built by geniuses, both products end up being deceptively cheap, morally …

Dec 29, 2020: I try to avoid hot political issues here, but if Paw Patrol is a police officer, clumsy firefighter/paramedic, some tradies, & a pilot, how is it …

Dec 29, 2020: “Life is short, like Joe Pesci.” — Chance, the rapper

Dec 28, 2020: Tasmanian Devil time

Dec 28, 2020: Emu

Dec 28, 2020: Wombats

Dec 28, 2020: Galah

Dec 28, 2020: Luna vs Kangaroo

Dec 28, 2020: “One of the most significant facts about us may finally be that we all begin with the natural equipment to live a thousand kinds of life but end in …

Dec 27, 2020: 🐧

Dec 27, 2020: How to spot a good fish and chip shop. it has the word ‘shack’ in its name there are lobster pots hanging for styling it’s near the ocean it’s …

Dec 27, 2020: All I want for all of you is to enjoy life as much as Luna enjoys ice cream

Dec 27, 2020: I don’t like to boast on here, but I wanted to silence all the haters and the non-believers. Yes, I totally can fit nine potato chips in my mouth at …

Dec 26, 2020: So it sounds like MONA is celebrating being open again, this is the view from Dodges Ferry.

Dec 26, 2020: Nothing to see here, just an Independence Day-alien-ship-style laser beam going into Hobart …

Dec 26, 2020: Hello Coles, it’s modern news media here, I hope you’re keeping well. It’s the 26th of December, and now they’re ringing the …

Dec 26, 2020: Dodges Ferry. With a fake sunset. This is the first photo I’ve ever published with a synthetic element like a sky. But I’ve been colour-grading and …

Dec 26, 2020: Proud to be racing in the Salamanca Place to Hobart pram race today. Photographed is my First Mate taking us over the starting line.

Dec 26, 2020: Bloke at the pharmacy tells me that this is the second highest selling fragrance in Australia this Christmas

Dec 26, 2020: My personal answer to this thought is that I’m barely “on Facebook.” I publish any and all thoughts, opinions, photos, et cetera, to my personal blog …

Dec 26, 2020: The Damage Has Been Proven, So Why Are We Still on Facebook? “If a host of reports, studies, articles, commissions of inquiry, books and films were produced about the dangers inherent in the use of a certain …

Dec 26, 2020: Quote I’m pondering thanks to Tim Ferriss’ pondering it … “If we can forgive what’s been done to us… If we can forgive what we’ve done to …

Dec 24, 2020: Spending Christmas in the Switzerland of Australia’s south

Dec 24, 2020: Shop inside a regional Tasmanian town’s local shopping centre. The professional life coach on staff on Christmas Eve is wearing knock-off AirPods.

Dec 24, 2020: Our li’l traveller

Dec 24, 2020: I’ve just watched an episode of The Wiggles where they’re singing about, and boating in, The Big Red Boat. In this episode Anthony is …

Dec 24, 2020: ✈️

Dec 24, 2020: Santa forgot a DHL sleigh at BNE

Dec 24, 2020: A Christmas wish list from, and to, the wedding industry. Give the gift of algorithmic love this Christmas, to your favourite wedding vendors.

Dec 23, 2020: Ballin’

Dec 23, 2020: Me at age 2: has never heard of sushi. 1993: first sushi train comes to Queensland Luna at age 2:

Dec 23, 2020: Welcome, newcomers. The tradition of #Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you, 2020! And now you’re …

Dec 23, 2020: Australia's NBN declared finished, not because it is, but because we need to say it's finished Politics, infrastructure, and the national broadband network, known as the National Broadband Network is an absolute joke. “The Minister for …

Dec 23, 2020: This Rob Bell podcast series is making me feel seen right now

Dec 22, 2020: A South Australian Christmas How the people of Kuitpo, outside of Adelaide, celebrate Christmas. Photographed December 21, 2020.

Dec 22, 2020: Even at the age of six I was a media tart, I just whanted you to know about me.

Dec 21, 2020: South Australia is literally issuing tickets for admission to the state. (Not a joke, you get a ticket for answering the border questions correctly)

Dec 21, 2020: Every airline’s business class is just an upper class hostel in the sky, and the frequent flyer lounge is just an upper class hostel kitchen, free to …

Dec 21, 2020: The Nature of Order by Christopher W. Alexander

Dec 21, 2020: Thirty years of the World Wide Web Thirty years ago today the first website, recreated at, was born. Thirty years earlier than that, the internet - the global system …

Dec 20, 2020: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone” The Guardian

Dec 20, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Cactus Country // The closest I got to a desert this year, regional Victoria’s Cactus Country. It’s one …

Dec 20, 2020: A storm is brewin’

Dec 19, 2020: Berrrd

Dec 19, 2020: “Facebook’s argument is along the lines of arguing that the police shouldn’t crack down on burglaries because it might hurt pawn shops.” @gruber on …

Dec 18, 2020: You’ve got to read this LA Times report on how toxic jet engine fumes have been making their way into airplane’s air supplies FOR DECADES AND THE …

Dec 18, 2020: If you’re flying into Gold Coast from today expect to stand in the sun for a while as they screen everyone entering.

Dec 18, 2020: 🦅

Dec 18, 2020: 🍄

Dec 17, 2020: I never knew I wanted a Trump Presedntial Christmas Address deep fake for Christmas but here we are.

Dec 17, 2020: On Thursday’s we fly in the rain

Dec 17, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Blue Mountains // I’m going here today, one of my favourite places in Australia. It’s one of the …

Dec 17, 2020: I don’t know what crime Remember The Milk committed to be left off this App Store list, but it must’ve been bad

Dec 17, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Birds on a wire // I think this is how the internet worked before computers. It’s one of the framed …

Dec 16, 2020: Kinda feel embarrassed about my previous 38 Decembers where I’ve proclaimed something stupid about how it’s been a “big year” or something …

Dec 16, 2020: If I worked at a newspaper in the buy, swap, and sell section, I would tell people my job was classified.

Dec 16, 2020: “Flight capacity into Gold Coast Airport has soared, with Melbourne to Gold Coast gaining traction as the busiest route in Australia for Jetstar and …

Dec 16, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Olive // Olive this photo of an olive tree. It’s one of the framed prints I’ve made available in my …

Dec 16, 2020: Search on the web is a broken system Search is broken. When a local doctors surgery needs to run ads on its home page so Google is incentivised to rank that page higher - because Google …

Dec 16, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Cows // This photo is one of Luna’s favourites, because she loved seeing cows so close. It’s one of the …

Dec 15, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Surfing // My classic favourite photo is a top down of a surfer. This one’s at Palm Beach. It’s one of …

Dec 15, 2020: It’s almost a crime how good Instagram works on a Mac (Apple Silicon + Big Sur) considering Instagram doesn’t allow it to be installed without a bit …

Dec 15, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Valley // Particles that have travelled at the speed of light for 8 minutes and 20 seconds, just to …

Dec 15, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Lorikeet 🌈🦜 // Hungry li’l Rainbow Lorikeets. It’s one of the framed prints I’ve made available in my …

Dec 15, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Dunedin // The only international travel I made this year was to New Zealand. On a day off in between …

Dec 14, 2020: Currumbin Foam

Dec 14, 2020: If you’re not onboard with a password manager already, then you’re leaving yourself at risk using the same password or password-ish for …

Dec 14, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 Burnt // Literally hours before rushing back to Queensland before the border closed, I made this photo …

Dec 14, 2020: Collection of my favourite photos of 2020 // 🖼 All of Brighton // Well before @karenfrombrighton3186 did all of Brighton, back on the 5th day of March …

Dec 14, 2020: Palm Beach at high tide this morning, no wonder it’s closed

Dec 13, 2020: Finally convinced the Apple Silicon (fanless) MacBook Air to heat up. 45 minutes of 4K video render in Final Cut Pro in an Australian summer.

Dec 13, 2020: I’d like to say that I’m doing this due to popular demand, but the truth is, only 3 people asked. So based on that small cohort I’ve …

Dec 13, 2020: Next month I’m talking at the Wedding Business CEO Summit. But because I can’t be there in person, I recorded it today. Start saving your pennies …

Dec 12, 2020: Is the @remarkable the best tablet for a wedding celebrant? Here’s my Celebrant Institute review.

Dec 12, 2020: Best Australian TV ad of 2020 has to be this banger from BCF

Dec 12, 2020: 🌖

Dec 12, 2020: When Melbourne threw the kitchen sink at a coronavirus The Age looks at the 2020 Melbourne lockdown with a modicum of hindsight. ‘‘No one had done lockdown before coronavirus. Maybe we wouldn’t have even …

Dec 11, 2020: “They try to get their users to do things that their advertisers want them to do, because that’s how you sell advertising” Matt Stoller in ‘We …

Dec 11, 2020: Just Britt and Luna two years ago breastfeeding mid-walk on the Venice Pier as Britt mothers our two month old daughter in Los Angeles as if it’s her …

Dec 11, 2020: the difference between a wedding and an elopement and why that’s important Call me biased, but I’m really proud of what Britt has created in The Elopement Collective. Not just because she’s my wife or because …

Dec 11, 2020: There are two types of Australian online stores. The first doesn’t ship to PO Boxes and doesn’t take American Express. The second is …

Dec 11, 2020: What made Airbnb, Airbnb “As a money-making scheme, this was pretty lousy: a year’s work and all they had to show for it was a binder full of maxed-out credit cards. So why …

Dec 11, 2020: I’m pretending like everything is fine, please hold your applause til the end of the performance.

Dec 11, 2020: Palmy Army

Dec 11, 2020: Light and cameras explained in the most technical but easily understood way. If you want to actually understand how a camera works, read this through.

Dec 10, 2020: I could watch this YouTube channel all night long

Dec 10, 2020: Finally mapped out my talk for next month’s wedding business summit, now I just need to find a quiet place to film it

Dec 10, 2020: Just received an awkward phone call from someone contracted by a real estate agent, to wish me a Merry Christmas “on behalf of” the agent. I’m not as …

Dec 10, 2020: I’m forecasting that within 12 months the remaining non-greys will be turned to the grey-side as we embark upon what will be our busiest and most …

Dec 9, 2020: Whatever your wedding photographer is charging you, Luna will beat their packages by 10%. Wedding has to start after her midday nap and she’ll need a …

Dec 9, 2020: Nashua

Dec 9, 2020: If AirPods Max offend you, that is the correct response ... for you An aspect of Apple’s strategy - marketing and business growth/sustainability - that is often forgotten when they launch products is this: …

Dec 9, 2020: and roundabouts

Dec 8, 2020: 🌸

Dec 8, 2020: Report: Humanity not ready for aliens to be ready for humanity to be ready to find out that aliens have told the USA and Israel that humanity’s not …

Dec 8, 2020: In honour of my birthday today, please make a donation in my name to the Human Fund, money for people. Photo by human, Jason Corroto.

Dec 8, 2020: Three weeks into taking a shot on Qoin, an Australian crypto currency launched by Batercard that you can actually use in retail and for services, and …

Dec 8, 2020: The reports of my 39th birthday are greatly exaggerated. I’m actually only 12.

Dec 7, 2020: A story about an Aussie athelete who posted himself in a crate from the UK to Australia, disappeared from Adelaide after he was charged with …

Dec 7, 2020: I’d neglected to mention weight/size in my reMarkable 2 review - so it’s been updated. The reMarkable is 18% smaller than the iPad Pro and …

Dec 7, 2020: I’m starting to focus on self portraits

Dec 6, 2020: Can the reMarkable 2 replace my iPad Pro? When the first generation iPad Pro was released I saw two opportunities for my personal workflow. One was the easy, and simply beautiful, method for …

Dec 6, 2020: Luna, teaching bubba to swim

Dec 6, 2020: Bullish on Airbnb in a post-Covid world Airbnb’s strength today and in a post-covid travel world is in it’s flexibility to offering a different kind of travel. “Airbnb’s …

Dec 6, 2020: This is Maddie and Casey’s elopement, with me creating the marriage ceremony, photographed by Bec Zacher Photography for The Elopement Collective on …

Dec 6, 2020: What do I actually do? I lead my whole life in preparation to be your celebrant. Living the joy in my own marriage, leading my family, enjoying my …

Dec 6, 2020: Looks like a glasshouse …

Dec 4, 2020: Aircraft doing hard time

Dec 4, 2020: Do you think the COVID-19 vaccine should be mandatory? “I don’t think in the case of COVID we’re in a position to be mandating because, one, we don’t have enough of them yet and you can’t mandate something …

Dec 4, 2020: Feels good to be back, standing outside the Gold Coast Qantas Club with a bunch of other members moments before it opens, as each new person who would …

Dec 4, 2020: Sunset from Mooloolaba to the Glasshouse Mountains

Dec 3, 2020: Ok, it’s competition time, let’s do this. Best palindromes, go!

Dec 3, 2020: The first rule of drone club is don’t take your drone swimming.

Dec 3, 2020: Today we find out if my iPad Pro is for sale

Dec 3, 2020: Did you know alcohol is a carcinogen? I’ll be honest, I knew alcohol isn’t good for me, but in moderation I love a beer or a whisky. I think I could slow down on the drinks though after …

Dec 2, 2020:

Dec 2, 2020: 🥭 ❤️

Dec 2, 2020: On being woke with conspiracy theory ”For those awash in anxiety and alienation, who feel that everything is spinning out of control, conspiracy theories are extremely effective emotional …

Dec 1, 2020: What if we banned the comments section of the internet? Would the world be a better place if public comment functions were outlawed on the internet? Imagine exactly the same internet, and social media, we …

Dec 1, 2020: What to do? You can’t argue people out of paranoia. What to do? You can’t argue people out of paranoia. If you try to point out factual errors, you only entrench false belief. The only solution is to …

Dec 1, 2020: There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding …

Nov 30, 2020: Start a Ponzi scheme! Are you tired of your boring 9-to-5 job? Wouldn’t you rather be in Thailand toasting on the beach with your nomad homies? Start a Ponzi scheme!

Nov 30, 2020: Zoom slaughters the Apple Silicon Macs' batteries. Every time I jump off a Zoom call I’m surprised at how much it’s dropped compared to …

Nov 30, 2020: 🍦❤️🐢

Nov 29, 2020: Pixelmator made my 11 year whale photo look a little bit better, about 10mb better I dropped Pixelmator’s machine learning “zoom, enhance” feature called “ML Super Resolution” onto an 11 year old iPhone …

Nov 29, 2020: Not all iOS apps are terrible on macOS running Apple Silicon Much has been written and podcasted about how terrible the iOS apps running on Apple Silicon situation has been a pretty poor show. But my experience …

Nov 29, 2020: I’m only speaking for myself, but 2020 was going ok until I found out that when I think I’m putting wasabi on my sushi I’m almost …

Nov 29, 2020: Instagramception #AppleSilicon

Nov 28, 2020: Stellar little Black Friday deal from Aussie Broadband: 250mbps down and 25 upstream for the price of 100/40 for a few months.

Nov 28, 2020: In a year where it’s been closed off to wasteful-on-holiday interstate and international tourists, Tasmania has declared itself 100% powered by …

Nov 28, 2020: 24 hours with a MacBook Air sporting an M1 Apple Silicon chipset This is a black magic machine that is fast and beautiful and literally what I want in a computer. The reviews are all true and accurate. Even for the …

Nov 28, 2020: Brisbane

Nov 27, 2020: The 2019 marriage statistics have been released and there’s been a bit of a drop ... The latest Australian marriage statistics have been released, strap in for some nerdiness! Thanks to my Celebrant Institute colleague, Sarah for her …

Nov 27, 2020: If you really wanted to take issue with macOS Big Sur you should be protesting on the streets regarding the external drive eject icon #wethepeople

Nov 26, 2020: Takeaway

Nov 26, 2020: Who’s house? Run’s house!

Nov 26, 2020: This afternoon I sold my 16” MacBook Pro so I could buy a MacBook with an M1 CPU. I prayed to the ghost of Steve Jobs and said “please don’t let me …

Nov 26, 2020: Parking lot

Nov 25, 2020: Heard it on the wire

Nov 25, 2020: As John Gruber said when he linked to this page of vintage Soviet control rooms, these would make for some cool Zoom backgrounds

Nov 25, 2020: 🏄‍♀️

Nov 25, 2020: Today’s office: Byron Bay Airport.

Nov 25, 2020: 🌊

Nov 25, 2020: The Gig Economy Is White People Discovering Servants “The core functionality of these apps — despite all their fancy technology — is not significantly different than having a servant. What the technology …

Nov 25, 2020: GUYS! WE’RE FINALLY GETTING ALIENS! In 2020 of course.

Nov 25, 2020: 🌉

Nov 25, 2020: Fire on the water, a smoke in the sky

Nov 24, 2020: Someone asked me recently what my personal brand strategy was. I just see go to places, see cool things, make photos of them, and post the photos …

Nov 23, 2020: Instead of calling a parmigiana a parmi or a parma, let’s call it a parmo #worldpeacesolved

Nov 23, 2020: Sunset over what we call Summer Bay, despite the map saying Palm Beach.

Nov 23, 2020: One of my oddest hobbies is cloud watching. I can spend whole flights just staring out the window. These are some odd clouds over Scott’s Head this …

Nov 22, 2020: Two daughters and a wife

Nov 22, 2020: I think the book is about marijuana

Nov 22, 2020: Qarrtsiluni Inuit / v. / kartz-sih-loo-nih – Sitting together in the darkness, perhaps expectantly (e.g., waiting for something to happen or to …

Nov 22, 2020: Privacy and free can’t co-exist online The USA military buys your data from all three free apps we love. Nothing is free. Pay for your apps. “The U.S. military is buying the granular …

Nov 21, 2020: Houseporn

Nov 20, 2020: Woman, circa 2020

Nov 20, 2020: 🐝

Nov 20, 2020: Poncho time

Nov 20, 2020: Self-portrait

Nov 20, 2020: Victorian and South Australian COVID outbreaks have both been linked to problems with security guards at quarantine hotels. Australia could be …

Nov 19, 2020: Apple Photos’ Memories feature is getting a bit desperate when it’s like, “remember that time you crossed the border into NSW?”

Nov 18, 2020: Tony Damn is my favourite person to receive emails from

Nov 17, 2020: To con-vey one’s mood In sev-en-teen syll-able-s Is ve-ry dif-fic A haiku via The Red Hand Files

Nov 17, 2020:

Nov 16, 2020: Mullockdown

Nov 16, 2020: Are there any nerd-like people that can point me in the direction of how to upload an image to from a macOS automator action, and an iOS …

Nov 16, 2020: Happy 100 year birthday, Qantas

Nov 15, 2020: If you see me dancing in an Instagram Reel or on TikTok, know that this is a call for help because I will have been taken hostage and I need to be …

Nov 14, 2020: Scrolling through our wedding photos and remembered a time when people had pocket computers with physical keyboards …

Nov 14, 2020: This little photo I made two years ago in Burleigh has gone gangbusters on Unsplash! Over 10,000 downlaods, and over 1 million views! Created with a …

Nov 14, 2020: Which country do you think this photo was made in?

Nov 14, 2020: “How many fingers am I holding up?” Before every ceremony I conduct a quick and easy eyesight with your guests. It’s all part of the #marriedbyjosh …

Nov 14, 2020: The Macstories macOS Big Sur long read review “There will always be and should be differences between the Mac and an iPhone or iPad because the hardware and input methods are different. Still, for …

Nov 14, 2020: Troy: “That’s one of my biggest fears.” Abed: “What is?” Troy: “If I ever, like, wake up as a donut…” …

Nov 14, 2020: If you’re looking for me this weekend, I’m just waiting in my building’s elevator so when people get in it looks like I’m trying to tap to play these …

Nov 14, 2020: Luna’s upgraded to a big girl bed. Please don’t tell her that a big girl bed is just a cot with a side taken off. She thinks we bought her a new bed.

Nov 14, 2020: How did salt and pepper take pride of place on our tables from all the seasonings available? Another cruel blow from Big Condiment.

Nov 13, 2020: Why do you want to end the world? Q: Why do you want to end the world? A: CAE is devoted to practical, pragmatic solutions. We’re interested in the how, not the why. — The Centre for …

Nov 13, 2020: All of Luna’s friends were getting orange phones so Britt and I buckled and got her an orange phone #badparents

Nov 13, 2020: I’m applying for a new Qld/NSW border pass and they’ve somehow made an already complex system, more complex. Oh the joy to live and work …

Nov 13, 2020: When I’m president I’ll make Ted Lasso president.

Nov 13, 2020: “An assertion of will and personality,” much like pro-wrestling. That is the Donald Trump presidency, it’s been a pro-wrestling …

Nov 13, 2020: 3051 drones in a drone show in China! My bet is that by New Years Eve 2025 the Sydney New Years' Eve fireworks will replace the fireworks with a drone …

Nov 13, 2020: I can confidently tell you that the Apple Leather MagSafe Wallet fits three cards easily, no more, not even three cards and a $20 note folded up.

Nov 12, 2020: Apple’s underdogs series is marketing at its best. April 2019: Apple releases “Apple at Work — The Underdogs” July 2020: Apple …

Nov 12, 2020:

Nov 11, 2020: Golden shower

Nov 11, 2020: In other audlting news today, Britt and I just fist-pumped on a baby name subject to certain condtions.

Nov 11, 2020: Luna and Dad’s first shakedown I asked my friend James Day to photograph Luna and I shaking down Jake because he owes me money*. I shook him up and down hoping coins would fall out …

Nov 11, 2020: So, who ever knew that Australian states were kind of a “thing”. It’s like in 2020 we all had a lesson in realising that the …

Nov 10, 2020: 🌈 Rainbow, where the bow is actually full of rain. One of these is an iPhone 12 Pro shot, ones a Canon 5D shot.

Nov 10, 2020: Gary Vaynerchuck’s take on the Apple of today and why he thinks they’re leaving money on the table and should buy Target (the US one) - …

Nov 10, 2020: Wanna join Luna and my scooter gang? Aside from terrorising the residents of Palm Beach we also smuggle dogs across the New South Wales border.

Nov 10, 2020: There are two things in this world that take no skill, spending other people‘s money, and dismissing an idea.

Nov 9, 2020: If you were wondering, I’m a massive advocate for colours and emojis in calendars.

Nov 9, 2020: Hypocrisy in conservative politics in Australia Only a few moons ago here in Australia the conservative and rather religious politicans embodied by the oddly named ‘Liberal Party of …

Nov 9, 2020: When I grow up I’m going to start a Hall of Fame for band names and the first inductee will be Reel Big Fish.

Nov 9, 2020: “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles” — Charlie Chaplin

Nov 9, 2020: This is a Warning. Mount Warning.

Nov 9, 2020: The first issue a Josh Withers presidency will address is this crap with health balls looking like rum balls. These two things need to be kept …

Nov 9, 2020: A power full picture

Nov 8, 2020: It’s Luna’s third mango season, or as she calls it, Mangomas.

Nov 8, 2020: When John McCain lost the presidential election to Barack Obama, he made this humble speech. Humility is an attractive element of any person, …

Nov 7, 2020: Netflix staffer: so, it’s like Netflix, but you don’t get to choose what you watch, it just shows up automatically. Netflix execs: wow Rest of …

Nov 7, 2020: Unknown bride looking person

Nov 7, 2020: “Social media encourages the myth that who we are is defined by the opinions we type. But the older I get, the less interested I am in how well …

Nov 6, 2020: When you lose the wings you gave yourself

Nov 6, 2020: 9 hours in Tokyo, November 2019 One year ago today, Harley and I spent nine hours in Tokyo. Shortest Contiki tour ever. Favourite photos are the bloke squatting and the other bloke …

Nov 6, 2020:

Nov 6, 2020: For anyone who thought fake crowd noise for baseball matches in empty stadiums wasn’t a beautiful art

Nov 6, 2020: Trying to run a non-local business in 2020 = early grave, silver hair, deep familiarity with how Australian governance works, looking forward to a …

Nov 6, 2020: As a wedding celebrant, this is my 2020 email template: Hi! We start the email with factual text that sucks because COVID is ruining more wedding …

Nov 6, 2020: Loch Ness Duck

Nov 5, 2020: 🏄

Nov 5, 2020: When Australia elects me as its president, the first item on my agenda will be outlawing the use of the term “The Coast” in regards to anything else …

Nov 5, 2020: Nothing reminds you how much of a gross and disgusting person you are more than your AirPods case.

Nov 5, 2020: US news today via #thesizzle & I thought it was interesting to read that the use of a risk algorithim to determine bail was rejected. This issue …

Nov 5, 2020:

Nov 5, 2020: 6am hustle

Nov 5, 2020: 25 week mama

Nov 5, 2020: Maggie

Nov 5, 2020: Weirdest story of the US election so far

Nov 4, 2020: “There is an awful lot of anger in the world and there is a real need to be creative with it rather than destructive.” — Alice Walker

Nov 4, 2020: 🌙 More attitude than a professional wrestler

Nov 4, 2020: Photo of the current president of the USA on stage. It’s a galah taking flight. Just to be sure we all got the joke.

Nov 4, 2020: Mountains aren’t just funny, they are hill areas

Nov 4, 2020: Six years ago, on this day in 2014, I saw the most and best American thing outside the White House, with my own eyes. Nothing that happens in America …

Nov 4, 2020: Business idea: Thirdhand bookstores, so your secondhand books can be sold and not just thrown out like you currently are.

Nov 4, 2020: It’s a rare day when you get to love animals and capitalism in the same action

Nov 4, 2020: Life hack: save the money on building a toilet, just pee in the ocean.

Nov 4, 2020: 🚣‍♀️

Nov 4, 2020: When Fox News references problems with Mainstream Media you know the phrase, and the conversation, is broken. Fox is MSM. They are part of the …

Nov 3, 2020: ”A crisis doesn’t have to be a negative event. A wedding is a crisis–one ceremony, one day, over and done. All eyes, all attention, all on this …

Nov 3, 2020: Beach daze

Nov 3, 2020: The next Apple Event webpage has an AR Easter egg, tap on the Apple logo in the hero image

Nov 3, 2020: It’s that time of year agin for me to be that wet paper bag of a man I am and say that Melbourne Cup, horse racing, gambling, and the entire …

Nov 2, 2020: Nerding out on putting a MagSafe case on an iPhone 12. It’s a peach case and obviously that’s communicated to the phone so it does this cool …

Nov 2, 2020: Going through old files and I found a 2009 iPhone 3GS rumour mock-up and I thought it would be interesting to see it next to an iPhone 12 rumour …

Nov 2, 2020: I don’t like to get political on here, but how have we let butterflies be called butterflies for so long when they have nothing to do with …

Nov 1, 2020: Grace The first two things I saw in the outside world this morning were about Sean Connery. One post was announcing his death. Another was reminding us of …

Nov 1, 2020: This is why we will never want to stop travelling “The human condition is designed for travel. Our brains evolved to geotag memories, initially to find or avoid predators, food and mates. When we …

Oct 31, 2020: Why did Damon Wayans Jr leave after the pilot of New Girl Sharing because I feel like I’m not the only person wondering where Damon Wayons Jr went after the pilot episode of New Girl. the reason behind …

Oct 31, 2020: I wanted to see how much the iPhone camera had changed between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 12, so I took the same nine photos with four different iPhones, …

Oct 30, 2020: Comparing the cameras on iPhones 6, SE, XS, 11, and 12 Pro I upgraded my daily carry computer, or what us old people call a phone, to an iPhone 12 Pro this week. Upon clicking the shutter a few times I could …

Oct 30, 2020: This really good report from El Pais not only tells you how coronavirus spreads through the air, but thanks to ther interwebs and computers, it shows …

Oct 30, 2020: What was happening just before the 2016 US election? 2016 really does feel like a lifetime ago. I was in Iceland, having just been to Berlin and we were enroute to Paris, the first time I had ever …

Oct 30, 2020: How is it allowable and legal for a political party to text message me blatant lies today? Look, I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, but I’ll happily tell you that dinosaur owner and political party creator, Clive Palmer, …

Oct 29, 2020: I’m a guest on the podcast, Book(ish) I’m a guest on George Dimarelos’s podcast, Book(ish) talking about Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book, Talking To Strangers. So …

Oct 28, 2020: The official Josh Withers iPhone 12 Pro review after using one for eight hours. The iPhone 12 Pro in-hand feel is remarkably different to the past six generations of iPhone with the rounded edges. The 90 degree edge of the iPhone …

Oct 28, 2020: Seeing as though I’m not an influencer, I don’t get many influencer opportunities, but when I do …

Oct 28, 2020: Life hack: sugar.

Oct 27, 2020: You know you’ve built a great society when every few years the most civic-minded of the society are forced to publicly beg, cheat, lie, and steal to …

Oct 26, 2020: The girl is addicted to sparkling water

Oct 26, 2020: There is no perfect twee…

Oct 26, 2020: recalcitrant berd

Oct 25, 2020: It’s the most, magical time, of the yearrr

Oct 25, 2020: She stops to wave and say hi to bush turkeys. We raised her well.

Oct 25, 2020: I see 2020 has a side hustle

Oct 25, 2020: On the off chance that there are people that can’t make it to your wedding, I stream your wedding with epic video and audio quality, so everyone …

Oct 24, 2020: Look at the flowers, look how they shine for you, and everything you do. They were all yellow.

Oct 24, 2020: Nothing says “you’re a weak little nancy boy" like an Instagram ad for some flippin cool gadget that is algorithmically designed to get me …

Oct 24, 2020: The sun’s version of making a grand exit

Oct 24, 2020: It’s really good that one of our local Brisbane wedding venues can host your little footy final this afternoon, Melbourne. We’re glad to help any time …

Oct 23, 2020: What a novel method of podcast promotion. /cc @podnews

Oct 23, 2020: There’s probably a horror movie at the end of this road

Oct 23, 2020: 🌙

Oct 23, 2020: So energetic

Oct 22, 2020: The anthem of Melbourne, 2020. Melbourne by Slowly Slowly

Oct 22, 2020: Why have I listened to 400 episodes of ATP? One of my earliest memories is listening to Play School on the ABC because I’d been given a TV that didn’t show a picture. The medium of …

Oct 22, 2020: It’s come to my attention that I need to clear something up and I’m so sorry if you have been following me here for the wrong reasons. …

Oct 22, 2020: ”Hyun, if you are living a life that is content my advice is to learn to live inside it, examine it, relish it, and most of all remember it — this …

Oct 22, 2020: Anyone else struggling getting their head in a good and peaceful place at the moment? Luke Fletcher just sent me this pic of Luna from this time last …

Oct 22, 2020: Got troubles? Solve your troubles. Get the MASSAGE GUN!

Oct 22, 2020: Highway robbery

Oct 21, 2020: Flag berds

Oct 21, 2020: I don’t like to talk politics on here, but what’s with lasagne not being a popular dish anymore?

Oct 21, 2020: Rob Bell {through his podcast} encouraged me to talk to my friends about our antennas. If you’re feeling overwhelmed (like I majorly am) through this …

Oct 21, 2020: Look, I’m not saying anyone should do this, but has anyone considered getting some horses to race around a Melbourne wedding to make it legal?

Oct 21, 2020: Tree

Oct 21, 2020: Mask fashion > mask wearing?

Oct 21, 2020: Hey, has anyone pinned the pandemic on the guy who invented QR codes yet? I reckon he might be responsible.

Oct 21, 2020: The most friction in my life this year is my longing desire to see the sun finally set on 2020, whilst also acknowledging my deep desire to be present …

Oct 21, 2020: I think I’m the only person on the Canberra Airport free wifi network right now - I haven’t seen anyone else in the airport - because I just …

Oct 21, 2020: Bernt

Oct 21, 2020: 🌄

Oct 20, 2020: 🌳

Oct 20, 2020: With the decrease in tourists flooding the Australian outback, native Australian beers are being spotted again in the wild #lifefindsaway

Oct 19, 2020: Well grounded beef

Oct 19, 2020: Posting this photo online for the next time there’s an alpaca related scandal and someone searches Alpacagate, or Alpaca Gate, or #alpacagate

Oct 19, 2020: The greatest shame in my life today is how the Apple Watch hand-washing detection doesn’t detect my hand-washing. How can I convince this little …

Oct 19, 2020: Today our Luna becomes a two year old and you know what the worst part about it is? That all the cliches are true. They do grow up so fast, they will …

Oct 18, 2020: Opinionated ‘gulls

Oct 18, 2020: “It’s an article of faith in the United States that more speech is better and that the government should regulate it as little as possible” - The …

Oct 18, 2020: Today is the first, and I’m guessing probably the last, flight I’ll take from Gold Coast to Canberra on a) a 717, and b) with Qantas. What a time to …

Oct 18, 2020: I’m the father of a two year old (well tomorrow I will be)

Oct 18, 2020: Let’s get some real talk happening. Is this bit crosswalks, or is it not crosswalks?

Oct 18, 2020: Out of all the books I’ve read that are not about the 45th president of the United States of America, but are about climate change, Volcanic …

Oct 17, 2020: A helmet might seem a bit extreme for cake, but we’re taking no risks after the dancing incident a fortnight ago.

Oct 17, 2020: Politics takes up a lot of our mindshare today. Lots of people agreeing with a policy, politician, or party, or disagreeing with. I don’t think that’s …

Oct 17, 2020: You know, over the years, we’ve all made a lot of fun of Melbourne. But I’m pretty keen to experience a Melbourne cliche sometime again real soon.

Oct 15, 2020: Mon, Dec 21, 2020. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrew’s takes the podium Hello ScoMo, it’s Dan here, I hope you’re keeping well. It’s …

Oct 14, 2020: 📷 #ADayInTheLife of Luna. Gold Coast, Australia. 4:51pm, Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

Oct 13, 2020: Marketing isn’t that hard, you just need to put the right story in front of the right people.

Oct 13, 2020: When’s the right age to start pile driving your daughter? Asking for a friend.

Oct 13, 2020: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but Rove McManus’s actual first name is John.

Oct 12, 2020: One year ago today I dressed my daughter like a nerd after visiting Cupertino. I have no regrets.

Oct 12, 2020: Companies collecting data for pubs and restaurants to help them fulfil their contact-tracing duties are harvesting confidential customer information …

Oct 11, 2020: Marilyn Nonroe

Oct 11, 2020: Hollywood Stunt Driver Show, still the best show at Movie World

Oct 11, 2020: A little FYI that we’re going to be socially distanced from contemptible people until scientists do the impossible & develop a vaccine for fools. …

Oct 11, 2020: 📷 The Covid lockdowns and restrictions have resulted in far less tourists in Australia so we’ve seen the native Australian blow up animal flocking …

Oct 11, 2020: 📷 Rearview sunsets

Oct 10, 2020: A guy off a local Facebook Group tried to bash me up at a cafe today I’m not one to try to remember the darker, weirder, less enjoyable moments of life. But today, while I was having a meeting with a couple I’m marrying …

Oct 9, 2020: Study reveals link between internet access coming to people and scepticism of government - The Economist

Oct 9, 2020: “Discovering things is clumsy and sporadic, and the results don’t at first compare well with the glossy and lauded works of the past. You have …

Oct 9, 2020: I have a memory of seeing someone eat avocado on toast and it being something I couldn’t have. Skip forward 30 years and my almost two year old …

Oct 8, 2020: My new favourite iPhone game, Upspell It’s like your own personal 2 minute game of scrabble without a scrabble board, plus you can duel others.

Oct 8, 2020: On the chance that you were wondering how the different levels of government in Australia worked, in the 19th century all the states we now know as …

Oct 8, 2020: “Here’s a deal to a place you can’t fly to right now, but maybe soon, but who knows, look, I don’t know, I’m just in charge of sending emails and …

Oct 7, 2020: People in an airplane. Circa October 2020.

Oct 7, 2020: You wouldn’t know she has six stitches under that bandage. She’s back at full speed!

Oct 5, 2020: A rather lonely planet

Oct 5, 2020: “Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises, don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful — be concerned with …

Oct 5, 2020: There is only one coffee I’ve ever had that I still think about today, and I was served it in Tokyo

Oct 4, 2020: Tiny, Luna’s BFF, isn’t doing so well though. Went in with literally zero symptoms and walked out with antibiotics, a splint, and a bandage around the …

Oct 4, 2020: Luna’s doing really well today, thanks everyone, and @cheesemaker @maique @Munish 💪🏽

Oct 4, 2020: Proof of life, and smile

Oct 3, 2020: Due to Withers family government restrictions, dancing is not allowed in the Withers house until further notice.

Oct 3, 2020: Just a reminder for Australians that before you go to bed tonight, to change your clocks back to the future, I’m thinking August 2021 personally, it …

Oct 1, 2020: Science … the website calculates the risk of you contracting COVID-19. This is my risk profile for “going to bars …

Sep 29, 2020: Oh good, someone’s figured out how to make TikTok worse.

Sep 28, 2020: Autobiographies are just word selfies.

Sep 28, 2020: So many of my couples are on their third, fourth, or even fifth wedding plan. The couple I am marrying today had originally booked me and The …

Sep 27, 2020: Are we living at the ‘hinge of history’? What makes our time hingey is that we have created threats that our ancestors never had to face, …

Sep 27, 2020: Conundrum: a confusing and difficult problem

Sep 26, 2020: Today is March 210th, 2020.

Sep 26, 2020: Bellicose: demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight

Sep 26, 2020: We live in the age of general. Where the average is enough. Where we make great arguments over Brand A versus Brand B, dismissing the million shades …

Sep 25, 2020: In the literature underpinning the Christian tradition, the main character of the stories, asks 307 questions. He is asked 183, and he directly …

Sep 25, 2020: Hi, I’m Josh. I’m a marriage celebrant. I believe that the best part of your wedding should be your ceremony, and I work my ass off to make one that …

Sep 25, 2020: iPadOS 14 would be one of the more disappointing released of iPadOS/iOS for iPad. No App Library, and no widgets outside of the widget area is an …

Sep 25, 2020: New tree mulch from this upstart author/uncle, @markrwriter

Sep 24, 2020: Did you know there’s an Australian journalist on the 16th day of his US extradition court case in England at the moment? You probably wouldn’t because …

Sep 24, 2020: Relax, just do it

Sep 20, 2020: Anyone else have an issue with the idea that we as a people struggle to do the right thing in a pandemic unless our civil liberties are severely …

Sep 19, 2020: Did you know the Apple Watch comes preloaded with the last time and date that a free U2 album would’ve been cool instead of a meme.

Sep 19, 2020: It’s Intermational Talk Like A Pirate Day so make sure when you visit a store, restaurant, cafe, or airport today you talk like a pirate and casually …

Sep 18, 2020: My hobby is to comment “booo” on anti-progress boomers in local Facebook groups.

Sep 17, 2020: I’m clearly going to Bunnings too much if I’m getting photos of Luna on the same date sitting in a Bunnings trolley.

Sep 17, 2020: “Transport bosses in Greater Manchester confirmed a snake was not a valid face covering.” The BBC

Sep 17, 2020: She thinks we’re playing, I think we’re training, we’re a great team.

Sep 17, 2020: I’m worried that the world doesn’t know how much I really don’t want my little black pocket computer to randomly start vibrating and …

Sep 16, 2020: Thought you might need to read this as well if you’re making a speech at a wedding

Sep 16, 2020: The story of how Air New Zealand tried to sell Ansett to Singapore Airlines or Qantas for just $1.

Sep 16, 2020: 🐮🐮🐮 #shotoniphone

Sep 16, 2020: For security reasons, we try to change our Prime Minister every six months, and to never use the same Prime Minister on multiple websites. From: When …

Sep 16, 2020: In 20-40 years our kids and grandkids will host COVID-19 lockdown themed weddings and parties and they’ll think it’s so cool.

Sep 16, 2020: Anyone else getting fat-wrist-shamed by Apple?

Sep 16, 2020: Day one of being a bike person. Cycling sucks.

Sep 15, 2020: 🐄📷

Sep 15, 2020: Every year there was a less than 1 per cent chance of experiencing a similar event. “However things can change, so we need to be …

Sep 15, 2020: The September of the penguins

Sep 14, 2020: The moment Luna knew she wanted to be a Toddler Mutant Ninja Turtle

Sep 14, 2020: Keith: serious Murwillumbah business

Sep 14, 2020: Luna: “this TV is way better than Mum and Dad’s”

Sep 14, 2020: That’s the way it’s gonna be, little darlin'

Sep 14, 2020: Your phone is your castle Kyle Rankin

Sep 14, 2020: Self portrait at Keith’s

Sep 14, 2020: Now showing, at the Murwillumbah Cinema.

Sep 13, 2020: Culture behind bars

Sep 13, 2020: Orange Floyd’s wall

Sep 13, 2020: Calile-lyf

Sep 13, 2020: Here it is

Sep 13, 2020: The berds are growing in numba

Sep 13, 2020: It’s actually crazy that public policy for resuming work and life in Australia is hinging on an unknown, possibly non-existent, possibly not …

Sep 12, 2020: Outbak Straya

Sep 11, 2020: Burd

Sep 11, 2020: I love Luna loves to read

Sep 10, 2020: Burd

Sep 9, 2020: 🥃🏡🏔🌅📷

Sep 9, 2020: Boat & chopper looking for a Great White Shark that killed a surfer yesterday. Reminds me of the ep of Chappelle’s Show where the Police call it …

Sep 8, 2020: What? I’m just standing here watching my kid sleep and posting photos of it on the internet,

Sep 8, 2020: ”Relentlessly prune bullshit, don’t wait to do things that matter, and savour the time you have. That’s what you do when life is short.” …

Sep 8, 2020: Semi-intimate is the relationship status everyone wants to be reported as when your semi-boyfriend is caught out after curfew.

Sep 8, 2020: Hey, is adding “Really strong gif game” to my resume worthwhile? Asking for a friend.

Sep 8, 2020: Scientific American on what it means when we have unlimited access to information. Technology is blurring the lines between consumers and producers, …

Sep 7, 2020: Hey world, it’s (pretty much) beach weather, according to

Sep 7, 2020: Dear whitegoods manufacturers, no one on God‘s green earth ever requested a feature where your machine would beep when finished. Please remove the …

Sep 6, 2020: I’ve just tonight finished reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book ‘Talking to Strangers” and I’d safely call it one of the most important and helpful books …

Sep 6, 2020: Important Father’s Day topic

Sep 6, 2020: Doctor Luna

Sep 5, 2020: Of all the things I’ve achieved in my life, all of the places I’ve been, people I’ve met, things I’ve said and done, they are all pale in contrast to …

Sep 5, 2020: What everyone wants to belong to is a community but they keep winding up in audiences instead and I think this is the cause of a tremendous amount of …

Sep 5, 2020: You don’t realise how much parenting changes you until after you put your daughter to bed you find yourself standing in front of the TV to find out …

Sep 4, 2020: Saw these guys, far from home, in Darwin, the Young Tigers.

Sep 4, 2020: What if, perchance, we weren’t all in this together?

Sep 4, 2020: The reason I’ll stay a wedding celebrant as long as they’ll have me, despite pandemics and BS, is because of the bizarre and beautiful …

Sep 4, 2020: What an ad. Also, as much as I’d like to have that fancy new Microsoft Android thing, I’m firmly we’d to the idea that I don’t want Google’s fingers …

Sep 4, 2020: Best karaoke song to sing if you want to establish that you didn’t start the proverbial fire, but also, that you’re really knowledgeable about …

Sep 4, 2020: Guy on the flight on Wednesday wore his AirPods like this. Is this a thing? 📷

Sep 3, 2020: Just one guest at today’s wedding 🍻 #victoriabitter

Sep 3, 2020: 📷 Sleeping giant

Sep 2, 2020: It’s been 183 days since the first postponement email. The longest 183 days of my life. 154 displaced weddings and elopements. Some couples are onto …

Sep 2, 2020: Five Darwin observations: Where the goal for people in many cultures is to become a doctor or a lawyer, in Darwin it’s to become an air-conditioning …

Sep 2, 2020: 📷 Burd

Sep 1, 2020: Everyone talks about a Darwin sunset. Charlestown delivered.

Sep 1, 2020: 📷 I appreciate clear and concise signage as much as the next guy, but …

Sep 1, 2020: I just read the line in a headline “Oprah’s favourite life coach” and all I want to know is how to remove the taste of vomit from your mouth if you’re …

Sep 1, 2020: 📷 Florence Falls, NT

Sep 1, 2020: Hey can someone just quickly explain literally everything to me. I think I missed something.

Sep 1, 2020: ”The (US) debt isn’t going to be repaid; it’s going to be refunded.” - Warren Buffett

Aug 31, 2020: 📷 In the Northern Territory of Australia termites have been exiled from the urban areas and forced to make their own homes in the bush. Abandoned by …

Aug 31, 2020: I thought I’d take the time to tell you an old story from the first time I ever thought about a wedding, it was actually 25 years ago this …

Aug 31, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 31 📷 Love

Aug 31, 2020: Humble brag photo post about travelling somewhere

Aug 31, 2020: I don’t think I’ve ever wanted an Android device as much as this one

Aug 30, 2020: So I hire a car from Avis for the night because that’s the easiest and most simple way to get to Brisbane Airport early tomorrow morning, and only $10 …

Aug 30, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 30 📷 Discovery

Aug 29, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 29 📷 Flake

Aug 28, 2020: “People pay money to see others believe in themselves” — Kim Gordon, Sonic Youth

Aug 28, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 28 📷 Emotion(s)

Aug 27, 2020: “Out there things can happen And frequently do To people as brainy And footsy as you.”

Aug 27, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 27 📷 Overcome - as the Australian burnt bush fights its way back to green after a bushfire

Aug 26, 2020: Hey guys I would like to invite you all to join my multi level marketing scheme for beer. If you can convince 10 of your friends to drink beer, and …

Aug 26, 2020: If Google was really committed to not being evil, they would remove pre-roll ads on Rick Rolls

Aug 26, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 25 📷 Relentless

Aug 25, 2020: Fill ‘er up, mate

Aug 25, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 25 📷 Hope

Aug 24, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 24 📷 Frosty

Aug 24, 2020: This is so awkward, I misunderstood. I’ve been preying for you, not praying for you. I don’t know what I’m going to do with these dead animals.

Aug 24, 2020: Never forget the day ScoMo became PM

Aug 23, 2020: Anyone else find themselves trying to lead a really exiting life so when the COVID contact tracers release the list of places you’ve been, everyone …

Aug 23, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 23 📷 Graceful

Aug 23, 2020: The year is 2020. Some have died from a pandemic, millions others are economically and mentally affected. Meanwhile young and attractive humans are …

Aug 22, 2020: Helping my friend Tatiana Neumuller with a new website tonight :)

Aug 22, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 22 📷 Home

Aug 22, 2020: The best part about Luna learning the word ‘no’ is that when she says ‘no’ loudly to my face in no way does that trigger any deep-rooted rejection …

Aug 21, 2020: A lady has just taken a photo of me and obviously thought I couldn’t hear her speaking. She thought it was beautiful and sad that I was the only …

Aug 21, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 21 📷 Crunch 🦈 One of the best things about colonialism and white people is that sometimes you can just have …

Aug 20, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 20 📷 Change (of scenery for a day)

Aug 19, 2020: Are islands called islands because they “is land”?

Aug 19, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 19 📷 Ribbon (of islands I just flew over)

Aug 18, 2020: Thinking about rejigging all my marketing to just pictures of me shirtless, grinning, holding up fish. It seems to work for guys on Tinder.

Aug 18, 2020: This wasn’t a collaboration with Bechtel with a contract and payment; it was Apple doing a favour under the table for the Department of Energy. But …

Aug 18, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 18 📷 Grid

Aug 17, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 17 📷 Cuddly

Aug 16, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 16 📷 Stationary

Aug 15, 2020: Nick Cave on Cancel Culture, and mercy. ”Mercy is a value that should be at the heart of any functioning and tolerant society. Mercy ultimately …

Aug 15, 2020: “Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort” – Clive ‘Papa Roach’ Palmer, looking at Palmer Coolum Resort.

Aug 15, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 15 📷 Silhouette, from the last time we were in Bali, for our babymoon with Luna

Aug 15, 2020: What’s the etiquette around putting handcuffs on toddlers? Asking for a friend.

Aug 14, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 14 📷 Among

Aug 14, 2020: Microsoft Flight Simultor is a 11 months younger than I am as a human, so this montage is a crazy and fantastic display of how computing power has …

Aug 14, 2020: Did you know that if you bury a flatearther when they die, they actually pop out the other side of the disc because the earth actually rejects them, …

Aug 14, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 14 📷 Among

Aug 13, 2020: You wouldn’t know this about me, because I don’t like to boast, but I once stopped eating a tin of Pringles.

Aug 13, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 13 📷 Filter

Aug 12, 2020: In 2011 Redfoo proclaimed “now stop … hatin' is bad” in the middle of LMFAO’s breathrough banger, Party Rock Anthem, and I can’t …

Aug 12, 2020: “Very little art arose out of the Spanish flu” a guest on a podcast recently commented. Have we seen any great art come out of COVID-19? …

Aug 12, 2020: Can we talk about indoctrination? What’s everyone’s thoughts on indoctrinating your toddler with The Muppets?

Aug 12, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 12 📷 Sound // photo from me operating sound for a jam sesh

Aug 12, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 12 📷 Sound (love this sound)

Aug 11, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 11 📷 Transport, take two. I just flw past this on my drone.

Aug 11, 2020: 📷 The song of the marmoset

Aug 11, 2020: The Peggy character in Hamilton is such a Peggy, saying responsible things like “Daddy said to be home by sundown,” reminding the sisters to not go …

Aug 11, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 11 📷 Transport

Aug 11, 2020: “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in …

Aug 10, 2020: How much of our understanding of reality is shaped by algorithmically-curated, ad-funded digital for-profit products?

Aug 10, 2020: I thought Scooter was an antisemitic band. They’re not. In 1998 the German electro pop band, Scooter, released an absolute banger of an anthem called “How Much Is The Fish?” I enjoyed this track immensely …

Aug 10, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 10 📷 Windows

Aug 9, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 9 📷 Black and white

Aug 8, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 8 📷 View

Aug 7, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 7 📷 Daytripping

Aug 6, 2020: 🚲 Cherub takes up cycling 📷

Aug 6, 2020: August photo micro-blogging challenge day 6 📷 Bisect (maybe? probably not?)

Aug 5, 2020: Someone’s thoughts on collective responsibilities Freedoms and liberties versus trust, society, and community. “Before we get too hung up on blaming the state govt, or the federal govt, or China …

Aug 5, 2020: Just got out of the car and for the first time in over a decade I thought about having cigarette. This is the level of stress I’m living at through …

Aug 5, 2020: August photo blogging challenge day 5 📷 Flow

Aug 4, 2020: August photo blogging challenge day 4 📷 Peace (at Coolangatta Beach)

Aug 3, 2020: August photo blogging challenge day 3 📷 Bug, but probably not the bug they’re expecting

Aug 2, 2020: Photo blogging challenge late entry for day 2 📷 Floating

Aug 2, 2020: Saint Valentine of Rome was martyred on February 14 in AD 269 after he continued marrying people when marriage was banned. Weddings are banned in …

Aug 1, 2020: Photo blogging challenge late entry for day 1 📷 Up

Jul 31, 2020: “But of course there are all different kinds of freedom, and the kind that is most precious you will not hear much talked about in the great outside …

Jul 31, 2020: Nostalgia wins. Install Mac OS 8 on your current computer

Jul 31, 2020: Everyone’s having the great mask debate and I’m over here just dancing by myself.

Jul 30, 2020: Feeling horny but might delete later idk tho

Jul 30, 2020: Look, if you’re wondering when to get married, Tuesday the 22nd of February, 2022 is pretty cool, because we’ll call it a Twos Day Wedding.

Jul 29, 2020: My local UberEats selection becomes super boring/corporate after 9pm.

Jul 28, 2020: In case any of you guys wanted to join the illuminati, I’ve got an in

Jul 27, 2020: The one thing I know for sure The one thing I know for sure is also the one thing I am sure I am wrong about. It’s that I am the most important person in the world. That my …

Jul 27, 2020: I feel like a new man after leaving the house to be creative today. Remember the good ok’ days when we’d leave the house all to make things like …

Jul 26, 2020: Do people not offended by #cooncheese even buy anything other than supermarket-brand cheese? Asking for a friend.

Jul 25, 2020: Get back to me when your daughter has a PLU on your local cafe’s point of sale system.

Jul 25, 2020: Whenever someone talks about closing the boarder I’m always impressed that so many people are renting out spare bedrooms to people who don’t mind …

Jul 25, 2020: Check out our Europe 2020 travel photos!

Jul 24, 2020: Syncing to the cloud

Jul 23, 2020: Watching Luna chase a reluctant mum + 2 kids around the public playground hoping that they could all play together is bringing me much joy. The mum …

Jul 22, 2020: Nice flex, Qantas

Jul 20, 2020: Britt and I argue over getting news and information from Instagram or memes, and this is my argument, as written by Terence. ”The whole investigation …

Jul 20, 2020: Luna upon seeing a polar bear IRL. I think it might’ve been a nicer experience if the polar bear was in the wild and we were running for our lives, …

Jul 20, 2020: I was tracking flights for January for a wedding I have/had booked in Orlando. I think it just got a little more expensive/impossible.

Jul 20, 2020: Luna us leaving home and moving to Sea World

Jul 19, 2020: To save you the awkward work of calling your dentist asking if you can pay with exposure, let Ryan Jon do it

Jul 19, 2020: Now taking applications for people wanting to join my Mindful Clown Posse. We meet on Tuesdays at 6am for chai tea.

Jul 19, 2020: Breaking: Yacht club memberships are rising suddenly in Victoria as the premier rules masts to be compulsory for all Victorians

Jul 19, 2020: A music video “filmed” all in a screen recording on a Mac, pretty cool!

Jul 19, 2020: That feeling when you’ve done all of Brighton.

Jul 18, 2020: What’s everyone’s thoughts on forewords and introductions in books? If they were supposed to be part of the book they’d be chapter one, right? Am I a …

Jul 18, 2020: The lockdowns will continue until morale improves

Jul 18, 2020: The new FlyerKeeper initiative is a winner, thanks ScoMo ✈️

Jul 17, 2020: 150 people at a wedding in NSW, but, everyone seated, no mingling, no singing, no dancing. Make sure you invite Kevin Bacon to your wedding.

Jul 17, 2020: I’m no psychologist but I’m willing to bet that the elderly man driving his 1970s Mercedes Benz with the windows down through the streets of Palm …

Jul 17, 2020: “In Iceland, we are lucky enough to have vast open spaces and beautiful nature that is the perfect place to let out frustrations, we feel this …

Jul 16, 2020: Them’s fightin words

Jul 16, 2020: She learned how to toilet from me, by sitting there reading for half an hour.

Jul 15, 2020: “New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation; and better than most dense communities it succeeds in insulating the …

Jul 15, 2020: Anyone else in the “out before midnight closing the three rings club?”

Jul 15, 2020: The biggest giveaway that my only military service was a school term of Army Cadets is when I need to use phonetic letters on a phone call. J, for …

Jul 15, 2020: Qantas’s last 747 on it’s Farewell flight past Surfers Paradise this morning. The @Qantas #747 is a plane that has taken Britt and I so …

Jul 14, 2020: Get the down-low on The Virtual Wedding Fair this weekend by listening to my podcast, The Rebels’ Guide To Getting Married

Jul 14, 2020: I’m always asked if I can tell whether a couple will ‘make it.’ I can’t, but the closest I’ve come is right now and the lady in front of me is married …

Jul 14, 2020: Most Australian’s don’t even know that Nelly and Kelly Rowlands' 2002 hit ‘Dilemma’ is about how Kelly was with 2020 but all …

Jul 14, 2020: Those small business vibes are real. Every day I fantasise about working for some big corporation who doesn’t know who I am but at least I wouldn’t …

Jul 14, 2020: One of the hardest things about living in Queensland is that through the depths of winter you often walk outside in shirt, shorts, and thongs, and …

Jul 13, 2020: My inbox is a wonderland, by Josh Mayer.

Jul 13, 2020: Hey, just a question from the audience. How are scammers still in business? How do they afford the phone calls, caller ID spoofers, computers? How are …

Jul 13, 2020: Please come to my comedy show Based on the laughs I’m getting from our toddler as she watches my rehearsals I’m betting that my move into stand up comedy is going to be a raging …

Jul 13, 2020: Luna is upset that I cut an apple up, and she’s now trying to mend the apple by holding it all together, while calling for her mumma. A metaphor for …

Jul 12, 2020: I’ve been trialling the news iOS 14 Back Tap feature and every single activation has been accidental, and any intentional activations fail. So I’m …

Jul 12, 2020: I know I’ve been a whinge guy about COVID lockdowns, and that’s because financially and in our business we’ve had a rough time with …

Jul 12, 2020: My iPhone buzzes me, alerting me of some photos it’s curated into a cool album named “Celebrate Good Times”, so I excitedly tap the notification …

Jul 12, 2020: For those of us worried our phones are listening, the next version of iOS due out in a few months let’s you know in Control Centre exactly which apps …

Jul 12, 2020: Boat people found

Jul 12, 2020: I’m very good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet, I don’t know y.

Jul 11, 2020: I’ve been making websites on php based content management systems for over 20 years, mostly Wordpress for the last 17, so I’m struggling …

Jul 11, 2020: Hey, has anyone made a ‘Victoria - Garden State’ into ‘Victoria - Basket State’ joke yet?

Jul 11, 2020: Is this the future of the media? Hot topic opinion pieces by people who don’t exist.

Jul 10, 2020: Anyone else in beta club?

Jul 10, 2020: It feels really nice and normal to hear flights back into Gold Cost Airport this afternoon.

Jul 10, 2020: There’s a new episode of my podcast out, and honestly, I’m pretty bloody proud of it. Just search for ‘Rebels Guide’ in your …

Jul 9, 2020: What is a Virtual Wedding Fair? Here’s a snippet of the most recent Rebels Guide To Getting Married talking about it. Listen/watch on YouTube

Jul 9, 2020: Good news everybody, the people in charge of time have decided to not make 2020 one second longer than it has to be. That’s the kind of …

Jul 9, 2020: Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer, a Podcast by Rob Bell

Jul 8, 2020: I think it’s time someone called 7-Eleven on their shit. They are open way outside those hours.

Jul 8, 2020: The real cost of the travel restrictions is in my sunglasses acquisition and ownership strategy, Every Bali trip I buy a collection of knock-off Ray …

Jul 7, 2020: If I’ve got to wear a mask, I might as well look good

Jul 6, 2020: Be warned that despite the name, the Disney+ production ‘Hamilton’ has absolutely nothing to do with the Whitsundays island, and instead seems to be …

Jul 6, 2020: Is this an Alan Jones advertisement or a reportage of a sad story about Alan Jones? Asking for a friend.

Jul 6, 2020: Channel 7 announces it’s glad that Pauline Hanson will be more available for Sunrise now that the Today Show has finally let go of her.

Jul 6, 2020: The border township of Albury–Wodonga is set to become the duelling towns of Albury versus Wodonga as the border closes tomorrow! I’ve got $10 on a …

Jul 5, 2020: I've been pwned, and my password used to be becool88 This screenshot contains two passwords I used to use, maybe 10 years ago. The username and passwords were released in a data dump, and because I am …

Jul 5, 2020: America, just think of Kanye West as your rebound president. You don’t need to love your next president, you just need to spend some time with …

Jul 5, 2020: I, for one, welcome our new Yeezy overlords.

Jul 5, 2020: How do you break it to your mother-in-law that you eloped in secret? I’ve got some ideas and they’re in this week’s Rebels’ Guide To Getting Married …

Jul 4, 2020: If any out of state friends need to get into Queensland to watch an AFL match, or to witness affordable house prices, my cartel is taking expressions …

Jul 4, 2020: The year is 2020 and Victorians being smuggled into Queensland is a concern

Jul 3, 2020: A change of format to The Rebels Guide To Getting Married Throughout this COVID time of life I didn’t know where to go with my podcast, The Rebels' Guide To Getting Married. Then I was listening to my …

Jul 3, 2020: “‘Right,’ she nods—because there really isn’t a great way to try to respond to an older, popular male talk show host telling …

Jul 3, 2020: Because Victoria can’t control it’s Rona, Queensland, hilariously, is now the ‘Home of the AFL’. As a proud Queenslander, let …

Jul 3, 2020: Weren’t the eighties a different time. Could you imagine The J. Biebers Band releasing a song today about how Justin’s found his high school crush on …

Jul 3, 2020: Having never attended an orgy, and not being educated on orgy culture, is The Beatles’ Come Together an anthem for orgies or is it too obvious an …

Jul 1, 2020: Nothing grounds you more than an email from a potential client apologising for a delay to an email because “this week is a chemo week”

Jul 1, 2020: Made the news today

Jul 1, 2020: Apple’s Beats 1 radio station launched five years ago today Five years ago today Apple launched a radio station, Beats 1. If you were to ever listen, you’d find that it’s a really good international radio …

Jun 30, 2020: In case anyone asks, I’m listing all of you as deductions on my tax return this year. It said I can claim any tools I need in my life to do my …

Jun 30, 2020: Name a better Wiggles song than The Wonder Of Wiggle Town. I’ll wait.

Jun 28, 2020: I feel like I’m going through a break-up with the best-laid plans of mice and men.

Jun 26, 2020: Hello? Is that the police? I’d like to report a group of people youthing outside my home. It’s past my bedtime and they’re just out there being youth.

Jun 26, 2020: If it’s good enough for the finance bros, it’s good enough for me, I’m starting a new year on July 1. Maybe that will help my mental health?

Jun 26, 2020: Just remember guys, we’re all in this together, except Victoria.

Jun 25, 2020: Not many people know this about me, but I’m not an astronaut.

Jun 25, 2020: ‪An email from @Walgreens and @Channel9 about an @abcnews report on @BillGates and @richardbranson investing in #Bitcoin was plausible until I …

Jun 25, 2020: I hope there’s someone still employed in media to do one of those cool end of year wrap up videos to enjoy as we all drink ourselves into oblivion on …

Jun 24, 2020: I don’t talk about this much, but I used to be married to the idea of sleeping past 7am. Now that I’m a dad, and because Britt wanted us to be …

Jun 24, 2020: I think the girl walking ahead of me is in real trouble. It smells like she’s drowning. Drowning in perfume. She may be on the way to buy more …

Jun 24, 2020: Nestle, why not just rename Chicos to ‘Small Dark Skinned Children Lollie That Has A Racist Undertone’.

Jun 24, 2020: Luna’s all about new apple products this week

Jun 24, 2020: Things you never think you’ll say to your child: “Do you want to wear a hat while you do a poo?”

Jun 24, 2020: Full access?! Thanks, Emily

Jun 24, 2020: I feel like a lot of the opinion on lockdowns is coming from people who’s businesses and incomes haven’t actually really been affected.

Jun 24, 2020: When COVID-19 took the stage, the Australian government/s simply wanted to flatten the curve, so we shutdown society and put people out of work. Today …

Jun 23, 2020: Some people think the Hackintosh is dead after today’s Apple announcement about moving to Apple Silicon. I think Hackintosh will just move to, are you …

Jun 23, 2020: Luna & I are walking through a local shopping centre when she points at a girl & loudly proclaims “Mumma!” I look at the teenager & …

Jun 23, 2020: Has anyone considered how the Flight Centre captain is doing through all this?

Jun 23, 2020: With their tanks, and their bombs, and their guns, and their drones, in your head, in your head, they are dyin’

Jun 23, 2020: A cop keeping mandatory social distancing rules finds a house flouting the law.

Jun 23, 2020: Melbourne during COVID-19 or the Melbourne Zombie Shuffle?

Jun 22, 2020: Only Apple would, and could, run an advertisement encouraging me to watch a keynote presentation at 3am.

Jun 21, 2020: Remember that time that K-Pop Twitter and Alt TikTok worked together to make the President of the USA look like a fool?

Jun 21, 2020: If Donald Trump is campaining to make America great again, is that hinting that he didn’t succeed the first time round?

Jun 21, 2020: “From schools to workplaces, we are told that ordinary negative emotions and experiences—fear of failure, or sadness over a breakup, maybe—should be …

Jun 20, 2020: You won’t see this covered by the mainstream media “Viewers are seduced by the promise of access to hidden knowledge, which will ensure that they …

Jun 20, 2020: Day one running Windows 10 on a 16 My mother-in-law asked for my help seting up a new laptop, a Dell XPS 13 2-in-1, and for the first time in a long time I was sat with a Windows laptop …

Jun 20, 2020: Turns out I’m a rockstar. I just started riffing on a song about puppies today, the lyrics simply being the word “puppies” repeated …

Jun 18, 2020: Audio tweets you say. It’s almost like this isn’t the first time that Twitter has had that Odeo’ea.

Jun 17, 2020: Amish on holiday

Jun 17, 2020: I don't want to be 'that COVID-19 guy', but ... So look, I don’t want to be ‘that guy’, but two of the higher profile cases of COVID-19 test in Australia - the bloke in Blackwater, …

Jun 17, 2020: This is amazing, someone has recreated online one of my favourite things to do, drive through cities listening to the local radio

Jun 16, 2020: People: Mainstream media . Also People: wouldn’t subscribe to any media ever

Jun 16, 2020: I’m pretty chuffed today. My first commissioned photo was accepted and invoiced today. You’ll see it in the Reece Bathroom Life Showroom in St …

Jun 16, 2020: Ahhh they took my frickin kidney The non-believer continues to be shunned. Fifteen years ago Charlie the Unicorn went to Candy Mountain, and now the Grand Finale is rolling out in …

Jun 16, 2020: Proud to announce my campaign to run as President of Australia. My whole message is “that COVID lockdown was a bit much, right?”

Jun 15, 2020: I was never prepared to love her this much

Jun 15, 2020: Is there an iOS app that looks up telephone numbers through the CallKit Call Directory app extension in a CSV or spreadsheet or something super …

Jun 14, 2020: You’re going to need to secure your lightbulbs

Jun 14, 2020: She loves a book 📚📷

Jun 14, 2020: If you’re interested in 1) 2020; 2) financial things; 3) Hertz Car Rentals; and 4) how batshit crazy the world is today; then you’ll enjoy this read.

Jun 14, 2020: As a husband to a wife, let me give you some advice: Don’t let your wife develop a rug dependency. It’s an expensive habit that eventually floors you. …

Jun 13, 2020: Black mould is really fighting to win the war on fear against COVID-19

Jun 13, 2020: Super proud of Britt for launching The Modern Studio with our friend Harley. A fresh take on the photography studio concept.

Jun 13, 2020: A rare photo of a pilot and her aircraft preparing for travel In the COVID-19 era

Jun 13, 2020: Dun dun

Jun 12, 2020: If you’re missing the luxury of flying economy and inflight meals …

Jun 12, 2020: “It had become their daily ritual to check out the shelves of the store for life’s essentials.” – Stripped Bare, by Mark Rutherford

Jun 12, 2020: ‪Business idea: what if we paid for people to follow politicians and leaders around and hold them to account for their words, and then the reports of …

Jun 11, 2020: Photo that I love, and Britt hates, from the new Photoshop Camera iOS app.

Jun 10, 2020: I can (not at all) guarantee all terrorism would be eradicated within a year if the punishment for terrorism was being forced to move house …

Jun 10, 2020: ‪I could never in a million years have predicted CrossFit and JK Rowling being cancelled in the same week.‬

Jun 9, 2020: The Withers’ are moving to Palm Beach

Jun 8, 2020: When’s the right time to start talking to my toddler about body-shaming dachshund’s by pointing at them and calling them bubbas when we stroll past?

Jun 8, 2020: Isn’t it weird how we went grom learning how to cook sourdough bread to learning how to dismantle systemic racism so quickly.

Jun 8, 2020: I’ve got $10 that says Howard Stern signs with an Internet-based company by December 31. And a bonus bet on that company being Spotify.

Jun 6, 2020: There’s a virtual wedding fair coming up soon, and I had to record a video for it. I feel like Luna’s really starting to pay her way with this debut.

Jun 6, 2020: Happy Queensland Day // June 6, 1863, is the day that Queensland separated from New South Wales. We’re celebrating today by not letting any …

Jun 5, 2020: Coolangatta in 30 seconds

Jun 5, 2020: Focus has left the building

Jun 5, 2020: Dear Jesus/Adobe, how much memory and cpu is enough for you to liberate my people?

Jun 5, 2020: Someone: Racism isn’t an issue. CNN: Get Big Bird on the phone.

Jun 5, 2020: Ok, so Russell Brand can travel to Erinsborough for a chat with Toadie but I can’t dine in at a restaurant without booking in six years in advance. …

Jun 5, 2020: This is devastating news for Brisbane and Perth alike

Jun 4, 2020: Australia’s Media Has To Share The Blame For Our Racist Culture “Some things are out of our control — like a global pandemic — but some things are very much in our control, like the ability to say no to a story …

Jun 4, 2020: ‪Wow.‬ ‪I’ve just walked out of my apartment and there’s a whole archive of personal data just leaked onto our letterboxes.‬ ‪Who’s going to answer …

Jun 4, 2020: It’d be really nice if the solution to hundreds of years of racism, and the dismantling of system that gives people like me boatloads of …

Jun 3, 2020: Walking away from the playground with a screaming baby I tell the other parents, “it’s my first kidnapping, how do you get them to stop crying” so …

Jun 3, 2020: Well before John Goodman screamed “you are wasting your time with this garbage” to Macaulay Culkin, and ever since, humanity has been struggling with …

Jun 1, 2020: I saw an old friend’s name in my address book and looked him up on Facebook. He shares an account with his now wife. Rest in peace old pal.

Jun 1, 2020: If you've ever wondered what an awkward phone call would sound like If you have ever wondered what the day’s most awkward phone call would sound like, imagine that you’re a wedding celebrant calling a …

Jun 1, 2020: Wouldn’t it be weird if Washington DC protestors drained the swamp.

Jun 1, 2020: Censorship and freedom of speech Lots of talk about censorship from this week from people who must think that its ok for me to come to their house, write hateful and/or untrue things …

May 30, 2020: Take note of the businesses that make it out of COVID-19 alive Take note of the businesses that get through COVID-19 alive. In the years prior, they saved their money, they played the long game, minimised debt, …

May 30, 2020: America the brave Photo from the Associated Press

May 29, 2020: Lu and I spent some quality time watching COVID-19 press conferences today over bowls of porridge. Posting this because there’s too many cute photos …

May 29, 2020: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

May 29, 2020: And headline of the year goes to The Atlantic for “The Karen In Chief”

May 29, 2020: Post of the day

May 28, 2020: Is the closed borders thing kind of like a grown up version of The Floor Is Lava? Asking for a friend.

May 28, 2020: Woah, ok, so sugar daddy means something completely different to what I thought. Also, how do you get sugar out of your knit sweater?

May 28, 2020: One man’s rubbish is another man’s photograph

May 28, 2020: Big lights will inspire you, hear it for Gold Coast, Gold Coast, Gold Coast

May 28, 2020: The goldenest coast

May 27, 2020: I think it’s become abundantly clear that Bullock is holding up the general Sandra population.

May 27, 2020: Stacked it

May 27, 2020: FYI peppermint is different to pepper with mint.

May 26, 2020: 🌅

May 26, 2020: Crutch-less nickers sported in Coolangatta

May 26, 2020: Cool story

May 26, 2020: Who invented pop up weddings? Six years on, there are wedding industry peeps still saying they invented pop up weddings, and although everyone is welcome to the phrase (we missed …

May 25, 2020: Britty with the good camera

May 25, 2020: The great hypocrisy in our society today is that we have the privilege, freedom, and the technological ability to publicly condemn Bill Gates, 5G, and …

May 25, 2020: Through this time where businesses have been shutdown or sent home, and so much connection and communication has been forced online, there has been a …

May 24, 2020: Hey I’ve got a passport with stamps on it plus I have a recent model iPhone and MacBook, so does that make me a Global Elite? Asking for a friend.

May 24, 2020: You’re A Miracle (And A Pain In The Ass) is a really important book You’re A Miracle (And A Pain In The Ass) by Mike McHargue is an important book for the humans of Planet Earth. It’s not important for the ground …

May 24, 2020: When reading a book by a podcaster I’ve spent a long time listening to, I’m pretty much listening to an audiobook recorded live inside my head.

May 24, 2020: My secret superpower is being able to spot someone who sells essential oils from 100m away.

May 23, 2020: Coolangatta colours tonight

May 23, 2020: I just realised that the poker night I’m going to tonight requires me to know how to play poker. If you want to know how to play poker, don’t read …

May 22, 2020: Picked up an iPhone 11 for Britt today. One of these photos is from my iPhone XS and one’s from her iPhone 11, both shot from our balcony just now, no …

May 22, 2020: “For example, over 500 businesses with ‘1’ eligible employee reported a figure of ‘1,500’ (which is the amount of JobKeeper payment they would expect …

May 22, 2020: COVID-19 threatened to take our breath and even our life, but the greatest threat will be that it takes away our common unity, our social nature, our …

May 21, 2020: What a beautiful time to be alive

May 20, 2020: I love how the internet walks around like the html tags <marquee> or <blank> and things like Under Construction gifs never existed.

May 19, 2020: “In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about what might come along to “save” the news business from the ravages of the internet. But I think …

May 19, 2020: Just went for a drive and listened to a Wiggles album but Luna wasn’t even in the car. Save me.

May 19, 2020: Today’s Google homework for everyone: Cottagecore.

May 19, 2020: An easy call to action would be to tell everyone to download the What3Words app, but ultimately, I’d like to see Apple, Microsoft, Google, and other …

May 19, 2020: It’s a popular theory that Facebook/Google/Apple is listening to our conversations. They’re not, they don’t need to. The data we share everywhere …

May 19, 2020: What does a financially viable media look like? Most people seem to have a wide gamut of opinions on media, MSM, and how it’s failed, not worth paying …

May 19, 2020: A correct map of Australia, via Reddit

May 18, 2020: An incredible article on the severely broken economics of food delivery, á la Uber Eats, DoorDash, Grub Hub

May 18, 2020: Toddler joins in Zoom calls

May 18, 2020: Toddler threatens to flatten me

May 18, 2020: As 150+ Australian journalists have been let go today, it’s important to note exactly when the Lynch mob out against “mainstream media” won, and …

May 18, 2020: The internet used to be beautiful IMHO The internet used to be lovely. Call it nostalgia, but two of the “former generation” tools that I think made the internet so lovely was …

May 18, 2020: I think it’s really sad that most Australians can’t even recite the second verse of Fruit Salad #YummyYummy

May 17, 2020: Throwback to 2009 to the first viral wedding clip on YouTube most of us ever saw

May 17, 2020: The Rainbow Lorikeets are glad that they’re allowed to gather again

May 17, 2020: Luna’s loving these new blocks // from Raduga Grëz via Eve of Indigo (nothing I have is sponsored, just shouting out because they’re making beautiful …

May 17, 2020: Busted

May 15, 2020: “The Great Awakening” Wowowow. This has existed since June 2018 and only now do I get the chance to laugh at it.

May 15, 2020: Not many people know this but the 1997 All Saints hit Never Ever was actually written about a MacBook that wouldn’t connect to an iPhone’s wifi …

May 15, 2020: Business idea: Screenshots of your greatest tweets on your gravestone. Cemeteries become a real world favstar.

May 15, 2020: Out of all of my issues with Q, of which Adrienne addresses thoroughly in this piece in The Atlantic, the main one is how Q is revered for dropping …

May 14, 2020: Hey, I’ve just downloaded a random date generator app to my phone if any news agencies want to interview me about when everything’s going to be back …

May 14, 2020: I’m so proud to be her dad

May 13, 2020: 11 years a celebrant, 11 things I’ve learned Tomorrow is my 11th celebrant birthday, 11 years a celebrant, wow, and today I’ve been thinking about all the funny/stupid things the wedding …

May 12, 2020: Beach babes @ Tugun

May 12, 2020: “Someone in the apartment block is cooking lamb” is the reason I’ll probably be locked up tonight for scaling the balconies of this …

May 11, 2020: 🏄‍♂️

May 11, 2020: Very GC

May 10, 2020: When a bushfire ravages a land I drove through a recently bushfire affected region last week. The ground was still blackened, but not as much as the tree trunks. The foliage and …

May 10, 2020: The first and second world wars weren’t called that when they happened. 9/11 wasn’t called 9/11 on the 11th of September 2001. What do you think this …

May 10, 2020: The path less travelled

May 10, 2020: Our bookless future

May 10, 2020: Version one of May 10, 2020, was supposed to be flying business class as a family to Rome. Version two sees us with a first class beach upgrade. So …

May 10, 2020: “Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not …

May 6, 2020: The Blue Mountains on. a Wednesday sunset

May 6, 2020: For a guy who boldly asked “how many dudes you know roll like this” and " how many dudes you know flow like this" and then …

May 5, 2020: Apple and Google will both ban location tracking in apps that use their contact tracing – Reuters

May 5, 2020: Sun, set

May 5, 2020: South by South West Rocks

May 5, 2020: Australian street gang approached me last night

May 3, 2020: For the first time in my memory, this weekend you could see South Stradbroke Island from Point Danger, 45 kilometres away. I couldn’t get a good photo …

May 2, 2020: If you’re worried about the machines taking over, don’t be too worried, they won’t be able to win us over with their art. This is AI …

May 2, 2020: Luna approaches an elderly lady on the beach, I look at them both smiling and say “say hi!” The lady looks my in the eyes and says hi. So that’s how …

Apr 30, 2020: Pizza Hut. Dine In Restsurant. Kirra, Queensland, Australia. 2020. Sad face.

Apr 30, 2020: Father of the year, photographs his daughter picking up some seaweed. Seaweed is actually a bluebottle jellyfish. When do I get my medal?

Apr 30, 2020: Snapper Rocks in April

Apr 30, 2020: Coronavirus hitting the wedding industry isn't all abd In the first year of going full time with the business of being a celebrant each time someone booked me I’d elatedly call Britt with this …

Apr 29, 2020: If COVID-19 doesn’t get me, rescheduling weddings and elopements probably will. Welcome to my TED Talk.

Apr 29, 2020: Breathing from a hole in my lung, I had no one. With faces in front of me racing through the void in my head to find traces of a good luck academy // …

Apr 28, 2020: If you’ve ever thought that Facebook was listening, it is, just not through your phone’s microphone, but through your activity. Everything you do, …

Apr 28, 2020: Just after the Coronavirus first hit the economy bad, I invested savings, a house deposit, into a managed fund. Today we withdrew that cash so we …

Apr 26, 2020: Australia: Uses their child’s name with a capital first letter then a number at the end as a password, and also has strong feelings about the …

Apr 23, 2020: The iPhone SE is the last hurrah of each generation of iPhone The range of hardware seemingly now known as iPhone SE is in some ways the last hurrah for a generation of iPhone. The iPhone SE 2016 was the ultimate …

Apr 20, 2020: Today in old white male news, one old white man claims that his use of a smirking pose on a dark background with his name in an all caps serif font …

Apr 20, 2020: New Wiggles > OG Wiggles

Apr 19, 2020: What do you think we should build? - Andreessen Horowitz

Apr 11, 2020: anyone murdered at all during self-isolation Homocide Detective: Yeah, it was definitely the wife.

Apr 9, 2020: About 10yrs ago I had a burger at a small town in Western Australia whilst driving across the desert to Perth and I haven’t received an email …

Apr 7, 2020: I’ll know this virus has gotten really bad when the Qantas On-Hold Music Band start doing free concerts on Instagram Live.

Apr 6, 2020: Considering that all of the pubs and bars are closed, is now the time for all of them to agree on a national beer size standard?

Apr 6, 2020: I wouldn’t worry about even getting COVID-19 when COVID-20 is going to be released in a few months and it will support 5G.

Apr 3, 2020: Walked to Twin Towns for a Checkpoint Charlie (Queensland’s closed border) photo and all I got were these JPEGs.

Mar 31, 2020: Don’t forget to wind your clock back to 2021 when daylight savings ends this weekend. Maybe that will help end this?

Mar 31, 2020: Could I please ask you to import that fact into Photoshop and blur it a little. I only trust information I read in low-resolution images shared on …

Mar 30, 2020: I just found out that there’s a dog food called Applaws so everything’s going to be ok guys.

Mar 27, 2020: Coming to channel Seven soon: Border Security: Queensland Edition, taking the cool out of Coolangatta.

Mar 19, 2020: If everyone is working from home and social distancing, who’s in the Wiggle House? Who’s in the Wiggle House? Who’s in the Wiggle House today?

Mar 16, 2020: Who ever imagined that when the apocalypse arrived we’d all be fighting it by standing at the sink washing our hands thoroughly to the beat of I Will …

Mar 16, 2020: 95% of content on social media this week is pure Coronavirus-related speculation, I reckon.

Mar 15, 2020: iPadOS’ machine learning has finally figured out what I do for a living.

Mar 13, 2020: After hours mascot

Mar 5, 2020: OMG did you hear that everyone is stocking up on wedding celebrants because of the Coronavirus?! (Just go along with this one guys, it’s a sales …

Mar 5, 2020: If I started fake coughing and sneezing on this full flight I’m on right now would that be a hilarious prank or would I be the worst person alive?

Feb 28, 2020: Trying to make a photo of a sweet sunset moon and in sneaks a Qantas Boeing 717.

Feb 26, 2020: Do you think we haven’t met aliens yet because one time someone didn’t invite them to a wedding and they’ve held a grudge ever since?

Feb 26, 2020: Spaghetti is pronounced bisgetti. Prove me wrong.

Feb 19, 2020: The ABC (Australia’s for my international friends) has done an outstanding job of documenting the Australian bushfires in this single article. I …

Feb 17, 2020: Holden, found on rubbish dump.

Feb 17, 2020: Holden, found on rubbish dump.

Feb 17, 2020: We must abandon the language of the market to reclaim our humanity - Thomas Keneally’s 2020s vision

Feb 17, 2020: This podcast with Dave Cheng and Jerry Saltx changed me

Feb 17, 2020: When I open an airport hotel, my slogan will be “we don’t smell like an airport hotel plus we have those mattresses that come in boxes”

Feb 13, 2020: I’m sorry guys, apparently you can’t trust my glowing Star Wars review because, according to Britt, apparently I’m “too sunny about shit things”

Feb 13, 2020: Any other parents carefully curate playlists so it looks to your toddler like you wrote all the songs? Just me?

Feb 12, 2020: 11:51pm, Wednesday night, Hoyts Sunnybank, current status: Arguing with two strangers, at the cinema urinal, about the plausibility of jumping between …

Feb 10, 2020: Cr8zy if tru

Feb 9, 2020: Li Jin has beautifully named the current era of creative work: the passion economy

Feb 8, 2020: If you ever see me being arrested by the Police it’s probably because I tucked in the tag on someone’s top and they didn’t appreciate it:

Jan 30, 2020: I felt seen but not herd in today’s ceremony

Jan 30, 2020: How to prepare for the 29 Days Club content challenge

Jan 29, 2020: Considering getting a full body tattoo to save on clothes. Please discuss.

Jan 28, 2020: My idea of a luxury car is one that does not beep.

Jan 27, 2020: Luna: Can I ask you an equestrian?

Jan 27, 2020: The 29 Days Club, a content challenge for businesses I’ve heard a few people say that they run out of ideas on what to post on their business' social media accounts. I’ve got a long history …

Jan 26, 2020: May your day be Australian, your onions be on top of the sausage, and your empathy for Australia’s First Nation people be full.

Jan 25, 2020: Imagine if there were no casinos today, and someone tried to introduce the first casino. They would be protested out of town for building a business …

Jan 25, 2020: The day you vote me in as your Primal Munster I will mandate that all toilets will always be available. Wait, you shalt not.

Jan 20, 2020: I’m not at liberty to disclose how I know this information, but the Airpods Pro case is remarkably waterproof and soap-proof for something that …

Jan 20, 2020: When elected as your Primal Minister, I will standardise coffee cup sizes. No more fancy names. You’ll either get a small, medium, or large.

Jan 17, 2020: Honestly, I’m ok with the music industry just pumping out covers of Higher Love from here on out. Why would anyone try and make more or better songs?

Jan 17, 2020: If you choose me as your leader, in the first 100 days of my government, we will eliminate all middle seats on aircraft.

Jan 16, 2020: As your Prime Minister I vow to make turbulence illegal. We are helping Qantas and Virgin all of the time on so many other issues, and yet they refuse …

Jan 16, 2020: This is a really well written and even more importantly, well researched, article on the ‘whole 5G thing’ and whether or not it (or wifi or 3G or 4G …

Jan 16, 2020: When you, the fine burghers of our town, Australia, elect me as your King, I promise that all coffee cup handles will be big enough for at least one, …

Jan 15, 2020: “One of the biggest challenges we face is staying kind with profound disagreement—and staying kind when a mechanism has been set up to make money and …

Jan 15, 2020: University of SoCal has a class on friendship. It has the longest waiting list for enrolments. This is the world in 2020

Jan 14, 2020: Broken Heads Beach, Blackened #AustralianFires The beach at Broken Head, NSW, is blackened by the soot from the Australian bushfires

Jan 14, 2020: It’s all ok guys, everyone settle down. The massive spider I was going to burn down the house to kill, is just a gecho. Nothing to see here, …

Jan 9, 2020: An idea for Apple and the law enforcement agencies wanting access to the iPhones of criminals. Here’s a (hopefully) possible and good idea for Apple and the FBI. Instead of Apple building unhealthy encryption-breaking backdoors and the FBI …

Jan 9, 2020: It seems like a good time to tell you that Britt, Luna, and I are also taking a step back from our royal duties. Don’t @ me bro.

Jan 4, 2020: Imagine being the person that created a situation which required people to clarify exactly what kind of farewell they were issuing. “Bye!” …

Jan 4, 2020: Man, John Mulaney’s Sack Lunch Bunch is pure magic.

Jan 4, 2020: Great dietary advice

Jan 3, 2020: Taumarunui, New Zealand

Jan 1, 2020: New Zealand thus afternoon

Jan 1, 2020: Welcome to the Twenties, the decade where your Twenties themed wedding will take its inspiration from The Jetsons instead of The Great Gatsby.

Jan 1, 2020: Starting 2020 on the Gold Coast

Dec 31, 2019: Last sunset of 2019

Dec 31, 2019: Last sunset of 2019

Dec 31, 2019: Me at the end of 2019. Me at the end of 2009.

Dec 30, 2019: Luna’s about three flights away from starting her travel tips blog.

Dec 30, 2019: ‪The year is 2200, an elder has gathered children to tell them the story of how many generations ago we would light the sky with fire on the last …

Dec 30, 2019: A Sydney Morning Herald crime reporter is reporting on one of my family members

Dec 5, 2019: Unsplash: zero dollars, millions of feels Just under three years ago I flew a drone for the first time, and started clicking the shutter button. I had no idea what I was doing, and luckily the …

Dec 4, 2019: A really intelligent and moderated 15 minute report on the decade ahead in Australia regarding domestic issues, politics, and our position in the …

Dec 3, 2019: Please send help, I think our village is being gentrified. A failing cafe has reopened as a trendy bar with a meaningless name, and this afternoon …

Dec 1, 2019: Journalists are just grown up dibber dobbers. Discuss.

Nov 29, 2019: 12 months ago we bought a house, today we have a home

Nov 29, 2019: Luna’s becoming less and less keen on this Santa bloke

Nov 28, 2019: ‪Guys, Big Exercise just wants us to keep on doing exercise so we live longer so we can do more exercise. This whole exercise thing is a corporate …

Nov 22, 2019: Finally, a hero has risen, to liberate nerds from the shackles of conventional manliness by making an offering of a ute, but for nerds. All hail, …

Nov 21, 2019: “If a friend is in trouble, don’t annoy him asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.” - …

Nov 20, 2019: The Mandalorian is like a soap opera for nerds. I have spoken.

Nov 19, 2019: Tasmania, November 2019

Nov 17, 2019: I’d like to dedicate this award to the gent sat next to me on this flight, in the middle of three seats, who chose to sleep on the other …

Nov 16, 2019: Breaking news: Qantas flight attendants to start wearing body cameras.

Nov 16, 2019: A local truth teller has scribbled out the T off the Tweed Heads northbound exit sign off the Pacific Motorway.

Nov 16, 2019: A few years ago I had that blog and podcast called Unpopular, and what @cabel is talking about is what I was trying to explore. For context, this …

Nov 15, 2019: Here’s a #VeryGC story. In Apple Store, dodgy guy next to me was owed $150, so the debtor gives the guy (I reckon he’s a dealer) an Apple Watch & …

Nov 14, 2019: Finally, a piece of mobile computing hardware that could drag me from the Apple ecosystem. If only it didn’t run Android. …

Nov 11, 2019: Peeps interested in podcasting will really enjoy this state of the union chat between Jordan Michaelides and James Cridland on the Uncommon podcast - …

Nov 9, 2019: The real life of social mediaing

Nov 9, 2019: On the road again // Iceland

Nov 9, 2019: Dynjandi, Westfjords, Iceland

Nov 9, 2019: I’m a sucker for an Icelandic hot pool Zain, Luke, me, slowly broiled This hot pool is the only source of water for a local farm, so to get cold water they have to literally cool down the …

Nov 9, 2019: Icelandic horses are so beautiful As emo as they look, Icelandic horses are still pretty cool. Did you know that Iceland has the most purebred horses on the planet? Google has better …

Nov 9, 2019: Loo with a view. Ísafjörður, Iceland.

Nov 9, 2019: Buoakirkja Black Church, Búðir, Iceland. Not the boudior church, rookies mistake. Friday

Nov 9, 2019: Watch out fellow youths, I spotted a wild boomer this morning just walking around the shopping centre stealing our homes and futures. Carry an avocado …

Nov 9, 2019: Reykjavik, Iceland Tuesday Wednesday Friday

Nov 9, 2019: Vick’s black sand beach, which is next to the famous Black Sand Beach. Iceland is confusing.

Nov 9, 2019: Iceland‘ s Black Sand Beach

Nov 8, 2019: Police are now targeting people who taste too many ice-cream flavours before ordering at Baskin Robbins, like, they’re all ice-cream dude, there are …

Nov 8, 2019: According to the recipient of a domestic violence at the Coolangatta Court House just now, there is just too much paperwork around DV. Have you …

Nov 8, 2019: Jetlag is real. Welcome to my TED Talk.

Nov 8, 2019: Icelandic moss

Nov 7, 2019: Found some Icelandic volcanic activity on the drone

Oct 30, 2019: Öxarárfoss, Iceland

Oct 30, 2019: Bridge over icey waters

Oct 30, 2019: Selfie with Harley

Oct 30, 2019: Around þórufoss, Iceland

Oct 30, 2019: þórufoss, Iceland

Oct 30, 2019: Reykjavik, Iceland

Oct 27, 2019: PSA: the next two weeks of Josh-flavoured spam will be Icelandic, Finnish, and Japanese in flavour.

Oct 27, 2019: Luna’s first birthday party!

Oct 27, 2019: Insert an interesting comment here about how the most popular Christian worship album this weekend won’t be heard in churches because it has Kanye’s …

Oct 26, 2019: Dads love bringing backpacks to weddings.

Oct 26, 2019: Would you rather fight a Hillsong sized Kanye or a Kanye sized Hillsong?

Oct 25, 2019: Photos From Drought-Stricken Kerry In Outback Queensland

Oct 25, 2019: The first meeting of earth’s most disrespectful people wraps up today at Uluru.

Oct 24, 2019: The news in Australia is under siege Well-produced, true, meaningful, helpful, locally relevant, news and information publishing/distribution that isn’t rooted in fear or control, …

Oct 22, 2019: Billy’s dealing with the real issues.

Oct 21, 2019: A home day (Tugun, Australia)

Oct 21, 2019: Australian newspapers today … #righttoknow

Oct 19, 2019: When I’m rich I’m going to email airplane manufacturers asking for quotes on new planes whilst letting them know I’m on a budget.

Oct 18, 2019: Friday night road trip

Oct 17, 2019: The hardest thing as an adult is to push a shopping trolley through the supermarket without lifting yourself up onto it after a good push screaming …

Oct 12, 2019: When Britt leaves Luna alone with me for a week…

Oct 12, 2019: Pixar is simulating real camera lenses and mimicking techniques like split focus diopters in its movies and it’s amazing. The real fake cameras of Toy …

Oct 10, 2019: This is the garage where Apple Inc started. It felt surreal to stand here today, a place of so much myth. An origin story like many, that actually …

Oct 7, 2019: The first rule of wifi club is that you don’t upload or download on wifi club

Oct 7, 2019: I put effort into my AirBnb reviews

Oct 5, 2019: Bad news about Donald Trump, he’s high in calories

Oct 5, 2019: The best thing about sharing a Lyft ride is the look the riders give each other when they enter the car, all knowing that none of us are as cheap as …

Oct 3, 2019: Le Labo

Oct 3, 2019: Broads

Oct 3, 2019: Echoing the thoughts of every other basic b* that has bought a Series 5 Apple Watch: always on is a game changer. Even after a few hours you …

Oct 3, 2019: 🦆 for dinner

Oct 3, 2019: On travelling to New York with a baby Many have messaged us about travelling with a baby, so I thought I’d share a few thoughts about bringing Lu to New York. So firstly, we’re not …

Oct 2, 2019: Georgia & Tim + me marrying them + Luke Fletcher shooting them @ the Wythe Hotel, Williamsburg

Oct 2, 2019: Williamsburg

Oct 2, 2019: 🚲

Oct 2, 2019: 🏨

Oct 2, 2019: 🍺

Oct 2, 2019: 🚇

Oct 1, 2019: ⌚️

Oct 1, 2019: Not many stores in New York have a line simply to enter and peruse

Oct 1, 2019: The bus

Oct 1, 2019: Casa Magazines with my two

Oct 1, 2019: The proprietor of Fashionable Male

Oct 1, 2019: 🐦👤

Oct 1, 2019: Luna, in the hood

Oct 1, 2019: Me, at work, in the greatest city in the world

Sep 30, 2019: 🍦

Sep 30, 2019: 🌙

Sep 30, 2019: 🤮 Street Photography

Sep 30, 2019: ⚰️

Sep 30, 2019: NYC streets

Sep 30, 2019: 1WTC

Sep 30, 2019: Google Maps AR is super helpful in NYC

Sep 29, 2019: 🥰 // Britt

Sep 29, 2019: 🌙 Luna // In New York before her 1st birthday

Sep 29, 2019: Call mum

Sep 29, 2019: Content creation

Sep 29, 2019: 🐘

Sep 29, 2019: Slide to the left, slide to the ride

Sep 28, 2019: Subway: wedding transport

Sep 28, 2019: I miss Mr Robot

Sep 28, 2019: Coney Island

Sep 28, 2019: Please donate to this guy’s GoFundMe

Sep 28, 2019: “Hi, can I please speak to the It’Sugar CEO about correct grammar?”

Sep 28, 2019: Went to camera heaven & a Jewish guy sold me a lense

Sep 28, 2019: If you want a photo of the Brooklyn Bridge, ask Ash

Sep 28, 2019: NYC subway crew

Sep 26, 2019: The Pope, on adjectives “We have fallen into the culture of adjectives and adverbs, and we have forgotten the strength of nouns … beauty manifests itself from the noun …

Sep 24, 2019: Does anyone have a mum or a grandma (even in a nursing home) in Leura, Katoomba, or Wentworth Falls? I’ve got an extra (unused) an amazing bridal …

Sep 23, 2019: Please, please, please, subscribe to my Youtube channel so I can get past 100 subscribers and get a youtube URL. xoxo …

Sep 22, 2019: That face when you’re pooing on your father

Sep 21, 2019: Do it yurtself

Sep 21, 2019: I’m sick of being judged by dogs in cars for not driving with my head out the window and tongue out of my mouth.

Sep 21, 2019: Police are now targeting people who call the phone or computer wallpaper, a screensaver.

Sep 19, 2019: To celebrate our almost 200th member at the Celebrant Institute I’ve redesigned our home page … I highly recommend hiring a web designer …

Sep 19, 2019: We live a few hundred meters from Gold Coast Airport T1 & T2 so I’m a little worried about finding this spray painted on our kerb this morning.

Sep 19, 2019: “He had some rote knowledge of cockpit procedures as handed down from the big manufacturers, but he was weak in an essential quality known as …

Sep 19, 2019: This story 😟 One man’s 33-year fight for his daughter takes him to second royal commission For Yoey, that move would be the start of a …

Sep 18, 2019: In May 2018 I theorised that Apple’s ultra personal computing platform would diverge into a Wrist-first CPU and an Apple Camera. As I read @gruber’s …

Sep 17, 2019: They said I could be anything

Sep 17, 2019: The makers of Mini Metro have made a new game for Apple Arcade called Mini Motorways. Shut up and take my money, Apple.

Sep 17, 2019: One day, when I grow up, I’m going to open a cafe where the tables do not wobble. I’ll call it ‘The Good Cafe’ because that’s obviously what it is.

Sep 17, 2019: Swell Sculpture Festival 2019 A sunrise tour of Currumbin Beach’s Swell Sculpture Festival

Sep 17, 2019: Whatchathinkbout?

Sep 16, 2019: The latest in private cloud storage technology // Swell Sculpture Festival

Sep 14, 2019: The city that rocks together stays together 🤘🏻 #brisbane #theamityaffliction

Sep 13, 2019: The new ABC Head of Editorial is being shown around the ABC Gold Coast Studios.

Sep 13, 2019: What a time to be alive. You can watch a live stream of Ikea furniture making it’s way from Sweden to Australia. It takes two weeks, today is day two. …

Sep 11, 2019: The number one thing I’m asked for help on is writing wedding vows, so here’s a rebel’s guide

Sep 11, 2019: Wednesday sunset at the Gold Coast fires

Sep 10, 2019: ‪On August 10 someone in Brazil made a $1.62 AUD payment through my manual payment page on my website. It allows people to pay their invoices in ful …

Sep 9, 2019: Mount Warning // Monday afternoon // sunset// bushfires nearby

Sep 9, 2019: Monday morning on Australia’s Gold Coast as the bushfires continue to destroy our hinterland

Sep 9, 2019: Chasing

Sep 8, 2019: I guested on the Wedding Photo Hangover podcast with Steven & Dustin, I think you’ll like it: Adventurous Elopements and Drone Photos

Sep 8, 2019: My series three Apple Watch decided to become vulnerable and reveal itself to me today

Sep 8, 2019: Sunrise at the Glass House Mountains

Sep 6, 2019: Neighbourhood Watch, reporting for duty

Sep 5, 2019: Mackay, September 2019 Live from Mackay, it’s Thursday night!

Sep 5, 2019: Sunset from Lamberts Beach, Mackay, Queensland

Sep 2, 2019: Burleigh Heads

Sep 1, 2019: “Mature people choose joy, immature people chase joy” - Dan Gorry

Sep 1, 2019: So glad to be a dad on Father’s Day 😊

Aug 31, 2019: ‪I think I’m now involved in a game of internet Chinese whispers? Pass it on?‬

Aug 30, 2019: Good morning, Gold Coast

Aug 30, 2019: Good Coast Show Day #goldcoast #goldcoastshow

Aug 27, 2019: Relinquishing my unused wedding business names I saw recently that Ricky Gervais recently let go of the band names he’d been holding on to and I felt inspired to do the same. Here’s my wedding …

Aug 27, 2019: The Rodecaster 2.0 upgrade is really good … I wish I had more time to use my unit, I’m just abrely at home at the moment.

Aug 27, 2019: Green mountain blue II 1978 - more details

Aug 27, 2019: Home time

Aug 27, 2019: 🌲

Aug 27, 2019: 🏔

Aug 27, 2019: 🏔 Kosciusko

Aug 26, 2019: ❄️

Aug 26, 2019: 🚗

Aug 26, 2019: Today’s office

Aug 26, 2019: 🏔

Aug 26, 2019: Can you see your first phone in this collection at the Telstra Heritage Exhibition?

Aug 26, 2019: Can you see your first phone in this collection at the Telstra Heritage Exhibition?

Aug 25, 2019:

Aug 25, 2019: T

Aug 25, 2019: I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains Of ragged mountain ranges Of droughts and flooding rains. I love her far horizons I love her …

Aug 24, 2019: Surprise, I’m an #avgeek

Aug 24, 2019: On Saturdays we airport (with @qantas because I’m not an animal)

Aug 24, 2019: 12:46am Brisbane Airport Why am I awake?

Aug 23, 2019: ❤️ Lake Tekapo

Aug 22, 2019: 🏔

Aug 22, 2019: Why is NZ architecture so much more delicious than Australia’s?

Aug 22, 2019: Tekapo

Aug 21, 2019: Blue

Aug 21, 2019: Sunset at Lake Tekapo

Aug 21, 2019: 🚣‍♂️

Aug 21, 2019: The seagull wants a closer look at my drone, so I cropped in a closer look at him

Aug 21, 2019: 🌲

Aug 20, 2019: 🌲

Aug 20, 2019:

Aug 19, 2019: When I told her she was 10 months old today

Aug 19, 2019: Britt as we drive home from a date night out in Queenstown: when we get home can you remind me to Google if Cameron Díaz and Benni Madden are still …

Aug 19, 2019: 🔺

Aug 19, 2019: ‪Who amongst us hasn’t had a few Presidential tweets and gone on a late-night Greenland run?‬

Aug 19, 2019: DragonDictate has admitted it has listened to audio messages, claiming it was an effort to improve its voice recognition systems.

Aug 19, 2019: Arrowtown

Aug 19, 2019: 🏔

Aug 18, 2019: Dolphins seem to use Pufferfish to get high, via the Smithsonian

Aug 18, 2019: Last light in Arrowtown, New Zealand, tonight

Aug 18, 2019: Last light #arrowtown

Aug 17, 2019: Adobe really missed an opportunity here for there to be Lightroom Girls. via NBC

Aug 17, 2019: What if Area 51 was every Victoria’s Secret store? That’s some Men In Black level secret hiding going on there.

Aug 14, 2019: I started thinking about Britt and my wedding, seven years ago next month, and what we would have done differently. It’s something I’m asked by most …

Aug 14, 2019: Talking about retail figures, this guy’s a genius, and might just be the saving grace retail needs, not sympathetic news articles about it’s decline — …

Aug 14, 2019: Every day there’s news reports about retail figures being low. Is that how we measure our success as a society? By how much money is spent at David …

Aug 14, 2019: “Imagine this: A shooter has entered a public place, where you are walking with your family. You have but a minute to realize you can save your …

Aug 14, 2019: If you ever lose some something and have to report it to Queensland Police, know that they have a category for everything.

Aug 13, 2019: 🏖

Aug 13, 2019: Paradise

Aug 13, 2019: Gloucester Island

Aug 13, 2019: 🌴⛰

Aug 12, 2019: 🚤

Aug 12, 2019: 🦷

Aug 12, 2019: 🐍

Aug 12, 2019: Seven’s Sunrise breakfast TV show is on in the hotel lobby so I’m watching it for the first time in years. It’s essentially Kochie …

Aug 12, 2019: Sand bunkers gone wild (abandoned golf course)

Aug 12, 2019: Sand

Aug 11, 2019: Ocean

Aug 11, 2019: Low tide

Aug 11, 2019: The abandoned Laguna Quays Resort Laguna Quays and the Turtle Point Golf Course is classical 1990s Queensland foreign investment gone bad. My favourite is the international airport …

Aug 11, 2019: Airline Beach, according to autocorrect // this weekend’s office in the Whitsundays, Qld, Australia

Aug 11, 2019: Airline Beach, according to autocorrect

Aug 10, 2019: “Don’t worry Wilson, I’ll do all the paddling. You just hang on.” // Airlie Beach, Qld, Australia

Aug 7, 2019: The Gold Coast is a pretty special place to call home

Aug 4, 2019: “It’s pleasantly ironic that some of the internet’s oldest open protocols are shining through, with email newsletters and podcasting standing tall” …

Aug 4, 2019: Love this

Aug 3, 2019: If there’s something strange in you neighbourhood who you gonna call? Alien Patrol!

Aug 2, 2019: We got to the chopper

Aug 2, 2019: Luna // Bunnings

Aug 2, 2019: Was I feeling scared, scarred, or sacred. I’m still unsure.

Aug 2, 2019: A lot of you have been asking where I get my under-arm deodorant from, and this is totally not sponsored, but it’s the grocery store.

Aug 2, 2019: Yesterday’s office // Skipper’s Canyon, NZ

Aug 2, 2019: Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes over a morning coffee has seen some of the “sleep” fall into the coffee. Do you drink the coffee?

Aug 1, 2019: From Coronet Peak to the Crown Range

Aug 1, 2019: The Remarkables truly are remarkable

Aug 1, 2019: I think I’d like to stay here a while

Aug 1, 2019: I have the best job in the world

Aug 1, 2019: Shot, blocked

Jul 30, 2019: ❄️ First snow // Queenstown NZ

Jul 30, 2019: Cardrona on a Sunday Cardrona, New Zealand, on a Sunday in July

Jul 30, 2019: Coromandel Peak on a Monday

Jul 10, 2018: Whenever I see people using a Microsoft Surface in the wild, I always think they’re filming an ad for Microsoft Surface or they’re …

Jun 23, 2018: Our unborn baby just looked up at me and said “Daddy, why do people make up things their kids said and post them on the internet?”

Jun 23, 2018: Now that my barber blew the cut hair off my shoulders with her coffee breath I know for a fact I’m having a worse day than you.

Jun 22, 2018: Most people wouldn’t realise that before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, moths and insects were the dominate species on earth. Edison was …

Jun 10, 2018: On The Radio, It’s Always Midnight

Jun 4, 2018: Flying business class on Jetstar today, which is pretty much like walking with socks on instead of barefoot #JQ57

Jun 3, 2018: 🏄‍♀️ like ants to a crumb

Jun 2, 2018: Ok, so I’ve got an idea, it’s like porn but the videos are of people replying to then archiving the last few emails in their inbox until …

Jun 2, 2018: Saturday surfers at Burleigh

May 29, 2018: Nothing unites Australians more than a speed camera as we all double-flash our headlights frantically.

May 28, 2018: “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” — Plato

May 26, 2018: Hello, Saturday, from Australia’s Gold Coast

May 25, 2018: “The simple fact is that you most likely don’t know why your competitors are priced the way they are.” - ThinkSplendid

May 19, 2018: I wonder if motorcycle riders with loud exhausts find the polite and subtle sound of regular city cars really annoying? Or is it only us?

May 18, 2018: “There is not a religion in the world that asks you to tolerate thy neighbor” - Justin Trudeau

May 17, 2018: An Apple Camera, a fan theory Posting a hot Apple theory I just imagined because in 5 to 10 years time, when it comes true, I want to link back to this post to proclaim how right …

May 15, 2018: That #NappyConsent person replies, this is good: #NappyConsent Woman Deanne Carson On What She Meant

May 14, 2018: First real attempt iPad podcast remote recording - recording on an iPad Pro, on an Apogee Mic+, into Ringr, will edit on Ferrite

May 14, 2018: Fascinating long read on the commercial side of the eyeglass market and the global monopoly behind Aussie brands like OPSM, Laubman & Pank, and …

May 13, 2018: “No one in the world ever gets what they want and that is beautiful”

May 13, 2018: Why do old guys with crazy/weird hats also wear crazy/weird vests? Are crazy/weird clothing items only available in that combination deal?

May 12, 2018: Which show is the designated survivor for Designator Survivor?

May 12, 2018: Delays and cancellations through the roof in Sydney due to strong winds, thank god I jumped on an earlier flight in

May 7, 2018: Last Thursday my iPhone went into a continous restart loop, and trying to restore on iTuens doesn’t fix - it needs an Apple Store - and …

May 4, 2018: App idea: It’s like an ad blocker, but it’s a royal blocker. I know that reporting on the royals is how some media make money, but …

May 2, 2018: It’s always exciting when you find out a call centre is using a Cisco PBX. That on-hold music is everything.

May 1, 2018: Autumn // Arrowtown, NZ

Apr 27, 2018: tennis here

Apr 27, 2018: The iPad life just got a little sweeter: test recorded a podcast on my iPad Pro today using Ringr to record locally on each end, with an Apogee MiC+ …

Apr 26, 2018: Hi, my name is Josh and I’m a Kanyewesttweetsholic. I’d been clean for almost a year, but something happened this last week.

Apr 26, 2018: My otherwise intelligent and lovely accountant has started regular email news updates about business related laws and news, but the email subjects are …

Apr 25, 2018: April 25th

Apr 24, 2018: Please support my Kickstarter to raise $50,000 so we can holiday underwater.

Apr 24, 2018: This podcast edition is a really important conversation for wedding celebrants (and humans) to have, because the words, the conversations, …

Apr 23, 2018: Straw poll: Have you ever hired a photographer or bought a photo, because of a watermark on a photo? I wonder if they’re not there for marketing …

Apr 22, 2018: At their wedding I officiated over one year ago, it was illegal for Brendon & Brad to marry in Australia, but not today!

Apr 21, 2018: Great way to highlight to the public that there is a home-alone Japanese woman inside a house: a shadow boxer on closed curtains #idiocy

Apr 21, 2018: Hot tin roof // Kalbar, Qld

Apr 21, 2018: Bow of rain // Kalbar, Qld

Apr 20, 2018: Up standing performance

Apr 20, 2018: Your marriage should be better than your wedding.

Apr 20, 2018: For over two years I’ve been enjoying a daily tech news email with an Aussie slant plus a bit of snark called The Sizzle. While the editor is on …

Apr 20, 2018: The Monocle’s Urbanist podcast today features Brisbane’s CityCat ferry network and now I’m thinking, I’d love to catch a CityCat to BNE.

Apr 19, 2018: Amazon Australia has started casually leaving stuff around your house.

Apr 19, 2018: She likes me for meee, not because I look like Tyson Beckford

Apr 18, 2018: Making a big change to our business today, which I’m a little bit scared of, so if you could just reply with a “this won’t …

Apr 18, 2018: Byron Bay, Australia // Wednesday

Apr 18, 2018: The trick is to never, ever let it make you cynical

Apr 18, 2018: Inspiring Elon Musk read via Electrek Most of the design tolerances of the Model 3 are already better than any other car in the world. Soon, they …

Apr 18, 2018: I ❤︎ Patterns

Apr 18, 2018: Ev Williams: Now that the ad-only experiment has decidedly failed, quality information providers will be able to build strong businesses, and …

Apr 18, 2018: I spent most of Ready Player One trying to figure out who was voicing i-R0k. Erlich Bachman, of course.

Apr 18, 2018: If you ever want to fall down a rabbit hole of wonder, just think about how someone loves you … and how that doesn’t make sense, but they love …

Apr 17, 2018: 📽 Ready Player One 💯

Apr 17, 2018: At the age of 36 I’ve found out that my last name is an “Old Norse personal name Viðarr, composed of the elements víðr ‘wide’ + ar ‘warrior’”. Joshua …

Apr 17, 2018: If you’re booking VA flights here’s a 10% off economy and 30% off biz seats promo code valid for the next week: KLT69

Apr 17, 2018: The Blue Mountains // Sydney // Australia

Apr 16, 2018: When I’m president I’m going to regulate the pillows that serve no purpose industry. They’re out of control.

Apr 16, 2018: If you’re wondering about the exotic dream life of a marriage celebrant, last night I spent the entire night in my dreams trying to find a hotel …

Apr 14, 2018: Proud to announce that “Navigating Sydney roads with an Apple Watch because the phone is in for repair” is the title of my next horror …

Apr 14, 2018: Will tablet computers replace desktops/laptops? This analogy from Steve Jobs pretty much sums it up.

Apr 13, 2018:

Apr 13, 2018: I’m travelling for six nights with an iPad only, if that kind of thing interests you, read this

Apr 13, 2018: How are more people not freaking out over the Australian government’s facial recognition deal

Apr 13, 2018: Qantas vs Virgin In the last year I’ve been trying out both Qantas and Virgin. I simply wondered why so many of my friends were Virgin frequent flyers. After …

Apr 13, 2018: According to the ABC Quiz, I’m not that fancy

Apr 12, 2018: Thursday In Port Douglas

Apr 12, 2018: On the off chance anyone cares I wrote a little piece for #TheSizzle about how I’m taking a step back from Facebook and going all in on

Apr 12, 2018: Vodafone thinks its mobile network is better than the NBN for lots of Australians #guffaw

Apr 12, 2018: Australian wine region, the Hunter Valley “set” to become the new, New Silicon Valley of Australia /sarcasm

Apr 11, 2018: This sequel to The Social Network doesn’t seem to have the consistency and production values as the first movie.

Apr 11, 2018: record scratch freeze frame yup. that’s me. so you’re probably wondering how I got myself into this situation

Apr 11, 2018: Can’t believe I forgot to celebrate Rex Manning day this year

Apr 10, 2018: Very GC #GC2018 #GoldCoast

Apr 10, 2018: Oddly proud to see the Gold Coast light up this week. It’s not the ghost town it was last week. #GC2018

Apr 10, 2018: Ok, I hope you’re sitting down for this banger: Chicken salt, the musical. And someone call Hugh Jackman, he’s needed back home for a career defining …

Apr 10, 2018: 🌲🛁

Apr 9, 2018: It’s like the Skype product team have realised that the only reason people use Skype anymore is for recording podcasts

Apr 9, 2018: Look, I’m not going to tell you how to live your life, but if you delay feeding a cat by 30-60 minutes they get super affectionate.

Apr 9, 2018: I’m unsure if the Scam Artists Industry will ever recover from Tony Robbins misogyny.

Apr 8, 2018: African news crew in my #GC2018 car this morning asked what the crime rate on the Gold Coast was, and “where is the ghetto?” I’ve never considered how …

Apr 8, 2018: Roy & HG praising the #GC2018 merchandise on the radio this morning: “I love the Peter Beattie doll, you wind him up and he just starts talking!”

Apr 7, 2018: 🛶

Apr 6, 2018: David Letterman with Malala Yousafzai is so beautiful. ‘My Next Guest Needs No Introduction’ is a 10/10 show!

Apr 6, 2018: Proud to see the Gold Coast featured in the Monocle magazine’s daily email

Apr 5, 2018: What are weddings for? A piece by me on Medium.

Apr 5, 2018: Billion dollar business idea: a restaurant with all the markings of a hatted restaurant, but when the menu comes out, there’s only Coco Pops …

Apr 5, 2018: Anyone in any good Slack groups they think I should be in?

Apr 5, 2018: Reading Jonathan Kim’s Medium piece on the three stages of April criticism and all of my anti-Apple mates come to mind. Read this, you’ll love …

Apr 5, 2018: I think @agenda might be the calendar/notes combo app I’ve been looking for, once there’s a good iPad/iPhone app. Khoi’s review is …

Apr 5, 2018: What do people not on social media get anxious about?

Apr 5, 2018: A year ago today, Stevie went more viral than any of us

Apr 4, 2018: Do these #GC2018 opening ceremony bongo players with Delta Goodrem have the required permits?

Apr 4, 2018: Jingeri #GC2018

Apr 4, 2018: Someone recently asked me what makes me who I am, why would people invite me to fly around the globe to be their marriage celebrant? I think it’s …

Apr 4, 2018: Today’s the day #GC2018

Apr 3, 2018: I’ve written my first edition of The Sizzle! It’s heading out to inboxes soon :) subscribe at

Apr 2, 2018: I think hustling might have jumped the shark.

Apr 2, 2018: In August due to a flight change I now have six hours in San Francisco, and I’m pretty excited having never been. Where should a nerd like go in …

Apr 2, 2018: Diving into another perfect Gold Coast day volunteering at #GC2018 Commonwealth Games

Apr 2, 2018: All of the big Internet companies want your private data, but Cloudflare’s business model looks transparent and I think this is a service worth …

Apr 1, 2018: My kind of April Fools gag is a Seth Godin April Fools gag

Apr 1, 2018: Watching Qld Police officers, highly trained in bringing down criminals, embarrassingly bring down the letter of the law on rogue bongo drummers in …

Mar 31, 2018: The USA is proposing reviewing social media of nearly everyone seeking entry and I’m really looking forward to their riveting critique of my 3GB …

Mar 31, 2018: There is nothing more exciting on earth today than this Twitter thread

Mar 30, 2018: There’s a primary school in Torres Strait, the far northern tip of Queensland, Australia, that has no books for the students. It would be so …

Mar 30, 2018: A startling review of stock photos on Medium

Mar 30, 2018: People are losing their mind as Pope Francis says ‘Hell does not exist,', which is great and all that, but why don’t we just ‘fess up and say we …

Mar 30, 2018: A 2007 article by Victor Keegan arguing that MySpace had a monopoly and it was too hard for it’s users to leave.

Mar 30, 2018: Your fortune teller isn’t as good as David Gerrold

Mar 29, 2018: I’ve just checked into my hotel for the night and I think I’ve been drafted to represent Scotland in the #GC2018 Commonwealth Games

Mar 29, 2018: Seeing this photo makes me feel extraordinarily proud

Mar 29, 2018: “The truth is, we could make a ton of money, if we monetized our customer - if our customer was our product. We’ve elected not to do that.” - Apple …

Mar 28, 2018: Apple’s constant efforts to win over schools and students isn’t a silly effort. My first computer experience was an Apple IIe in Grade Five, then …

Mar 28, 2018: Humans, we aren’t going to beat the computers if it takes this airline staff member 14 minutes to figure out there’s no direct …

Mar 28, 2018: Doc Searls makes a pretty good point about what the rest of the year is going to look like in the news (OMG Amazon is tracking me!)

Mar 28, 2018: This piece in the NYTimes on teachers has my brain going down a different tangent. What do “professions” and “degrees” mean in …

Mar 28, 2018: I wonder how many small or independant businesses are prepared for a 38% drop in Facebook favourability, which for some may lead to a 38% drop in …

Mar 27, 2018: One of the best local podcasts going around is Scotty Mac’s Brisbane is Weird, and the latest ep about the the Battle of Brisbane is about …

Mar 27, 2018: Is there an award for the most number of times you’ve left your Kindle e-reader in a hotel room or on a plane? Asking for a friend.

Mar 27, 2018: If you invoice with Xero, did you know that for free you can connect it to Stripe, and let your customers pay you with credit card? It even lets you …

Mar 27, 2018: J&C #marriedbyjosh #photographedbyjosh

Mar 27, 2018: An issue more people should consider is that your content and your data, is yours. You should own it. But it’s all locked up in Facebook (and …

Mar 26, 2018: There’s a new edition of the most niche podcast we could think of, an Australian marriage celebrant podcast. But hey, you can listen if you …

Mar 26, 2018: Remember back in the olden days we had day themes for social media content, has that in the form of Micro Monday and I’ll nominate …

Mar 26, 2018: It’s an easy week to bash social media, even I’ve been doing it, but it’s brought all of us closer together, so it can’t be …

Mar 26, 2018: Sleep, an eight hour album on Spotify to listen to while you sleep

Mar 26, 2018: The most exciting thing about Trump’s presidency is that all future world leaders can say “Look, I don’t threaten porn star’s …

Mar 26, 2018: Driving out of Sydney Airport feels just like leaving Denpasar Airport now. Same road designers?

Mar 26, 2018: How to cook soup. First, you need some water.

Mar 26, 2018: They tried to make me go to rehab, I said, no, no, no

Mar 25, 2018: “The name Christian now aligns me with gun-toting preachers, damnation-wielding social media trolls and predatory Presidents. It now aligns me …

Mar 25, 2018: As the bible says, “Let any one of you who has not thrown around the idea of possibly destroying a nation’s ethics over a long lunch, be the …

Mar 25, 2018: 30 crazy photos of China’s bike-sharing oversupply

Mar 25, 2018: 13 reasons to believe tha aliens exist … click through to get your conspiracy theories on!

Mar 25, 2018: Before you sink/lose your life-savings on crypto currencies, read “Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum & Smart …

Mar 25, 2018: I can’t lie to you, I like the idea of hitchiking the world - story in the NY Times magazine

Mar 25, 2018: Officials in Schuylkill County (USA) are teaching students to throw rocks at school shooters … not The Onion, actual real news

Mar 25, 2018: Humbled daily by the couples that invite me into their marriage ceremony. A couple from Montreal have just asked me to be their celebrant in …

Mar 25, 2018: “Our job now is to find new tasks, human tasks, faster than the computer takes the old ones away. Too often, people are displaced and then give …

Mar 25, 2018: Neapolitan Mountain

Mar 25, 2018: How long can you sleep on a display bed, via Vice

Mar 24, 2018: Outriggers

Mar 24, 2018: I wish everyone in my world would invest the 20min to listen to this podcast ep about social media & mental health so we could all be on the same …

Mar 24, 2018: Want Facebook to stop using your name in vain? Turn the setting off at…

Mar 24, 2018: Apple has proposed new inclusive emojis. The inclusive nature of Apple’s business culture inspires me.

Mar 24, 2018: The last conversation you’ll ever need to have about eating right - bookmarking this one.

Mar 24, 2018: “Keto gives people the impression they’ve lost fat” - @juliaoftoronto in Vox

Mar 24, 2018: “80 per cent of homes are selling at a loss”The mining boom’s biggest legacy seemingly will be the mortgages worth more than the …

Mar 24, 2018: “Where’s the line on hate speech? I mean, who chose me to be the person that did that?” - Mark Zuckerberg realising the responsibilities of popularity

Mar 24, 2018: “Facebook will never stop collecting and exploiting that data. It is all they have.” - John Birmingham’s Alien Side Boob, 23/3/18

Mar 23, 2018: “Business wise, a brand would benefit more from working with a thought leader, who has 5000 real and engaged followers, who could become real …

Mar 23, 2018: This ‘welcome to the Gold Coast street lights sign/artwork’ is no better when you’re looking at it straight on and in the air …

Mar 22, 2018: “Up until the early 2000s, the only people that lived here full time was me and my family and the people in the Big Brother House. That and a few …

Mar 22, 2018: Sydney Just a casual submarine hanging, casually

Mar 22, 2018: Honest Wes Anderson trailer Youtube link

Mar 22, 2018: Sydney is now more expensive to live in than New York and LA. (It’s actually cheaper for me to fly there every week than live there) …

Feb 27, 2018: 1989's Macintosh Portable I could spend the rest of my days watching old technology product releases and IK’d be a happy boy // this is from1989, the Macintosh Portable, …

May 26, 2017: Pro Marriage Tip: Stress = low libido. Enough said.

May 26, 2017: Love…

May 26, 2017: Sing us a song, you’re the Piano Man…

May 26, 2017: Love

May 25, 2017: Is this thing on?

May 25, 2017: Literally, adding value and demanding loyalty…

May 25, 2017: City Cat On A Hot Tin Roof……

May 25, 2017: That’s the Josh Withers guarantee.

May 25, 2017: A&amp;K come in for a meeting about their marriage ceremony and we end up talking about getting a haircut for 30 minutes.

May 25, 2017: One thought per break…

May 25, 2017: Cranes on the skyline 🤑……

May 25, 2017: Literally, adding value and demanding loyalty…

May 25, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Literally, adding value and demanding loyalty…

May 25, 2017: One thought per break…

May 24, 2017: Best bot ever…

May 24, 2017: Everyone isn’t terrible…

May 24, 2017: “Josh kicked off our special day by conducting the ceremony exactly as we described to him” - Joel + Liezl 📷 Hannah Blackmore Photography …

May 24, 2017: Rush hour……

May 24, 2017: It’s just me and Blacklist…

May 24, 2017: 🏄🏾‍♀️🚁🌊……

May 24, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 One thought per break…

May 24, 2017: Everyone isn’t terrible…

May 23, 2017: Everything’s swell……

May 23, 2017: As if Islamic State isn’t going to claim this … even if it didn’t it’s a hot grab for their “cause”

May 23, 2017: We’re paid to give a ……

May 23, 2017: Is it ok to show off my girl on here? :)…

May 23, 2017: A shore thing……

May 23, 2017: 🏄🏾‍♀️ Surfer was nice enough to wave this afternoon while I had the 🚁 Mavic out at Nobbys' 🌊……

May 23, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Everyone isn’t terrible…

May 23, 2017: “Stand firm: Resisting the self-improvement craze” by @abcnews……

May 23, 2017: 🌅……

May 22, 2017: Minamilism in business, it’s unpopular…

May 22, 2017: Someone’s excited! 📷 Love Is a Place Photography ⛰ Midginbill Hill…

May 22, 2017: 💟☮️🌊……

May 22, 2017: Proud ♥️ @hellobrittanyjane……

May 22, 2017: Hey @rodemics here’s my dream product: Rodelink Newsshooter BUT the receiver is a USB interface for a phone/laptop or the best: @mevocamera

May 22, 2017: Minamilism in business, it’s unpopular…

May 21, 2017: A couple from China were having photos taken on the Gold Coast Seaway last week and they asked for some photos. I…… …

May 21, 2017: Decision making…

May 21, 2017: What could I say to help guests know that their phones and cameras are not for the ceremony? It’s hard convincing everyone to go unplugged!

May 21, 2017: Viva, Bris Vegas……

May 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Minamilism in business, it’s unpopular…

May 21, 2017: I’m telling you this because I don’t want to let my love of song to tear us apart.

May 21, 2017: Almost every marriage ceremony I’ve performed has an obscure song lyric in it.

May 21, 2017: Fun fact: for over eight years I’ve been marrying people and dropping song lyric Easter eggs into their ceremonies.

May 21, 2017: Talking about bridezillas…

May 20, 2017: Unpopular businesses are fuelled by strong opinion…

May 20, 2017: Unpopular by profession…

May 20, 2017: Ignore the computer, sometimes…

May 20, 2017: Melissa found the guy who bugged her the least 💯 Michael &amp; Melissa #marriedbyjosh at @albertriverwine with @sunlit…… …

May 20, 2017: Ryan promised to spend the rest of his life trying to understand makeup 💄 Linda promised to spend the rest of her …… …

May 20, 2017: Where does your learning happen?…

May 20, 2017: Ignore the computer, sometimes…

May 20, 2017: Fighting for a break…

May 19, 2017: On bridal parties…

May 19, 2017: Andrew + Natalie #marriedbyjosh 📷 Finch &amp; Oak ⛳ Summergrove Estate 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

May 19, 2017: The shrink issue…

May 19, 2017: Pro Marriage Tip: Give your spouse your undivided attention soon. Quality time is quality.

May 19, 2017: Terms and conditions apply…

May 19, 2017: Say hello to my little wet friend…

May 19, 2017: The shrink issue…

May 18, 2017: 🍻🐂🤓😂💯…

May 18, 2017: Facebook Live video opinion polls are dead…

May 18, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 Episode 8: Heidi’s unpopular book…

May 18, 2017: Taxi drivers can’t see the automation forest through the Uber trees…

May 18, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 8: Heidi’s unpopular book 🎧…

May 18, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The shrink issue…

May 18, 2017: “Every time I see you, you make me happy!” 👀 😊 Suze &amp; Dara #marriedbyjosh with @jamesdayweddings #sydneycelebrant … …

May 17, 2017: Stan told me to imagine that you are stupid…

May 17, 2017: “Josh’s ability as a speaker is only surpassed by his ability as humorist” Melissa &amp; Chris #marriedbyjosh 📷 KCL …

May 17, 2017: 🎶 Sunrise to sunset, imma not forget all that you’ve done for me 🥁 @paulwrightmusic…

May 17, 2017: Official weird Brisbanian, @Scotty_McDonald’s new podcast @BrisbaneisWeird is good!!!…

May 17, 2017: What are you doing, Skip?…

May 17, 2017: “Stan told me to imagine that you are stupid” — @JoshuaWithers……

May 17, 2017: Stan told me to imagine that you are stupid…

May 17, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Stan told me to imagine that you are stupid…

May 17, 2017: Jerry: What’s wrong, Skip? What’s happened? Skippy: Tchk tchk tchk. Jerry: a flying robot? That’s crazy, Skip! Skippy: Tchk tchk tchk. …

May 16, 2017: Self-diagnosis: why I’m not a billionaire yet…

May 16, 2017: Honoured to have been in this moment with the @elopementcollective and @lucasandcophotography // Reviewed: If ther…… …

May 16, 2017: Iceland + Holly + Tom + The Elopement Collective + Heart and Colour = ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️…

May 16, 2017: Addicted to sunsets…

May 16, 2017: I just uploaded “Why your wedding vows are important and how to make them awesome, by Josh Withers, marriage cele……

May 16, 2017: Self-diagnosis: why I’m not a billionaire yet…

May 16, 2017: Sand, pumped…

May 16, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Self-diagnosis: why I’m not a billionaire yet…

May 16, 2017: 🎶 Somewhere, under the rainbow, somewhere, just there…

May 15, 2017: After hanging out with super smart photographers every day I eventually got a taste for the art myself. So, I’ve …… …

May 15, 2017: Andrew + Rebecca #marriedbyjosh 🍃 The Elopement Collective ⛰ Byron View Farm 📷 Morgan Roberts 🌺 Pack a Perfect Party…

May 15, 2017: Li’l red riding hood…

May 14, 2017: Kane &amp; Julia asked this morning “How do you make our marriage ceremony not-awkward?” and I’m glad to report that i… …

May 14, 2017: “If you’re not paying for something online, you’re the product being sold”…

May 14, 2017: What songs have you asked your DJ not to play?

May 14, 2017: “Shit just got real” — Dorcas, as she exchanged vows with Amos in the Blue Mountains #marriedbyjosh with the @elop…… …

May 14, 2017: That two people can conquer their own impatience &amp; selfishness, and instead seek love and devotion, forever leaves…… …

May 14, 2017: You can only charge what you’re worth…

May 13, 2017: The benefit of a plan…

May 13, 2017: The convert is more passionate…

May 13, 2017: When laws and regulations block your path…

May 13, 2017: Carly &amp; Amanda #civillyunionedbyjosh with @morganrobertsphotography on the Sunshine Coast 🤘🏼……

May 13, 2017: Should the ‘failing media’ fight or flight?…

May 12, 2017: Including, or excluding, the new expenses of doing business…

May 12, 2017: The car I’m in is ok - It’s for a car at home…

May 12, 2017: I’m driving from Esk to the GC - where can I buy a car battery?

May 12, 2017: “You were a ray of sunshine on a very rainy, stormy day!” Gavin + Natasha 🎉 #marriedbyjosh 📷 Aaron Shum 🏖 Noosa…

May 12, 2017: Matt &amp; Kristen #marriedbyjosh at their home in Kingaroy! When they first enquires with me they were looking at di…… …

May 12, 2017: Everything we know about quitting is wrong (and happy birthday Ori)…

May 12, 2017: Your marriage isn’t a destination, it’s not a goal you can reach or something you can achieve or finish. It’s a journey. A process.

May 12, 2017: When you say nothing at all…

May 11, 2017: Getting better isn’t autmoatic…

May 11, 2017: When Maddie married Jack 🏆 photo by @thefollans at @hillstonestlucia #brisbanecelebrant #brisbanewedding #hillston…… …

May 11, 2017: I’m pretty sure Google search is dead…

May 11, 2017: That face when you’re all about the #dronelyf - as photographed/busted by @heartandcolour…

May 11, 2017: An elopement has no “guests”. There’s no-one there that doesn’t have to be there. It’s your favourite humans, the … …

May 11, 2017: That moment when you realise that you’d be left behind if your friend was friends with Men Without Hats.

May 11, 2017: Don’t push me, cuz I’m close to the eddgggeeee…

May 11, 2017: I’m pretty sure Google search is dead…

May 11, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 I’m pretty sure Google search is dead…

May 10, 2017: Where did you come from?…

May 10, 2017: Amos + Dorcas…

May 10, 2017: From Singapore to the Blue Mountains // Dorcas + Amos#marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective @posysupplyco &amp; …… …

May 10, 2017: “Here’s a photo of everyone with a double chin from laughing so hard” - Mitchell &amp; Hannah 📷 Jessie Dains …

May 10, 2017: Getting better isn’t autmoatic…

May 10, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Getting better isn’t autmoatic…

May 10, 2017: Legends at @Mastercard need you to double verify your email and a Captiva before they let you escape their spam…

May 10, 2017: Carlye and Trent featured on @polkadotbride today! “Josh had a few jokes and stories which really signified the da…… …

May 10, 2017: Where did you come from?…

May 9, 2017: My name is Josh, I’m from Queensland, and I’m here to help" 📷 @jimmy_izophotography #perthcelebrant #celebrant #ma… …

May 9, 2017: Have you started yet?…

May 9, 2017: Hayley and Thesh #marriedbyjosh and styled by Ivy &amp; Blue at Osteria 👌🏻…

May 9, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Where did you come from?…



May 9, 2017: Have you started yet?…

May 8, 2017: When was the last time you asked ‘why?’…

May 8, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Have you started yet?…

May 8, 2017: Ben &amp; Khya #marriedbyjosh…

May 8, 2017: 141.21

May 8, 2017: 141.43

May 7, 2017: Now streaming: Carly &amp; Jon’s marriage and Bub! Reviewed: Talk about cool, calm and collected with a touch of chee… …

May 7, 2017: “ASS” – Elon Musk…

May 7, 2017: Cash bars at weddings are more and more popular - are you having one?

May 7, 2017: Amey got a new shed! @theperfectpartyco has a new home in Enoggera and we spent the afternoon there drinking all o…… …

May 7, 2017: Zoe &amp; Mitchell #marriedbyjosh at Ecostudio Fellini with the talented @wilde.visual behind the camera… …

May 7, 2017: “We’re number one on Google”…

May 6, 2017: I’m not busy, but I understand priorities…

May 6, 2017: Can I get a discount?…

May 6, 2017: What if everything wasn’t about your price?…

May 6, 2017: Let’s ‘bump the lamp’…

May 5, 2017: Mitchell &amp; Zoe #marriedbyjosh at @ecostudiofellini today with the legends @wilde.visual in tow :)… …

May 5, 2017: Everyone is making terrible video…

May 5, 2017: Taking the drone out for a sunset photoshoot is a real win!…

May 5, 2017: Craig and Lisa #marriedbyjosh 📽 Whitedress Productions 🏠 Osteria…

May 5, 2017: Pacific rain…

May 5, 2017: It’s free advertising!…

May 5, 2017: You’re either bundling or unbundling, Fairfax is slowly, unconciously, unbundling…

May 5, 2017: Pro Marriage Tip: Vulnerability is integrity’s best mate - and integrity is your marriage’s BFF.

May 5, 2017: You’re either bundling or unbundling, Fairfax is slowly, unconciously, unbundling…

May 5, 2017: Better questions gets you better answers…

May 4, 2017: Better questions gets you better answers…

May 4, 2017: The not-so-popular section of a market…

May 4, 2017: The not-so-popular section of a market…

May 4, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 You’re either bundling or unbundling, Fairfax is slowly, unconciously, unbundling…

May 4, 2017: May the Fourth be with you Wookiee &amp; Leia #notmarriedbyjosh photographed by @jessiedains #maythefourthbewithyou #s…… …

May 4, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Better questions gets you better answers…

May 4, 2017: I think I’ve got a haircut appointment…

May 4, 2017: Everyone is making terrible video…

May 4, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The not-so-popular section of a market…

May 3, 2017: In this world you will have trouble…

May 3, 2017: Thank god Roost were there to capture this - take me back to Iceland!…

May 3, 2017: Jemma + Thom awesomely #marriedbyjosh in Bali 🤘🏼 #balicelebrant #baliwedding #baliweddings……

May 3, 2017: Marriage is sticking up for each other and enjoying each other’s weak puns. Graeme + Amy #marriedbyjosh with the …… …

May 3, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Everyone is making terrible video…

May 3, 2017: I just published “Everyone is making terrible video”…

May 3, 2017: It’s free advertising!…

May 3, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 It’s free advertising!…

May 3, 2017: In this world you will have trouble…

May 2, 2017: All awards are stupid…

May 2, 2017: Sam Gilmore Photography interviewed me for his blog!…

May 2, 2017: What people mean when they say “I’ve got your back” Amy + Graeme #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective in … …

May 2, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 In this world you will have trouble…

May 1, 2017: That’s why it’s cheap…

May 1, 2017: Justin and Annika’s epic Bells Rapids elopement outside of Perth…

May 1, 2017: That’s why it’s cheap…

May 1, 2017: Not see Steve Bannon

May 1, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 That’s why it’s cheap…

May 1, 2017: I just published “That’s why it’s cheap”…

Apr 30, 2017: Trading your cares…

Apr 30, 2017: I’m looking for date-night ideas? Care to share?

Apr 30, 2017: Angela &amp; Nathan love each other almost as much as they love chocolate. I know those feels! Nathan + Angela #marri…… …

Apr 30, 2017: When people ask me what I do I’m probably going to start telling them I go to epic locations with profound people …… …

Apr 30, 2017: What are you measuring?…

Apr 30, 2017: Trading your cares…

Apr 29, 2017: Thinking is the hardest work…

Apr 29, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Trading your cares…

Apr 29, 2017: Can we say the same thing, but differently?…

Apr 29, 2017: The saddest things businesses say…

Apr 29, 2017: A story of two kids and their drone travelling the world taking selfies…

Apr 29, 2017: Why does this exist?…

Apr 28, 2017: My life is simply a series of moments where I either am kissing her or I’m thinking of kissing her…

Apr 28, 2017: My first automation…

Apr 28, 2017: Laura and Mitch #marriedbyjosh and photographed by Shane Shepherd and also featured in White Magazine!……

Apr 28, 2017: After the redeye flight home from Perth this morning Britt and I made the trip out to Tenterfield to help Geremey …… …

Apr 28, 2017: Dilute or double down?…

Apr 28, 2017: We’re moving to the country, gunna eat a lot of peaches … for one night only, in Tenterfield…

Apr 28, 2017: To love without knowing how to love, hurts the ones we love.

Apr 28, 2017: A sign…

Apr 27, 2017: Just unsubscribed from the saddest of Mailchimp lists. It’s name was “&lt;newsletter name&gt; first 2k users”

Apr 27, 2017: Perthect…

Apr 27, 2017: How to tell…

Apr 27, 2017: Amy + Graeme + Arnie #marriedbyjosh (Arnie’s not married though FYI)……

Apr 27, 2017: Does this hurt?…

Apr 27, 2017: How to tell…

Apr 27, 2017: “How to tell”……

Apr 27, 2017: I just published “How to tell”…

Apr 27, 2017: There’s only a handful of emails I look forward to receiving, and I even pay $5 per month to get @decryption’s…

Apr 27, 2017: Cottesloe, 6:50am, as the iPhone sees it…

Apr 27, 2017: Does this hurt?…

Apr 26, 2017: If I was starting it all over again today…

Apr 26, 2017: When the feels express themselves through your faces. Andrew &amp; Tamara #marriedbyjosh at @byronviewfarm with the @…… …

Apr 26, 2017: Talking ‘bout love on North Straddie ☀️ Josh &amp; Skye #marriedbyjosh 📷 by my old friends at Evernew Studio!…

Apr 26, 2017: I just published “‘I’m never getting married!’”…

Apr 26, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Does this hurt?…

Apr 26, 2017: I just published “Does this hurt?”…

Apr 26, 2017: If I was starting it all over again today…

Apr 25, 2017: An easy thing every retail business should do on social on public holidays…

Apr 25, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 If I was starting it all over again today…

Apr 25, 2017: Check out Honeywed to find some other wedding people like me :)…

Apr 25, 2017: I just published “If I was starting it all over again today”…

Apr 25, 2017: Hey Perth 🙋🏻‍♂️

Apr 25, 2017: Kylie &amp; Glen #marriedbyjosh at the #canberrapopupwedding with the @elopementcollective @laurelandlace and @laurenc…… …

Apr 25, 2017: Good morning planes…

Apr 24, 2017: Under who’s authority?…

Apr 24, 2017: Can I interest you in a late-model husband? Free floormats? 💒 Lauren &amp; Michael #marriedbyjosh at Coolibah Downs with Evernew Studio …

Apr 24, 2017: Goodnight Brisvegas . . . . . #skyporn #sunsetsniper #skylovers #sunrise_and_sunsets #sunsets #sunset_hub #sunsetlovers #instasunsets #all… …

Apr 24, 2017: John &amp; Kellie looked at the calendar and saw an opportunity for a long weekend for all their wedding guests by get…… …

Apr 23, 2017: Dealing with failure…

Apr 23, 2017: Where would you elope to, if you could?

Apr 23, 2017: A marriage ceremony should be a place of ✌🏼Anyone, anything, anyplace, that destroys the ✌🏼 should🖕🏻🙋🏻‍♂️📷 by @lau…… …

Apr 23, 2017: Runaway and elope to Bali - add that to your list of awesome “getting married” ideas that are focused on having a …… …

Apr 23, 2017: Love Norman…

Apr 23, 2017: You know what the best thing is? Personally written vows, simply because they mean something. They’re your own wor…… …

Apr 23, 2017: Unpopular to change the date?…

Apr 22, 2017: The long tail…

Apr 22, 2017: Seth Godin on being unpopular…

Apr 22, 2017: I ♥️GC…

Apr 22, 2017: Ant &amp; Jess are awesome! #marriedbyjosh at Eco Studio Fellini on the Gold Coast this afternoon 🤘🏼……

Apr 22, 2017: Welcome to the Unpopularist…

Apr 22, 2017: World changing awesome idea: hash browns in the @Qantas Club for brekky. How can we make this happen? Will retweets alone be enough?

Apr 22, 2017: What your email address looks like…

Apr 21, 2017: Rebecca and Simon #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 21, 2017: How lucky am I to do this thing I do with the coolest people all over the globe. Thanks for having us, Canberra!…

Apr 21, 2017: August 10 // if you would like to elope in New Zealand with the @elopementcollective we’ve got a day free around Q…… …

Apr 21, 2017: Before your ceremony I let all your guests know how it is: no long faces, this is the best part of the day, please clap, cheer &amp; scream! …

Apr 21, 2017: Owen &amp; Kate #marriedbyjosh at our Canberra Pop-Up Wedding event today at Fitters Workshop #popupwedding #canberrap…… …

Apr 21, 2017: Pip &amp; Nigel #marriedbyjosh at our Canberra Pop-Up Wedding event today at Fitters Workshop #popupwedding #canberrap…… …

Apr 21, 2017: Bec &amp; Sam #marriedbyjosh at our Canberra Pop-Up Wedding event today at Fitters Workshop #popupwedding #canberrapop…… …

Apr 21, 2017: Lauren &amp; Samantha #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 21, 2017: Glen &amp; Kylie #marriedbyjosh at our Canberra Pop-Up Wedding event today at Fitters Workshop #popupwedding #canberra…… …

Apr 21, 2017: I’d aim to have zero “guests” at your wedding but as many witnesses as required. For such an intimate occasion guests can stay at …

Apr 21, 2017: Brett &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh at our Canberra Pop-Up Wedding event today at Fitters Workshop #popupwedding #canber…… …

Apr 21, 2017: Did you see us in the Collective Hub magazine?!…

Apr 20, 2017: Could I have a gin &amp; tonic please? Yes, but you’ll need to make it yourself.…

Apr 20, 2017: Do you have any whiskey?…

Apr 20, 2017: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Morgan Roberts on Mount Tamborine…

Apr 20, 2017: Sitting in front of a blank page trying to write vows? Here’s some questions to ask yourself…

Apr 20, 2017: Magic // Alyse &amp; Jay in paradise #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective @crimsonweddingflowers &amp; @heartandco… …

Apr 19, 2017: The wedding tax, and how to avoid it……

Apr 19, 2017: Why are people getting married? @katherinefeeney &amp; @ErinWilling9 asked me on the @9HoneyAU Sweet Spot podcast…

Apr 19, 2017: Put your hands up if you’re planning on Snapchatting Fraser and Caitlyn’s wedding ceremony 🤳🏻 no need, Col Hockey’s on the job today …

Apr 19, 2017: Finally got my shit together…

Apr 19, 2017: Lake Hayes…

Apr 18, 2017: In a world, where there is so much noise, a newsmaking hero emerges…

Apr 18, 2017: The iPhone takes an ok photo these days . . . . . #purenewzealand #queenstownnz #destinationnz #discover_newzealand #capturenz #queenstown… …

Apr 18, 2017: Here’s a pretty sweet idea we baked up…

Apr 18, 2017: Jay &amp; Alyse eloped!……

Apr 18, 2017: In a world, where there is so much noise, a newsmaking hero emerges…

Apr 17, 2017: Thinking about wedding creation differently -…

Apr 17, 2017: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to say something fresh, to do something new, to not just say things the…… …

Apr 17, 2017: Brides, throwing cats … that’s right…

Apr 17, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 In a world, where there is so much noise, a newsmaking hero emerges…

Apr 17, 2017: Mount Cook…

Apr 17, 2017: It’s far too early for adventuring 🇳🇿 GC✈️Queenstown

Apr 16, 2017: Wedding mistakes you didn’t know existed -…

Apr 16, 2017: Which flowers should I get Britt? I know NOTHING about flowers!

Apr 16, 2017: Thanks, sugar…

Apr 16, 2017: 16 for 2016 -…

Apr 15, 2017: Britt was interviewed by The Wellbeing Collective!…

Apr 15, 2017: The five people you want at your wedding to make it awesome!…

Apr 15, 2017: Gather round people let me tell you a story, a two year long story of power and pride. Australian Lord Harland and…… …

Apr 15, 2017: 2017 weddings by the numbers -…

Apr 15, 2017: 1 of my secrets on how I speak at weddings w/o a script &amp; why there’s always a @FieldNotesBrand notepad in my pocket …

Apr 15, 2017: The one simple thing you can do to make your wedding speech awesome -…

Apr 14, 2017: Even the world’s richest and biggest computer company prints it’s photos -…

Apr 14, 2017: Kailah promised to always support Qld in the #StateOfOrigin - we talk about important things in your wedding ceremony 📷 Evernew Studio …

Apr 14, 2017: With so many people going to church today, Maddie thought she’d marry one: Jack. Jack Church. Me &amp; Mrs Church #ma… …

Apr 14, 2017: A list of ideas for what to do when you get to the end of the ceremony…

Apr 14, 2017: “I can’t thank you enough for a perfect day, you absolutely nailed it. Perfect, perfect, perfect!” That’s the kind… …

Apr 14, 2017: Screen time &lt; face time.

Apr 14, 2017: Lazy #aggiewithers . . . . . #cats_of_instagram #catstagram #cutecat #instacat #catlove #kitten #meow #katze #catlover #catwalk #catofthed… …

Apr 14, 2017: A little blog interview where I say controversial things to wedding DJs :)…

Apr 13, 2017: Questions you can ask yourself to help you write amazing wedding vows…

Apr 13, 2017: I’m never going to play Wedding Police and tell you how to get married the right way, but I think that if your cer…… …

Apr 13, 2017: Creative ways to finance your wedding -…

Apr 13, 2017: Clint and Kasey #marriedbyjosh with Mount Warning behind us, a small handful of family in front of us, and two oth…… …

Apr 13, 2017: Two people saying “we want to leave a mark on this world, we want to leave a legacy, and we want to do that togeth…… …

Apr 13, 2017: Litt up…

Apr 12, 2017: Me on the Today Show!…

Apr 12, 2017: When you cross the line a winner 🥇Caitlin and Tim #marriedbyjosh 📷 by Finch &amp; Oak…

Apr 12, 2017: I’m at Canberra’s Qantas Club if anyone else is sitting here trying to avoid working like I am?

Apr 12, 2017: Alex &amp; Danielle eloped to Canberra without any witnesses, however, to get legally married in Oz you need two, so n…… …

Apr 12, 2017: We’re at the Pialligo Redwood Forest…

Apr 12, 2017: I need a second witness to a marriage ceremony in Canberra right now. Anyone out and about in the capital with 5 min spare?

Apr 12, 2017: … but secretly delivering it to the fridge where I’ll have no choice but to eat it because it’s already there.

Apr 12, 2017: I hope everyone respects my religion this weekend by not giving me halal-certified chocolate to my face …

Apr 12, 2017: Hi, democracy…

Apr 12, 2017: .@typeform So I’m inclined to think that @amaysimAU aren’t going to have anyone to win the phone…

Apr 12, 2017: But the @typeform “entry page” doesn’t actually collect any personal data…

Apr 12, 2017: They have registered the competition…

Apr 12, 2017: Anyone able to be at Amaysim’s offices at 2pm on the 27th of April to see if there’s an actual draw for their NBN competition?

Apr 12, 2017: Actually not a terrible plan……

Apr 12, 2017: A forgotten expense of Taskforce Maxima was the digitisation of the QLD BDM. The funds for taking the BDM online were reassigned. …

Apr 12, 2017: ✈️ Canberra

Apr 11, 2017: Believe it or not, wedding ceremonies can be fun…

Apr 11, 2017: Yo @OxfamAustralia your unsubscribe links don’t unsubscribe me. This is kind of against the law.…

Apr 11, 2017: Rob and Each #marriedbyjosh with white+white in Brisbane!…

Apr 11, 2017: Warm moonlight over my horizon, she’s a slice of heaven…

Apr 11, 2017: Her love shines over my horizon, she’s a slice of heaven…

Apr 11, 2017: Hot tip: when you’re throwing petals at a couple walking down the aisle, don’t throw them AT them, throw them in t…… …

Apr 11, 2017: What do I do? I’m your cheerleader in the marriage ceremony, leading your tribe in a massive round of applause bec…… …

Apr 11, 2017: Longest wedding ceremony ever, we started it on a Wednesday in Carlton before Jess' brother was deployed in Janua…… …

Apr 11, 2017: Next time I fly @united I’m taking a can of @pepsi to give to the staff

Apr 11, 2017: Instead of getting free nuts onboard a @United flight, you simply are nuts for boarding a @United flight.

Apr 11, 2017: Join the @united frequent fighters club today to start earning points now!

Apr 11, 2017: “Sir, you’re actually three feelings over for your fare, it looks like you’re still holding on to that time we beat you up.”

Apr 11, 2017: After this United incident are airlines going to have to start offering emotional baggage allowances?

Apr 10, 2017: I once said ‘Cocks’ on air, instead of ‘Clocks’, the Coldplay song…

Apr 10, 2017: Scott and Kirsten #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 10, 2017: Selfie: the photo that looks awesome even if it’s terrible! 📷 @justforlovephotography 🍔 @churburgerbrisbane… …

Apr 10, 2017: “It’s everyday that you stun me with your beauty, laughter, your fiery passion and just simply being you” - Mitch just loving Laura …

Apr 10, 2017: ♥️GC…

Apr 10, 2017: I believe the marriage ceremony is the best part of any wedding or elopement Darren &amp; Nikki #marriedbyjosh in Tas…… …

Apr 10, 2017: Mobile phones off the bedside table, and for the first time in over a decade, an alarm clock comes in…

Apr 9, 2017: How to create vows that wow (the most cliche thing I’ve said in a while)…

Apr 9, 2017: We just surprised everyone at Scott and Clare’s rooftop engagement party with a wedding. Surprise weddings are the…… …

Apr 9, 2017: Marriage Amnesty day 2016 in photos -…

Apr 9, 2017: Anthony and I dressed almost exactly the same. Don’t worry, Sam knew who to kiss. Sam &amp; Anthony #marriedbyjosh on… …

Apr 8, 2017: Gavin &amp; Natasha #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 8, 2017: Lauren &amp; Andrew #marriedbyjosh today at my local, @hitchedattheboomerangfarm with @paulbamford 🤘🏼 #goldcoastcelebr…… …

Apr 8, 2017: How [I think] driverless cars will positively impact marriages…

Apr 8, 2017: In the future we’ll trade in AFs…

Apr 8, 2017: In the future we’ll trade in AFs…

Apr 8, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 In the future we’ll trade in AFs…

Apr 8, 2017: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective…

Apr 7, 2017: A notice of your intended same-sex marriage … a form that means nothing and everything at the same time…

Apr 7, 2017: “Thank you again so much for giving us the awesome wedding! It was fun, meaningful and very ‘us’” - Pearly &amp; Brantly …

Apr 7, 2017: Stuck on your wedding vows - here’s some examples of really boring vows…

Apr 7, 2017: Have you considered ditching the seating plan? Place a sign saying ‘Sit where you’d like"

Apr 7, 2017: Answering all the questions: does a marriage need to be consummated? Also helpful if you don’t know what that means…

Apr 6, 2017: How much does an Australian wedding cost?…

Apr 6, 2017: How my complainants bless me…

Apr 6, 2017: If you think about it, we’re all Kendall Jenner and our memes are cans of Pepsi

Apr 5, 2017: If you follow the flock ……

Apr 5, 2017: A&amp;J eloped in secret, so here’s J’s florals by She’s A Wildflower instead of a photo of them 🌺🎉😁💯…

Apr 5, 2017: There is no union more profound than marriage, and Sam and Anthony just created one on the shores of Lake Wakatipu!… …

Apr 5, 2017:…

Apr 5, 2017: Wanaka last night 🌫…

Apr 4, 2017: How do we end?…

Apr 4, 2017: Career defining moment, from today. Ana &amp; Lauren, thank you for inviting me into your world you beautiful humans.…

Apr 4, 2017: Chelsea &amp; Shawn #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 4, 2017: I did that thing you do when you do a thing like this…

Apr 4, 2017: Ana &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh on top of a freaking mountain, Roys Peak, near Wanaka. This is the new career highligh…… …

Apr 4, 2017: Ana &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh on top of a freaking mountain, Roys Peak, near Wanaka. This is the new career highligh…… …

Apr 4, 2017: 🇳🇿…

Apr 4, 2017: Queensbury…

Apr 4, 2017: How do we end?…

Apr 3, 2017: Say no…

Apr 3, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 How do we end?…

Apr 3, 2017: I just published “How do we end?”…

Apr 3, 2017: “Love is better than no love, though it can hurt so much.” - Iris Murdoch

Apr 3, 2017: That face when you just eloped in New Zealand! Sam &amp; Carly #marriedbyjosh in Arrowtown with the @elopementcollecti…… …

Apr 3, 2017: real life emoji 🌄…

Apr 3, 2017: . . . . . #instagramaviation #ptk_vehicles #instaplane #airplane54 #instaaviation #aviationlife #megaplane #planephotography #aviationphot… …

Apr 3, 2017: I ♥️ QT . . . . . #naturephoto #watchthisinstagood #artofvisuals #awesome_earthpix #landscape_captures #rsa_rural #natureaddict #nature_wi… …

Apr 3, 2017: Good morning, Queenstown!…

Apr 2, 2017: Either I don’t know how to buy a car, or the car industry doesn’t know how to sell me one…

Apr 2, 2017: What’s your favourite thing about the person you’re marrying?

Apr 2, 2017: The last time we were in New Zealand I explained to Stephen &amp; Natasha how excited I was to be in the snow for a ma…… …

Apr 2, 2017: I’m in so much debt…

Apr 2, 2017: New Zealand bound today with the @elopementcollective and @laurencampbell today! The last time i worked with Laure…… …

Apr 1, 2017: Just send the email…

Apr 1, 2017: Star ratings suck…

Apr 1, 2017: Dara &amp; Suze saucily #marriedbyjosh with @jamesdayweddings &amp; @bigdayof #sydneywedding #sydneycelebrant #celebrant #… …

Apr 1, 2017: They might not get the joke…

Apr 1, 2017: #thegrounds, the most Instagrammable place in all the cosmos…

Apr 1, 2017: We already know we screwed up…

Apr 1, 2017: Chinderah this morning…

Apr 1, 2017: QLD Flood warning issued at 5:22am EST | Issued: Saturday at 5:22am ESTDescription: Flood warningSummary: Final Fl……

Apr 1, 2017: Either I don’t know how to buy a car, or the car industry doesn’t know how to sell me one…

Apr 1, 2017: As of today, 1/4/17, all of my marriage ceremonies will be in French to increase the sexiness of my weddings. À p…… …

Apr 1, 2017: À partir d’aujourd’hui, le 1/4/17, toutes mes cérémonies de mariage seront en français pour augmenter la sensualité de mes mariages.

Apr 1, 2017: As of today, 1/4/17, all of my marriage ceremonies will be in French to increase the sexiness of my weddings.

Mar 31, 2017: The reality is that everyone has different realities…

Mar 31, 2017: Tap and slide to experience Carly &amp; Jon’s elopement! They eloped on Monday in Byron Bay at Newrybar’s @harvestnew… …

Mar 31, 2017: QLD Flood warning issued at 5:58pm EST | Issued: Friday at 5:58pm ESTDescription: Flood warningSummary: Major Floo……

Mar 31, 2017: Tap and slide to experience Carly &amp; Jon’s elopement! They eloped on Monday in Byron Bay at Newrybar’s @harvestnew… …

Mar 31, 2017: “No one else will have the same wedding as us as you made it an original!” - Courtney &amp; Shaun…

Mar 31, 2017: Looking in all the right places…

Mar 31, 2017: Debbie does marriage…

Mar 31, 2017: Shout out number two to @trevorlong in today’s piece on @unpopularist……

Mar 31, 2017: “Either I don’t know how to buy a car, or the car industry doesn’t know how to sell me one” — @JoshuaWithers… …

Mar 31, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Either I don’t know how to buy a car, or the car industry doesn’t know how to sell me one…

Mar 31, 2017: I just published “Either I don’t know how to buy a car, or the car industry doesn’t know how to sell me one”…

Mar 31, 2017: Crazy/awesome idea: Sunrise ceremony, brunch party. Sunset drinks with just the two of you.

Mar 31, 2017: Answering the question “Which side do I stand on?”…

Mar 30, 2017: If you loved the move, you can steal the vows!…

Mar 30, 2017: No flood, storm, cyclone, or drop of rain could stop us because our “wet weather backup” was also our #popupweddin…… …

Mar 30, 2017: If you want to go right back to basics, here’s the bare minimum required for a marriage ceremony in Australia…

Mar 30, 2017: Adam &amp; Kendra just exchanged the most amazing vows at the #brisbanepopupwedding in the middle of the floods and po…… …

Mar 30, 2017: They arrived together, walked in together, and got married together. That’s how you do it! Shannon &amp; Kenneth #marr… …

Mar 30, 2017: Keziah made the most powerful vow to Jared today. The vow to wait until he could save his game. Then we all took a…… …

Mar 30, 2017: QLD Severe weather advice issued at 10:50am EST | Issued: Thursday at 10:50am ESTDescription: Severe weather advic……

Mar 30, 2017: Despite the flash flooding, Martin &amp; Morgan just wed at the #brisbanepopupweddjng at @lightspacebrisbane with @elo…… …

Mar 30, 2017: How my complainants bless me…

Mar 29, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 How my complainants bless me…

Mar 29, 2017: “How my complainants bless me” — @JoshuaWithers……

Mar 29, 2017: I just published “How my complainants bless me”…

Mar 29, 2017: My tips on how to be the best wedding reception MC - tag your MC in this one…

Mar 29, 2017: “I always thought I hated weddings, but I just hated how everyone else did it” Eric &amp; Rachel #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 29, 2017: QLD Flood warning issued at 12:30pm EST | Issued: Wednesday at 12:30pm ESTDescription: Flood warningSummary: Flood……

Mar 28, 2017: You ok over there mate? 🐈 #steviewithers…

Mar 28, 2017: I got to brainstorming and wrote down some crazy wedding ideas…

Mar 28, 2017: Danni and Rich #marriedbyjosh in Oregon and featured by White Magazine!…

Mar 28, 2017: A good marriage celebrant starts the party on a high note, and fades into the background a………

Mar 27, 2017: ““When we first saw Josh, it was at a wedding expo. We were drawn to his outgoing nature, ………

Mar 27, 2017: If you follow the flock ……

Mar 27, 2017: A good marriage ceremony is me, you, a couple of friends having a chat about marriage 🙌🏻 B………

Mar 27, 2017: Adrian + Elizabeth #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Finch and Oak photography…

Mar 27, 2017: You’ve got to click and scroll, but I did this with @hellobrittanyjane (what @thegraygang ………

Mar 27, 2017: Carly &amp; Jon eloped to Byron Bay! #marriedbyjosh #elopementcollective #elopement #byronbayc………

Mar 27, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 If you follow the flock ……

Mar 26, 2017: Stuck for songs for your wedding? Here’s as massive list…

Mar 26, 2017: “Josh is the absolute best of the best when it comes to celebrants. We love him so much th………

Mar 26, 2017: I’m open to blog post ideas - anything you’d like help with that I could write about?

Mar 26, 2017: Breakfast with old friends ☕️🍳…

Mar 26, 2017: Why marry? (or, what are the legal ties of marriage?) -…

Mar 26, 2017: “Josh went above and beyond to make our wedding day extra special. He took the time to get………

Mar 25, 2017: What is it like to hire Josh Withers?…

Mar 25, 2017: Saturday in Brisbane…

Mar 25, 2017: What’s left over -…

Mar 25, 2017: Rob promised to not get angry if Amanda brings more animals home. Amanda promised to try n………

Mar 25, 2017: Say no…

Mar 25, 2017: No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidel………

Mar 25, 2017: The gift that keeps giving… -…

Mar 25, 2017: Say no…

Mar 24, 2017:…

Mar 24, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Say no…

Mar 24, 2017: An issue with “Say ‘I do’ Down Under” -…

Mar 24, 2017: Oh hey West Australia!…

Mar 24, 2017: Real // authentic // true // marriage ceremonies by mwah. Danni &amp; Rich #marriedbyjosh wit………

Mar 24, 2017: “We are so thankful for you kind words &amp; wisdom during our ceremony” Russell + Brianna #marriedbyjosh 📷 We Are Twine …

Mar 24, 2017: The marriage ceremony: the best part of any wedding, elopement (or even a surprise engagem………

Mar 24, 2017: Where there’s a will there’s a pun about getting a will -…

Mar 24, 2017: Choosing music for your wedding tip: Good music acts as a guide to good living. Let your wedding music be the soundtrack to your marriage.

Mar 24, 2017: Star ratings suck…

Mar 24, 2017: My favourite iOS app has been bought by Apple and is now a free app!…

Mar 23, 2017: “The ‘0 to 1 Trap’ and Seven Other things I learned from Peter Thiel” — @farnamstreet……

Mar 23, 2017: I’m in so much debt…

Mar 23, 2017: A ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review from Nikki and Darren, a million thanks you two! It was so amazing to ………

Mar 23, 2017: Just send the email…

Mar 23, 2017: 💼 My favourite iOS app has been bought by Apple and is now a free app! 📰…

Mar 23, 2017: I’m in so much debt…

Mar 23, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 I’m in so much debt…

Mar 23, 2017: Just send the email…

Mar 22, 2017: Goodnight, Lancelin…

Mar 22, 2017: They might not get the joke…

Mar 22, 2017: Corey &amp; Iana told us they wanted to elope on a different kind of beach. So we took them al………

Mar 22, 2017: Quite literally, his father. Ryan (and Meika) #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Apple Photography 🏠 Glengariff Historic Estate…

Mar 22, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Just send the email…

Mar 22, 2017: Star ratings suck…

Mar 21, 2017: When it’s ok to send me that email…

Mar 21, 2017: Ebony &amp; Jake #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Morgan Roberts!…

Mar 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Star ratings suck…

Mar 21, 2017: They might not get the joke…

Mar 21, 2017: A sneak peek at Ebony and Jake’s wedding vows…

Mar 20, 2017: Ian and Irene #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 20, 2017: “Josh was the first thing I booked, I needed to make sure I had him” Jamie + Di #marriedbyjosh 📷 Life, Love &amp; Light …

Mar 20, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 They might not get the joke…

Mar 20, 2017: New wedding TV show idea: Crossing Over with Josh Withers. Love a good 90’s TV reference.………

Mar 20, 2017: On Saturday Ward &amp; Kirsty wanted a marriage but not a wedding, so we booked a table at @cu………

Mar 19, 2017: Can wedding dresses stop being a thing?…

Mar 19, 2017: Ward and Kirsty wanted to get married but they didn’t want a wedding, so we had lunch at @………

Mar 19, 2017: Where did you meet your bride/groom/husband/wife?

Mar 19, 2017: Next week I’m joining some super smart people at the @eventmanagersnetwork event for wedding &amp; industry people in m… …

Mar 19, 2017: Weddings: not as important as marriages!…

Mar 18, 2017: Ann &amp; Alex asked me to not only be the voice of their ceremony, but their whole day. The ………

Mar 18, 2017: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Mar 18, 2017: Tara and Will #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 18, 2017: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 18, 2017: Secret Brisbane River elopement! #brisbanecelebrant……

Mar 18, 2017: This week’s @unpopularist #podcast is me + @JamesCridland talking about the business of being a futurologist… #trypod

Mar 18, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 Episode 7: Meet an Unpopular Futurologist, James Cridland…

Mar 18, 2017: Social media is just a slang term for the current state of the internet…

Mar 18, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 7: Meet an Unpopular Futurologist, James Cridland 🎧…

Mar 18, 2017: Cash is an old person’s way of paying…

Mar 17, 2017: I want this just because…

Mar 17, 2017: Jade + Lewis #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Michael Briggs Photography!…

Mar 17, 2017: I know how hard it can be…

Mar 17, 2017: Collaborating on a styled shoot with @lyndalcarmichaelphotography @ivyandbleuevents @petal………

Mar 17, 2017: The world doesn’t need another Facebook Group…

Mar 17, 2017: Another day, another airport…

Mar 17, 2017: “Nothing awakens us to the reality of life so much as true love” - Vincent Van Gogh

Mar 17, 2017: Australia - what a place to marry! This is Kieran and Steph, two legends that chose Uluru ………

Mar 17, 2017: 💼 Cash is an old person’s way of paying 📰…

Mar 17, 2017: We already know we screwed up…

Mar 17, 2017: Social media is just a slang term for the current state of the internet…

Mar 16, 2017: Such an amazing day on the east coast of Tasmania on Tuesday! Darren &amp; Nikki became husban………

Mar 16, 2017: The reality is that everyone has different realities…

Mar 16, 2017: Looking in all the right places…

Mar 16, 2017: 💼 The world doesn’t need another Facebook Group 📰…

Mar 16, 2017: An introduction to Zapier…

Mar 16, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 We already know we screwed up…

Mar 16, 2017: Table next to me is a job interview, grade nine girl interviewing for a job at the cafe … I remember being way more scared than this girl

Mar 16, 2017: 💼 How to download images to share (or: How to stop screenshotting photos for ‘gramming) 📰…

Mar 15, 2017: Sing us a song, you’re the Piano Man…

Mar 15, 2017: “Josh made our ceremony a fun part of the day, rather than necessary” Layton &amp; Laura #marriedbyjosh 📷 James Day …

Mar 15, 2017: Bonus: I know the safety demo word for word now

Mar 15, 2017: Not feeling very woke // flight 3/3 for today, take me home to the Gold Coast, QF

Mar 15, 2017: Baby busted me creepin…

Mar 15, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The reality is that everyone has different realities…

Mar 15, 2017: The best part about watching #maddow on Periscope is listening to the broadcaster’s comments…

Mar 15, 2017: If you’ve got some news you need to release, you’ve got about 10 minutes to get that press release drafted 9pm NYC and the world collapses

Mar 15, 2017: This is hilarious! @elonmusk as the Simpson’s monorail salesman!…

Mar 15, 2017: Mere minutes until the world get’s to see Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure Twitter’s gearing up the fail-whale

Mar 15, 2017: Silly ppl…

Mar 14, 2017: Pretended to be a wedding photographer today…

Mar 14, 2017: We’re paid to give a ……

Mar 14, 2017: Courtney &amp; Andy #marriedbyjosh and featured in White Magazine! #lovemywhitemag…

Mar 14, 2017: In Nikki’s vows: “I’m so glad I extended the age range (on #Tinder) and swiped right on yo…… …

Mar 14, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Looking in all the right places…

Mar 14, 2017: Honeymoon Beach…

Mar 13, 2017: My kind of post office…

Mar 13, 2017: Decision making…

Mar 13, 2017: “It’s so refreshing to find a celebrant that doesn’t talk in hushed calming tones” Danielle + Lindsay #marriedbyjosh …

Mar 13, 2017: How we used to ‘gram, back in the good ol’ days…

Mar 13, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Sing us a song, you’re the Piano Man…

Mar 13, 2017: Vanessa &amp; Hugo #marriedbyjosh photographed by @thebowphoto! “Everything Josh does is seaml…… …

Mar 12, 2017: 💼 My greatest temptation, and why it should be yours 📰…

Mar 12, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Decision making…

Mar 12, 2017: Talking about bridezillas…

Mar 12, 2017: Up above the…

Mar 12, 2017: Bali’s a pretty awesome place to get married - if it’s on your list, check this out…

Mar 12, 2017: TFW the steaks are high 🐮👰🏼 Brittany &amp; Sean #marriedbyjosh with a herd of cows, the @elope………

Mar 12, 2017: ☮️✡️💟⚛️…

Mar 12, 2017: Excited to be back in Far North Queensland a few times this year! This is Nina &amp; Gavin #ma………

Mar 12, 2017: Confession: I have a playlist called ‘Great song’ that only has Dave Dobbyn’s Slice of Heaven on it. I’m cultured like that.

Mar 12, 2017: #urbex #streetshared #aov #weekly_feature #createexploretakeover #shotzdelight #mkexplore #gearednomad #rsa_streetv……

Mar 12, 2017: Unpopular businesses are fuelled by strong opinion…

Mar 11, 2017: Unpopular by profession…

Mar 11, 2017: Where does your learning happen?…

Mar 11, 2017: Longest #marriageceremony ever! I started marrying Jess and Connor on January 4 in Melbour………

Mar 11, 2017: Terms and conditions apply…

Mar 11, 2017: Courtney &amp; Andy’s wedding is featured on the #WhiteMagazine blog today! “You were absolute…… …

Mar 11, 2017: Facebook Live video opinion polls are dead…

Mar 10, 2017: Taxi drivers can’t see the automation forest through the Uber trees…

Mar 10, 2017: Adrian &amp; Katie 🎤 #marriedbyjosh 🎉 The Elopement Collective 📷 Finch &amp; Oak 🏠 Summergrove Estate…

Mar 10, 2017: I’m launching the Unpopular Business Workshop…

Mar 10, 2017: Step 1: Put effort into your marriage. Step 2: Enjoy your marriage. Step 3: Go to step 1.

Mar 10, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Where does your learning happen?…

Mar 10, 2017: #aggiewithers…

Mar 10, 2017: “If you’re not paying for something online, you’re the product being sold”…

Mar 10, 2017: #teniellegetsold…

Mar 10, 2017: Instead of a wedding rehearsal, I’ll come out and greet you at your wedding and make sure ………

Mar 9, 2017: You can only charge what you’re worth…

Mar 9, 2017: The benefit of a plan…

Mar 9, 2017: I said “if anyone has any objections to Britt &amp; Sean’s marriage, please come forward” and then this happened. A kin… …

Mar 9, 2017: Mid-ceremony a kine of cows joined a handful of family to witness Brittany &amp; Sean exchange………

Mar 9, 2017: Why doesn’t everyone get married in the Gold Coast Hinterland? Seriously?! This is Tilly &amp;…… …

Mar 9, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Terms and conditions apply…

Mar 9, 2017: #aggiewithers…

Mar 9, 2017: The simplest way you can begin your #marriageceremony calm and empowered? Walk in together………

Mar 8, 2017: The convert is more passionate…

Mar 8, 2017: Because I’m Happy! Ricky &amp; Amy rockin the aisle with Pharrell #marriedbyjosh 📷Ethereal Photography 🏠Flaxton Gardens …

Mar 8, 2017: I’m surrounded by so many spectacular woman, I’m even married to one - and as much as ever………

Mar 8, 2017: I think @GlennontheGC mistook me as a talent scout for one of a weekend TV show showcasing local hotspots. Also, Mudgeeraba isn’t terrible.

Mar 8, 2017: Because webcam hacking fear got to me…

Mar 8, 2017: RECORD SCRATCH FREEZE FRAME “Yup. That’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation.”…

Mar 8, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 “If you’re not paying for something online, you’re the product being sold”…

Mar 8, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 You can only charge what you’re worth…

Mar 7, 2017: When laws and regulations block your path…

Mar 7, 2017: Georgie and Simon #marriedbyjosh and filmed by Matt Barwick Films in Brisbane!…

Mar 7, 2017: Tilly &amp; Connor came to Australia from the UK to get married but I couldn’t let them leave …… …

Mar 7, 2017: Every day I dream of these donuts, @thecommonsmith @michaelbriggsphotography…

Mar 7, 2017: Don’t be surprised when you see me admitted to rehab for my inbox zero addiction.

Mar 7, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The benefit of a plan…

Mar 6, 2017: Should the ‘failing media’ fight or flight?…

Mar 6, 2017: TFW you have @shortstopmelbourne donuts after the #marriageceremony #notasponsoredpost #bu………

Mar 6, 2017: “Josh encapsulated our philosophy to a T, we could tell that he really paid attention” Jess &amp; Ben #marriedbyjosh …

Mar 6, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 Episode 6: The Unpopular creative, Tess McCabe…

Mar 6, 2017: The word ‘wedding’ flared up Irene’s anxiety like oil to a flame. So we said, let’s scrap …… …

Mar 6, 2017: 💼 Podcast Episode 6: The Unpopular creative, Tess McCabe 📰…

Mar 6, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 6: The Unpopular creative, Tess McCabe 🎧…

Mar 6, 2017: Hell. No.…

Mar 6, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The convert is more passionate…

Mar 6, 2017: A kid three rows up just screamed “I need a nap!!” We all dude little bro, we all do. SYD ✈️ OOL

Mar 6, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Should the ‘failing media’ fight or flight?…

Mar 6, 2017: If you zoom right in on my face you can see it crystallising in the below zero temps. Hash………

Mar 6, 2017: Voicemail message: “Hi, it’s James, I’m out doing all the things you’re dreaming about doing so leave a message” …

Mar 6, 2017: Dropbox begins alienating pro users, but renaming Pro to Plus. I trust this means at sometime I need to hire staff or change to @BoxHQ?

Mar 6, 2017: I’m with @PaulineHansonOz, hearing only @shakira on the radio would suck.

Mar 6, 2017: I like the talent vending machine idea. It delivers a real sense of worth and value /s…

Mar 6, 2017: Meg and Shane dressed how they wanted, arrived to their ceremony together, without a brida………

Mar 5, 2017: Including, or excluding, the new expenses of doing business…

Mar 5, 2017: Still alive #88evil

Mar 5, 2017: Just beeped at a guy who cut me off and then I read his number plate. This may be my last tweet.…

Mar 5, 2017: I answer the question on the WedVid talkshow “personal vows or Googled vows”…

Mar 5, 2017: Stralya…

Mar 5, 2017: Sydney 🌈 March 5, 2017…

Mar 5, 2017: Sydney…

Mar 5, 2017: We set fire to the rain and it went away for a few minutes so Wayne and Dianne could wed i………

Mar 5, 2017: #WeThePeople…

Mar 5, 2017: Hey @gravityforms and @stripe - when will we be able to #ApplePay with the two of you?

Mar 5, 2017: Everything we know about quitting is wrong (and happy birthday Ori)…

Mar 4, 2017: When you say nothing at all…

Mar 4, 2017: When was the last time you asked ‘why?’…

Mar 4, 2017: “ASS” – Elon Musk…

Mar 4, 2017: “We’re number one on Google”…

Mar 3, 2017: #brookeandjoshgetmarried #marriedbyjosh #celebrantselfie #letsonlyusehashtags #captionsare………

Mar 3, 2017: I’m not busy, but I understand priorities…

Mar 3, 2017: Weddings are for happiness 🎉Vikram and Jemma #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 3, 2017: #brookeandjoshgetmarried #marriedbyjosh #celebrantselfie #letsonlyusehashtags #captionsare………

Mar 3, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 “ASS” – Elon Musk…

Mar 3, 2017: Can I get a discount?…

Mar 3, 2017: 10 tips on dealing with the in-laws…

Mar 3, 2017: What if everything wasn’t about your price?…

Mar 2, 2017: Personal wedding vows trump any other personalisation you could do at a wedding or elopeme………

Mar 2, 2017: Let’s ‘bump the lamp’…

Mar 2, 2017: All awards are stupid…

Mar 2, 2017: My little #podcast with a really popular name just hit its first 1000 http requests for it………

Mar 2, 2017: ❤️ Warehouse Weddings with @jimmy_izophotography in Perth #perthcelebrant #perthwedding #p………

Mar 2, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Can I get a discount?…

Mar 1, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 Episode 5: Holt me, thrill me, kill me, meet the Unpopular Director of Connections

Mar 1, 2017: Have I ever told you about my mate Briggsy? He takes epic elopement shots like this one. J………

Mar 1, 2017: Come ‘ere you 🙏🏻 Eric &amp; Rachel #marriedbyjosh in a private elopement in Byron Bay with the…… …

Mar 1, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 5: Holt me, thrill me, kill me, meet the Unpopular Director of Connections 🎧…

Mar 1, 2017: 💼 Podcast Episode 5: Holt me, thrill me, kill me, meet the Unpopular Director of Connections 📰…

Mar 1, 2017: What are you measuring?…

Mar 1, 2017: Come ‘ere you 🙏🏻 Eric &amp; Rachel #marriedbyjosh in a private elopement in Byron Bay with the…… …

Mar 1, 2017: Felicity + Mark eloped! #marriedbyjosh 🏞 Wendy’s Secret Garden 📷 Emma Hampton 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Mar 1, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 What if everything wasn’t about your price?…

Mar 1, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Let’s ‘bump the lamp’…

Mar 1, 2017: Megan’s pumped! #JointAddress

Mar 1, 2017: This would be a great time to drop a press release you wanted no-one to read #jointsessions

Mar 1, 2017: Airpods in, angry face read, let’s #jointsession

Mar 1, 2017: Bali 🏝 Wedding 👰🏼 Questions answered: Q) Can we get legally married in Bali? A) Yes, but………

Mar 1, 2017: Sooo, @kissmeyoufool_dilhari - do you guys even celebrate your first wedding anniversary t………

Feb 28, 2017: I just saw @pheeeel24 post a romantic post about a bottle of scotch and my mind went right………

Feb 28, 2017: Thinking is the hardest work…

Feb 28, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 All awards are stupid…

Feb 28, 2017: Watch Sarah and Wez’s elopement film…

Feb 28, 2017: 💼 1-click creation of voicemails with Workflow 📰…

Feb 28, 2017: Nothing I ever say at your wedding will be as good as what you say to each other in your v………

Feb 28, 2017: I just uploaded “Two tap recording of a voicemail into Dropbox” to #Vimeo:…

Feb 28, 2017: Aggie hears her name in a Facebook video from @bekgrace_ of Sharli screaming “AGGIE!” #aggiewithers…

Feb 28, 2017: I really like the idea of all of the world leaders having a group chat where they all just share gifs and memes

Feb 28, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 What are you measuring?…

Feb 28, 2017: We’re super proud to see Shawn &amp; Chelsea’s Icelandic elopement all over the net today, tha…… …

Feb 27, 2017: My favourite Kiwi met my favourite person…

Feb 27, 2017: Can we say the same thing, but differently?…

Feb 27, 2017: Is it ok to like your own photo on Instagram? I just really like this photo. It’s Shawn + ………

Feb 27, 2017: “You made it more of a celebration than a formal event” - Kirsten &amp; Scott #marriedbyjosh 📷 Heart &amp; Colour …

Feb 27, 2017: Why I don’t mind that @trevorlong emails me… and why you should write emails that matter…

Feb 27, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Thinking is the hardest work…

Feb 27, 2017: Over on the @hellomaymagazine blog today is a little epic elopement in Iceland 🇮🇸 featurin………

Feb 27, 2017: I think the #ceremony should be the best, most fun, most meaningful, most enjoyable part o………

Feb 27, 2017: Beautiful one day, cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm, the next #palmbeach…

Feb 26, 2017: This week it’s forecasted rain all week … glad I saw a drop of sun today at #currumbin then 🏖…

Feb 26, 2017: The saddest things businesses say…

Feb 26, 2017: You might notice if you go back through my photos that’s you’ll never see me reading from ………

Feb 26, 2017: “Behind every complaint there is a deep personal longing” - John Gottman. What is your spouse longing for from you?

Feb 26, 2017: That time I made a marriage at a music festival 🎸……

Feb 26, 2017: Why does this exist?…

Feb 26, 2017: Omg…

Feb 25, 2017: My first automation…

Feb 25, 2017: Confused ring bearer……

Feb 25, 2017: Neil &amp; Vanessa just tried to surprise everyone with a wedding … but I think everyone alr………

Feb 25, 2017: Dilute or double down?…

Feb 25, 2017: Goodnight, Brisbane…

Feb 25, 2017: Kayla &amp; Kieran #marriedbyjosh at the @treasurycasino and now they’re 🗽 NYC bound for their…… …

Feb 25, 2017: A sign…

Feb 25, 2017: 4 years ago today I made a radio…

Feb 25, 2017: I was funny 2 years ago…

Feb 25, 2017: An easy thing every retail business should do on social on public holidays…

Feb 24, 2017: The amazing @tenistolt has been a great friend to me for over thirteen years, so I’m super proud to have sat in the……

Feb 24, 2017: Under who’s authority?…

Feb 24, 2017: Spending tonight with @uber_australia’s @tenistolt and their creative legends at @4040creative talking about #AllTh……

Feb 24, 2017: Selfie: the photo that looks awesome even if it’s terrible! 📷 Just For Love Photography 🍔 Chur Burger…

Feb 24, 2017: Dealing with failure…

Feb 24, 2017: Pro Marriage Tip: Perfection is impossible. Don’t aim for perfection in your marriage or home. Instead, aim for progress.

Feb 24, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Under who’s authority?…

Feb 24, 2017: Unpopular to change the date?…

Feb 23, 2017: The long tail…

Feb 23, 2017: Seth Godin on being unpopular…

Feb 23, 2017: I just earned the ‘Night Out’ badge on @untappd!…

Feb 23, 2017: Drinking a Hāpi Daze by @garage_project at @grillmeatsbeer —…

Feb 23, 2017: 💼 What if they don’t reply to my email? 📰…

Feb 23, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Dealing with failure…

Feb 22, 2017: Welcome to the Unpopularist…

Feb 22, 2017: Almost lost @philrogg down a crevice…

Feb 22, 2017: Explored the Paths of the Dead today, aka, the #PutangiruaPinnacles, a few hours outside of #Wellington #NewZealand…

Feb 22, 2017: Life changing beer. That should be New Zealand’s new slogan. - Drinking a BitterBitch by @ParrotDog -… #photo

Feb 22, 2017: Simone and Evan had riverside delight #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 22, 2017: 💼 Join the Unpopular Slack community 📰…

Feb 22, 2017: Things I should see while in Wellington, NZ?

Feb 22, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 When laws and regulations block your path…

Feb 22, 2017: 10kg of carry on luggage with a 7kg limit OOL✈️WEL hashtag gangstatravla hashtag jetstarlyf

Feb 22, 2017: Alex &amp; Jon eloped seconds from their home in Wollongong, at the peak of Mount Kiera - and ………

Feb 21, 2017: Whenever I have an early flight I summon the alarm clocks of travel past…

Feb 21, 2017: Tilly and Connor detoured off their Asian holiday from the UK to tie the knot on Australia………

Feb 21, 2017: What your email address looks like…

Feb 21, 2017: … and the bride wore, Grace Loves Lace…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Welcome to the Unpopularist…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The long tail…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Unpopular to change the date?…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 An easy thing every retail business should do on social on public holidays…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 A sign…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Dilute or double down?…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 My first automation…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The saddest things businesses say…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Why does this exist?…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Can we say the same thing, but differently?…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 “We’re number one on Google”…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 I’m not busy, but I understand priorities…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Everything we know about quitting is wrong (and happy birthday Ori)…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 When was the last time you asked ‘why?’…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 When you say nothing at all…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 What your email address looks like…

Feb 21, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Social media is just a slang term for the current state of the internet…

Feb 21, 2017: 💼 An introduction to Zapier 📰…

Feb 21, 2017: Three things on vows: 1️⃣ I don’t do ‘repeat after me’, I’d prefer you to read from a card…… …

Feb 20, 2017: Apparently we’re ending all jokes with the words ‘sad’ now. Sad!

Feb 20, 2017: Kirsten and Scott got casual at Casuarina…

Feb 20, 2017: Straya…

Feb 20, 2017: Connor &amp; Tilly, two Brits travelling Asia, decided to drop in on Australia to get #married………

Feb 20, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 I want this just because…

Feb 20, 2017: 💼 What is Facebook even for? 📰…

Feb 20, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 Episode 4: An Unpopular cup of Tea (Smith)…

Feb 20, 2017: 💼 Podcast Episode 4: An Unpopular cup of Tea (Smith) 📰…

Feb 20, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 4: An Unpopular cup of Tea (Smith) 🎧…

Feb 19, 2017: This is … it’s just … beautiful…

Feb 19, 2017: “Josh is just the best. We eloped a few weeks ago and it was perfect. Josh was fun, charmi………

Feb 19, 2017: Did you choose your wedding photographer based on price or photos?

Feb 19, 2017: SSL Check: scan your website for non-secure content…

Feb 19, 2017: I’m launching the Unpopular Business Workshop……

Feb 19, 2017: I just uploaded “Create a right-click and resize service on macOS” to #Vimeo:…

Feb 19, 2017: I tweeted about… purely to see my tweet on a business card - also, don’t be afraid to sign up for nerd emails

Feb 19, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 I know how hard it can be…

Feb 19, 2017: Marrying family! Aunty Sue &amp; Jon #marriedbyjosh with @paulbamford making photos……

Feb 19, 2017: I just uploaded “Introduction to Zapier!” to #Vimeo:…

Feb 19, 2017: 💼 Lifting your social game 📰…

Feb 19, 2017: “I promise to face every day as a new day – to fall in love with you all over again every ………

Feb 19, 2017: The Florida part brought me relief…

Feb 18, 2017: Rebecca and Simon #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 18, 2017: Wedding in a 🍔 shop! Why not? 📷 @justforlovephotography #brisbanecelebrant……

Feb 18, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 We’re paid to give a ……

Feb 18, 2017: 💼 Zero cost, quick, and easy way to accept credit card payments 📰…

Feb 18, 2017: ☑️ epic hill ☑️ epic view ☑️ Iceland ☑️ two feet and a heartbeat = elopement ceremony prep………

Feb 17, 2017: Full-time #celebrant, part-time Mortal Kombat coach. Rob &amp; Ambre #marriedbyjosh with swee………

Feb 17, 2017: Joel &amp; Liezl partied at Sirromet winery!…

Feb 17, 2017: 💼 Donald Trump is asking terrible questions, we need to ask better questions in our contact forms 📰…

Feb 17, 2017: Pro Marriage Tip: Never stop being curious about your spouse. There’s always more for you to learn about them.

Feb 17, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Talking about bridezillas…

Feb 16, 2017: Who exchanges vows first? A quick game of #paperscissorsrock to find out. Kim &amp; Ama #marr………

Feb 16, 2017: Lauren &amp; Samantha #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 16, 2017: 💼 Introduction to the Slippery Dip method of creating a customer journey 📰…

Feb 16, 2017: 💼 Setting up awesome keyboard shortcuts on your Mac and iOS devices 📰…

Feb 16, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Unpopular businesses are fuelled by strong opinion…

Feb 16, 2017: Will accidentally fell in love with a hippie from work, Sarah. The Peggs #marriedbyjosh 📷………

Feb 15, 2017: Notice how you can’t see me in this photo? That’s because I’m not a terrible celebrant tha…… …

Feb 15, 2017: “You’re so open about what you stand for, &amp; they come across in your wonderful ceremonies.” - Simone and Evan #marriedbyjosh …

Feb 15, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Unpopular by profession…

Feb 15, 2017: Trying to find flights to Bali for a wedding &amp; my schedule is super tight

Feb 15, 2017: Is there a tool to see which flights are arriving into an airport days/months in advance? Like a reverse flight tool?

Feb 15, 2017: As a stakeholder in @QueenslandRail, a QLD taxpayer, I vote the free wifi is shutdown - it’s a poor use of resources…

Feb 15, 2017: It took four minutes 😂 @QueenslandRail…

Feb 15, 2017: This is so true. Source: I’m a marriage celebrant.…

Feb 15, 2017: Every time I jump a @QueenslandRail train I’m reminded at their archaic view of wifi usage between Robina &amp; Bris…

Feb 14, 2017: “Look, you want to know what marriage is really like? Fine. You wake up, she’s there. You come back from work, she’……

Feb 14, 2017: 🎼 I can leavvveee, my clothes on 🎷 photo by @heartandcolour in the #bluemountains for the ………

Feb 14, 2017: Emma and Marcus #marriedbyjosh and made up by The Beauty Lineup 💅🏼…

Feb 14, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Facebook Live video opinion polls are dead…

Feb 14, 2017: Better together // Valentine’s Day Photo by our friends @lukeandmallory in Portland……

Feb 14, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Taxi drivers can’t see the automation forest through the Uber trees…

Feb 14, 2017: Yesterday (yes, a Monday) these two wed in secret overlooking Wollongong with the @elopeme………

Feb 13, 2017: Good wedding vows make the recipient feel // photo of Jake exchanging his vows with Ebony ………

Feb 13, 2017: When I grow up I want to be a punny Thai restaurant…

Feb 13, 2017: “Josh kicked off our special day by conducting the ceremony exactly as we described to him” - Joel + Liezl 📷 Hannah Blackmore Photography …

Feb 13, 2017: Goodnight, Wollongong…

Feb 13, 2017: It’s not a real elopement if there’s no ⚠️ Danger sign…

Feb 13, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 Episode 3: An Unpopular Day, James Day…

Feb 13, 2017: 💼 Podcast Episode 3: An Unpopular Day, James Day 📰…

Feb 13, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 3: An Unpopular Day, James Day 🎧…

Feb 13, 2017: Nice ride, Gunners…

Feb 13, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 What your email address looks like…

Feb 13, 2017: No, I am fake news…

Feb 13, 2017:……

Feb 13, 2017:…

Feb 12, 2017: Answering the question: Am I a priest?…

Feb 12, 2017: 💼 Email templates (often) suck 📰…

Feb 12, 2017: Hey Syd…

Feb 12, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Everything we know about quitting is wrong (and happy birthday Ori)…

Feb 11, 2017: Radio people/audio people/podcasters … you’ll want to spend this $1.90…

Feb 11, 2017: Lunar…

Feb 11, 2017: Did you see us in the Collective Hub magazine?!…

Feb 11, 2017: ☄️ Hot Smoko today 😱 38℃…

Feb 11, 2017: I wonder if @QuickBooks @QuickBooksAU thought about this hero image on their landing page?…

Feb 11, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 When was the last time you asked ‘why?’…

Feb 11, 2017: “You sponsored by Apple or something?” asks the barista, delivering a solid burn to the visiting marriage celebrant

Feb 10, 2017: Dam/n…

Feb 10, 2017: Goodnight, Albury/Wodonga…

Feb 10, 2017: Someone’s excited! 📷 Love Is a Place Photography ⛰ Midginbill Hill…

Feb 10, 2017: Every time I see an A380 I can’t help thinking what a big sexy frikkin plane it is.

Feb 10, 2017: Finally…

Feb 10, 2017: QantasLink Dash 8 that is supposed to take me from Sydney to Albury broke down on the runway … good thing I’m fl……

Feb 10, 2017: QantasLink Dash 8 that is supposed to take me from Sydney to Albury broke down on the runway … good thing I’m flying a day early :/

Feb 10, 2017: Srsly?

Feb 10, 2017: First America came for our non-existent President Trumble, then they came for our Koalas. Is this war yet?…

Feb 10, 2017: Subscribe to my audacious/awesome/exciting/well described wedding blog on your iPhone or iPad with Apple News at…

Feb 10, 2017: I smelt this smell on Wednesday, it’s a nice smell…

Feb 10, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 “We’re number on on Google”…

Feb 10, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 I’m not busy, but I understand priorities…

Feb 10, 2017: Up at 4:30am this morning to drop my little bro off at the airport, so I’m on a morning walk earlier than normal – ……

Feb 10, 2017: Wedding industry events: the only guy, at the back of the room, drinking…

Feb 9, 2017: Most wedding industry events. Me being the occasional guy 😆 📷 by………

Feb 9, 2017: Luna…

Feb 9, 2017: ❤️GC…

Feb 9, 2017: My two brothers, Emmett &amp; Zac, and my dad, Clint 😊…

Feb 9, 2017: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Morgan Roberts on Mount Tamborine…

Feb 9, 2017: We said goodbye to my grandpa today from his legacy, the Gold Coast Seaway…

Feb 9, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Can we say the same thing, but differently?…

Feb 9, 2017: 🌈 Beenleigh: the rainbow connection…

Feb 8, 2017: Andrew + Natalie #marriedbyjosh 📷 Finch &amp; Oak ⛳ Summergrove Estate 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Feb 8, 2017: 💼 See your website through someone else’s eyes 📰…

Feb 8, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The saddest things businesses say…

Feb 8, 2017: Brunch at @balconybyronbay’s launch of their new pre and post-wedding events 🍹 #byronbaywe………

Feb 7, 2017: Less Stuff // More Meaning…

Feb 7, 2017: Huge if true…

Feb 7, 2017: Huge if true…

Feb 7, 2017: So @warehouseno5 doesn’t do the cafe/coworker thing anymore apparently 🙁…

Feb 7, 2017: Not sure where I’m going, pissed that no provider can take responsibility for a $600 unwarranted/extra charge because of a group failure

Feb 7, 2017: It’s the perfect storm of responsibility - I’ve pursued every company for reimbursement

Feb 7, 2017: Really care that it cost me $600 to stay the night in the only hotel, and now @QBEaus don’t cover ‘taking an hour to get to the …

Feb 7, 2017: They delayed taxiiing to the gate for about an hour so I missed my connecting @airberlin flight. @qantas, @emirates and @airberlin don’t …

Feb 7, 2017: Travellers, can you offer any help? Last October my @Qantas ticketed @emirates flight landed on-time but @dusairport delayed taxiing for …

Feb 6, 2017: I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data…

Feb 6, 2017: When you sign your marriage paperwork with me, it’s all digital with an #ipadpro and an #a………

Feb 6, 2017: “Josh’s ability as a speaker is only surpassed by his ability as humorist” Melissa &amp; Chris #marriedbyjosh 📷 KCL …

Feb 6, 2017:…

Feb 6, 2017: How many cats you know roll like this? Not many. If any?…

Feb 5, 2017: “Without music, life would be a mistake” - Nietzsche Who’s playing the music at your wedding?

Feb 5, 2017: The groom’s brother roasts everyone bar his new sister-in-law. He’s not stupid. Photo by ………

Feb 5, 2017: After the turbulent week in Australian and American politics, Australians have had enough and we’re sending a diplo……

Feb 5, 2017: President of Australia, Malcolm Trumble…

Feb 4, 2017: Sitting in front of a blank page trying to write vows? Here’s some questions to ask yourself…

Feb 4, 2017: I didn’t even ask if anyone objected 👅 photo by @nicksimphotos……

Feb 3, 2017: #PutOutYourSmartcards…

Feb 3, 2017: We lost my grandpa this week, on the random chance that someone on Twitter knew Dal Withers (who knows, right?), here’s the memorial details …

Feb 3, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Why does this exist?…

Feb 3, 2017: 💼 Free stuff has it’s place (P.S. legitimate free stuff inside) 📰…

Feb 3, 2017: Andrew + Rebecca #marriedbyjosh 🍃 The Elopement Collective ⛰ Byron View Farm 📷 Morgan Roberts 🌺 Pack a Perfect Party…

Feb 3, 2017: 💼 How to break through the noise? Stop fibbing 📰…

Feb 3, 2017: Glad to be back in the office after a week away from internet, phone, technology, social, whatever…

Feb 3, 2017: You see that little black thing on a pole - that’s a 🎥 @mevocamera streaming your wedding live 📱online! 📷 by my mate @shane_shepherd 🤘🏻 …

Feb 3, 2017: Does tap mean something else in America?…

Feb 2, 2017: The wedding tax, and how to avoid it……

Feb 1, 2017: “You were a ray of sunshine on a very rainy, stormy day!” Gavin + Natasha 🎉 #marriedbyjosh 📷 Aaron Shum 🏖 Noosa…

Jan 31, 2017: Right in the middle of Sydney, we created something magical…

Jan 31, 2017: 💼 Using Calendly to make appointment scheduling simple 📰…

Jan 31, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 Episode 2: Unpopular photographer, Morgan Roberts…

Jan 31, 2017: 💼 Podcast Episode 2: Unpopular photographer, Morgan Roberts 📰…

Jan 31, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 2: Unpopular photographer, Morgan Roberts 🎧…

Jan 30, 2017: “Here’s a photo of everyone with a double chin from laughing so hard” - Mitchell &amp; Hannah 📷 Jessie Dains …

Jan 29, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 My first automation…

Jan 29, 2017: Have you considered holding a weekly marriage meeting?…

Jan 29, 2017: 💼 Why we don’t do giveaways, or freebies anymore 📰…

Jan 28, 2017: Thinking about wedding creation differently -…

Jan 28, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Dilute or double down?…

Jan 27, 2017: Ben &amp; Khya #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 27, 2017: How to avoid the evil “wedding tax”…

Jan 27, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 A sign…

Jan 27, 2017: 💼 What apps are on my phone? Todoist 📰…

Jan 26, 2017: Wedding mistakes you didn’t know existed -…

Jan 26, 2017: One sexy plane…

Jan 26, 2017: Guy skulling from a goon bag on the M1 next to his ‘91 Ford Festiva at 5:39pm on Australia Day is obviously having #tay4hottest100 feelings

Jan 26, 2017: Double happiness ♥️♥️ Andy &amp; Chris #marriedbyjosh with @michaelbriggsphotography and @rede………

Jan 26, 2017: Why I’ll always get AppleCare…

Jan 26, 2017: Australia, a fantastic place for people not born here to come and celebrate not hating som………

Jan 26, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 An easy thing every retail business should do on social on public holidays…

Jan 26, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Unpopular to change the date?…

Jan 26, 2017: 27 years ago today she met the world, and the world’s been a better place since. She’s truly the best human I know,… …

Jan 25, 2017: 💼 Coaching and mentoring 📰…

Jan 25, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 The long tail…

Jan 25, 2017: Craig and Lisa #marriedbyjosh 📽 Whitedress Productions 🏠 Osteria…

Jan 25, 2017: Here’s a smile story - our doctor on the news :)…

Jan 25, 2017: 💼 Resize images with a quick right click on macOS 📰…

Jan 25, 2017: 💼 Get a landline phone number for your mobile business 📰…

Jan 25, 2017: Someone just sent me a RAR file full of photos … it feels like 2002 again

Jan 25, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Seth Godin on being unpopular…

Jan 25, 2017: Listening to @Hit105Breakfast and as the ads start I literally tried to skip through the ads … I listen to too many podcasts

Jan 24, 2017: Get a landline phone number for your mobile business 📰…

Jan 24, 2017: Find out the why behind the me, thanks to this White Mag interview…

Jan 24, 2017: From the @unpopularist💡 Welcome to the Unpopularist…

Jan 24, 2017: Podcast Episode 1: Unpopular wedding DJ, Aaron Duncan 📰…

Jan 24, 2017: Unpopular has now launched … it’s a new business workshop thing I’m doing in 2017 - this post explains it…

Jan 24, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙Episode 1: Unpopular wedding DJ, Aaron Duncan 🎧…

Jan 24, 2017: Wanna be unpopular? So does my podcast guest today 🤓 What is Unpopular?…

Jan 24, 2017: 🆕 Unpopular podcast 🎙What is Unpopular? 🎧…

Jan 24, 2017: Good morning, Brisbane ✈️ • • • • • • #instagramaviation #ptk_vehicles #instaplane #airplane54 #instaaviation #avi……

Jan 23, 2017: Elope 📷 @morganrobertsweddings ➕ @elopementcollective……

Jan 23, 2017: tfw you drop sick marriage vows 😮 James &amp; Michaela #marriedbyjosh 📷 @morganrobertsweddings……

Jan 23, 2017: Thank god Roost were there to capture this - take me back to Iceland!…

Jan 23, 2017: 💻 MacBook have no go go ☹️…

Jan 23, 2017: Keeps me and three staff employed 🤘🏼…

Jan 22, 2017: #marriedbyjosh unplugged, fresh from a thunderstorm, live at the @bris_powerhouse, photogr………

Jan 22, 2017: What would need to happen for you to cancel your wedding?

Jan 22, 2017: Never talk about religion or politics they say. So instead, can we talk about Christianity, the movement of people ……

Jan 22, 2017: • • • • • • #skyporn #sunsetsniper #skylovers #sunrise_and_sunsets #sunsets #sunset_hub #sunsetlovers #instasunset……

Jan 22, 2017: #qantasviews…

Jan 21, 2017:…

Jan 21, 2017: 16 for 2016 -…

Jan 21, 2017: Ep of @clockwisepod talks @twitter being primary comm tool 4 @potus — what if gov just made twttr a public utility?…

Jan 21, 2017: I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shhheddd…

Jan 20, 2017: Justin and Annika’s epic Bells Rapids elopement outside of Perth…

Jan 20, 2017: You should ask yourself these questions when writing your vows…

Jan 20, 2017: Can everyone not post about the new season of Orange Is The New Black before everyone else has seen it #spoilers…

Jan 19, 2017: Britt was interviewed by The Wellbeing Collective!…

Jan 18, 2017: Laura and Mitch #marriedbyjosh and photographed by Shane Shepherd and also featured in White Magazine!……

Jan 18, 2017: Boat 🚣 people…

Jan 17, 2017: Mitch is asked how he knew Laura was the one, “I knew because I knew"…

Jan 17, 2017: yay strayla …. :(…

Jan 17, 2017: If I started charging my clients multi-hundred “other” un-explained charges I’d be on @ACurrentAffair9

Jan 17, 2017: I’m sure it’ll be dropped like last month’s $900 “other” charge.

Jan 17, 2017: This month there’s just a random $827 “other” charge that is taking 30 minutes to diagnose.

Jan 17, 2017: Every month I have to call @Telstra about my bill. Every fucking month. Why can’t @Optus or @VodafoneAU be better so I could jump ship.

Jan 16, 2017: Talking ‘bout love on North Straddie ☀️ Josh &amp; Skye #marriedbyjosh 📷 by my old friends at Evernew Studio!…

Jan 16, 2017: I’m Shannon Noll, let me back into Crazy Horse, is the line of the year

Jan 16, 2017: Cheap bulldog in Robina…

Jan 16, 2017: Free terrible Dick Smith TV in Robina…

Jan 16, 2017: Consider the new bridge construction style trend for your marriage ceremony 📷 @michaelbrig………

Jan 15, 2017: Pushing through this stifling hot Gold Coast 🏖🌋☄️ summer by dreaming of ❄️☃️🗻 snow-capped ………

Jan 15, 2017: “Just wanted to say thank you for making our day so special, you really do an amazing job ………

Jan 15, 2017: Strippers on the bucks night?! Does anyone still do this anymore?

Jan 15, 2017: “Josh, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for helping to make Courtney &amp;………

Jan 15, 2017: I’m an ugly laugher 📷 by @miltonganphoto…

Jan 15, 2017: “You were absolutely fantastic- You set the mood for the day from the start and we cannot ………

Jan 14, 2017: The five people you want at your wedding to make it awesome!…

Jan 14, 2017: I’m standing in the 35 degree Brisbane heat, wrapped up like a burrito in a fancy suit at ………

Jan 13, 2017: Our culture and our history is our responsibility, not an advertising agency’s. 2/2

Jan 13, 2017: Australia rests/dashes its hopes for our culture on a lamb ad and think that the only sheep in question are on a barbecue. 1/2

Jan 13, 2017: Wow…

Jan 13, 2017: Can I interest you in a late-model husband? Free floormats? 💒 Lauren &amp; Michael #marriedbyjosh at Coolibah Downs with Evernew Studio …

Jan 13, 2017: Five years ago tonight got, on a hot and sweaty Friday the 13th in Cairns, I asked Britt t………

Jan 13, 2017: On bridal parties…

Jan 13, 2017: My @Xero and @ANZ_AU hate each other 😰…

Jan 12, 2017: 2017 weddings by the numbers -…

Jan 11, 2017: Before your ceremony I let all your guests know how it is: no long faces, this is the best part of the day, please clap, cheer &amp; scream! …

Jan 10, 2017: I was lucky enough to be interviewed on Alison’s UK wedding blog - Plans and Presents!…

Jan 9, 2017: “Thank you SO much for being the most amazing celebrant ever. You were hilarious, friendly………

Jan 9, 2017: Put your hands up if you’re planning on Snapchatting Fraser and Caitlyn’s wedding ceremony 🤳🏻 no need, Col Hockey’s on the job today …

Jan 9, 2017: Goodnight, Brisbane…

Jan 9, 2017: Brides, throwing cats … that’s right…

Jan 9, 2017: Listening to a lifetime of stories from my grandpa this week. He’s not doing well but still has a camera-ready grin……

Jan 9, 2017: Overpopulation/population explained…

Jan 8, 2017: What was the last wedding tradition you questioned?

Jan 8, 2017: And that’s when I become M.C.G. Hammer! 📷 @jamesdeank……

Jan 8, 2017: How sweet it is to be loved by you…

Jan 7, 2017: The one simple thing you can do to make your wedding speech awesome -…

Jan 7, 2017: Bec got me a tux shirt in case I forgot to dress formally to her wedding today 😂…

Jan 7, 2017: Happy birthday Cup ‘O Phil…

Jan 6, 2017: I get excited about ceremonies beginning 📷 @morganrobertsweddings with the @elopementcolle………

Jan 6, 2017: “When I reflect on our relationship over the past 9 years, I realise how quite a few thing………

Jan 6, 2017: Kailah promised to always support Qld in the #StateOfOrigin - we talk about important things in your wedding ceremony 📷 Evernew Studio …

Jan 6, 2017: Missing Iceland this afternoon 🇮🇸 Holly &amp; Tom #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective………

Jan 6, 2017: One day this was Olivia’s parents lounge room, the next it was a ceremony space 🏡Alastair ………

Jan 6, 2017: Almost everyone gets this wrong on their notice of intended marriage…

Jan 5, 2017: From Perth to Byron Bay to elope 😍 Peta &amp; Jeff #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollectiv………

Jan 5, 2017: Yay spelling…

Jan 5, 2017: Don’t ask that question, that’s my advice

Jan 5, 2017: My grandpa’s in hospital, so I’m visiting and I ask if he has any dark deep family secrets he thinks I should know …

Jan 5, 2017: How sweet it is to be loved by you // 📷 @lukeandmallory in #Portland……

Jan 5, 2017: As I immerse myself more and more into the hashtag iPad lyf I find less and less apps and developers give a fuck about the iPad

Jan 5, 2017: Amazing: Britt got me a @WIRED subscription for Christmas Not amazing: @WIRED’s iPad app is portrait only…

Jan 4, 2017: When you cross the line a winner 🥇Caitlin and Tim #marriedbyjosh 📷 by Finch &amp; Oak…

Jan 4, 2017: Sarah and Will began their marriage in the front yard of Sarah’s family home 👌🏼 Will + Sar………

Jan 4, 2017: The last time I was in Melbourne I married Andy &amp; Chris in a bar, today I’m back in Old Ba…… …

Jan 4, 2017: The one simple thing you can do to make your wedding speech awesome……

Jan 4, 2017: woah…

Jan 4, 2017: We were struggling to find a florist at Yulara, Ayers Rock, Uluru, that could put awesome ………

Jan 3, 2017: Caroline and Derek brought beer to their elopement 🍻 I know they have many other endearing………

Jan 3, 2017: John &amp; Emily #marriedbyjosh at my favourite Toowoomba venue, Gabbinbar :)……

Jan 3, 2017: Epic elopements ‘r us 🗺 @elopementcollective 📷 @heartandcolour……

Jan 3, 2017: “Twitter is my gift to mankind” - @biz explaining what Twitter is to David Letterman, via @newyorker radio hour…

Jan 3, 2017: 🎼 Goin' to the chapel … and we’re gonna just go behind and to the left a bit… and we’r…… …

Jan 3, 2017: You know that saying about marrying the person that makes you feel the same way when you s………

Jan 2, 2017: When you cross the line a winner 🥇Caitlin and Tim #marriedbyjosh 📷 by @paulbamford at @can………

Jan 2, 2017: “It’s everyday that you stun me with your beauty, laughter, your fiery passion and just simply being you” - Mitch just loving Laura …

Jan 2, 2017: I’ve started a new podcast for business people like me, those that want to be …. unpopular 😆…

Jan 2, 2017: 2017 Special: If you book this week with the promo code DANCE I’ll perform an interpretive………

Jan 2, 2017:…

Jan 2, 2017: Thread :(…

Jan 2, 2017: Can interest you in a late-model husband? He’s a really good deal, and if you buy today yo………

Jan 2, 2017: The five people you want at your wedding to make it awesome!…

Jan 2, 2017: Oh, hey! This guy wrote another article for @yahoo7be 🤘🏻

Jan 1, 2017: I’m consistently amazed hearing stories of people crossing the divide and falling in love.………

Jan 1, 2017: Whoa! With 80713 miles flown I have reached new #JetLovers level 14: Glider……

Jan 1, 2017: I’m 19 hours into 2017 and still unsure what to be outraged at, help me out Twitter

Jan 1, 2017: “How quickly can we elope?” Answer:…

Jan 1, 2017: Dune XXXV: A video game joke…

Jan 1, 2017: Who is @marriedbyjosh? I’m this bloke, and I perform awesome ceremonies 📷 @morganrobertswe………

Jan 1, 2017: 2017 weddings by the numbers……

Jan 1, 2017: What’s the go with these ~365 day shaped blocks of time being responsible for outright celebrity murder?

Dec 31, 2016: Even the world’s richest and biggest computer company prints it’s photos -…

Dec 31, 2016: Ben &amp; Laura are 💍 ringing in the new year with a new marriage 🤘🏼……

Dec 31, 2016: Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam………

Dec 31, 2016: If you’ve got an hour aside, @ThingCommittee with myself, @SteveMolk, @reblev, and @Wil_Anderson drunk casting…

Dec 31, 2016: Listening back to a @thingcommittee podcast episode from 2013 … I feel like I was a million years younger but @SteveMolk still sounds old

Dec 30, 2016: Really good idea: 24/7 @Xero helpline. I just want to chat to someone.

Dec 30, 2016: “Thank you again so much for giving us the awesome wedding! It was fun, meaningful and very ‘us’” - Pearly &amp; Brantly …

Dec 30, 2016: I just visited… for the first time in years, and @Stitcher already had me logged in as this bloke…

Dec 30, 2016: Leonardo Caprio won an Oscar, then the rest of 2016 happened. Coincidence?

Dec 30, 2016: You are who you hang out with…

Dec 30, 2016: If I ever hear the phrase “there’s still time to run” to a groom from a family member again I’ll probably snap.

Dec 30, 2016: 👌🏼pod @zoenl @oshergunsberg episode - and here’s a nerdy #airpod #podsie Listen:……

Dec 30, 2016: “I promise to keep you warm every time winter rolls around, buy you Clarentine every sprin………

Dec 29, 2016: A list of ideas for what to do when you get to the end of the ceremony…

Dec 29, 2016: As I powered through Fran and James' hot and sweaty summer wedding ceremony today I was st………

Dec 29, 2016: As I powered through Fran and James' hot and sweaty summer wedding ceremony today I was staying cool by thinking ab……

Dec 29, 2016: Man…

Dec 29, 2016: I just ran into Simone @cakebombbrisbane at @thekitchensrobina - glad to know I’m hanging ………

Dec 29, 2016: D:\install.bat…

Dec 29, 2016: When you’re doing your best to disregard people but you can’t…

Dec 28, 2016: Front page of… global. Am I not pretty enough, yet?…

Dec 28, 2016: Ayers Rock, or Uluru as the locals call it, was a place for the First Australians' ceremon………

Dec 28, 2016: A&amp;J eloped in secret, so here’s J’s florals by She’s A Wildflower instead of a photo of them 🌺🎉😁💯…

Dec 28, 2016: If you’re getting married in 2017, your wedding will be different to past weddings // an article by me for @yahoo7be…

Dec 28, 2016: We’ve ditched bread and Britt’s making freakingly delish naked burgers: Lettuce feast!…

Dec 28, 2016: Sparking controversy on my Facebook page last night — I posted “Can bridal parties stop be………

Dec 28, 2016: Not many people know that @balterbrewers beer is actually just sink water from the new @thecollectivepalmbeach - a ……

Dec 27, 2016: So much 2016 hate online this week 👎🏻 and I don’t want to sound boastful but our 2016 has ………

Dec 27, 2016: Bridal parties=dead…

Dec 27, 2016: In short, the secret to an awesome wedding is ditching the bridal party

Dec 27, 2016: As a professional wedding attender I can tell you that weddings without bridal parties &gt; weddings with bridal parties

Dec 27, 2016: Can bridal parties stop being a thing yet?…

Dec 27, 2016: Cake 🎂 by the ocean 🌊 Adam + Lauren #marriedbyjosh, elopement by @elopementcollective 📷 ph………

Dec 27, 2016: Luke &amp; Emily! #marriedbyjosh…

Dec 27, 2016: If you go down to the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise. If you go down to the wo………

Dec 26, 2016: “Love is better than no love, though it can hurt so much.” - Iris Murdoch

Dec 26, 2016: Britt and my 16 for 2016 - the year that was…

Dec 26, 2016: 16 for 2016……

Dec 26, 2016: We’re thinking South Pacific out of Brisbane - but we honestly know nothing.

Dec 26, 2016: Hey travellers - Britt and I are thinking of going on a cruise for the first time in 2017 - where’s a good place to research cruises?

Dec 26, 2016: Headline to almost every news story this year…

Dec 26, 2016: 2017 goal: marriage ceremonies in Iceland, because we have to go back there, and New York ………

Dec 25, 2016: Which celebrity would you invite to your wedding assuming our cats were busy?

Dec 25, 2016: Merry Christmas legends!…

Dec 24, 2016: A little blog interview where I say controversial things to wedding DJs :)…

Dec 23, 2016:…

Dec 23, 2016: I love to haggle (I’m selling an iPhone)……

Dec 23, 2016: Me at the beginning of 2016 — me at the end of 2016. It’s actually been a pretty awesome y………

Dec 23, 2016: “No one else will have the same wedding as us as you made it an original!” - Courtney &amp; Shaun…

Dec 23, 2016: What would your wedding look like if you didn’t have any guests? Start planning from that point and make your guests fit around you ✌🏼

Dec 22, 2016: Man I’m blessed to have @hellobrittanyjane in my life - she bakes cookies for us 🎅🏼…

Dec 22, 2016: The catch of the day 👰🏼🐟 Michael &amp; Jess eloped on a jetty south of Pemberton in Western Au………

Dec 22, 2016: Breaking news…

Dec 22, 2016: Questions you can ask yourself to help you write amazing wedding vows…

Dec 22, 2016: Here’s to the crazy ones, crazy enough to cross that gaping divide and confess to someone that you’ve got a crush on them 🤘🏼 …

Dec 22, 2016: On a Wednesday afternoon in December under a tree in a paddock at Byron Bay a Frenchman an………

Dec 22, 2016: 😯 Behind the scenes video from @MargotRobbie’s wedding 🤘🏼…

Dec 22, 2016: For a lobby group who’s fundamental principles are to love God and love people, it’s hard to believe this happened.…

Dec 22, 2016: The replies to this tweet irk me…

Dec 21, 2016: Have legs, will walk for elopements (4km to this magical spot in Iceland) 📷 @HeartAndColou………

Dec 21, 2016: “I always thought I hated weddings, but I just hated how everyone else did it” Eric &amp; Rachel #marriedbyjosh…

Dec 21, 2016: Back on the radio on 774 Melbourne today talking weddings 🤘🏼……

Dec 21, 2016: I’ve been invited to join @nicolechvastek on @774Melbourne in a few minutes - tune in on DAB, 774 AM, or on… :)

Dec 21, 2016: Can confirm…

Dec 21, 2016: Facebook’s foray into podcasting/radio…

Dec 21, 2016: Represidented?…

Dec 20, 2016: Margot Robbie served Coco Pops for dessert at her wedding and now Britt and my wedding is the second best wedding to have ever occurred 🍽👏🏻

Dec 20, 2016: Hey @Qantas - will this product work on QF flights?…

Dec 20, 2016: A few of my thoughts on changing your last name in marriage…

Dec 20, 2016: Britt and have started doing pot. Please respect our choices.…

Dec 19, 2016: Adrian + Elizabeth #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Finch and Oak photography…

Dec 19, 2016: The Pic Felxible Cam gives me Go-Go-Gadget arms…

Dec 19, 2016: Movie idea: The year is 2016, accounting software still sucks, but one company wants it to suck more: Xero Effect

Dec 19, 2016: Confidence is #clamxav (MacOS antivirus software) finding a “virus” in @stripe’s javascript on loading the Stripe dashboard

Dec 19, 2016: Asking for a friend.

Dec 19, 2016: I’m talking really fucking frustrated.

Dec 19, 2016: I wonder how many people have bought Office 365 after trying to do stuff in Apple Numbers and getting super frustrated.

Dec 19, 2016: Is it wrong of me to not support this because of design issues?…

Dec 19, 2016: Racking my brain to think who inspired this…

Dec 19, 2016: Promoted posts on @TwitterAU just got weird…

Dec 19, 2016: Zuc when he sees your restaurant facebook posts…

Dec 19, 2016: It’s like a real life Youtube video.

Dec 19, 2016: Some genius is on the public piano at #thekitchens starting @Coldplay songs beautifully then descending into a toddler smashing on keys.

Dec 19, 2016: eek…

Dec 19, 2016: Feeling quite proud of that last tweet

Dec 18, 2016: Also, FU @NintendoAUNZ - why wouldn’t you support external/smart keyboards…

Dec 18, 2016: Srsly FU @NintendoAUNZ…

Dec 18, 2016: What’s the best wedding photo ever, like, in the history of the universe? I’d love to see it.

Dec 18, 2016: Changing Brisbane…

Dec 18, 2016: Scene 1: dragons Scene 2: nazi symbol Scene 3: Michael@Bay’s name Scene 4: Transformer in a football stadium. Bloody hell.

Dec 18, 2016: Ten points to Toyota for screening a ‘prequels suck’ ad before #StarWarsRogueOne

Dec 17, 2016: Just watched a few hundred people walk out with single certificates like the uneducated swine they are. Ma boy Ash ……

Dec 17, 2016: Ash feels super comfortable in fancy hats // Britt and I are super proud of you bro #griffthgrads…

Dec 17, 2016: Creative ways to finance your wedding -…

Dec 17, 2016: Honestly - I just want freebies, please don’t enter this so I win :D … @todoist is giving away 3 Google Homes!…

Dec 17, 2016: Eloping in #Bali means I get to have lunch at @seacircus then walk across to the @thesamay………

Dec 17, 2016: And that’s that, @johnny // @ClubMacStories 🤣…

Dec 16, 2016: “We are so thankful for you kind words &amp; wisdom during our ceremony” Russell + Brianna #marriedbyjosh 📷 We Are Twine …

Dec 16, 2016: Behold thy home…

Dec 16, 2016: Behold thy roastee…

Dec 16, 2016: Pro Tip: Investing money into your marriage saves you investing money into your divorce.

Dec 15, 2016: For those moments when your Philling down…

Dec 15, 2016: Idea: a viral video full of big name celebrities asking big name celebrities to stop making viral videos asking people to do stuff.

Dec 15, 2016: Me on the Today Show!…

Dec 15, 2016:…

Dec 15, 2016: I’d probably be even cooler if I could type it

Dec 15, 2016: I feel like I’d be more popular if i understood crickey

Dec 15, 2016: Four years on and @eVent_cinemas still don’t support @Apple Wallet/Passbook… @fly_digital…

Dec 14, 2016: I know I’ve done the best marriage ceremony I could have done when I fade into the backgro………

Dec 14, 2016: Quite literally, his father. Ryan (and Meika) #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Apple Photography 🏠 Glengariff Historic Estate…

Dec 14, 2016: Craig and Lisa gave me the remote control for the confetti cannon 🎉 I really like confetti cannon remote controls 📷 by Stewart Ross …

Dec 14, 2016: A farewell burger with @r_o_b_e_y…

Dec 14, 2016: Hello, it’s me, I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet 📷 @morganrober………

Dec 14, 2016: #steviewithers loves photos…

Dec 13, 2016: When you choose to exchange rings in your wedding ceremony 💍 I hope they mean more to you ………

Dec 13, 2016: I’m interviewed on Nik Edser’s podcast - Wedding Secrets - consider this scandalous 🗣…

Dec 13, 2016: I get a red face when I’ve had a beer, so this shoutout is in B&amp;W. Massive ups today to @e…… …

Dec 13, 2016: Today I’m an ‘occasional guy’ with the #ladieswholunch #bneweddinglunch……

Dec 13, 2016: I tried to be hardcore with Siri…

Dec 12, 2016: “Josh was the first thing I booked, I needed to make sure I had him” Jamie + Di #marriedbyjosh 📷 Life, Love &amp; Light …

Dec 12, 2016: James and Alex bonded over the film, Wedding Crashers. It turns out they’re both Stage 5 C………

Dec 12, 2016: Did you hear me on @RNLifeMatters this morning?!…

Dec 12, 2016: 9am in your timezone, I’m on @rnlifematters…

Dec 12, 2016: Adam and Lauren made all their friends at home in #Perth jealous with their “winter” #elopement in #PortDouglas 🌴 #marriedbyjosh …

Dec 11, 2016: Monday morning 8am QLD/9am NSW/Vic I’m a guest on ABC Radio National’s Life Matters show!……

Dec 11, 2016: Tomorrow morning: I’m a guest on Radio National’s Life Matters!

Dec 11, 2016: How many peeps in your bridal party? Are they all the same gender, either side?

Dec 11, 2016: And the fat lady sings…

Dec 11, 2016: Sack your iPod at the wedding and hire a real DJ…

Dec 11, 2016:…

Dec 11, 2016:…

Dec 11, 2016: Amy + #marriedbyjosh + Josh by @jamesdayweddings . . . . #sydneywedding #sydneycelebrant #………

Dec 11, 2016: Yeah, Twitter, get on social media you twits…

Dec 11, 2016: Grandma has a few words for Gordon and Kirsten. . . . . #greenweddingshoes #bohobride #fea………

Dec 10, 2016: Home is where the cats connect to your wifi network automatically #steviewithers #aggiewithers #catsofinstagram…

Dec 10, 2016: Believe it or not, wedding ceremonies can be fun…

Dec 10, 2016: 26,604 likes to 593 posts in 2016 on my marriage celebrant @instagram profile #2016bestnine……

Dec 10, 2016: 5,890 likes to 331 posts in 2016 on my personal @instagram profile #2016bestnine……

Dec 10, 2016: First Saturday in Australia that I haven’t married someone in over a year, so it’s a day for chores…

Dec 10, 2016: On my blog today: “I’ve thought a lot about what to do with my photos. Where do I store th………

Dec 10, 2016: $5 a month well spent…

Dec 10, 2016: Even the world’s richest and biggest computer company prints it’s photos……

Dec 10, 2016: That moment when the celebrant asks everyone to be present in the ceremony, instead of a p………

Dec 10, 2016: And now for a reading from the Book of Kanye…

Dec 9, 2016: Good night, #GoldCoast…

Dec 9, 2016: Pro wedding tip: when taking a selfie with the newly married couple, take a few different ………

Dec 9, 2016: Jade + Lewis #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Michael Briggs Photography!…

Dec 9, 2016: I’m standing in front of a real burning fire — that’s how I knew Andy and Chris were hot f………

Dec 9, 2016: What love language are you? Do the test here…

Dec 9, 2016: Old age is seeing gadgets you once owned, loved, repaired, in “vintage” shops…

Dec 9, 2016: I’ve just been confirmed as a guest on @RNLifeMatters on Monday morning - tune in!

Dec 9, 2016: Wedding mistakes people probably didn’t even know they existed. I’m a problem creator. Thank me later.…

Dec 9, 2016: 6:33am // one workout and one radio segment on Canberra’s Hit 104.7 👌🏼…

Dec 8, 2016: When Brantley and Pearly found out my birthday they decided fed they wanted their wedding ………

Dec 8, 2016: This article on @Yahoo7 had my name on the byline!…

Dec 8, 2016: Scott and Kirsten #marriedbyjosh…

Dec 8, 2016: Me, imagining how I’d look on my 35th birthday, when I was a few months younger than 35…

Dec 7, 2016: Celebrating my 35th lap around the sun tomorrow with a little luxury getaway at @mavises_k………

Dec 7, 2016: Amelia and Jared just wanted to get elope and get married, so they left their nuptials in ………

Dec 6, 2016: Photo project: I took a photo of our cats every day for one day #aggiewithers #steviewithers…

Dec 6, 2016:……

Dec 6, 2016: This…

Dec 6, 2016: Kirsty &amp; Josh #marriedbyjosh!…

Dec 6, 2016: I’m forever blown away by the honourable position I have to speak into people’s lives 📷 @l………

Dec 6, 2016: Old age is not knowing a single 5SOS song…

Dec 5, 2016: “Josh made our ceremony a fun part of the day, rather than necessary” Layton &amp; Laura #marriedbyjosh 📷 James Day …

Dec 5, 2016: A list of things I won’t ever say in a wedding ceremony You may now kiss the bride 😕 beca………

Dec 5, 2016: It’s kind of adorable how bad these Rabbis are at the mannequin challenge…

Dec 5, 2016: If you ask me if I need a rehearsal for your wedding ceremony, I’ll tell you (like I told ………

Dec 5, 2016: Of all the things you could ever bring to a wedding, the greatest would be your presence. ………

Dec 5, 2016: Imma get me a surface … imma needin more hashtag inspo /s…

Dec 5, 2016: “The state of blogging, content marketing and online publishing in 2016” by @ow……

Dec 4, 2016: Double tap if you like this idea: a podcast following a couple’s journey from the proposal………

Dec 4, 2016: Why are you getting married where you are getting married?

Dec 4, 2016: Gold Coast 🌅…

Dec 4, 2016: 2016 has seen me fly 236,150km over 90 flights, plus one ride in a helicopter. That’s almost 6 laps around the ear……

Dec 4, 2016: Weddings aren’t complicated events - they’re two people that are super sure they don’t hat…… …

Dec 4, 2016: Weddings, a celebration of “omfg they really love me!” Nana &amp; Nicj #marriedbyjosh at Nowra…… …

Dec 4, 2016: “52 things I learned in 2016” by @TomWhitwell……

Dec 4, 2016: “52 things I learned in 2016” by @TomWhitwell……

Dec 4, 2016: I’ve known her for almost a decade; five years ago yesterday I finally told her I loved her. I still can’t believe……

Dec 4, 2016: Love…

Dec 4, 2016: We can be heroes, just for one day (read the thread)…

Dec 3, 2016: One year ago at Jade and Liam’s wedding in an inner-city Melbourne bookstore, Alex, their ………

Dec 3, 2016: How to create vows that wow (the most cliche thing I’ve said in a while)…

Dec 3, 2016: When they met at age 12 the only thing they thought they’d get was cooties. Today they got………

Dec 3, 2016: Holly and Tom found me an awesome bow tie in Iceland! It’s a fish leather bow-tie FRW!…

Dec 3, 2016: Gimmie a chip…

Dec 3, 2016:……

Dec 3, 2016: Uncleing…

Dec 3, 2016: and a Josh to ensure the whole gag is shared online.

Dec 3, 2016: Proving once more that God is real, he fills a Qantas flight with hungover schoolies, a choir of screaming babies,

Dec 3, 2016: Is that what kids say these days?

Dec 3, 2016: The two schoolies passed our next to me on this flight went hard

Dec 3, 2016: Trans and Ben eloped — as a result they ew through their day without a stress in the world………

Dec 2, 2016: Still can’t believe that Ralph &amp; Nina flew from the Phillipines to Sydney for #marriageamn…… …

Dec 2, 2016: Whenever people ask me about my favourite wedding, or the craziest wedding, or the best co………

Dec 2, 2016: “It’s so refreshing to find a celebrant that doesn’t talk in hushed calming tones” Danielle + Lindsay #marriedbyjosh …

Dec 2, 2016: Sarah + Wez + a handful of their most important people + me, beneath the trees in Currumbi………

Dec 2, 2016: I hate it when my phone shames me for having a day off at home, the Apple Store, the post office and the coffee shop…

Dec 2, 2016: “You’re born alone, and you die alone. The value of the space in between is trust and love.” - Louise Bourgeois

Dec 1, 2016: One month ago Tom, Holly, and I created their marriage on a hill in Iceland – tonight they………

Dec 1, 2016: Marriage Amnesty day 2016 in photos -…

Dec 1, 2016:…

Dec 1, 2016: rearranging deck chairs on the titanic…

Dec 1, 2016: Get your photos printed. They hold so much more power off Instagram, Facebook, or your pho………

Dec 1, 2016: Summer?!…

Nov 30, 2016: Loveblind…

Nov 30, 2016: Adrian &amp; Katie 🎤 #marriedbyjosh 🎉 The Elopement Collective 📷 Finch &amp; Oak 🏠 Summergrove Estate…

Nov 30, 2016: I like the planes…

Nov 30, 2016: Call me, Comrade…

Nov 30, 2016: So good to hear that the House of Representatives is finally meeting some of the people it represents. #qt

Nov 30, 2016: Took a new photo to put my inspirational or spiritual quotes on yesterday at Anna Bay…

Nov 30, 2016: So very very good…

Nov 30, 2016: The $5 per month for @SteveMolk’s @molkstvtalk email is worth it just for the “Molk Facts”…

Nov 30, 2016: For @decryption’s headstone…

Nov 30, 2016: A rare photo of renowned political commentator, @morgancroberts, smiling and not typing into the comment box…

Nov 29, 2016: The @whitemagazine team! (Plus a little @morganrobertsweddings)……

Nov 29, 2016: Jack and Xanthe #marriedbyjosh!…

Nov 29, 2016: Fifteen times, fifteen heartbreaking times over three years, Ebony said no to Jake’s “will………

Nov 29, 2016:……

Nov 29, 2016: Sharli and I went for a walk on the beach yesterday - we’re pretty good mates…

Nov 29, 2016: #steviewithers…

Nov 29, 2016: #aggiewithers…

Nov 28, 2016: Because I’m Happy! Ricky &amp; Amy rockin the aisle with Pharrell #marriedbyjosh 📷Ethereal Photography 🏠Flaxton Gardens …

Nov 28, 2016: Your marriage ceremony, a purpose-filled moment where we gaze into the unknown and confess………

Nov 28, 2016: Burleigh // 5:29pm…

Nov 28, 2016: Britt &amp; I are having some downtime with our friends @heartandcolour this afternoon and Phi………

Nov 28, 2016: Natasha 👰🏼 + Michael 👔 + #marriedbyjosh 🐒 + @elopementcollective 🎉+ Hawaii!! 🌊 + @reeseand………

Nov 28, 2016: USA December 2017 // for a month at the end of next year Britt and I are stateside for elo………

Nov 28, 2016:……

Nov 27, 2016: Always the celebrant, never the bridesmaid 📷 @jimmy_izophotography……

Nov 27, 2016: What’s the one thing you’ve hired or bought for your wedding that is non-negotiable?

Nov 27, 2016: Reflecting on the awe inspiring year Britt and I have had - we’ve created marriages in fiv………

Nov 27, 2016: I’m putting money on the iPod Shuffle next…

Nov 27, 2016: Fun game: go into an Apple Store and try and guess which product line they’ll cancel next!

Nov 27, 2016: 86th flight of the year. Seriously, arms: tired.

Nov 26, 2016: Gavin &amp; Natasha #marriedbyjosh…

Nov 26, 2016: Today on the NSW Central Coast I met Australia’s next great personality, Joey. Joey prepar………

Nov 26, 2016: I can’t believe Fidel Castro died! His music really spoke to me at a dark time of my life #RIPFidelCastro

Nov 26, 2016: “I vow that you will never have to walk a day on this earth feeling alone, and this includ………

Nov 26, 2016: Aideen and Krysztof exchanged vows on a Friday afternoon in a park on Sydney Harbour - the………

Nov 25, 2016: “Josh encapsulated our philosophy to a T, we could tell that he really paid attention” Jess &amp; Ben #marriedbyjosh …

Nov 25, 2016: More laughter, less every single other thing ever. [Gavin + Robyn #marriedbyjosh photographed by Aaron Shum]…

Nov 24, 2016: How [I think] driverless cars will positively impact marriages…

Nov 24, 2016: Thanks for having us for the #melbournepopupwedding, @gatherandtailor!……

Nov 24, 2016: James and Rebecca told me they wanted me to give it to them straight. Little did they know………

Nov 24, 2016: Dylan and Sam dropped in to our Melbourne pop up wedding before grabbing a few drinks at S………

Nov 24, 2016: I’ve never heard of a couple meeting on @tumblr - but that’s how Jess found out that Jarro………

Nov 24, 2016: Kimberley: I pinky promise to pursue our dreams for the next 100 years at least, or if the………

Nov 24, 2016: Belinda and Jon, a coupl’a country kids #marriedbyjosh at the Melbourne pop-up wedding 👌🏼……

Nov 24, 2016: Stephanie &amp; Jarrod just got #marriedbyjosh!……

Nov 24, 2016:…

Nov 23, 2016: We were all in our cars in the national park car park, dry, and I asked Paul and Chelsea i………

Nov 23, 2016: Weddings are for happiness 🎉Vikram and Jemma #marriedbyjosh…

Nov 23, 2016: Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice @ @biggiesmallskbabs…

Nov 23, 2016: … that staff should not smoke marijuana behind the bar, they should go out the back #somelbourne

Nov 23, 2016: There’s a staff meeting at the pub in at in Fitzroy and one of the ‘staff issues’ the manager brought up was …

Nov 23, 2016: Preach…

Nov 23, 2016: It’s hilarious. She’s going through the whole podcast recording process step by step. How very adorable. How very Melbourne.

Nov 23, 2016: Mother at the table next to me is explaining to the other mother that her son has started a podcast.

Nov 23, 2016: reconciling our business bank account in @Xero against @stripe credit card payments.

Nov 23, 2016: I feel like no-one else on the planet is talking about the issues dear to my heart -

Nov 22, 2016: The Failing @NYTimes sounds like a new @netflix series

Nov 22, 2016: The symbol on the doors is the name of the bar, the Chinese symbol marriage: Double Happiness. It’s also where Ady ……

Nov 22, 2016: ✌🏽…

Nov 22, 2016: People // married……

Nov 22, 2016: Rachel and Eric!!!…

Nov 22, 2016: Double happiness at Chris &amp; Ady’s elopement in Melbourne with the @elopementcollective of …… …

Nov 22, 2016: They spell Parmy wrong in Melbourne…

Nov 22, 2016: 24K magic in the air … in Alan &amp; Kellie’s backyard for their dress up wedding. They even…… …

Nov 22, 2016: Jony Ive’s ChristmasTree…

Nov 22, 2016: Worried about @Apple dropping Airports? It’s ok - here’s the future - our wifi routers talking to each other…

Nov 22, 2016: How do we even know if it’s breaking news if we don’t put the words breaking news in all caps?

Nov 22, 2016: I like the planes…

Nov 21, 2016: Now that I’m blue tick verified I just spend my nights in hotel rooms alone thinking of other verified people to tweet

Nov 21, 2016: Felicity + Mark eloped! #marriedbyjosh 🏞 Wendy’s Secret Garden 📷 Emma Hampton 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Nov 21, 2016: Ben and Tarna #marriedbyjosh in Perth’s Swan Valley about a month ago. They are elite memb………

Nov 21, 2016: Are you even married if there wasn’t a #marriedbyjosh selfie? We’ll never know I guess. P………

Nov 21, 2016: I hate boycotts, they’re often misaligned and misguided, but …

Nov 20, 2016: Trump’s going to build a fourth wall in Hamilton, the musical.

Nov 20, 2016: If a couple have asked me to make their ceremony an unplugged ceremony, how many times should I ask “that person” to put the phone down?

Nov 20, 2016: 8675309

Nov 20, 2016: “There are plenty of adventures to be had, celebrated be sharing a life together exploring………

Nov 20, 2016: A man and his four bags are coming home…

Nov 20, 2016: Here’s some thoughts to help you grapple with it and keep your guest list at a place you can manage.…

Nov 20, 2016: The struggle is real: “why can’t I invite all of Facebook to my wedding” is a thing.

Nov 20, 2016: Making a small and meaningful wedding guest list:… via @YouTube

Nov 19, 2016: My purpose, my job, my thing, is to shine a light on – turn the volume up of – bring to e………

Nov 19, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective…

Nov 19, 2016: We took over Balmoral and made a marriage! Hugo &amp; Vanessa #marriedbyjosh!……

Nov 18, 2016: “You made it more of a celebration than a formal event” - Kirsten &amp; Scott #marriedbyjosh 📷 Heart &amp; Colour …

Nov 18, 2016: A wedding is but one day - a marriage is for life - so have an awesome wedding, but make your marriage better than your wedding

Nov 17, 2016: Pro life tip: Banana Prawns are nothing like bananas.

Nov 17, 2016: Also a fantastic way to see what I do

Nov 17, 2016: 5 minutes: Everyone needs to watch Carley &amp; Trent’s elopement video. Seriously, everyone 👌🏻by @LemonTreeFilm 🍋🌲📽🏡…

Nov 17, 2016: A notice of your intended same-sex marriage … a form that means nothing and everything at the same time…

Nov 17, 2016: Robina’s Christmas pelicans…

Nov 17, 2016: Happy birthday to the 2016 Withers/Roggs luge competition bronze medallist (according to this photo), @bekgrace 🏅🎉…

Nov 16, 2016: Selfie: the photo that looks awesome even if it’s terrible! 📷 Just For Love Photography 🍔 Chur Burger…

Nov 16, 2016: Derek said “I promise to continue to add little Canadianisms into your vocabulary so your ………

Nov 16, 2016: Married at #marriageamnesty day? Your photos are live on my blog now!……

Nov 15, 2016: Super moon? Get back to me when you make a weird crossover movie with Bat moon, Super moon #pfft

Nov 15, 2016: Just a late night thought from a Sydney airport hotel room ✌🏻️

Nov 15, 2016: If couples began their marriage together, planned their wedding together, maybe their marriage would be stronger.

Nov 15, 2016: The simple inclusive act of acknowledging that your customer is two people instead of one could actually change the world

Nov 15, 2016: I think the most powerful thing the #weddingindustry could change is instead of calling its customers brides, call them couples

Nov 15, 2016: Rikka and Michael #marriedbyjosh and featured on the White Magazine blog!…

Nov 15, 2016: One of Marcus &amp; Robyn’s favourite places is right in the middle of Sydney, five minutes fr…… …

Nov 15, 2016: One of Marcus &amp; Robyn’s favourite places is right in the middle of Sydney, five minutes from their house. We said t… …

Nov 15, 2016: I think my old antivirus just asked me to marry it…

Nov 15, 2016: Source: Barista thinks I’m a douchebag.

Nov 15, 2016: Paying for coffee with Apple Pay on your Apple Watch is a genuine way of making sure the barista knows you’re a douchebag.

Nov 15, 2016: In Australia I’m paying $117 AUD ($90USD) for pretty good health insurance - single person coverage…

Nov 15, 2016: Has America united it’s states yet?

Nov 14, 2016: “We have been together for 9 years and engaged for almost 2. We’ve focused on getting ahea………

Nov 14, 2016: Simone and Evan had riverside delight #marriedbyjosh…

Nov 14, 2016: This whole thread…

Nov 14, 2016: Do we need to put the internet away for a while?…

Nov 14, 2016: Love an early flight delayed so I’m not as rushed … but next time @Qantas, let a brother know the night before so I can change the alarm?

Nov 13, 2016: What songs have you asked your DJ not to play?

Nov 13, 2016: Lunched with the mayor of Rockhampton, or was it the Mayer?…

Nov 13, 2016: Happy birthday to Townsville’s most creative and fun wedding photographer, Skye from @sbcr………

Nov 13, 2016: Sidewalk wisdom…

Nov 12, 2016: Why marry? (or, what are the legal ties of marriage?) -…

Nov 12, 2016: I met Michaela and James in New York City last year, and today we pushed through the Brisb………

Nov 12, 2016: Blow drying my hair with a men’s bathroom hand dryer, because I’m pro like that

Nov 12, 2016: I asked Jamie and Dione why they asked me to be their celebrant: “We met Josh 2 years befo………

Nov 12, 2016: “We’ve come so far, from high-school teenagers to somehow becoming semi-adults with fancy-………

Nov 12, 2016: Most celebrants use the big old traditional hand-written marriage register to record your ………

Nov 12, 2016: We’ve travelled the world this year, and it’s been awesome, but it was so nice to wake up at home on the Gold Coast… …

Nov 12, 2016: Tammy and Will sat down and looked at all the options, weddings, Elopements, going to the ………

Nov 12, 2016: The Internet has killed the “no vacancy” sign…

Nov 11, 2016: Kirsten and Scott got casual at Casuarina…

Nov 11, 2016: It’s amazing what a bunch of flowers does for your relationship. Seriously, this is like some kind of weird secret no-one ever told me.

Nov 11, 2016: One of Qld’s greatest exports in recent years has been Fruit Ninja and Jetpack Joyride. What a disappointing fall.…

Nov 10, 2016: Do you ever find yourself attending a wedding and you don’t know what to do or how to act?………

Nov 10, 2016: What is it like to hire Josh Withers?…

Nov 9, 2016: Joel &amp; Liezl partied at Sirromet winery!…

Nov 9, 2016: Everyone’s confused about the US election results — but this is a country where wanting less people to die is a controversial opinion.

Nov 9, 2016: “Dick waving”…

Nov 9, 2016: Everyone passionate about #ElectionNight right now: “If only I had of shared more blog posts online!” #Elections2016

Nov 9, 2016: First time back in front of macOS after three weeks on iOS only. Yup … I’ll buy a new MacBook.

Nov 9, 2016: So, the iguana is the earth’s future, and the snakes are US politicians, right?

Nov 9, 2016: I’m not sure why, it just sounds like an awesome idea.

Nov 9, 2016: I propose that for the 2020 election Australia sends a special envoy of democracy sausage sizzles to American polling booths.

Nov 9, 2016: Instead of posting on social about an election we can’t vote in &amp; in a country we don’t live in, let’s actually make America …

Nov 9, 2016: I’m getting in four years early - let’s do this Australia…

Nov 8, 2016: My chariot awaits…

Nov 8, 2016: Through the whole clip all I can think is “where are the camera operators?!” Did they make it out alive??!!…

Nov 8, 2016: We didn’t choose the Nutella Crêpe life — the Nutella Crêpe life chose us.…

Nov 8, 2016: Yes…

Nov 7, 2016: Woah, the teasers for the final season of USA looks good. Can’t believe it starts this week!

Nov 7, 2016:…

Nov 7, 2016:…

Nov 6, 2016: “I love you” in every language……

Nov 6, 2016: Lines, lanes, and babe…

Nov 6, 2016: Je suis touriste…

Nov 5, 2016: The closest thing I have is this photo from a Berlin shop window ¯_(ツ)_/¯…

Nov 5, 2016: So last night I dreamt that I showed @siracusa my non-existent vintage Mac collection.

Nov 5, 2016: Now I’m self-employed the most consistent people in my life are podcasters.

Nov 5, 2016: When I worked for corporates I used to have very real dreams about work meetings and doing regular boring stuff with co-workers.

Nov 5, 2016: Figured I’d only ever use the points for headphones anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Nov 5, 2016: Living dangerously: just cancelled our economy seats home from Europe and booked business class seats on points.

Nov 4, 2016:…

Nov 4, 2016: Sega is releasing a new Daytona USA. I’m feeling numb … and broke from pre-ordering an arcade machine.…

Nov 3, 2016:…

Nov 3, 2016: Au**ies in Paris…

Nov 3, 2016: Brexit’s relationship status just changed to ‘It’s complicated’

Nov 3, 2016: Feeling a bit conflicted tonight as Britt and I come into our last week of our European ge………

Nov 3, 2016: A week of rest, regeneration, and exploration with my favourite human in the most inspiring city in the world…

Nov 2, 2016: Believe in miracles, Tweeples. We made our 14 minute transfer in Copenhagen!…

Nov 2, 2016: And with any luck our connecting @SAS ✈️ to Paris will be delayed. We’ve got 16 minutes to connect 😳

Nov 2, 2016: Bye bye Iceland! ✈️Copenhagen!

Nov 2, 2016: Flights: $7600 Apartment: $1600 Damaging the oil pan on a rock getting to Háifoss: IKR50000 Travel insurance: $675 p/yr Iceland: priceless. …

Nov 2, 2016: If the glove fits ……

Nov 2, 2016: T&amp;H eloped with us in secret in Iceland today day!!!……

Nov 2, 2016: Working in Iceland with this babe…

Nov 1, 2016: The sun came out and the temperature dropped so our S&amp;C could elope in secret today! We e………

Oct 31, 2016: 16,058 kilometres from home, celebrating a marriage creation in #Iceland today. Humbled to be here.

Oct 31, 2016: Iceland is blowing my mind around every corner…

Oct 31, 2016: Iceland through an 📱… it seems gets far better weather than us when he visits :/…

Oct 31, 2016: Seriously, everything is spectacular in #Iceland…

Oct 31, 2016: Everything in #Iceland is spectacular.…

Oct 30, 2016: Freakin Blue Tick!…

Oct 30, 2016: Too many people think that a “traditional marriage ceremony” involves the groom waiting at………

Oct 30, 2016: Greetings from Iceland 🤘🏼In town for two Elopements this week with the @elopementcollectiv………

Oct 30, 2016: Fall // photo by our travel buddy @philrogg…

Oct 30, 2016: The air keeps the beers cold…

Oct 30, 2016: We’re in frikkin Iceland!…

Oct 28, 2016: We’re leaving Berlin today! Berlin ✈️ Copenhagen ✈️ Reykjavik!…

Oct 28, 2016: I’m no wiser after the #appleevent

Oct 28, 2016: I was holding out for today’s announcements to figure out if I should stick with the iPad for mobile computing + iMac or MacBook in office

Oct 28, 2016: Terror, thy name is: wall. The true act of terror is to build a wall, physically or ideologically, to pronounce “u……

Oct 28, 2016:…

Oct 27, 2016: Totes good idea…

Oct 27, 2016: Cruisy McCruiseface. Like, in case no-one else had said anything.…

Oct 27, 2016: Sometimes, mid-ceremony, I’ll forget how many fingers I have so I’ll stop everything and r………

Oct 27, 2016: Winter Withers…

Oct 27, 2016: Photographering / explorering 🇩🇪…

Oct 27, 2016: Apple delays AirPods launch - @verge…

Oct 27, 2016: Berlin’s architecture is entrancing…

Oct 27, 2016: 👫…

Oct 26, 2016: I had to type it a few times because I had no idea what I was doing, nor was I a great typist. 26 years on I’ll ju……

Oct 26, 2016: One of the first computer games I played, I read the code in a magazine from the school library and I typed it into……

Oct 26, 2016: Hey Twitter - any must-see’s in #Berlin? Particularly on the nerdy/geeky side, I’m aware of the war stuff

Oct 26, 2016: There’s been lots of German oddities this trip, but by far the weirdest Berlin thing so far is black toilet paper…

Oct 26, 2016: Til Death Do You Gogglebox: a married couple is locked inside a house with one remote control and one loaded gun, plus two Ch7 cameras …

Oct 26, 2016: 7 Year Stitch: you get literally sewn together with your partner who you hate…

Oct 26, 2016: Mawage - you get married to someone you don’t want to marry and Channel 7 is there to capture it…

Oct 26, 2016: Meowied At First Sight: Australia’s first reality TV show about grabbing women by th……

Oct 26, 2016: East #ampelmännchen…

Oct 26, 2016: Europe with this babe — genius!…

Oct 26, 2016: Coffee chain named after one of the smartest men to live — genius…

Oct 26, 2016: I look forward to visiting Berlin again when it’s finished. The whole city seems to be under construction.

Oct 26, 2016: So glad our feet could meet…

Oct 25, 2016: Two years ago today @hellobrittanyjane left her visual merchandising job with Mecca Maxima………

Oct 25, 2016: A replica of an American checkpoint from a time that Berlin still seems to struggle with. The city doesn’t know ho……

Oct 24, 2016: Hello, Berlin

Oct 24, 2016: I suppose the lesson here is, never ever travel, ever? Or am I missing the lesson?

Oct 24, 2016: I remember looking at my Düsseldorf triangle of “there’s totes going to be a fuckup here” but I trusted @Qantas/@emirates/@airberlin …

Oct 24, 2016: It’s quite healing to tweet the social media departments of corporations with incompetent systems and procedures. You guys should try it.

Oct 24, 2016: Maybe it’s not $5 a day, but a @Telstra travelling option that’s less that a life sentence in billing jail?

Oct 24, 2016: Hey @Telstra, don’t be afraid of doing something non-terrible, product wise, for your travelling clients.

Oct 24, 2016: Add into that my stupidity of thinking “I’ll just go offline for three weeks, don’t organise a travel SIM”, cue second Qantas …

Oct 24, 2016: Quietly losing it in Düsseldorf airport in the middle of the perfect blame storm: @Qantas ticket, @emirates delay, @airberlin connection.

Oct 24, 2016: Sure, I could be super upset that Emirates missed my connecting flight to Berlin at Düsseldorf, but this sign remin……

Oct 23, 2016: Aussie rich kids eat smashed avo. Arab rich kids grow trees in the desert.…

Oct 23, 2016: Cash bars at weddings are more and more popular - are you having one?

Oct 23, 2016: Stop 1 // Singapore // I think the captain just wanted to get a good coffee…

Oct 23, 2016: Stop 1 // Singapore // I think the captain just wanted to get a good coffee……

Oct 23, 2016: Our office is closed for the next three weeks as we take the @elopementcollective to Icela………

Oct 23, 2016: Our office is closed for the next three weeks as we take the @elopementcollective to Icela………

Oct 23, 2016: Our office is closed for the next three weeks as we take the @elopementcollective to Icela………

Oct 22, 2016: Thesh annoys Hayley on purpose, Hayley just married Thesh. Love is crazy like that 😁 Hayl………

Oct 22, 2016: What’s left over -…

Oct 22, 2016: &lt;/work&gt; &lt;holiday&gt;

Oct 22, 2016: I love this time of the year, the “War on Christmas” time of year that is. It’s October 22, is that too early for a… …

Oct 21, 2016: The Pullman bunny. He brings you wine eggs in October.…

Oct 21, 2016: The photographer becomes the photographer……

Oct 21, 2016: Two regular people, one’s a builder, one’s a nurse. They met at the cinemas, got engaged i………

Oct 21, 2016: “You’re so open about what you stand for, &amp; they come across in your wonderful ceremonies.” - Simone and Evan #marriedbyjosh …

Oct 21, 2016: Kayla met Amy at the cinemas in Wollongong and they started a conversation the day after t………

Oct 21, 2016: How are people not protesting on the streets about Apple withholding the Airpods. You’ve changed, mannnnn.

Oct 21, 2016: With the power given to me by Facebook, I pronounce you your partner’s cheerleader.

Oct 21, 2016: In case you were wondering why there’s smoke all over #Sydney…

Oct 20, 2016: The gift that keeps giving… -…

Oct 20, 2016: Brendan + Angela + Josh = married!……

Oct 20, 2016: Scott &amp; Autumn made a marriage!……

Oct 20, 2016: Well, that’s a nice notification to get seconds before a marriage ceremony #marriageequality…

Oct 20, 2016: Adrian &amp; Dom got #marriedbyjosh!……

Oct 20, 2016: I honestly thought we all agreed on making weird faces. Thanks for letting me down, Gary &amp;………

Oct 20, 2016: Stephen &amp; Millie!!!……

Oct 20, 2016: Daniel &amp; Trisha #marriedbyjosh at the #sunshinecoastpopupwedding at @spicersclovellyestate……

Oct 20, 2016: I’ve always had a hard time getting my head through the #cedarcreekestate chapel door 📷 @s………

Oct 19, 2016: “Josh kicked off our special day by conducting the ceremony exactly as we described to him” - Joel + Liezl 📷 Hannah Blackmore Photography …

Oct 19, 2016: My Adele moment // I set fire … to the rain … in an elopement Paul &amp; Chelsea #married…… …

Oct 19, 2016: My thoughts on Roll Call on @ProductHunt……

Oct 18, 2016: I’m an ABIA accredited celebrant…

Oct 18, 2016: These two just promised to love each other forever. They did it in secret, with no guests,………

Oct 18, 2016: On Tuesdays we go to Coffs Harbour…

Oct 18, 2016: Quick, to the batcave #probably #steviewithers #catsofinstagram…

Oct 17, 2016: And that neediness is only beat by this…

Oct 17, 2016: At this rate I feel like I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of using an iPad as my main computer…

Oct 17, 2016: Someone’s excited! 📷 Love Is a Place Photography ⛰ Midginbill Hill…

Oct 17, 2016: I met Ziah 🐻!…

Oct 17, 2016: A thank you gift from a couple that obviously know Britt and I way toooooo well! Let’s go back to Portland, ok 😁🍸🍬🍔…

Oct 17, 2016: When Britt’s away, I take other girls out for coffee and walks on the beach…

Oct 17, 2016: I want dat won…

Oct 16, 2016: Nick’s wedding vows for his Nana…

Oct 16, 2016: I’m looking for date-night ideas? Care to share?

Oct 16, 2016: Damian and Sofia skipped the wedding and the boring the registry office to get married in ………

Oct 15, 2016: An issue with “Say ‘I do’ Down Under” -…

Oct 15, 2016:…

Oct 15, 2016: The very definition of a bridechilla // Ellie and Daniel had the cruisiest affair at @high………

Oct 15, 2016: Finally the iPad gets an amazing calendar app - it’s also my favourite iPhone calendar app - Timepage by Moleskine… …

Oct 15, 2016: I can learn to love any AI that reminds me to wake Green Day up at the end of September…

Oct 15, 2016: So it turns out that @rowland_au know me pretty well — crazy socks + 🍫= 😇…

Oct 14, 2016: “What’s the use of falling in love if you both remain as inertly as-you-were?” - Mary McCarthy

Oct 14, 2016: A true leader…

Oct 14, 2016: Andrew + Natalie #marriedbyjosh 📷 Finch &amp; Oak ⛳ Summergrove Estate 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Oct 14, 2016: Meet, @j.ffs…

Oct 14, 2016: Meet, @jimmy_izophotography…

Oct 14, 2016: Perth’s best #celebrant is a few centimetres shorter than me…

Oct 14, 2016: Cockadoodledo…

Oct 13, 2016: These two were disgustingly in love and made us all vomit and cry and laugh and everything………

Oct 13, 2016: The second best thing about being a creative in the wedding industry is that every day you’re working in a super fo……

Oct 13, 2016: Dale and Danielle #marriedbyjosh!……

Oct 13, 2016: Where there’s a will there’s a pun about getting a will -…

Oct 12, 2016: Cheesy wedding photos ‘r me…

Oct 12, 2016:…

Oct 12, 2016:…

Oct 12, 2016: That’s a big “cloud” (east of Busselton)…

Oct 12, 2016: A quick trip into the very south west of the Western Australia Southwest today to create a………

Oct 12, 2016: Long day on the road in the very south west of Western Australia today…

Oct 12, 2016: I’ve (embarrassingly) never tried to purchase The Wire, so thanks iTunes…

Oct 12, 2016: ANZ Bank interviewed me for their Small Business blog…

Oct 12, 2016: “Josh’s ability as a speaker is only surpassed by his ability as humorist” Melissa &amp; Chris #marriedbyjosh 📷 KCL …

Oct 11, 2016: You don’t get to meet B&amp;T yet, no-one knows they just eloped with us in the Swan Valley ou…… …

Oct 11, 2016: The first time an iPhone has done justice to kangaroos #iPhone7Plus #ThisIsAustralia #WesternAustralia…

Oct 11, 2016: Perth: ok…

Oct 10, 2016: This is a caption…

Oct 10, 2016: Hey Perth…

Oct 10, 2016: Andrew + Rebecca #marriedbyjosh 🍃 The Elopement Collective ⛰ Byron View Farm 📷 Morgan Roberts 🌺 Pack a Perfect Party…

Oct 9, 2016: The moment where you realise you’re something to someone. That’s a massive gap to cross. O………

Oct 9, 2016: After a five hour delay because of weather, we’re doing this thang! SYD✈️PER…

Oct 9, 2016: iPhone 7 portrait mode: not supported on Apple Watch…

Oct 9, 2016: Entering the fourth hour of delays at #SYD … I think I’m about to set up camp in a corner of the @Qantas business lounge

Oct 9, 2016: MY WAY!

Oct 9, 2016: So many flights delayed, so many flights delayed, so many flights delayed, you are the one thing in my way, you are the one thing in my way

Oct 9, 2016: “We decided to be apart of #marriageamnestyday because we just wanted to be married. The n………

Oct 9, 2016: Shout out to everyone sitting at airports on Twitter today because your flight’s been delayed #peaceout #sydneyterminal3represent

Oct 9, 2016: Step 1: get married in Brisbane with your two best mates as your witnesses. Step 2: go on ………

Oct 9, 2016: Where would you elope to, if you could?

Oct 8, 2016: When it’s ok to send me that email…

Oct 8, 2016: I’m Facebook living about radio #averyoutsidebroadcast #acras #acras2016…

Oct 8, 2016: It’s amazing that a swipe right on #Tinder can end you up in your old school hall getting ………

Oct 8, 2016: Well, this invalidates anything I’ve ever done with my life as a celebrant/officiant 📷 @holmanphoto via @offbeatbride…

Oct 8, 2016: Perfect logic…

Oct 7, 2016: “I cannot recommend Josh enough! We invited him to our elopement in America and he journey………

Oct 7, 2016: Tomorrow night #ACRAs #ACRAs2016 #veryoutsidebroadcast…

Oct 7, 2016: Matthew &amp; Ashley #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective and @morganrobertsweddings!……

Oct 7, 2016: Physical affection is an easy way to feel closer to your spouse [Photo by Paul Bamford of Finch and Oak Photography]…

Oct 7, 2016: Consider this a tease.

Oct 7, 2016: Wish you were at the #acras tomorrow night? Don’t worry - the next best thing will be on fB Live tomorrow at the same time #acras2016

Oct 7, 2016: I discovered Claire via @producthunt - She makes booking flights fast and intuitive. You can test her here:…

Oct 7, 2016: There’s a Josh Withers in the UK who doesn’t know his email address. But I get his credit reports quarterly.…

Oct 7, 2016: “You were a ray of sunshine on a very rainy, stormy day!” Gavin + Natasha 🎉 #marriedbyjosh 📷 Aaron Shum 🏖 Noosa…

Oct 6, 2016: Courtney and Rob’s wedding vows …. in high definition 📽…

Oct 6, 2016: In one breath government departments are crying poor, in the next they’re blowing $100k on national Snapchat filters…

Oct 6, 2016: Goodnight, Brisbane…

Oct 6, 2016: Just checked out Saturday’s ceremony venue … I feel someone ought to know I’m not a mini…… …

Oct 6, 2016: Ian and Irene #marriedbyjosh…

Oct 6, 2016: Listening to @Beats1 makes me want to work in radio again. Maybe I could convince a radio station to take me on as " radio host at large" 😏

Oct 6, 2016: Three years ago @hellobrittanyjane and I invented #popupweddings right here in Australia. ………

Oct 6, 2016: I asked Kirsten and Scott how they went about creating their marriage celebration that we ………

Oct 6, 2016: Hey, @TurnbullMalcolm, can we get a plebiscite on outsourcing 000? That affects Australian life more than #marriageequality ✌️️

Oct 5, 2016: Photographed by The Left Lane…

Oct 5, 2016: So of course I said yes, and they show me a drive-thru wedding chapel. This is a drive-thru wedding chapel and my day was just made.

Oct 5, 2016: On Skype with a couple I’m marrying from Las Vegas and they ask me “do you want to see a drive-thru wedding chapel?” …

Oct 5, 2016: Well @Apple’s ‘drop something in on the @google keynote" was more boring than expected…

Oct 5, 2016: “Here’s a photo of everyone with a double chin from laughing so hard” - Mitchell &amp; Hannah 📷 Jessie Dains …

Oct 4, 2016: Over coffee this last weekend, as Amy sat protectively next to Josh eagerly wearing a Cron………

Oct 4, 2016: Oh Siri, you’re so fine…

Oct 4, 2016: Perth // this Monday, October 10, is my next wedding business automation and customer jour………

Oct 4, 2016: Help me, Obi Wan Internet, I desire an iPhone 7 Plus Jet Black. What’s the best way to procure one, as every sales person is just ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Oct 4, 2016: In other  thoughts, I just held a jet black iPhone 7 and it’s the one to get, the colour has nothing to do with it, it just feels nice

Oct 4, 2016: Is my desperation for a new #MacBook showing?

Oct 4, 2016: Amendment to my MacBook prediction: @Apple will drop #Airpods or a new #MacBook tomorrow as Google announces the Pixel.

Oct 3, 2016: Call me crazy, but I’d put money on Apple dropping new MacBooks the same hour Google holds it’s event this week.

Oct 3, 2016: In case my Twitter feed doesn’t tell the story … I’m having a day off and Britt’s in Italy so I’m home alone

Oct 3, 2016: Proof that @MrKRudd did have other nation’s support for that UN gig…

Oct 3, 2016: Show business is hard…

Oct 3, 2016: So saying “I do” confuses a modern conversation with redundant and irrelevant words

Oct 3, 2016: Australia has some of the most liberal, forward thinking marriage laws in the world, with the exception of John Howard’s little addition

Oct 3, 2016: If we’re going to fight for marriage and #marriageequality, and we should, then let’s know what we’re fighting for

Oct 3, 2016: There’s an issue with #sayidodownunder, it’s misguided influence on @MargotRobbie and @joshuasasse’s behalf…

Oct 3, 2016: Toad stacking, just another example of the age of entitlement - Queenslanders have it too good… #toadstacking

Oct 3, 2016: ReflexLOLogy, a sporting competition I think I could win…

Oct 3, 2016: 👔 @opposuits 📷 @leoniboltphoto……

Oct 3, 2016: Ben &amp; Khya #marriedbyjosh…

Oct 2, 2016: If I was to have married Josh &amp; Amy two years ago I’d be jailed for six months.

Oct 2, 2016: They’ve now got a few weeks to come down off a Cronulla Sharks win so we can celebrate their marriage 😂

Oct 2, 2016: James Day Photography is making their pictures and Max is capturing the Big Day Of Amy &amp; Josh!

Oct 2, 2016: You’re going to love their story, and luckily they’ve got the three best storytellers in the business working for them.

Oct 2, 2016: 2yrs ago it was illegal for Josh &amp; Amy to get married but in 3 weeks they’ll get to call each other husband and wife according to the …

Oct 2, 2016: Darkness falls on The Shire #NRLGF

Oct 2, 2016: Awesome episode of @TheShireTV tonight on #NRLGF…

Oct 2, 2016: Hey guys, if I had excess cash and wanted to just straight up burn some of that shit during the #NRLGF, does anyone have any ideas?

Oct 2, 2016: Melbourne supporters are good children #NRLGF

Oct 2, 2016: I’m predicting 120 penalties #NRLGF

Oct 2, 2016: Jessica Nobra, amirite?! #NRLGF

Oct 2, 2016: Thank god that’s over

Oct 2, 2016: Every year we’re all like, “wake me up when the pre-game entertainment ends” #NRLGF

Oct 2, 2016: On a Sunday morning west of Brisbane there were donkey rides, popcorn, a petting zoo with ………

Oct 2, 2016: On a Sunday morning west of Brisbane there were donkey rides, popcorn, a petting zoo with ………

Oct 2, 2016: If you’re looking for crazy suits, I got this one from @OppoSuits

Oct 2, 2016: I figured @hellobrittanyjane wold only let me wear this suit once so I best take a hot pho………

Oct 2, 2016: Oh, hey home! (See you later today)……

Oct 2, 2016: Totes forgot to wake Green Day up yesterday.

Oct 2, 2016: “All love stories are frustration stories… To fall in love is to be reminded of a frustrat………

Oct 1, 2016: Can wedding dresses stop being a thing?…

Oct 1, 2016: Nick married his Nana! (Yes, her name is Nana) Nana and Nick are two Perthites who are re………

Oct 1, 2016: Bloody hell, Siri…

Oct 1, 2016: Please support to my charity to spread awareness of people that send direct message Snaps when they meant to post a @Snapchat Story.

Oct 1, 2016: Instagram says a lot about a person. My personal insta has planes, sunsets and sunrises, gadgets, and bacon…

Oct 1, 2016: 5:41am BNE✈️SYD…

Sep 30, 2016: Tom promised to make Julia a cup of tea every morning. A high calling. Julia &amp; Tom #marri………

Sep 30, 2016: Dear, @Dropbox, life is hard enough without rogue notifications that have nothing to notify. Sincerely, OCD guy…

Sep 30, 2016: “I edited my first wedding in iPhoto” - James Day tells @morgancroberts…

Sep 30, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Never threaten divorce during an argument, or, ever. Try really hard to get good at arguing like adults.

Sep 30, 2016: Craig and Lisa #marriedbyjosh 📽 Whitedress Productions 🏠 Osteria…

Sep 29, 2016: Byron Bay confidential // Erin &amp; Eugene #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective and @………

Sep 29, 2016: Pop quiz: Did Stephen come to Australia to, a) marry Ashleigh b) or to tour his Moby/Emin………

Sep 29, 2016: Weddings: not as important as marriages!…

Sep 29, 2016: Press release from Apple that’s not about Macs. Straight trash, begone!

Sep 28, 2016: South Australia, the mushroom state

Sep 28, 2016: Melissa and Aaron #marriedbyjosh with Aaron Shum and The Elopement Collective…

Sep 28, 2016: A&amp;J eloped in secret, so here’s J’s florals by She’s A Wildflower instead of a photo of them 🌺🎉😁💯…

Sep 27, 2016: Of the main desktop/web app

Sep 27, 2016: To clarify: asshole developers are the ones who decide their iOS app should be iphone only, or shouldn’t have the full functionality

Sep 27, 2016: I think so many developers have written off the iPad as a viable main-platform. It’s actually really good except for a few assholes.

Sep 27, 2016: Day two of using iOS/iPad Pro 9.7"/Logitech Create as my main computer and I’m still alive. Biggest weakness, as always, is app developers.

Sep 27, 2016: I have found a notebook type app for just doodling on a PDF but it’s a crappy app.

Sep 27, 2016: Every app I find, paid and free, Adobe and other, are all about a single user signing a document by creating a signature.

Sep 27, 2016: IPad App help please: I’m trying to find an app for signing documents - where five people can sign a PDF from Dropbox or iCloud.

Sep 27, 2016: When you’re trying to transition from a MacBook to iPad Pro and all your apps are like FU - @aircall and too many others…

Sep 27, 2016: All of the disciples were in one Accord ……

Sep 27, 2016: My old (10+ year ago) @ICQ account is dead in the water 🙁 who knew ICQ even had an app still?…

Sep 27, 2016: In breaking news today we can reveal the ‘Hayne train’ is actually a commuter train that takes journalists on epic adventures.

Sep 26, 2016: Anyone done a word study on who’s using “marriage equality” versus “same sex marriage” in #auspol?

Sep 26, 2016: “Love is better than no love, though it can hurt so much.” - Iris Murdoch

Sep 25, 2016: Sydney, you’ve been awesome, let’s do it all again next weekend, ok? SYD✈️OOL…

Sep 25, 2016: Wedding rehearsal? Where we’re going we don’t need a wedding rehearsal. Maybe practise l………

Sep 25, 2016: Nice ride, @Qantas #qf5…

Sep 25, 2016: Starting my Sunday with client meetings on the NSW Central Coast, everything is Terrigal about this place.…

Sep 25, 2016: Share the love - what wedding business has been awesome to you recently? Mention them in the comments!

Sep 24, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 24, 2016: 30 couples are now married! #marriageamnesty - thanks for having us @younghenrys!!!……

Sep 24, 2016: The day @joshuawithers married @josh.withers, to @natalieragonesi, at #marriageamnesty day………

Sep 24, 2016: The 2016 #marriageamnesty team ➡️ #marriedbyjosh + @saskiaandshadow + @tenistolt + @benage………

Sep 24, 2016: “Been waiting for 4 years to finally get married after having two babi…”…

Sep 24, 2016: They just posted a selfie, and I’m like … fuck …. all these mp3s have been brainwashing me

Sep 24, 2016: I just found out that I have the same shirt, haircut, and sunglasses as my favourite podcaster. No, I will not admit who this is.

Sep 23, 2016: A Polish boy met an Irish girl in Australia on @tinder and today they got married in Sydne………

Sep 23, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Date night. Now.

Sep 23, 2016: I don’t know @Nick_Xenophon personally, but I’ll attend his funeral one day just to watch @markhumphries ensure he’s buried with …

Sep 23, 2016: “No one else will have the same wedding as us as you made it an original!” - Courtney &amp; Shaun…

Sep 22, 2016: Australia made great again in one @TheTodayShow interview.…

Sep 22, 2016: … in front of Australia’s Parliament house as a lady possibly in a hijab poses for photos with the house.…

Sep 22, 2016: Pauline Hanson, lead racist in the Australian parliament ……

Sep 22, 2016: “For a younger generation you’ll be their first white president”…

Sep 22, 2016: Just realised that a few months ago I taught Karl about hall passes &amp; now his marriage is on the rocks #ohshit…

Sep 22, 2016: There are couples flying from across the country and even one couple from the Phillipines 🙀

Sep 22, 2016: Just casually freaking out over Saturday’s calendar #marriageamnesty…

Sep 22, 2016: Tara and Will #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 22, 2016: Tom’s a computer programmer so keeping in that tradition, his vows were basically “everyth………

Sep 22, 2016: Oh hey, @trevorlong…

Sep 22, 2016: 5am alarm, 7:20am flight, at 8:42am the seatbelt light turns off and I am Christopher Walkin in Weapon of Choice…

Sep 22, 2016: Sophie &amp; Joe had a small, intimate, ceremony and a massive, raging, after party. Plus Soph………

Sep 22, 2016: Pretty encouraging to see our little biz on this list!…

Sep 22, 2016: Ping @AppleSupport - in case you guys haven’t seen this one

Sep 22, 2016: It’s pretty legit, for a scam…

Sep 22, 2016: A fool would click this link and enter his iCloud details like they want so they can unlock the phone and resell it.

Sep 22, 2016: I lost my iPhone 6S Plus 128GB Gold in Bali in June.…

Sep 21, 2016: {testing an app} My highlight (7m story)……

Sep 21, 2016: All these people are rad dudes. Luke &amp; Emily #marriedbyjosh photographed by @morganrobert………

Sep 21, 2016: Me in White Mag!…

Sep 21, 2016: Who decided that spam calling was profitable?…

Sep 21, 2016: “I always thought I hated weddings, but I just hated how everyone else did it” Eric &amp; Rachel #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 20, 2016: Who gets married on a Tuesday in the #ByronBay hinterland with four guests, the @elopement………

Sep 20, 2016: When you don’t have the Internet, just Facebook me, I’m here to help…

Sep 20, 2016: My favourite #iOS10 app? #Hiya, it alerts you to spam &amp; telemarketing calls……

Sep 20, 2016: I’m so close to emptying my inbox that I had to procrastinate on Twitter for a bit Thanks for being here for me guys.

Sep 19, 2016: Thanks @thebrollyapp!…

Sep 19, 2016: That calendar thing really has a way of sneaking up on you.

Sep 19, 2016: It just hit me that I’m marrying 30 couples this Saturday at @younghenrys for #marriageamnesty day

Sep 19, 2016: Spent the first few moments of this meeting thinking the couple were having a death wedding. Turns out my hearing is as good as the bride’s.

Sep 19, 2016: I am @SteveMolk' worst friend…

Sep 19, 2016: “Please kiss whatever part of you you can reach for me” - John Cage…

Sep 18, 2016: We fought the fog and the rain so that Danika could say “I vow that I will always take car………

Sep 18, 2016: What’s your favourite thing about the person you’re marrying?

Sep 17, 2016: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 17, 2016: “When we’re out for dinner I’ll always shuffle forward when you pull the table closer to y…… …

Sep 16, 2016: Things are about to get reaaalll messy for Rebecchi with the good hair…

Sep 16, 2016: High school sweethearts tied the knot and cemented an awesome future together as husband a………

Sep 16, 2016: At first she thought he was a stalker, turns out he was actually going to be her favourite………

Sep 16, 2016: Pro Tip: Loving like a champion requires listening like a champion. [Felicity &amp; Mark photographed by Emma Hampton]…

Sep 16, 2016: Bon-dye Beach - never Bon-dee @_connectedfm @ismh @imyke @viticci - and this is what my iPhone thinks it looks like…

Sep 16, 2016: Adrian + Elizabeth #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Finch and Oak photography…

Sep 15, 2016: Despite where you stand on #marriageequality isn’t it great to see so many debating the value of marriage

Sep 15, 2016: 👇🏼…

Sep 15, 2016: And the 👰 wore her 👔's gym 👡s……

Sep 15, 2016: Rebecca and Simon #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 15, 2016: As we walked down to Purling Brook Falls in the pouring Springbrook rain I gave the vet an………

Sep 15, 2016: “We are already married in the Philippines but we want to make it official in Austra…”…

Sep 14, 2016: So, Andrew and Tamara’s vows made me cry. Probably the second or third time that’s happene………

Sep 14, 2016: Helen wore blue shoes, Jamie wore a massive grin, I didn’t wear sunscreen. Jamie &amp; Helen ………

Sep 14, 2016: From their farm to ours! Michael &amp; Jess travelled with their favourites from Victoria to ………

Sep 14, 2016: Laura and Adam didn’t want to get stressed on their wedding day, so they had a #popupweddi………

Sep 14, 2016: There was nothing traditional about Nat and Matt’s pop up wedding. It was better than trad………

Sep 14, 2016: Peta and Jeff are a true testament to strength and unity as a couple #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 14, 2016: They didn’t let long distance get in the way of a good love story! Tara &amp; Ben #marriedbyjo…… …

Sep 14, 2016: 14 years together and today they got married #poppy wedding style! Cara &amp; Trent #marriedby………

Sep 14, 2016: “We are so thankful for you kind words &amp; wisdom during our ceremony” Russell + Brianna #marriedbyjosh 📷 We Are Twine …

Sep 13, 2016: Just to fill the airwaves with positive shit.

Sep 13, 2016: If I was running the “yes” campaign for marriage equality, I’d put all the money into Good Samaritan works, film them and play them …

Sep 13, 2016: Do I need a media manager? Does someone want to come along be my media liaison? I’ll give you a reference for your resume lol :)

Sep 13, 2016: Press are asking if they need media accreditation for Marriage Amnesty Day, next Saturday 24 …. should I make them up cute little badges?

Sep 12, 2016: And you thought Siri wasn’t a real person ……

Sep 12, 2016: Dear #Portland, you’ve been weird, don’t ever change. We love you. Sincerely, Josh &amp; Bri…… …

Sep 12, 2016: Quite literally, his father. Ryan (and Meika) #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Apple Photography 🏠 Glengariff Historic Estate…

Sep 11, 2016: Wedding Industry Full Day Workshops || Brisbane and now Perth! Brisbane on September 28 P………

Sep 11, 2016: Hanging with my favourite rock and @heartandcolour #uluru……

Sep 11, 2016: When I got busted trying to put a snapchat filter on Uluru…

Sep 11, 2016: I’m open to blog post ideas - anything you’d like help with that I could write about?

Sep 11, 2016: 9 years worth of design…

Sep 11, 2016: Steph and Kieran emailed us a few months ago, realising that a wedding wasn’t for them, bu………

Sep 10, 2016: Lauren &amp; Samantha #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 10, 2016: Cannot believe we married people in the USA yesterday!! Photos by @lukejleasure with @elopementcollec…

Sep 10, 2016: Yesterday!! A girl from Sydney and a boy from London found a place in the woods outside of………

Sep 10, 2016: “Everyone else” in Western Australia was running away to Bali to get married, so just for ………

Sep 10, 2016: I couldn’t purchase an emergency wooden bow tie in Portland(ia) yesterday. Now I’m questioning everything.

Sep 9, 2016: After prancing around and eloping in Oregon and Washington’s forests for the afternoon, @d………

Sep 9, 2016: Danni, a Sydney girl was a barista in London, where Rich successfully ignored her. Once th………

Sep 9, 2016: Your marriage vows are a foundation to your marriage that should be built upon, not taken away from.

Sep 9, 2016: We’re like two chapters in a book. Thanks for the pics, @lukeandmallory!!……

Sep 9, 2016: I’m not that impressed with the iPhone 7. All of my previous iPhones have had the “lost my headphones again” feature for years now.

Sep 9, 2016: “Josh was the first thing I booked, I needed to make sure I had him” Jamie + Di #marriedbyjosh 📷 Life, Love &amp; Light …

Sep 9, 2016: RIP Myriad. A font taken from us so young, only 14 years old.…

Sep 8, 2016: Did you see us in the Collective Hub magazine?!…

Sep 8, 2016: … the newspaper advertises “friendly neighbourhood” dealers that sell joints for $5…

Sep 8, 2016: Portland, where the Starbucks serve craft beer, the food trucks serve handmade soda, and…

Sep 8, 2016: Four years ago we made a marriage. It’s the best thing we ever started making, and every d………

Sep 7, 2016: I’ll take a side of beef with my marriage ceremony please. Josh &amp; Meisha #marriedbyjosh w………

Sep 7, 2016: Peter &amp; Edita #marriedbyjosh at Byron Bay!…

Sep 7, 2016: Jade + Lewis #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Michael Briggs Photography!…

Sep 7, 2016: Hello, Murica! 🇺🇸

Sep 7, 2016: The Logitech Create 9.7" isn’t available in AUS yet - so whilst in the USA I’d thought I’d try buy one, but I can’t find …

Sep 6, 2016: We’re off to Portland for an elopement today with Oregon’s finest photogs, @lukeandmallory………

Sep 6, 2016: Today we travel to a city whose town slogan is “Keep Portland weird”. Ten points if you can guess which city it is.

Sep 5, 2016: After ten years together Meisha and Josh wanted an experience, something awesome, when it ………

Sep 5, 2016: That’s not a sunset, this is a sunset…

Sep 5, 2016: When the makeup artist married the lifeguard. Wes + Sarah #marriedbyjosh with the @elopem………

Sep 5, 2016: Check out the blog post from the White Magazine launch party!…

Sep 5, 2016: Can wedding dresses stop being a thing? I’m acutely aware of my position in this argument………

Sep 5, 2016:…

Sep 5, 2016: Black magic - @apple tweets hut there are no tweets!…

Sep 5, 2016: ✈️ From Far North Queensland to Close Western Queensland

Sep 5, 2016: “Josh made our ceremony a fun part of the day, rather than necessary” Layton &amp; Laura #marriedbyjosh 📷 James Day …

Sep 4, 2016: I wish “wedding dresses” stopped being a thing, instead, people could wear “I feel like a …… …

Sep 4, 2016: After thirteen years of good times, they decided it was finally time to get married. So th………

Sep 4, 2016: Hi, Cairns ✌🏼️✈️🌴…

Sep 4, 2016: Where did you meet your bride/groom/husband/wife?

Sep 4, 2016: Going troppo for an #elopement 🍸BNE ✈ ️CNS……

Sep 3, 2016: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Morgan Roberts on Mount Tamborine…

Sep 3, 2016: I was talking to @leighwarnerweddings today about what a post-vintage, post-boho-chic wedd………

Sep 3, 2016: You might not know how horror movies work, but because Kirsty &amp; Josh were wed next to the ………

Sep 3, 2016: I’ve got a new competition! If you’ve read Eb &amp; DJ’s story in @whitemagazine you’ve won. B…… …

Sep 3, 2016: Not many people know this but I provide a free pre-ceremony dad joke entertainment service………

Sep 3, 2016: Verifying myself: I am withers on 9MULoOamyFoL3EDs4XvTK8lG_Sc_dIZSPGhD /…

Sep 3, 2016: The pinnacle of an #awesomewedding: awesome #weddingvows Jared &amp; Amelia #marriedbyjosh at………

Sep 2, 2016: Test……

Sep 2, 2016:……

Sep 2, 2016:……

Sep 2, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Tell your spouse they’re sexy, but wait: mean it. [Photo by Aaron Shum Photography]…

Sep 2, 2016: Never let a narrative get in the way of a good story…

Sep 2, 2016: Any ideas why @TurnbullMalcolm is reading the Riot Act to MPs? Like, it was good for 1715, but is it relevant to his peeps?

Sep 2, 2016: “It’s so refreshing to find a celebrant that doesn’t talk in hushed calming tones” Danielle + Lindsay #marriedbyjosh …

Sep 1, 2016: Sitting in front of a blank page trying to write vows? Here’s some questions to ask yourself…

Sep 1, 2016: Glee!! Ambre + Rob #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective, @crimsonweddingflowers, a………

Sep 1, 2016: Sooooo I meant August…

Sep 1, 2016: Anyone know when the Logitech Create 9.7" iPad Pro keyboard is being released?

Sep 1, 2016: Want to go to the snow? Stephen &amp; Natasha #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective, @………

Sep 1, 2016: Tweet of the year…

Sep 1, 2016: Fellow nerds, lend me your fingers: I’m in Portland, Oregon, next week, April 6-13, are there any nerd/awesome things I should see/do?

Sep 1, 2016: Everything, beautiful. Jess + Jon #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective in Queenst………

Sep 1, 2016: Fetishes? Sure I’ve got one…

Sep 1, 2016: What a time to be alive. A hawk picks up a snake and seriously throws it at an innocent family Thats un-Australian…

Aug 31, 2016: “When you marry your best friend, life just becomes all the more perfect.” Ebony &amp; DJ #marriedbyjosh in NZ…

Aug 31, 2016: Adrian &amp; Katie 🎤 #marriedbyjosh 🎉 The Elopement Collective 📷 Finch &amp; Oak 🏠 Summergrove Estate…

Aug 30, 2016: Frequent travellers - are you in a hotel loyalty thing? If so, why? I’m Accor Gold but feeling like I should change.

Aug 29, 2016: Flicking through @whitemagazine and there’s my girl @hellobrittanyjane looking so hot! Tha………

Aug 29, 2016: There’s not enough splash pages on the internet. Click here to enter.

Aug 29, 2016: It was an honour to speak at the @whitemagazine launch about the importance of a publicati………

Aug 29, 2016: Fun in the sun with Glenn &amp; Jen #marriedbyjosh at the Perth Pop-Up Wedding with @elopement………

Aug 29, 2016: Because I’m Happy! Ricky &amp; Amy rockin the aisle with Pharrell #marriedbyjosh 📷Ethereal Photography 🏠Flaxton Gardens …

Aug 28, 2016: There’s a slight photoshop in this image. @ me if you can see it…

Aug 28, 2016: Can’t believe this was a thing I was in…

Aug 28, 2016: A rocky start to an elopement. Yes, that is an awesome pun. Photo by @heartandcolour with………

Aug 28, 2016: Their friends and family still don’t know they eloped 🙃 #MarriedByJosh with @elopementcoll………

Aug 28, 2016: Marriage: a simple, easily understood, liberating commitment to tackling the future togeth………

Aug 28, 2016: 1916: “…to love cherish and obey…” 206: “…oh bae, I ❤️&amp; 💏 you…” How ⏲ has changed us for …

Aug 28, 2016: Theresa logged onto the Internet dating website to delete her account, which inadvertently………

Aug 28, 2016: If you’re going to say an awesome marriage vow into a microphone in front of your friends ………

Aug 28, 2016: They had wanted to be husband and wife since they were 13! They waited a bit though, don’t………

Aug 28, 2016:……

Aug 28, 2016: What if we had a plebiscite on having a plebiscite? #plebisciteequality

Aug 28, 2016: Bali’s a pretty awesome place to get married - if it’s on your list, check this out…

Aug 27, 2016: The wedding tax, and how to avoid it……

Aug 27, 2016: You know what’s awkward? When you’re a guest at a wedding and you’re up the back like you'…… …

Aug 27, 2016: Just over a week until Portland!!! I’ll be blue like jazz all week :D

Aug 27, 2016: Or am I super late?

Aug 27, 2016: Any reason that the @GCTitans game isn’t being broadcast? Actually turned the TV on to watch :/

Aug 27, 2016: The one where the cake lady married the possum whisperer! Evan + Simone #marriedbyjosh at………

Aug 26, 2016: If you’ve ever talked to me about celebrating marriage you’d know that I think you should ………

Aug 26, 2016: because they lost access. Thank you, Steve Jobs, for the flashlight. 3/3

Aug 26, 2016: It’s hard to believe that less than a decade ago none of us had flashlight apps. It was a different time. You’d drop your keys in the 1/3

Aug 26, 2016: dark of night and immediately surrender your house and car, your whole life. People would just walk away from their previous lives 2/3

Aug 26, 2016: When Emily responded to John’s advert she was expecting to ride away on a bike. Instead. .………

Aug 26, 2016: Is everyone getting this error on @instagram? #instagram…

Aug 26, 2016:……

Aug 26, 2016: Everyone follow this thread, Bill is my favourite…

Aug 26, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: If you don’t understand yourself, you don’t understand anyone else.

Aug 26, 2016: “Josh encapsulated our philosophy to a T, we could tell that he really paid attention” Jess &amp; Ben #marriedbyjosh …

Aug 25, 2016: I work super hard at three things: being in an awesome marriage, so I can talk authentical………

Aug 25, 2016: Thinking about wedding creation differently -…

Aug 25, 2016:……

Aug 25, 2016:……

Aug 24, 2016: We snuck down beneath a waterfall just off the Great Ocean Road so Aaron and Sally could e………

Aug 24, 2016: Home time…

Aug 24, 2016: The love of field and coppice, Of green and shaded lanes. Of ordered woods and gardens Is ………

Aug 24, 2016: Henri and Nicole #marriedbyjosh at Gabbinbar Homestead with Kelly Adams!…

Aug 24, 2016: Hashtag Australia…

Aug 24, 2016: Legit authentic tumbleweed 🏜…

Aug 24, 2016: Considerably grateful to be able to experience all of this. So much good ✌🏼️

Aug 24, 2016: The red centre, the outback, the Olgas, Ayers Rock, Kata Tjuta, Uluru, the moon.…

Aug 24, 2016: Weddings are for happiness 🎉Vikram and Jemma #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 23, 2016: Once their family knows they eloped, we can share their story. But today they’re just a sp………

Aug 23, 2016: We said “where would you like to elope?” and they said “Uluru!” So we’re in Uluru and no-o…… …

Aug 22, 2016: Tomorrow’s office, with @elopementcollective and @heartandcolour……

Aug 22, 2016:…

Aug 22, 2016: Today is 🚗 Brisbane ✈️ Sydney ✈️ Uluru!

Aug 22, 2016: Felicity + Mark eloped! #marriedbyjosh 🏞 Wendy’s Secret Garden 📷 Emma Hampton 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Aug 22, 2016: Felicity + Mark eloped! #marriedbyjosh 🏞 Wendy’s Secret Garden 📷 Emma Hampton 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Aug 21, 2016: Joe said “I look forward to every day for the rest of our lives” and Sophie said “I promis…… …

Aug 21, 2016: 12 months ago Stacey and Craig were married under the moonlight at @osteriacasuarina. One………

Aug 21, 2016: “The day should be about the two of us, and nothing else. No frills requir…”…

Aug 21, 2016: Signing table? Where we’re going we don’t need a signing table! Elopement with @heartandc………

Aug 21, 2016: I answer the question on the WedVid talkshow “personal vows or Googled vows”…

Aug 20, 2016: Questions you can ask yourself to help you write amazing wedding vows…

Aug 20, 2016: “great opportunity ti tie the k…”…

Aug 20, 2016: That time we all got on a boat and made @kissmeyoufool_dilhari a wife! Doug &amp; Dilhari #ma………

Aug 20, 2016: Under a full moon in the Brisbane Valley, Ben &amp; Jess made a commitment too each other with………

Aug 20, 2016: From this day forward, throughout all of the uncertainty of life, Dave &amp; Nik know this one………

Aug 20, 2016: They eloped west of Brisbane in #Esk on Thursday in front of their inner circle of favouri………

Aug 20, 2016: The untold story of “YASSS” starts about 19 minutes into this Ep of @replyall. It’s amazing.…

Aug 19, 2016: Dawn &amp; Pete #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 19, 2016: It’s not Sri Lanka, but @binnaburramountainlodge was a suitable middle ground for their el………

Aug 19, 2016: My list of “most exciting places I’ve printed marriage certificates for” has a new winner… …

Aug 19, 2016: An honourable human relationship is a process, not a moment. It’s a journey, an adventure, something that goes beyond any one moment.

Aug 19, 2016: “Firstly and most importantly, our ceremony was relaxed &amp; reflected us to a tee. And secon…… …

Aug 19, 2016: “You made it more of a celebration than a formal event” - Kirsten &amp; Scott #marriedbyjosh 📷 Heart &amp; Colour …

Aug 18, 2016: A marriage born on the rapids, celebrated in a hardware store, with the most important peo………

Aug 18, 2016: I’ve forgotten if I’m a back or a front wiper. It’s been 20 minutes now, sitting on the toilet, just wondering what’s even …

Aug 18, 2016: Red typo for have

Aug 18, 2016: But small businesses that red in their own mail servers hate my domain name.

Aug 18, 2016: Dear, intelligent people that know SMTP stuff. I don’t know how to be in blacklisted. Major email providers are ok.…

Aug 18, 2016: When even your cat is getting spam emails about SEO…

Aug 18, 2016: Creative ways to finance your wedding -…

Aug 18, 2016: Tomorrow the family finds out that they eloped today #elopementcollective #elopement #marr………

Aug 18, 2016: Adding this to the list of things that are things…

Aug 18, 2016: New level of crazy/awesome reached: a couple are coming from the Philippines for #marriage………

Aug 17, 2016: What’s that URL there, @trevorlong? :)…

Aug 17, 2016: “When we decided to get married the first thing we agreed on was that we wanted our weddin………

Aug 17, 2016: Listening to it now and it doesn’t at al sound like I’d been in Skype meetings since early morning when recorded :)…

Aug 17, 2016: We’re making good decisions in our marriage today, starting with watching Stranger Things in daylight hours.

Aug 17, 2016: I tried to convince Alison from P&amp;P in the UK to convince the Brits to marry in Australia :)…

Aug 17, 2016: Selfie: the photo that looks awesome even if it’s terrible! 📷 Just For Love Photography 🍔 Chur Burger…

Aug 16, 2016: If anyone has an objection … Bree + Liam #marriedbyjosh with @elopementcollective and @_………

Aug 16, 2016: Watching Japanese arrive is very excitement for hungry boy…

Aug 16, 2016: First day back in my Brisbane office in two months, left the key at home. Adulting like a boss!

Aug 15, 2016: Totes confused about what to watch on TV tonight? Hit up the @MolksTVTalk email sub by @SteveMolk…

Aug 15, 2016: The second coldest wedding I’ve ever been to!…

Aug 15, 2016: A campaign based in NO … sounds awesome :/…

Aug 15, 2016: I did it over three years ago, and I’m only just levelling out, feeling all the same things today for @SteveMolk w/ launch of @MolksTVTalk

Aug 15, 2016: Putting yourself at the mercy of the general public, aka starting your own business venture, is so much more gut wrenching than employment.

Aug 15, 2016: free trial so you can trial his daily TV email for free then it’s just $5 per month. If you, like I, think that TV is too complicated 6/7

Aug 15, 2016: today then subscribe to Molk’s TV Talk. Now with added punctuation in the title!… 7/7

Aug 15, 2016: ply his TV writing skills to a new business model: instead of big media paying him to write, what if the public who already loved his 4/7

Aug 15, 2016: writing got behind him. So the resultant weeks of planning is now online at… - check it out, there’s a 30 day 5/7

Aug 15, 2016: My friend, @stevemolk has been nerding out on TV for over six years. He knows more about it than most of us do, it’s unhealthy :) He’s 1/7

Aug 15, 2016: not only a good friend, but we’ve co-hosted radio shows and podcasts together for years, and I love his view on the world, and in 2/7

Aug 15, 2016: particular, television. When we found out his employment was ending I encouraged him to ditch employment and become a free agent, to 3/7

Aug 15, 2016: I now sent every daily TenPlay email to spam services in the hope that a Channel Ten email never appears in an inbox every again.

Aug 15, 2016: Because @channelten don’t offer a way to unsubscribe from their emails, and their support guys haven’t replied to my complaint.

Aug 15, 2016: Someone’s excited! 📷 Love Is a Place Photography ⛰ Midginbill Hill…

Aug 14, 2016: Scientists can now tell whether we’re depressed by looking at our Instagram account…

Aug 14, 2016: “Behind every complaint there is a deep personal longing” - John Gottman. What is your spouse longing for from you?

Aug 14, 2016: The road to #midginbilhill is also someone’s bed……

Aug 13, 2016: Consider this a tease: We just spent the night creating @SteveMolk’s next big thing. It’s amazing. You’ll love it 📺📧🎉😁

Aug 13, 2016: Me on the Today Show!…

Aug 13, 2016: When Sgt Dick Power details the worst possible guy…

Aug 13, 2016: When Brooke moved to London she thought she had found a fellow Aussie in the online dating………

Aug 12, 2016: Today Liezl married her caring straight shooter and Joel married his princess 👸🏻👨🏻 Joel &amp; ………

Aug 12, 2016: It’s only right that I make this announcement to my Facebook family first. I’ve been the ………

Aug 12, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Stress = low libido. Solution: Build a life of no-stress.

Aug 12, 2016: So if you’d like to a) save money on electricity, and b) give me $50 - click here… (2/2)

Aug 12, 2016: My electricity provider, who is very cheap and not shit, tells me that if I refer people I get $50 when they sign up (1/2)

Aug 12, 2016: Andrew + Natalie #marriedbyjosh 📷 Finch &amp; Oak ⛳ Summergrove Estate 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Aug 11, 2016: Believe it or not, wedding ceremonies can be fun…

Aug 11, 2016: Sirromet Winery has a #Tesla charging station. That’s knowing your target demographic!…

Aug 11, 2016: I’ve been trialling Pocketbook but it’s a bit too simplistic.

Aug 11, 2016: Xero for personal finances? Do you have a recommendation for a Quicken or MS Money of 2016?

Aug 10, 2016: Mel and Don #marriedbyjosh with Morgan Roberts and The Elopement Collective on Mount Tamborine…

Aug 10, 2016: Well guys, the results are in. There’s now 89 of us in Australia according to the 2016 census.

Aug 10, 2016: “Josh’s ability as a speaker is only surpassed by his ability as humorist” Melissa &amp; Chris #marriedbyjosh 📷 KCL …

Aug 9, 2016: The only real disappointment is if the news agencies didn’t already have the #censusfail news stories pre-written for tonight.

Aug 8, 2016: If you’ve got a sweet spot for epic scenes, I’ve just shared Michael &amp; Bianca’s #elopement…… …

Aug 8, 2016: When the soldier married his person, and she married hers. Bianca + Michael #marriedbyjos………

Aug 8, 2016: Sydney ✈️ Gold Coast 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌🏼

Aug 8, 2016: As a side note - if the @ATO_gov_au is being compromised, surely that would nevverrrrr happen to the @ABSStats #census2016 #CensusFail

Aug 8, 2016: TL;DR: I feel that I have evidence that the @ATO_gov_au has been compromised by hackers.

Aug 8, 2016: Only one single transaction before the unauthorised transactions in the USA. I’ve been in Australia and NZ and the card has not been touched

Aug 8, 2016: The card has existed electronically in one single place - in the credit card transactions database at the ATO through MyGov.

Aug 8, 2016: And today I’ve had a conversation with the credit card fraud detection intelligent people and they have it all looked after thankfully.

Aug 8, 2016: Then on August 5 Australia time the credit card was being used in America, a $25 transaction in a stationary store.

Aug 8, 2016: I attempted a single transaction - paying my GST account - the transaction was declined because my math was off and it was over the limit.

Aug 8, 2016: The card was fresh out of the PO Box, had not entered any electronic systems, Keychain, 1Password, Google Chrome saved credit cards. Zero.

Aug 8, 2016: Before leaving for New Zealand two weeks ago, on the 21st of July I attempted to pay my GST account using a brand new fresh credit card.

Aug 8, 2016: I’ve got a fairly heavily weighted suspicion that the ATO (Australian Tax Office) has been hacked/compromised. Story to follow.

Aug 8, 2016: Andrew + Rebecca #marriedbyjosh 🍃 The Elopement Collective ⛰ Byron View Farm 📷 Morgan Roberts 🌺 Pack a Perfect Party…

Aug 7, 2016: With the #BlueMountains as their backdrop and a handful of their favourites as their witne………

Aug 7, 2016: Business idea: a browser plugin that dismisses all email subscription pop ups on websites

Aug 7, 2016: Marriage is more than a moment in time, it’s a process. Why not begin it in your lounge room on a Sunday morning before brunch 😁🍳☕️

Aug 7, 2016: I just married C&amp;F in their unit in Zetland. Their neighbours witnessed their paperwork, and in a 60sec moment they became husband &amp; …

Aug 7, 2016: If I know anything about Olympic stuff, it’s that it is definitely all about luck #wtf…

Aug 6, 2016: Scott and Kirsten #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 6, 2016: Peter promised to love Dawn, even though he wouldn’t always get along with her. Dawn promi………

Aug 6, 2016: Never before has the world given less of a care about the Olympics. This is a dark time for montages.

Aug 5, 2016: Going to a wedding this weekend? Give the couple the greatest gift you can give: your atte………

Aug 5, 2016: Take me home @Qantas // #ZQN ✈️ #SYD…

Aug 5, 2016: Visited my snowman before we left #Queenstown … I have not left a legacy…

Aug 5, 2016: Just in case anyone else was wondering 😁…

Aug 5, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Give your spouse your undivided attention soon. Quality time is quality.

Aug 5, 2016: “You were a ray of sunshine on a very rainy, stormy day!” Gavin + Natasha 🎉 #marriedbyjosh 📷 Aaron Shum 🏖 Noosa…

Aug 4, 2016: 🎵I’m walking away🎵 from New Zealand in my life 🎶 for … a little bit, we’ll brb, we promi…… …

Aug 4, 2016: Sure, let’s all believe that @KimKardashian has no idea what phone company she’d like to endorse.

Aug 4, 2016: I’m often asked what I think the ultimate wedding looks like. It looks like this! No guest………

Aug 4, 2016: How to create vows that wow (the most cliche thing I’ve said in a while)…

Aug 4, 2016: Last week we married Tash &amp; Steve in New Zealand. If you look in my #instagramstory right ………

Aug 4, 2016: Last week Stephen and Natasha, with myself, and @HeartAndColour with The @ElopementCollect………

Aug 3, 2016: Yes, I did want to build a snowman. But my hands were Frozen.…

Aug 3, 2016: I was asked about personal vows, yes or no, in this edition of the Wedding-o-pedia…

Aug 3, 2016: Epic New Zealand elopement for Jess and Jon yesterday. They came back to Te country the be………

Aug 3, 2016: “Here’s a photo of everyone with a double chin from laughing so hard” - Mitchell &amp; Hannah 📷 Jessie Dains …

Aug 2, 2016: Jon asked Jess to marry him at Lake Pukaki, near Mount Cook. Then today, down the road at ………

Aug 2, 2016: Those mountains in the background, they’re called The Remarkables. Today we celebrated Jes………

Aug 2, 2016: My hitman business is really going to take a hit when iOS 10 comes out. This new gun emoji means nothing to me.…

Aug 1, 2016: We’re on a working holiday in #NewZealand this week with the heart and colour behind @hear………

Aug 1, 2016: Toilet humour…

Aug 1, 2016: Ben &amp; Khya #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 31, 2016: Answering the question: Am I a priest?…

Jul 30, 2016: Gavin &amp; Natasha #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 30, 2016: Conflict and arguments are both inevitable and necessary in a marriage —… (via @itsalandrews)

Jul 30, 2016: It’s snowing!……

Jul 30, 2016: “Josh, thanks so much for bringing some personality to our ceremony. Definetly not the sta………

Jul 30, 2016: I have no idea what is happening here…

Jul 30, 2016: Left your corporate overlords &amp; now work for yourself, like me? You’ll like this cast… by @jsnell &amp; …

Jul 29, 2016: Your marriage isn’t a destination, t’s not a goal you can reach or something you can achieve or finish. It’s a journey. A process.

Jul 29, 2016: Craig and Lisa #marriedbyjosh 📽 Whitedress Productions 🏠 Osteria…

Jul 28, 2016: How [I think] driverless cars will positively impact marriages…

Jul 28, 2016: Today we married a couple of Australians in New Zealand IN THE SNOW! All I can show you, h………

Jul 28, 2016: Today I married these people in the snow! But none of their friends or family know so here………

Jul 28, 2016: Your marriage ceremony wholly and solely celebrates your marriage, not the ideals or under………

Jul 27, 2016: Rob used to sneak into Ambre’s room for kissing practise. Now they’re husband and wife! A………

Jul 27, 2016: Lauren and Bryce #marriedbyjosh in the Hunter Valley!…

Jul 27, 2016: A&amp;J eloped in secret, so here’s J’s florals by She’s A Wildflower instead of a photo of them 🌺🎉😁💯…

Jul 26, 2016: Good luck to everyone in @abiaaustralia Queensland awards tonight! We’re supposed to be t………

Jul 25, 2016: Snow…

Jul 25, 2016: “Love is better than no love, though it can hurt so much.” - Iris Murdoch

Jul 24, 2016: “so the kids stop being confu…”…

Jul 24, 2016: “Because we just want to be married without the fuss of a weddin…”…

Jul 24, 2016: “Because we both like the idea of a relaxed approach to getting marri…”…

Jul 24, 2016: “Without music, life would be a mistake” - Nietzsche Who’s playing the music at your wedding?

Jul 24, 2016: #NewZealand bound for two weeks with @elopementcollec &amp; @bekgrace_ for #Elopements! ✌🏼️…

Jul 24, 2016: Joe said “I promise I will never let you walk alone down any road or pathway, along with o………

Jul 23, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective…

Jul 23, 2016: I’ve just spent last few hours in Wollongong preparing for the #bigdayof Josh &amp; Amy. Their…… …

Jul 23, 2016: 15 years ago backstage at a local high school production of #WestSideStory Gordon and Kirs………

Jul 22, 2016:…

Jul 22, 2016: 1996 was a tough year #shoppingtrolleymurdered

Jul 22, 2016: … with Paulin Hanson for Tony Abbott’s sake.

Jul 22, 2016: I’ll be honest, I didn’t think opening up today’s @dailytelegraph would inform me that at one point in someone’s life they had …

Jul 22, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Vulnerability is the guardian of integrity.

Jul 22, 2016: “No one else will have the same wedding as us as you made it an original!” - Courtney &amp; Shaun…

Jul 21, 2016: Shut up and take my money…

Jul 21, 2016: Sophie and Joe asked a handful of their closest humans to join them, and me, for an intima………

Jul 21, 2016: A notice of your intended same-sex marriage … a form that means nothing and everything at the same time…

Jul 20, 2016: It’s a #ByronBay kind of Wednesday…

Jul 20, 2016: E&amp;R eloped with The Elopement Collective today in secret in Byron Bay! 𐬹 𐬹 #MarriedByJosh ………

Jul 20, 2016: Getting married in Byron Bay? I know a guy…

Jul 20, 2016: New #woodenbowtie and #socks day! Thanks @woodandbeau! #woodandbeau……

Jul 20, 2016: “Please kiss whatever part of you you can reach for me” - John Cage…

Jul 18, 2016: There is a correlation between the number of uneducated people on TV to the number of stupid things said on TV.…

Jul 18, 2016: Trump has Australian family?…

Jul 18, 2016: Adrian + Elizabeth #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Finch and Oak photography…

Jul 17, 2016: Does Australia have one of those websites that lists all the secret email addresses for corporations?

Jul 17, 2016: Hey @channelten how about you make unsubscribing from your emails legal…

Jul 17, 2016: Have you considered holding a weekly marriage meeting?…

Jul 16, 2016: What is it like to hire Josh Withers?…

Jul 16, 2016: You’ve been rad Far North Queensland, see you later alligator ✌🏼️ CNS ✈️ BNE……

Jul 15, 2016: Nina + Gavin #marriedbyjosh! 📷 @sbcreativeco_ with @elopementcollective 𐬹 𐬹 #elopementcoll………

Jul 15, 2016: To love without knowing how to love, hurts the ones we love.

Jul 15, 2016: What would need to happen for you to cancel your wedding?

Jul 15, 2016: “We are so thankful for you kind words &amp; wisdom during our ceremony” Russell + Brianna #marriedbyjosh 📷 We Are Twine …

Jul 14, 2016: When it’s ok to send me that email…

Jul 14, 2016: Strippers on the bucks night?! Does anyone still do this anymore?

Jul 14, 2016: Hate, in the long term, is about as nourishing as poison.

Jul 14, 2016: Quite literally, his father. Ryan (and Meika) #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Apple Photography 🏠 Glengariff Historic Estate…

Jul 13, 2016: On holidays ✌🏼️……

Jul 13, 2016: Pro tip: Figure out why you’re paying wedding vendors before you actually book them…

Jul 13, 2016: “Josh was the first thing I booked, I needed to make sure I had him” Jamie + Di #marriedbyjosh 📷 Life, Love &amp; Light …

Jul 12, 2016: “Josh reminds me of Santa Claus, always jolly and happy to be there. He lights up the roo………

Jul 12, 2016: Screen time &lt; face time.

Jul 12, 2016: The real reason you should never smile at a crocodile is because when she visits the GC she’ll want to stay with you…

Jul 12, 2016: Ian and Irene #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 12, 2016: What’s the best wedding photo ever, like, in the history of the universe? I’d love to see it.

Jul 11, 2016: Alex &amp; Chris ditched their Sydney wedding plans to elope with us in Port Douglas! #married………

Jul 11, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 11, 2016: Jade + Lewis #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Michael Briggs Photography!…

Jul 10, 2016: Nine couples walking into forever with their favourite people tonight thanks to our Far No………

Jul 10, 2016: Tara and Will #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 10, 2016: Michael + Rikka eloped with just their parents, such a freakingly special afternoon with @………

Jul 10, 2016: “Gracey, I love you more than trucks. I love you more than firetrucks. I love you more tha………

Jul 10, 2016: Ben &amp; Angela #marriedbyjosh! 𐬹 𐬹 #elopementcollective #nqpopupwedding #popupwedding #port………

Jul 10, 2016: It’s with great sadness that I announce I will possibly not be Prime Minister, probably.

Jul 10, 2016: “Your words on that day were and will continue to be so true and relevant” Belle &amp; David #marriedbyjosh 📹 Twelve08 …

Jul 10, 2016: Gavin &amp; Nina #marriedbyjosh! 𐬹 𐬹 #elopementcollective #nqpopupwedding #popupwedding #port………

Jul 10, 2016: Christine &amp; Steve #marriedbyjosh! 𐬹 𐬹 #elopementcollective #nqpopupwedding #popupwedding ………

Jul 10, 2016: Chris + Jess #marriedbyjosh! 𐬹 𐬹 #elopementcollective #nqpopupwedding #popupwedding #port………

Jul 10, 2016: How many peeps in your bridal party? Are they all the same gender, either side?

Jul 10, 2016: Jared + Amelia! 𐬹 𐬹 #marriedbyjosh #elopementcollective #nqpopupwedding #popupwedding #………

Jul 10, 2016: Rocking Port Douglas for @elopementcollec’s #nqpopupwedding today 👌🏼…

Jul 9, 2016: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 9, 2016: Super exciting notification to get as you arrive in Port Douglas from Sydney ……

Jul 9, 2016: Ah Cairns. Where I proposed that Britt might marry me, where I did breakfast radio for a few milliseconds, &amp; where the heat comes to holiday

Jul 9, 2016: Bye bye, winter! We’re Port Douglas bound ✌🏻️ SYD ✈️ CNS…

Jul 9, 2016: Have you considered ditching the seating plan? Instead create a sign saying ‘Sit where you’d like and make a new pal.’

Jul 9, 2016: “Josh made our ceremony a fun part of the day, rather than necessary” Layton &amp; Laura #marriedbyjosh 📷 James Day …

Jul 8, 2016: Lauren and Bryce #marriedbyjosh in the Hunter Valley!…

Jul 8, 2016: “We are never as kind as we want to be, but nothing outrages us more than people being unkind" Kindness: our forbidden &amp; luxurious …

Jul 8, 2016: On a train seat today there’s a @smh from June 18-19. A newspaper 3 weeks early.…

Jul 8, 2016: Paul came from Fiji to Sydney to marry his love on a simple, saturated, Sydney morning #ma………

Jul 8, 2016: Crazy/awesome idea: Sunrise ceremony, brunch party. Sunset drinks with your lover.

Jul 8, 2016: Why are you getting married where you are getting married?

Jul 8, 2016: “It’s so refreshing to find a celebrant that doesn’t talk in hushed calming tones” Danielle + Lindsay #marriedbyjosh …

Jul 7, 2016: 1060…

Jul 7, 2016: Rebecca and Simon #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 7, 2016: I grew up being told to not meet strangers off the Internet, and especially not to get in their cars. Now I Uber everywhere.

Jul 7, 2016: I’m glad that NSW is finally banning those Greyhound Buses. Such an inefficient form of transport.

Jul 7, 2016: What’s the one thing you’ve hired or bought for your wedding that is non-negotiable?

Jul 7, 2016: Choosing music for your wedding tip: Good music acts as a guide to good living. Let your wedding music be the soundtrack to your marriage.

Jul 7, 2016: Adrian &amp; Katie 🎤 #marriedbyjosh 🎉 The Elopement Collective 📷 Finch &amp; Oak 🏠 Summergrove Estate…

Jul 6, 2016: Getting married in Byron Bay? I know a guy…

Jul 6, 2016: Because I’m Happy! Ricky &amp; Amy rockin the aisle with Pharrell #marriedbyjosh 📷Ethereal Photography 🏠Flaxton Gardens …

Jul 5, 2016: “Nothing awakens us to the reality of life so much as true love” - Vincent Van Gogh

Jul 5, 2016: Lauren &amp; Samantha #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 5, 2016: How do actions like these not make the front page of the newspapers. It’s just disgusting and plain wrong.…

Jul 5, 2016: This is just the best - Bowie answers the famous Proust Questionnaire…

Jul 5, 2016: If a couple have asked me to make their ceremony an unplugged ceremony, how many times should I ask “that person” to put the phone down?

Jul 4, 2016: Did you see us in the Collective Hub magazine?!…

Jul 4, 2016: Took my little brother to get a real haircut by tongalahi at barberbrosandco @ Barber Bros &amp; Co…

Jul 4, 2016: Weddings are for happiness 🎉Vikram and Jemma #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 3, 2016: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective and Morgan Roberts on Mount Tamborine…

Jul 3, 2016: Pro tip: Figure out why you’re paying wedding vendors before you actually book them…

Jul 3, 2016: Showing everyone how to automate Instagram at #whocareswins……

Jul 3, 2016: ROBEY…

Jul 3, 2016: ROBEY…

Jul 3, 2016: Chris and Bridget got married in a drain. It sounds super un-classy, but you’ll have to tr………

Jul 3, 2016: What songs have you asked your DJ not to play?

Jul 2, 2016: Melanie &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 2, 2016: Chris &amp; Bridget #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 2, 2016: First date: Bridget stomped away in anger. Second date: Bridget ran away. Third date: It………

Jul 2, 2016: Sweet! There’s an #auspost party at @MedicareGov’s place tonight!…

Jul 2, 2016: Anyone else getting text messages from @MedicareGov? #auspol…

Jul 2, 2016: Terribly awkward when a client fervently hates the TV show you were on and I don’t think they know I was on it.

Jul 2, 2016: “…”…

Jul 2, 2016: Step 1: Put effort into your marriage. Step 2: Enjoy your marriage. Step 3: Go to step 1.

Jul 2, 2016: Felicity + Mark eloped! #marriedbyjosh 🏞 Wendy’s Secret Garden 📷 Emma Hampton 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Jul 1, 2016: In line for @xdotai artificial intelligence assistant to schedule my meetings. Join the evolution:…

Jul 1, 2016: I for one, welcome our new phallic overlord #TheFeedSBS

Jul 1, 2016: Fun game, call your family members and ask them who they are voting for. Pauline might make it, guys.

Jul 1, 2016: Lauren and Bryce #marriedbyjosh in the Hunter Valley!…

Jul 1, 2016: Years and years ago @gabbinbarhomestead was Toowoomba’s “scary, old, and decrepit house” t…… …

Jul 1, 2016:…

Jul 1, 2016: 10 tips on dealing with the in-laws…

Jul 1, 2016: Cash bars at weddings are more and more popular - are you having one?

Jul 1, 2016: Selfie: the photo that looks awesome even if it’s terrible! 📷 Just For Love Photography 🍔 Chur Burger…

Jun 30, 2016: Sitting in front of a blank page trying to write vows? Here’s some questions to ask yourself…

Jun 30, 2016: Let’s be honest about social networks. The main reason we’re hoping one dies is so a new one rises where we can all get better usernames.

Jun 30, 2016: 2141 days ago Bethany would have never imagined that Luke could have came into her and Wil………

Jun 30, 2016: Anyone know how the different political parties feel about coffee? Trying to make an informed decision for tomorrow.

Jun 30, 2016: I’m looking for date-night ideas? Care to share?

Jun 30, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Perfection is impossible. Don’t aim for perfection in your marriage or home. Instead, aim for progress.

Jun 30, 2016: Asking for a friend.

Jun 30, 2016: Is there a political party you could vote for that would equally serve your own financial interests but also not make you look selfish?

Jun 30, 2016: Someone’s excited! 📷 Love Is a Place Photography ⛰ Midginbill Hill…

Jun 29, 2016: Listening to @wendyzuckerman’s @sciencevs preview episode (cause I’m a @Gimletmedia member) and there’s a hilarious mis-edit at 18 …

Jun 29, 2016: Getting married in Byron Bay? I know a guy…

Jun 29, 2016: Andrew + Natalie #marriedbyjosh 📷 Finch &amp; Oak ⛳ Summergrove Estate 🎉 The Elopement Collective…

Jun 28, 2016: Vote 1 for heaters this weekend.

Jun 28, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Never stop being curious about your spouse. There’s always more for you to learn about them.

Jun 28, 2016: The wedding tax, and how to avoid it……

Jun 28, 2016: Where would you elope to, if you could?

Jun 27, 2016: Wake me up, when, American and Britain are great again …

Jun 27, 2016: I just found a password vulnerability in ANZ’s Internet Banking. I feel Michael Bolton from Office Space.

Jun 27, 2016: A sneak peek into what I’ve got planned for Sunday’s #whocareswins workshop in Brisbane……

Jun 27, 2016: Questions you can ask yourself to help you write amazing wedding vows…

Jun 27, 2016: One of Matt &amp; Megan’s four witnesses to their elopement in Bali says “is it inappropriate …… …

Jun 27, 2016: Eric + Elke #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding with @elopementcollective 📷 @jimmy_iz………

Jun 27, 2016: “Josh is also not a show pony. He has this brilliant ability to make you feel completely r………

Jun 27, 2016: I had the best weekend at the #byronbayweddingfair! Seriously, I’ve attended wedding fairs………

Jun 27, 2016: “Josh’s ability as a speaker is only surpassed by his ability as humorist” Melissa &amp; Chris #marriedbyjosh 📷 KCL …

Jun 26, 2016: How [I think] driverless cars will positively impact marriages…

Jun 26, 2016: Brisbane business peeps! Have you got your tickets to my next seminar on business systems and automations?…

Jun 26, 2016: Che from @byronbayweddings is not just a pretty face, also an awesome waiter ✌🏻️#byronbayw………

Jun 26, 2016: Really good listen for media/news/blog/podcast types…

Jun 26, 2016: Which flowers should I get Britt? I know NOTHING about flowers!

Jun 25, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh with The Elopement Collective…

Jun 25, 2016: Byron Bay!! I’m back tomorrow/Sunday/today 9am to 2pm at @secretgardenbyronbay for the @by………

Jun 25, 2016: Before Emily met Luke she never thought she’d get married and she was happy with that. The………

Jun 25, 2016: “Because we keep putting our wedding to a future date because of the planning and of course money. This seems th…” …

Jun 25, 2016: Pro Tip: Investing money into your marriage saves you investing money into your divorce.

Jun 25, 2016: Commonwealth countries and former British colonies say that a “British Independence Day sounds ironic”, probably.

Jun 25, 2016: Andrew + Rebecca #marriedbyjosh 🍃 @elopementcollective ⛰ @byronviewfarm 📷 @morgancroberts ………

Jun 25, 2016: Andrew + Rebecca #marriedbyjosh 🍃 The Elopement Collective ⛰ Byron View Farm 📷 Morgan Roberts 🌺 Pack a Perfect Party…

Jun 24, 2016: Pro tip: Figure out why you’re paying wedding vendors before you actually book them…

Jun 24, 2016: Today the world drinks English #Brexit Tea

Jun 24, 2016: My natural gas supplier just wrote me a letter solely asking me to visit a URL. That’s the world we live in now.

Jun 24, 2016: “Brexit”, more like, “we just don’t like other people”

Jun 24, 2016: Now it begins. First it was #Brexit, then it will be every country name mixed with a “we hate immigrants” word and some won’t make …

Jun 24, 2016: What love language are you? Do the test here…

Jun 24, 2016: Share the love - what wedding business has been awesome to you recently? Mention them in the comments!

Jun 24, 2016: “You were a ray of sunshine on a very rainy, stormy day!” Gavin + Natasha 🎉 #marriedbyjosh 📷 Aaron Shum 🏖 Noosa…


Jun 23, 2016: Yasss! Steve &amp; Kate just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 23, 2016: A notice of your intended same-sex marriage … a form that means nothing and everything at the same time…

Jun 23, 2016: What’s your favourite thing about the person you’re marrying?

Jun 23, 2016: Pro Marriage Tip: Your spouse is not going to be like you, that’s why you married them! A………

Jun 23, 2016: #Steppypants master…

Jun 23, 2016: “You’re born alone, and you die alone. The value of the space in between is trust and love.” - Louise Bourgeois

Jun 23, 2016: “Here’s a photo of everyone with a double chin from laughing so hard. So many good looking………

Jun 23, 2016: Old white football guy/s do another stupid thing. It’s almost a trope, unfortunately it’s reality.

Jun 23, 2016: 2 things I know for sure, that our flight will always be at the furtherest away gate, &amp; our luggage will always be the last on the carousel.

Jun 23, 2016: “Here’s a photo of everyone with a double chin from laughing so hard” - Mitchell &amp; Hannah 📷 Jessie Dains …

Jun 22, 2016: I love all this “respect for women” stuff like its a new top 40 album all the AFL leaders are really digging right now.

Jun 22, 2016: ⚡️ “It’s the remix to ignition, AusVotes edition!”…

Jun 22, 2016: Getting married in Byron Bay? I know a guy…

Jun 22, 2016: For her last column in the @BigIssue, @HelenRazer goes out on a high - a really great column, H, I’m certain of it.…

Jun 22, 2016:…

Jun 22, 2016: Boats: the 90s pop stars of #auspol

Jun 22, 2016: “We are in our 50’s and feel we have finally met the love of our lives in each other but a wedding day just seem…” …

Jun 22, 2016: Faux-New York City makes me really miss New York City!……

Jun 22, 2016: Yasss! David just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 22, 2016: Yasss! Justine just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 22, 2016: Yasss! Katelyn just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 22, 2016: This is amazing technology. How does @win_tv know my favourite shows!!?…

Jun 22, 2016: Craig and Lisa #marriedbyjosh 📽 Whitedress Productions 🏠 Osteria…

Jun 22, 2016: “If reading Twitter makes you upset, but you still want to be able to broadcast the details of your juice cleanse”…

Jun 21, 2016: I’m starting a charity that will rescue the people that contribute film mistakes to @IMDb. Please donate.…

Jun 21, 2016: “We have been together for 22 years, and have been engaged for nearly 13 years and have taken a backward step to…” …

Jun 21, 2016: More laughter, less every single other thing ever. [Gavin + Robyn #marriedbyjosh photographed by Aaron Shum]…

Jun 21, 2016: The Yarra Valley, Australia’s Microsoft Windows XP desktop wallpaper…

Jun 21, 2016: What is it like to hire Josh Withers?…

Jun 21, 2016: The day of reckoning has come: I have just received a booking from another Joshua Withers. I finally get to marry me!

Jun 21, 2016: I’m open to blog post ideas - anything you’d like help with that I could write about?

Jun 20, 2016: “we’ve always known we were forever so we never really set a date, we couldnt really afford a wedding for the am…” …

Jun 20, 2016: Anyone know Berlin? Is Friedrichstrasse a good place to stay?

Jun 20, 2016: When it’s ok to send me that email…

Jun 20, 2016: This afternoon we took an amazing opportunity to be shot by @jeshderox, @edpeers, &amp; @gabem………

Jun 20, 2016: Dear Australian banks, imagine the awesomeness of emoticons in direct debit references/messages. IMAGINE IT!

Jun 20, 2016: This weekend is the @byronbayweddingfair!! See you there Saturday &amp; Sunday 📷 @storiesbyash………

Jun 20, 2016: “Thank you so much for making our rained out/washed out/sweaty marriage ceremony one we’ll………

Jun 20, 2016: A&amp;J eloped in secret, so here’s J’s florals by She’s A Wildflower instead of a photo of them 🌺🎉😁💯…

Jun 19, 2016: Yasss! Sam just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 19, 2016: Ian and Irene #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 19, 2016: Brisbane business peeps! Have you got your tickets to my next seminar on business systems and automations?…

Jun 19, 2016: #NameyMcNameFace I’d like to think my vote helped…

Jun 19, 2016: Funny story about a mid-70s family that invented a sibling to shape US television ratings for the better…

Jun 19, 2016: Where did you meet your bride/groom/husband/wife?

Jun 18, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 18, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 18, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 18, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 18, 2016: Vas and Felicia #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 18, 2016: I love the Internet…

Jun 18, 2016: … endless newbie is the new default for everyone, no matter your age or experience" - Kevin Kelly, The Inevitable

Jun 18, 2016: “Most of the important technologies that will dominate life 30 years from now have not yet been invented …

Jun 18, 2016: 26 people ahead of me. I might just finish the book I just started

Jun 18, 2016: Home on the Gold Coast, for a few seconds, for a haircut, reading Kevin Kelly’s ‘The Inevitable’ while I wait…

Jun 18, 2016: Plan for a successful marriage, not a successful wedding. Id you do that yo’ll have a successful wedding automatically.

Jun 18, 2016: “Love is better than no love, though it can hurt so much.” - Iris Murdoch

Jun 17, 2016: Any programmy type people willing to point me in the right direction to make this a thing?…

Jun 17, 2016: Brisbane business peeps! Have you got your tickets to my next seminar on business systems and automations?…

Jun 17, 2016: This is true, but I’m hoping to avoid the fraud title and the panic attacks…

Jun 17, 2016: I would argue that if you’re not taking a risk for love, then you’re possibly not loving. Take a risk for your favourite person today.

Jun 17, 2016: “Behind every complaint there is a deep personal longing” - John Gottman. What is your spouse longing for from you?

Jun 17, 2016: “No one else will have the same wedding as us as you made it an original!” - Courtney &amp; Shaun…

Jun 16, 2016: Tara and Will #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 16, 2016: Did you choose your wedding photographer based on price or photos?

Jun 16, 2016: With the power given to me by Facebook, I pronounce you your partner’s cheerleader.

Jun 16, 2016: “Please kiss whatever part of you you can reach for me” - John Cage…

Jun 15, 2016: Dani + Jake #marriedbyjosh at @theungasan #uluwatu #bali #baliwedding #balicelebrant #theu………

Jun 15, 2016: “We found each other later in life , soul mates we also are having a baby that is a miricle as is wasnt possible…” …

Jun 15, 2016: Danielle &amp; Jake // Bali……

Jun 15, 2016: I think I could get used to being a #baliwedding #celebrant #balicelebrant #bali……

Jun 15, 2016: Bali // today’s office 🌺……

Jun 15, 2016: True friends Snapchat filter you when you’re on TV…

Jun 15, 2016: Brisbane business peeps! Have you got your tickets to my next seminar on business systems and automations?…

Jun 15, 2016: “Love is better than no love, though it can hurt so much.” - Iris Murdoch

Jun 14, 2016: Does your partner know how you like to be kissed? Send them a txt now letting them know.

Jun 14, 2016: Rebecca and Simon #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 14, 2016: “Without music, life would be a mistake” - Nietzsche Who’s playing the music at your wedding?

Jun 14, 2016: Apparently everyone is thinking of @siracusa today…

Jun 13, 2016: Lauren &amp; Samantha #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 13, 2016: “We want to get married on MAD because we want to be married but the idea of a wedding and the complexities of o…” …

Jun 13, 2016: There are a few times left for people to marry for free on #MarriageAmnesty day!…

Jun 13, 2016: “No one else will have the same wedding as us as you made it an original!” - Courtney &amp; Shaun…

Jun 12, 2016: Did you see us in the Collective Hub magazine?!…

Jun 12, 2016: “Because we would rather be married than have a wedding. Because we have family and friends all over Australia,…” …

Jun 12, 2016: I’m Bali bound for Jake &amp; Danielle’s wedding at Uluwatu! Last time I was there Matt &amp; Meg…… …

Jun 12, 2016: How to elope, step three: @heartandcolour makes sweet sweet art of your lovely faces! #el………

Jun 12, 2016: How to elope, step two: @joshuawithers from @elopementcollective encourages you that marri………

Jun 12, 2016: How to elope, step one: @hellobrittanyjane from @elopementcollective finds you a one-in-a-………

Jun 12, 2016: “You hate travelling with kids don’t you mum!?” says the excited and well-informed knee-high human to her mother as we board the 6hr …

Jun 12, 2016: My favourite words come from the mouths of babes:

Jun 12, 2016: “I love my fiance and want to marry her, we both have tried to plan a wedding but we both dont like the idea of …” …

Jun 12, 2016: So much love

Jun 12, 2016: Saying goodbye to #aggiewithers and #steviewithers for the week…

Jun 12, 2016: “its everything we want for a wedding”…

Jun 12, 2016: “Been engaged over 20 years Couldnt be bothered with the bullshit of a wedding 😄”…

Jun 12, 2016: “We want to get married but would never be able to afford a wedding. Plus we dont want the hassle of having to i…” …

Jun 11, 2016: Damn it …. I know I would :(…

Jun 11, 2016: Part of me is glad every day when i see him still alive, sticking it to 2Day FM simply by breathing air.

Jun 11, 2016: As confronting as that is, what a sad state of affairs for a radio station, and a talent, to be in. Waiting for a win in the obituaries.

Jun 11, 2016: A Southern Cross Austereo insider in Sydney has told me that their plan to beat K&amp;J is to just wait for him to die.…

Jun 11, 2016: “Just wanted a hassle free wedding. We have both been married before. "…

Jun 11, 2016: “We have been together for 19 years and have two children 7 &amp; 8. Our children would love to see us married and h…” …

Jun 11, 2016: ICYMI: #marriagemanesty day on @TheTodayShow, watch now on @Channel9 @9Jumpin…

Jun 11, 2016: Yasss! Jashan just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 10, 2016: “We have been engaged for 3 years &amp; have been putting off getting married because of the pressures &amp; stresses a …” …

Jun 10, 2016: “We are engaged and our first child is due on the 21st of June 2016, subsequently we’ve had to delay our marriag…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “We spent all our savings on becoming residents after meeting each other in the bush backpacking (both pommies) …” …

Jun 10, 2016: I’m loving the new 360 photos in Facebook - here’s one I took at #burleigh earlier today… #burleighbeach

Jun 10, 2016: “Peter and I would love to be legally marry to confirm our life commitment together. We are overwhelmed with th…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “We have been together for 15 years and want to be married but dont want all the fuss of todays big weddings. Ju…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “Because my partner and I believe in marriage, not just a wedding day. We want it to be just us two- real raw or…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “Due to the struggles of every day life we are really struggling to save the money to afford to get married.”…

Jun 10, 2016: “a no stress wedding is what we want”…

Jun 10, 2016: Yasss! Glenn just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 10, 2016: It’s got nothing to do with money … it’s just that a wedding isn’t for everyone #marriagemanesty…

Jun 10, 2016: Some initially suggested it would be cheap/houso type people - but there are so many people registering that have great jobs from good areas

Jun 10, 2016: The most amazing thing about #marriageamensty day is the people it is attracting. They’re right across the spectrum of the population.

Jun 10, 2016: “We are the people you described in your post- soul mates who want ro be together foreverand be married- but wit…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “Because we’ve been engaged 7yrs and have 3 beautiful children, but could never afford a wedding😢”…

Jun 10, 2016: “Because we can’t afford the wedding of our dreams unfortunately and desperately want to be together. We believe…” …

Jun 10, 2016: In case you missed me on The Today Show talking about #marriageamnesty…

Jun 10, 2016: “we wanted a small wedding as we don’t want to whole huge thing about family as we want the day to be about us. …” …


Jun 10, 2016: “my partner and i love eachother very much and have wanted to get married for 3 years. We arent into traditional…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “No stress or too formal”…

Jun 10, 2016: “Fortune favours the brave, 2 beautiful kids and a lush house later, i think its time! Plus its my birthday so h…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “Because we hate the idea of the fuss of a wedding and couldnt afford it anyway, but we have a beautiful daughte…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “Marriage has always been unaffordable for us, even the cost of a marriage certificate is a lot of money for us….” …

Jun 10, 2016: “To begaon life as a married couple”…

Jun 10, 2016: “We have been together 10 years, Adam has been through several medical problems, which means we have had too put…” …

Jun 10, 2016: “This is both our second marriage, and we have been putting this off as we really don’t want to have a big weddi…” …

Jun 10, 2016: I wake up with @TheTodayShow 👌🏼…

Jun 9, 2016: Hopefully I can do better mouth.

Jun 9, 2016: With any luck tomorrow at 7:50am I might do a little better. I’m on air taking about #marriageamnesty &amp; it’s going to be awesome!

Jun 9, 2016: The last time I was on @TheTodayShow I broadcast this collection of English my school teachers would be ashamed of.…

Jun 9, 2016: Massive thank you to @younghenrys at Newtown for hosting #marriageamnesty day!!…

Jun 9, 2016: Peta &amp; Jeff eloped! #MarriedByJosh with the #elopementcollective &amp; #heartandcolour taking …… …

Jun 9, 2016: The last time I was on the @TheTodayShow I said “so much good” as if it’s a thing normal people say…

Jun 9, 2016: I’m on the @TheTodayShow tomorrow morning at 7:50am talking about the #marriageamnesty…

Jun 8, 2016: Consider this your official tease: The Today Show, Friday, 7:55am.

Jun 8, 2016: #nottheonion…

Jun 8, 2016: Waze is rockin' the suburbs, just like Michael Jackson did, but with traffic, instead of music…

Jun 8, 2016:…

Jun 7, 2016: How to know if you should marry someone: if you’re sad that you can’t just call them to sa………

Jun 7, 2016: #MotelMexicola, a great place to down tacos like a mad man, a@d to make out with your new ………

Jun 7, 2016: It’d be totes awe if anyone shared the link around to some people that might benefit from a day of #marriageamnesty…

Jun 7, 2016: And a few news orgs have poked around and had a look at it

Jun 7, 2016: I haven’t convinced a venue/cafe/something to let me host it somewhere yet, so at this point it might happen in Hyde Park or similar?

Jun 7, 2016: Things are going crazy on the #marriageamnesty front: photographers are flying to Sydney, and driving from across Sydney to shoot the day!

Jun 7, 2016: Step 4) Reinforce the reason why I’d never made a purchase on @Kogan before today. Nice company, @ruslankogan ✌🏼

Jun 7, 2016: Step 3) Deny @Qantas frequent flyer points to new @kogan customers…

Jun 7, 2016: Step 2) Delay asking for @qantas frequent flyer number until after payment

Jun 7, 2016: Evidence @Kogan…

Jun 7, 2016: Kogan marketing: Step 1) offer a 10 @Qantas points per dollar spent to lure in new customers

Jun 7, 2016: I tried paying with my phone today, and looked like even more of an idiot than I normally would using Apple Pay.

Jun 7, 2016: I lost my Phone in Bali last week, I’ve been using an old iPhone in between insurance claims etc, &amp; the feature I miss the most: …

Jun 7, 2016: The last “most adult thing” ever was also with my accountant. I ought to stop seeing him. He’s probably the reason I’m going …

Jun 7, 2016: I’m currently scheduling a tax-planning meeting with my accountant, topping the “most adult thing I’ve ever done” list.

Jun 7, 2016: “We have been engaged for 4 years and have 3 kids. Our lives are pretty busy so we really like the idea of a has…” …

Jun 7, 2016: 10 points if you can name this wall. Matt &amp; Megan #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcolle………

Jun 7, 2016: Matt &amp; Megan #marriedbyjosh in Bali last week with @elopementcollective and @heartandcolou………

Jun 7, 2016: Oh, hey there @whitemagazine contributors! #lovemywhitemag……

Jun 7, 2016: Register for the #marriageamnesty for free at…

Jun 7, 2016: I’m proclaiming September 24, 2016, a day of marriage amnesty, a pardon for everyone that wants to be married, but a wedding has stopped you

Jun 6, 2016: The best thing about tonight is realising there’s a Twitter bot that auto-liked tweets that mention thought leader.

Jun 6, 2016: Every Monday night I realise I completely missed #qanda by living life outside of the outragesphere again.

Jun 6, 2016: Yasss! Dee just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 6, 2016: Can’t wait to be back in #Bali for Danielle &amp; Jaje’s wedding next week! Here’s a sneak pe…… …

Jun 6, 2016: “I’ve been with the father of my 3 children for 24 yrs &amp; have never been able to afford it”… …

Jun 6, 2016: Between the waves, cars, and planes crashing in Burleigh today, it’d be a great place to get dinner tonight, so many free carparks.

Jun 6, 2016: ABC New: car on fire in Burleigh. 9News: A plane has crashed at Burleigh.

Jun 6, 2016: “After being together for 23 years and 3 grown children money has always got in the this will gove ius no…” marriedbyjosh.c

Jun 6, 2016: “Steve and I have been engaged for 5 yrs now, the only thing delaying the marriage is how overwhelming a wedding is” …

Jun 6, 2016: I wrote a thing sharing awkward truths about Britt for @WHITEMagazine - read at…

Jun 6, 2016: “We’ve been together for nearly 4 yrs and in that time our little family has grown to 6!”… #marriageamnestyday

Jun 6, 2016: “We have been so busy with our two beautiful daughters 1 &amp; 3 years old that we havent been able to plan a wedding!” …

Jun 5, 2016: Anyone with the email for Kyle and Jackie O’s producers?

Jun 5, 2016: The public eye sucks balls quite a lot. What that statement is true, it’s also seemingly where I’ve made my bed.

Jun 5, 2016: K&amp;A wanted to get married but planning their wedding was getting out of control, and it tu………

Jun 5, 2016: Who would have thought that so many people needed a day of amnesty for getting married… is getting busy!

Jun 5, 2016: I’ll marry as many people as I can at no cost, all for the power of love and the love of marriage. Register for free…

Jun 5, 2016: If you have been “meaning to”, or “wanting to” get married but a wedding has been standing in the way, September 24 in Sydney …

Jun 5, 2016: Launch time!!! I’m proclaiming September 24 as marriage amnesty day.

Jun 5, 2016: Do I sound desperate?

Jun 5, 2016: Any cafe at all in Sydney?

Jun 5, 2016: Somewhere for me to sit, with a laptop plugged into power, and sign the paperwork for a tonne of people to get married for free

Jun 5, 2016: I was originally thinking a wedding venue or something, but they’re all full on Saturdays already … so just a cafe might be awesome

Jun 5, 2016: What is Marriage Amnesty Day?…

Jun 5, 2016: Trying to find a place to host Marriage Amnesty Day on September 24, a Saturday

Jun 5, 2016: Sydney help needed: does anyone know a cafe owner somewhere around Sydney city/inner west/east/something like that?

Jun 5, 2016: How to complete the ‘Notice of Intention To Marry’ form, the NOIM:… via @YouTube

Jun 5, 2016: FIL does’t realise his Pandora internet radio uses the internet …. this is 2016 for sons-in-law

Jun 4, 2016: Yasss! Jake just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Jun 4, 2016: “My darling Alastair, you are the most stubborn person I know. No one can make you do anyt………

Jun 4, 2016: Brisbane “Who Cares Wins” workshop tickets now launched :)…

Jun 4, 2016: When you get your first #AppleWatch and you’re pretty stoked with life…

Jun 1, 2016: No-one else knows they eloped!! #MarriedByJosh #Bali #elopementcollective #balielopement #………

Jun 1, 2016: Should we call Olympic Park?…

Jun 1, 2016: So, in summary: September 24 in Sydney, free marriages for everyone, consider it one big massive free pop-up wedding

Jun 1, 2016: Details etc all to come … just thought I’d put a date in anyone’s calendar

Jun 1, 2016: No cost, just eternal, unconditional love for some other human 🤘🏻

Jun 1, 2016: Because a marriage is wayyyy better than a wedding

Jun 1, 2016: So on September 24 in Sydney, I’m going to marry anyone and everyone I am legally allowed to.

Jun 1, 2016: Thanks to @MolksTVTalk and @BYoungBris for the word help

Jun 1, 2016: They asked me to donate my services they had paid for to someone else, and I thought, why not go one step further: a day of Marriage amnesty

Jun 1, 2016: One of my couples in Sydney have just called off their wedding, because despite wanting to be married, the wedding was too much. So ….

Jun 1, 2016: Which isn’t really describing it well …

Jun 1, 2016: It’s a word to describe a day, or event, where everyone can be forgiven or atoned, kind of - like a day where a service is free for a day

Jun 1, 2016: Any word nerds able to help me remember the word I’m trying to think of?

Jun 1, 2016: Vows exchanged in the loveliest storm drain in Brisbane…

May 31, 2016: Seat frog - a new service that will let you find out about last minute airline upgrades…

May 30, 2016: If only because 1) if I was going to make a dick of myself, this is what it would look like, and 2) I do love Bali

May 30, 2016: I hope that 1 day in the inevitable future when I make a dick of myself, the journalists trawling Twitter find this…

May 30, 2016: And it’s always just lovely to see your country on the front page of the @nytimes…

May 30, 2016: The best part about being in Bali on a Monday is that you get to read the Sunday newspapers freshly ironed, off last night’s flights.

May 29, 2016: Bali bound for some destination marriage creation!…

May 29, 2016: If you look back through my photos you’ll notice there’s something fairly different about ………

May 29, 2016: Is there an Australian ISP that runs a reliable network over NBN?

May 29, 2016: iiNet before then was great but peak times saw iiNet suffer.

May 29, 2016: I’ve been trialling Skymesh as an NBN provider for three months and their average speed is not great, and worse during peak times.

May 29, 2016: Sky mesh is disappointing me as an NBN provider? It’s supposed to be 100/40 #speedtest…

May 28, 2016: Caitlyn’s bouquet was unique in that it had its own postcode. Blooms by @bouquetboutique.……

May 28, 2016: Fraser says she stalked him. Caitlyn says he was her ‘work husband.’ Four years on, they ………

May 28, 2016: Caitie and Tim found me my new favourite neckwear! A metal “bow tie” to say thanks for cre………

May 28, 2016: Never leave home without Waze…

May 27, 2016: Anyone been to Bali since March 21 this year? Apparently VISAs are free now?…

May 26, 2016: Repost from @joshuawithers.gif, my personal not-so-much-about weddings Instagram Brisbane………

May 26, 2016: I’m at the @startupcreative event at @warehouseno5 tonight hearing from the creatives behi………

May 26, 2016: Cameron promised to love Susan’s kitchen appliances, Susan promised to love his projects #………

May 26, 2016: Over ten years ago, after one fateful night at the Manly Hotel, Dan and Aleena thought the………

May 26, 2016:…

May 25, 2016: Jamie and Di’s big truck of love … and wedding vows 🚚 😍…

May 25, 2016: Big mac truck wedding vows going out to… subscribers in 3, 2, 1 honk…

May 24, 2016: I’m glad we got to save the $41k …

May 24, 2016: We’re lucky enough to only use credit cards for the points, not for the credit. This is for a statement of $1,851.46…

May 24, 2016: It’s amazing how many undesired email lists I am on … I must unsubscribe from 5-10 per day and still there are more.

May 24, 2016: Nothing like a visit to the Red Cross Blood Service to remind me how boring my life is #save3lives…

May 23, 2016: I think I need to start seeing other airports

May 23, 2016: Realising the watching the sunset over Sydney airport is the most romantic thing to happened to me recently, is quite sad

May 23, 2016: #inspiration…

May 23, 2016: Does anyone need me to marry them in Hawaii soon? Should I renew my license there? 😁🌴😎……

May 22, 2016: I lead a #whocareswins business workshop today!! I think I did pretty good 🤘🏼……

May 22, 2016: 8:30pm on a Summer day in Wanaka // Eb &amp; DJ #marriedbyjosh with @elopementcollective, @hea………

May 21, 2016: Is that a thing?

May 21, 2016: So I have my MacBook and a second display, I don’t want to mirror displays, but I do want to mirror a web browser

May 21, 2016: Attention all nerds: is there a way to present, in the way you would Keynote or Powerpoint slides, a web browser?

May 21, 2016: Cameron &amp; Susan #marriedbyjosh at @kenilworthhomestead! #kenilworth #celebrant #marriagece………

May 20, 2016: Chris + Bridget #marriedbyjosh!……

May 19, 2016: Doing my part for #NameAndroidN…

May 19, 2016: Yess! Angela just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

May 19, 2016: You know the saying, “always the celebrant, never the bride” 📷 @michaelbriggsphotography 💐………

May 19, 2016: A secret elopement off the #greatoceanroad yesterday with the #elopementcollective @michae………

May 18, 2016: A man-child marries his Maltese Princess…

May 18, 2016: Squad goal: waterfall selfie with my Melbourne peeps 🤘🏼 @ Erskine Falls, Lorne…

May 18, 2016: S&amp;A #marriedbyjosh in a secret #elopement off the #greatoceanroad in #Victoria today with ………

May 18, 2016: I’ve lost my sunglasses. My eyes are going around the twist. Have you ever, ever felt like this?…

May 18, 2016: Tyre: 0; Josh: 1. My fear today was that after not changing a tyre in about 15 years that I’d……

May 18, 2016: Yay! @ The Princes Freeway…

May 18, 2016: “Josh is the greatest celebrant ever!!! James &amp; I had the best day of our lives thanks to …… …

May 18, 2016: Thanks, video.

May 18, 2016: It feels like video didn’t kill the radio star, it just hurt us a little bit. Like it hit our funny bone.

May 18, 2016: Almost every time I fly through Gold Coast airport I see another old friend that I used to work in radio with.

May 18, 2016: Flying to Melbourne … the big question is, why not in bed?

May 17, 2016: Always the celebrant, never the bride @ Purlingbrook Waterfall, Springbrook National Park…

May 17, 2016: Renee &amp; Michael #marriedbyjosh with the #elopementcollective @heartandcolour &amp; @wilde.visu…… …

May 17, 2016: Werk, werk, werk @ Purling Brook Falls…

May 17, 2016: Michael &amp; Renee #marriedbyjosh in Springbrook! #theta360…

May 17, 2016: Practising parenthood with the Little Rogg this morning. It’s ok to give them just a single shot……

May 16, 2016: #GeneSimmons impersonator + James + Amanda #marriedbyjosh + photographed by @milquephotogr………

May 16, 2016: Gene Simmons impersonator + James + Amanda #marriedbyjosh &amp; photographed by @milquephotogr………

May 16, 2016: This Sunday in Sydney I’m running my #whoCaresWins workshop for the first time!……

May 16, 2016: Who Cares Wins Workshop:… via @YouTube

May 16, 2016: Trying out a new #barber today, which is much like trialling a new wife. It’s probably nothing……

May 16, 2016: Although it was completely unnecessary, Brooke and Dave got me a box to stand on. Thanks g………

May 16, 2016: Chris Hutchinson at Hilltop on Tamborine with Josh Withers in 360:… via @YouTube

May 15, 2016: As cliched as that sounds, that’s literally what I hope for✌

May 15, 2016: … my marriage ceremonies would inspire couples to create awesome marriages that lead healthy communities into a better tomorrow.

May 15, 2016: Tonight I’m reading @TEDchris’s brand new #TedTalksbook. I’m not planning on delivering a TED talk anytime soon but I’d hope …

May 15, 2016: Someone asked me recently how I stay sharp as a celebrant. The main answer is that I read, well, I try to read.…

May 15, 2016: The family falls apart over UNO @ Kooralbyn Valley…

May 15, 2016: The phat sushi controller @ Master Sushi…

May 14, 2016: Jamie &amp; Di #marriedbyjosh at @braeside_goldcoast! #goldcoastcelebrant #goldcoastwedding……

May 13, 2016: Chris &amp; Sarah #marriedbyjosh!……

May 12, 2016:……

May 12, 2016: Scott &amp; Pela #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective, @fifthavenueflorist &amp; @aaronshu…… …

May 12, 2016: Werk, werk, werk, werk, werk @ Wategos Beach…

May 12, 2016: Today // Holey bowtie @ Feather and Docks…

May 12, 2016: Today // Becoming a pirate @ Feather and Docks…

May 12, 2016: “Do you have a favourite couple?” people ask me often. I can only answer honestly, the las………

May 12, 2016: Had way too much fun last night #lovemywhitemag……

May 11, 2016: Nothing suss #loveiskindoflove @ District 01…

May 11, 2016: Britt &amp; I celebrated the relaunch of my favourite magazine tonight: White Magazine, now in………

May 11, 2016: Today. Jade + Lewis #mariedbyjosh with the #elopementcollective @michaelbriggsphotograph………

May 11, 2016: Almost every location @popupwed sends me to includes some kind of scribbled warning like this. @……

May 11, 2016: “We just wanted something for us” - Jade &amp; Lewis as @michaelbriggsphotography, @redearthfl…… …

May 11, 2016: Lewis &amp; Jade #marriedbybyjosh in an amazing #YarraValley #elopement with the @elopementcol………

May 11, 2016: My office today is cooler than yours #theta360…

May 11, 2016: Working out of the @redearthflowers #YarraValleyWeddingHub studios today with @michaelbrig………

May 11, 2016: Craig + Lisa + confetti cannon + awesome wedding vows!…

May 11, 2016: Clicking send on Craig and Lisa’s vows soon! Subscribe the free weekly “other people’s vows” email at…

May 9, 2016: When you think you left your phone at home and turn around but realise it’s actually in your……

May 9, 2016: No-one call @MolksTVTalk - #gameofthrones is on and apparently no-one is supposed to call at that time.

May 9, 2016: I’m constantly impressed/surprised at @TripIt having @Qantas delays minutes and sometimes hours ahead of QF.

May 9, 2016: I spent some time last night sorting through files, trying to clear up some space on my Ma………

May 8, 2016: Craig + Lisa #marriedbyjosh, confetti cannon by Craig, photographed by @stewartross at @os………

May 8, 2016: #RetroRoo @ Brisbane Domestic Airport…

May 8, 2016: Take me home Jetstar. I’m sick, also tired.

May 7, 2016: Rey wasn’t there to give Luke Skywalker a lightsaber. She was there to give him a voice. Sing it out, Luke!…

May 7, 2016: Look who I stumbled over in the Hunter Valley! @ Lindemans Wines…

May 7, 2016: Bryce &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh and the guy in the back? He’s #confusedbyjosh 😁 #macewedding…… …

May 7, 2016: The emergency supplies draw at #chateauelan - I’ve got my microphone, tissues, holy water,………

May 6, 2016: Travers &amp; Jo #marriedbyjosh in Nambour today!……

May 6, 2016: Fun game: guess how late this Jetstar flight can be delayed.

May 6, 2016: Good morning, Brisbane! @ Brisbane Airport…

May 6, 2016: Nigel &amp; Debbie #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #kid…… …

May 5, 2016: Stevie &amp; Adam #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #kido…… …

May 5, 2016: Butch &amp; Jac #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #kidogo…… …

May 5, 2016: Erik &amp; Elske #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #kidog…… …

May 5, 2016: Matt &amp; Amy #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #kidogoa…… …

May 5, 2016: David &amp; Kate #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #kidog…… …

May 5, 2016: Randall &amp; Fiona #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #ki…… …

May 5, 2016: Lachlan &amp; Crystal #marriedbyjosh at the @elopementcollective’s #perthpopupwedding at the #…… …

May 5, 2016: The new deck at the Kidogo Arthouse, shot by Josh Withers #theta360…

May 5, 2016: More like, 5pm Oil.

May 4, 2016: These two kids are going west. See you soon Perth!……

May 4, 2016: Perth bound!…

May 4, 2016: Amy and Te Ana’s love…

May 2, 2016: “Vote yes to Josh and his Celebrant greatness! Josh married my wife and I in the most non………

May 2, 2016: Mark &amp; Rochelle #marriedbyjosh in an awesome #townsvillewedding on their own property, a g………

May 2, 2016: Hey everyone, come to our engagement party! Boom! We’re married ✌🏻️ that’s how you do it! ………

May 1, 2016: Chris &amp; Leanne #marriedbyjosh at their engagement party! Working with my crew today: @pack………

May 1, 2016: All you need to know @ The Golden Pig Food and Wine School…

May 1, 2016: Marriage: a union worth celebrating! Claire &amp; Corey #marriedbyjosh with @heartandcolour c………

May 1, 2016: Lots of love to @jamesdayweddings for getting what I’m all about! Can’t wait until Port Do………

Apr 30, 2016: The greatest transcript in New Zealand legal history. NSFW language, gloriously so.…

Apr 30, 2016: Now my PA System rides in Pelican style. Come at me, baggage-handlers!…

Apr 30, 2016: I love sunsets. In the sunset I see a day ending, a new day soon to begin. The earth, sun, and……

Apr 30, 2016: How have I not heard a girl walk down an aisle to this song yet? ♫…

Apr 29, 2016: Josh &amp; Natalie #marriedbyjosh at the #ewingsdalehall in #byronbay for the #byronbaypopupwe………

Apr 29, 2016: We worked hard today on #byronbaypopupwedding @ Ewingsdale Hall…

Apr 29, 2016: Jing &amp; Jenny #marriedbyjosh at the #byronbaypopupwedding at #ewingsdalehall #byronbayceleb………

Apr 29, 2016: James &amp; Anissa #marriedbyjosh at the #byronbaypopupwedding at #ewingsdalehall #popupweddin………

Apr 29, 2016: Barry &amp; Alicia #marriedbyjosh at the #byronbaypopupwedding at #ewingsdalehall! #elopement………

Apr 29, 2016: Tom &amp; Melinda #marriedbyjosh at the #byronbaypopupwedding at #ewingsdalehall #popupwedding………

Apr 28, 2016: Getting prepped for my creatives and wedding vendors in business workshop on May 22 in Syd………

Apr 28, 2016: Kirsten &amp; Scott #marriedbyjosh photographed by @heartandcolour……

Apr 27, 2016: Ma baby is off to hospital 🤕😢…

Apr 26, 2016: I’m really judgemental on gifts. Not on price or value, but whether or not the gifter thou………

Apr 26, 2016: My face when my 360 camera falls over…

Apr 26, 2016: “If you stick your tongue out it gets salty!!!” - Britt @ Byron Bay, New South Wales…

Apr 25, 2016: Wording up Perth’s @kissmeyoufool_dilhari on what’s about to happen. We’ll all get on a bo…… …

Apr 25, 2016: The Airbus A380 is a sexy collection of metal #emirates @ Melbourne International Airport (MEL)…

Apr 25, 2016: How will driverless cars maker my job as a marriage celebrant easier?…

Apr 25, 2016: #TomTom has a cooler 360 camera than me…

Apr 24, 2016: That new flower feeling……

Apr 24, 2016: Katie &amp; Jorge #marriedbyjosh!……

Apr 24, 2016: Kate &amp; Jorg #marriedbyjosh #theta360…

Apr 24, 2016: Most awkward coffee a man’s ever drunk.

Apr 24, 2016: Awkward cafe would rather give me a free coffee than let me pay for it because they have an EFTPOS minimum.

Apr 24, 2016: Freakin epic elopement! Ian &amp; Irene #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 24, 2016: I frikkin love me some flowers…

Apr 24, 2016: I LOVE FLOWERS 📷 @bekgrace_ @ Blue Mountains National Park, Wentworth Falls…

Apr 24, 2016: Wow! Ian &amp; Irene #marriedbyjosh with the #elopement collective of @heartandcolour &amp; @wild…… …

Apr 24, 2016: “An honorable human relationship — that is, one in which two people have the right to use ………

Apr 23, 2016: Amy &amp; Te Ana #civillypartneredbyjosh (thanks for the civil partnerships, @AnnastaciaMP)…

Apr 23, 2016: 2 girls getting hitched today, although they want a marriage, they can only get a civil partnership 💩 so we’ll sign…

Apr 22, 2016: How epic can an #elopement be? This epic. Created by @elopementcollec… &amp; vid by Wilde Visual.…

Apr 21, 2016: Ian &amp; Irene #marriedbyjosh with the #elopementcollective in the #bluemountains……

Apr 21, 2016: Ian &amp; Irene #marriedbyjosh #theta360…

Apr 21, 2016: Yess! Shani just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 21, 2016: Yess! Christian just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 20, 2016: The one where we had scotch! “Thank you Josh for helping Phil and I get ‘thoroughly’ marri…… …

Apr 20, 2016: I have… and the full Adobe suite …. and not Office … @Cuff_S any thoughts?

Apr 20, 2016: Qld govt has given me a word document “template” that opens terrible, what do you think would be the best way to Mac’ify it?

Apr 20, 2016: Let’s have more marriage ceremonies at night, ok? Master &amp; Doctor Devine’s wedding at @os…… …

Apr 20, 2016: Tracey &amp; Nic #eloped to #SurfersParadise to be #marriedbyjosh &amp; the @elopementcollective a…… …

Apr 20, 2016: What is it like to hire Josh?…

Apr 19, 2016: Apple’s just breathed 8 gigabytes of air into the MacBook Air … hurry and die now won’t you little MacBook Air

Apr 19, 2016: I’m feeling really humbled tonight. I’ve got four really special couples that have invited………

Apr 19, 2016: Nothing to see here, just family-making // Mel &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcol………

Apr 19, 2016: Mel and Andrew’s vows…

Apr 19, 2016: #Telstra, the home of the easy to understand bill where everything costs $0 except for “other”…

Apr 19, 2016:……

Apr 19, 2016: My subconscious even invented an arguably great line: “marriage is like a podcast, everyone has one” @marcoarment @tiffanyarment

Apr 19, 2016: I just dreamt that I was the marriage officiant for @marcoarment &amp; @tiffanyarment’s wedding. Dreams are so weird.

Apr 18, 2016: When it’s ok to sack me as your celebrant…

Apr 18, 2016: A little thing I wrote for Ruffles &amp; Cake about the demise of the bridal party…

Apr 18, 2016: Matt &amp; Brooke #eloped!…

Apr 18, 2016: Matt &amp; Brooke #eloped!…

Apr 18, 2016: There is no one correct way to cross the divide and begin a marriage. Some people even que………

Apr 17, 2016: Not many people know this but 31.48% of my job is just me trying to make jokes with waitin………

Apr 17, 2016: Live at the chapel Michael &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh photographed by @evernewstudio at @coo………

Apr 17, 2016: I’m trying to do something useful, please read this hashtag marketing hashtag digital marketing…

Apr 17, 2016: Is there a Twitter version of a #Googlewhack? #Twitterwhack?…

Apr 17, 2016: “He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he ………

Apr 16, 2016: Yess! Julia just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 16, 2016: Scott &amp; Kirsten #marriedbyjosh at @osteriaweddings with @heartandcolour @lemontreefilmhous………

Apr 16, 2016: John &amp; Hine #marriedbyjosh on the @pandocruises #pacificdawn before it sets sail for the S………

Apr 16, 2016: I’m not sure the guys in marketing thought this one through…

Apr 16, 2016: Over the loudspeaker as I board a cruise ship this morning: “on offer today is the Titanic experience” 🛳

Apr 16, 2016: “Josh made us feel so relaxed in our wedding ceremony” - Michael &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh a…… …

Apr 15, 2016: Prediction: the next “iMac” won’t be called an iMac, it will simply be called “Mac”. There will be the Mac, Mac Pro, …

Apr 15, 2016: “Absolutely the best - you should stop reading this right now, go to his website and invol………

Apr 15, 2016: “The best - you should stop reading this right now, go to his site &amp; involve Josh in your ceremony.” - Will &amp; Sarah …

Apr 15, 2016: Roadside Savlon #gctraffic…

Apr 15, 2016: Roadside Savlon #gctraffic……

Apr 15, 2016: Paul &amp; Jackie #marriedbyjosh at #RanchodelCielo #brisbanecelebrant #brisbanewedding #wedd………

Apr 15, 2016: Danni // that guy // Matt // #marriedbyjosh at Terara’s @driftwoodshed near #Nowra #driftw………

Apr 15, 2016: Why is no-one working on driverless motorbikes? #ideasboom

Apr 14, 2016: Samantha &amp; Wayde #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective at @thebarnstay with @_emmah………

Apr 14, 2016: “Josh, just a quick note to thank you for the fantastic job you did for us. There has bee………

Apr 14, 2016: #boringsquadgoals…

Apr 14, 2016: “From the very moment I stumbled across Josh’s website, my then fiancé and I knew that Jos………

Apr 14, 2016: Fair warning for tonight’s social media content: my neighbours at the @hillstonestlucia we………

Apr 14, 2016: #hillstonestlucia wedding open night tonight! Free entry for humans getting married in #b………

Apr 13, 2016: “I get by with a little help from my friends” Mel &amp; Andrew #marriedbyjosh 📷 #timelesswedd…… …

Apr 13, 2016: Tonight!……

Apr 13, 2016: The Old Museum Building wedding open night is tonight from 5:30pm. You can meet the perso………

Apr 12, 2016: Though it really does leave me confused where they would even get fake Koalas from?

Apr 12, 2016: Please note that despite being called @KoalaMattress the mattresses are not actually made from real Koalas. I understand they use fake ones.

Apr 12, 2016: This is a Koality deal, on behalf of Josh liking products Inc.…

Apr 12, 2016: Regardless, Edwards now lives a happy life in Port Macquarie all because we bought a mattress. How ‘bout that!

Apr 12, 2016: Our Koala is named Edwards Montana but I don’t think that’s real name because it’s quite an American name for an Australian animal.

Apr 12, 2016: Anyway, save $75 by clicking this link and buying a Koala Mattress plus you even get to sponsor a Koala.…

Apr 12, 2016: The whole mattress business is a scam all created by Big Mattress, who despite being evil, just want you to sleep more.

Apr 12, 2016: Especially considering the whole mattress selling/buying game is a rort and you can’t find the same mattress model in two stores!

Apr 12, 2016: Britt and I bought a mattress online and a cranky looking man delivered it, but the mattress being quite fancy is what matters.

Apr 12, 2016: When you realise all the beers are not in the fridge…

Apr 12, 2016:……

Apr 12, 2016: Peter &amp; Edita came to Byron Bay, all the way from London to elope on Tallow Beach with ………

Apr 11, 2016: Weddings in 2030 … will they be all #OculusRift and liveblogs?……

Apr 11, 2016: all of this is great, but the chat about “OPRs” will change you… - @oshergunsberg’s podcast with @JackDelosa

Apr 10, 2016: Peter &amp; Edita came to Byron Bay, all the way from London to elope on Tallow Beach with mys………

Apr 10, 2016: Take me home Jet2outof5Star…

Apr 10, 2016: A wee bit sad to be leaving Adelaide today. Phil &amp; Kayley’s wedding really whipped the lla…… …

Apr 10, 2016: Aus-USA for less than $600…

Apr 10, 2016: If you want sweet sweet Adelaide #burgerporn you follow @pheeeel24 &amp; @kayleyann on Instagr………

Apr 9, 2016: Sooo, there’s no #UberX in #Adelaide?!?!

Apr 9, 2016: Phil, Kayley &amp; I just drank Scott and got married, thoroughly married. We rocked the cerem………

Apr 9, 2016: Ok, help me out with an idea I’m running with for this afternoon’s ceremony: How is a marriage like a burger?

Apr 9, 2016: Yesterday in the #HunterValley with the @elopementcollective, @emmahampton @wilde.visual………

Apr 8, 2016: Today in the #HunterValley with the @popupwed, emmahampton wilde.visual @wbarnstay……

Apr 8, 2016: Yess! Stefania just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 8, 2016: Brendan &amp; Kiata #marriedbyjosh at the #huntervalleypopupwedding #popupwedding #huntervalle………

Apr 8, 2016: There goes our Friday! @ Hunter Valley Wine Country…

Apr 8, 2016: Well there goes Friday……

Apr 8, 2016: Well there goes Friday @ Hunter Valley Wine Country…

Apr 7, 2016: Ok, stay with me: UberX for singing telegrams.

Apr 7, 2016: Our German friend tells me that phrases like “Grammar Nazi” aren’t cool in Germany. I told him to stop being such a Nazi Nazi.

Apr 7, 2016: Crazy weekend begins now: GC 🛫 Coogee 🚗 Hunter Valley 🏎 Sydney ✈️ Adelaide 🛩 GC. The coffee better be hot, @Qantas

Apr 7, 2016: I’m answering a very common and innocent question on my blog today: how much styling and fu………

Apr 6, 2016: Tim and Caitie made out like teenagers after they said these words…

Apr 6, 2016: WEOA interviewed me about my new workshop: Who Cares Wins :)…

Apr 6, 2016: Common mistakes people make on the most boring piece of marriage paperwork……

Apr 5, 2016: Yess! Sophie just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 5, 2016: If you look really carefully and closely at tonight’s #MarriedAtFirstSight you can see me totally not being involved in any which way.

Apr 5, 2016: I’ve taken all the fun out of it :)…

Apr 5, 2016: You jump on local hashtags like a kid on a trampoline, especially if there’s a touch of nostalgia. Everyone pass Go #bnemonopolychancecards

Apr 5, 2016: You drive through a toll, and pay the toll, but miss the next turn cause you’re still bitching about it #bnemonopolychancecards

Apr 5, 2016: It’s State of Origin time, everyone collects $200 #bnemonopolychancecards

Apr 5, 2016: You get to the airport without paying a toll, move directly to Go, collect $200 #bnemonopolychancecards

Apr 5, 2016: You tune in to @NewsTalk4BC and realise you’re listening to @2GB873, miss a turn #bnemonopolychancecards

Apr 5, 2016: You climb the Story Bridge but then realise it’s only the second best bridge climb in Australia, miss a turn #bnemonopolychancecards

Apr 5, 2016: You caught a hovercraft to Expo 88, win $1000 #bnemonopolychancecards

Apr 5, 2016: You order a coffee and the cafe does have syrups for your Caramel Latte, win $5 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You win a holiday on XXXX Island, win $200 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: No-one on your CityCat takes a selfie, win $1000 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You use CityCycle, win $10 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You call an Uber but Qld Transport questions you. You lie, telling the inspector that Umad is a mate, win $100 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You catch QF16 back from LAX and it’s not delayed, you win $100 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: it’s NRL Grand Final time and you can support any team based in Queensland, pass go, collect $200 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You see a cool food idea in NYC and open a restaurant in Brisbane, lose $2000 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You manage to get yourself in the background of a @sunriseon7 live cross from Kangaroo Point, win $50 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You survive a whole summer without calling your home insurer, win $1000 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You hear a suburb pronounced correctly by a Sydney announcer on @NewsTalk4BC, win $200 #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: You walk through the Valley after dark and survive. You get to keep on playing. #BneMonopolyChanceCards

Apr 5, 2016: Everything good in the world is happening on #BneMonopolyChanceCards right now

Apr 5, 2016: Three things about this guy: he has a personal account without wedding stuff at @joshu………

Apr 5, 2016: Seems like a terrible swap unless the watch is a Rolex or the trucks are Tonka. I’m thinking its……

Apr 5, 2016: In an effort to get to know my area better, in this morning’s daylight I walked to the post……

Apr 5, 2016: Apple Store staff just called the new iPad Pro 9.7" the “iPad 7” … that’s not a thing is it?

Apr 4, 2016: Won’t someone think of Christians? #QandA

Apr 4, 2016: In 1961 the marriage law had already moved away from church view, the only remaining element is the gender thing #QandA

Apr 4, 2016: Go for a walk through a new section of your estate at night, start following an interesting……

Apr 4, 2016: Go for a walk through a new section of your estate at night, start following an interestin………

Apr 4, 2016: Go for a walk through a new section of your estate at night, start following an interesting……

Apr 4, 2016: Yess! Rose just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 4, 2016: Home alone for two days, won’t be needing these!…

Apr 4, 2016: I just got news today that I have been appointed a “Queensland Civil Partnership Notary” w………

Apr 4, 2016: Yess! Jacquelyn just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 4, 2016: Yess! Cristina just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 4, 2016: Yess! Jazelle just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 4, 2016: I’m leading a business workshop in Sydney next month!……

Apr 4, 2016: That time I modelled for featheranddocks - seriously, go eat there @ Feather and Docks…

Apr 4, 2016: Today’s priorities: kiss this girl and let her know she’s my number one priority work my……

Apr 3, 2016: irmly believe that the only thing I really have to give to my clients, my customers, the p………

Apr 3, 2016: “Hi Josh - thanks so much for bringing some personality to our ceremony. Definetly not the………

Apr 3, 2016: New business workshop launched: caring without burnout.…

Apr 3, 2016: Yess! Jim just got their tickets to Who Cares Wins!! Gets yours at…

Apr 3, 2016: Hashtag sumo life @ Prospect Studios…

Apr 3, 2016: Watching a early-twenties girl take her Mercedes through the service station carwash. Dad would be so proud.

Apr 2, 2016: Sydney workshop announcement! // Sunday May 22 in Sydney I’m hosting a business workshop f………

Apr 2, 2016: Today at #wategosbeach - a #byronbay paperwork-only marriage ceremony with the @elopementc………

Apr 2, 2016: Ben &amp; Belinda flew up from Sydney to be #marriedbyjosh today on #wategosbeach #byronbay! ………

Apr 2, 2016: Living the Byron Bay way for the day @ Byron Bay, New South Wales…

Apr 2, 2016: Peter and Edita #marriedbyjosh on #tallowbeach #byronbay #celebrant #marriagecelebrant #w………

Apr 2, 2016: Message for Dave @ Tallows…

Apr 2, 2016: As on point as it would be, seeing a GC Bikie as the Commonwealth Games mascot would be unsettling…

Apr 2, 2016: Yes, it’s 1996 in Queensland, and we like it that way.

Apr 2, 2016: NSW and Vic: Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour and 20yrs when you go to sleep tonight so you come back to join us on Qld time.

Apr 2, 2016: My nerdism knows no limits :)…

Apr 1, 2016: Will &amp; Sarah #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 1, 2016: Andrew &amp; Mel #marriedbyjosh!……

Apr 1, 2016: Chris &amp; Emma #marriedbyjosh at #newfarm park! #brisbanecelebrant……

Mar 31, 2016: Can you tweet @mention a Bitcoin/block chain expert you know?

Mar 31, 2016: I need a blockchain/bitcoin expert that can run me through a crazy idea - anyone?

Mar 31, 2016: I’ll be the picture, you be the frame // Toni &amp; Daniel #marriedbyjosh photographed by @spe…… …

Mar 31, 2016: I like the old Kanye…

Mar 31, 2016: If you’re happy and you know it // Matt &amp; Tegan #marriedbyjosh photographed by @bencarroll…… …

Mar 31, 2016: This…

Mar 31, 2016: It’s a little bit sad that Sharp’s ending legacy will be “iPhone display manufacturer” as Foxconn buys them …

Mar 31, 2016: I think “Other Josh Withers” is having a baby!…

Mar 31, 2016: Today @ Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages…

Mar 30, 2016: Whenever people ask Britt and I when we’re having kids, I point at our cats and our garden. It’s……

Mar 30, 2016: All this love // Nicola &amp; Joel #marriedbyjosh photographed by @shaneshepherdweddings #byr………

Mar 30, 2016: Anyone got fax?

Mar 30, 2016: I’m required to fax a document today … the direction given on a website asking me to print out a PDF and fax it back after signing it …

Mar 30, 2016: I’m separating church and state with a personal Instagram: @fakejoshuawithers……

Mar 30, 2016: Watch Chris and Renae get married in immersive 360 degree video!……

Mar 30, 2016: Sally, Kevin, some mates, @sophiebakerphoto, and myself, just hanging out having a laugh o………

Mar 30, 2016: I’m available for all coffee related protests…

Mar 29, 2016: Just finished listening to @Wil_Anderson’s #wilosophy with @oshergunsberg … fantastic listen:…

Mar 29, 2016: Those pre-wedding jitters 📷 @colinhockeyphoto……

Mar 29, 2016: Life’s a game made for everyone, love is the prize // Jade &amp; Liam #marriedbyjosh in @embig…… …

Mar 29, 2016: Sunset over #Brisbane…

Mar 29, 2016: I’ve waited for brides in worse places. Aaron &amp; I waiting for Hannah on #wategos #beach, ………

Mar 29, 2016: This.…

Mar 29, 2016: Watch Chris and Renae get married in beautiful immersive 360 degrees… #thetas…

Mar 29, 2016: Jared &amp; Jenny, way cooler than me, apparently #marriedbyjosh Eloping at @farmcafeweddings………

Mar 29, 2016: Troy &amp; Emma #marriedbyjosh photographed by @gavinwyattphoto……

Mar 29, 2016: The rush of self-importance #turnmeon #postnotifications yesterday on #Instagram has no do………

Mar 29, 2016: Thanks, Google…

Mar 29, 2016: Mark update: he’s decided to move to Ballina and start a new life with our new mattress…

Mar 29, 2016: Update on Mark: he’s driven right past my place

Mar 29, 2016: What a time to be alive. I can watch Mark depressingly deliver a new mattress to my home in real time.…

Mar 28, 2016: Tim &amp; Caitie married by me, photographed by @paulbamford at #oreillysvineyard with @michae………

Mar 28, 2016: If by some generous and loving chance you have turned on post notifications for me, please………

Mar 28, 2016: How do all of the real estate websites not have a tick box for NBN? I’m searching around now and it’s like hens teeth.

Mar 28, 2016: I’m no 29 year old Sunshine Coast tradie but I too have immense fake wealth.…

Mar 27, 2016: The best man was getting a little unruly at Tim &amp; Caitie’s wedding. Luckily Amy from @mutt…… …

Mar 27, 2016: Tim &amp; Caitie #marriedbyjosh at @oreillysrainforestretreat #vineyard with @paulbamford @mic………

Mar 27, 2016: Melbourne, Sydney, Townsville, Canungra, working week: donsie.

Mar 27, 2016: Why is it easier to open a bank acc than it is to open a mini Easter egg? Surely @CSIROnews is working on this?…

Mar 27, 2016: As a marriage celebrant I’m a big advocate of a swift apology, so thanks, @qantas……

Mar 27, 2016: Two nights in heat-ville, North Queensland with my lover plus @sbcreativeco_ who took this………

Mar 26, 2016: Mr Whippy is a guest at Mark &amp; Rochelle’s wedding!……

Mar 26, 2016: Rochelle &amp; Mark #marriedbyjosh in #Townsville with @maidofhonourweddings! #marriagecelebra………

Mar 26, 2016: Wedding guest from Adelaide in Townsville: “You get around a bit, you were the celebrant at the last wedding I went to west of Brisbane!”

Mar 25, 2016: Soooo who won? #NRLBroncosCowboys

Mar 25, 2016: Taking off now to fly to Townsville, hopefully when we land North Queensland has had another win ✌🏻️ #NRLBroncosCowboys

Mar 25, 2016: Despite three people in @Qantas promising me a phone call today re: my missing luggage, the courier just called asking where I am … at BNE

Mar 25, 2016: They have all voiced concerns that @Qantas has been losing its premium edge and @VirginAustralia has been gaining it. Time to move?

Mar 25, 2016: I’ve sat next to some pilots and flight attendants recently and they’ve all been worried about the Qantas state of affairs recently.

Mar 25, 2016: If @Qantas can’t find the bag is this when I start freaking out because I do t have domestic travel insurance?

Mar 25, 2016: I’m not sure how @Qantas can lose a massive 23kg black bag with a massive #Sennheiser logo on the side. 24 hours on &amp; they still have 0 …

Mar 25, 2016: With any luck it can bring salvation to a public address soon.

Mar 25, 2016: My PA is kind of like Jesus of the #qantas #frequentflyer world this #Easter, hopefully he rises on Sunday, it’d be great to see him again.

Mar 25, 2016: This time it’s my PA speaker system that’s been forgotten, by @Qantas.

Mar 25, 2016: Last time I went to Townsville it was for my little bro’s wedding and I forgot my suit. BNE✈️TSV

Mar 25, 2016: Rise up people of earth, be like Jesus this Good Friday and reject manual clothes handling!…

Mar 25, 2016: This, everyday…

Mar 25, 2016: If you’ve ever wondered what me doing my thing looks like, here’s a 360/immersive/VR from yesterday…

Mar 25, 2016: Chris and Renae’s elopement in 360:… via @YouTube

Mar 25, 2016: Chris and Renae’s elopement in the Wendy Whitely Secret Garden:… via @YouTube

Mar 25, 2016: I went #Qantas Gold last night. To celebrate @Qantas lost my PA system. This must be how i………

Mar 25, 2016:……

Mar 24, 2016: Flying home now … with a massive tear in my suit pants

Mar 24, 2016: Chris &amp; Renar #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective and @heartandcolour! Does blon………

Mar 24, 2016: What to do at the other end of the aisle…

Mar 24, 2016: Chris &amp; Renae #marriedbyjosh in #lavenderbay today with Te @elopementcollective &amp; @heartan…… …

Mar 24, 2016: Everything is A’OK……

Mar 24, 2016: Today’s office #wendyssecretgarden #sydneyharbour #theta360…

Mar 23, 2016: Jared &amp; Jenny #marriedbyjosh at #Melbourne’s #collingswoodchildrensfarm with the @elopemen…… …

Mar 23, 2016: Today’s office……

Mar 23, 2016: “They looked at each other for a moment. The moment became a longer moment, and suddenly ………

Mar 23, 2016: . @AppleSupport because no-one authorised is trying to access my account (myself or my wife)

Mar 23, 2016: For a “hacker” to get this far, needing an 2-factor auth for iCloud, would they need my password? @AppleSupport…

Mar 23, 2016: Melbourne bound today - making marriages!

Mar 23, 2016: I had to unfollow 15 people to make it this pretty ………

Mar 22, 2016: Brian + Kirsten + the best crowd #marriedbyjosh photographed by Hugo at @curzonhall_navarr………

Mar 22, 2016: Man ……

Mar 22, 2016: READ ALL OF THIS!…

Mar 22, 2016: Achievement unlocked, thanks for the heads @tjh!……

Mar 22, 2016: “You have no idea what you are getting yourself into when you hire Josh! Seriously! If yo………

Mar 22, 2016: If nothing else, @Telstra is just giving all us @TwitterAU users the opportunity to have our tweets embedded in news stories #Telstra

Mar 22, 2016: Telstra: Live like it’s Download Day everyday. Seriously, we’ve got more to come.

Mar 22, 2016: Common mistake … at BBQs…

Mar 22, 2016: I’d love to know what personality types consider a year in the army a “gap year”…

Mar 22, 2016: I can smell a rebrand: Nonestra…

Mar 22, 2016: Proud to be nominated for the “Simplest brand name” celebrant award…

Mar 21, 2016: Brian, totally not being nervous at all 📷 Hugo Photography &amp; Film at @curzonhall_navarrave………

Mar 21, 2016: A few samples of Matt and Danielle’s wedding ceremony in 360:… via @YouTube

Mar 21, 2016: When you do your #celebrant thing straight after a trip to @barebonesoriginals and it look………

Mar 20, 2016: I’m at that place in life where I’m not sure if @Telstra is down again, or if @Facebook is down or if my iPhone needs a restart

Mar 20, 2016: A 7 year old phone!

Mar 20, 2016: Struggling to trust my QF pilot, he’s using an iPhone 3GS.

Mar 20, 2016: Just the phantom on a horse at a wedding … nothing suss……

Mar 20, 2016: I shot my wedding yesterday in immersive 360 #theta360…

Mar 19, 2016: Dannielle + Matt #marriedbyjosh on the #shoalhavenriver at #terara’s @driftwoodshed! #marr………

Mar 19, 2016: Prepare the submarine, we’re about to go deep……

Mar 19, 2016: Saturday’s are for fun (and new toys!)……

Mar 19, 2016: The Hopper Society #theta360…

Mar 19, 2016: Working on the river today……

Mar 19, 2016: Today’s office in Terara, NSW #theta360…

Mar 18, 2016: I’d like an app that recorded how much time I spend looking for my car in carparks when I’m actually driving a rental car.

Mar 18, 2016: SCA could learn something from ARN in this - ARNis doing something compelling while SCA is replaying Hamish &amp; Andy

Mar 18, 2016: I don’t catch a lot of nightime radio so this little drive to Nowra is pricing to be entertaining.

Mar 18, 2016: So @thethinkergirls has got to be some of the best radio happening in Australia at the moment.

Mar 18, 2016: You got married where? Liam &amp; Jade #marriedbyjosh Photographed by @jam_on_your_collar……

Mar 18, 2016: Mel’s on her way to do something awesome! 📷 @morgancroberts with the @elopementcollective!………

Mar 17, 2016: I’ve been a @Telstra customer since birth - thinking about a move to @VodafoneAU - any recent migrants with war stories?

Mar 17, 2016: Can anyone else feel another @Telstra download day coming on this weekend? It’s becoming a national holiday 🤘🏻

Mar 17, 2016: Fairfax Media reveals plan to employ Twitter bots to simply retweet the news in each city it operates.

Mar 17, 2016: #Brisbane peeps getting married - there’s an open day this Sunday you should get to! #brisbanecelebrant #briswed…

Mar 17, 2016: Making video blog posts!……

Mar 16, 2016: I said “everyone look excited, we’re taking a spherical selfie!” and we ended up #theta360…

Mar 15, 2016: The office #theta360…

Mar 15, 2016: Where’s the current hot and on-point spot to look for freelancers - video editors in particular?

Mar 15, 2016: First 360…

Mar 14, 2016: It’s so weird that after I do my job, and if I do it well, my clients make out like teenag………

Mar 14, 2016: Goodbye Monday!……

Mar 14, 2016: Mel &amp; Don #marriedbyjosh at #mounttamborine with the #elopementcollective and #morganrober………

Mar 14, 2016: When you put your cameras and phones away, your hands are free to clap 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 photo by @ja………

Mar 14, 2016: Jesus would be so proud /s…

Mar 14, 2016: Group of Miami High students heading down the beach for “class” on a surfboard. Being GC born and now living here, I wish I grew up here.

Mar 14, 2016: Layton &amp; Laura #marriedbyjosh on #sydneyharbour in #darlingpoint’s #mckellpark with my fri…… …

Mar 13, 2016: Is this the end of US Netflix in Robina?…

Mar 13, 2016: That moment that everything changes. Darren &amp; Felicia travelled from Singapore to be #Mar………

Mar 13, 2016: Normally I speak at weddings to encourage them, but at Emma &amp; Chris’s ceremony I also left…… …

Mar 13, 2016: Wendy and Cameron #marriedbyjosh with the @elopementcollective with @laurencampbell creati………

Mar 13, 2016: In NZ @hellobrittanyjane and I renewed our promises surrounded by Christmas trees and it r………

Mar 12, 2016: Josh &amp; Sam #marriedbyjosh at @topiariesweddings! #joshandsamsayido2016 #joshandsamsayido……

Mar 12, 2016: Dreaming of New York, sitting in my Brisbane office, talking to @hellobrittanyjane in Bali………

Mar 12, 2016: Click bait for the 1%…

Mar 12, 2016: Cuff links are so flattering……

Mar 12, 2016: Morning reading // #whitemagazine’s story on the #elopementcollective……

Mar 11, 2016: I just saw a post by my friend @bekgrace_ (from @heartandcolour - throw them a follow) abo………

Mar 11, 2016: Matt + Zoe #marriedbyjosh 📷 @ethanrobsonphotographer #thatface #melbournecelebrant #marri………

Mar 11, 2016: Breaking awesome news: you can legally change your name to just a single name. No last name, no middle name. I could be “Josh”.

Mar 11, 2016: Adam &amp; Chrisney #marriedbyjosh 📷 @storiesbyash……

Mar 11, 2016: Watch out guys, I’m about to rock your Instagram world #InstantInstaExpert #opd2016……

Mar 11, 2016: When you want to celebrate how amazing your marriage is but really like trees. Tara + Kur………

Mar 10, 2016: Me by @millyjanephotography and floral bow tie by @northsideflowermarket at @walkaboutcree………

Mar 10, 2016: David + Angela #marriedbyjosh 📷 @vellumstudios_steve……

Mar 10, 2016: Can you recommend an iOS app that makes the process of asking people to sign documents easy, beautiful and nice?

Mar 10, 2016: In other news, @susieromans who’s your gun PR legend that got you some sweet links from all of the Fairfax websites?

Mar 10, 2016:…

Mar 10, 2016: Does Fairfax Media now own Business Insider Australia? This piece on Business Day repurposed from Business Insider reeks of paid content

Mar 10, 2016: “And I thought, right, I’m going to have my say.”…

Mar 10, 2016: Do you?…

Mar 10, 2016: “Ian said that if i did a good job tonight I could be the best man at his next wedding”

Mar 10, 2016: My superpower is only watching one episode of Making a Murderer then stopping.

Mar 10, 2016:……

Mar 9, 2016: In other news, does anyone want a $499 TV that looks great but sounds terrible? I’ll give it to you for $399 ….

Mar 9, 2016: I swear, if they don’t close by the time this is finished!…

Mar 9, 2016: Me to security: you can photocopy as many ‘no refunds’ signs as you like, you’re still bound to Qld law.

Mar 9, 2016: Security guard: “look, there’s obviously a reason they’re going broke”

Mar 9, 2016: Staging a stand-in protest is really boring in between the argument part and the being escorted out part.

Mar 9, 2016: Store manager is livid. This is equal parts scary, fun, and principled.

Mar 9, 2016:…

Mar 9, 2016: Apparently they don’t like it when you quote consumer law.

Mar 9, 2016: They’re not replacing a faulty TV.

Mar 9, 2016: If you see me on the news tonight it’s because I’m being escorted out of my local Dick Smith store by centre security.

Mar 9, 2016: “I’m telling you, the fish was thissssss big!” (of course I wasn’t saying that … however…… …

Mar 9, 2016: This child is my wedding spirit animal……

Mar 9, 2016: “Yeah, use that frame, that’ll get the clicks up!”

Mar 9, 2016: Fairfax Media doing its part for International Women’s Day. Nice work, team.…

Mar 8, 2016: Duckface for days with this wooden bow tie……

Mar 8, 2016: Do you think hell is just a big art gallery-like place where all of your typos are screenshotted and framed?

Mar 8, 2016: All of our spare change goes in this jar. After three years it overflowed.……

Mar 7, 2016: Bought a TV from Dick smith today … brought it home … it doesn’t turn on. I feel like this is the beginning of a shitty nightmare.

Mar 6, 2016: Mark + Gemma #marriedbyjosh 📷 @quincenmulberry……

Mar 6, 2016: In love with today’s #bowtie - thanks, @northsideflowermarket!! #floralbowtie #walkaboutcr………

Mar 6, 2016: Playing with the #instathat #instagramprinter at the #walkaboutcreek #brisbanewedding show………

Mar 6, 2016: #walkaboutcreek……

Mar 6, 2016: #walkaboutcreek……

Mar 6, 2016: Rocking a floral bouquet by @northsideflowermarket at the @walkaboutcreekcafeandfunctions ………

Mar 5, 2016: 👌🏼……

Mar 5, 2016: ME TOO! #Repost @debboots_ ・・・ This Sunday afternoon I will be at the Walkabout Creek Fun………

Mar 5, 2016: Reading Thankyou founder, Daniel Flynn’s book on my flight home. I took it to the counter ………

Mar 5, 2016: What do you do when you’ve run out of ideas? CTRL+C…

Mar 5, 2016: Spent a few days with two of the best. Thanks for the health kick in the ass, @jamesdaywed………

Mar 5, 2016: Secret #marriedbyjosh #elopement #celebrantselfie with bonus duckface!……

Mar 5, 2016: Secret elopement south of Sydney!……

Mar 4, 2016: Anyone else’s Apple ID fall over?…

Mar 2, 2016: Please keep my family in your prayers at this time…

Mar 2, 2016: How the Internet was when I met it (with bonus Helen Razer)…

Mar 2, 2016: “I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains, of ragged mountain ranges, of droug………

Mar 2, 2016: When The Cat in The Hat gets married…

Mar 2, 2016: If you like reading other people’s wedding vows, check your inbox for this week’s #vowsema………

Mar 2, 2016: Birds of a feather … 🐥…

Mar 2, 2016: Breakfast views with @paulmp at #busselton……

Mar 1, 2016: Currently in Antarctica with @paulmp #mindblown……

Mar 1, 2016: The #boatlopement! 📷 @jimmy_izophotography with @elopementcollective &amp; @wilde.visual #marr………

Mar 1, 2016: Sitting in Northbridge after yesterday’s elopement on the Swan River … I really ought to spend more time in Perth, love it here!

Mar 1, 2016: Perthect week in the west! 📷 @wilde.visual 🤘🏼……

Mar 1, 2016: On naming @MailChimp lists…

Feb 29, 2016: Boat elopement squad……

Feb 29, 2016: Monday afternoon on a boat off Fremantle. They call this work!……

Feb 29, 2016: Can someone help me with the longitude and latitude for this Google Map pin?…

Feb 29, 2016: Just a random boat jetty in Perth on a Monday afternoon. Of course there’s two couples bei………

Feb 29, 2016: Two ancient power stations……

Feb 29, 2016: My Airbnb said “great view from the bedroom” so they weren’t technically lying……

Feb 29, 2016: #perthpopupwedding……

Feb 29, 2016: Sitting here wondering who the heck is glowing on the red carpet at the Oscars

Feb 29, 2016: Great start to the day :)…

Feb 29, 2016: Some days I feel like I’m the only person still excited about @kanyewest fixing wolves.

Feb 28, 2016: My flight buddy to #Perth, @wilde.visual #gowest……

Feb 28, 2016: Sandgropers, prepare thyselves, we’re going west, where the skies are blue #gowest

Feb 28, 2016: Went into Dick Smith &amp; prices have gone up. This is going to be a long 8wks for those of us trying to pry a cheap TV out of DSE’s hands.

Feb 27, 2016: I just did that marrying thing I do and I rocked it! Lucy &amp; Andrew #marriedbyjosh at the @………

Feb 27, 2016: #ThisIsBrisbane……

Feb 27, 2016: You’ll see their cyclists riding around the valley today

Feb 27, 2016: Clarification: #Foodora launches on Wednesday in Australia, according to the team leader here in Fortitude Valley

Feb 27, 2016: #Foodora bought Australian food delivery co, Suppertime last year, sand they have y had Australian presence before today

Feb 27, 2016:…

Feb 27, 2016: #Foodora seemingly launching in #Brisbane today…

Feb 26, 2016: I’ve just donned my lion suit and stalked my local jungle’s #DickSmith and as of 9:15am Friday there are no “crazy deals”

Feb 25, 2016: Whatever you do today, please make sure you don’t donate to the #96five financial appeal today. @96five is wasting cash daily 🤑

Feb 25, 2016: Life goal: to find my place on Kanye’s DONDA org chart.

Feb 24, 2016: Medicinal marijuana finally legalised in Oz. Now all those “sick” gay ppl can finally get stoned like the religious-right want them to be.

Feb 24, 2016: Nat &amp; Dan’s backyard vow exchange…

Feb 24, 2016: About to click send on Nat &amp; Dan’s #vowsemail! Subscribe at………

Feb 24, 2016: Monocole Magazine says the GC is the place on the globe people interested in F&amp;B need to t………

Feb 21, 2016: Working hard, or hardly working? Who’s to know? 📷 Ethereal Photography…

Feb 21, 2016: These lovebirds are sharing their vows in this week’s #vowsemail out Wed - subscribe at……

Feb 21, 2016: Consistency blown away by my calendar. In the coming week I’m at weddings in Brisbane, Perth, then Sydney …. frikkin amazing.

Feb 21, 2016: Debating a question here at home: is n Australian embassy “Australian territory”?

Feb 21, 2016: You can find @hellobrittanyjane and I at the @vintagebridemag #brisbanevintagebridewedding………

Feb 20, 2016: Joel + Kellie #marriedbyjosh!……

Feb 18, 2016: But first let me take a selfie. Can you guys help me choose a filter? Zoe + Matt #married………

Feb 18, 2016: Happy Valentine’s lovers xx……

Feb 18, 2016: Vows from Dreamworld to the wedding via the hospital…

Feb 18, 2016: I’m a guest on the Luke &amp; Susie national radio show! Listen in here…

Feb 18, 2016: it’s like a show that’s made personally for me

Feb 18, 2016: I’m live on @blab with @rightside right now talking about domain names and marriage!…

Feb 18, 2016: I’m talking about highs, lows, business and weddings on the Luke &amp; Susie radio show :)……

Feb 17, 2016: Siri’s like a teenage girl when you ask her for advice in the supermarket…

Feb 17, 2016: Ben + Kaycee #marriedbyjosh 📷 Just For Love!……

Feb 17, 2016: Click this link to listen to me being interviewed by Luke &amp; Susie! :)……

Feb 16, 2016: about:blank…

Feb 16, 2016: Taya &amp; Millo #marriedbyjosh at #Tallai 📷 @adamwardphotography……

Feb 16, 2016: I’m at the @lightspacevenue Brisbane wedding open night - there’s a Snapstory tour on my Snapchat right now…

Feb 16, 2016: Tonight! This bloke is talking about the best part of the wedding: the ceremony, at the @l………

Feb 15, 2016: Ziggy gets married…

Feb 15, 2016: Face palm etc

Feb 15, 2016: So, Internets, should I do it?

Feb 15, 2016: Just now the TV producers called me and now I tried calling myself but I’m not answering.

Feb 15, 2016: For the last month, every day a new celebrant calls me asking whether I think it’s a good idea for them to go on Married At First Sight.

Feb 15, 2016: Any of my friends want to work for Uber in Sydney in design? Let me know, I’ll throw you a personal recc to the ppl…

Feb 15, 2016: This coming Tuesday the 16th, aka tomorrow night from 6pm, you’re invited to the @lightspa………

Feb 14, 2016: I made a crabby friend at work today……

Feb 14, 2016: A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other. 📷 @he………

Feb 14, 2016: Today……

Feb 14, 2016: Dud &amp; Jan #marriedbyjosh on #valentinesday on #northstradbrokeisland #brisbanewedding #bri………

Feb 14, 2016: Today’s office…

Feb 14, 2016: Today’s office #northstradbrokeisland @ Point Lookout, North Stradbroke Island…

Feb 14, 2016: These are the things that keep me up at night, @fatjoe @Ruleyork @ashanti - @AppleMusic.…

Feb 14, 2016: If I can hear the @fatjoe with @Ruleyork &amp; @ashanti questioning whether or not the microphone on, then indeed, it is already on

Feb 14, 2016: “Put the fucking mic on” is the demand @fatjoe begins the song “What’s luv?” with as his friends @Ruleyork &amp; …

Feb 14, 2016:…

Feb 13, 2016: “Most people don’t know why they’re doing what they’re doing. They imitate others, go with the flow, and follow p……

Feb 13, 2016: Forgotten to make 💍 Valentine’s Day ❤️ reservations? 🍝💕🍷 Don’t worry! I’ve got a table for…… …

Feb 12, 2016: If you’d like more information about my business send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to PO Box 457 in your capital city.

Feb 11, 2016: Four Corners host Sarah Ferguson professes her love with live TV - Mediaweek… via @nuzzel thanks @MikeCarlton01

Feb 11, 2016: I’m obsessed with this girl. I really believe that the joy of life is in finding that in ………

Feb 11, 2016: #Deadpool is an A++ superhero flick, but the writers were the real heroes in the movie

Feb 10, 2016: Adam and Kirsten’s wedding vows…

Feb 10, 2016: About to send out a new #vowsemail - real wedding vows from my couples - email sub at…

Feb 8, 2016: Would you have your wedding portrait photo shoot on a different day from your ceremony and………

Feb 8, 2016: Would you have your wedding portrait photo shoot on a different day from your ceremony and reception?

Feb 8, 2016: Josh and Britt’s wedding vows…

Feb 8, 2016: Such a beautiful lack of lo-fi jokes and abundance of intelligence on @hit105Brisbane @StavAbbyOsher with @oshergunsberg on air

Feb 7, 2016: Read other people’s #weddingvows by throwing your email in the subscribe box at ………

Feb 7, 2016: $500 to get your own Snapchat filter for a day, $1000 for the month…

Feb 7, 2016: By the way - would totally love a retweet on that last tweet peeps!

Feb 7, 2016: Read real people’s wedding vows in a new email I’m sending - it’ll have vows and vows only…

Feb 7, 2016: ARGH the free social network where I post lo-fi jokes is making changes! I’m so going to threaten to leave, but I won’t! 😡

Feb 7, 2016: Kevin + Mimi #marriedbyjosh in #ByronBay! #byronbaywedding #byronbaycelebrant……

Feb 7, 2016: Every time I pull into a 7-Eleven and press the button that squirts out a coffee I blame Obama for the bad coffee. Thanks, @BarackObama.

Feb 7, 2016: This is me, judging all of your Instagram bios 📷 @heartandcolour……

Feb 7, 2016: 🤓❤️👼🏻🤘🏻 📷 @heartandcolour 🇳🇿 #wanaka……

Feb 6, 2016: Lauren &amp; Michael #marriedbyjosh at @coolibahdownsprivateestate on the #goldcoast! #goldcoa………

Feb 6, 2016: Wedding photographers: I am a guest on this week’s episode pf the Six Figure Photography podcast…

Feb 5, 2016: The iPhone camera isn’t it’s all cut out to be is it. Top photo by @heartandcolour, bottom………

Feb 5, 2016: Two spectacular humans decided to elope in NZ with myself, @heartandcolour and @elopementc………

Feb 5, 2016: Earlier this week EB &amp; DJ were #marriedbyjosh on the shores of #LakeWanaka in this crazy/a………

Feb 4, 2016: On that note - I think that this email by subscription with a fee thing is a thing … I’m currently paying about $60 a month for emails.

Feb 4, 2016: Give it a shot at…

Feb 4, 2016: If you like nerdy techie things you’ll like @decryption’s email - the first week is a free trial without a credit card

Feb 4, 2016: My favourite daily email costs $5 a month and it’s a quick and nice read about Australian tech news.

Feb 3, 2016: The best week in Queenstown &amp; Wanaka with the best people! Plus a spectacular secret elope………

Feb 2, 2016: Secret #elopement business……

Feb 2, 2016: I dreamt last night that #BenStiller and I took heaps of selfies together down by Lake #Wa………

Feb 2, 2016: Good morning from Wanaka, where the sun rises then two hours later finally shows its face……

Feb 1, 2016: Us 📷 @heartandcolour……

Feb 1, 2016: My wife 😁 📷 @heartandcolour……

Feb 1, 2016: I loved @hellobrittanyjane’s and my wedding, it was a rad day! The great thing about marri………

Feb 1, 2016: Running around New Zealand’s South Island before tomorrow’s elopement with @heartandcolour………

Feb 1, 2016: Snow &amp; bikinis in the same photo … #Wanaka #withroggsnz16 #bloss……

Feb 1, 2016: A little #repost @jamesdayweddings because a) I love the man, b) love his creations, c) lo………

Feb 1, 2016: Trekkin' with @hellobrittanyjane #bloss #withroggsnz16……

Feb 1, 2016: The Rasmus #withroggsnz16……

Jan 31, 2016: Me &amp; my 🔑……

Jan 31, 2016: Ice-cream’s for lovers……

Jan 31, 2016: Ducks like chips @ Queenstown NZ…

Jan 31, 2016: The least I can do is indoctrinate @heartandcolour’s spawn so she grows up an #Apple fangi………

Jan 31, 2016: Luge!……

Jan 31, 2016: #notscared #scaredittlebit……

Jan 31, 2016: A photo of paradise, in Paradise, NZ 📷 @heartandcolour……

Jan 31, 2016: The hills are alive with the sound of posing, and black and white filters #bloss……

Jan 31, 2016: #bloss……

Jan 31, 2016: #bloss……

Jan 31, 2016: #bloss……

Jan 31, 2016: #bloss……

Jan 31, 2016: #bloss……

Jan 30, 2016: Exes can be mad but just know I never let them play with my iPhone… I don’t do that… I stay away from that area all together

Jan 29, 2016: #Queenstown……

Jan 29, 2016: There have been lesser views from kitchens……

Jan 28, 2016: Hello, LEG ROOM!……

Jan 28, 2016: NZ elopement with this lot, coming right up!…

Jan 28, 2016: NZ bound tonight! GC ✈️ Christchurch!

Jan 28, 2016: In 2000 years we’ll be preaching all this shit @kanyewest @ElaheIzadi

Jan 28, 2016: I feel like @kanyewest is writing the new New Testament, and at the moment it doesn’t make sense, but in 2000 years…

Jan 28, 2016: Takes 5 days to reply, plus they own a brewery but won’t shout. Terrible friend.…

Jan 27, 2016: Thanks for the hangs this week, @sofitelgoldcoast……

Jan 27, 2016: Happy birthday, Jimbob, you don’t look a Day over 31……

Jan 26, 2016: Happy birthday, Wifey 😍……

Jan 26, 2016: Snapchat’s way of saying that the French Air Force is coming to liberate mainland Australia from Tasmania?…

Jan 26, 2016: I just crashed Charlie &amp; Tammy’s #AustraliaDay @triplej #hottest100 party and made them a husband &amp; wife!…

Jan 26, 2016: About to crash a #hottest100 party and turn it into a wedding!

Jan 26, 2016: Happy birthday to the best human in my life, my very own personal Australia Day…

Jan 26, 2016: #happyaustraliadaymate @ Starbucks Australia…

Jan 25, 2016: #humansofbrittany……

Jan 25, 2016: John @Gruber has a podcast intro tune and now I’m questioning my whole existence.

Jan 25, 2016: By Australian journalism standards, me watching it will count, should I email them?…

Jan 25, 2016: Good words from @jamesdayweddings: If you’re going to have a wedding on Sydney harbour, sp………

Jan 24, 2016: Sharli’s pinging for an #applewatch for her 1st birthday, @bekgrace_ @bekgrace_ @ Feather and Docks…

Jan 24, 2016: Layton and Laura crossed the divide and became husband &amp; wife yesterday! @jamesdayweddings………

Jan 23, 2016: Don’t like #flowers? Like #chupachups? Allow me to introduce you to your new #weddingflowe………

Jan 23, 2016: Nic + Kim #marriedbyjosh in a surprise wedding at their engagement party! #nicandkimsbliss………

Jan 23, 2016: The amazing Layton &amp; Laura #marriedbyjosh at #mckellpark with @girlfridayweddings @jamesda………

Jan 23, 2016: Showed @jamesdayweddings what a #marriedbyjosh marriage celebration looks like today!……

Jan 23, 2016: Layton, the groom, tells me that he’s sure that this super yacht is James Packer’s. Is Mar………

Jan 23, 2016: I found a podcast host just wandering around the streets Sydney and had coffee with her an………

Jan 23, 2016: There’s two children in business class on my flight. That sweet Minecraft money must be pouring in.

Jan 22, 2016: Starting to get some of that sweet comedy coin…

Jan 22, 2016: Dear Mariah and James, I have many puns already prepared for your wedding ceremony, please call, your celebrant.…

Jan 22, 2016: All of the text (I think) has been copied from the T&amp;Cs we agreed to when we we last installed Windows. Any banks speak english?

Jan 22, 2016: Maybe banks would do better if they spoke english for humans on their websites?

Jan 22, 2016: Looking at the @ANZ_AU business accounts the primary difference is something called “Additional Key Package Benefits” which means FA

Jan 22, 2016: Is one bank better than others for small business (trust) banking?

Jan 22, 2016: Need to open new business bank accounts - any reason I should move away from ANZ where I currently am?

Jan 22, 2016: When I was a child I desired super powers, who didn’t? I always thought they’d come as a h………

Jan 21, 2016: Be sure to read “In our darkest corners” by @Khourageous on @LinkedIn…

Jan 21, 2016: Ice cream sandwiches at #MisterFitz with @jewliehday and @hellobrittanyjane……

Jan 21, 2016: #MisterFitz, probably illegal in this age of ice cream prohibition……

Jan 21, 2016: Britt &amp; I have just toured #Brisbane’s newest #wedding #venue: @rainforestgardens - check …… …

Jan 21, 2016:……

Jan 19, 2016: I don’t think I’ve ever procrastinated more on any other social network than Snapchat

Jan 19, 2016: Thanks to @meghan_brearley for this photo from @collectivehub and their article about #pop………

Jan 19, 2016: I wonder if we can’t do it today, through the powers of manipulation and Twitter @MolksTVTalk @ThingCommittee

Jan 19, 2016: Ok people, @MolksTVTalk and I have been struggling to find time in the schedule for a @ThingCommittee podcast recording

Jan 19, 2016: Riveting conversation about luggage and procrastination on my Snapchat right now #justsayin…

Jan 18, 2016: This headline brings me great joy “John Romero just released his first Doom level in over two decades”…

Jan 18, 2016: Any chance of us just leaving them alone?…

Jan 18, 2016: Has Skype gone the way of trampoline and xerox? I just had a client talk about Skyping me over FaceTime.

Jan 18, 2016: What is your first date story? Britt and I met five years earlier, and I had told her I l………

Jan 18, 2016: Less than 20 witnesses, a bridal party, two kids in love, a photographer in @jam_on_your_c………

Jan 18, 2016: Here’s a free, awesome, amazing, way to have a calm and stress-free wedding!……

Jan 18, 2016: This app is changing my world. iPhone power users will get lost in its awesomeness!…

Jan 17, 2016: First look photos are your express train to Calm Wedding Town……

Jan 17, 2016: My mango looked ripe, but it wasn’t ripe. I’m now questioning everything, &amp; nothing makes sense anymore. What kind of God would …

Jan 17, 2016: Flying Gold Coast to Brisbane this week, I thought it’d be shorter than 10 hours, I really should just drive…

Jan 16, 2016: Victoria’s novel approach to tiresome drivers: a quick power nap as you cruise down the highway at 110km/hr…

Jan 16, 2016: Zoe &amp; Matt #marriedbyjosh……

Jan 16, 2016: Whenever I mention going to Melbourne, people ask “do you know Michael Briggs?” Sure I do,………

Jan 16, 2016: Good morning, Fitzroy……

Jan 15, 2016: Busking has a completely different meaning in Melbourbe, there’s guys like @pludomusic just……

Jan 15, 2016: Melbourne, summer, there are heaters in operation … @ Palmz the Carlton…

Jan 15, 2016: If you’re wondering what the inside of the new George Costanza themed bar is like, my snap story reveals all…

Jan 15, 2016: If I owned a company, my employees would love me. They’d have huge pictures of me up the w………

Jan 15, 2016: Spent today with #Melbourne’s best celebrants in a celebrant business workshop 🤘🏼#melbourn………

Jan 15, 2016: Stick around until at least 1:48

Jan 15, 2016: Maybe Australian politicians would be cooler and get elected if they got jams like @realDonaldTrump…

Jan 14, 2016: *when wedding photos go right…

Jan 14, 2016: Thinking of calling myself “the @netflix of weddings” just because the terminology has lost its meaning now #thenetflixof

Jan 14, 2016: Hard to believe that not a single store I’ve called in Melbourne has a Ricoh spherical 360 camera, the Theta S, or even a 360fly.

Jan 14, 2016: Hello, ol' #Melbourne town #hellomelair @ Melbourne Airport - Domestic Terminal…

Jan 14, 2016: I’d like to have a shot at shooting a wedding ceremony in 360 this weekend.

Jan 14, 2016: I know I should just order one online, but I’m about to take off to Melbourne - has anyone seen a Ricoh Theta S in-store in Melbourne?

Jan 14, 2016: Futurist, @mpesce, talking about an amazing immersive future (with a little bit of me in there)…

Jan 14, 2016: I want to do this today, alas, I’m off to Melbourne instead…

Jan 13, 2016: This is my friend, @jamesdayweddings. He makes photos of people in love. Today, he hid in………

Jan 13, 2016: Four years ago tonight I asked @hellobrittanyjane to marry me 😁🎉……

Jan 13, 2016: Holy quacamole…

Jan 13, 2016: Slap a koala on any product in America and bam, instant millionaire…

Jan 13, 2016: The closest I got to knowing how to use it is when it gave me access to every single Fairfax paper’s social media. Now they use Hootsuite.

Jan 13, 2016: This software had apparently cost tens of thousands of dollars and I could t figure it out.

Jan 13, 2016: 2/2 that they tried to force on us at 4BC

Jan 13, 2016: Also, interesting to note on that last retweet that SMH isn’t using the super expensive social software 1/2…

Jan 13, 2016: The true cost of running out of fucks to give: $71…

Jan 13, 2016: Dear podcasters, I’m taking the week off podcasts so I’ve got room for non-stop Bowie mixed in with Siri beat boxing …

Jan 13, 2016: Heroes Of The Deep: 7 Fish That Might Have Eaten Osama Bin Laden - ClickHole… via @nuzzel thanks @jrhennessy

Jan 12, 2016: #steviewithers……

Jan 12, 2016: At Pacific Fair today … [Snapchat: celebrant]…

Jan 12, 2016:…

Jan 12, 2016: Essendon’t, am I right?!

Jan 11, 2016: It’s the terror of knowing what this world is about. Watching some good friends screaming, “Let me out!”

Jan 11, 2016: The “it’s a hoax"res have more credibility on Twitter than anywhere else … it’s like we all place our faith in someone …

Jan 11, 2016: “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” - David Bowie, 1947 - 2016

Jan 11, 2016: Kristin + Brian #marriedbyjosh at #curzonhall photographed by Hugo Photography &amp; Film! #sy………

Jan 11, 2016: What a true elopement looks like…

Jan 11, 2016:……

Jan 11, 2016: Take me home, flying kangaroo man……

Jan 11, 2016: Twitter is like one big group text message that we have put on mute

Jan 10, 2016: At #curzonhall today I found super #Sydney #celebrant, @rpmarryme! #repost #sydneycelebrant……

Jan 10, 2016: The crazy-excited Kristian and Brian #marriedbyjosh!……

Jan 10, 2016: El Chapo Speaks… via @nuzzel

Jan 10, 2016: Whistlestop tour of my couple’s' favourite Sydney cafes ☕️💒😬🎉

Jan 10, 2016: It’s a good day for a Sydney wedding!…

Jan 10, 2016: Good morning, Gold Coast Airport ✈️ SYD……

Jan 10, 2016: Just met the smartest guy I follow on social media, @mpesce, at @gcairport!

Jan 9, 2016: Hey, @MolksTVTalk, should I renew this domain name?…

Jan 9, 2016: James + Alex #marriedbyjosh!!……

Jan 9, 2016:…

Jan 9, 2016: If you think you need to get a marriage license, you’ll need to read this article!…

Jan 8, 2016: Answering the question: “Do I need a marriage license to marry in Australia?”…

Jan 8, 2016: I really love working with couples who get me!!! Pics and vid by Evernew!……

Jan 7, 2016: Kailah &amp; Vu’s wedding is on the #marriedbyjosh blog tonight 😬 link in bio 🤘🏼 photo and vid…… …

Jan 7, 2016: I really love my #woodentie by @woodthumb! Photo by @evernewstudio at @ka1lah &amp; Vu’s #wedd…… …

Jan 7, 2016: Meet Vu and Kailah, the Pham fam and their Mount Tamborine wedding!……

Jan 6, 2016: One year on, still waiting for the mobile app, @helpscout😘…

Jan 6, 2016: Dear, @CAH, if you’re sponsoring @atpfm this year can @siracusa review fans?

Jan 5, 2016: Here’s our pilot episode, for social media friends only, @theapplenation with @Scotty_McDonald &amp; I…

Jan 5, 2016: Every week @Scotty_McDonald and I call each other and talk about technology for hours, so we decided to turn it into a podcast.

Jan 5, 2016: I just stole @Trevornoah for §29,212 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 5, 2016: I just stole @voxdotcom for §125,358 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 5, 2016: Nurse tells me “enjoy your bleed” which is the weirdest thing I’ve ever been told to do… …

Jan 5, 2016: Deleting old websites I used to manage out of my GA account … before he was cool I managed Stan Walker’s website…

Jan 4, 2016: The amazing @spicerspeaklodge on a #queensland #summer day for an #elopement #thisisqueens………

Jan 4, 2016: Today’s #elopement is a top secret one, so there’ll be no #marriedbyjosh #selfie, instead,………

Jan 4, 2016: I just stole @Beats1 for §68,311 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 4, 2016: I just stole @marcoarment for §105,250 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 4, 2016: I just stole @reckless for §2,943 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: $1M poorer gent, @kyleayers, is my @uber spirit animal…

Jan 3, 2016: Anthony &amp; Suxanne #marriedbyjosh #howaboutthatfreakindress!!!……

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @biz for §53,585 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @marcfennell for §1,882 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @jsnell for §1,887 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @LeeLinChinSBS for §1,968 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @jfkjohan for §2,050 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @612brisbane for §2,162 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @Telstra for §2,525 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: I just stole @abexlumberg for §2,657 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 3, 2016: What used to be the #popupwedding co. Is now the @elopementcollective #elopementcollective……

Jan 2, 2016: 😎……

Jan 2, 2016: Had a sweet taste of New York City tonight! So good to see you Cory + Lauren 😘🗽……

Jan 2, 2016: Ahh, waiter, it all ran out, I think there’s a problem #gooddaycoffee……

Jan 1, 2016: I just stole @AppleMusic for §6,123 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 1, 2016: I just stole @ow for §10,016 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 1, 2016: I have a “Stolen” app invite code: XEG091. Get Stolen now:……

Jan 1, 2016: I just stole @ThatKevinSmith for §4,769 on @getstolen. #StolenOnStolen…

Jan 1, 2016: Maybe once Uber confirms your surge rate you have to answer a quiz about who the current PM is or whether “your” is being used correctly.

Jan 1, 2016: Driving for Uber for New Year’s Eve is an experience everyone should have at least once in………

Jan 1, 2016: My favourite people are those that don’t understand the service they’re using … like Uber and supply/demand…

Jan 1, 2016: Follow me on Snapchat like the follower you are…

Jan 1, 2016: Britt and my 2015 - all in one blog post!……

Jan 1, 2016:……

Jan 1, 2016: 8.8 surge!…

Jan 1, 2016: Happy new holiday savings!…

Dec 31, 2015: Fire on the beach!! #fireworks……

Dec 31, 2015: It’s that gooch time of the year so I’ve gotten all reflective and written an end of year ………

Dec 31, 2015: The #marriedbyjosh 2015…

Dec 31, 2015: #duckfacebyjosh 📷 @studiobluetulip……

Dec 31, 2015: I go to weddings &amp; with my powers of I encouragement I make everyone clap as you french kiss your favourite human…

Dec 31, 2015: New year, new @TwitterAU profile

Dec 31, 2015: Feeling a bit warm and fuzzy after this 😁🤘🏽🌯 #Repost @rebecca.kate.b: Reflecting on 2015, ………

Dec 31, 2015: Love a good scheduled tweet…

Dec 30, 2015: I love bow ties. Like, really love them. So I just wanted to show off some of my collectio………

Dec 30, 2015: You takin' ta me? 📷 @studiobluetulip……

Dec 30, 2015:……

Dec 30, 2015: Breakfast with ma boo - that’s marriage 😘……

Dec 30, 2015: #aggiewithers……

Dec 29, 2015: Love #Burleigh……

Dec 29, 2015: Love #Burleigh……

Dec 29, 2015: Sleeping with myself……

Dec 28, 2015: Barista spelt my name wrong……

Dec 28, 2015: “Fitness First is like a local version of Stereosonic (the music festival)”

Dec 27, 2015: 64 reasons to have a Merry Christmas break! Thanks Santa 😘……

Dec 27, 2015: Smashing the glass! George + Jodi #marriedbyjosh 📷 by @evokephoto 🎉 @events_to_a_t #sydney………

Dec 26, 2015: When she’s been in the car for 11 hours too long……

Dec 26, 2015: When I first told @hellobrittanyjane that I loved her I was 50% of the morning crew on thi………

Dec 26, 2015: I don’t have a social media department 😩

Dec 26, 2015: A chocolate Christmas dream comes true in the #MarriedByJosh social media department…

Dec 25, 2015: Every Christmas I get excited emails “we want to get married this week” - here’s why u can’t… …

Dec 24, 2015: Every few days I take mine and @MolksTVTalk’s friendship to a new level where he makes the same idol threat…

Dec 24, 2015: It’s Christmas Eve, like, in case you don’t know……

Dec 24, 2015: I know I’ve posted all these other spammy pics with Christmas stuff on them, but I wanted ………

Dec 24, 2015: Father-in-law hasn’t lived in Sydney for 20 years but he refuses to take Google Maps on its directions #nerdproblems

Dec 24, 2015: Those last two posts explain my grey hair, big smile and beard……

Dec 24, 2015: From my squad, to yours, may you have an extraordinarily Merry Christmas #squadgoals #Chri………

Dec 23, 2015: My #2015bestnine @Instagram photos tell a great story. We started the year wanting to end ………

Dec 23, 2015: When a climate change protests interrupts your wedding || George + Jodi #marriedbyjosh pho………

Dec 23, 2015: Back in my favourite aircraft watching spot for #Christmas 2015……

Dec 23, 2015: If only there was a quicker way to get here 🤔……

Dec 23, 2015: David Letterman felt the same leaving TV as I did leaving radio…

Dec 22, 2015: 138.69

Dec 22, 2015: Stevie is like Kylo Ren, they both had too much love from their parents while there was to………

Dec 22, 2015: We’re leaving #steviewithers and #aggiewithers in charge of the office for a few days whil………

Dec 22, 2015: Thanks, @KimKardashian…

Dec 21, 2015: Must be terrible for 1 woman to be announced as the most objectified woman on the planet, and then 15secs later have that title taken away

Dec 21, 2015: Please come and collect your 747s…

Dec 21, 2015: Nic &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh……

Dec 21, 2015: No, #AppleWatch, it’s Christmas! The happiest time of the year.……

Dec 20, 2015: Holly + Ben #marriedbyjosh 📷 @jadoreweddingfilms #adoradowns #toowoombawedding……

Dec 20, 2015: A 2min primer by Stephen Colbert if you’re going to see #StarWars this week and you’ve never seen the other 6 movies …

Dec 20, 2015: I’m beside myself with this cushion……

Dec 20, 2015: Just flew past my house thinking why am I flying back into Brisbane ………

Dec 20, 2015: Thanks for having me #Melbourne! I’ll be back in four weeks for my #celebrant business wor………

Dec 20, 2015:……

Dec 19, 2015: Melbourne, you’re oh so welcoming today. Any chance of the temp dipping below 30 tonight?

Dec 19, 2015: #jackieandsteel’s cake topper #StarWars……

Dec 19, 2015: Steele + Jackie #marriedbyjosh #jackieandsteele @jooklin + @SteeleSaunders…

Dec 19, 2015: CardotWeather never disappoints…

Dec 19, 2015: Tee shirt under a suit jacket on national TV …

Dec 18, 2015: Ben + Holly #marriedbyjosh at #adoradowns #toowoomba #toowoombawedding #toowoombacelebrant………

Dec 18, 2015: That moment a reindeer comes up to the bride a few days before Christmas - blurry shot off………

Dec 18, 2015: #sunset……

Dec 18, 2015: My favourite thing about life right now is the diversity. Last week I was in deep in Lami………

Dec 18, 2015: Spending the day in Toowoomba! Filming a secret project this morning and Ben + Holly’s wed………

Dec 17, 2015: It’s bring your girlfriend to work day……

Dec 17, 2015: “I don’t know why there’s a battery saving option? Why doesn’t it just always save battery” - Britt nails the current …

Dec 17, 2015: I took an “Applause” sign to Bec &amp; Jeremy’s wedding 📷 @colinhockeyphoto at #BroadwayChapel…… …

Dec 17, 2015: Withers, James Withers 📷 @aaronshumphotography……

Dec 17, 2015: Ridiculously proud of what she’s created, evidence in the current issue of @collectivehub ………

Dec 17, 2015: Jo + Chris #marriedbyjosh at @homesteadwedding with #photography by @etherealphotography #………

Dec 17, 2015: #aggiewithers……

Dec 17, 2015: Listen back to my chat on ABC radio statewide across Queensland about awesome weddings……

Dec 17, 2015: Perfect. Amazing. Beautiful. Spectacular! #StarWars……

Dec 17, 2015: This movie sucks so far #StarWars……

Dec 17, 2015: As we sat down in the cinema for #StarWars midnight screening we realised that midnight is………

Dec 17, 2015: As we sat down in the cinema for #StarWars midnight screening we realised that midnight is………

Dec 16, 2015: I’m starting to think that my Darth Bader Pez Dispenser isn’t the “dress up” the cinema st…… …

Dec 16, 2015: Lardassgate…

Dec 16, 2015: Matthew + Zarna #marriedbyjosh at @lightspacebrisbane with @savvyv taking pics!……

Dec 16, 2015: Bec + Jeremy #marriedbyjosh photographed by @colinhockeyphoto at #broadwaychapel! #brisban………

Dec 16, 2015: My chat on ABC Queensland local radio with Terri Begley…

Dec 16, 2015: Yesterday at Darren and Felicia’s #elopement with @populwed at #SummergroveEstate they wan………

Dec 15, 2015: Luke + Jessie #MarriedByJosh…

Dec 15, 2015: Darren &amp; Felicia #eloped to the #GoldCoast from #Singapore to be #marriedbyjosh in a #priv………

Dec 15, 2015: When, how, why did wedding ceremonies get that boring that a guest’s first thought is to p………

Dec 15, 2015: When, how, why did wedding ceremonies get that boring that a guest’s first thought is to photograph it instead of participate in it?

Dec 15, 2015: I as a guest on ABC Local Radio Queensland-wide today - you can listen back here…

Dec 15, 2015: About to go on air at @612brisbane and Queensland wide on your local ABC radio station talking weddings #612Brisbane…

Dec 14, 2015: Just because I wanted to going @morgancroberts' gears editing one of his photos terribly……

Dec 14, 2015: The revolution of Yahoo: Yahoo &gt; Yahoo! &gt; hoo &gt; who? &gt; oh…

Dec 13, 2015: When the #groom calls his #bride a #knife in his #weddingvows 📷 @patch_media……

Dec 13, 2015: Kind of blown away that two awesome humans from #Singapore have entrusted @hellobrittanyja………

Dec 13, 2015: Unnecessary use of journalistic resources, case 42996…

Dec 13, 2015: My squad……

Dec 13, 2015: My squad…

Dec 12, 2015: Snag Stand + Movie + Hottie = Date Night……

Dec 12, 2015: Glenn and Kiri #marriedbyjosh at their very own #wedfest at #tyalgumridgeretreat!……

Dec 12, 2015: The boys were in charge of moving the ceremony decorations undercover…

Dec 12, 2015: I’ve found the time space continuum…

Dec 12, 2015: The most exciting thing I see in marriage is the journey. Our journey so far has been exci………

Dec 12, 2015: Thank you to everyone that got me my favourite socks for my birthday, Happy Socks!!!……

Dec 12, 2015: Father-in-law just suggested that we all ‘Netflix and Chill’ this morning…

Dec 11, 2015: #Repost @etherealphotography: Dan &amp; Natalie’s ceremony with the awesome @joshuawithers #br…… …

Dec 11, 2015: Aris + Erin #marriedbyjosh……

Dec 11, 2015: Guys, you might have thought my helicopter flying days were over. Well, they’re not!!! San………

Dec 11, 2015: Wouldn’t it be amazing if the whole purpose of the universe was to send cosmic guidance to 12 groups of women dependant on their DOB.

Dec 11, 2015: 2016 New Year Resolution: think about adding “Thinkfluencer” to my LinkedIn bio.

Dec 11, 2015: {G+X 3/3} I create moments that can only ever exist once, it’s like the Snapchat of real l………

Dec 11, 2015: {G+X 2/3} I lead a community to a place where they can realise that moment and celebrate t………

Dec 11, 2015: {G+X 1/3} as a marriage celebrant I don’t provide legal services, or fill the gap in betwe………

Dec 11, 2015: What Really Happens When You Get Shot…

Dec 10, 2015: Thanks to @celebrantladylove I’m that #AppleWatch guy that changes his watch band for fash………

Dec 10, 2015: #Brisbane named “AP’s best-prepared city to encourage foreign direct investment” needs to go to the city pool room…

Dec 10, 2015: That Apple reseller I overheard selling old Apple TVs as new ones has shut down…

Dec 10, 2015: In a bookstore right now……

Dec 10, 2015: I’m a celebrant, get me out of here! Jokes! The best looking couple of 2015, Angela &amp; Davi…… …

Dec 10, 2015: I think I need to learn to code…

Dec 10, 2015: The cult of likability…

Dec 10, 2015: So many captions 📷 @morgancroberts……

Dec 9, 2015: The @byronviewfarm resident wedding cat 📷 @morgancroberts at @popupwed #byronbaypopupweddi………

Dec 9, 2015: I spent most of last night taking selfies with myself. This is @celebrantladylove’s daught………

Dec 9, 2015: On seeing bouts of Josh-love online, a friend said that today is just another day to reali………

Dec 9, 2015: Matching outfits selfie! #joshis34……

Dec 9, 2015: Hotel checkout selfie! #joshis34……

Dec 9, 2015: I’m an Instagram Husband……

Dec 8, 2015: Thank you, everyone #joshis34……

Dec 8, 2015: The best gift anyone can give is support and love. I get that from @hellobrittanyjane ever………

Dec 8, 2015: A progressive government would invite Kimye in to just start naming stuff. Make it rain, @TurnbullMalcolm.

Dec 7, 2015: ♥️🤒……

Dec 7, 2015: I made a husband and wife out of two freakingly cool people today! Jo + Chris #marriedbyjo………

Dec 7, 2015: Truth is, if you refer to me as “funky” in your enquiry email I’ll probably do your wedding for free.

Dec 7, 2015: So crazily proud of Britt and the whole pop-up wedding team internationally. It’s beautifu………

Dec 7, 2015: ““How come your folks named you ISIS? Does it like embarass you?”” by @isisAnchalee…

Dec 6, 2015: Mum just introduced me as a priest. Which probably explains her misunderstanding of my business.

Dec 6, 2015:…

Dec 6, 2015: A great interview with Zane Lowe on the goals of Apple’s new radio station, Beats 1…

Dec 5, 2015: Love ya Jul’s…

Dec 5, 2015: #Sunset over #Cairns……

Dec 5, 2015: #brisbane right now - thanks for the great 4G @Telstra…

Dec 5, 2015: #brisbane bye bye……

Dec 5, 2015: This is not the Project Runway I signed up for ………

Dec 5, 2015: BNE✈️CNS

Dec 5, 2015: Your MacBook charger has more processing power than the original Macintosh…

Dec 5, 2015: I don’t think I know anyone else with an #AppleWatch, so I haven’t been able to do any of ………

Dec 5, 2015: I’ve been in a car for an hour, thanks for recording my sit as a stand, #AppleWatch /cc @gruber…

Dec 4, 2015: Look, Ma! I’ll be in the ‘paper tomorrow! #Repost @rufflesandcakemag ・・・ We checked in wi………

Dec 4, 2015: It’s really good day when you get a wedding enquiry for this location :)…

Dec 3, 2015: Four years ago I told @hellobrittanyjane that I loved her, we’d already been friends for f………

Dec 3, 2015: Civil partnerships are back in Queensland!……

Dec 3, 2015: It’s only 1.04 mass shootings per day. Let’s wait until it’s 1.05 before we cause a ruckus ok…

Dec 3, 2015: I’m just waiting for America to invade America to disarm their weapons of mass destruction.

Dec 2, 2015: Tried really hard to stay off my feet today so my sprained ankle can heal, the Apple Watch thought I was too active…

Dec 2, 2015: If Microsoft and Apple can get along at Christmas, surely all of us can…

Dec 2, 2015: If journalists reviewed Macs like iPads…

Dec 2, 2015: Peer behind the wedding planning curtain and see how Toni and Daniel created their wedding……

Dec 1, 2015: How to make Daniel &amp; Toni’s wedding, in an Instagram takeover…

Dec 1, 2015: This is Daniel &amp; Toni’s final post in the Instagram takeover! Follow their their story on …… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Amusing Ourselves to Death…

Dec 1, 2015: RØDE Microphones &amp; Sachtler are giving away an audio bag full of goodies including the Blimp, NTG4, Filmmaker Kit!…

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: My thoughts on why you should support White Magazine’s Kickstarter……

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: My thoughts on why you should support White Magazine’s Kickstarter……

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: Today is a Dan &amp; Toni Instagram takeover! D&amp;T were married at Beechmont recently and today…… …

Dec 1, 2015: I backed @flyshark_iLepo on @kickstarter and got my new foldable Bluetooth keyboard in today’s mail…

Dec 1, 2015: || Daniel &amp; Toni were married at Beechmont recently and today Toni’s taking over my Instag…… …

Nov 30, 2015: ANZ internet banking down earlier today, Bankwest this afternoon, related?

Nov 30, 2015: No it hasn’t, @Scotty_McDonald…

Nov 30, 2015: I think it’s sad that Japan is slowly but surely redefining what it means to have “a whale of a time”.

Nov 30, 2015: #Repost by the lovely and awesome @millyjanephotography ・・・ A ceremony with @joshuawithers………

Nov 30, 2015: So, what’s the go with Just Jeans having things other than jeans?

Nov 30, 2015: One of these planes is not like the other ones 🎶 @qantas……

Nov 30, 2015: Truth be told, I spend most wedding ceremonies wondering what ridiculous face the wedding ………

Nov 29, 2015: George + Jodi #marriedbyjosh #saraistopless #saraistoplesswedding……

Nov 29, 2015: 25,000 protestors + a DJ + a wedding = the first wedding to be directly affected by climate change @……

Nov 29, 2015: Sydney’s not looking good today though :/…

Nov 29, 2015: And this weekend’s adventure continues……

Nov 29, 2015: We call this piece “forgot the rings” wilde.visual @morgancroberts @popupwed @snow_withers……

Nov 29, 2015: Same for the taxi industry as well I think…

Nov 29, 2015: Gay because they look good?…

Nov 28, 2015: Jade + Liam #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 28, 2015: Jade &amp; Liam #marriedbyjosh at @embiggenbooks! #melbournewedding #melbournecelebrant #bookstore……

Nov 28, 2015: Today’s wedding location is awesome……

Nov 28, 2015: So thankful this weekend. Three amazing couples being wed in three spectacular &amp; unique ceremonies in three states. Qld yesterday, Vic today

Nov 28, 2015: Are there any support groups I can join for liking new Justin Bieber songs?

Nov 28, 2015: Batmania bound……

Nov 28, 2015:…

Nov 28, 2015: I used hairspray as anti-perspirant today, so I’m off to a good start. Melbourne bound now!

Nov 28, 2015: A two year old phone in today’s paper…

Nov 27, 2015: Brendan + Kylie #marriedbyjosh at @ecostudiofellini with @millyjanephotography!……

Nov 27, 2015: Brendan &amp; Kylie #marriedbyjosh #rockoutwithyoursocksout @ Ecostudio Fellini…

Nov 27, 2015: Tara + Will #marriedbyjosh!……

Nov 26, 2015: When life gives you hot air from an exhaust fan @ Palm Beach Qld…

Nov 26, 2015: Is it all BS, or am I accidentally “big on LinkedIn”?

Nov 26, 2015: Plus a friend request from a breakfast TV host

Nov 26, 2015: I just opened it for my monthly “clearing of the notifications” &amp; there’s the former media CEO endorsing me for a skill I …

Nov 26, 2015: Is LinkedIn a thing?

Nov 26, 2015: The problem isn’t that life is unfair — it’s that you don’t know the rules…

Nov 25, 2015: How it is in the ‘hood…

Nov 25, 2015: Pope Francis: Christmas is a ‘Charade’ this year…

Nov 25, 2015: “We’re raising our prices on Black Friday, and here’s why.” by @woodthumb…

Nov 25, 2015: Can you even be insane in the membrane? Or were Cypress Hill just singing a lyric that rhymed?

Nov 25, 2015: Same-sex couple becomes first to be featured in weddings section of Queensland newspaper…

Nov 24, 2015: Making sure I’m going to be as hot as @avantgeorge on his wedding day……

Nov 23, 2015: I spend far too many hours each week trying to convince #steviewithers to cuddle with me……

Nov 23, 2015: Natalie &amp; Daniel #marriedbyjosh and holograph we by @etherealphotography 😬……

Nov 23, 2015: About to talk #samesexmarriage and #commitmentceremonies on @612brisbane

Nov 23, 2015: The Jenner that made vaccination viral…

Nov 22, 2015: ‘An Apple Store employee said that at one point the deranged sword wielding man yelled “I just want an iPhone!“’ …

Nov 22, 2015: My Watch just crashed. What a time to be alive.

Nov 22, 2015: Kyle &amp; Emily #marriedbyjosh and killing it at #boomerang 😁 @ Wilson’s Outlook…

Nov 22, 2015: Kyle &amp; Emily, teenage sweethearts, they’ve known each other since they were kids, and toda…… …

Nov 22, 2015: #Repost @storiesbyash ・・・ Chrisney &amp; Adam, just married and braving some crazy heat yester………

Nov 22, 2015: Gratitude, the secret elixir to not frowning heaps…

Nov 22, 2015: When you’re trying to Skype with couple’s and the family loves you @ Gold Coast, Queensland…

Nov 22, 2015: BREAKING: journalists dedicate front page of their collective works to journalists talking about journalists…

Nov 22, 2015: Coffee, it’s like an ambulance in a cup…

Nov 21, 2015: Nath &amp; Kel #marriedbyjosh @ Sanctuary Cove, Queensland…

Nov 21, 2015: Adam + Chrisney #marriedbyjosh at @bris_powerhouse with @storiesbyash and arcticfoxhire @ BRISBANE……

Nov 21, 2015: Everything you wanted to know about Finstagram, the Fake Instagram…

Nov 21, 2015: Tis' the season to be tying wooden bows……

Nov 20, 2015: Remember when uber used to mean cool/awesome/great instead of #fucktaxis

Nov 20, 2015: Talyn &amp; Keehnan #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 20, 2015: Taken &amp; Keehnan #marriedbyjosh on #mounttamborine at #cedarcreeklodges cedarcreeklodges……

Nov 20, 2015: 7pm wedding on a heatwave day, don’t mind if I do 😁 do you like the new #woodenbowtie?……

Nov 19, 2015: So Apple Pay has launched in Australia, is this news or did I miss it?…

Nov 19, 2015: Thanks 2 @FakeAshPunch’s reminder, today we celebrate 4yr ago that @russellcrowe awkwardly asked “Is Joshua there?” …

Nov 18, 2015: Love the Gold Coast 😘……

Nov 18, 2015: My first Christmas party of the year, the Gold Coast Central Chamber of Commerce Christmas………

Nov 17, 2015: Robina…

Nov 17, 2015: The postman is a busy #bowtie deliverer this week!! Thanks!……

Nov 17, 2015: If you know a Josh Withers in the UK, let the good chap know won’t you.…

Nov 17, 2015: This week he starts work at the Amazon UK distribution centre and I’m pretty sure he won’t know where the Amazon bus will pick him up …

Nov 17, 2015: It’s been fun watching his journey, eBay purchases through to job applications.

Nov 17, 2015: For a while now, some poor guy in the UK has being giving out one of my old Gmail email addresses as his own.

Nov 16, 2015: In today’s mail!!! Something sweet from @devur_jewelry #woodenbowtie #bowtie #mensstyle #g………

Nov 16, 2015: “Take some time today to stop and smell the non-description trees” - #AggieWithers…

Nov 16, 2015: Nat &amp; DAN #marriedbyjosh!……

Nov 15, 2015: I miss you, chopper @ Prospect Studios…

Nov 15, 2015: The one word that can completely change your wedding vows for the better……

Nov 15, 2015: One word that makes your wedding vows better…

Nov 14, 2015: I just yelled “get to the chopper!” but there was only a car. So I guess that’s my life now. Miss you, chopper.

Nov 14, 2015:……

Nov 14, 2015: You’re looking good today Brisbane!…

Nov 14, 2015: Thousands of new cars coming into Brisbane…

Nov 14, 2015: This is kind of like the first time you fly business class, you can’t go back to economy a………

Nov 14, 2015: Brisbane bound!!!!……

Nov 14, 2015:……

Nov 14, 2015: Craig and Vicki #marriedbyjosh @ Tangalooma Island Resort…

Nov 14, 2015: Lui &amp; Angie #marriedbyjosh // Tap your heels three times for love…

Nov 14, 2015: See ya Brisbane, I’ll be back in two hours. I’m Tangalooma bound!…

Nov 14, 2015: I’m about to catch a ferry to Tangalooma and I’ve got a 12:15 helicopter back to Brisbane – but it’s pouring.

Nov 14, 2015: Can helicopters fly in the rain? Is it safe? Is that a stupid question?

Nov 14, 2015: Every time @imyke says “Hey Siri” on a podcast while I’m driving &amp; listening, my iPhone is all like, “Yo, Mike, long …

Nov 14, 2015: Dear, City of Love, please love.

Nov 14, 2015: “One week ago today I stood on a box and married the love of my life” is now my favourite ………

Nov 14, 2015: New York is getting an underground park. Of course.…

Nov 14, 2015: New #bowtie day!……

Nov 13, 2015: Mark &amp; Gemma #marriedbyjosh! #brisbanecelebrant @ Lightspace Brisbane…

Nov 13, 2015: On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitas, rising up through t………

Nov 13, 2015: Dave &amp; Belle #marriedbyjosh #goldcoastcelebrant……

Nov 13, 2015: Annual @easyweddings survey of 2200 cpls actually entering into marriage (as opposed to old white men) reveals 79% support marriage equality

Nov 13, 2015: Do you even tweet, bro?

Nov 13, 2015: New neck bling by @bug_accessories! #bowtie #woodenbowtie……

Nov 13, 2015: I’m at @sheratongoldcoast for Belle &amp; Dave’s wedding today, but all I can think about is t…… …

Nov 13, 2015: A nerdy solution to snoring?…

Nov 13, 2015: Nine Quiet Exercises You Can Do In Your Hotel Room Without Any Equipment…

Nov 12, 2015: “Daydreaming has a bad reputation - scientists are beginning to realise that a wandering mind might be beneficial.”…

Nov 12, 2015: The Simple Technique To Fit A 40-Hour Workweek Into 16.7 Hours…

Nov 11, 2015: Need help? I’m holding Officehours:…

Nov 11, 2015: Honestly. Screw hover boards.

Nov 11, 2015: He’s currently having a nap, he’s the white top on the ground on the right

Nov 11, 2015: What a time to be alive. You can watch Shai LaBeouf watch every single Shia LaBeouf movie non-stop… #allmymovies

Nov 11, 2015: Hardest part of celebrancy is preparing a funeral service … funeral celebrancy is definitely a calling, not a job

Nov 11, 2015: Massive list of things that are probably worth considering so u can smile once every now and then - @BenjaminPHardy…

Nov 11, 2015: So proud to be featured on Wedding Chicks!…

Nov 10, 2015: Looking at this photo from this epic location my brain gets out it’s best Dale Kerrigan im………

Nov 10, 2015: In today’s “Nate’d school pickup podcast” Nate goes to dance class and he’s invented a new breakfast cereal …

Nov 10, 2015: In today’s school pickup podcast Nate goes to dance class and he’s invented a new breakfast cereal…

Nov 10, 2015: New bow tie day! She’s beautiful! #bowtie #ollydesign #perspexbowtie…

Nov 10, 2015: Kind of excited about finding out what Australia is getting for the War On Christmas this year!

Nov 10, 2015: “Work” as we know it, is dead, done, dusted…

Nov 9, 2015: A podcast that my 9 year old cousin, Nate, is making, with my help:…

Nov 9, 2015: Listening to “Nate’s learning about advertising” by Nate’s Pickup From School Podcast via @omnyapp…

Nov 9, 2015: When you try to add a podcast to the iTunes Store on an iPhone…

Nov 9, 2015: I told him that in 2015 there’s only room for one podcast to go viral per year.

Nov 9, 2015: You’ve never seen a grade four student more excited when there’s a possibility they’ll “go viral”

Nov 9, 2015: For a while I’m picking my cousin Nate up from school. He’s quite the talker, our drive home has become a podcast…

Nov 9, 2015: “Nothing kills a buzz faster than having to be responsible for the welfare of small childre………

Nov 8, 2015: Home is where the Britt is 🤗……

Nov 8, 2015: Happy that new 2am “last drink” laws don’t affect me. Sad that 2am “last drink” laws don’t affect me. Old age.

Nov 8, 2015: A mother, and guest, begs “Please don’t invite my kids to your wedding”…

Nov 8, 2015: I think i have a bow tie thing……

Nov 7, 2015: Nicest traffic jam I’ve been stuck in for a while……

Nov 7, 2015: Nicest traffic jam I’ve been stuck in for a while @ Rochedale, Queensland, Australia…

Nov 7, 2015: Why are there?? @ Brisbane Gateway Motorway…

Nov 7, 2015: #daveandbrooke #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 7, 2015: And then #daveandbrooke were #marriedbyjosh at caprioleestate with @laraandsusie on hand for photos……

Nov 7, 2015: Talk about moving away from tradition. I’m not sure if this is right but it looks like Bro………

Nov 7, 2015: When you get your own sign 😁……

Nov 6, 2015: I’ve got a morning to kill tomorrow, help a brother out, where’s the best breakfast on the………

Nov 6, 2015: Just a sneaky catchup with Queensland’s #1 ABIA award winning celebrant, Bill Scurry! Anyo………

Nov 6, 2015: Gus &amp; Willabelle #marriedbyjosh at #flaxtongardens! #montvillecelebrant……

Nov 6, 2015: Amazon’s retail bookstore. Next, Google telephone directory, Hotmail PO Boxes, Qantas horse &amp; carriage, &amp; Microsoft’s timber office …

Nov 5, 2015:…

Nov 5, 2015: Photographers, and appreciators of photography will like this……

Nov 5, 2015: She seems intent on putting her hand down my throat. Maybe I’m the first human she’s met w………

Nov 5, 2015: I stole the heir to the @lemontreefilm throne! #lemontreekid…

Nov 5, 2015: “When sending emails from your phone, you’re forgiven for typos, but not for a lack of thoughtfulness.”…

Nov 5, 2015: Search for Josh and you’ll find me there.

Nov 5, 2015: Apple News has decided that an ugly green is the best way to represent my wedding blog…

Nov 5, 2015: #HighChurch with my @seeeyewear and @morgancroberts taking photos #SEEhappycamper #brisban………

Nov 5, 2015: A coffee with Heart &amp; Colour…

Nov 5, 2015: Shit got real at Drew and Steph’s wedding after I left. Glad to see they made it out alive.………

Nov 4, 2015: In case you’re not sick of me yet, listen to Han’s podcast where I’m interviewed about cele…… …

Nov 4, 2015: The 37 Basic Plots, According to a Screenwriter of the Silent-Film Era…

Nov 4, 2015: I’m on Hans' podcast, if you desire to listen to my voice for an hour or so :)…

Nov 3, 2015: Every time I see a photo of me doing the thing I do for work, I honestly just wonder: how ………

Nov 3, 2015: “Josh is the best of the best! Adam and I feel sorry for anyone else who doesn’t have Josh………

Nov 3, 2015: “We loved our wedding ceremony!! Josh was easy going and down to earth and created THE BES………

Nov 3, 2015: “We DO NOT speak in public and it’s actually my biggest fear in life but josh somehow inst………

Nov 3, 2015: Bill Gates: ‘We Need an Energy Miracle’…

Nov 3, 2015: The ratings world we live in has turned customers into terrifying bosses…

Nov 2, 2015: Who wore it better?……

Nov 2, 2015: Me! Photo by @trentandjessie at the #goldcoastpopupwedding at @cedarcreekestate #leather………

Nov 2, 2015: A refugee committed suicide at Brisbane airport last week … spend a few seconds to hear his story…

Nov 2, 2015: Flipping the ring finger, this should be more of a thing. Why isn’t this a thing? @jessewa………

Nov 2, 2015: Modern adult thug lyf…

Nov 2, 2015: Google’s storming into the podcast world intent on ruining the open podcasting world, and making it closed…

Nov 2, 2015: Apparently I spend too much time in Robina so I think everything is there.

Nov 2, 2015: Should I intervene? It seems rude. But ruder that he’s being ripped off. Also, it’s the Pacific Fsir store, not Robina.

Nov 2, 2015: Older customer in the Robina @NextByte store is currently being conned into buying the old #AppleTV when he asked for the new one.

Nov 2, 2015: It’s the weekend!!!……

Nov 2, 2015: You’re not just somebody’s kid. You’re somebody - “Why You Need To Move Away From Your Home Town” by @isaacmorehouse…

Nov 2, 2015: 137.99

Nov 2, 2015: Courtney and Rob are planning a “Christmas” but not really Christmas wedding……

Nov 2, 2015: A wedding isn’t supposed to test you, or challenge you, or tire you, or stretch you, or br………

Nov 2, 2015: A wedding isn’t supposed to test you, or challenge you, or tire you, or stretch you, or br………

Nov 2, 2015: A wedding isn’t supposed to test you, or challenge you, or tire you, or stretch you, or br………

Nov 1, 2015: A wedding isn’t supposed to test you, or challenge you, or tire you, or stretch you, or br………

Nov 1, 2015: A wedding isn’t supposed to test you, or challenge you, or tire you, or stretch you, or br………

Nov 1, 2015: This gig takes me to some pretty amazing places……

Nov 1, 2015: Plan a wedding that smells like Christmas…

Nov 1, 2015: My cats ………

Nov 1, 2015: #Repost @popupwed || FRIDAY || it was epic! We married these two in secret in front of a h………

Nov 1, 2015: 🇳🇿🐺🏉🏆🇳🇿🐺🏉🏆🇳🇿🐺🏉🏆🇳🇿🐺🏉

Nov 1, 2015: Wallabies, they don’t pay ‘em to sing.

Oct 31, 2015: Something intense happening in Kangaroo Point #bnenews…

Oct 31, 2015: Apple Watch Day 5: I still feel like Dick Tracey.…

Oct 31, 2015: The best case for a new Australian flag yet - spend 60 seconds to read through this explanation… // @goldwattleflag

Oct 31, 2015: We’ve been playing with the Google Cardboard VR “goggles” this morning. Simply amazeballs!… …

Oct 31, 2015: #steviewithers looking you up and down…

Oct 31, 2015: 138.16

Oct 30, 2015: I received another sweet award in the mail today 😁😁😁 - thanks WOMO……

Oct 30, 2015: A wedding isn’t supposed to test you, or challenge you, or tire you, or stretch you, or break you. It’s supposed to celebrate you.

Oct 30, 2015: I’ve been asked to mystery shop for a friend while he’s on holidays. I’ve spent my whole l…… …

Oct 30, 2015: Secret #byronbay #elopement! #byronbaycelebrant #byronbayelopement……

Oct 30, 2015: Inside the Secretive World of Elite Wealth Management…

Oct 30, 2015: I just counted eight police cars heading west on the Robina Parkway, heading towards the M1

Oct 30, 2015: 35min of Steve Molk peeling back my skin &amp; letting the #HumansOfTwitter peer inside my world……

Oct 30, 2015: Han hosts a podcast about celebrations and he interviews me on this week’s show! Listen here……

Oct 29, 2015: Soon!!! #TV #ProspectStudios……

Oct 29, 2015: 138.54

Oct 29, 2015: Science proves that salad makes you fat … by way of post-kale-indulgence…

Oct 27, 2015: They came…

Oct 27, 2015: The last DVD/CD store still open in my area has been replaced with a travel store, see u later (aptly named), Sanity…

Oct 27, 2015: Now that I’ve been pranked, Depend has me on their marketing list. I imagine every week I'………

Oct 26, 2015: I feel like when I die, and I go to Cupertino for the afterlife, Steve will now welcome me………

Oct 26, 2015: Sorry, mums……

Oct 26, 2015: Two years ago next month, when I first left radio for full-time self-employment, I. Was re………

Oct 26, 2015: The top 10 things that can go wrong at your wedding…

Oct 26, 2015: Do you even coffee, bro? @ Zarraffas…

Oct 25, 2015: I searched and I searched and I searched and eventually I found a six year old photographe………

Oct 25, 2015: One year ago @lukejleasure and @hellomalloryanne took this photo of @hellobrittanyjane and………

Oct 25, 2015: Brett + Jenna #marriedbyjosh at the #goldcoastpopupwedding at @cedarcreekwine with @popupw………

Oct 25, 2015: Tim @lvnsfinest and jessewatego #marriedbyjosh #timandjessiesbigday #brisbanecelebrant @ Alexander……

Oct 25, 2015: #Lego + #Ironman + #bowtie = awesome…

Oct 25, 2015: Getting our growl on at cedarcreekestate on a Sunday morning with @popupwed @trentrouillon……

Oct 24, 2015: Millo + Taya #marriedbyjosh!…

Oct 24, 2015: Millo (the groom) and I are both rocking @twoguysbowties #bow ties today! #woodenbowtie #b………

Oct 24, 2015: I’m a guest on a wedding business podcast, I think you’ll enjoy it!……

Oct 24, 2015:…

Oct 24, 2015: #aggiewithers #steviewithers…

Oct 24, 2015: “And that nice Maltese girl that (my mother) wanted me to marry? Well his name is Duncan.”…

Oct 23, 2015: This epic Perth elopement is on the @WhiteMagazine blog today!!! Justin &amp; Annika #marriedb………

Oct 23, 2015: Ben Clark ‘Sharknadoed’ Drew and Steph’s wedding…

Oct 23, 2015: I’m in love with a #3dprintedbowtie @ Boomerang Farms Golf Course…

Oct 23, 2015: Imagine Tina Turner and Jimmy Barnes singing whilst reading this……

Oct 23, 2015: Justine + Jason’s O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat Wedding #marriedbyjosh, shot by Lara and Susie…

Oct 23, 2015: I certainly have friends I can Depend® on……

Oct 23, 2015: There’s a few levels of greatness in this tweet, but the best part is sharing the password…

Oct 22, 2015: In Full Sail as We Head for Open Water…

Oct 22, 2015: Listening to episode 65 of the @evolveyourweddingbusiness #podcast - where I’m the guest!!………

Oct 22, 2015: I’m a guest on the “Evolve your wedding business” podcast!…

Oct 22, 2015: #bnestorm #wewillrebuild #prospectstudios……

Oct 22, 2015: It’s the @lightspacebrisbane wedding open night tonight from 6pm at #lightspacebrisbane!! ………

Oct 22, 2015: The most humbling of opportunities as a #marriagecelebrant is when a couple celebrate thei………

Oct 22, 2015: Justine and Jason’s wedding photo slideshow #marriedbyjosh at Moonlight Crag, photos by Lara &amp; Susie!…

Oct 22, 2015: Sane John’s latest TV advert really leaves feeling quite whelmed…

Oct 22, 2015: Episode 65: Confronting Sexism In The Wedding Industry with Josh Withers | Evolve Your Wedding Business Podcast…)

Oct 22, 2015: Business idea: release an awesome movie in 2015 where we travel forward in time to 2045 and make some predictions about 2045. Then we wait.

Oct 22, 2015: As the owner of most Josh Withers related emails &amp; domain names, I get so many mis-addressed emails I get.…

Oct 22, 2015: Why you always see wedding professionals banging on about unplugged weddings……

Oct 22, 2015: I, for one, couldn’t care less about our new Red overlord.

Oct 22, 2015: Cute? #3dprintedbowtie #bowtie……

Oct 21, 2015: Tara &amp; Kurt #marriedbyjosh with @popupwed and @aaronshumphotography making photos at #city………

Oct 21, 2015: I’m lead to believe that #noselfie is the new #selfie … because #producthunt said so. We………

Oct 21, 2015: Tonight’s light reading, Sharon Givoni’s book I picked up after her session at #unbilledbr………

Oct 21, 2015: And boom, @OvercastFM screams to the top of the App Store @marcoarment…

Oct 21, 2015: I’ve been awarded a WIPA three diamond award and I’m pretty bloody proud……

Oct 21, 2015: I’m really hoping something spectacular happens at 4:29pm god damnit

Oct 21, 2015: You probably see a lot of us in the #weddingindustry banging on about #unpluggedweddings -………

Oct 21, 2015: Why are we all so passionate about unplugged weddings?……

Oct 21, 2015: A crazy and weird and amazing idea when it comes to changing your name through marriage……

Oct 21, 2015: Young Joe Hockey excitingly deflating a balloon. Isn’t the Internet just glorious? Bye Felicia.…


Oct 21, 2015: The City Botanic gardens are a sweet sweet place to make out with your favourite human in ………

Oct 21, 2015: If You’re Not Paranoid, You’re Crazy - a good read on the data being collected on us today…

Oct 20, 2015: “Josh, you absolutely made our day. We couldn’t have asked for anyone better to celebrate ………

Oct 20, 2015: Richard Branson throws the UN a get-out-of-bureaucracy free card…

Oct 20, 2015: Brides, photoshopped, throwing cats.……

Oct 20, 2015: Laughter is the shortest distance between two souls || Kelly + Shaun #marriedbyjosh at the………

Oct 20, 2015: Longform Reprints: Playboy Interview: Steve Jobs by David Sheff…

Oct 19, 2015: We made a hat for #steviewithers out of @hellobrittanyjane’s sock. She really likes it. #c………

Oct 19, 2015: NEW BOW TIE! #3dprintedbowtie #bowtie……

Oct 19, 2015: A crazy and weird and amazing idea when it comes to changing your name through marriage…

Oct 19, 2015: Crash southbound on the Bruce Highway just before the beginning of the Gateway, two right lanes closed…

Oct 19, 2015: Alex &amp; Lisa #marriedbyjosh at @SpicersAust #spicersclovellyestate…

Oct 19, 2015: I’m at @spicersclovellyestate for Alex &amp; Lisa’s wedding today! Can’t wait to be back here …… …

Oct 19, 2015: Today on my blog, something glorious: brides throwing (photoshopped) cats 🐱 the direct lin………

Oct 19, 2015: And now for something completely different…

Oct 18, 2015: These feet have really covered some ground over the past year but it wasn’t until I walked………

Oct 18, 2015: That moment where you cease being two kids in love and become husband and wife. It’s quite………

Oct 18, 2015: Time for another game of “what was Josh saying here?” || 📷 by @morgancroberts at the #bris………

Oct 18, 2015: #unbilledbris…

Oct 18, 2015: Getting a really good day of business learning squeezed into a day full of meetings as well! Loving @Unbilled_com_au conf! #unbilledbris

Oct 18, 2015: See my article in the @dailymail? Thanks for the chat @dailymailau - I’ll put the link in ………

Oct 18, 2015: New irony podcast!…

Oct 18, 2015: Learning about the law for creative nerds at #unbilledbris

Oct 18, 2015: #unbilledbris asked us ‘creative types’ to be in the city by 8:30am on a Sunday. I’m impre…… …

Oct 18, 2015: Chris and Clare #marriedbyjosh in Hawaii with The Pop Up Wedding Co. &amp; Reece &amp; Renee with Opihi Love!…

Oct 18, 2015: 😄 @popupwed with @morgancroberts &amp; @packaperfectparty at @highchurchbrisbane……

Oct 17, 2015: Tomorrow! #unbilledbris…

Oct 17, 2015: Drew &amp; Steph #marriedbyjosh!! #brisbanecelebrant #brisbanewedding #celebrant #celebrantsel………

Oct 17, 2015: At @gcairport this morning a @JetstarAirways passenger flew off the handle…

Oct 17, 2015: Rockin my Ronald McDonald socks for #mchappyday #ronaldmcdonald……

Oct 17, 2015:……

Oct 17, 2015: And while I’m in the air you’ve got to see Chris &amp; Clare’s #hawaii #elopement on the @whit…… …

Oct 17, 2015: I’m much too tired and ugly this morning to post a real photo of me, so I’ll regram this h………

Oct 16, 2015: The best thing about hanging out with photographers all the time? I get awesome photos of ………

Oct 16, 2015: Adam + Michelle #marriedbyjosh at #bradleyhead amphitheatre on #sydneyharbour - what a day………

Oct 16, 2015: I love that I can fly 680km, drive 18km, walk 200m, and 60 seconds later have a perfect sp………

Oct 16, 2015: Today’s office is pretty spectacular. You might remember it from a wedding photo that went………

Oct 16, 2015: The poor guy looked so conflicted.

Oct 16, 2015: Walked out of my hotel, opened Uber &amp; saw that there was a 15 min delay with a 1.5x surge so I got in the taxi waiting. He knows the deal.

Oct 16, 2015: So @MolksTVTalk and I are more often in different cities or countries at the same time than we are at home.

Oct 16, 2015: Lunch with my favourite Day……

Oct 16, 2015: Hey @Qantas could all those LCD monitors in the baggage collection area in Sydney be used for “your flight is on this carousel”

Oct 16, 2015: Fancy Qantas boarding at GC Airport…

Oct 16, 2015: After a massive day yesterday we still had smiles. Eight Couple’s said yes to marriage at ………

Oct 16, 2015: The Fascinating Afterlives of Defunct Pizza Hut Buildings…

Oct 16, 2015: South || OOL ✈️ SYD……

Oct 15, 2015: Kyle &amp; Shannon #marriedbyjosh at #byronviewfarm #byronbaypopupwedding #popupwedding #byron………

Oct 15, 2015: Darren &amp; Fay #marriedbyjosh at #byronviewfarm #byronbaypopupwedding #popupwedding #byronba………

Oct 15, 2015: Gemma + Xavier #marriedbyjosh at #byronviewfarm #byronbaypopupwedding #popupwedding #byron………

Oct 15, 2015: Daniel &amp; Danelle #marriedbyjosh at #byronviewfarm #byronbaypopupwedding #popupwedding #byr………

Oct 15, 2015: Steve &amp; Jodie #marriedbyjosh at #byronviewfarm #byronbaypopupwedding #popupwedding #byronb………

Oct 15, 2015:……

Oct 15, 2015: Hoping those blue skies do t go away, but if they do we get to use the best wet weather ba………

Oct 15, 2015: Tyron &amp; Ellie #marriedbyjosh at #byronviewfarm #byronbaypopupwedding #popupwedding #byronb………

Oct 15, 2015: Nath &amp; Sal #marriedbyjosh at #byronviewfarm #byronbaypopupwedding #popupwedding #byronbayc………

Oct 15, 2015: I took Britt for a little getaway to Rainbow Beach, the Ocean Palms Resort, and I credit our………

Oct 14, 2015: I’m not the best husband, but here’s how I try to be…

Oct 14, 2015: No it hasn’t. Your bot is broken, @Scotty_McDonald…

Oct 14, 2015: That 12" MacBook USB-C hub that we’ve all been waiting for, isn’t coming :(…

Oct 14, 2015: My father-in-law spends most of his day reading weather forecasts to me like I never spent a decade of my life doing that on the radio.

Oct 14, 2015: New report shows that Mars water still cheaper than Fiji Water.

Oct 14, 2015: Book Uber rides in advance!…

Oct 14, 2015: Apple doubles down on Thunderbolt and leaves out USB-C on new iMacs. I’m feeling like the new standard isn’t that.…

Oct 13, 2015: 📷 @laurencampbell……

Oct 13, 2015: A little tip of the hat from the taxman for not annoying Britt too much throughout the last financial year…

Oct 13, 2015: Some (hopefully) great advice on choosing an amazing marriage celebrant……

Oct 13, 2015: Choosing a celebrant, my WedTalk interview, four little segments you can watch!……

Oct 13, 2015: Oh wow #history…

Oct 13, 2015: Off to Mosman this weekend……

Oct 12, 2015: During Ben and Stacey’s wedding ceremony I noticed that this flower’s stigma looked rather………

Oct 12, 2015: Ben &amp; Stacey #marriedbyjosh in an awesome Monday #wedding with @beautifulweddingsaustralia………

Oct 12, 2015:…

Oct 12, 2015: “The obligatory selfie with Josh”……

Oct 12, 2015: Celebrant shares the ten things that WILL go wrong at your wedding…

Oct 12, 2015: New neckwear for Tim &amp; Jess' wedding!!……

Oct 12, 2015: All the advantages of a moped, without the motor ……

Oct 12, 2015: Always aim high when booking hotels…

Oct 12, 2015: By the way - is there a hotel in the Sydney domestic airport grounds or are they all on the other side of the road?

Oct 12, 2015: Nothing says confidence in your hotel like 26 images of your hotel, and they’re all the same image…

Oct 12, 2015: Very proud to see this in today’s mail, my certificate acknowledging my reaching the top t………

Oct 12, 2015: Britt; waiting. For me.……

Oct 12, 2015: Britt, waiting for me……

Oct 12, 2015: A desperate plea for something that really helps me out :)……

Oct 12, 2015: Career advice from @featheranddocks……

Oct 11, 2015: I wrote a thing for the Daily Mail that will make all mothers hate me for one more day…

Oct 11, 2015: The importance of celebrant reviews online…

Oct 11, 2015: I Love Green Guide Letters with Steele Saunders: 190 : Marc Maron &amp; Dave Anthony - must listen…

Oct 11, 2015: I’m @SteeleSaunders’ celebrant soon, would really love some input from @marcmaron on the wedding ceremony.

Oct 11, 2015: Choosing the wrong street in Waze took these tourists to a gang neighbourhood where the wife was murdered…

Oct 11, 2015: The most annoying thing at weddings is when the dust has barely settled on the marriage ce………

Oct 11, 2015: When you work with hundreds of photographers you’re not allowed to have favourites, but I'………

Oct 11, 2015: Tara &amp; Kurt #marriedbyjosh with @popupwed &amp; @aaronshumphotography in the #citybotanicgarde…… …

Oct 11, 2015: Here comes the jive!……

Oct 11, 2015: Guy playing guitar on the Beenleigh M1 overpass. Tell us your story footbridge musician legend!

Oct 11, 2015: Breakfast with Taree radio’s best this morning……

Oct 11, 2015: I finally got a commercial radio award! I didn’t win it, but possession is 9/10ths of the ………

Oct 11, 2015: This little 10 story building on Hanlan Street isn’t a skyscraper by modern standards, but………

Oct 10, 2015: Easy Street Diner is a little taste of the USA on the Gold Coast! Super good to finally ge………

Oct 10, 2015: 9 months, 1 week, @marcoarment @atpfm #podcasting #overcast…

Oct 10, 2015: We couldn’t agree on which face to make. Jay &amp; Tash #marriedbyjosh #brisbanecelebrant……

Oct 10, 2015: Here’s a new phone I made, whatever…

Oct 10, 2015: As I trot around the country on any given weekend talking at peoples' weddings, my main th………

Oct 10, 2015: Emma &amp; Dave #marriedbyjosh!! #brisbanecelebrant……

Oct 10, 2015: Do the banks know that whoever launches with Apple Pay first will immediately see me get a credit card with them?

Oct 9, 2015: Some punk somewhere is about to experience shit getting real in quite the rapid fashion.

Oct 9, 2015: Squad of undercover Police cars furiously trying to head south on the M1 from Varsity Lakes Police Station.

Oct 9, 2015: I don’t know what kind of early-adopter-sin I’ve committed but FB &amp; Twitter both have features called moments and I can’t …

Oct 9, 2015: They’re stealing ma' blood!……

Oct 9, 2015: A dead president favourited my tweet yesterday. This has great implications for Christian teachings.

Oct 8, 2015: HBO finally got me :(…

Oct 8, 2015: Life goal reached: memorised the @atpfm end of show song.

Oct 8, 2015: All I want is some really good advice on the best/easiest Wordpress Multisite host … thousands of stupid and useless blog posts in return.

Oct 8, 2015: Probably the worst thing about living in a 2015 world is that Google searches are full of perfectly useless, SEO-perfecrt, articles.

Oct 8, 2015: I, for one, welcome the new @Medium 2.0 update…

Oct 8, 2015: #ScottysFirstHaircut……

Oct 8, 2015: Taking @scottymcdonald to @barebonesoriginals for his very first trip to the barber #Scott………

Oct 8, 2015:…

Oct 8, 2015: New Twitter game: Does @MarkDiStef gave a gif for that? How to play: you tweet Mark and if he has no gif for that, you win.

Oct 8, 2015: Happy @nicshields balloon day!!…

Oct 8, 2015: Sick burns as white guys battle it out for addressing the racial divide the best…

Oct 8, 2015: Then I saw his face, now I’m a belieber.

Oct 8, 2015: I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. I have seen Ju5tin B1eber’s p3n15 and I can never come back from this. Everywhere I look is JB P3N15.

Oct 8, 2015: I listened last night, and not only am I really good on it, @MolksTVTalk is pretty awesome too A++ would listen…

Oct 8, 2015: We got the finger on the highway and it resulted in a blog post about weddings……

Oct 7, 2015: Possibly the best post-wedding email I’ve received: “Can we book you in for 10 years time when we decide to renew our vows?”

Oct 7, 2015: That’s in 30 minutes ;)

Oct 7, 2015: Download the Periscope free app - search for @wedvid - at 6pm you’ll get a notification!

Oct 7, 2015: At 6pm Wednesday I’m live on Periscope​ with Ellyse on… Wednesday night wedding talk show, Wedtalk :)

Oct 7, 2015: |LIVE NOW| #meerkat…

Oct 7, 2015: ANZ report says same-sex marriage would add $500M to the economy in it’s first year via @ANZ_AU @ANZ_BlueNotes…

Oct 7, 2015: Exciting day for bookstores not stocking ever book ever published. Get back to me when you have EVERYTHING, @avidreader4101.

Oct 7, 2015: Listen to my interview on the @HumansOfTwitter podcast…

Oct 7, 2015: Let your wedding guests know that you’ve changed the rules…

Oct 7, 2015: Gympie has a sushi tram.

Oct 7, 2015: Gympie’s nice, for a town that floods annually

Oct 7, 2015: This is a great idea if you’re planning your own wedding!… - thanks @offbeatbride!

Oct 7, 2015: Weirder than having a limo drive you?…

Oct 7, 2015: Life goals……

Oct 7, 2015: We’re hanging out with dolphins!!! #tincanbaydolphinfeeding #tincanbay #rainbowbeach #rain………

Oct 6, 2015: Emma snapped this hot photo of my stunning wife while we were doing an elopement together ………

Oct 6, 2015: 📷 #photographer @emmahampton 👔 #bowtie @tiesdotcom 😎 #suit @blackjacketsuiting #menssty………

Oct 6, 2015: I have this weird desire to play Sierra PC games from the 90s

Oct 6, 2015: Nic &amp; Zoe #marriedbyjosh at #newfarmpark 📷 @willcampbellphoto #brisbanecelebrant #brisbane………

Oct 6, 2015: As cosey as #rainbowoceanpalmsresort is, part of me would rather be camping on #rainbowbea………

Oct 6, 2015: The cliffs that give Rainbow Beach it’s name #rainbowbeach #rainbowoceanpalmsresort #thisi………

Oct 6, 2015: #rainbowbeach #rainbowoceanpalmsresort……

Oct 6, 2015: I could just sit out here on the balcony for weeks on end … back to the real world tomor………

Oct 6, 2015: Imagine, just for a second, one crazy second that you had a hat with the word “movies” on it…

Oct 6, 2015: Poolside at #rainbowoceanpalmsresort #rainbowbeach……

Oct 6, 2015: This is Queensland #thisisqueensland #thisisaustralia #rainbowbeach #rainbowoceanpalmsreso………

Oct 6, 2015: 4BC’s summer programming see’s @BenDavis74′s ‘drive’ show end before most drivers are driving home from work…

Oct 6, 2015: Taxi drivers bashing Uber drivers … bring on the driverless cars soon please, this is crazy…

Oct 5, 2015: Love getting feedback…

Oct 5, 2015: “We attribute our success, as I say often, to stubbornness and stupidity” — exec. at a company that’s making money selling cassette tapes

Oct 5, 2015: #rainbowbeach #sandblow #rainbowoceanpalmsresort……

Oct 5, 2015:…

Oct 5, 2015: A few days away in a beautiful part of Australia this week :) #rainbowbeach…

Oct 5, 2015: #sandblow #rainbowbeach #rainbowoceanpalmsresort……

Oct 5, 2015: #sandblow #rainbowbeach #rainbowoceanpalmsresort……

Oct 5, 2015: Mark from #rainbowoceanpalmsresort at #rainbowbeach invited @hellobrittanyjane and I up fo………

Oct 5, 2015: Taking Britt to Rainbow Beach for a two night getaway and the weather looks schweet!…

Oct 5, 2015: When iiNet’s service is playing up, then you get a bill, so you put it in Quickbooks and OS X autocorrects it to Inept. Apple’s got my …

Oct 4, 2015: My friend @MolksTVTalk makes a #podcast about the #HumansOfTwitter at @HumansOfThis and… and I’m on it on Wednesday!

Oct 4, 2015: Dismal screening of some pre-recorded Footy Show bullshit after the #NRLGF. There goes my annual viewing of free-to-air TV.

Oct 4, 2015: All in all it’s pretty unfair to hold a State of Origin match and not invite the NSW team. But I’ll take the win.

Oct 4, 2015: In 3 hours time, when the stadium is empty they’ll bring their Broncos onto the field and release their confetti cannons #probably #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: Add this one to tomorrow’s playlists won’t you @HOTFMtownsville @4TOFM #NRLGF #ridemcowboys… @nthqldcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: Damn it feels good to be a #Queenslander #NRLGF #ridemcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: #NRLGF…



Oct 4, 2015: It’s like a stadium of feels #NRLGF #ridemcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: Almost having a freaking heart attack here

Oct 4, 2015: I’m calling for a review of the goal post painters. It’s definitely rigged #ridemcowboys #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: OHGJHNGBO


Oct 4, 2015: Could he have a harder kick? #nrlgf #ridemcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: The tension! #ridemcowboys #nrlgf

Oct 4, 2015: FUCCKKKKK

Oct 4, 2015: This is a ducking Eminem song lived out in football #NRLGF #ridemcowboys #obechanceoneopportunity

Oct 4, 2015: What a time to be alive #NRLGF #ridemcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: Holy fuck #ridemcowboys #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: 20 minutes out, this is where Qld really starts playing football #NRLGF #ridemcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: The Cowboys are so hungry for this win. This is football worth watching. Thanks for sitting this one out, NSW #NRLGF #ridemcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: I don’t think ice seen two teams come into a #NRLGF with so much respect for each other

Oct 4, 2015: How have I never seen Thurston’s wings?! #NRLGF #ridemcowboys

Oct 4, 2015: THURSTON’S WINGS??!!?? #ridemcowboys #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: It’s really nice to see the NSWRL allowing is foreigners to have a win today #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: I wish the #NRLGF ads were better … Can’t we take a cue from the #SuperBowl? Cc @MolksTVTalk

Oct 4, 2015: Looking at Thurston’s face and you can just see ten years of “for the love of God, please” #ridemcowboys #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: The #bronxnation is getting nervous! That try was too easy! #ridemcowboys #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: That close! #ridemcowboys #nrlgf

Oct 4, 2015: Thurston is so damn keen to kick #ridemcowboys #nrlgf

Oct 4, 2015: Just so I’m on the record for 80 minute mark: #GoCowboys #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: A really hot way to get your wife in the mood is to do the serious-faced-bogan-dancing-to-Barnsey-at-a-wedding dance. She loves it #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: “Jimmy Barnes' songs named after other parts of Vietnam” is an album I’d like to see soon #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: Thanks for perpetuating the bogan/football thing with Barnsey, NRL #NRLGF

Oct 4, 2015: Dan Murphy lady: would you like a receipt? Me: no thanks, I can’t claim beer back on tax :) Lady: you need a new accountant

Oct 4, 2015: I’m thinking of moving to a company from a sole trader. Are there any Aussie startups providing services around that space? @CTAspley

Oct 4, 2015: Sarah &amp; @stefansedich got married today!! #marriedbyjosh…

Oct 4, 2015: Hanging with a #brisbanewedding A-team today! Paul Collier on the decks, @kristina_childs ………

Oct 4, 2015: In light of my @easyweddings Certificate of Excellence award I received today I had a look………

Oct 4, 2015: This just arrived in the post from @easyweddings! It’s truly awards season at the moment i………

Oct 3, 2015: Peter &amp; Rowena #marriedbyjosh at @crowneplaza #SurfersParadise at their combined wedding c………

Oct 3, 2015: Nic &amp; Zoe #marriedbyjosh at #newfarmpark!! #newfarm #brisbane #brisbanewedding #brisbanece………

Oct 3, 2015: Ryan &amp; Zarna #marriedbyjosh at the #brisbanebotanicgardens!! #brisbanecelebrant #brisbanew………

Oct 3, 2015: Anyone want an iPhone 6s Plus 128Gb?

Oct 3, 2015: I’m about to have three times as many iPhones as I desired. @Telstra Life is exciting! #TelstraLyf!

Oct 3, 2015:…

Oct 3, 2015: Update on my iPhone 6s Plus order: I pre-ordered 2, was told their was no pre-order, so bought 2, then 2 arrived, now 2 more on the way!

Oct 3, 2015: Apple Music is letting me down at a wedding today #AppleMusic @AppleMusic…

Oct 3, 2015: There’s a Yoga expo at Brisbane’s Old Museum today. Getting me there would be a stretch.

Oct 3, 2015: I think I’m addicted to #woodenbowties - thanks for this cutie @peggyandfinn! #woodenbowti………

Oct 3, 2015: Between that and being awarded the highest wedding award in Australia, the WEOA three diamond award, it’s a good week for awards!

Oct 3, 2015: .@WOMOcomau just let me know that because my couples rated me 5 stars that I’ve won their 2015 Service Award!…

Oct 2, 2015: Conrad + Jess #marriedbyjosh!!……

Oct 2, 2015: Fuelling up ☕️ (at @The_Single_Guys in Kenmore, QLD)…

Oct 2, 2015: When you have too many iPhone 6s Plus', is there a collective noun you could use to describe all of them?

Oct 2, 2015: All I wanted was two iPhone 6s Plus' for Britt and I. After pre-ordering two @Telstra said I had zero. Now, magically, I have four.

Oct 2, 2015: B, R, I, DOUBLE T, A, and N, and Y!……

Oct 2, 2015: Josh &amp; Jecelyn #marriedbyjosh at #tallebudgera #tallebudgeravalley with @popupwed @aaronsh………

Oct 2, 2015: Home 😁……

Oct 2, 2015:……

Oct 2, 2015: 6am Friday morning MEL✈️OOL……

Oct 1, 2015: You’ve tried @Uber Black and #uberx, but have you tried #Uber Back?… - by @CollectiveNoun_…

Oct 1, 2015: Cliffo &amp; Michelle #marriedbyjosh &amp; photographed by @millyjanephotography at the @storybrid…… …

Oct 1, 2015: Our #geelongpopupwedding team of @hailsandshinephotography plus @hellobrittanyjane with th………

Oct 1, 2015: Sarah + Lucas #marriedbyjosh at the #geelongpopupwedding!……

Oct 1, 2015: Will + Tara #marriedbyjosh at the #geelongpopupwedding #popupwedding……

Oct 1, 2015: Natalie &amp; John #marriedbyjosh at the #geelongpopupwedding #popupwedding……

Oct 1, 2015: Trystan &amp; Balinda #marriedbyjosh at our #geelongpopupwedding at the #portarlingtonmill……

Oct 1, 2015: A&amp;J eloped! #popupwedding #mariedbyjosh……

Oct 1, 2015: Michael &amp; Renata #marriedbyjosh in secret at the #geelongpopupwedding!! #geelong #geelongw………

Oct 1, 2015: We’re in a grand old building for today’s #popupwedding, the Portarlington Mill #geelongpo………

Oct 1, 2015: Roman’s last name is Tera, so I found it a great pleasure to finally do a Tera-ble ceremon………

Oct 1, 2015: We’re in Geelong today for the #popupwedding! Our #geelongpopupwedding team is @hailsandsh………

Sep 30, 2015: Status update: in regional Victoria and @Telstra’s computers thought we needed new SIM cards. Was kind enough to deactivate old ones. 😳

Sep 30, 2015: Seconds after getting a phone call from @Telstra about an iPhone preorder mixup my phone loses service. Did I do bad?…

Sep 30, 2015: Hello Geelong region

Sep 30, 2015: The sweet Janelle &amp; Dane #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 29, 2015: Proud to join the top shelf members of @weoaweddings' Three Diamond award winners club!! I………

Sep 29, 2015: Cameron &amp; Wendy just got #marriedbyjosh with @popupwed &amp; @laurencampbell in Wendy’s Secret…… …

Sep 29, 2015: #sydneyoperahouse #sydney #visitsydney #sydneyharbour……

Sep 29, 2015: Tony Abbott slowly revealing that he secretly really looked up to Kevin Rudd the whole time #auspol

Sep 29, 2015: Rocking Sydney with the beautiful and photogenic @hellobrittanyjane today!……

Sep 29, 2015: Breaking News: NASA finds water on Mars. Further exploration needed to determine if it is our desired Smart Water™ or just regular water.

Sep 28, 2015: See you soon @thatkevinsmith &amp; @jaymewes! #smoochiemoochies……

Sep 28, 2015: If you ever wondered where Clare &amp; Lachlan were #marriedatfirdtsight, we did the ceremony ………

Sep 28, 2015: Hello, old friend! #sydneyharbourbridge……

Sep 28, 2015:……

Sep 28, 2015: An email from Robyn &amp; Gavin: “Thanks again for being the awesome, relaxed and relaxing cel…… …

Sep 28, 2015: Practising my duckface for a week of selfies in Sydney, Melbourne &amp; Geelong!……

Sep 28, 2015: Angel and Scott became husband and wife while we all sat down, and it was lovely!……

Sep 28, 2015: Robyn + Gavin #marriedbyjosh photographed by @aaronshumphotography for the @popupwed #popu………

Sep 27, 2015: Why not sit down in your wedding ceremony?……

Sep 27, 2015: Are you one of my#marriedbyjosh Couple’s? Post a photographer of your ceremony to be in th………

Sep 27, 2015: Take me to your leader……

Sep 27, 2015: The #winyourweddingvows competition ends tonight! Win a #calligraphy art piece of your #we………

Sep 27, 2015: One of my favourite aspects of my job is that I get to walk a very real, meaningful, and l………

Sep 27, 2015: Listening to @HumansOfThis podcast with @chriswaynemagic &amp; @MolksTVTalk and now I want to know Chris' ‘size’ …

Sep 27, 2015: I’m always looking for an opportunity to high five in your #marriageceremony! Grace &amp; Scot…… …

Sep 26, 2015: No new features, it’s just new.

Sep 26, 2015: Wouldn’t that be an awesome Apple keynote in a few years, a Steve Jobs hologram announcing a new opportunity for you to spend money.

Sep 26, 2015: The iPhone 6s feature I’m most looking forward to is my continued slavery and devotion to the Apple machine.

Sep 26, 2015: || Myles &amp; Kelly #marriedbyjosh!! || #gabbinbarhomestead #gabbinbar #gabbinbarwedding #too………

Sep 26, 2015:……

Sep 26, 2015:……

Sep 26, 2015: I’ve got a problem. I need an emergency tailor somewhere between Logan &amp; Toowoomba right now. Split pants, and I’m on my way to a …

Sep 26, 2015: Google still getting itself around the ad blockers /cc @1BlockerApp…

Sep 26, 2015: ANZ interviewed me for their small business website!…

Sep 25, 2015: I’ve got the best job in the world, thank you Phams! #Repost @ka1lah ・・・ Tomorrow marks 1………

Sep 25, 2015: #winyourweddingvows competition ends midnight Sunday!! Have you been #MarriedByJosh?!!! If………

Sep 25, 2015: Robyn &amp; Gavin #eloped with @popupwed and @aaronshumphotography yesterday at @binnaburramo………

Sep 25, 2015: Kev + Sally #marriedbyjosh! #mounttamborinewedding #mounttamborine #celebrant #celebrantse………

Sep 25, 2015: Entries close at midnight tonight!! If you’ve been #marriedbyjosh then you can #winyourwed………

Sep 25, 2015: Behind the doors of the lab that created the iPhone’s 3D Touch…

Sep 25, 2015: The old-school command line is having a comeback…

Sep 24, 2015: Yo @Telstra the iPhone 6S tracking page (link from earlier email) isn’t working… any idea of 6S Plus deliveries?

Sep 24, 2015: Gavin + Robyn #marriedbyjosh!!……

Sep 24, 2015: I just saw it’s not a loan, but still, every second time I log on there’s some product being advertised in there. Super annoying.

Sep 24, 2015: Hey @ANZ_AU, any chance I could just let you guys know when I want a loan so my internet banking isn’t spammed?…

Sep 24, 2015: SMS is having a renaissance…

Sep 24, 2015: How to apologise, a guide for businesses…

Sep 24, 2015: My greatest fear is that in marriage I’ve been gifted something spectacular and beautiful ………

Sep 24, 2015: Lying flat on a flight? I may never be able to fly economy red eye PER-BNE ever again on @Qantas…

Sep 24, 2015: We are far too tired to be enjoying a Qantas business class upgrade home on th red-eye, bu………

Sep 23, 2015: #PerthAirport currently being evacuated #Perth…

Sep 23, 2015: Perth Airport T4 is being evacuated right now. We were just about to check our bags in … #Perth #perthairport

Sep 23, 2015: Tried to take a photo of @hellobrittanyjane on this classic today but the council has shut………

Sep 23, 2015: Sigh…

Sep 23, 2015: Two more sneak peeks - my trusty little #sennheiser #lsp500 kicked ass at #bellsrapids #el………

Sep 23, 2015: Can’t wait to release this WA elopement love upon the world! @popupwed Perth team of @jimm………

Sep 23, 2015: I just made a husband and wife in a secret ceremony at this incredible WA location! Workin………

Sep 23, 2015: Forget vinyl, cassette tapes are the hippest new format from the past…

Sep 23, 2015: “The best marketing isn’t advertising, it’s a well-designed and remarkable product.”…

Sep 22, 2015: ❤️ #LittleCreatures 🍺……

Sep 22, 2015: Screamed like an excited baby that just had candy thrown at him…

Sep 22, 2015: Drinking #LittleCreatures straight from the river tonight 😁🍺……

Sep 22, 2015: My new food art piece, available in all good art galleries soon: “Bait on eggplant” #frema………

Sep 22, 2015: So I guess ad publishers and ad blockers now live in a never ending cat and mouse game.

Sep 22, 2015: Google’s worked itself around @Ghostery through @marcoarment’s Peace and @1BlockerApp

Sep 22, 2015: So Google has worked its way around the ad blockers already…

Sep 22, 2015: Please discuss……

Sep 22, 2015: “Thank you so much again for helping us with our ceremony on our beautiful wedding day. Yo………

Sep 22, 2015: These four basic and super easy to understand steps are really good for weight loss!!…

Sep 22, 2015: I held on and stayed strong, soon my in-bearded face will be on point once more!…

Sep 21, 2015: The sun sets on another freakingly gorgeous Perth day. I believe the locals call this, Per………

Sep 21, 2015: Mission: accomplished……

Sep 21, 2015: #MarriedByJosh 🎉 competition! Win your wedding vows in ink! If you’ve been 💍 #marriedbyjo………

Sep 20, 2015: Josh &amp; Naomi #marriedbyjosh at the #York #popupwedding at #favershamhouse #perthpopupweddi………

Sep 20, 2015: Glenn + Jennifer #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding in #York at #favershamhouse!! #perthp………

Sep 20, 2015: L&amp;C #marriedbyjosh! They secretly #eloped at the #popupwedding in #York at #favershamhouse………

Sep 20, 2015: 😘 Britt……

Sep 20, 2015: Lyle + Kelly #marriedbyjosh at the York #popupwedding #perthpopupwedding!!……

Sep 20, 2015: Start spreading the news, I’m leaving today, I want to be a part of it, Old York, Old York………

Sep 20, 2015: My WA squad……

Sep 19, 2015: Perth bound on a Tiger

Sep 19, 2015: I’m flying Tiger tonight. Pray for me, or something.

Sep 19, 2015: Vu + Kailah #marriedbyjosh!!! #mounttamborinewedding #goldcoastcelebrant #brisbanecelebran………

Sep 18, 2015: Kevin + Jodie #marriedbyjosh!!……

Sep 18, 2015: I just verbally thanked my iPhone … put me down now ok…

Sep 18, 2015: Cliffo &amp; Michelle #marriedbyjosh in their secret elopement pushed out of the rain into the………

Sep 18, 2015: When the first few words of a wedding magazine put the dress before the marriage, you’ve l………

Sep 18, 2015: I’ve got a new Instagram competition starting tonight for any of my couples who have been ………

Sep 17, 2015: Just another regular evening on #Snapchat, username: celebrant……

Sep 17, 2015: All our friends are posting about The Bachelor while we’re at home searching for B-grade crime shows on Hulu.

Sep 17, 2015: How freaking epic is this #elopement! Marcus + Emma #marriedbyjosh with @popupwed @wilde.v………

Sep 17, 2015: I’ve got a new Instagram competition starting tonight for any of my couples who have been ………

Sep 17, 2015: I’m in love with my wooden tie from @woodthumb!…

Sep 17, 2015: Cliffo &amp; Michelle #marriedbyjosh #mishandcliffgethitched……

Sep 17, 2015: #iOS9 has wiped all of my @AppleMusic playlists 😕

Sep 17, 2015: Wooden tie or no wooden tie for today’s wedding? The internet decides! #woodentie by @wood………

Sep 17, 2015: Beautiful one day, really wet and depressing the next #surfersparadise #goldcoast……

Sep 16, 2015: “Thank you for your help with our ceremony. We received many compliments about how differe………

Sep 16, 2015: Kara + Daniel #marriedbyjosh at the #goldcoastpopupwedding 📷 @aaronshumphotography @popupw………

Sep 16, 2015: When your wife has a cooler brand than you……

Sep 16, 2015: Men have to change…

Sep 15, 2015: Pretty cool to see the #popupwedding #weddingphotos from #shambamalaika on the #whitemagaz………

Sep 15, 2015: Idea: Let’s honour our former PM by rebranding the humble BBQ sausage on bread w/ onion, a Tony Abbott sausage, like the USA’s Arnold …

Sep 15, 2015: The most valuable part of a #wedding is the #marriageceremony - and the most important of ………

Sep 15, 2015: Greg + Aleisha #marriedbyjosh 📷 @studio4photography #brisbane #brisbanecelebrant #brisbane………

Sep 15, 2015: Bolt/Holt Rabbit/Abbott Done the Rabbit?

Sep 15, 2015: Tony Holt amirite? #libspill #auspol

Sep 15, 2015: 29th/39th lol

Sep 15, 2015: Australia’s 39th Prime Minister on his marriage.…

Sep 14, 2015: Tony Abbott is/was four days away from a $600k lifetime pension #libspill

Sep 14, 2015: I for one welcome our new twenty five megabits per second overlord #libspill

Sep 14, 2015: Where does everyone even meet if you’re going to match into a party room together? Does everyone meet on the basketball courts? #libspill

Sep 14, 2015: Me to Britt: leadership spills are like my version of the VMAs. Britt: why aren’t you talking about what colour ties everyone has them?

Sep 14, 2015: How does this boat stopping work? If Tony lowers his hand do they start coming again? #libspill…

Sep 14, 2015: Britt and I were artted by @_inthedaylight!!! This was @hellobrittanyjane’s third wedding ………

Sep 14, 2015: I sped on the road earlier today by only a few km. I apologise to anyone that this offends, especially the police.…

Sep 14, 2015: Our first wedding anniversary was interrupted by Tony Abbott winning the PM title. Our third is being interrupted by him trying to keep it.

Sep 14, 2015: Spend 5 minutes trying to find a live streaming link for the PM’s #libspill then I remember that the black box on the wall probably has it.

Sep 14, 2015: Excited to be launching a #popupwedding for #foodies soon! #Repost @popupwed || COMING SO………

Sep 14, 2015: Exploring @spicersclovellyestate! #Montville #spicers #spicersclovellyestate……

Sep 14, 2015: Guys, get your shit together. Are we putting our speedos or our onions out for @TonyAbbottMHR?

Sep 14, 2015: Trying to sit down and enjoy volume 16 of @smithjournal at @spicersclovellyestate but ther………

Sep 14, 2015: RT: @nicshields: RT: @TonyAbbottMHR: Added “I Don’t Like Mondays” by The Boomtown Rats to my ARghhhh Spill Playlist on Spotify.

Sep 14, 2015: Is good government starting or ending now? Asking for a friend.

Sep 14, 2015: Australia to get a new Minister for Women!

Sep 14, 2015: “It’s pretty obvious that, well, sometimes shit happens, doesn’t it?” Abbott said.

Sep 14, 2015: I’m Batprimeministerman.

Sep 14, 2015: Self-employed life: we’re having a few days off at Montville but we’re also both “quickly …… …

Sep 14, 2015: Nadia + Nathaniel #marriedbyjosh at @homesteadwedding 📷 @etherealphotography! #toowoombace………

Sep 13, 2015: Crazy in love by @love.illuminated for the #popupwedding……

Sep 13, 2015: Peter + Alicia #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding!!……

Sep 13, 2015: Mark + Carmen #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding……

Sep 13, 2015: S&amp;K secretly eloped at the #popupwedding today!……

Sep 13, 2015: Trent + Ali #marriedbyjosh at the#popupwedding!……

Sep 13, 2015: Kim &amp; Nadine #marriedbysomeweirdo at the #popupwedding……

Sep 13, 2015: Jessica + Michael | Sirromet Winery Wedding Video…

Sep 13, 2015: #Repost @popupwed 🎶Going to the chapel and we’re gonna to get married. Gee, I really love ………

Sep 12, 2015: Most wedding ceremonies see the bride and groom standing, lord knows why we don’t sit more………

Sep 12, 2015: “We just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for helping us have the most amazing ceremony EVER………

Sep 12, 2015: Grill’d is so proud of its (awesome) customer/user experience it publishes it on the wall ………

Sep 12, 2015: It’s like the IT engineers of the world have never seen an iPhone launch before.

Sep 12, 2015: Me: are there any @Telstra business centres open on a Saturday night? Them: let me check #lol

Sep 12, 2015: On the phone to @Telstra small business “the only place you can make an #iPhone6s pre-order is in a Telstra Business Centre”

Sep 12, 2015: Kim Kardashian: break the Internet. @tim_cook: #iPhone6s pre-orders begin this weekend.

Sep 12, 2015: 20 minutes before preorders open 😕…

Sep 12, 2015: Tim + Sarah #marriedbyjosh!! #itsashawthing120915……

Sep 12, 2015: Going a little colour crazy for Tim &amp; Sarah’s wedding today #itsashawthing120915……

Sep 12, 2015: #AppleMusic has a song title auto filter…

Sep 11, 2015: Check this out… via @getnuggetapp

Sep 11, 2015: “The only way we can get you home from our wedding is in a helicopter, is that ok?” Yes. Yes that’s ok 😁

Sep 11, 2015: Despite a Facebook quiz saying that they would take each other out in a zombie apocalypse,………

Sep 11, 2015: ♥️……

Sep 10, 2015: “Josh was hilarious and he ensured our guests enjoyed every single minute of our ceremony ………

Sep 10, 2015: I wouldn’t say I’m lactose intolerant, I’m just sick of lactose’s shit.

Sep 10, 2015: Wedding traditions that re-inforce male privilege that we should stop……

Sep 10, 2015: I wrote a thing about how I can see a link between outdated sexist wedding traditions and domestic violence…

Sep 10, 2015: The ugly link between wedding traditions and domestic violence…

Sep 9, 2015: Thanks, @Scotty_McDonald @DearJoshua and @CollectiveNoun_…

Sep 9, 2015: Chris + Clare #mauidbyjosh at our #hawaiipopupwedding on #Maui #marriedbyjosh 📷 @reeseandr………

Sep 9, 2015: Anyone else’s @FeedBlitz emails from @thisissethsblog coming in as html in a plain text email?

Sep 9, 2015: I just showed @hellobrittanyjane Michelle &amp; Adam’s really cool #weddinginvites and then wi…… …

Sep 9, 2015: “For all intensive purposes” - a senior defence force spokesperson I just heard on ABC radio 😐

Sep 9, 2015: Marcus + Emma eloped yesterday!! #marriedbyjosh 📢 @joshuawithers 📷 @aaronshumphotography 🎉………

Sep 9, 2015: Don’t go, Jason Waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes you’re used to #Beats1

Sep 9, 2015: Those people in the emergency row got what they signed up for today!…

Sep 9, 2015: I’m sure it’s not deliberate, but @newscomauHQ let’s try to not call male privilege domestic violence “the best” …

Sep 9, 2015: One more sleep until iPhone season!…

Sep 8, 2015: Josh Withers' Resume 1981-1997: thinking about crushing it 1998-2012: trying to crush it 2013-present: crushing it

Sep 8, 2015: Me taking a sneaky photo of @hellobrittanyjane taking a sneaky photo of @celebrantladylove………

Sep 8, 2015: Me taking a photo of @hellobrittanyjane taking a photo of @celebrantladylove in a meeting……

Sep 8, 2015: Scientific study proves life really is better if you have a name like Jimmy Recard, is a headline I’m constantly waiting for.

Sep 8, 2015: Marcus + Emma #marriedbyjosh in a crazy intimate and private elopement at the bottom of Mo………

Sep 8, 2015: Allan + Julie #marriedbyjosh on aboard the P&amp;O Pacific Dawn! #cruise #cruiseship #cruisewe………

Sep 8, 2015: The cutest part of cruise ship weddings is being there too early and just watching all of the staff couples come and get pics in the arbour.

Sep 8, 2015: Guys, if we keep on uncovering how dodgy 7/11 is you know that eventually this will mean our $1 coffees are like, $1.10, maybe even $1.30!

Sep 8, 2015: Bec + Jetemy #marriedbyjosh 📷 @colinhockeyphoto #brisbanewedding #brisbanecelebrant #brisb………

Sep 8, 2015: I’m on a boat!……

Sep 7, 2015: Brisbane Airport travelators, most serious travelators in the world…

Sep 7, 2015: Dear @VirginAustralia and @Qantas, through your combined schedules &amp; being on time I got to marry people in #BNE &amp; #SYD this …

Sep 7, 2015: Britt doesn’t remember how to use our #Wemo lights…

Sep 7, 2015: Sarah + David #marriedbyjosh 📷 by @kristytoepferphotography!! #sydneywedding #sydneycelebr………

Sep 7, 2015: Mark and Felicity #marriedbyjosh 📷 by @emmahampton a and you wouldn’t know it but we wer………

Sep 7, 2015: Wearing a monocle and talking in a fancy accent was weird at first, but I’m growing to like it.

Sep 7, 2015: Because I’m on the last flight out of Syd tonight I’ve been kicked out of the commoners' Qantas Club and moved into the Business Qantas …

Sep 7, 2015: Every day…

Sep 7, 2015:……

Sep 7, 2015:……

Sep 7, 2015: Look who I ran into in Sydney!! #happyanniversarytous……

Sep 7, 2015: Mark + Felicity #marriedbyjosh with @popupwed and @emmahampton today in a crazy intimat………

Sep 7, 2015: Thank jeebuz I missed this…

Sep 7, 2015: Today I had a midday wedding in Brisbane, and now a 4:30pm wedding in Sydney, 23 minutes of margin to allow for error &amp; I’m on time …

Sep 7, 2015: Hi Sydney!……

Sep 7, 2015: #Repost @savvyv: Photographing the most exquisite wedding today. #matthewandsanah2015……

Sep 7, 2015: Sydney tweeps: I fly into #SYD at 3:30, what’s the quickest way to get to Lavender Bay (next to Luna Park)? Uber, taxi, train, run?

Sep 7, 2015: Nekminnit 💺 BNE ✈️ SYD 🚗 #sydneycelebrant……

Sep 7, 2015: Matthew + Sanah #marriedbyjosh at @lightspacebrisbane #matthewandsanah2015!!……

Sep 7, 2015: Rocking a @tiesdotcom non-wooden 😁 #bowtie for Matthew &amp; Sanah’s #lightspace #wedding toda…… …

Sep 7, 2015: “You’re saturating my feed!” says Kat of @stellarossa_wickham_hq as we take a duckface sel…… …

Sep 7, 2015: Today marks three years since I joined this spectacular woman in a union called marriage. ………

Sep 6, 2015: “We cannot thank you enough for the job you did on the day! We have received a lot of posi………

Sep 6, 2015: Joel + Nicola came from London to be #marriedbyjosh at Byron Bay’s @figtreerestaurant with………

Sep 6, 2015: Rain has interrupted play on day one of the Stillone versus Barber Test hear at the Figtree……

Sep 6, 2015: Stay away Byron Bay rain!……

Sep 6, 2015: Aleshia +Greg #marriedbyjosh on the water at Cleveland!……

Sep 6, 2015: Me and my love when we travelled to Maui and @reeseandrenee took photos!……

Sep 5, 2015: Me: Hi Stevie!!! I’m home after a crazy day of globetrotting and adventures!!! Stevie: Ugh………

Sep 5, 2015: Natasha + Michael #marriedbyjosh at our #hawaiipopupwedding!! Team: @popupwed @opihilove @………

Sep 5, 2015: Take the night off, posties, you deserve it // @auspost

Sep 5, 2015: A notification saying that @auspost has just followed me on @Twitter on a Saturday night says I’m not the only one working hard here.

Sep 5, 2015: Scott + Lauren #marriedbyjosh in #Sydney today! #sydneywedding #sydneycelebrant #celebrant………

Sep 5, 2015: Dave + Sarah #marriedbyjosh today, but apparently I’m not smart enough to use an iPhone so………

Sep 5, 2015: Reading @monoclemagazine and I find out there’s a place called Wedding in #Berlin. I’d sur………

Sep 5, 2015: Rookie mistake: booking a flight before airport lounges open #sigh #firstworldwhitepersonp………

Sep 5, 2015: Me &amp; Senny Sydney bound……

Sep 4, 2015: Jamie + Emma #marriedbyjosh #weddingcelebrant #marriagecelebrant #celebrant #celebrantself………

Sep 4, 2015: Noah + Patricia #marriedbyjosh at the #Sydney #popupwedding at #studioneon! 📷 @_emmahampto………

Sep 4, 2015: Mere days away from a new iPhone and I’ve actually lived out a two year @Telstra contract. A lifetime first for Josh. Is there a medal?

Sep 4, 2015: Mic’d and ready to Skype #podcasting……

Sep 4, 2015: Friday inspo…

Sep 3, 2015: Actually I missed about 300km in NSW from that math.

Sep 3, 2015: 4063 kilometres: how far I’m travelling to make 9 husbands and 9 wives this weekend (between now and Tuesday night)

Sep 3, 2015: I went to the @saber_events launch party tonight for Jemanda’s new Stones Corner retail st………

Sep 3, 2015: “Josh was the most amazing celebrant ever! We felt so comfortable and had the best day! Jo………

Sep 3, 2015: The hardest thing about Avril &amp; Chad breaking up would be that moment you have to Google “breakup songs not by nickelback or avril …

Sep 2, 2015: My favourite hashtag: #mauidbyjosh……

Sep 2, 2015: Is their a blog for these modern lovelies?…

Sep 2, 2015: SYD ✈ ️OOL……

Sep 2, 2015: Mike &amp; Wendy #marriedbyjosh at the #SydneyPopUpWedding at #studioneon photo by #emmahampto………

Sep 2, 2015: Chris + Clare #mauidbyjosh at our #hawaiipopupwedding!!! 📷 @reeseandrenee 🎉 @popupwed with………

Sep 2, 2015: At the Sydney #QantasClub and @Qantas &amp; @Optus are awkwardly blocking a @heraldsun news article on #samesexmarriage…

Sep 1, 2015: I’ll be impressed when they release an iPhone that does the moon justice……

Sep 1, 2015: Todd + Neisha #marriedbyjosh in Sydney at the #popupwedding with @stylemyaisle_ styling @p………

Sep 1, 2015: From Bondi, with love xoxo……

Sep 1, 2015:……

Sep 1, 2015:…

Sep 1, 2015: Is Dutton worried that a govt could be taken down by journalism? Or that the weak link in our democracy is the voters finding out stuff?

Sep 1, 2015: Me at #TheGabba 📷 @jamesdeank #brisbanecelebrant #brisbane #weddingcelebrant #marriagecele………

Sep 1, 2015: Can we get an exact percentage as to how much jihad is being had? Are we talking double digits of jihad?…

Sep 1, 2015: That time that @jamesdeank and I took over #TheGabba for a #wedding! Jack &amp; Trischa #marri………

Aug 31, 2015: Cuddly at Coogee!……

Aug 31, 2015: “Happy to say that it was the type of ceremony we wanted and Josh just made it possible. S………

Aug 31, 2015: While at The Grounds of Alexandria Britt had to get the fancy iced coffee 😏 @ The Grounds of……

Aug 31, 2015: At the Grounds of Alexandria you get to choose your own pig for your bacon and eggs!……

Aug 31, 2015:……

Aug 31, 2015: Todd &amp; Neisha #marriedbyjosh in #sydney at the #popupwedding at #studioneon yesterday! #Sy………

Aug 31, 2015: #Repost from @glamourincmua: Mr and Mrs…. we did it @eatdrinkgrowrepeat #290815 #married………

Aug 30, 2015: How crazy is it that I get to travel the world with this gorgeous woman saying things abou………

Aug 30, 2015: Have you met my favourite human?……

Aug 30, 2015: This is the first time Mike and Wendy’s friends are finding they eloped today at the #popu………

Aug 30, 2015: Noah &amp; Patch #marriedbyjosh at the #SydneyPopUpWedding #popupwedding #sydney #sydneyweddin………

Aug 30, 2015: Love Neon #studioneon #popupwedding #SydneyPopUpWedding……

Aug 30, 2015: It’s game time! #SydneyPopUpWedding #popupwedding……

Aug 29, 2015: Sydney bound to make husbands and wives with my very own husband and wife!……

Aug 29, 2015: Ben + Gillian #marriedbyjosh!!……

Aug 29, 2015: Looking good’s not about looking good, it’s about feeling good and damn I feel good after ………

Aug 29, 2015: I’ve killed the bridal party in this weekend’s Townsville Bulletin wedding magazine: Ruffles &amp; Cake!!…

Aug 28, 2015: Pets are animals that aren’t delicious 💭 Demetri Martin

Aug 28, 2015:……

Aug 28, 2015: Australian Border Force checking immigration papers in Melbourne? I did nazi that coming.

Aug 28, 2015: Formal journalist? Do not apply!…

Aug 28, 2015: Visit Melbourne this weekend for the ‘Old Berlin Town’ historic display!

Aug 28, 2015: “I’ve tried several times to write a review for Josh Withers and no words seem adequate fo………

Aug 28, 2015: Will I need to carry my birth certificate on my person for my next visit to Melbourne or will be inherent male whiteness be enough?

Aug 28, 2015: “I can’t believe it’s almost been a year already! Josh you were just amazing on the day! Y…… …

Aug 28, 2015: Stellar wedding advice!…

Aug 28, 2015: “Hi Josh! Just wanted to say thanks! Beautiful words, created our beautiful day ❤️” - Dani………

Aug 28, 2015: Polkadot Bride on Pop-Up Weddings!…

Aug 27, 2015: Essential reading, essential to me for my son to know this, essential for our society to hear this story…

Aug 27, 2015: It’s really cool to see a story I worked on with Jess from the Associated Press while I was in NYC published today…

Aug 27, 2015: The tenth time you try to get Siri to help a brother out…

Aug 27, 2015: Man tries to live as a goat - weirdest story you’ll read today…

Aug 26, 2015: JSYK, JSYK stands for ‘just so you know.’

Aug 26, 2015: Two good condition black leather two-seater lounges to giveaway in Robina - can pick up now

Aug 26, 2015: There’s really only two wedding vowels……

Aug 26, 2015: “Who killed Jeeves?” - @dandebuf on @oshergunsberg’s #podcast…

Aug 26, 2015: The decline of the phone call…

Aug 26, 2015: Isn’t this cute! Grace and Scott came to the GC to get #marriedbyjosh and Grace’s hometown local paper announced it! …

Aug 25, 2015: I’m doing seminars around the country for wedding businesses soon … get on-board peeps!…

Aug 25, 2015: Macquarie Radio Network are still hanging on to 2CH going by this press release. Are they waiting for change?…

Aug 25, 2015: Elopements made fancy - what a sweet write up about us! Thanks Ivory Tree!…

Aug 25, 2015: Hey Internet, wtf is this 6 legged, single clawed insect on my ceiling right now?…

Aug 25, 2015: Malin from Willow Branch said the nicest thing about me, thanks Malin!!…

Aug 24, 2015: There’s 1 app in my biz that requires Windows so I just used Win10 for the first time / haven’t been so impressed with a MS OS since …

Aug 23, 2015: I spend hours each week trying to convince Stevie to love me. Alas, she does not.……

Aug 23, 2015: Friendship with Ash……

Aug 23, 2015: Nav, an #UberX driver saved me this morning! His rider today was my #Sennheiser microphone………

Aug 23, 2015: Blair &amp; Joey #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 23, 2015: Idea: Frequent Driver Points. I just like having points and I think I could really win wit………

Aug 23, 2015: Stephen Colbert on his new Late Show…

Aug 22, 2015: What if the Ashley Madison leak was just their sneaky way of pivoting their biz to become a dating site for morally bankrupt divorced ppl?

Aug 22, 2015: Just…

Aug 22, 2015: Anthony &amp; Kelly, the awesome people behind @1300flowers, #marriedbyjosh at @sirrometwines ………

Aug 22, 2015: Mark from @wilvalor talking about suits at @wwfielddays at @westfieldgardencity today. Suc………

Aug 22, 2015: #Repost @popupwed: @joshwithers talking all things vows this morning at @wwfielddays at @w………

Aug 22, 2015: Thinking back to the moment when I thought it was super cool that a friend of mine was friends with Natasha Bedingfield.

Aug 21, 2015: Craig &amp; Stacey #marriedbyjosh #devineluv2015……

Aug 21, 2015: Kim Jong Un confirms he’s the worst leader in the universe by declaring war at 5pm Friday. He seriously couldn’t wait until Monday …

Aug 21, 2015: Kickin a LEATHER BOW TIE today, by @fitzydesign! #leatherbowtie #leather #leatherstyle #m………

Aug 21, 2015: Henri &amp; Nicole #marriedbyjosh at @homesteadwedding!!……

Aug 21, 2015: Today’s wedding is streaming thanks to Logitech and @Telstra - a first for #marriedbyjosh ………

Aug 21, 2015: Henri makes a very ‘BronwynBishop’ style entry to his wedding at homesteadwedding today, a sweet……

Aug 21, 2015: Ashley Madison being hacked won’t destroy my marriage, but if the list of silly things I’ve backed on @kickstarter leaks I’ll be in …

Aug 20, 2015: Awesome thing I overheard “you don’t get extra bride points for doing everything yourself”………

Aug 20, 2015: The sun sets over #Brisbane from Moreton Bay #sunset……

Aug 20, 2015: Josh &amp; Skye #marriedbyjosh on #northstradbrokeisland……

Aug 20, 2015: Ferries are fun……

Aug 20, 2015: The below post is starting a lot of private and public conversations on my Facebook page t………

Aug 20, 2015: Who’s the Brisbane wedding photographer??…

Aug 20, 2015: At @wwfielddays all weekend I’m giving away free vow writing guides, come in ams just pick………

Aug 20, 2015: ##wwfielddays is open for business @wwfielddays at @westfieldgardencity……

Aug 20, 2015: “Technology has created more jobs than it has destroyed, says 140 years of data”…

Aug 19, 2015: Field Days, the wedding creators event, at Westfield Garden City is here! I’m so proud to………

Aug 19, 2015: Spot the happy kitten. Trick question, there is no happy kitten. #aggiewithers #aggieunlea………

Aug 19, 2015: Every time we go to Pet Barn I want to adopt another cat. This is Clara and she’s breaking………

Aug 19, 2015: I marry the best people! Micheal &amp; Katherine #marriedbyjosh at @homesteadwedding with pics………

Aug 18, 2015: Just discovered @Laurenzalita’s wedding blog … currently my favourite thing on the internet…

Aug 18, 2015: Trying to explain to my father-in-law why I didn’t need to upgrade my MacBook to Windows 10 ended up me just telling him I’ll do it …

Aug 18, 2015: Right now it’s just me in my office however … so not as exciting :)

Aug 18, 2015: It should be pretty cool - it’s a standalone little camera that connects to a mobile hotspot

Aug 18, 2015: I’m trialling a live stream for a wedding on the weekend using a Logitech Broadcaster thingie - care to test it?…

Aug 18, 2015: Couple answer the question on my enquiry form “how did you find out about Josh?” with “we met one night in an Uber” lol

Aug 18, 2015: Operation ‘acquire new leather bow tie’: completed! Operation ‘acquire machine awesome le…… …

Aug 18, 2015: || CANNOT WAIT! || #Repost @wwfielddays: We can’t wait to move into our new home. Only two………

Aug 18, 2015: As much as I love Australian food over American, I list for American coffee … so we brou………

Aug 17, 2015:……

Aug 17, 2015: This photo is seriously one of my favs! It’s by @heartandcolour for @stemdesignflorals at ………

Aug 17, 2015: New podcast idea: Chinese with Malcolm /cc @MarkDiStef

Aug 17, 2015: Grab a coffee with Britt … in a blog :)…

Aug 16, 2015: Tomorrow night (Monday night) the doors of @lightspacebrisbane open up for their #brisbane………

Aug 16, 2015: Stevie wants an iPhone for Christmas #steviewithers #catsofinstagram……

Aug 16, 2015: Charlotte came to me looking for help on writing meaningful wedding vows…

Aug 15, 2015: Rocked my new @woodthumb #woodenbowtie at Bec &amp; Jeremy’s wedding today! #woodthumb #mensst…… …

Aug 15, 2015: Bec + Jeremy #marriedbyjosh!……

Aug 15, 2015: #Repost from @reeseandrenee || HAWAII || These cuties were engaged for 5 years, but the th………

Aug 15, 2015: Not everyone is happy I’m home……

Aug 15, 2015: You could travel the world trying to find a better beach than the Gold Coast, but it’d be ………

Aug 15, 2015: That headline lol…

Aug 14, 2015: That really awesome moment when you see Australian soil for the first time in a month #home……

Aug 14, 2015: What Uber has that taxis don’t … and it’s got nothing to do with cars…

Aug 14, 2015: Britt and I are Australia-bound! I’m expecting to come home to a full voicemail inbox, PO ………

Aug 14, 2015: Do Things, Tell People.…

Aug 14, 2015: Hey @Qantas, are there standards that Qantas Clubs need to meet? The Honolulu Club most probably isn’t meeting them today.

Aug 13, 2015: Someone’s written an article about @nicwkelly…

Aug 13, 2015: The hardest thing to explain to Americans is how non-liberal the Liberal Party is.

Aug 13, 2015: Simon and Rebecca #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 13, 2015: After living the last 15 years of my life pretty much advertising supported I’ve always been an advocate, but it’s gotten too much of …

Aug 13, 2015: On web advertising - via @marcoarment @daringfireball @gruber… - I felt so hypocritical installing Adblock recently.

Aug 13, 2015: I’ve figured out what Victoria’s Secret is: her husband takes all of the cupboard room so ………

Aug 13, 2015: Britt and I are creating awesome elopements overseas, you’re going to love it!……

Aug 13, 2015: The day that we fly out of #Maui is of course the first day the Haleakalā summit is not co………

Aug 12, 2015: Sorry …… #maui

Aug 12, 2015: Behind the scenes of today || Renee of @reeceandrenee shooting @hellobrittanyjane || #with………

Aug 12, 2015: Life just keeps on getting better #witherstakeusa #lastdayinmaui……

Aug 12, 2015: 🎵 I made a friend with salad! 🎵 #witherstakeusa……

Aug 12, 2015: Running around Maui today with @reeseandrenee taking photos of us today!……

Aug 12, 2015: ANZ asked me a bunch of questions about my business :)…


Aug 12, 2015: Can I ask you equestrian? Would you like to be married in Hawaii then get wedding photos t………

Aug 12, 2015: How to Create Vows That Wow - a guest post for Wedding Lovely!…

Aug 12, 2015: Our first Hawaii Pop-Up Wedding was AMAZEBALLS!……

Aug 11, 2015: Guess who caught the #bouquet #popupwedding #mauipopupwedding……

Aug 11, 2015:……

Aug 11, 2015: Mahalo #mauipopupwedding!……

Aug 11, 2015: Soooooo proud of @hellobrittanyjane today - she took on the crazy Hawaiian dream and made ………

Aug 11, 2015: Michael + Natasha #marriedbyjosh at our #mauipopupwedding!! #popupwedding #mauiwedding #ma………

Aug 11, 2015: Colin + Michelle #marriedbyjosh at the #mauipopupwedding #popupwedding #wedding #mauiweddi………

Aug 11, 2015: Even if you’re for or against same-sex marriage, we can all agree on this one thing: marriage………

Aug 11, 2015: Chris + Clare #marriedbyjosh at our #mauipopupwedding #popupwedding #maui #mauiwedding #ha………

Aug 11, 2015: #Repost from @opihilove: The day’s first Pop Up Wedding is underway with celebrant Josh Wi………

Aug 11, 2015: Khya &amp; Ben #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 11, 2015: Did you know that the reason it was called “bad luck” for a groom to not see his bride on ………

Aug 11, 2015: Happy little Vegemites turning out to be too happy…

Aug 10, 2015:……

Aug 10, 2015: Tell em' where you from boi…

Aug 10, 2015: Meta political reference in song…

Aug 10, 2015: Am I doing it right? #straightouttamaui #maui #hawaii……

Aug 10, 2015: Spent our Sunday in #Maui driving the loop around the southern volcano, “The Road To Hana”………

Aug 10, 2015: Melissa and Aaron #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 10, 2015: How celebrants can say the monitum without being weird. Also, what is a monitum.…

Aug 10, 2015: Rebecca Black finally opens up about the front seat/backseat thing…

Aug 10, 2015: “You May Have Seen My Face on BART” by @isisAnchalee…

Aug 9, 2015: Saturday night in Maui is date night! #witherstakeusa……

Aug 9, 2015: Six years on and @Google still hasn’t replied to @Yahoo’s greeting on @Twitter…

Aug 9, 2015: Kara &amp; Daniel #marriedbyjosh at The Pop-Up Wedding at Shamba Malaika, video by Wilde Visual…

Aug 9, 2015: Hi, first time caller, long time listener. My question: I love to travel &amp; also love to have money. Should I consider a career in politics?

Aug 9, 2015: There is no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard. No song that I cou………

Aug 9, 2015: A wedding celebrant dishes his secrets to Mamamia…

Aug 8, 2015: There’s this pretty girl that wears denim overalls and she goes everywhere I go and says n………

Aug 8, 2015: Love me some Whole Foods “water” /s…

Aug 8, 2015: Build something that people want…

Aug 8, 2015: “We never cease to be mesmerized by the vessel in which music is contained”…

Aug 8, 2015: Makena Beach and a pretty girl that refuses to leave my side #witherstakeusa……

Aug 8, 2015: Well that’s quite the sad rap battle…

Aug 7, 2015: ……

Aug 7, 2015: Melissa &amp; Aaron #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 7, 2015: Maui business meeting #witherstakeusa……

Aug 7, 2015: On top of the world #witherstakeusa……

Aug 7, 2015: Michael &amp; Jasmine #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 6, 2015: BREAKING: 4 year old YouTube video goes viral again, 4 years after first going viral…

Aug 6, 2015: From where you’d rather be 😘…

Aug 6, 2015: We rented a Jeep #witherstakeusa……

Aug 6, 2015: Love this beach styled shoot wed did!…

Aug 6, 2015: One of Maui’s volcanos is flanked by a glorious wind farm…

Aug 6, 2015: Vik + Jem #marriedbyjosh and pictures by Katie!…

Aug 5, 2015: In other news, how freaking good is it to be alive right now?

Aug 5, 2015: Just had a major revelation. Someone has brought me to Hawaii to fucking marry them. IS THIS THE REAL LIFE? WHY ARE PEOPLE DOING THIS?

Aug 5, 2015: Maui Adventures #witherstakeusa……

Aug 5, 2015: Wedding celebrants say the darnedest things…

Aug 5, 2015: We’re bringing the #popupwedding here next week!!! #mauipopupwedding #hawaiipopupwedding #………

Aug 5, 2015: Question to the Member for Fairfax: is there room for the Member for Mackellar on your Titanic II for a quick jaunt across Sydney Harbour?

Aug 5, 2015: Kahli and Shane #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 5, 2015: Managed to pick up a pair of the newly released Plantronics Backbeat Sense Bluetooth headp………

Aug 5, 2015: Britt and I and The Pop-Up Wedding​ are Maui bound today. Hele Mai ‘Oe I Ko Maua Male ‘Ana!

Aug 5, 2015: Somewhere, over the rainbow #waikiki #witherstakeusa……

Aug 4, 2015: Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high #witherstakeusa #waikiki……

Aug 4, 2015: Join the Google Hangout vow writing workshop with White Magazine!……

Aug 4, 2015: Aloha! #witherstakeusa……

Aug 4, 2015: Toby + Teiga #marriedbyjosh #perthpopupwedding…

Aug 3, 2015: New York, I love you, but it’s time to say goodbye for now. We’re off to America’s Tasmani…… …

Aug 3, 2015: New York, I love you, but it’s time to say goodbye for now. We’re off to America’s Tasmania, Hawaii!

Aug 3, 2015: I just re-read this old blog post today and it still remains one of my favourites…

Aug 3, 2015: Guy jumps on train and screams “What I have in this bag here today” and my heart skips a beat. Never been so thankful to meet a beggar.

Aug 3, 2015: What a crazy amazing night with the creator of so many of my favourite films on his 45th b………

Aug 3, 2015: 12 people that are certain that their question for @thatkevinsmith is wayyyy better than that first chick’s question…

Aug 3, 2015: I’m about to walk into a @ThatKevinSmith Q&amp;A but just realised I don’t have an actual question requiring an answer.

Aug 3, 2015: Ben &amp; Kaycee #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 3, 2015: I❤️HERA☕️……

Aug 3, 2015: November 23, 2011…

Aug 3, 2015: I’m in ex-pat city: Williamsburg, NY.

Aug 2, 2015: The incredibly sad and interesting story of the .io domain name…

Aug 2, 2015: The Upper East Side from Central Park #witherstakeusa……

Aug 2, 2015: All the silly traditional things that marriage celebrants say but don’t have to……

Aug 2, 2015: Tony bought Andrea a Central Park bench seat for their 30th wedding anniversary……

Aug 2, 2015: Say hello to my little friend #witherstakeusa……

Aug 2, 2015: Bass slaps……

Aug 2, 2015: “So many wedding traditions are not relevant to us” - Me, in the Sunday Mail’s U On Sunday ma…… …

Aug 2, 2015: #Repost @voxdotcom: The wedding website The Knot found that the average wedding cost $31,0………

Aug 1, 2015: Becoming a Kirkwood: Alyce’s quest to change her last name after her wedding……

Aug 1, 2015: Date night #witherstakeusa……

Aug 1, 2015: I simply clicked the “I’m feeling lucky” button, and bam, Friday’s I’m in love #witherstak…… …

Aug 1, 2015: What if there were no hypothetical situations?

Aug 1, 2015: I’ll be at the @whitewhiteco Field Days - will you?… #Brisbane #weddings…

Aug 1, 2015: Heartbroken reading the New York magazine this week……

Aug 1, 2015: Britt &amp; I have a mutual love of magazines, so finding the “Best Use Of A Small Space” awar…… …

Jul 31, 2015: The closing statement made by Justice Kennedy on the #samesexmarriage ruling - a powerful ceremony inclusion…

Jul 31, 2015: The Book Of Mormon. We give it 3 out of 5 stars. #⭐️⭐️⭐️……

Jul 31, 2015: So that’s where they keep all the New York Minutes! #witherstakeusa……

Jul 31, 2015: Kylie from Just For Love Photography is just the best!…

Jul 31, 2015: Google Street View rides a camel through Abu Dhabi…

Jul 31, 2015: OMGOMGOMG stularsen playing in @Starbucks. Totally just boasted to everyone that I know that guy. @……

Jul 31, 2015: A wedding reading from the US Supreme Court that reinforces that marriage matters……

Jul 31, 2015: Miss you, Dave #NeverForget #Letterman #witherstakeusa……

Jul 31, 2015: #witherstakeusa……

Jul 31, 2015: #witherstakeusa @ Friedman’s…

Jul 30, 2015: One man’s example of taking his wife’s last name has the internet in tears……

Jul 30, 2015: I’m in America at the moment, so I’m not sure what’s right or wrong in Australia today, but can we boo Bronwyn Bishop? Asking for a …

Jul 30, 2015: Lucky 2GB has that new Brisbane bureau…

Jul 30, 2015: “While uber talk about their 150k customers, the Qld taxi industry has 110 mil customers” in a 5mil population state …

Jul 30, 2015: The first #IAPWO #officiant and #celebrant conference was a great success!!!……

Jul 30, 2015: So, this happened #ChickfilA……

Jul 30, 2015: How to say the celebrant’s monitum with class, and not be a weird celebrant……

Jul 29, 2015: The view to Australia, from America: a whole country trying to justify booing someone. That’s really messed up. I don’t want to come home.

Jul 29, 2015: I’m saying goodbye to the world of sexist wedding traditions……

Jul 29, 2015: Take Me to High Church!…

Jul 29, 2015: I’ve left my love in New York City, but am now in Maryland for the @iapwo officiant’s conference!

Jul 28, 2015: We got to see a live #ReplyAll #podcast at #CastParty tonight! #Gimlet @ Skirball Center for the……

Jul 28, 2015: I found this Simpsons wedding reading nugget out of an episode where normally Homer is only q………

Jul 28, 2015: You know the problem when you start listing favourite podcasts? You miss people. I love everyone’s podcasts :)

Jul 28, 2015: With the obvious exceptions of my Aussie favs, @MolksTVTalk @iLoveGGLetters @oshergunsberg

Jul 28, 2015: I’m like a giddy child tonight - all geared up for #CastParty. All of my favourite podcasts on one stage in 15 min!…

Jul 28, 2015: It’s kind of crazy to be in a line around the block for a podcast #castparty #podcasting…

Jul 28, 2015: We’re going to a podcast party! #castparty #witherstakeusa……

Jul 28, 2015: Will I do a nude wedding?……

Jul 28, 2015: We’ve ordered lunch in a restaurant where they’re also filming a pilot of a reality TV sho………

Jul 28, 2015: Hairs:cut……

Jul 28, 2015: Need Sprite? #witherstakeusa……

Jul 28, 2015: Now authorised to marry in Australia, Hawaii, and NEW YORK BABY!……

Jul 28, 2015: Marriage is alive and well in New York City on a Monday morning // made with @vibbidi #vibbidi @ City……

Jul 28, 2015: Love a personalised sponsored tweet from my buds at @CocaCola…

Jul 28, 2015: Nike: secured #witherstakeusa……

Jul 27, 2015: What the actual fuck?…

Jul 27, 2015: Dear @Qantas, please send this to your lovely IT guys.… - in regards to FF and Qantas Cash #fortheloveofgod

Jul 27, 2015: I met up with Alex and Lisa yesterday, and Alex asked me the best question……

Jul 27, 2015:…

Jul 27, 2015: 1WTC #witherstakeusa……

Jul 27, 2015: “The Summer Britt” #witherstakeusa……

Jul 26, 2015: I entered the lottery to see @ActofGodBway on @TodayTix! Enter here:…

Jul 26, 2015: Lower East Side #witherstakeusa……

Jul 26, 2015: Jet-lag’s a bitch.

Jul 26, 2015: This is what’s so great about nerd weddings……

Jul 26, 2015: A KLM 777 lands in Amsterdam earlier today during the strongest summer storm on record. Wind gusts up to 121 km/h.…

Jul 26, 2015: Fascinating read about the man who has been in the air for free for a year. The very definition of a frequent flyer.…

Jul 26, 2015: Really proud to be involved in the White+White Field Days at Westfield Garden City!…

Jul 26, 2015: Kaz says day drinking is just how it’s done in Brooklyn #witherstakeusa……

Jul 26, 2015: Mi-girl #witherstakeusa……

Jul 26, 2015: Brooklyn #witherstakeusa……

Jul 25, 2015: I answer the question “does a marriage have to be consummated?” in this Q&amp;A……

Jul 25, 2015: Simon &amp; Cara-mia #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 25, 2015: Empire State of Bubble #witherstakeusa……

Jul 25, 2015: So I’m crazy excited about this … tickets at……

Jul 25, 2015: You can buy a “home” in New York for $25,000USD this weekend…

Jul 24, 2015: Ummmm … Apple’s Keynote supports animated gifs. In other news, my slides for next week just became awesome.

Jul 24, 2015: My #ubericecream is better than yours…

Jul 24, 2015: Michelle &amp; Travis #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 24, 2015: Brisbane’s Westfield Garden City has something super special coming to it in August thanks………

Jul 24, 2015: Gabby + Cameron #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 24, 2015: I spend half an hour every week not knowing what @gruber is talking about, after two hours inside Yankee Stadium today I still have no idea.

Jul 24, 2015: I have no idea what’s happening #witherstakeusa #yankees……

Jul 23, 2015: Going to a Yankees game today!!!!/

Jul 23, 2015: We’re the losers that FaceTime our cats from a Starbucks

Jul 23, 2015: Tom and Dick can get married but poor old Harry is sitting on the sidelines singing “What about me” 😂…

Jul 23, 2015: 6am in New York and I’m at Starbucks again. Oh jet lag how you curse me.

Jul 23, 2015: Saw an ad for Ello in Manhattan. Ello. That network we never used again.

Jul 23, 2015: Times Square, where the world comes to take photos of ads #witherstakeusa……

Jul 23, 2015: Sia performs at beach wedding lead by Donald Fisher, school principal, on Home and Away #wtf……

Jul 23, 2015: I’m failing at assimilating to New York time. Just slept 10am to 6pm, which is midnight to 8am Queensland time.

Jul 23, 2015: Britt from The Pop-Up Wedding shares her tips for working with wedding professionals……

Jul 22, 2015: Breakfast at @dudleysnyc #witherstakeusa……

Jul 22, 2015: After 41 minutes of it I’m almost convince that crazy guy on a faux conference call inside Starbucks might be on a real conference call.

Jul 22, 2015: #Uber in NYC has a few more options than the Gold Coast /cc @Uber_QLD…

Jul 22, 2015: This is Your Marriage on Drugs (Part I)…

Jul 22, 2015: Subway life #witherstakeusa…

Jul 22, 2015: Meredith &amp; Andrew #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 22, 2015: Some poor sod isn’t getting their @FedEx package today. I just saw a guy lift a box from a FedEx trolley on Wall St!

Jul 22, 2015: “I like big butts and I can not lie, those other fellas may deny” - tourists at the Chargi………

Jul 21, 2015:…

Jul 21, 2015: Love a testimony! “First of, what a great guy! When we first met Josh we knew our wedding ………

Jul 21, 2015: #witherstakeusa……

Jul 21, 2015: 6am in NYC, 8pm on the GC, and I’m home for a few weeks. And jetlagged.……

Jul 21, 2015: You don’t need a wedding rehearsal……

Jul 21, 2015: James Day lifted the whole wedding industry in this crazy dream they said wouldn’t work……

Jul 21, 2015: LA.

Jul 20, 2015: The Pop Up Wedding Co. has released another Hawaii date for December this year on The Island of Hawaii!…

Jul 20, 2015: #witherstakeusa……

Jul 20, 2015: No. Sleep. Til' Brooklyn!……

Jul 20, 2015: Kara &amp; Daniel’s #popupwedding!!! #marriedbyjosh &amp; #weddingflim by Wilde Visual…

Jul 20, 2015: USA bound to speak at this!… #celebrant #officiant

Jul 19, 2015: Primary #witherstakeusa capturing device: acquired 📷 #gopro #goprosession……

Jul 19, 2015: If you’ve got two moments to spare a 5 star rating on this website would make a man smile :)…

Jul 19, 2015: Me in Mamamia’s ‘The Motherish’!!!…

Jul 18, 2015: For about 30 minutes this afternoon I was the official ground announcer on #TheGabba with ………

Jul 18, 2015: Jack &amp; Trischa #marriedbyjosh at #TheGabba. Follow @jamesdeank to see their photos on the ………

Jul 18, 2015: Werkin……

Jul 18, 2015: Werkin @ The Gabba…

Jul 18, 2015: Daniel + Alicia #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 18, 2015: Wearing @blackjacketsuiting #suit with @r.m.williamsaustralia #shirt and @twoguysbowties #………

Jul 18, 2015: Anyone got a #Beme invite code?

Jul 18, 2015: Oh shit. I’ve declared war on mothers, on a mothers blog. Pray for me.…

Jul 18, 2015: Thanks for everyone’s reviews on Easy Weddings!!!…

Jul 18, 2015: Ok, I want to do ceremonies in front of all of these!!!…

Jul 17, 2015: Monday we’re NYC bound!!!!……

Jul 17, 2015: Nathan &amp; Jen #marriedbyjosh with a little bit of help from @lightspacebrisbane @avideas_co………

Jul 17, 2015: #HipsterSpace……

Jul 17, 2015: John &amp; Kelly #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 17, 2015: The 37 Best Websites To Learn Something New…

Jul 17, 2015: Just your normal run-of-the-mill drone FIRING A HANDGUN…

Jul 17, 2015: Hate alarm clocks? This app, Wakie, gets other people to call you to wake you up instead of sounding an alarm!…

Jul 16, 2015: Did you know that if you lick someone’s elbow while they’re not looking, they won’t feel it.

Jul 16, 2015: If it’s within the rules why is Browny Bishop reimbursing it? It’s like saying “I didn’t kill the guy, but to remove doubt …

Jul 16, 2015: I know I’m not everyone’s celebrant - I reckon one of these peeps might be though…

Jul 16, 2015: Shadows and light…

Jul 15, 2015: About to do a Google Hangout talking about making awesome wedding vows!…

Jul 15, 2015: Getting ready for tonight’s Google a hangout with @jedibarberck 😎……

Jul 15, 2015: Three hours away from my Google a hangout all about writing wedding vows that wow! Follow ………

Jul 15, 2015: These two……

Jul 15, 2015: Need help with your wedding vows? Vows that Wow wedding vow workshop at 8:30pm tonight here:……

Jul 15, 2015: Rosie &amp; Raoul’s sweet ass Mexican fiesta was an awesome surprise wedding #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 15, 2015: How a password changed my life. I do this!…

Jul 14, 2015: The little planet that could…

Jul 14, 2015: Finally decided to give myself the leg up I always needed…

Jul 14, 2015: Annabel talks about sex on my blog…

Jul 14, 2015: This is going straight to the pool room……

Jul 14, 2015: Cat just ate her way through a Lightening cable. She’s alive, safety switch didn’t trip. Weird.…

Jul 14, 2015: A warning about Josh Withers - take heed!…

Jul 13, 2015: I’d love to help you wrote vows that wow! On Wednesday night I’m hosting a vow writing wor………

Jul 13, 2015: In the doctor’s surgery and I see a book released by an old dear friend who passed away th………

Jul 13, 2015: So so good to catch up with the superstar, @jfkjohan, today! Let’s make it less than 6 years next time bro 😉

Jul 13, 2015: Significant (Wedding) Space Interview with Amy…

Jul 13, 2015: Australia, the land of the idiot…

Jul 12, 2015: Just to break it down: Ch9 retweeting Cadbury tweeting abt The Voice’s Apple iPhone app released by Ford, on Twitter…

Jul 12, 2015: “HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR BRANDING????!!!????!!!” #TheVoiceAu…

Jul 12, 2015: Repost📷@aaronshumphotography Winter Trees | Pop Up Elopements | Yesterday was a day fille………

Jul 12, 2015: That moment || Michael &amp; Jasmine #marriedbyjosh 📷 Van Middleton……

Jul 12, 2015: I’d gone almost a week without buying a new domain name ……

Jul 12, 2015: Mixing family traditions in a new cross-cultural marriage - some tips…

Jul 12, 2015: Do married couples need to have joint bank accounts? Or not?…

Jul 11, 2015: Josh &amp; Belinda #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Cherry Photography……

Jul 11, 2015: Britt lead this fantastic team today, they’re all worth your follow on this Saturday nigh………

Jul 11, 2015: So proud of my @hellobrittanyjane, she’s the most creative person I know and she inspires ………

Jul 11, 2015: Daniel &amp; Kara #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding #gcpopupwedding……

Jul 11, 2015: Simon + Rebecca #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding #gcpopupwedding……

Jul 11, 2015: Scott &amp; Grace #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding #gcpopupwedding……

Jul 11, 2015:……

Jul 11, 2015: Brooke &amp; Myles #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding #gcpopupwedding……

Jul 11, 2015: Welcome to our #shambamalaika #popupwedding with the best team: 🎉 @lovestruckweddings 📷 @………

Jul 11, 2015: I’m in love with a pop-up …. wedding…

Jul 11, 2015: A meaningful wedding business, what I’m trying to build…

Jul 10, 2015: When my dad was my age he had a 6yo son named Josh. This explains his disdain when I tell him what Britt and I are up to.

Jul 10, 2015: “I wonder if Busta Rhyme has updated his operating system” #Beats1

Jul 10, 2015: Don’t exchange underwear or wedding vows, instead, exchange your own!…

Jul 10, 2015: “High on legal marijuana” is a lyric in the new song from @halseymusic ‘New Americana’ heard on @beats1. Watch out Snoop Lion.

Jul 10, 2015: Does exclusive mean we just have something now? I exclusively have a photo of Taylor Swift.

Jul 10, 2015: Exciting that so many news outlets have an exclusive on this new Harper Lee book.

Jul 10, 2015: Free online vow writing workshop Google Hangout next Wednesday!!…

Jul 10, 2015: My values, aka, what I’m all about…

Jul 10, 2015: I’ll have a caramel long black and a witness to a marriage ceremony please.……

Jul 10, 2015: Really proud to be presenting at the Int’l Assoc. of Professional Wedding Officiants conference in the USA this month…

Jul 9, 2015: “First name is free! Last name is dumb!” - Pharrell “Dad Joke” Williams

Jul 9, 2015: I’ve been waiting for the Blackberry book, “Losing the Signal” to become available on Kindle in Australia for months, yay book …

Jul 9, 2015: Troy + Emma #marriedbyjosh 📷 @gavinwyattphoto……

Jul 9, 2015: . @statravelAU you’re wasting money on a sponsored tweet that is 24 hours out of date

Jul 9, 2015: I’m standing in a suit store and got followed by a suit company. Conspiracy? Let’s imagine it is.…

Jul 9, 2015: We’re coming at you, USA!!! Please tell as many American officiants as you can!!! If you c………

Jul 9, 2015: High Church……

Jul 9, 2015: In an email I’m reading right now exists the scariest three words a creative will ever read: “The Website Committee”.

Jul 9, 2015: Queens of the Stone Age’s Josh Homme is hosting a show on #Beats1 right now with Fred Armiston. Such a good listen!

Jul 9, 2015: How to be the perfect wedding guest - message this to EVERYONE!…

Jul 9, 2015: “Sometimes I get emotional over fonts” - Kanye West. I know those feels, Yeezus.

Jul 9, 2015: It looks like Aust is the only remaining market where MOG operates, it’s been merged into Beats, merged into Apple Music everywhere else.

Jul 9, 2015: Telstra still cagey on MOG, which they supply through BigPond, which is owned by Beats, and such, @AppleMusic … @Telstra’s music page=0.

Jul 9, 2015: 6 minutes of pure awesome on Microsoft’s new mission statement…

Jul 9, 2015: How to stand in a wedding ceremony, a beginner’s guide…

Jul 8, 2015: Seeing Samuel L. Jackson on Bet365 ads make me wonder whether he has cancer and is trying to prepare a kitty for his family before he dies.

Jul 8, 2015: Weddings in Queensland this weekend will not have something blue out of respect for the NSW team’s loss tonight. Our condolences #origin

Jul 8, 2015: A teaser for my American #wedding #officiant friends! Follow @iapwo for info when it launc………

Jul 8, 2015: A little teaser for my American friends - follow @iapwo for more info #weddingofficiant #officiant…

Jul 8, 2015: #Beats1 @AppleMusic must have read about Triple M dissing them on @_radiotoday so now they’re advertising during #Origin … SCA vs Apple.

Jul 8, 2015: We’ve got a really really really special weekend of elopements with the @popupwed crew thi………

Jul 8, 2015: Me on 2GB!…

Jul 8, 2015: Origin, the original “go back to where you came from”

Jul 8, 2015: It’s the bride’s day - nope - it’s the groom’s day too…

Jul 7, 2015: I’m really super lucky to know some amazing photographers. Even in this past week I’ve hun………

Jul 7, 2015: Are you breaking any of the 7 deadly wedding sins?…

Jul 7, 2015: The sophistication of a wedding ceremony, is it necessary?…

Jul 6, 2015: Troy &amp; Emma #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 6, 2015: Troy’s getting married here today and I just asked him how he was feeling. “I’m just so pu…… …

Jul 6, 2015: Ant &amp; Sally #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 6, 2015: Hey @ANZ_AU … the daily loan offer I have to dismiss is making me want to change banks…

Jul 6, 2015: Cafe owner just said he’s looking for a “takes no prisoners” kind of person.

Jul 6, 2015: Desperately want to go and help the poor thing, floundering around in this interview, I think he’s almost crying!

Jul 6, 2015: Sitting at a cafe listening to this poor kid being interviewed for an apprentice chef gig is killing me.

Jul 6, 2015: “What would you say ya do here?” - wedding celebrant edition…

Jul 5, 2015: Josh &amp; Belinda #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Cherry Photography 🏩 @topiariesweddings……

Jul 5, 2015: Josh &amp; Belinda #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Cherry Photography 🏩 @topiariesweddings……

Jul 5, 2015: A marriage without love, is that a thing?…

Jul 5, 2015: Does @Beats1’s paying adult audience really require censored songs? Even the DJs swear. Let’s go un-censored, @zanelowe #beats1

Jul 5, 2015: Let me introduce you to Heath. Heath, everyone, everyone, Heath.…

Jul 4, 2015: The best thing about having a public phone number ……

Jul 4, 2015: ALWAYS ON #BEATS1

Jul 4, 2015: Fascinating read on the “Port 80isation” of the Internet.…

Jul 4, 2015: What a time to be alive…

Jul 4, 2015: 🎵 What’s the deal with airline food? 🎵…

Jul 4, 2015: I have strong positive feelings about #beats1

Jul 4, 2015: Sunset is on point this afternoon | Toowoomba 🚙 Gold Coast ✈️ Melbourne……

Jul 4, 2015: Grooooooove is in the heaarrrttt #Beats1

Jul 4, 2015: Michael &amp; Katherine #marriedbyjosh and ushered by Google the pug who was ushered by Mutt I………

Jul 4, 2015: 11 secret herbs and spices for a superb wedding…

Jul 4, 2015: There is seriously an amazing conversation happening on Beats (GTA) 1 radio right now about unicorns.

Jul 4, 2015: Beats 1 radio is basically real-life GTA radio.

Jul 4, 2015: Dreaming of New York…

Jul 3, 2015: I’m the luckiest boy #marriedtobritt……

Jul 3, 2015: “Aaarggghhh, we’re married!” Austin &amp; Natasha #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 3, 2015: Oh my ……

Jul 3, 2015: Isha and Gladwynne asked me last night about some of my favourite weddings, and I had to t………

Jul 3, 2015: James &amp; Amy #marriedbyjosh…

Jul 3, 2015: 24 hours “you’re going to cry” notice. It’s all part of the #marriedbyjosh service…

Jul 3, 2015: My greatest fear is that I will never finish my Kindle and Podcast libraries.

Jul 3, 2015: Our prodigal pussycat has returned home after 24 hours roaming the streets! #steviewithers……

Jul 3, 2015: A how-to guide for celebrants wanting to be rockstars…

Jul 2, 2015: I need to take my family out for dessert tonight in Brisbane. Where’s cool and hip and swanky?

Jul 2, 2015: Where should I take visiting family out for dessert in Brissie tonight? City/Valley/New Farm?

Jul 2, 2015: Not that you won’t have a great wedding if you don’t do this, but every single wedding I’v…… …

Jul 2, 2015: There’s no better letter to receive in the mail than one that says thank you. Day: made.……

Jul 2, 2015: How to: Uber at your wedding!…

Jul 2, 2015: The flashing white light above the exit sign in the under-river tunnel does not scare me at all … #clem7

Jul 2, 2015: Spike and Ellie’s Jurassic Park themed wedding…


Jul 1, 2015: As much as all of our profile pics look real purdy, this short and sweet blog post is what people really need to see…

Jul 1, 2015: How to get #marriageequality in Australia in three easy steps…

Jul 1, 2015: I have so much to say about @Beats1 …. it’s just so good. If nothing else, it’s bankrolled by Apple so I haven’t heard an ad …

Jul 1, 2015: Beats 1. Wow. Bye, bye, music-only local radio.

Jul 1, 2015: Why you’ll never have a perfect wedding day, sorry…

Jul 1, 2015: The way the web was…

Jul 1, 2015: How your marriage can help stop child marriage…

Jun 30, 2015: Help make it happen for Greek Bailout Fund… #indiegogo via @indiegogo

Jun 30, 2015: All the silly traditional things that marriage celebrants say but don’t have to……

Jun 30, 2015: In that, they’re all for massive corporates, or they don’t have the flexibility for my business structure, or that they’re so …

Jun 30, 2015: I’d seriously pay someone $50 to guide me to the right CRM/business management tool. I’ve tried so many, they’re all the same :(

Jun 30, 2015: Chris &amp; Jade #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 30, 2015: So, the doctor is putting all of these pollens on me to find out which one makes me sneeze………

Jun 30, 2015: Field Days with @whitewhiteweddings #comingsoon #staytuned #marriedbyjosh #fielddays……

Jun 30, 2015: My desperate call for all wedding venues to do this one simple thing…

Jun 29, 2015: I can understand Abbott’s hesitance on marriage equality. The last time we blindly followed the USA it cost us 40 diggers &amp; $7.5B.

Jun 29, 2015: The making of a happy wedding…

Jun 29, 2015: Babies!……

Jun 29, 2015: Which side does the bride and groom stand on?…

Jun 28, 2015: Pretty excited about going stateside next month! I’m an authorised celebrant/officiant in ………

Jun 28, 2015: Massive thank you to U On Sunday magazine for featuring me today! :)……

Jun 28, 2015: Awesome podcast that I was on :)…

Jun 28, 2015:…

Jun 28, 2015: It’s true, those yanks have zero in common with us Aussies.…

Jun 28, 2015:…

Jun 28, 2015: How to get the best performance out of your new marriage celebrant…

Jun 28, 2015: 📰😀👍🏽……

Jun 28, 2015: I tried to make a joke about 2015 wedding trends…

Jun 27, 2015: Facebook tonight…

Jun 27, 2015: Used this in a wedding ceremony today :) #LoveIsLove…

Jun 27, 2015: A quick, post-wedding, dental checkup, “say ahhhh!” Josh &amp; Belinda #marriedbyjosh #joshand…… …

Jun 27, 2015: Wearing @cooperbrothersties and my @peggyandfinn tie clip to #joshandbelinda2015’s #weddin………

Jun 27, 2015: Nixon, not gay about gays…

Jun 27, 2015: I’ve collected some of my favourite alphabet letters into 800 words for @rufflesandcake Townsville wedding mag…

Jun 27, 2015: What to do with all these wedding traditions…

Jun 27, 2015: How about we get some of that progression out of the basement to give the old law a bit of a spit polish and make her look all modern again?

Jun 27, 2015: In 1961, Australia introduced some of the most progressive marriage legislation in the world.

Jun 27, 2015: In news from the USA: No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest………

Jun 27, 2015: Why Valentine’s Day is a great day to have a wedding…

Jun 26, 2015: Received the most beautiful note in today’s mail. Thank you, @amberthecelebrant 😊……

Jun 26, 2015: Why I ask for a donation on my booking form…

Jun 26, 2015: Can’t wait until Sunday!……

Jun 26, 2015: An engagement announcment video you can dance to…

Jun 26, 2015: French taxi drivers stage nationwide promotional effort for Uber…

Jun 25, 2015: I just Ubered pro skateboarder, Mikey Mendoza, to Surfers to celebrate his 18th birthday w………

Jun 25, 2015: Britt and I are in this weekend’s Sunday Mail!……

Jun 25, 2015: This weekend!!!…

Jun 25, 2015: Britt &amp; my love affair with #Perth continues next year, we’re bringing the @popupwed back to @KidogoArthouse in 2016! …

Jun 25, 2015: The best thing about eloping is revealing the secret to everyone! @AaronShumPhotography is………

Jun 25, 2015: Vik + Jemma #marriedbyjosh 📷 @katietakesapicture 💐 @stemdesignflorals 🍻 @restaurant_2 🔊 @b………

Jun 25, 2015: Putting your OWN wedding ring on your OWN finger…

Jun 25, 2015: Should someone tell the Catholic Church that marriage became a civil thing in OZ in 1961. They’re not losing it today, they lost it in 61

Jun 25, 2015: Can’t wait to reveal yesterday’s elopement with @hellobrittanyjane &amp; @popupwed, @Wilde.Vis…… …

Jun 25, 2015: MileHi - a frequent flyer’s social network…

Jun 25, 2015: Did the movie Interstellar move you? Here’s a wedding reading you might like then…

Jun 24, 2015: #Repost @aaronshumphotography with @repostapp. ・・・ Elopement | I normally don’t kiss and t………

Jun 24, 2015: This couple are eloping so they can’t show their faces on TV, because their parents don’t know that they got married …

Jun 24, 2015: This couple are eloping so they can’t show their faces on TV, because their parents don’t ………

Jun 24, 2015: Our awesome information night is tonight! You can still register at………

Jun 24, 2015: A look back at the history of marriage in Australia…

Jun 24, 2015: Pocket Apple Watch…

Jun 24, 2015: The most I’ve been excited by a USB drive in quite a while…

Jun 24, 2015: How to unplug your wedding…

Jun 23, 2015: One woman’s quest to change her last name after her wedding…

Jun 23, 2015: Just realised I’m now authorised to marry same sex couples … in the USA! Such a long way to travel to access equality.

Jun 23, 2015: #hawaiipopupwedding……

Jun 23, 2015:…

Jun 23, 2015: All ready to make husbands and wives in Hawaii!!!!……

Jun 23, 2015: That’s a bit cray cray, Ruddy.

Jun 23, 2015: Phillip Ruddock on Q&amp;A last night proposed rescinding the authority of civil celebrants, closing 8800 small businesses in Australia.

Jun 23, 2015: Post-donut apocalypse with @lemontreefilmhouse &amp; @hellobrittanyjane……

Jun 23, 2015: Seth Godin on plans … wedding plans…

Jun 23, 2015: Does lying about your wedding being a wedding save you money?…

Jun 22, 2015: Send your enemy panties. There is a whole cottage industry dedicated to sending things to your enemies now.…

Jun 22, 2015: How to get married in Bali … maybe even with an Australian celebrant like me :)…

Jun 22, 2015: Why aren’t there any homeless people in Dreamworld? Can the rest of Australia learn from this progressive local community?

Jun 21, 2015: Seriously……

Jun 21, 2015: Business idea: pools without water for people who can’t swim.

Jun 21, 2015:……

Jun 21, 2015: When I’m your celebrant I’ll print your vows onto these snazzy greeting cards that @sennaj………

Jun 21, 2015: The problem with wedding photographers is ……

Jun 21, 2015: Courtney &amp; Shane #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 20, 2015: Unbelievable upside-down hanging cake by Lui &amp; Angie’s maid of honour, Nicky, of @sugarbom…… …

Jun 20, 2015: The last #vikandjemswedding selfie we were able to take before the zombies attached. Vik ………

Jun 20, 2015: Some people eat their emotions. I just buy new neckwear. Sorry, @hellobrittanyjane.……

Jun 20, 2015: Lui + Angie #marriedbyjosh #luckyus……

Jun 20, 2015: I’d like to think that pop stars just spend their weekends watching their old music videos, shaking their heads…

Jun 20, 2015: “I Like You” and I also really like reading this reading at weddings!…

Jun 20, 2015: I just married Joe and Julie ahead of their Viking ceremony this afternoon. This is us sca………

Jun 20, 2015: “Why pop-up?” by my friend Bianca…

Jun 19, 2015: Hashtag, awesomefriendsareawesome…

Jun 19, 2015: Excitement is brewing around the Withers house as we just secured tickets to see @replyall in a live podcast recording while we’re in NYC!

Jun 19, 2015: Me! on “Save The Date” the wedding podcast…

Jun 19, 2015: Everything I’ve ever done……

Jun 19, 2015: My big celebrant secret: I don’t read a ceremony from a script…

Jun 18, 2015: Donation made!…

Jun 18, 2015: PM announces plan to put wind turbines inside unused sheds…

Jun 18, 2015: “Search for Josh Withers now” - 97.3fm…

Jun 18, 2015: The Internet’s Pub…

Jun 18, 2015: This thought about perfect, and in my mind, perfect weddings, has been rattling around my head for days…

Jun 17, 2015: I spent this evening with Danielle and her team from white+white weddings and events dream………

Jun 17, 2015: I’ll always remember the day I met the late Gold Coast Mayor, Ron Clarke, and he called me Red Dog for no apparent reason.

Jun 17, 2015: Why do I need a wedding planner?…

Jun 17, 2015: Creating your wedding social media policy, a quick guide…

Jun 16, 2015: Thanks for having me, @highchurchbrisbane / @amaineventwedding / @zencatering / @therushgr………

Jun 16, 2015: It’s @highchurchbrisbane wedding open night time!……

Jun 16, 2015: Pretty disappointing to see that Chris Pratt isn’t a real velociraptor trainer.…

Jun 16, 2015: Boat stopped. Thanks, @TonyAbbottMHR…

Jun 16, 2015: A same-sex marriage ceremony between a male couple named Eddie and Al and Paul Simon is the wedding singer, dream wedding.

Jun 16, 2015: Thanks for today, @thephotoboothguys! #opd2015 #AustralianCelebrationsTraining……

Jun 16, 2015: Talking #Instagram with some help from @thephotoboothguys @ @thephotoboothgirl at #opd2015……

Jun 16, 2015: Teaching @Instagram at #AustralianCelebrationsTraining #celebrant #opd2015 with a little h………

Jun 16, 2015: Love me some Huey Lewis and Method Man wedding readings…

Jun 16, 2015: The common problem with wedding ceremony chairs…

Jun 15, 2015: Erryday……

Jun 15, 2015: Beyond almost all doubt I can say there is not a single USB-C storage device in Queensland available for purchase.

Jun 15, 2015: Planning for a marriage, not a wedding…

Jun 15, 2015: In today’s mail: a new @peggyandfinn wooden tie clip. Looks like I’m ditching the #bowtie ………

Jun 15, 2015: Andy &amp; Meredith #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 14, 2015: Can someone help with a screenshot from an Android device? Just need a screenshot of searching the Play Store for Instagram

Jun 14, 2015: My value proposition on this new wedding directory listing would be described as “strong”…

Jun 14, 2015: Enrol at wedding school today! (i.e. come to our information night)…

Jun 14, 2015: The new MacBook 12" even lacks an infra-red port so the Apple Remote doesn’t work for Keynote presentations.

Jun 14, 2015: It’s quite embarrassing for Apple and annoying for owners, that the new 12" #MacBook is so under-supplied for accessories.

Jun 14, 2015: Check out these realy weird wedding traditions…

Jun 14, 2015: Did you know that you have a fan?…

Jun 13, 2015: Weddings years ago were crazy, silly, and weird…

Jun 13, 2015: That moment when the foo wins the battle, but loses the war #FooFighters…

Jun 13, 2015: Ben &amp; Sarah #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 12, 2015: “Hey Josh, thanks for everything, and for being an important part of our special day! We c………

Jun 12, 2015: Another day, another celebrant emailing complaining about something I have no idea about…

Jun 12, 2015: Can a husband take his wife’s last name in Australia like Zoe Saldana’s husband has?…

Jun 12, 2015: My secret herbs and spices revealed…

Jun 12, 2015: Kate &amp; Dan #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 11, 2015: This Tuesday: @HighChurchBrisbane is openings the doors to #FortitudeValley’s newest weddi………

Jun 11, 2015: I’m featured in Brisbane Wedding Weekly Magazine…

Jun 11, 2015: “Now that the dust has settled on the wedding, honeymoon, move to Brisbane and new jobs, R………

Jun 11, 2015: I’m not that good of a tourist.

Jun 11, 2015: We’re going to New York next month and the only plan I have for the city is to read the New York Times in a Starbucks one morning.

Jun 11, 2015: Lee and Courtney#marriedbyjosh…

Jun 11, 2015: Pre-marriage education, and everything you need to know about it…

Jun 11, 2015: People often ask me what Britt’s role in our business is. This photo is an accurate descr………

Jun 11, 2015: || ONE MONTH! || only one month till the @popupwed is headed to @shambamalaika - yayyy!! 👰………

Jun 10, 2015: There are two ways of saying the monitum. Like a weirdo and with class.……

Jun 10, 2015: Terrible weddings have these things in common…

Jun 10, 2015: I’ve gone gold #MacBook……

Jun 10, 2015: Walking into the Apple Store and still don’t know what laptop I want to buy.

Jun 10, 2015: Kat &amp; Dan #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 10, 2015: We’re being awesome Instagramographers today at Cedar Creek Estate Vineyard and Winery tod………

Jun 10, 2015: My beautiful wife!…

Jun 10, 2015: “We’ve never been to a wedding as amazing as ours! Josh, you are a legend and that’s reall………

Jun 9, 2015: Creating an awesome wedding can be crazy hard, come along to this info night to get some help from me and my friends…

Jun 9, 2015: Hashtag, advertising…

Jun 9, 2015: “If the world is cold, make it your business to build fires.” - Author, Horace Traubel, describing the very basic fundamentals of business

Jun 9, 2015: Rockin the #973fm studios today with my old mate Enis!……

Jun 9, 2015: Much excitement in the #MarriedByJosh office today as the first issue of #CatalystWedMag l………

Jun 9, 2015: Immerse yourself in wedding planning goodness with me, G&amp;M DJs, In the Booth, and Beautifu………

Jun 9, 2015: Why gay brides and grooms are the luckiest…

Jun 9, 2015: I was hoping for some Apple laptop refreshes this week but they don’t look like they’re coming and my MacBook Air 11" is showing its …

Jun 9, 2015: Does anyone know anyone who owns the new 12" MacBook?

Jun 9, 2015: “AMAZING! This sums up everything Josh was on our wedding day. He made our ceremony everyt………

Jun 9, 2015: Let me help you understand wedding traditions…

Jun 9, 2015: Million dollar business idea: start a touring New Radicals covers band called the Old Radicals.

Jun 8, 2015: Natasha &amp; Gavin #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 8, 2015: They say our brain is our greatest enemy, but that’s exactly what the drop bears want you to think.

Jun 8, 2015: Really excited to see more of @jimmy_izophotography’s pics from @popupwed’s #perthpopupwed………

Jun 8, 2015: Found this bargain at Robina K-Mart today…

Jun 8, 2015: Kaycee &amp; Ben 💏 #marriedbyjosh at #Brisbane’s fanciest burger bar, @ChurBurgerBrisbane 🍔 an…… …

Jun 8, 2015: || MEN || feel like spoiling your man this long weekend? Our friends, @peggyandfinn, are h………

Jun 8, 2015: Ben &amp; Kaycee getting it on like Marvin Gaye #marriedbyjosh Prep Venue: @trypbrisbane #Cer………

Jun 8, 2015: Read this White Magazine interview: The Young Celebrant…

Jun 8, 2015: Caitlin’s my hero…

Jun 8, 2015: Paper, rock scissors to decide who exchanges their vows first. Ben &amp; Kaycee #marriedbyjosh………

Jun 7, 2015: What is a pop-up wedding?…

Jun 7, 2015: It’s an extraordinary gesture to love someone, beaten by only one thing, to be loved by so………

Jun 7, 2015: Ben &amp; Kaycee #marriedbyjosh at @churburgerbrisbane!……

Jun 7, 2015: I’m leaving the sexist part of the wedding industry &amp; joining the feminists……

Jun 7, 2015: A to-do list for the groom…

Jun 7, 2015: How to be a kick ass Master of Ceremonies/MC…

Jun 6, 2015: The problem with having a problem with the wedding industry…

Jun 6, 2015: Lisa Simpson on marriage, for your wedding ceremony……

Jun 6, 2015: Brian &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 6, 2015: “Communication maketh a marriage” - Connie, my marriage educator friend…

Jun 6, 2015: Patrick &amp; Yolanda #MarriedByJosh at #BroadwayChapel……

Jun 6, 2015: Diamonds are BS … #OopsIDidItAgain…

Jun 5, 2015: Had so much fun on this podcast!…

Jun 5, 2015: Looovveee this new feminist wedding mag…

Jun 5, 2015: Look out for our story in an upcoming edition of U on Sunday in The Sunday Mail! :)

Jun 5, 2015: Get married online…

Jun 5, 2015: How to avoid seeing your dressmaker or wedding supplier in the TV news…

Jun 4, 2015: A fairy tale wedding reading…

Jun 4, 2015: Really impressed with Google Inbox. I just booked flights and accommodation &amp; it groups them automatically like this…

Jun 4, 2015: ‘Union’ by Robert Fulghum……

Jun 4, 2015: Chris and Melissa #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 3, 2015: 2015 Wedding trends according to reputable newspaper, The Onion…

Jun 3, 2015: I don’t have much consistency in my life, but there is this one thing: for the last 4yrs I have accidentally been in Sydney on June the 3rd.

Jun 3, 2015: In the end it always ends up being cheaper to not fly @JetstarAirways doesn’t it.

Jun 3, 2015: GC-SYD @JetstarAirways flight running 20 minutes late so now the staff have free time they weigh everyone’s bags, charge Britt $100 for 1kg.

Jun 3, 2015: Will I do a nude wedding?…

Jun 3, 2015: Honoured to be spending the day with Sydney’s best celebrants in their OPD training!

Jun 3, 2015: Voting closes soon for “Most popular celebrant” in the WIE Awards! Vote for me now at:…

Jun 2, 2015: What do I talk about in a wedding ceremony?…

Jun 2, 2015: I had a chat to ABC news about the gender-biased monitum required in every wedding ceremony…

Jun 2, 2015: Ryan Jon invited me onto his new podcast, 30 minutes talking all about me, if you’re into that!…

Jun 1, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Lisa and Alex at Spicers Clovellt Estate! #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 1, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Lisa and Alex at Spicers Clovellt Estate! #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 1, 2015: I’m using a new PA system; and why you care…

Jun 1, 2015: Pretty things for brides…

Jun 1, 2015: Why I joined the cast of Married At First Sight…

Jun 1, 2015: Working out of the #MarriedByJosh NSW South Coast, Bulli Branch Office today……

May 31, 2015: If you were outraged by Married At First Sight, make sure you watch My Online Pride straight after it!…

May 31, 2015: No-one is giving you a $6000 wedding gift, so beware of frendors…

May 31, 2015: How about that sunset … and all the photographers……

May 31, 2015: QF864, Gold Coast bound…

May 31, 2015: Why did I leave breakfast radio and become a wedding celebrant?…

May 31, 2015: “In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others” - Deuteronomy ………

May 31, 2015: REGRAM TO WIN the full Say It With Polish range plus $300 towards the Australian pop-up we………

May 31, 2015: #Repost @popupwed: || PERTH || We love that @poppyandwillowblooms thought a little outside………

May 31, 2015: Just a regular Sunday at the office……

May 31, 2015: #MarriedByJosh Mythbusting: “Can you get drunk before your wedding ceremony?”…

May 31, 2015: Why marry? The question Australia should be asking today…

May 31, 2015: Very modern ‘book in the bookshelf……

May 30, 2015: Creative ways to reduce your wedding budget [Warning: this is a joke]…

May 30, 2015: Brisbane ✈️ Sydney

May 30, 2015: Chris + Ellie #marriedbyjosh!……

May 30, 2015: Ryan and Meika #marriedbyjosh…

May 30, 2015: Nicole and Justine make Beautiful Weddings…

May 30, 2015: Really enjoyed this photo essay by Ashleigh Croxford​ from her trip to Bali :)…

May 30, 2015: I chatted to Lui from Max FM Taree this week, listen here:…

May 29, 2015: Thanks for having us #Perth! We’re back for the next #perthpopupwedding on September 20 in………

May 29, 2015: So freaking nice to be back in Queensland … if only for 20 hours.

May 29, 2015: Twenty wedding hacks…

May 29, 2015: Zach Braff’s wedding photobomb is a smilemaker…

May 29, 2015: Perth ✈️ Brisbane

May 29, 2015: Meet my friend Josh that makes films…

May 29, 2015: James &amp; Michelle #marriedbyjosh at Jonah’s Whale Beach on #MarriedAtFirstSight more pics at… …

May 29, 2015: Downloaded my magazines and newspapers for my flight home today, thanks @Qantas!…

May 29, 2015: This is cool for @Qantas frequent flyers…

May 28, 2015: Nick &amp; Nikki #marriedbyjosh at the @kidogoarthouse @popupwed photographed by @Jimmy_iZOPhoto! #popupwedding…

May 28, 2015: Animated wedding GIFs are … sah in right now…

May 28, 2015: The boring wedding checklist…

May 28, 2015: Go Nicole! The Botanist in The Weekend Edition…

May 28, 2015: Dear Internet, please help, I think “Muffin Like Our Coffee” is an awesome coffee shop name. Britt thinks it’s stupid. Please …

May 28, 2015: I think it’s safe to say we’re not moving here soon lol.

May 28, 2015: Britt’s read on Bunbury: it’s a town full of adult stores, cash converters and real estate agents.

May 27, 2015: We’ve had a powerful week in Western Australia. Two days of Pop-Up Weddings marrying 24 co………

May 27, 2015: Share this blog post with a wedding guest … so they know…

May 27, 2015: People still recognise me as “that celebrant off the Today Show” … which is pretty freaking cool…

May 27, 2015: Music industry awesome friend of mine shares his thoughts on choosing your wedding songs…

May 27, 2015: Only in the west…

May 26, 2015: Photographer friends of mine first-look photos…

May 26, 2015: Spent today training 14 of Mandurah’s finest celebrants!

May 26, 2015: Photographer friends of mine favourite ceremony locations!…

May 26, 2015: “Don’t stress” says Nicole…

May 25, 2015: Sitting down and watching #MarriedAtFirstSight in a resort in Mandurah with Britt for the first time. It’s a great show!

May 25, 2015: We married 24 couples, 48 people, with a bunch of our amazing friends this Sunday/Monday. ………

May 25, 2015: Michael &amp; Alyssa #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!!!……

May 25, 2015: Milly &amp; Errol #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!……

May 25, 2015: Toby &amp; Teiga #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!……

May 25, 2015: Photographer friends of mine favourite location shoots…

May 25, 2015: Tim &amp; Skye #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!……

May 25, 2015: Photographer friends of mine share their favourite wedding style…

May 25, 2015: Lauren &amp; Hayden #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!……

May 25, 2015: Tim &amp; Britt #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!……

May 25, 2015: Photographer friends of mine share their favourite bridal parties…

May 25, 2015: Hayden &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding……

May 25, 2015: Nic &amp; Nikki #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!……

May 25, 2015: Damien &amp; Candice #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding……

May 25, 2015: #perthpopupwedding day two!……

May 24, 2015: The best way to spend a day in Perth: marrying 14 couples with @shortydale at the @popupwe………

May 24, 2015: How I feel after the past month of Married at First Sight complaints to me, the Attorney-G………

May 24, 2015: Ben &amp; Yvonne #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding!……

May 24, 2015: Dear #Perth: a #Fremantle Japanese restaurant open tonight, go!

May 24, 2015: Carly &amp; Tyson #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding……

May 24, 2015: A real honour to be workung with #Perth’s best #celebrant today at the #perthpopupwedding.………

May 24, 2015: Hashtagging your #wedding #likeabaws…

May 24, 2015: Luke &amp; Danica #marriedbyjosh at the #perthpopupwedding……

May 24, 2015: Craig &amp; Katrina #marriedbyjosh #perthpopupwedding #popupwedding……

May 24, 2015: Brenton and Jess #marriedbyjosh…

May 24, 2015: Scott &amp; Wendy #marriedbyjosh! #perthpopupwedding #popupwedding……

May 24, 2015: “Be perfectly imperfect” a new wedding reading…

May 24, 2015: Carl &amp; Annie #marriedbyjosh #perthpopupwedding #popupwedding……

May 24, 2015: It’s #perthpopupwedding time!……

May 24, 2015: Lady in Fremantle store is excited about “getting home to watch ‘The Dockers’”. Britt asks her “is that that new reality …

May 24, 2015: We took off from Brisbane and chased the sun to Perth tonight. The Qantas 737 lost out to ………

May 23, 2015: Bart &amp; Viv #marriedbyjosh…

May 23, 2015: Bali-Brisbane midnight to 6am this morning. Wedding today. Brisbane-Perth 5pm-11pm tonight. I’m so tired already.

May 23, 2015: Here’s a crazy wedding idea: intimate ceremony, massive reception…

May 23, 2015: “Dear weddings, it’s not 2004 anymore”…

May 23, 2015: Nicolas &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh!……

May 22, 2015: I’ll always appreciate Bali’s dedication to 100% genuine fakes…

May 22, 2015: Jalan Mertanadi…

May 22, 2015: Brisbane bound

May 22, 2015: Our little slice of heaven for the past week……

May 22, 2015: Nick and Jen #marriedbyjosh…

May 22, 2015: Awesome wedding vows, a how-to guide…

May 22, 2015: Fran and Esteban #marriedbyjosh…

May 22, 2015: I love trekkin across this crazy beautiful universe with her……

May 21, 2015: How much does an Australian wedding cost? And is yours more or less?…

May 21, 2015: john Legend’s favourite blog post of mine…

May 21, 2015: Carla is my friend that makes pretty dresses…

May 21, 2015: Thinking back to last year when Britt &amp; I joined the #Letterman audience, and Taylor Swift looked at me…

May 21, 2015:……

May 21, 2015: “BTW, saw you on tv the other night…great work but your tie was a bit boring lol.” - every single email this week

May 20, 2015: See you tomorrow, sun!……

May 20, 2015: Beach club lyf #mozaic……

May 20, 2015: 5 complete BS things people think about weddings…

May 20, 2015: Lisa and George #marriedbyjosh…

May 20, 2015: I’m a hat guy now. Much to @hellobrittanyjane’s displeasure.……

May 20, 2015: Oops! I tripped and accidentally had a weird wedding…

May 20, 2015: Breakfast at #SeaCircus always comes with free quotespiration……

May 20, 2015: Does the ATO normally tax illegal activity? Would love to hear the taxi council on this one.…

May 20, 2015: This up and coming band is playing in Bali while we’re here. How lucky are we!……

May 19, 2015: The Bali skyline is scattered with kites each night. Much better than the skyscrapers of h………

May 19, 2015: Want to watch me marry two strangers? Channel 9 tonight after 9:30pm #MarriedAtFirstSight has an encore screening!

May 19, 2015: Everyone’s emailing today…

May 19, 2015: Stacey and Nathan #marriedbyjosh…

May 19, 2015: What to do after your wedding…

May 19, 2015: Jed and Kate #marriedbyjosh…

May 19, 2015: Everyone’s emailing today…

May 19, 2015: “We and I were searching for a celebrant who suited our relaxed style. After looking throu………

May 19, 2015: Woohoo…

May 19, 2015: Woohoo…

May 19, 2015: Everyone’s biggest #MarriedAtFirstSight complaint: “where’s the bow tie?” It was waiting on the sidelines, just waiting for a …

May 18, 2015: Boycotting #MarriedAtFirstSight over #marriageequality is a flawed concept. Approach the subject with research, thought, and positive action

May 18, 2015: So boycott government … or something smart like that xoxo

May 18, 2015: Dear Australia, neither @Channel9, #MarriedAtFirstSight, or Ai hold the power of #marriageequality in our hands. You do, when you vote.

May 18, 2015: How do I continually end up in controversy?…

May 18, 2015: Home! #Bali #Bintang #JoshTheBogan……

May 18, 2015: You’re going to love this marriage proposal video…

May 18, 2015: Lovey dovey stuff without the corn…

May 18, 2015: Alan Turing, The Imitation Game, and marriage equality…

May 18, 2015: Mike &amp; Sandi #marriedbyjosh…

May 18, 2015: I’m nominated for most popular celebrant in the “Wedding Industry Experts Awards”!! Vote now… …

May 18, 2015: What’s so great about nerd weddings? Let me tell you :)…

May 18, 2015: We’re coming for you, @hellobrittanyjane!!……

May 18, 2015: Please don’t go into debt to celebrate a marriage…

May 18, 2015: Bali bound doing radio interviews in the Qantas Club……

May 18, 2015: Chatting to Ryan &amp; Rosie on @hotfmwa this morning about #MarriedAtFirstSight

May 17, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Jesse and Timothy at Alexander Clark Park, Loganholme, Queensland 4129! #marriedbyjosh…

May 17, 2015: Thanks for the update…

May 17, 2015: Earth’s most brutal wedding invitation…

May 17, 2015: #MarriedAtFirstSight tomorrow night on Channel 9! I’ll be out of the country as it airs, s………

May 17, 2015: You’re going to love #MarriedAtFirstSight on Ch9! (Josh cameo alert)…

May 17, 2015: Simpsons Couch Gag | Rick and Morty | Awesome…

May 17, 2015: Some of my favourite wedding readings…

May 17, 2015: A groom asks “Does a marriage have to be consummated?”…

May 17, 2015: The Pitch Perfect 2 review we all wanted to write…

May 17, 2015: Prepare to have your mind blown: the clock at #DoughnutTime is always correct because IT’S………

May 17, 2015: You’re right, it’s probably too late for you to do that thing you that would be awesome…

May 16, 2015: Excited for you guys to see this!…

May 16, 2015: Ricky &amp; Amy #marriedbyjosh…

May 16, 2015: Shane &amp; Gemma #marriedbyjosh……

May 16, 2015: Love re-watching this video from the time we were all on Seven Sunrise!…

May 16, 2015: Scott &amp; Rebecca #marriedbyjosh…

May 16, 2015: Stuart &amp; Peta #marriedbyjosh!……

May 16, 2015: I just backed The Frustrated State on @Kickstarter… #rebootau

May 16, 2015: As beautiful as @facebook instant articles are, it’s a death notice for not only the web, but the independent publisher.

May 16, 2015: Wesley gets it // @humansofny…

May 16, 2015: Most ridiculous product of the week award goes to… - Instagram filters for your eyes.

May 15, 2015: Lachlan &amp; Clare #marriedbyjosh #kindof #MarriedAtFirstSight…

May 15, 2015: Clare’s freaking out, she doesn’t have the right flowers, cuts to her groom, Lachlan “I just want a laidback girl” lol …

May 15, 2015: I’ve just gotten around to watching #MarriedAtFirstSight it is so good!…

May 15, 2015: Rebecca &amp; Todd #marriedbyjosh…

May 15, 2015: Thank you for your service, Richester.…

May 15, 2015: Soo much traffic between me and a beer…

May 15, 2015: Chris &amp; Simone #marriedbyjosh!……

May 15, 2015: Woah! You miss two eps of @atpfm and step back into a war of the sexes. I have a dream that one day penises and vaginas will hold hands.

May 15, 2015: Ian and Larissa’s marriage story is pretty cool!…

May 15, 2015: I’m so torn. I want all the gadgets, like this Lily Camera.…

May 15, 2015: That little show I’m in is live on Jumpin to watch right now………

May 15, 2015: #MarriedAtFirstSight is live on @9jumpin now……

May 15, 2015: Britt’s on holidays 5 days earlier than I am…

May 15, 2015: I just burst in on Daz &amp; Dea’s family brunch at Harbour Town Gold Coast to surprise marry …… …

May 15, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Hayley and Theshan at Osteria! #marriedbyjosh…

May 15, 2015: I need me a weed pen vapor thing.…

May 15, 2015: How are our #cats even alive if they’re chewing on electrical leads??……

May 15, 2015: Hey @Molhoek, can I do a wedding here yet? :)…

May 15, 2015: Guy using his laptop weirdly is my favourite guy, I see him most mornings at the post office bus stop…

May 14, 2015: Pistol and Boooooo!, am I right?

May 14, 2015: Check out the video of the new Triple M Adelaide radio show now that Andrew Jarman won’t be on air anymore…

May 14, 2015: Apparently, somewhere in here, is an article by me, in Japan’s FQ Magazine #ImBigInJapan…

May 14, 2015: Wedding processional, aisle, and recessional, exit song suggestions…

May 14, 2015: Nathan and Lauren #marriedbyjosh…

May 14, 2015: “TV isn’t dying, it’s having babies.”…

May 14, 2015: Any chance of a Perth audio hire person being on Twitter and helping me find a Sennheiser LSP-500 to hire in Perth?

May 14, 2015: Can someone please do a video mashup of Barnaby Joyce and Captain Jack Sparrow in a sword-fight please.

May 14, 2015: Breaking News: “Yeah, nah, well, ya know” says Senator Glenn Lazarus on the forming of his own political party.

May 14, 2015: Do you even detox?…

May 14, 2015: “Marriage celibate”??!! Thanks @stuartlayt lol

May 13, 2015: I want to be in 1972, in this audience, just singing along…

May 13, 2015: Just searched the house for Britt’s travel credit card. She has wayyyyy too many handbags. And one travel credit card.

May 13, 2015: Fame, yo…

May 13, 2015: This is why I’ll only do weddings in front of water features when there is a videographer :)…

May 13, 2015: Etihad has launched (the first that I have heard of) premium Twitter acc, only certain freq flyers are allowed access…

May 13, 2015: JUST SAW MYSELF ON TV! #OMG…

May 13, 2015: “We knew you’d make us laugh and we don’t want to cry!” Kaycee &amp; Ben told me as we planned their Chur Burger alleyway …

May 13, 2015: I like winning free things so I tweet to gain an extra entry like a baws… via @tnwdeals

May 13, 2015: I like winning free things so I tweet to gain an extra entry like a baws… via @tnwdeals

May 12, 2015: Have I ever rocked a wedding that you’ve been at? Then I’d appreciate your vote at… :)

May 12, 2015: “Guess it’s time to open the old ‘There’s very little in the budget for families’ MS Word template again” - family …

May 12, 2015: Zoe and Matt have just booked me for their wedding in a funeral home. I’m now researching costume ideas.…

May 12, 2015: “We just wanted to send a HUGE thank you for helping us have the most amazing ceremony EVE………

May 12, 2015: Brandon and Jillian #marriedbyjosh…

May 12, 2015: phone rings, I answer, silence for a moment, then an Indian accent begins speaking “Hello, am I talking to Mister Marriage?”

May 12, 2015: Why do people even use the #auspol hashtag? Like reasonable, intelligent Australians are thinking “I need to tweet with more fuckwits”

May 12, 2015: This app is a traveller’s saviour: it’s like a “WiFi only” mode for your laptop so your mobile data isn’t murdered …

May 12, 2015: How cool is this wedding photographer story - talk about going above and beyond…

May 12, 2015: Sia performs at beach wedding lead by Donald Fisher, school principal, on Home and Away #wtf…

May 12, 2015: 🎶Come sew with me, come sew, let’s sew a tie🎶 An open invitation for the Grooms of Brisban………

May 12, 2015: 🎶Come sew with me, come sew, let’s sew a tie🎶 An open invitation for the grooms of Brisbane……

May 12, 2015: Seems legit, @AFPmedia @QPSmedia, where should I surrender myself?…

May 12, 2015: Gold Coast #UberX drivers should sign up for @sherpashare via…

May 11, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Taya and Millo at The Panorama Tallai! #marriedbyjosh…

May 11, 2015: Grooms!!! We’ve got a kickass event for you involving making your own bow tie, beer, and p………

May 11, 2015: Ten wedding tasks you should be outsourcing…

May 11, 2015: Sewing for Grooms, tell the world, yo!……

May 11, 2015: Bowties, beer, poker, at the “Sewing From Grooms” class we’re holding in June!…

May 11, 2015: Booking form question: How did you find out about Josh? Booking form answer: You scared the shit out of me at a Lightspace wedding showcase.

May 11, 2015: The Pop Up Wedding is coming to Brisbane’s newest and coolest wedding venue, High Church in the Valley!…

May 11, 2015: Excited to tell everyone more about this event coming up in June! More info to come soon! ………

May 11, 2015: I really really really like this…

May 11, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Farzana and Matthew at Lightspace! #marriedbyjosh…

May 11, 2015: Britt’s guest blogging today: How to whip your wedding slaves into shape!…

May 11, 2015: Hello, @whitemagazine!……

May 11, 2015: I just unfollowed someone who had to Google how to eat lychees. Social media is a tough marketplace, yo.

May 11, 2015: He fired me once when I accidentally wiped his laptop … but hired me back fortnight later :)

May 11, 2015: A bloody good guy but equally tough businessman.

May 11, 2015: Wow. Rhys Holleran has stood down as CEO of SCA. He’s been leading the radio network, and it’s earlier incarnations, for more than 24 …

May 11, 2015: Elderly lady just called me “a gentleman and a scholar” and I’ve never felt greater pressure to go to university.

May 11, 2015: The @popupwed is going to church, @highchurchbrisbane! More info at @popupwed #popupwedd………

May 10, 2015: #StevieWithers is celebrating another #MothersDay by being completely repulsed by her adop………

May 10, 2015: 🎤Blame it on the rain, yeah, yeah🎤 Travis &amp; Michelle #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding………

May 10, 2015: People that have had a wedding, telling me what they would have changed about their wedding…

May 10, 2015: Andy and Esther #marriedbyjosh…

May 10, 2015: Check out these US wedding trends…

May 10, 2015: When I pass away I’m leaving my billions to a studio that will remake Batman vs. Superman, but they fall in love, just to troll homophobes.

May 10, 2015: Happy future-Mother’s Day to my spectacular wife, @hellobrittanyjane……

May 9, 2015: Jay &amp; Alana #marriedbyjosh…

May 9, 2015: These wedding vows are worth stealing…

May 9, 2015: Daniel &amp; Allison #marriedbyjosh!……

May 9, 2015: Opinion piece on why us kids from broken families are good peeps to hang out with…

May 9, 2015: Lachlan &amp; Lauren #marriedbyjosh!……

May 9, 2015: Ant &amp; Jacq #marriedbyjosh…

May 9, 2015: Three things you’ll find at every boring wedding…

May 8, 2015: Suncorp Stadium, the home of the last minute win

May 8, 2015: #Broncos……

May 8, 2015: Ray and Linda spookily #marriedbyjosh…

May 8, 2015: This is pretty cool: A childrens book made into a wedding album…

May 8, 2015: Michael &amp; Jasmine #marriedbyjosh!……

May 8, 2015: Andrew &amp; Cassie #marriedbyjosh…

May 8, 2015: Danielle &amp; Lindsay #marriedbyjosh and photographed by Andy Sun evading the zombie apocalypse…

May 8, 2015: I’m thanking the creators of Tinder in today’s wedding ceremony…

May 8, 2015: 137.82

May 8, 2015: My thoughts on the science of celebrancy…

May 8, 2015: Katie &amp; Matt #marriedbyjosh…

May 7, 2015: #truth……

May 7, 2015: My equal in crime 😍……

May 7, 2015: Britt explains the difference between a budget wedding and a wedding budget…

May 7, 2015: Dan &amp; Steph #marriedbyjosh…

May 7, 2015: A yummy version of a sand ceremony…

May 7, 2015: Took @hellobrittanyjane to church last night……

May 7, 2015: Carolyn and John #marriedbyjosh…

May 7, 2015: Married at First Sight on Channel 9 on May 18! #MarriedAU…

May 7, 2015: How to make sure your grandparents don’t fall asleep at your wedding…

May 6, 2015: Why I hate wedding ceremony rehearsals…

May 6, 2015: Viewing… on a desktop sees the advert as a background and I have to “request” the content with a mouse hover #weird

May 6, 2015:…

May 6, 2015: With any luck I’ll have one or two morals left for the back end of the year.

May 6, 2015: The irony of the morally controversial TV show I’m on airing while I’m on a moral-less holiday not boycotting Bali is not lost on me.

May 6, 2015: Please send all complaint letters to Brisbane Airport. I’ll collect them on my return from Bali :) #MarriedAU…

May 6, 2015: Pete &amp; Jodie #marriedbyjosh…

May 6, 2015: Seven ways to involve your bridal party in your ceremony…

May 6, 2015: I call this picture “Whelming Love”……

May 6, 2015: Redefine your wedding by making it a combo wedding…

May 6, 2015: Here’s to the crazy ones (I’m talking about you, Day)…

May 6, 2015: New wedding directory listing :)…

May 6, 2015: My guide to managing wedding related stress…

May 6, 2015: I’ve done the hard work and found other times in the week for you to get married!…

May 5, 2015: Danielle &amp; Lindsay #marriedbyjosh 📷 Andrew Sun……

May 5, 2015: My gorgeous @hellobrittanyjane at the #CanberraPopupwedding 📷 @silquephotography #popupwed………

May 5, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Jan and Dud at North Stathbrooke Island! #marriedbyjosh…

May 5, 2015: Madelyne &amp; Paul #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding #popupwedding 📷 @theleftlanephotogra………

May 5, 2015: Avoid having a terrible wedding, have an awesome wedding instead!…

May 5, 2015: How to memorise your vows…

May 5, 2015: Thanks to Wedding Pages for listing me :)…

May 5, 2015: Help crowdsource a new tagline for Josh Withers Wedding Celebrant #oneliner…

May 5, 2015: Can someone lend me $1000 to bail me out of this Charlotte jail?…

May 5, 2015: Breaking News: journalists hit the streets to find out just how beautiful the newborn Royal baby’s name is.

May 5, 2015: Bride uses her phone down the aisle … of course…

May 5, 2015: 135.72

May 5, 2015: The blog post that welcomed the haters into my inbox. Bless you guys! #shakeitoff…

May 5, 2015: Sarah &amp; Gareth #marriedbyjosh 📷 @jessmarksphoto……

May 4, 2015: “To say that our day was really and truly made perfect by having the greatest celebrant ev………

May 4, 2015: Raoul and Rosie’s surprise Mexican wedding fiesta! #marriedbyjosh…

May 4, 2015: The worst wedding video cameraman I’ve seen - so awkward…

May 4, 2015: What comes out of the speakers when I’m speaking at a marriage ceremony?……

May 4, 2015: For $37 you can get lei’d on arrival at Honolulu International. Cheap lei.

May 4, 2015: Happy #MayTheFourth! #maythefourthbewithyou Ryan &amp; Meika #marriedbyjosh 📷 Red Apple Photo………

May 4, 2015: Happy #MayTheFourth! #MayTheFourthBeWithYou Ryan &amp; Meika #marriedbyjosh and pics by Red Apple Photography…

May 4, 2015: Found a partial $10 on my driveway - what to do with it?…

May 4, 2015: All the things I say at a wedding ceremony.…

May 4, 2015: Dear Mr Bank Manager…

May 3, 2015: Shane &amp; Candice #marriedbyjosh……

May 3, 2015: I’ve got a new PA system for your wedding, and it’s gonna rock!…

May 3, 2015: 28 wedding ceremonies this month. Oh my lord. I think I need a nap.

May 3, 2015: So @hellobrittanyjane, @biancaway, @dilquephotography &amp; @poacherspantry created #popupwedd………

May 3, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Kelcie and Arndt at Pizzey Park pine forest! #marriedbyjosh…

May 3, 2015: Breather - Get peace and quiet, on demand - I want all of this!…

May 3, 2015: Did you know that in a Melbourne school hall right now there is another big award night on with confiused sponsorship, the TV Week Loogies.

May 3, 2015: Meet my friend Michelle. She makes pretty things that I know nothing about!……

May 3, 2015: Floyd Mayweather remains unbeaten, a title most of his former girlfriends cannot lay claim to.

May 3, 2015: Sweet sweet pretty things for brides…

May 3, 2015: Crowd cheers for the homophobe, boos for the woman beater. Hard choice to make cheerers.

May 3, 2015: I’ve always wanted to call an Uber from inside Word…

May 3, 2015: Don’t you hate it when you’re sitting there minding your own business and suddenly remember how much you don’t care about the …

May 2, 2015: Pretty proud to associate myself with 36 of the country’s best celebrants … check out these hot peeps…

May 2, 2015: Monorail is crawling back to the Oasis with lights off. Dodgy!

May 2, 2015: Broadbeach Monorail has been stuck in between Oasis &amp; Jupiters for more than 10 min. They keep restarting its power.…

May 2, 2015: Q&amp;A on video: Why did I become a celebrant?……

May 2, 2015: If you want to know what a celebrant’s nightmares look like, last night I dreamt I was at a wedding and my pants were inside out.

May 2, 2015: Dane &amp; Janelle #marriedbyjosh……

May 2, 2015: Tough day at the office……

May 2, 2015: If you want to try Uber out for the first time, here’s $25 to spend tonight: use the promo code THANKSJOSH.

May 2, 2015: Normy from Divine Studios asks me why I became a celebrant…

May 2, 2015: Have we reached peak mason jar?…

May 1, 2015: News headline: Husband of the year goes shopping for wife.……

May 1, 2015: Brad &amp; Kelly #marriedbyjosh……

May 1, 2015: John &amp; Mel #marriedbyjosh……

May 1, 2015: Two rich people expecting baby tease the peasants. Call the bully police asap!

May 1, 2015: Sometimes I look back over my typos and just cry, a little bit …

May 1, 2015: An aviation need #popup wedding? @chrisbrownie @MolksTVTalk…

Apr 30, 2015: The joy in her eyes #aggiewithers……

Apr 29, 2015: Ardy &amp; Hannah’s wedding is just the party that keeps on giving.?how is this pic!? 📷 @pruef…… …

Apr 29, 2015: #IChooseUber……

Apr 29, 2015: A million trips in #UberX’s first year in Brisbane. That’s 2700+ trips each day. #IChooseUber

Apr 29, 2015: Almost 1M trips have been taken on #UberX in #Brisbane in the last year #Happy1stBirthdayUberX #Uber

Apr 29, 2015: This video has blown my mind. Unlearning how to ride a bike and how that affects your bias.…

Apr 29, 2015: We’ve got to deal with issues, not boycott.

Apr 29, 2015: We can’t just boycott shit every time we emotionally react to something. There’ll be no-one left in business eventually.

Apr 29, 2015: But sure, boycott Bali like a n00b.

Apr 29, 2015: Everyone’s boycotting Bali while it’s our AFP made the decision to not deal with the smuggling on Aust soil, but to dob them in to …

Apr 29, 2015: “We just wanted to say a massive thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making Saturd………

Apr 29, 2015: Four media appearances in the last 24 hours - the media tart is back!

Apr 29, 2015: Oh my god. Put the cameras down for a moment. Turn off the uplink. #Bali9

Apr 29, 2015: Live on 92.5 Gold FM soon!……

Apr 28, 2015: Britt and I join #SaveTheDate, the wedding podcast, such a great show!…

Apr 28, 2015: And although I don;t miss corporate employment, at least I had a work finish time. Not any more.

Apr 28, 2015: I do not miss corporate employment at all.

Apr 28, 2015: Just got an email auto reply from someone in a large Australian media company, they’re away for the day for a “Culture Day”.

Apr 28, 2015: Who the feck has been looking at my profile page?…

Apr 28, 2015: Proud to be a founding member of the International Association of Professional Wedding Officiants!…

Apr 28, 2015: Launching a pretty freaking cool competition with @PopUpWed tonight!

Apr 28, 2015: Married At First Sight and why the legalities don’t matter so much……

Apr 28, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Erin and Aris at Kurilpa Park next to GOMA! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 28, 2015: “I laughed, I cried, I signed” - Hannah, from the renowned duo, Hannah &amp; Ardy #marriedbyjo…… …

Apr 28, 2015: While mum’s away, our kitties get spoilt #steviewithers #aggiewithers……

Apr 28, 2015: I feel like movie piracy wouldn’t happen so much if they gave it a less-cool name, like movie algebra.

Apr 28, 2015: For when your husband dies. Oh my lord.…

Apr 28, 2015: Photographer friends of mine travelled through #Nepal and are selling prints to raise funds to help rebuild…

Apr 28, 2015: Why I joined the cast of Married At First Sight…

Apr 28, 2015: How everyone needs to rate their #Uber driver - via @dallasclayton……

Apr 28, 2015: “If you gotta go…GO WITH A SMILE!”…

Apr 28, 2015: Writing a blog post at the moment based around this image - pic by Port Macquarie’s Iron and Clay Photography…

Apr 28, 2015: OMFG…

Apr 28, 2015: One woman murdered every 84 hours in Australia this year already. That’s 33 men that need to deal with their shit wayyyy better.

Apr 28, 2015: I don’t use, deal, or like drugs and even I’m feeling uneasy about going to Bali in a few weeks :/

Apr 28, 2015: It’s astounding how many people named Josh Withers think that their email address is joshwithers at gmail dot com. 5-20 emails daily.

Apr 28, 2015:… &lt;- it’s AirBnB but for meals

Apr 28, 2015: Aussie startup disrupting childcare…

Apr 28, 2015: Hoping to do a non-weird unity ceremony at your wedding?…

Apr 28, 2015: Alex &amp; Tamara #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 27, 2015: One of these people isn’t going to be at home when I get there. Come home, @hellobrittanyj………

Apr 27, 2015: #Repost from @styleleaisle: Hannah + Ardy Maleny Retreat @styleleaisle @gingerlilyrose @………

Apr 27, 2015: How terribly awkward. Celebrant at my class doesn’t know I’m on #MarriedAU and is actively protesting against #MarriedAU.

Apr 27, 2015: #Celebrant news: There were 11,200 civil marriage celebrants in 2013, 10,700 last year, 8,900 last week. Expected to drop again in July.

Apr 27, 2015: Leading a class of celebrants in changes to the marriage paperwork today, plus a class on performing ceremonies, and SEO, in Teneriffe!

Apr 26, 2015: Best thing about self-employment? If I tweet something unpopular there’s only a few hundred people each year to fire me, instead of just one

Apr 26, 2015:……

Apr 26, 2015: I’ve lived in so many different cities around Australia, and I have loved all of them. Gol………

Apr 26, 2015: I have the coolest freakin job in the world. I get to walk up there and turn the mic on, m………

Apr 26, 2015: Hannah and Ardy #marriedbyjosh in a better lit #celebrantselfie thanks to photographic gui………

Apr 26, 2015: Hannah &amp; Ardy #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 26, 2015: Today. OMG.……

Apr 26, 2015: A note on wedding frendors (friend vendors) and saving $6000…

Apr 26, 2015: thinks up hilarious tweet waits for retweets whilst sobbing

Apr 26, 2015: “I’m just a tuna roll girl living in a sashimi world” - girl catching the Sushi Train going anywhere, just now

Apr 26, 2015: “We’re just a really boring couple”, a bride and groom I married this week, tried to convi…… …

Apr 25, 2015: Trap? lol…

Apr 25, 2015: John &amp; Kelly #marriedbyjosh at dusk……

Apr 25, 2015: Mathew &amp; Tegan #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 25, 2015: #MyIdol has done a pretty remarkable job of recreating me inside an app…

Apr 25, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Karina and Trystan at macarther park weddings! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 25, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying joey and blair at botanicals! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 25, 2015: My family lost our Nanna today. 94 well-lived years. Miss you Nan.……

Apr 25, 2015: My socks often don’t match with anything, today they match my phone case #HappySocks #SpottyWeddingCelebrant…

Apr 25, 2015: Good morning, Currumbin, another proud day to be Australian. Lest we forget.……

Apr 25, 2015: Bloody proud day to be an Australian. I love that an intrinsic part of our culture is sacrifice, commitment and loyalty. Lest we forget.

Apr 24, 2015: Damien &amp; Cass 💏 #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding at #summergrove last Sunday! 😎 Coope………

Apr 24, 2015: Sean &amp; Emma #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 24, 2015: In case you missed it, I’m in the SMH/WAToday talking about #MarriedAU…

Apr 24, 2015: I spoke to Fairfax Media about Married At First Sight and why I was hesitant at first to j………

Apr 24, 2015: If you like reading your news with a local temp at the top, I’m also on @brisbanetimes…

Apr 24, 2015: I spoke to @candice_barnes at @WAtoday about #MarriedAU and why I was hesitant at first to join the show…

Apr 24, 2015: 135.89

Apr 23, 2015:…

Apr 23, 2015: Me + @ThePhotoBoothGuys = ‘some awesome’ 😎……

Apr 23, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Kelly and Anthony at Sirromet Wines! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 23, 2015: Hanging out at the Brisbane wedding venue that Dan &amp; Kate tied the knot at, tonight, Hills………

Apr 23, 2015: These two lovers just eloped in secret, with their photographer and barman witnessing thei………

Apr 23, 2015: There’s one couple at every wedding :)…

Apr 23, 2015: Just had a great chat with @candice_barnes from @WAtoday about #MarriedAU - online soon!

Apr 23, 2015: Ugh, I just used the word ‘Multimedia’ like it meant something.

Apr 22, 2015: I’ve achieved a lot in my time, I’ve been proud of many things, but I’m never prouder than when I fart and Britt dry-reaches.

Apr 22, 2015: Bigfoot riding Lochness Monster #seemslegit…

Apr 22, 2015: Clicked /r/thebutton at 19 seconds, but got 60 second flair. Life is harsh sometimes #thebutton #reddit #fml #firstworldproblems

Apr 22, 2015: Kong…

Apr 21, 2015: I’m interviewed on the latest Youngpreneur’s Podcast with Victor Ahipene - listen in iTunes:…

Apr 21, 2015: “Sunday was amazing in so many ways, and it all started with you and @hellobrittanyjane! T………

Apr 21, 2015: As I scheduled a weekend in a year from now I realised I’m a slave to my Google Calendar ……

Apr 21, 2015: I just found my original old marriage register! I used this for my first five wedding cere………

Apr 21, 2015: A few days ago two awesome people celebrated their first anniversary as husband and wife a………

Apr 21, 2015: Citizen of a regional area of Australia orders coffee at Zarraffa’s drive-through……

Apr 21, 2015: Losing weight is bloody hard.

Apr 21, 2015: 137.29

Apr 20, 2015: “I have unsuccessfully been trying to think of the right words to convey our thanks and gr………

Apr 20, 2015: “Josh is the greatest celebrant ever!!! James &amp; I had the best day of our lives thanks to …… …

Apr 20, 2015: look at email inbox after not looking at it in four days burns computer to the ground rocks back and forth crying

Apr 20, 2015: #Repost @hellobrittanyjane: Still on such a high from yesterday! This is S &amp; C, who have b………


Apr 20, 2015: MacBook 12" compared to MacBook Air 11" in previous photo #Apple #MacBook #MacBookAir……

Apr 20, 2015: MacBook Air 11" compared to MacBook 12" in next photo #Apple #MacBook #MacBookAir……

Apr 20, 2015: Wondering why the #AppleWatch demos seem a bit slow? Apple Store employee tells me that the demo runs……

Apr 20, 2015: MacBook 12" vs MacBook Air 11"…

Apr 19, 2015: After eight wedding ceremonies in eight hours, I saw Jess from @Wilde.Visual point a lens ………

Apr 19, 2015: Eight weddings later…

Apr 19, 2015: Thank you to our eight couples today! We had the BEST #popupwedding at #summergroveestate ………

Apr 19, 2015: Eight wedding ceremonies in one day. I am buggered.

Apr 19, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Kellie and Nathan at Mermaid Waters - Private Home! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 19, 2015: Kirra &amp; Mathew #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding #popupwedding #popupwed #goldcoast #g………

Apr 19, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Kellie and Nathan at Private House! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 19, 2015: Michelle &amp; Travis #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwedding……

Apr 19, 2015: Paul &amp; Madalyne #marriedbyjosh at @popupwed #popupwedding #gcpopupwedding #wedding #popupw………

Apr 19, 2015: Never be afraid to lose yourself in a fit of laughter at a wedding #popupwedding #gcpopupwedding……

Apr 19, 2015: Delvene &amp; Terry #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed #popupwedding #popupwed #gcpopupwedding #w………

Apr 19, 2015: Cassie &amp; Damien #marriedbyjosh at @popupwed #popupwedding #popupwed #gcpopupwedding……

Apr 19, 2015: Emma &amp; Matthew #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed at @summergroveestate #popupwedding #gcpopu………

Apr 19, 2015: Leanne &amp; Bronson #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding #popupwedding……

Apr 19, 2015: The coffee before the storm. @hellobrittanyjane and I are marrying eight couples, 16 peopl………

Apr 18, 2015: Getting a Thai massage from #steviewithers……

Apr 18, 2015: Wedding myth busted: you can’t drink before your wedding.……

Apr 18, 2015: Ran into Kath &amp; Kim (could be impersonators)……

Apr 18, 2015: Paolo &amp; Tina #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 18, 2015: I said “everyone pull a silly face”, but I was the only one to pull a silly face 😎 James &amp; Amanda #marriedbyjosh …

Apr 18, 2015: Today on my blog I answer the question “how drunk can I be at my wedding ceremony for it t………

Apr 18, 2015: Everything you ever wanted to know about “how drunk is too drunk for a wedding”…

Apr 18, 2015: Marrying eight couples tomorrow … #popupwedding

Apr 18, 2015: What is love?…

Apr 18, 2015: $25,000 to get the cast of #SuperTroopers2 as your groomsmen at your wedding……

Apr 18, 2015: Dear Mercedes with the ‘LE STIG’ number plate. You and I spend way too much time on the motorway. I’ve seen you like 5 times this …

Apr 17, 2015: Me, talking email, on 6PR! Don’t hit ‘SEND’ in the arvo…

Apr 17, 2015: 5 ways to know if a Pop-Up Wedding is for you…

Apr 17, 2015: Andrew &amp; Amanda #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 17, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Holly and Ben at Adora Downs! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 16, 2015: Brianna &amp; Russell #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 16, 2015: I was just talking to on of our #popupwedding photogs in #Perth. She tells me that the Kidogo Arthouse is ‘mint’. That means good, right?

Apr 16, 2015: On air on #Perth’s @6PR tonight talking emails, inbox:zero, @Mailboxapp and @Yesware​ #inboxzero

Apr 16, 2015: Putting my technology commentator hat back on and I’m talking emails and @yesware on Perth radio tonight!

Apr 16, 2015: Kate and Dan #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 16, 2015: A little regram from @highchurchbrisbane. @hellobrittanyjane and I can’t wait to host our………

Apr 16, 2015: Struggling with your wedding budget? Let the satirical newspaper, The Onion, help……

Apr 16, 2015: “Josh was the most amazing celebrant ever! We felt so comfortable and had the best day! Jo………

Apr 16, 2015: Satirical ways to reduce your wedding budget…

Apr 16, 2015: NYC bound in July for an elopement with @popupwed!! You should come and get married too! #………

Apr 16, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Natalie and Daniel at Parents house! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 15, 2015: Katie &amp; Andrew #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 15, 2015: #AnthonyAndElena #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 15, 2015: If I was ever unsure about @snow_withers loving me, I know for sure she does because she gave me tuna and breath mints for lunch!

Apr 15, 2015: Any legal eagles up for tackling the word ‘present’?…

Apr 15, 2015: Well this is a wee bit exciting!……

Apr 15, 2015: I try to answer the question “Can you get married online?”……

Apr 14, 2015: New @TwitterAU bio…

Apr 14, 2015: Kathy R. Jefford’s fairy tale wedding reading is a fun way to start a ceremony……

Apr 14, 2015: Who’s the celebrant on #MarriedAU?…

Apr 14, 2015: Thanks for the H/T, @trevorlong!…

Apr 14, 2015: Ikea wants to help you host a wedding online, but is it legal?…

Apr 14, 2015: Does anyone know how to create an IMDB profile?… #MarriedAU

Apr 14, 2015: A fairy tale wedding reading for a fairytale wedding…

Apr 14, 2015: Adam &amp; Jess #marriedbyjosh &amp; @popupwed in a @summergroveestate #privatepopupwedding today!… …

Apr 14, 2015: A secret #popupwedding #elopement at @summergroveestate today! #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 14, 2015: Yes, I know it’s not the first networked breakfast, but the first in the new age of ‘where the F have all our listeners gone?’

Apr 14, 2015: Now that Fairfax have ‘lead the way’ with a networked from Sydney breakfast show, watch Hit105 and others follow suit around the country.

Apr 14, 2015: Listening to @NewsTalk4BC at midday in Bris where @StevePriceMedia is discussing Syd drug prices w/ a Syd politician…

Apr 14, 2015: If I had to describe my personal brand social media strategy it would be “To be as unhelpful to @MolksTVTalk as possible”

Apr 14, 2015: As I’m the way home Britt tells me I have to check the PO Box because she forgot to. How d………

Apr 14, 2015: Lol…

Apr 14, 2015: The overuse of the “Keep Calm and…” meme has gotten to the point where it now means the opposite.

Apr 14, 2015: #Jernalizm…

Apr 14, 2015: 137.82

Apr 13, 2015: Ollie &amp; Kim #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 13, 2015: Just yesterday I was in an Uber and saw their message on the back of some car and felt comforted straight away.

Apr 13, 2015: It’s comforting to know that in this big bad world, my local taxi company is really looking out for my safety.

Apr 13, 2015: Driving around with @hellobrittanyjane listening to the mixtape CD we have to our wedding ………

Apr 13, 2015: Yesterday’s wedding…

Apr 12, 2015: That 4.92 was a 5 for the longest time.

Apr 12, 2015: A PSA: Give your #Uber driver a 5-star rating so that his 4.92 doesn’t haunt him.…

Apr 12, 2015: I think I’m going to wait for the Apple Sundial.

Apr 12, 2015: Kim &amp; Ollie #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 12, 2015: I use @JotboxMe to email myself notes ……

Apr 12, 2015: Alex &amp; Tamara #marriedbyjosh and photographed by @picturesbykylie……

Apr 12, 2015: “Hi Josh, After a crazy lead up to our wedding and equally hectic ‘wind down’ over the pas…… …

Apr 12, 2015: A #marriedbyjosh very happy first wedding anniversary to Michael &amp; Jess today! Photos by ………

Apr 11, 2015: “I’d like to thank the groomsmen for the buck’s night which consisted of book club, prayer, and cooking” - Lindsay in his …

Apr 11, 2015: Alex &amp; Tamara #marriedbyjosh photographed by @picturesbykylie……

Apr 11, 2015: Lindsay &amp; Danielle #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 10, 2015: Putt……

Apr 10, 2015: Ok, just so everyone knows, we’re all calling 4BC, 4AD now. #4BC #NewsTalk4BC @NewsTalk4BC

Apr 10, 2015: Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart, Thursday doesn’t even start.………

Apr 10, 2015: Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart, Thursday doesn’t even start. It’s Friday I’m in love …

Apr 10, 2015: Sad day for many of my old colleagues. Sad day for local news.…

Apr 9, 2015: 🍠🌽🌏🐊🙉🙈🙈🐳👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👄✊🏾👇🏾👊🏻🙏🏿👻👷🏾👱🏽💀👽👩‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👣😻😷😳👣😲😷👧🏿👧🏿😼😶…

Apr 9, 2015: Gareth &amp; Sarah #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 9, 2015: Always a pleasure to see you, Hidden Vale!……

Apr 9, 2015: 135.94

Apr 8, 2015: Check out my Apple Watch review.…

Apr 8, 2015: #MarriedAtFirstSight…

Apr 8, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Katherine (Katie /KT/ Boog) and Adrian (Ado/ Boog) at Bamarang Bush Retreat! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 8, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Katherine (Katie / KT / Boog) and Adrian (Ado / Boogie) at Bamarang Bush Retreat! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 8, 2015: “Continuous Improvement Man” is the superhero I’m marrying later this year that we can all…… …

Apr 8, 2015: “Continuous Improvement Man” is the superhero I’m marrying later this year that we can all aspire to be like.…

Apr 8, 2015: Best best man’s speech ever. Even better than my best man, Ash’s, speech. And his was really good. The best.…

Apr 8, 2015: This seems legit guyz…

Apr 8, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Caitlin and Tim at O’Reilly’s Canungra Valley Vineyard! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 8, 2015: If I ever begin a rap career, my first song will be about wanting more retweets.

Apr 7, 2015: I don’t know how your marriage is going but Stevie the cat expressed a scent from her anal glands onto my face &amp; now my wife won’t …

Apr 7, 2015: So @mypeptree nominated me to share twenty things about me that you probably don’t know. H………

Apr 7, 2015: Cam &amp; Gabby #marriedbyjosh and photographed by @bayleighvedelago_photographer at the #bris………

Apr 7, 2015: You better believe it…

Apr 7, 2015: Famous last words RT @RyanJon: I’m looking up porn things for a work story

Apr 7, 2015: See, it’s finally happened!…

Apr 7, 2015: Finally! Twitter can retweet with comment!

Apr 7, 2015: Awww, poor puddy cat is tired from running around all night keeping her mum and dad up #st………

Apr 7, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Sam and Josh at Topiaries! #marriedbyjosh…

Apr 6, 2015: Important business things with @hellobrittanyjane &amp; @packaperfectparty at #maxbrenner……

Apr 6, 2015: How you could avoid seeing your wedding dressmaker on 9 News &amp; other wedding business thoughts……

Apr 6, 2015: How to avoid seeing your wedding supplier on the news, like “The Bridal Centre” in Brisbane…

Apr 6, 2015: Just running @Instagram on my MacBook Air … LIKE THE NERD I AM!……

Apr 5, 2015: My Mitsubishi Lancer is unsure about @gruber’s role in #TheTalkShow…

Apr 5, 2015: #Repost @picturesbykylie:
A little sneak peek of today’s gorgeous couple, Tamara &amp; Alex! C…… …

Apr 5, 2015: So I’m loving this photo by @laraandsusie and my #bow tie by @peggyandfinn at @oreillysrai………

Apr 5, 2015: Alex &amp; Tamara #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 4, 2015: Oxymoron: Country music talent quest.

Apr 4, 2015: Jez &amp; Daisy #marriedbyjosh……

Apr 4, 2015: #JustMarried……

Apr 4, 2015: #JustMarried @ Kedron-Wavell Services Club Inc.…

Apr 4, 2015: Hello, Instagram on your Mac or PC…

Apr 4, 2015: Bec &amp; Sam #marriedbyjosh at #sorrometwinery #becandsam……

Apr 4, 2015: #Community…

Apr 3, 2015: Thanks for having me, Mainstage #Easterfest2015 #Easterfest……

Apr 3, 2015: So … a few thousand of us all took a selfie at the same time #LoveChangesEverything #Eas………

Apr 3, 2015: Sneaky #Easterfest backstage selfie……

Apr 3, 2015: LIVE on #Periscope: Peter Furler at #Easterfest…

Apr 3, 2015: LIVE on #Periscope: Peter Furler live on the #Easterfest Mainstage - from the back of stage!…

Apr 3, 2015: I really really really like this new wedding magazine, it’s called Catalyst……

Apr 3, 2015: Girl tackles boy into mud. Awesomesauce. #LoveChangesEverything #Easterfest……

Apr 3, 2015: LIVE on #Periscope: @schenky on drums for Tasman Jude at #Easterfest…

Apr 3, 2015: Tonight’s office: #Easterfest. Hash brown #LoveChangesEverything……

Apr 3, 2015: LIVE on #Periscope: Backstage at #Easterfest…

Apr 3, 2015: LIVE on #Periscope: Backstage at #Easterfest watching Tasman Jude on Mainstage #LoveChangesEverything…

Apr 3, 2015: #LoveChangesEverything #Easterfest……

Apr 3, 2015: Wet, wet, wet #Easterfest……

Apr 3, 2015: 108 days until we’re back in NYC!…

Apr 3, 2015: #Swag by @laraandsusie……

Apr 3, 2015: OMG new awesome wedding magazine alert! #Catalyst…

Apr 3, 2015:…

Apr 3, 2015: #Repost @popupwed:
|| W I N || entries are live to win your very own Private Pop-Up. Link………

Apr 2, 2015: #Repost from @popupwed
|| W I N || we are giving away an elopement like this- that’s right………

Apr 2, 2015: Shopping!……

Apr 2, 2015: A day in the life of a wedding planner, check this video out!…

Apr 2, 2015: #Sirromet……

Apr 2, 2015: Up and at ‘em early today……

Mar 31, 2015: Jason &amp; Justine #marriedbyjosh and photographed by @laraandsusie at #moonlightcrag #oreill………

Mar 31, 2015: #Repost from @popupwed: || @byronviewfarm || spent the morning waking around the grounds o………

Mar 31, 2015: So every second guy in Byron Bay looks like Steve Jobs did at some point of his life.

Mar 31, 2015: Doing some reconnaissance work today for the @PopUpWed’s October 15 #ByronBay event!……

Mar 31, 2015: #ByronBay……

Mar 31, 2015: “May the schwartz be with you” - Yogurt, Spaceballs

Mar 30, 2015: An article about me, written by an SEO ‘expert’ with back links to another celebrant. Smart.…

Mar 30, 2015: My new obsession … #lawncare … Thanks, @jamesdayweddings ………

Mar 30, 2015: Podcasting!……

Mar 30, 2015: It’s @laraandsusie in action at Jason &amp; Justine’s wedding!……

Mar 30, 2015: My girl got me new business digs……

Mar 30, 2015: Made a Simpsons reference in a funeral this afternoon #youdontmakefriendswithsalad

Mar 30, 2015: House fire in Coomera…

Mar 30, 2015: I want to see a modernisation of the Jesus story where he gets sick of ppl taking selfies with him because he doesn’t like his selfie face.

Mar 30, 2015: Blind cat……

Mar 29, 2015: Tony Abbott could be PM forever if he just made some cool reference to Netflix and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt in his next speech.

Mar 29, 2015: Sat down tonight to write a joke about an overcrowded cemetery tonight, but there was no plot.

Mar 29, 2015: Canungra drive-thru butcher……

Mar 29, 2015: #Jason &amp; Justine #marriedbyjosh at #moonlightcrag……

Mar 29, 2015: Today’s office!……

Mar 29, 2015: “You may now gross us out with an amazing kiss!” Jack and Xanthe #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 29, 2015: How I lost all of my jeweller friends…

Mar 29, 2015: For my Gaelic friends getting married. Not the gay lick friends though, sorry.…

Mar 28, 2015: Should Dad still be walking you down the aisle?…

Mar 28, 2015: Wedding vows that other people wrote, so you can get some inspiration…

Mar 28, 2015: A sweet wedding reading for a sweet adventure…

Mar 28, 2015: Did any of my North Queensland friends see myself, @hellobrittanyjane, and the #popupweddi………

Mar 28, 2015: Did any of my NQ friends catch myself, @snow_withers, and the @PopUpWed in the @tsv_bulletin #rufflesandcake today?…

Mar 28, 2015: Elopmemt’s are us!…

Mar 28, 2015: Daryl &amp; Meagan #marriedbyjosh #bestselfieever……

Mar 28, 2015: Totes sorry about this blog post, John Legend…

Mar 28, 2015: In today’s #TownsvilleBulletin you’ll find @rufflesandcakemag #wedding #magazine with @hel………

Mar 28, 2015: If Dr Seuss was getting wed, he’d probably read these vows off a bed…

Mar 27, 2015: Try on some weird and wonderful wedding ceremony ideas…

Mar 27, 2015: Take me home now Tony Danza……

Mar 27, 2015: I feel like the responsibility of sitting in an exit row is like the algebra of flying. We’re never going to use it are we?

Mar 27, 2015: A gigantic list of songs you can walk down the ailse to!…

Mar 27, 2015: What do the shortest wedding vows in Australia look like?…

Mar 27, 2015: Had a crazy good day with my Sydney celebrant workshoppers!……

Mar 27, 2015: Today!…

Mar 27, 2015: App idea: an app that uses GPS to find somewhere to get breakfast that isn’t McDonalds.

Mar 26, 2015: There’s so many ways to communicate love, but tonight, as I prepare for bed in a super coo………

Mar 26, 2015: It was only after walking up and down the street several times did he realise he had a rental car. Not his own. A true story from right now.

Mar 26, 2015: Revealing the myth behind the diamond engagement ring……

Mar 26, 2015: When I first started my celebrant journey seven years ago I didn’t find many other celebra………

Mar 26, 2015: Diamond rings are bullshit…

Mar 26, 2015: Hellooooooo, Sydney

Mar 26, 2015: Sydney bound to lead a celebrant training workshop tomorrow in Sans Souci. Anything exciting happening in Sydney tonight?

Mar 26, 2015: On Week, a song by a man who killed his wife in a fight then goes crazy and starves himself to death …. omfg…

Mar 26, 2015: Because, of course, my opinion on what brings an airplane down matters.

Mar 26, 2015: Honestly, as I sit in the Qantas Club this morning shitting myself, I’d rather it be a terrorist attack over an aircraft failure.

Mar 26, 2015: Conspiracy theorist says “One Week” is a song about murder… I’m convinced…

Mar 25, 2015: Guy next to me was talking to himself for the entire train ride home. Worse TED Talk ever.

Mar 25, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Lissel and Tom at Lightspace! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 25, 2015: Good morning, Brisbane……

Mar 24, 2015: I know I can be what I wanna be … #NowPlaying “I Can” by Nas from God’s Son ♫ I Can…

Mar 24, 2015:……

Mar 24, 2015: It’s #Lightspace open night time!……

Mar 24, 2015: Just used Forcetouch at the Apple Store, and it’s awesome, not a creepy Jedi trick.

Mar 24, 2015: It’s that time of the year that I have to think long and hard about the last time was impr………

Mar 24, 2015: Hey @TonyAbbottMHR and @LiberalAus #feelthelove and support marriage equality! We love it!

Mar 24, 2015: #popupwedding scouting at #shambamalaika……

Mar 24, 2015: Signed into Netflix off VPN and the app just tells me that ‘if I’m travelling’ I might see different shows in different countries.

Mar 24, 2015: I’m excited about changing wifi networks on my TV today! #NetflixDay

Mar 24, 2015: Australian comedian, @scottdools, has been spotted. On the set of. The new 007 film looks great!

Mar 23, 2015: I’m a marriage celebrant and I wrote a thing about why I support #samesexmarriage… #marriageequality

Mar 23, 2015: I always dreamt that my name would come up in a Google search for a cairns lawyer…

Mar 23, 2015: Just finished my first official training session for celebrant’s professional development! I don’t think I have a single drop of energy …

Mar 22, 2015: Sposa bagnata, Sposa fortunate. Wet bride, lucky bride.……

Mar 22, 2015: Rob &amp; Rach #marriedbyjosh plus the crazily talented Danielle from @whitewhiteweddings who ………

Mar 22, 2015: “The power of love is a curious thing Make a one man weep, make another man sing Change a ………

Mar 22, 2015: Gigantic thank you’s to my wedding fair helper, @viverama, today! She made @theweddingarca………

Mar 22, 2015: My greatest fears were realised today when a shirtless man in West End asked me for a cigarette.

Mar 22, 2015: Today’s the day lovers! Come down to West End and create a kick ass wedding at @thewedding………

Mar 22, 2015: Onion rings = vegetable doughnuts

Mar 21, 2015: “I like you and I know why. I like you because you are a good person to like. I like you b………

Mar 21, 2015: Martin &amp; Dina #marriedbyjosh……

Mar 21, 2015: “Josh was a great fit for our personalities at our wedding - fun, light hearted but with t………

Mar 21, 2015: M1 sadness…

Mar 21, 2015: Miguel &amp; Julie #marriedbyjosh at #cloudland!……

Mar 21, 2015: “Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you e………

Mar 21, 2015: This weekend’s #weddingfair stand has been made possible by the generous and talented Heat………

Mar 21, 2015: I’d totally become a doctor if the method to find out if u were dead inside was to see if you would sing along to Livin' On A Prayer or not.

Mar 21, 2015: Getting married and you like things in West End? Wha!? … Come meet my friends (and me) a………

Mar 20, 2015: 2 days!! @weddingarcade in #Brisbane……

Mar 20, 2015: Danny &amp; Katherine #marriedbyjosh at #cloudland #brisbanecelebrant #brisbanewedding #briswed……

Mar 20, 2015: I had breakfast with am someone that has their own charity today, Emmett for Animals, my o………


Mar 20, 2015: A sneak peek from this weekend’s newsletter…

Mar 20, 2015: I’m catching up with Nathan, @Natty_Nat_Nat and Shaun on @nova937 next week, tune in! :)

Mar 20, 2015: Has anyone got an update on Lunchmoney Lewis' bills?

Mar 19, 2015: “Why the bad language?"…

Mar 19, 2015: What an awesome surprise in today’s mail, a new #bowtie from @PeggyAndFinn! Love me a #woo………

Mar 19, 2015: I think we can all agree that regardless of his appreciation of Australian heritage, our PM does know a lot about Germany’s heritage.

Mar 19, 2015: Tony’s Onion-Eating Sandstorm…

Mar 19, 2015: If I was the last human on earth I would probs not wear clothes.

Mar 18, 2015: Do you find communication crazy hard? Well here’s a few tips to make you an awesome married p………

Mar 18, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Christina and Christian at Brisbane Powerhouse - Performance Lawn! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 18, 2015: A blog post on communication, because in marriage, love isn’t enough…

Mar 18, 2015:…

Mar 18, 2015: “It’s the most awkward thing I’ve heard of in my life” - @BenFordham

Mar 18, 2015: Talking divorce with @BenFordham on @2GB873 - LISTEN:… READ:…

Mar 18, 2015: I’m on @2GB873 with @BenFordham talking divorce ceremonies now.

Mar 18, 2015: Chatting to @BenFordham on @2GB873 after 3pm NSW time this afternoon about divorce ceremonies RE:…

Mar 18, 2015: Just made The Today Show without making The Today Show……

Mar 17, 2015:…

Mar 17, 2015: A few tips on being an awesome volunteer wedding MC……

Mar 17, 2015: Wrestling…

Mar 17, 2015: Meta Buzz Aldrin…

Mar 17, 2015: |LIVE NOW| Lounge room #meerkat…

Mar 17, 2015: How to be a great master of ceremonies for your friend’s wedding…

Mar 17, 2015: SWISH…

Mar 16, 2015: Why I think divorce ceremonies should exist……

Mar 16, 2015: My case for divorce ceremonies…

Mar 16, 2015: “Please clone him” #Uber #UberDriver…

Mar 16, 2015: That ring!…

Mar 16, 2015: God Bless you Interwebs for always dredging up decades old pop culture and just making it better

Mar 16, 2015: Michael Bolton​ playing Michael Bolton in Office Space​ is pure Internet goodness…

Mar 16, 2015: I furkan derya to print that, yo.

Mar 16, 2015: #REGRAM from @popupwed! ||We are so excited to announce that we are partnering with Gold C………

Mar 16, 2015: Join Lynette at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Mar 16, 2015: Don’t be fooled into eating paleo when you really should be living paleo!…

Mar 16, 2015: Blurry photo at that!

Mar 16, 2015: #Uber driver (me) takes photo of “safe” #taxi crash into another car in #SurfersParadise…

Mar 15, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Kylie and Smiddy at Ecostudio Fellini! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 15, 2015: New issue of my free weekly nerdy email is hitting inboxes soon!…

Mar 15, 2015: Free business idea: a museum for tastes and smells.

Mar 15, 2015: Years from now when “Jet Fighter Ben” is a comedy institution I’ll point to this tweet for its conception in my Uber today …

Mar 14, 2015: Dale &amp; Rhiannah #MarriedByJosh……

Mar 14, 2015: Infidelity? #whatsnexttone?

Mar 14, 2015: Drugs? #whatsnexttone?

Mar 14, 2015: Hookers? #whatsnexttone?

Mar 14, 2015: Most of my brain today is just thinking about what Tone could do next… #whatsnexttone?

Mar 14, 2015: One man’s junk ……

Mar 14, 2015: 1:22hr into a weekly podcast that covers Apple nerdery and finally @gruber &amp; @panzer finally get to #AppleWatch…

Mar 14, 2015: 136.22

Mar 13, 2015: Terry Pratchett……

Mar 13, 2015: The third most popular link being shared on social media at the very moment is about our PM … God save the PM…

Mar 13, 2015: Want to try Uber for free tonight? Australian first time users of the app can get their first $25 free using the promo code: thanksjosh

Mar 13, 2015: Just for something different I’ve been driving for Uber here and there ……

Mar 13, 2015: Katie &amp; Andrew #marriedbyjosh……

Mar 13, 2015: Katie &amp; Andrew #MarriedByJosh at #Lightspace with styling by #AVIdeas and this sweet pic i………

Mar 12, 2015:……

Mar 12, 2015: This Dinosaurs and Notorious BIG is the best thing on the Internet this year…

Mar 12, 2015: Coming out soon: my new book on Paleo Wedding Ceremonies with a great section on clubbing.

Mar 12, 2015: “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club” - Jack London

Mar 11, 2015: Please keep my family in your thoughts tonight. My baby is going through a tough time.…

Mar 11, 2015: Before Rohann &amp; Carrie enjoyed their day at #future15 seeing Prodigy they wanted to get #m………

Mar 11, 2015: Cleartones: Minimalist ringtones…

Mar 11, 2015: He is, we are, we are Australian.…

Mar 11, 2015: I’m looking for someone to help me with one-on-one intensive coaching on a Cert IV TAE - know anyone?


Mar 11, 2015: “Sorry I’m late, my watch is on Vodafone”

Mar 11, 2015: Paula + Tim #marriedbyjosh #paperrockscissors photographed by #bluetulipimaging……

Mar 11, 2015: 137.54

Mar 11, 2015: “So, it’s like, the time, but right on your wrist!” - Apple Watch salesperson

Mar 11, 2015: What if the rain doesn’t stop, but the precipitation connection is just buffering?

Mar 10, 2015: A song for the common man, “Bills” by Lunchmoney Lewis…

Mar 10, 2015: For everyone else making the same decision I’m trying to make: Macbook Air versus MacBook…

Mar 10, 2015: Chris &amp; Susan #marriedbyjosh……

Mar 10, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Michelle and Adam at Bradley Head Rd Amphitheatre! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 10, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Danika and Michael at Tamborine Gardens - gazebo! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 10, 2015: Cruisin!……

Mar 10, 2015: Confession: when the barber shows me my haircut in a mirror I don’t know what to look for and always say “Yep, looks great!”

Mar 10, 2015: Well that doesn’t happen every day. I just performed a fake same-sex marriage ceremony live on air on a talk radio station lol.

Mar 10, 2015: Tone, sick of Apple lecturing Australia on $24,000 Apple Watches.…

Mar 10, 2015: Perth peeps! I’m on @6PR soon talking about getting married as soon as possible.

Mar 9, 2015: Meeting so many cool people driving with @uber_qld. My days are filled with weddings, busi………

Mar 9, 2015: That’s weird, the domain name:… isn’t taken yet /cc @JohnLacey

Mar 9, 2015: About to click send on my weekly nerdy business email full of links to cool things - u can get it as well…

Mar 9, 2015: Free business idea: individually wrapped Kellogg’s Cornflakes pieces.

Mar 9, 2015: The problem with having a problem with the wedding industry……

Mar 9, 2015: Thinking about starting a blog that asks the big questions like “What the heck are all these people doing at the Post Office, like, wtf?”

Mar 9, 2015: Ben &amp; Leah #marriedbyjosh in Sydney!…

Mar 9, 2015: Kendal &amp; Grant #marriedbyjosh

Mar 9, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Sarah and David at TBC- possibly royal botanic gardens or Elizabeth farm (in parramatta but still same drive time t

Mar 9, 2015: Rohann + Carrie #marriedbyjosh at #future15!……

Mar 8, 2015: The problem with having a problem with the wedding industry…

Mar 8, 2015: Happy International Women’s Day, you amazing creatures!……

Mar 8, 2015: Shane + Tina #marriedbyjosh on #northburleighbeach……

Mar 8, 2015: One wedding and groom, two groomsmen, one really hungover groomsman, some excited guests……

Mar 8, 2015: Planning to do something really cool here with @packaperfectparty @heartandcolour and @jan………

Mar 8, 2015: Dropped @chloe_carabot at the airport this morning, via #KirraBeach, miss you sis, safe tr………

Mar 8, 2015: One year :(…

Mar 8, 2015: Must have collectible: air from Kanye West’s concert…

Mar 8, 2015: #NowPlaying “Bills” by Lunchmoney Lewis from Bills…

Mar 8, 2015: Heads are going to roll! My Uber rating has dropped from a solid 5 to 4.92!!!!!

Mar 8, 2015: I’m addicted to Uber…

Mar 7, 2015: Danielle &amp; Matthew #marriedbyjosh at @LightspaceBrisbane #lightspace #stemdesign #whitewh………

Mar 7, 2015: If u told me 10yrs ago that my job today would be to talk in front of crowds about putting up with each other’s shit at music festivals …

Mar 7, 2015: Rohann &amp; Carrie #marriedbyjosh at #FutureMusicFestival backstage in the artist’s VIP lounge! #Future15 #FutureMusic …

Mar 7, 2015: Workplace hazards: there’s these kids playing music right next to my wedding ceremony today! @……

Mar 7, 2015: Game day! #futuremusic…

Mar 7, 2015: My crazy talented wife is at @floralovely_calligraphy’s calligraphy workshop this morning ………

Mar 7, 2015: When competitors are placing Google ads for your name does that mean you’ve made it? Asking for a friend.…

Mar 7, 2015: Three years ago #NeverForgetKony2012…

Mar 7, 2015: 137.92

Mar 7, 2015: Looking forward to the @weddingarcade!!……

Mar 6, 2015: Our lives are all date nights, phone calls, and emails these days, sometimes all at once……

Mar 6, 2015: Ditching a taxi for Uber for the first time this weekend for a wedding or for #FutureMusic………

Mar 6, 2015: In 2016 getting a wristie will mean something else…

Mar 6, 2015: Tomorrow: Rohann and Carrie’s #FutureMusicFestival #wedding!……

Mar 6, 2015: I’m on @nova1069 talking about what I’m doing at @FMFestivalAust tomorrow #FutureMusic

Mar 6, 2015: Nixie, a wearable camera that can fly &amp; has a boomerang selfie mode!…

Mar 6, 2015: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Mar 6, 2015: Hans Solo: makes the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, mistakes golf course for runway.

Mar 6, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Rebecca and Jeremy at Broadway Chapel! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 5, 2015: Researching …… #scrubs

Mar 5, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Lauren and Bryce at Chateau Élan! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 5, 2015: Dear, everyone that I’m meeting with today. Due to high temperatures we’re all showing kne………

Mar 5, 2015: I just chatted to Jesse Wagstaff from the Perth Wildcats with 96fm Breakfast in Perth and gav………

Mar 5, 2015: Any tips on the best data only, SIM only, 3G/4G prepaid or postpaid deal in Australia?

Mar 5, 2015: On @96fmbreakfast, @96fmCarmen @96Blackers @fitzi96 asked me for some wedding tips for @jesswaggers @perthwildcats…

Mar 5, 2015: Five things for the groom to prepare before the wedding…

Mar 5, 2015: Was just on @96fmBreakfast in my office that I share w/ @snow_withers &amp; her father. Despite being 2m away, neither noticed I was on radio.

Mar 5, 2015: About to chat to @96fmCarmen @96fmBreakfast and Jesse Wagstaff!

Mar 5, 2015: Airpnp is Airbnb for pee. This is the best.…

Mar 5, 2015: A pop-up wedding is an awesome elopement not a shit wedding … interested? Read on for more……

Mar 5, 2015: Hey @Telstra, why not save $3-5 and just send me an email every time I get an extra data pack for the month?…

Mar 4, 2015: I’m on air with Blackers, Carmen &amp; Fitzi plus Perth Wildcat, Jesse Wagstaff, on 96fm Perth…… …

Mar 4, 2015: I’m on air with Blackers, Carmen &amp; Fitzi plus Perth Wildcat, Jesse Wagstaff, on 96fm Perth tomorrow morning!…

Mar 4, 2015: Left unattended I’d just work on the business 24/7. I love driving, talking and listening ………

Mar 4, 2015: A short blog post to answer the most common question I get: What’s a pop-up wedding…

Mar 4, 2015: Caitlin is my new hero, and I hope you can join her!……

Mar 4, 2015: I want a Woolet…

Mar 4, 2015: Draw me like one of your French Girls……

Mar 4, 2015: French Girls……

Mar 4, 2015: 10 Ways Weddings Are Completely Different Now…

Mar 4, 2015: Brianna &amp; Russell #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 4, 2015: This will be the last time anyone smuggles drugs into Bali, right?

Mar 4, 2015: 136.16

Mar 3, 2015: I’m running an Awesome #Celebrant all-day workshop in Sydney on Friday the 27th of March a………

Mar 3, 2015: What’s all this about Netflix coming to Australia you say?……

Mar 3, 2015: Paula &amp; Tim #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 3, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Brooke and Charlie at Midginbil Hill! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 3, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Julie and Reginald at Home! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 3, 2015: Why Caitlin is consearned [sic] and why you should be too…

Mar 3, 2015: Britany &amp; Tim #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 3, 2015: Thanks, jacieleew!!!……

Mar 3, 2015: The BottleLoft, a beer gadget…

Mar 3, 2015: Plugged laptop back into my home network for the 1st time in weeks and I said “there’s no place like” … paused, …

Mar 3, 2015: Good morning from where you’d rather be :)……

Mar 2, 2015: I’ve never met my neighbour, but we communicate through puns in our WIFI network names #Th………

Mar 2, 2015: The past month has taken hellobrittanyjane and I all around the country all because some p………

Mar 2, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Lauren and Lachlan at Whepstead Manor! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 2, 2015: It’s been great seeing you, non-Queensland, but I’m crazy glad to be homeward bound!

Mar 2, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Kellie and Joel at private farm! #marriedbyjosh…

Mar 2, 2015: The saddest looking @Qantas jet is the Qantas Freight 767 with no windows. What is all the freight supposed to do mid-flight?

Mar 2, 2015: Doing my part…

Mar 2, 2015: QLD Transport in the pocket of the Taxi Council?

Mar 2, 2015: Qld Transport CSO told Britt that she’s not allowed to apply for a Driver’s Authority if its for @Uber_QLD, to apply for a taxi job …

Mar 1, 2015: From 1986: Stephen King’s “Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully – in Ten Minutes”…

Mar 1, 2015: How to make a dumpling in three seconds…

Mar 1, 2015: Awesome day out at #loveonthelawn! Thanks for having me guys! #Regram from sydneyclassicbo………

Mar 1, 2015: A cup of heaven from thatvintagecaravan on a 37 degree day for loveonthelawn1……

Mar 1, 2015: If you missed my awesome wedding vow workshop at loveonthelawn1 then send a blank email to………

Mar 1, 2015: If you missed my wedding vow workshop at @LoveOnTheLawn1 then send a blank email to [email protected] for an auto reply with my notes!

Mar 1, 2015: “I want to meet a guy named Art. I’d take him to a museum, hang him on the wall, criticize him, and leave” - Jarod Kintz

Mar 1, 2015: It’s #loveonthelawn time! #sydneyweddingfestival……

Mar 1, 2015: We’re all secretly idiots inside.

Feb 28, 2015: It might be hours before I have to wake up but I’ve just set up the most awesome nerd thing for tomorrow’s wedding fair!

Feb 28, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Kaycee and Benjamin at Up On Constance! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 28, 2015: I’ve got a free workshop on how to write the world’s best wedding vows 2morrow @LoveOnTheLawn1… …

Feb 28, 2015: I’ve got a free workshop on how to write the world’s best wedding vows 2morrow @LoveOnTheLawn1… …

Feb 28, 2015: Hello Sydney!

Feb 28, 2015: You’ve been awesome, Melbourne, thanks for having us! Sydney-bound for loveonthelawn1 now!………

Feb 28, 2015: Saturday night flying is the best! The flight’s pretty much empty … bye Melbourne, see you soon for @LoveOnTheLawn1, Sydney!

Feb 27, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Emma and Troy at “The Plaza”- The Powerhouse, Brisbane! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 27, 2015: #Repost popupwed:
We need your attention for a second. Book an Australian Pop-Up Wedding ………

Feb 27, 2015: Having one fine evening at onefinedayweddingfairs #melbourne #onefinedaymelbourne #onefine………

Feb 27, 2015: If you’re planning for an awesome marriage, there is zero doubt that you will have an awesome………

Feb 27, 2015: This is creepy and awesome! Peek gives you a free vid of someone else using your website, here’s someone using my web…

Feb 27, 2015: Are you planning for a marriage, or a wedding?…

Feb 27, 2015: I’ve been published on the WeddingLovely Blog!… via @weddinglovely

Feb 27, 2015: Have we reached peak llama dress yet?

Feb 27, 2015: What spelling is this color?

Feb 27, 2015: “I was a human rights commissioner under 5 AGs … George Brandis is the only one to question my integrity”…

Feb 27, 2015: American blog, @WeddingLovely, asked me about wedding trends. Sorry to my colleagues!……

Feb 27, 2015: Not sure if I’m in Melbourne or an episode of Australia’s Got Talent.

Feb 26, 2015: Melbourne selfie!……

Feb 26, 2015: We have a brand spanking new Hawaii Pop-Up date! Hint: December 2015! Find out more detai………

Feb 26, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Jodie and Kevin at Lightspace! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 26, 2015: My only disappointment with the Great Ocean Road is that there is not a restaurant called “Lorne Bowls”

Feb 26, 2015: Roadtripping back down the Great Ocean Road today. Warrnambool to Melbourne, the long way.……

Feb 26, 2015: I don’t want to boast, but I have the same number of Oscars as Leonardo DiCaprio #justsayin

Feb 26, 2015: Britt: look at that cow pooing. Josh: that’s bullshit baby. drops mic

Feb 25, 2015: I might have missed the Foo Fighters, but instead I’m seeing the world with this chick and………

Feb 25, 2015: The 12 Selfies……

Feb 25, 2015: Amazing, generous, powerful things happening over at mattkatieinstaauction’s Instagram auc………

Feb 25, 2015: This Sunday I’m running a free vow writing workshop at loveonthelawn1 in Sydney, a pretty ………

Feb 24, 2015: The sun sets behind Apollo Bay……

Feb 24, 2015: Through all of life’s rough waters this girl helps steer me through. Love you more than li………

Feb 24, 2015: I plan to spend most of my time here today, for my annual day off where I’ll probably only………

Feb 24, 2015: Take a scroll through mattkatieinstaauction right now to 1) bid on some sweet prints, 2) p………

Feb 23, 2015: First world holiday problem: can’t sleep because the majestically beautiful crashing waves outside our beachside cottage are too loud.

Feb 23, 2015: Put away politics and bullshit for just a moment and check out the Instagram auction on @mattkatieinstaauction now…

Feb 23, 2015: Over at mattkatieinstaauction right now there are three amazing newsworthy things happenin………

Feb 23, 2015: Where hellobrittanyjane and I are staying tonight. Totally showing off.……

Feb 23, 2015: #chillin……

Feb 23, 2015: Telling your customers how to behave? There’s probs an app for that too ……

Feb 23, 2015: Have you ever, ever felt like this, When strange things happen, Are you going round the tw………

Feb 22, 2015: Britt and I were just drinking a beer and #FabianMicali walks over and hands me this. Wow!……

Feb 22, 2015: hellobrittanyjane :)……

Feb 22, 2015: Melbourne is that small collection of concrete things over there on the other side……

Feb 22, 2015: Our #Airbnb host’s cat is Batman, we think #catsofinstagram……

Feb 22, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Justine and Jason at O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 22, 2015: QLD Flood warning issued at 4:23am EST | Issued: Sunday at 4:23am ESTDescription: Flood warningSummary: Final Floo……

Feb 22, 2015: Victoria-bound for the week!

Feb 22, 2015: GC mayor on the cyclone. Value added selfishness.…

Feb 22, 2015: Television was invented to sell TV sets, as was radio, but this is not the case with the Internet and that’s amazing…

Feb 22, 2015: Blonde girl at Gold Coast airport wearing track pants and a black with diamontes Penthouse cap refuses to be stereotyped.

Feb 22, 2015: Good to know that my civil liberties are consistently eroding…

Feb 21, 2015: Seriously though, I hope to god that photos of me 7 years ago never surface.

Feb 21, 2015: If you think slaughtering innocent animals is disgusting, then put down that cheeseburger!

Feb 21, 2015: I’m marrying Caitlin’s mum (to her fiancé!) and when Caitlin found out about young girls i………

Feb 21, 2015: Get a free weekly email with five awesome and different wedding blog links……

Feb 21, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Joshua and Joshua at Home! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 21, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Joshua and Joshua at Lightspace! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 21, 2015: Glen McGrath #NeverForget

Feb 21, 2015: You might be having a down day, so here’s cartoon Tony Abbott​ singing Shake It Off​ by Taylor Swift​.…

Feb 21, 2015: One week.…

Feb 21, 2015: Beam: The smart projector that fits in any light socket . WHAT?!!…

Feb 21, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying JULIE and ALLAN at PACIFIC DAWN SHIP! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 21, 2015: Guilty: “The amateur has a long list of fears. Near the top are two: Solitude and silence.”…

Feb 21, 2015: Broaden your wedding horizons with one simpe click…

Feb 21, 2015: All the questions you wanted to ask a wedding planner … but didn’t!……

Feb 21, 2015: If you like nerdy tool things, subscribe for free here:…

Feb 21, 2015: I’ve just loaded up a bunch of nerdy business tool goodness into this week’s #Revue email links…

Feb 21, 2015: Where can I get film for my iPhone 5S on a Saturday in Brisbane?

Feb 20, 2015: I asked the question “How can a wedding planner help?” because I wondered if they could…

Feb 20, 2015: On my tombstone I’d like it to say" He wasn’t that funny, but he gave it a good try"

Feb 20, 2015: Well I know this sure helped me. Share it around, for the confused men of the world xx…

Feb 20, 2015: Nothing like a cyclone in Queensland to get the rest of Australia riled up and Queenslanders all going “meh”

Feb 20, 2015: ANIMATED GIFS HIT QLD NEWS! Seriously though, cool ABC RT @abcnews_qld: #TCMarcia continues its path down Queensland…

Feb 20, 2015: The hero of the day is the legend trying to go surfing in Yeppoon, called out by @karlstefanovic onair then pulled in by @QPSmedia #tcmarcia

Feb 20, 2015: #TCMarcia is very close to Yeppoon, in-fact I’m informed now it’s right on top of ya fork.

Feb 19, 2015: My callout to other celebrants: put down your scripts!……

Feb 19, 2015: Here’s the deal, each week (well, I’ll try) I’ll send you up to 5 links about awesome, meaningful weddings, subscribe …

Feb 19, 2015: I’m leading the “no script” wedding ceremony revolution…

Feb 19, 2015: One of the great oddities of @Twitter is what @magicpixx will reply to your tweets with … this last one was weird…

Feb 19, 2015: Photoshop turns 25 today, though you wouldn’t know it by it’s photoshoot for Graphic Design Weekly, it barely looks 16.

Feb 19, 2015: OMG! RT @0i76xl798k17li: |Prize|Patrol has chosen you as today’s Australia winner @JoshuaWithers Claim at this page @A_U_SClaim

Feb 19, 2015: Refreshbox asked me to curate five links into a weekly free email. Subscribe to my wedding inspiration links here:…

Feb 19, 2015: Abbott government to scrap the national Census in favour of just looking at the insights for everyone that checks into Australia on Facebook

Feb 19, 2015: I share links to apps, tools, articles, for small businesses in a weekly Revue email. Subscribe for free here:…

Feb 19, 2015: Erryday RT @_radiotoday: Fairfax Radio revenues slip…

Feb 19, 2015: StandWith: an app that helps patients deliver updates to their support network and also request helpful tasks…

Feb 18, 2015: Khy and Ben #marriedbyjosh photographed by @loveisaplaceph at #MidginbillHill in the Tweed Valley #wedding #celebrant…

Feb 18, 2015: Stevie Withers #catsofinstagram……

Feb 17, 2015: Just booked another two weeks in NYC this July/August. Heck yes!

Feb 17, 2015: Did you know that if you’re a first time user on Uber you can use the promo code ‘marriedbyjosh’ to get your first two trips free? …

Feb 17, 2015: Yo, @Grammarly, .xyz is a legit domain name…

Feb 17, 2015: Minister employed to say nice things about racing, says nice things about racing…

Feb 17, 2015: A quick, sweet, couples test : how Well Do You Know Me?…

Feb 17, 2015: Is it too soon to start writing to Santa about a self-driving Apple car?

Feb 17, 2015: “It’s a special kind of love (that I have for Phillip Ruddock)” - @JoeHockey

Feb 16, 2015: Millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet…

Feb 16, 2015: I’m predicting that in the next five years there will be a cat videos segment at the Oscars.

Feb 16, 2015: Cradle Mountain, as you’ve probably never seen it, by @paulmp…

Feb 16, 2015: Dear Twittersaurus: a word for party that starts with m

Feb 15, 2015: Stevie’s really into Better Call Saul……

Feb 15, 2015: Love seeing my couples in print - @josierichardsonphoto’s photo at her stand at the @vinta………

Feb 15, 2015: Rocking the @VintageBrideMag #weddingfair at @HillstoneStL today……

Feb 15, 2015: Mother of a bride just now: Wow! I can’t believe there’s a male celebrant. Me: I know! How weird is it for a celebrant to have a penis!

Feb 15, 2015: These two boys are going to be a lot skinnier soon……

Feb 14, 2015: Stevie rejected Aggie on Valentine’s Day…

Feb 14, 2015: But she’s convinced that you watch ‘Better Call Stan’ on Netflix … so not all advertising works.

Feb 14, 2015: Advertising works! Britt keeps on calling #BetterCallSaul ‘Just Call Stan’ … @stancomau @MolksTVTalk

Feb 14, 2015: Branded creates a personal “business card” style website from your LinkedIn profile…

Feb 14, 2015: 36 Questions to Fall in Love on the App Store on iTunes…

Feb 14, 2015: One of my artistic friends needs to do an Australian version of this…

Feb 14, 2015: I’m producing a regular email newsletter on businessy tool things - you can get it for free at…

Feb 14, 2015: My Valentine……

Feb 14, 2015: To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This…

Feb 14, 2015: Disappointed the @CourierMail didn’t go with “50 Palaszczuk’s of Grey” today.

Feb 14, 2015: Continually impressed by the creativity and awesomeness that Jess creates at @moltenstore ………

Feb 14, 2015: Happy first wedding anniversary to Jedd + Kate today!…

Feb 14, 2015: Why today is a perfectly cromulent day to get married…

Feb 14, 2015: Animated GIFs maketh man

Feb 13, 2015: Top productivity apps for your iPhone from the Australian App Store……

Feb 13, 2015: Campbell, is that you?…

Feb 13, 2015: Personally addressed junk mail about getting out of debt to a person who’s not in debt…

Feb 12, 2015:……

Feb 12, 2015: “What are you doing dad?”……

Feb 12, 2015: Why pop-up?…

Feb 12, 2015: Why would I Pop-Up?…

Feb 12, 2015: Am I using it right?

Feb 12, 2015: Just downed a holocaust of coffee.

Feb 12, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Katherine and Micheal at Gabbinbar Homestead! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 12, 2015: 15 Ways to Personalize Your Wedding by Letting Go of Traditions… #weddinghour

Feb 11, 2015: #VSCOcam……

Feb 11, 2015: I’m a bit worried about the few of my friends that haven’t weighed in on Kanye West this week. Hope you guys are ok.

Feb 11, 2015: I guest blogged on WeddingLovely today: 15 Ways to Personalize Your Wedding by Letting Go of Traditions…

Feb 10, 2015: “Do something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn’t, do something else.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

Feb 10, 2015: Alabama now recognises same-sex marriage, Alabama is more forward on something than Australia is, how freaking weird…

Feb 10, 2015: Britt’s playing with the new Polaroid Socialmatic camera and just told me to tell everyone………

Feb 10, 2015: Is there any ethical problems about offering free cat photos in return for contracting your services? Do the cats need a per diem?

Feb 10, 2015: Hello, Polaroid……

Feb 10, 2015:…

Feb 10, 2015: Tim + Brit #marriedbyjosh photographed by @benandhopephotography and styled by @beautifulw………

Feb 9, 2015: What is it they say about never working a day of your life? Tim &amp; Brit #marriedbyjosh on #Kingscliffe beach…

Feb 9, 2015: I dids a wedding podcast thingy with @SaveTheDatePC and @leishamccormack on all things weddingy…

Feb 9, 2015: I’ve been dying to setup the podcasting “studio” in the new house, two months in, I’m read…… …

Feb 9, 2015: Now you Sia, now you don’t #hideandsiak…

Feb 9, 2015: I’m a guest today on the #1 podcast for all things weddingy!……

Feb 9, 2015: Breaking News: Tony Abbott knights himself #libspill #auspol

Feb 9, 2015: Britt has just launched the @popupwed in Geelong and I’m really excited to be the celebran………

Feb 9, 2015: Hear me on “Save The Date” wedding podcast - it’s pretty freakin cool!…

Feb 8, 2015: You know times are a tough for a PM when he has a lower approval rating than a guy that held people hostage in a cafe in Martin Place.

Feb 8, 2015: In the media world this is called linkbait: The problem with photographers is ………

Feb 8, 2015: The problem with photographers is ……

Feb 8, 2015: “The Prime Minister is a very busy man” … just in case anyone needed a line for tomorrow’s front page #sydneyseige

Feb 8, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying zoe and matthew at coogee plaza! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 8, 2015: Woohoo! I’m marrying Danielle and Matthew at Driftwood! #marriedbyjosh…

Feb 8, 2015: Drops mic…

Feb 8, 2015: Love this podcast: the #Polaroid story told to @oshergunsberg by Stephen Herchen…

Feb 8, 2015: Stunning view at SouthWest Rocks this morning #gottazip……

Feb 8, 2015: I love the visual idea of a leadership spill. Like the leadership is a schooner of beer and the party is trying to carry it without spilling

Feb 8, 2015: I don’t want to alarm anyone, but it seems the Far Kew Corner Store at Kew has shutdown. Quite disappoint.

Feb 8, 2015: 63rd time @hellobrittanyjane has played Drunk In Love on this road trip……

Feb 7, 2015: “Maybe dying alone isn’t all that bad, like you don’t hear many complaints”

Feb 7, 2015: I met Danielle today and she told me she liked me because I came with a disclaimer!…

Feb 7, 2015: Makes me think about Seth Godin’s recent blog post on geography being dead…

Feb 7, 2015: And although I live on the Gold Coast, I have like one wedding near home.

Feb 7, 2015: So this year is shaping up to be blow-your-mind-crazy. Bali twice, Hawaii once, Sydney like twenty times, Perth twice, Melbourne three times

Feb 7, 2015: I consistently find @oshergunsberg’s podcast really encouraging, hat tip to @DanMacPherson. My kind of ppl.…

Feb 7, 2015: The view from today’s office is pretty darn awesome #sydneywedding……

Feb 7, 2015: You haven’t driven in Sydney traffic until unless you need a hug when you get out of the car.

Feb 7, 2015: Waa-hay!

Feb 7, 2015: I’ve had such a good week in NSW with this chick……

Feb 6, 2015: I’m not a racist but I like tweeting confusing Tweets.

Feb 6, 2015: I read this book at Nicole and Lee’s wedding and it rocked! Photo by Jess Marks.……

Feb 6, 2015: This is a pretty awesome wedding “reading” aka children’s book…

Feb 6, 2015: I’ve spent this week watching planes land into @SydneyAirport … I’m such a nerd…

Feb 6, 2015: Punt lyf @ Mortlake Ferry…

Feb 6, 2015: Waa-hay!

Feb 6, 2015: Caught up with the crew from our favourite wedding magazine, @whitemagazine!……

Feb 6, 2015:……

Feb 5, 2015: Thank you for your kind words Courtney and Shane!……

Feb 5, 2015: “No one else will have the same wedding as us”…

Feb 5, 2015: Magnificent moonrise over the Parramatta River tonight - 18 sec iPhone shutter speed, no f………

Feb 5, 2015: Galavanting around #Sydney with @hellobrittanyjane scouting @popupwed #wedding locations #………

Feb 5, 2015: A quick guide on getting hitched in Bali, and why you should/could take a celebrant……

Feb 5, 2015: Took delivery of my own #UBERkitten in Sydney today……

Feb 5, 2015: How to get legally married in Bali…

Feb 5, 2015: A gallery of rock legends – Clapton, Zappa, Elton John, &amp; more – and their totally square, totally sweet parents. …

Feb 4, 2015: Three spots left in my Sydney celebrant workshop!…

Feb 4, 2015:……

Feb 4, 2015: Eating activated almonds #DoingAnAbbott

Feb 4, 2015: Ate two brownies instead of just one #doinganAbbott

Feb 4, 2015: But who’s going to control the Turnbull puppet? #libspill

Feb 4, 2015: For people with a little pianist……

Feb 3, 2015:……

Feb 3, 2015:…

Feb 3, 2015: “The Church of the Bang Bang Boogaloo” comes to Melbourne…

Feb 3, 2015: Massive thanks to @jamesdayweddings, @scottsurplicephotography, and @mrglenedwards for wel………

Feb 3, 2015: It’s @hellobrittanyjane through a Cine-Kodak model 90……

Feb 3, 2015: “What even is a pop-up wedding?” is a question I answered for White Magazine…

Feb 3, 2015: Apart from actually being a #celebrant, one of my favourite things is seeing wedding photo………

Feb 3, 2015: Which is kind of creepy now I think about it.

Feb 3, 2015: I don’t work. I just make people give each other jewellery and kiss.

Feb 3, 2015: Someone just referred to me not being available on the weekends because I’m working.

Feb 3, 2015: Just looking back over these pics from our first Perth Pop-Up Wedding, such a great venue!……

Feb 3, 2015: Faith In Humanity Restored!…

Feb 3, 2015: I’ve taken over James Day Photography’s studio in Sans Souci, Sydney for the day!…

Feb 3, 2015: Today’s office #YourPlaceOrMine #Sydney……

Feb 2, 2015: Marrying and burying, a changing profession - the current state of the industry…

Feb 2, 2015: Bride broke a rib, but won $5……

Feb 2, 2015: Why you should, or shouldn’t, lie about your wedding being a wedding……

Feb 2, 2015: “When asking for a quote for your wedding, don’t tell them it’s a wedding” - things people say.…

Feb 2, 2015: I’d love to be your Whitsunday wedding celebrant :)……

Feb 2, 2015: How to literally buy happiness…

Feb 1, 2015: When you walk down the aisle, do you want to be instant-hugged or Instagrammed?……

Feb 1, 2015: In December this year, send my mail care of Airlie Beach!…

Feb 1, 2015: Questions to ask when you think about having an unplugged wedding…

Feb 1, 2015:……

Feb 1, 2015: Spent the afternoon destroying @jamesdayweddings' new lawn with @hellobrittanyjane. Good t………

Feb 1, 2015: Must-read on artifical intelligence…

Feb 1, 2015: A university class on cool. The biggest surprise is that my friend Ash isn’t teaching it.…

Feb 1, 2015: I’ve just swiped off at Woonoona Station, an almost 3 hour journey, it costs $2.50 on a Sunday! What!?…

Feb 1, 2015: Goin' on a train ride…

Feb 1, 2015: These 30 Americans get paid to like things on Facebook so that your news feed is more personalised…

Feb 1, 2015: Waa-hay!

Feb 1, 2015: What It’s like to Fly the $23,000 Singapore Airlines Suites Class…

Feb 1, 2015: I got pulled over by a policewoman… When I put down my window to ask what was wrong, she said “NOTHING!”

Jan 31, 2015: For all the single ladies…

Jan 31, 2015: I kind of really want to spend one month of my life experiencing this…

Jan 31, 2015: Honestly, it’s kind of fun getting a new govt every few months. It’s like a mobile phone contract, you don’t want the same mobile …

Jan 31, 2015: I’m sitting on a balcony in Cabarita and I can hear screams of joy cry out across Hen and Chicken Bay through the final moments of #AUSvKOR

Jan 31, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 31, 2015: This app turns barcodes on anything into checkin points … it’s like a social network of things…

Jan 31, 2015: My evening in Sydney just opened up - anything exciting happening in town?

Jan 31, 2015: It’s 2015 right?

Jan 31, 2015: I can rent a hotel room online with a CC but @HotelRealm won’t take a CC over the phone for a deposit when Britt’s forgotten her CC?

Jan 31, 2015: Rather lazy and certainly overweight, he remarkedly paid his bills by simply talking #myozobituary

Jan 31, 2015:……

Jan 31, 2015: Move over Hills Hoist and Tim Tams, there’s a new hero in town……

Jan 31, 2015: Fellow Queenslanders, please vote for Pedro today. If you can’t vote for Pedro, then vote for stupid. #qldpol…

Jan 31, 2015: Sydney Ferries are just awesome……

Jan 30, 2015: “Did you hear about that cat that came back to life after five days” an old man in Taree just told me #breakingnews

Jan 29, 2015: Text messages tonight…

Jan 29, 2015: Hi Coffs Harbour

Jan 29, 2015: Join Victoria at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Jan 29, 2015: Jodie and Pete #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 29, 2015: The future - via Reddit…

Jan 29, 2015: Your intricate detailed critical wedding plans, they seem … lovely … don’t they……

Jan 28, 2015: The best laid wedding plans … what could possibly happen to them?…

Jan 28, 2015: Art, yo #marriedbyjosh……

Jan 28, 2015: It’s dancing time at the @lightspacebrisbane! #wedding open night!……

Jan 28, 2015: I said “Quick! Let’s take a selfie with weird faces!”……

Jan 28, 2015: Join Simone at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Jan 28, 2015: I’m a sucker for free stuff: win this sweet new Android phone in the #FlagshipAssassin giveaway… via @thenextweb

Jan 28, 2015: I’m a sucker for free stuff: win the #iWantiMac Giveaway. Feeling adventurous? Enter…… via @thenextweb

Jan 28, 2015: I’m a sucker for free stuff: win a 3D movie projector from the #Free3DHD Giveaway… via @thenextweb

Jan 28, 2015: Join Nicky at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Jan 28, 2015: The face of immunisation desperation……

Jan 28, 2015: I’ve been having some fun with long exposure on the iPhone 5S and the G light rail…

Jan 28, 2015: Thanks @qt_hotels for some R&amp;R with my favourite human plus some really good planning time………

Jan 28, 2015: I think it’s lovely that the @couriermail has put news reporting aside for a few days to transform into an LNP how-to-vote card #qldpol

Jan 27, 2015: Where I learnt to drive as a teen……

Jan 27, 2015: G……

Jan 27, 2015: Ridin' the G #goldcoast #lightrail #tram……

Jan 27, 2015: R&amp;R……

Jan 27, 2015: Google’s new streaming service is a death sentence for crowd funding of new albums from indie bands/labels…

Jan 27, 2015: Join Anita at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Jan 26, 2015: We’re finally at the end of the #Hottest100 where I recognise 1 in 3 songs

Jan 26, 2015: It’s my favourite human’s birthday today!……

Jan 26, 2015: If the worst thing in your life today has something to do with Triple J or Taylor Swift then life’s pretty awesome right?

Jan 26, 2015: Australia is/was/could-be a world leader in the celebration of marriage. It’s actually really………

Jan 26, 2015: If a brand can’t back a song in the #Hottest100, does that mean if I write a post about liking a hipster song it gets excluded as well?

Jan 26, 2015: So @triplej can’t establish a connection to @taylorswift13 - Do they play all of their music off @Spotify #hottest100…

Jan 26, 2015: Did you know that Australia is/was a world leader in the celebration of marriage? #AustraliaDay…

Jan 26, 2015: Joseph &amp; Maggie dropped in to BNE on the way from Hong Kong to #HamiltonIsland to be #marriedbyjosh on #AustraliaDay!…

Jan 26, 2015: I need two witnesses to an elopement in Fortitude Valley right now, can you spare me a signature and 5 minutes?

Jan 26, 2015: A very deserving OAM recipient in 2MC’s Mark ‘Strawny’ Strachan today…

Jan 26, 2015: I was just saying to someone the other day that Prince Phillip wasn’t recognised for his efforts enough, that boy needs a Knighthood.

Jan 25, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 25, 2015: Join Kendra at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Jan 25, 2015: Really looking forward to Oz-Taylor! Day tomorrow #Tay4Hottest100

Jan 25, 2015: Jack &amp; Xanthe #marriedbyjosh #newsteadpark……

Jan 25, 2015: All hail our headphone saviour, Spoolee…

Jan 25, 2015: I’m pretty sure I just saw a @Qantas 727 landing into @BrisbaneAirport - I didn’t think Qantas, or anyone, was flying B727s anymore.

Jan 25, 2015: Blogging your travels and creating photo stories…

Jan 25, 2015: Fran &amp; Esteban are having a second wedding, a year later, in Chile! Have a ball Team Opa………

Jan 25, 2015: Bae (FYI: correct ‘Bae’ usage) #Brooklyn……

Jan 25, 2015: How Google knows stuff…

Jan 25, 2015: The Original fancy elopement by The Pop-Up Wedding Co. is coming to Sydney in August!……

Jan 24, 2015: Taking the #popupwedding to #Sydney!…

Jan 24, 2015: Who Exactly Are Uber’s Drivers? (American stats)…

Jan 24, 2015: Love this pic! It’s what I’m going for in a wedding: cool, calm, collected, fun, happy, …… …

Jan 24, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 24, 2015: Let me introduce you to my father-in-law, the photobomber :) Sue &amp; Jon #marriedbyjosh an………

Jan 24, 2015:…

Jan 24, 2015: At an upcoming wedding I’ll be sharing the spotlight with Kath and Kim impersonators…

Jan 24, 2015: Meta bumper sticker just seen in Brisbane: Campbell’s a can’t

Jan 24, 2015: Expedia, the recently new US owners of Wotif are firing 99% of their BNE-based workforce on Australia Day + increasing booking fee by $10

Jan 24, 2015: Have any Queensland candidates made policy promises about legislating for ride-sharing? #qldpol

Jan 24, 2015: Brisbane is: Saturday morning traffic jams. Thanks, Obama.

Jan 24, 2015: Subaru backwards is “ur a bus”

Jan 24, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 23, 2015: Sue &amp; John #marriedbyjosh in the Tallebudgera Valley photographed by @paulbamford…

Jan 23, 2015: Marriage…

Jan 23, 2015: For my friends in business……

Jan 23, 2015: The Cannon Hill studios would be as cold as ice today. A nice “welcome to the family” meeting would be going down.…

Jan 23, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 22, 2015: “Thought, if not written down and shared with others, changes nothing. Does it matter?”…

Jan 22, 2015: Cameron &amp; Racquel #marriedbyjosh #weddingphotography by @JosieRichardsonPhoto……

Jan 22, 2015: “Where does all the rain even go??” - Britt

Jan 22, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 22, 2015: My only employee is my wife.

Jan 22, 2015: Question for the accountants: I’m sleeping with my only employee, are there any capital gains things to worry about?

Jan 22, 2015: Hey @Telstra - your survey for prizes comp doesn’t ask for contact details when you win……

Jan 22, 2015: Get Tailor here…

Jan 22, 2015: Join Lozzie at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Jan 22, 2015: Just downloaded ‘Tailor’ iPhone app - auto stitches overlapping screenshots together. Very cool!…

Jan 21, 2015: At the end of 2015 @hellobrittanyjane and I are going on a “working holiday” around #The…… …

Jan 21, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 21, 2015: Why 2015 weddings are going to be all about hessian, lightsabers and fishbowls - my predictions on Polka Dot Bride…

Jan 21, 2015: “You recently ordered some glitter for an enemy. Please note that there will be a bit of a delay as the site somehow got popular.”

Jan 21, 2015: Reading a crazy book about a hitman “It feels kind of cool to come back from work every day without having killed……

Jan 21, 2015: Have just been asked to do a wedding ceremony in a music festival!!!

Jan 21, 2015: The wizard of weddings!…

Jan 21, 2015: Things just got deep in my inbox…

Jan 21, 2015: If possible, close to Cabarita, but anywhere is awesome. Any recs?

Jan 21, 2015: I had a place but they’re not available. Just somewhere for me to meet couples in Sydney.

Jan 21, 2015: I’m looking for a small meeting space, co-work pace w/ day rates, even just a cafe open into the evening that is meeting friendly in Sydney.

Jan 21, 2015: I’m planning something really awesome for this fair!!!……

Jan 21, 2015: One of my favourite Brisbane wedding events each year is the Vintage Bride wedding fair - save this date!…

Jan 21, 2015: Ant and Sally #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 21, 2015: Not from The Onion…

Jan 21, 2015: Worst response to a proposal ever (note sent from an 11 year old girl to her classmate)…

Jan 20, 2015: Decades from now, 2015 will be known as the year Taylor Swift divided a nation #Tay4Hottest100

Jan 20, 2015: Just added an actual old friend of mine to my “website friends” list. Meet Trent and Jessie!!… …

Jan 20, 2015: An Internet hero is born: the stock photobomber…

Jan 20, 2015: It’s my grandma’s birthday in a few weeks and the big event is that she’s coming out: she’s telling all her friends that …

Jan 20, 2015: Have you been looking for wedding podcasts in all the wrong places? Check out @SaveTheDatePC!

Jan 20, 2015: Police threat level increases to high. Qld Police forced to wear political signs in sandwich board fashion for protection from budget cuts.

Jan 20, 2015: Have you seen The Significant Space? Amy &amp; Milton review awesome spaces to get married in! Like Kelvin Homestead…

Jan 20, 2015: Not sure if turbulence is always really bad or if I am the world’s wussiest flyer……

Jan 20, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 20, 2015: Unsold Google Glass Units To Be Donated To Assholes In Africa…

Jan 20, 2015: Homeward bound, see you in a week, Sydney!

Jan 20, 2015: Chicago Introduces New Citywide Gun-Sharing Stations…

Jan 20, 2015: A Pizza Hut ran by cats…

Jan 20, 2015: The latest poll on the 4BC opinion pole is in there’s been a massive swing towards Microsoft Wordart &amp; promo stickers …

Jan 20, 2015: HAZ PHONE BACK! Move along everybody, nothing to see here.……

Jan 20, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 19, 2015: “No matter how you used yesterday, you received 24 hours today.” - An Unknown Author

Jan 19, 2015: This dialogue from Interstellar on love really moved me……

Jan 19, 2015: 5,200 Days in Space…

Jan 19, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 19, 2015: So it turns out everyone is getting #Stan access today ……

Jan 19, 2015: First I saw @MolksTVTalk get a #Stan invite. Then I got one. Then @EvanD got one. Does everyone get one?

Jan 19, 2015: They’ve got it in for repairs overnight and now I’m out of touch and out of reach, so send my mail care of Bondi Beach!

Jan 19, 2015: I’m in Sydney and my iPhone died directly out the front of the George Street Apple Store.

Jan 19, 2015: &lt;3 Scrubs …. 13 Songs That Proved Scrubs Were Masters of Music…

Jan 19, 2015: BREAKING: Man handing out flyers in Pitt Street Mall has had his soul sucked out of him by the pure joy he receives from his employment.

Jan 19, 2015: Interstellar’s Amelia Brand on love - what a wedding reading!…

Jan 19, 2015: I grew up wanting to “be on the radio” because I listened to Pauly, Mikey and The Sandman on @triplej every morning before school- HB …

Jan 19, 2015: If you’re totes into wedding emails, my weekly one just went out! Read it here… and subscribe so you get next …

Jan 19, 2015: Is it after the tennis yet?

Jan 18, 2015: Just watched #Interstellar on IMAX with @molkstvtalk … just in awe

Jan 18, 2015: Makeshift Sydney office :)……

Jan 18, 2015: It’s plane to see I made it to Sydney ok……

Jan 18, 2015: I love #UberX! It’s like my non-English speaking mate picks me up from the airport and let’s me control his Spotify.

Jan 18, 2015: Don’t mind if I do, Sydney. See you tomorrow night, @Wil_Anderson!…

Jan 18, 2015: #UberX is banned, or geoblocked from the airport.

Jan 18, 2015: I’d love to see how many passengers walk outside of @SydneyAirport to catch an #UberX, @Uber_Sydney? There’s three of us at the moment.

Jan 18, 2015: I’m all out of fresh and new selfie faces … Sydney bound……

Jan 18, 2015: Sydney bound!

Jan 18, 2015: WhiteAlbum - a disposable camera for your iPhone … what an innovative idea!…

Jan 18, 2015: Pumpkin themed #wedding. Photo by #binaryflip……

Jan 17, 2015: Jeff and Shannon made an awesome music video to announce their engagement……

Jan 17, 2015: I graduated from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air dance school…

Jan 17, 2015: Some enagement announcement music video inspiration…

Jan 17, 2015: #SpiderCat #AggieWithers #AgnesWithers……

Jan 17, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 17, 2015: Britt’s away……

Jan 17, 2015: I’d like to start a ska band, The Contending Bosstones.

Jan 17, 2015: Here’s a crazy idea for wedding rings, not exchanging them, but just putting them on yourself……

Jan 17, 2015: In the Daily Mail: Brides' horror stories about buying cheap wedding dresses. Stay away from the cheapies!…

Jan 17, 2015: Putting your own wedding ring on your own finger - instead of exchanging them…

Jan 17, 2015: You are what you share ……

Jan 17, 2015: DIY Lightsaber…

Jan 17, 2015: The latest weather update from the #AuthenticWeather app……

Jan 16, 2015: Come join me at a celebrant training event around the country this year!……

Jan 16, 2015: I don’t mean to boast but I just scheduled an 8am Saturday morning appointment. How’s that, adult life?!

Jan 16, 2015: This ring bearer and flower girl got married 20 years after their first walk down an aisle!…

Jan 16, 2015: Vicki, a bride, was just telling me about her and her fiancé’s first big fight and I had………

Jan 16, 2015: The Lego Movie WAS awesome, but an 83 minute ad shouldn’t win an Oscar.

Jan 16, 2015: Valentine’s Day isn’t as soppy, romantic and cheesy as everyone thinks……

Jan 16, 2015: Get a sponsor child…

Jan 16, 2015: #Tay4QLD…

Jan 16, 2015: In the 90’s TMBG were intrigued by the absurd KISS song Dr Love &amp; wondered ‘what other absurd docs could there be?’ …

Jan 16, 2015: Sock Fancy - get socks in the mail #OMGWTF…

Jan 16, 2015: Japanese Candy Delivered To You Every Month…

Jan 16, 2015: Join Helen at my next celebrant training workshop!…

Jan 15, 2015: I don’t remember being this passionate // photo by @miltongan……

Jan 15, 2015: I think the thing everyone’s missing here is that Shake It Off IS the actual hottest song of 2014 #ThisSickBeat #Tay4Hottest100

Jan 15, 2015: I just spammed every single NSW marriage celebrant inviting them to my training workshop …… … cool domain right?


Jan 15, 2015: #selfie by @miltongan……

Jan 15, 2015: It’s almost un-Australian to not vote for Tay at this point #Tay4Hottest100

Jan 15, 2015: As far as lyrical content goes, there couldn’t be a better song to crash the #hottest100… #Tay4Hottest100

Jan 15, 2015: Why can’t it be taco Tuesday every night? Asking for a friend.

Jan 15, 2015: I need a street address in the Sydney CBD, preferably for a public business, to receive a single letter to - anyone?

Jan 15, 2015: #Tay4Hottest100 #neverforget

Jan 15, 2015: “I normally find ceremonies to be boring and strangely sad or awkward but I LOVED ours” - Ben &amp; Leah #marriedbyjosh …

Jan 15, 2015: Why Britt and are passionate about eradicating child marriage……

Jan 15, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 15, 2015: Browsing around the #popupwedding tag we found @ohwhatadaypopupwedding &amp; engaged in some………

Jan 15, 2015: Thanks to @swoodgate I now know that I can be Googled at “psychotic celebrant Brisbane”

Jan 15, 2015: I love emptying kitty litter #affirmations #positivity #icandoit

Jan 15, 2015: Find a Perth marriage celebrant!…

Jan 15, 2015: I just saw a post from @Wil_Anderson on Facebook and realised that it’s this weekend that @MolksTVTalk &amp; I do Sydney. Woohoo!

Jan 15, 2015: Launching my training workshops and celebrant OPD dates!…

Jan 15, 2015: Email from a couple “did not find you by googling ‘hipster celebrant’….googled ‘not old celebrant’ haha”

Jan 15, 2015: Find a Gold Coast marriage celebrant!…

Jan 15, 2015: Find a Whitsundays marriage celebrant!…

Jan 15, 2015: #favourite……

Jan 14, 2015: Curiosity killing the cat……

Jan 14, 2015: How do people not know their own email addresses?…

Jan 14, 2015: Find a Byron Bay marriage celebrant!…

Jan 14, 2015: How else will this cruel world deceive me?

Jan 14, 2015: Finding out that a favourite song is a cover, 16 years after it was released … feeling so stupid…

Jan 14, 2015: Come on Eileen plays on Spotify and you’re home alone. Kevin McCallister has nothing on me.

Jan 14, 2015: James + Liliana #marriedbyjosh photographed by @kristina_childs #wedding #brisbanecelebr………

Jan 14, 2015: If you are a #SydneyCelebrant you’re invited to my #celebrant training workshop on March………

Jan 14, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 14, 2015: .@TwitterAU you know that’s the ugliest way of tweeting right? Surely we could find a prettier way of doing this?

Jan 14, 2015: Find a Canberra marriage celebrant!…

Jan 14, 2015: Sydney celebrants, come at me!…

Jan 14, 2015: I’m running a wedding celebrant training workshop in Sydney - come along!…

Jan 14, 2015: I’ve just realised that I’ve finished work in Brisbane too late and if I leave now I’m just going to sit in traffic. Sigh.

Jan 14, 2015: Only moments before @kristina_childs snapped this photo last year I was closing a multi-………

Jan 14, 2015: A one month early Happy #ValentinesDay on my blog right now. Why it’s a great reason tha………

Jan 14, 2015: Why Valentine’s Day is a great day to get married…

Jan 14, 2015: Bowie…

Jan 14, 2015: Find a Melbourne marriage celebrant!…

Jan 14, 2015: The first thing I’m going to ask Jesus is ‘who is Ed Sheeran’s song, Don’t, about?’

Jan 14, 2015: Want to get married on Valentine’s Day? Today’s your last chance to give one month’s not…… …

Jan 14, 2015: Find a Brisbane marriage celebrant!…

Jan 14, 2015: Optus: behind the times.

Jan 14, 2015: There’s a blog post on the way telling you why Valentine’s Day is the best day to get married, not the cheesiest!

Jan 14, 2015: Want to get married on Valentine’s Day? Today’s your last chance to give one month’s notice.

Jan 14, 2015: Find a Sydney marriage celebrant!…

Jan 14, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 13, 2015: I’m in the awesome marriages business, so Lamana’s story makes me really sad…

Jan 13, 2015: Creating your wedding social media policy, a quick guide……

Jan 13, 2015: The best…

Jan 13, 2015: A really intelligent friend, @LisDingjan, gave me some contact form advice and now I get awesome emails like this…

Jan 13, 2015: The #ByronBay #PopUpWedding has launched! All the info is at……

Jan 13, 2015: Mind you, it’s nothing compared to the 33,067 emails that you guys sent me …

Jan 13, 2015: My IT guys just told me that I sent 8,498 emails last year. Sorry ‘bout that.

Jan 13, 2015: A couples therapist suggests asking yourself this question before you get married…

Jan 13, 2015: Are we Pinterest buddies yet?……

Jan 13, 2015: Happy to join the Wedding Lovely team of vendors :)…

Jan 13, 2015: Everything you need to know about a #weddingselfie and social media at your wedding…

Jan 13, 2015: Why Transparency Is The New Marketing…

Jan 13, 2015: Facebook Page Unliker - a simpel tool to help you unlike all those pages you liked years ago -…

Jan 13, 2015: Remember when we used to order letterheads. Now we order a domain name.

Jan 13, 2015: People sometimes mistake me for a wedding celebrant. I’m actually just a professional email inbox emptier.

Jan 13, 2015: Stevie, every time I shower. She just watches me.……

Jan 12, 2015: A warning about hiring me as your celebrant…

Jan 12, 2015: Win Sydney tickets to Love on the Lawn!……

Jan 12, 2015: I’ve got $20 for a sydney bride and groom .. well not $20, but $20 worth of ticket to @LoveOnTheLawn1…

Jan 12, 2015: Do you ever think that @1200Techniques has lost faith in karma after no one wrote a song about their karma?

Jan 12, 2015: One month…

Jan 12, 2015: A World Transfixed by Screens - a collection of photos that would’nt have existed15 years ago…

Jan 12, 2015: Your help needed to plan a bride and groom meetup in Brisbane!……

Jan 12, 2015: Your help needed to plan a bride and groom meetup in Brisbane!…

Jan 12, 2015: I probably tweet more than the average nerd. I think most tweets go unread and unnoticed. I tweet one inaccurate thing about the NBN, boom.

Jan 11, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 11, 2015: Bought a misspelled domain name last night, @hover probably needs to install a breathalyser.

Jan 11, 2015: Is there a 1800 number you call if you se someone using iOS 6?

Jan 11, 2015: And survey says ….…

Jan 11, 2015: I made it into the top 10 of the Best Of Polka Dot Wisdom 2014!!…

Jan 11, 2015: “Why you still in bed?”……

Jan 11, 2015: Thing I’d appreciate and be ever thankful for: you clicking this link and clicking the loveheart symbol!…

Jan 11, 2015: These two wedding readings are ones you may have heard before……

Jan 10, 2015: Katie and Dan’s Glittery Twilight Wedding #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 10, 2015: Tim and Britany #marriedbyjosh!!……

Jan 10, 2015: BLACK MAGIC!…

Jan 10, 2015: Wade + Brooke…

Jan 10, 2015: Chris &amp; Di #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 10, 2015: Can you help me brainstorm a podcast name? I want to create a show about using tech, gadgets, websites, apps, to help solo/small businesses.

Jan 10, 2015: Tenielle + Dean…

Jan 10, 2015: Call out for audio engineers/producers looking for work, msg me.

Jan 10, 2015: Britt’s flying @Qantas business class for the first time today…

Jan 10, 2015: Viv + Bart #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 10, 2015: Lemme take a selfiey…

Jan 9, 2015: If there happens to be anyone with a spare couple of minutes in Melbourne’s Tullamarine airport around 10:40am tomorrow morning let me know?

Jan 9, 2015: Ellectra &amp; Sam #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 9, 2015: … so I’m never opening Messages on my iPhone again, sorry to anyone that ever messages me.

Jan 9, 2015: I don’t know how your day is going but a client accidentally sent me a picture of his gear today …

Jan 9, 2015: 10 Ways Weddings Are Completely Different Now…

Jan 9, 2015: Are you with stupid? Get your @Can_do_Campbell “I’m with stupid” t-shirt, iPhone case and mug at… #FreeCanDo

Jan 9, 2015: Andy + Meredith #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 9, 2015: Courtney and Lee #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 9, 2015: Jon &amp; Rachel #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 8, 2015: Our cats being catty #StevieWithers #AgnesWithers……

Jan 8, 2015: Selfie dolls. when a selfie stick isn’t enough.…

Jan 8, 2015: Lugg, it’s Uber for removalists…

Jan 8, 2015: When Danielle from White+White and I talked to Concrete Playground :)…

Jan 8, 2015: That time @Can_do_Campbell made it into Time for wearing an “I’m With Stupid” T-Shirt……

Jan 8, 2015: If your idea can be invalidated by a funny cartoon, your idea might need readjustment. Advice for entrepreneurs and terrorists.

Jan 8, 2015: Tenille + Aidan surprise #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 8, 2015: Tenielle &amp; Dean…

Jan 8, 2015: Saudi Royalty are holidaying on #HamiltonIsland at the moment…

Jan 8, 2015: Snapped by @Bill_Drossos post-wedding #hiweddings #HamiltonIsland…

Jan 8, 2015: Awkward for @TurnbullMalcolm, the new US minimum broadband standard is the new Australian maximum standard for #NBN…

Jan 8, 2015: I had no intention of any political campaigning #qldpol, but now I want to buy an ‘I’m with stupid’ shirt and go on #smurfwatch …

Jan 8, 2015: I’m with stupid -&gt; @Can_do_Campbell #FreeCanDo

Jan 8, 2015: Not sure how much I can say, but I know that this is not the last time everyone will hear from @Can_do_Campbell this #qldpol #FreeCanDo

Jan 8, 2015: So proud, @Can_do_Campbell #FreeCanDo…

Jan 8, 2015: Steff &amp; Pascha #remarriedbyjosh :)…

Jan 8, 2015: What’s going to be important in 2015, from a technology point of view but apprpoiate for all in business…

Jan 8, 2015: It’s going to be a real struggle for the @VirginAustralia staff to get me on my 1:55pm f………

Jan 8, 2015: #HamiltonIsland……

Jan 8, 2015: OMG A MASSIVE COCONUT FELL AND ALMOST JUST KILLED ME. Tropical life is hard, yo #TheStruggleIsReal

Jan 8, 2015: Sam &amp; Ellectra #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 8, 2015: I’m just showing off now #Breakfast #HamiltonIsland……

Jan 7, 2015: Jess and Michael #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 7, 2015: Doing my part for the youth of today…

Jan 7, 2015: Simon &amp; Ancuta #marriedbyjosh on @hamiltonisland with the sweet team at @hiweddings. Pho………

Jan 7, 2015: What even is a wedding celebrant?…

Jan 7, 2015: When I was a wee bit younger, a Whitsunday cruise company called Fantasea had a radio ji………

Jan 7, 2015: Hi, from Hamo……

Jan 7, 2015: Hi Mackay friends! I wanted to drop in and say hi but the pilot said no :(……

Jan 7, 2015: Remembering the first Perth pop-up wedding that we put on…

Jan 7, 2015: Really looking forward to Channel 13 News' upcoming documentary on the human condition.

Jan 7, 2015: Heath at The Left Lane made me look pretty in pictures :)…

Jan 7, 2015: Love White Mag! :)…

Jan 7, 2015: Can you buy @VirginAustralia lounge guest passes?

Jan 7, 2015: In other news, I’m three hours early for a flight.

Jan 7, 2015: Withers Law of Driving to @BrisbaneAirport from GC: leave early, there will be no traffic. Don’t leave early, there will be so much traffic.

Jan 6, 2015: Kate &amp; Dan #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 6, 2015: A spectacular couple were married together in a spectacular wedding today! Scott &amp; Angel………

Jan 6, 2015: Either Angel read my blog post about chairs in the weekend or she’s a really smart chick………

Jan 6, 2015: Kayla and Nathan #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 6, 2015: How awkward. Business person just (I assume accidentally) ended the phone call with “I love you”. And no, the business person wasn’t …

Jan 6, 2015: Huey Lewis and Method Man inspire some awesome wedding readings…

Jan 6, 2015: Awesome wedding reading lol…

Jan 6, 2015: Australian marriage celebrant reveals wackiest weddings - The Daily Mail…

Jan 6, 2015: Shame, shame, shame…

Jan 6, 2015: Simon &amp; Cara-Mia’s pop-up wedding #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 6, 2015: Wanted: podcast mediator, as @MolksTVTalk and I compare the Oz TV streaming services to the US services, side by side on the same lounge.

Jan 6, 2015: 2015 goal: be on more podcasts … either mine or other peoples. Thanks for the oppurtunity, Cam!…

Jan 5, 2015: Carmen &amp; Simon #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 5, 2015: Hung out with four really cool people today. Only three are in this photo.……

Jan 5, 2015: We were probably a year early with the Star Wars pop-up wedding (news article from 2014) ……

Jan 5, 2015: Alicia and Andrew’s twist on the sand ceremony is such an eye opener for so many couples!…

Jan 5, 2015: Would you prefer to go to a wedding on a Monday or a Thursday?

Jan 5, 2015: Really looking forward to Hamilton Island this week!…

Jan 5, 2015: Katie and Matt #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 5, 2015: What kind of age are we living in when a prince can’t have an orgy?

Jan 5, 2015: Cam and Gabby! #marriedbyjosh at #powerhouse Photographed by @bayleighvedelago_photograp………

Jan 4, 2015: AAAHHH! There’s another person with the same name as me and he has a wedding website…

Jan 4, 2015: Cassie &amp; Andrew #marriedbyjosh…

Jan 4, 2015: “pop up wedding” “poop up wedding” one letter brings totally different search engine results

Jan 4, 2015: Ray and Rebekah #marriedbyjosh at #cloudland!……

Jan 4, 2015: Nice renovations, @cloudlandbrisbane!……

Jan 4, 2015: Stuart + Lisa #marriedbyjosh……

Jan 4, 2015: Something for all of us wedding people to aspire to in 2015!…

Jan 4, 2015: How many chairs to hire for your wedding ceremony … all the big problems amirite?……

Jan 4, 2015: The peculiar problem with wedding chairs…

Jan 4, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 3, 2015: I love how Google analytics doesn’t know what 90% of people are searching for on Google ……

Jan 3, 2015: I asked Kim how she was feeling before she walked down the aisle and she screamed “I’m r…… …

Jan 3, 2015: “I’m really fucking excited!” Kim screamed so then I married her to Chris and we all had a ball! #marriedbyjosh …

Jan 3, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 2, 2015: Is my petrol halal certified? Asking for a friend.

Jan 2, 2015: Cam and Gabby #marriedbyjosh!!……

Jan 2, 2015: How cool is this engagement photo……

Jan 2, 2015: What trials unite not only Harry Potter or Frodo Baggins but many of literature’s most interesting heroes?…

Jan 2, 2015:…

Jan 2, 2015: Christmas holiday fun game: step 1) rent white van. Step 2) park van on highway.

Jan 2, 2015: Waa-hay!

Jan 1, 2015: Is there an app that lets you know where speed cameras are? Not that I’m planning on speeding tonight, just asking for a friend …

Jan 1, 2015: “‘Used to be,’ is not necessarily a mark of failure. It’s more often a sign of bravery and progress.” …

Jan 1, 2015: I don’t want to take full responsibility for global warming but i just flushed the wrong urinal.

Jan 1, 2015: And we all watched some awesome dude dance a dance that involved clapping and stamping. ………

Jan 1, 2015: The celebrant monster……

Jan 1, 2015: Grant + Kendall travelled from Texas to be married on New Year’s Day! #marriedbyjosh……

Jan 1, 2015: “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” - E.E. Cummings Viv + Bart #marriedbyjosh photo @paulbamford…

Jan 1, 2015: I always forget, which one is the crime, jernalizm or journalism, @PeterGreste?

Jan 1, 2015: Accidentally watch a a Nicholas Cage film last night. Glad 2014 is behind us.

Jan 1, 2015: Happy new year everyone!……

Jan 1, 2015: My new year’s resolution is CGA #nevergetsold

Jan 1, 2015: It’s 2015 and I feel like a halal certified globally warmed cross bun with no $5 co-payment. Help anyone?

Jan 1, 2015:……

Dec 31, 2014: Four little numbers that help us compartmentalise 365 days of feelings. Be gone current four digit compartment code. Bring on a new one.

Dec 31, 2014: Waa-hay!

Dec 31, 2014: Roy and Mariya just said yes to marriage under the Story Bridge! What a way to celebrate………

Dec 31, 2014: Telling stories under the Story Bridge this #NYE #brisbanewedding #brisbanecelebrant #br………

Dec 31, 2014: Looking for a really cool seminar/workshop area in Sydney - anyone? 10-20 people

Dec 31, 2014: If you’re looking for a free #NYE Uber code type marriedbyjosh into the app for your first two trips free, up to $25 per trip.

Dec 31, 2014: The unedited skies above Fortitude Valley right now……

Dec 31, 2014: I’ve got 2 hours to burn in Brisbane this afternoon. The challenge is to not get drunk before the 5:30pm ceremony :/

Dec 31, 2014: We’re planning something pretty cool in 2015!……

Dec 31, 2014: I’m writing a book!…

Dec 31, 2014: McDonald’s have opened a hipster cafe in Sydney, beware fellow hipster bros, you could be acciedntally eating maccas…

Dec 30, 2014: Really kicking ass on this studying thing…

Dec 30, 2014: Don’t know what I’m talking about?…

Dec 30, 2014: CRAZY! Every single bride or groom that has booked me this week has also supported the child marriage appeal…

Dec 30, 2014: Britt knows me too well. She bought me a book of puns for Christmas :)……

Dec 30, 2014: Not much good can come from hitting a kangaroo, but a bug-free bonnet and bumper is close…

Dec 30, 2014: Not much good can come from hitting a kangaroo, but a big-free bonnet and bumper is close……

Dec 30, 2014: Waste this week by visiting… and choosing that best year of your youth. See you next week.

Dec 30, 2014: Search for adventure #SmithJournal……

Dec 30, 2014: Keen to drink piña coladas &amp; marry in Bali w/ @popupwed?… Here’s a photo of Agnes sleeping.…

Dec 30, 2014: Jay Wilds speaks, but not to Serial…

Dec 29, 2014: When I’m too focused on my work and @hellobrittanyjane wants to play……

Dec 29, 2014: How weddings need to start… /cc @claybo76

Dec 29, 2014: Waa-hay!

Dec 29, 2014: Freakingly excited - we’re taking the @popupwed to Bali in the new year!……

Dec 29, 2014: Get rich quick scheme idea: start a band and say you’re TISM then start touring wearing costumes that cover your mouth. Play iPod. Instant $

Dec 29, 2014: How is this not the national anthem?…

Dec 29, 2014: Aspire Worldwide is the MLM scam.

Dec 29, 2014: Proud husband moment. Britt’s on the phone to a friend who has just gotten into network marketing. She’s trolling the shit out of her.

Dec 29, 2014: #SaveTheWreath……

Dec 29, 2014: #Woohoo

Dec 29, 2014: How to make your celebrant run on all eight cylinders……

Dec 28, 2014: How to get the best out of your wedding celebrant…

Dec 28, 2014: My newest employee, #AgnesWithers, is in the #marriedbyjosh office tonight getting stuff………

Dec 28, 2014: #Woohoo

Dec 28, 2014: There’s trouble in paradise #AggieWithers #StevieWithers……

Dec 28, 2014: #popupwedding 👍……

Dec 28, 2014: So @zapier is rocking my world - a booking goes straight to email, @QuickBooksAU, GCal and Twitter…

Dec 28, 2014: Woohoo! I’m going to another wedding! (This auto-tweet means someone just invited me to be their #wedding #celebrant on 2015-03-20!)

Dec 28, 2014: My whole life is pretty much centered around posting puns then waiting for the reactions…

Dec 28, 2014: A very happy first wedding anniversary to two of the loveliest ever to wed, Ricky and Amy!……

Dec 28, 2014: What I think the wedding industry will look like in 2015 … I’m mostly wrong though I think…

Dec 27, 2014: What to do with all these left over wedding traditions……

Dec 27, 2014: Aggie!……

Dec 27, 2014: Some sage advice on what to do with all these wedding traditions…

Dec 27, 2014: We adopted a kitten!! #catsofinstagram……

Dec 27, 2014: Morning coffee and Kindle with @hellobrittanyjane……

Dec 27, 2014: I want to leave a mark on the world, a mark that makes the world better, join me?……

Dec 27, 2014: Everything any sane person has ever wanted to know about the form you need to complete one mo………

Dec 27, 2014: From today, brides and grooms that invite me to be their wedding celebrant will have the………

Dec 27, 2014: How your marriage can help stop child marriage - let’s change the world…

Dec 26, 2014: Things I learn watching Hulu: In America they pronounce Nissan “Nee-san”.

Dec 26, 2014: Brisbane - Honolulu, in August. $5200 on Virgin, $2400 on Qantas, $1400 on Jetstar with luggage and meals &amp; fancy crap. Here we come!

Dec 26, 2014: Hey @MolksTVTalk and other Qantas flying peeps - if you see a deal for Qantas Club over the next month, let a brother know ok

Dec 26, 2014: Did you get engaged over Christmas? Tag me in your ‘just engaged’ selfie before 2015 and…… …

Dec 26, 2014: How to be an encouraging friend to @parenteswagking…

Dec 26, 2014: Hosting an AMA with @MolksTVTalk’s parents this afternoon. Any questions,? Shoot them through and I’ll be sure to ask.

Dec 25, 2014: Radio nerds might be interested to hear B105 today, sounding like they’ve half re-branded to ‘Hit 1053’ whilst still using B105.

Dec 25, 2014: Ten years and still no Team Zissou beanie for Christmas. Worst friends ever. Just joking………

Dec 25, 2014: The Internet’s gift to you this Christmas…

Dec 25, 2014: Far too excited about hiding

Dec 25, 2014: Hiding…

Dec 25, 2014: Britt got me a light box!……

Dec 25, 2014:……

Dec 24, 2014:… #doublie @howtodoublie…

Dec 24, 2014: They’re about to tear her down……

Dec 24, 2014: Simon and Julanne just got married as a surprise to all of their friends and family at their Christmas Eve BBQ!


Dec 24, 2014: There’s some books inside #YourTurn #SethGodin……

Dec 24, 2014: My 2015 prediction: Updog is finally going to be the social network to take down Facebook…

Dec 24, 2014: Surely under an Abbott government I could get an annulment right?

Dec 24, 2014: It’s our third Christmas together and Britt has only now revealed she doesn’t know how to make rumballs.

Dec 24, 2014: Just sent all of our presents via Express Post. This is how it works right? #ChristmasEve

Dec 23, 2014: Brad &amp; Amy are getting married on Boxing Day. Amy has a msg for u: “P.S if anyone you know suggests a xmas wedding tell them they are …

Dec 23, 2014:……

Dec 23, 2014: Get a time machine at your wedding……

Dec 23, 2014: Thank you, Ben + Leah!!! #marriedbyjosh #sydneywedding #celebrant - amazing photo by @mi………

Dec 23, 2014: Happy Festivus everyone!……

Dec 23, 2014:…

Dec 23, 2014: History sometimes repeats…

Dec 22, 2014: Ben + Leah #marriedbyjosh photographed by @miltongan……

Dec 22, 2014: Read my predictions for 2015 weddings……

Dec 22, 2014: My 2015 #wedding trend predictions on the blog right now - link in bio……

Dec 22, 2014: My bold predictions for the 2015 wedding industry…

Dec 22, 2014: “Hey Josh, we met you at one of the wedding expos this year at bond uni! I don’t know if you remember me but you took a photo of my …

Dec 22, 2014: I’m not sure why this time isn’t booked yet. Just seems cray cray. #BackToTheFutureII…

Dec 22, 2014: Here’s some deeper reading on the subject too…

Dec 22, 2014: Read more at Girls Not Brides:… and over Christmas I’m going to think about doing some fundraising. @girlsnotbrides

Dec 22, 2014: I think I’ve got to do something tangible about this in the new year.

Dec 22, 2014: … it broke my heart to hear that 1 in 3 girls in the developing world are losing their innocence to the same thing I celebrate.

Dec 22, 2014: As someone that has the honour of seeing so many consenting adults enter into the union of marriage.

Dec 22, 2014: Reading some blogs today and I found this alarming info about child marriage…

Dec 22, 2014: What if the whole “Minister for Women” thing was Tony Abbott’s gift to the media this Christmas?

Dec 22, 2014: Mike Meyers rocks SNL opener as Dr Evil, talking to Sony &amp; North Korea… - VPN required

Dec 22, 2014: 2GB comes to Fairfax Radio Network’s rescue as it throws Kiis 96 under the bus to pay for the rescue.

Dec 21, 2014: The pilots of Instagram: beautiful views from the cockpit, violating rules of the air - Quartz…

Dec 21, 2014: Fans of @paulkelly would find it depressing to know that… is not only, not a travel blog, but also, un-registered.

Dec 21, 2014: Has anyone just tried sending truckloads of mangoes into war-torn countries?

Dec 21, 2014: Bebo is back. Does my #Bebo look like me? Add me! My username is ‘joshuawithers’……

Dec 21, 2014: Bebo is back.

Dec 20, 2014: Home! #FIFOcelebrant

Dec 20, 2014: A @miltongan selfie……

Dec 20, 2014: NSW, where you can still wear your sunglasses at 7:30pm in the summer.

Dec 20, 2014: Ben &amp; Leah #marriedbyjosh #thatglare……

Dec 20, 2014: Probably the most stressful thing in my life at the moment is learning new steering wheel controls in every rental…

Dec 20, 2014: Wowser! #Vaucluse12ftAmateurSailingClub……

Dec 20, 2014: Sydney’s @kiis1065 is trying something with @kyleandjackieo: three hours of greetings each morning…

Dec 20, 2014: Stunning day for a wedding in Sydney today

Dec 20, 2014: Hello #Sydney, you bloody good-looking city……

Dec 20, 2014: Reading the first edition of the @bulabride magazine while waiting for my flight to Sydn………

Dec 20, 2014: Sydney bound for a Watsons Bay wedding today! I’ve got a few hours free around lunch if anyone is about :)

Dec 19, 2014: Merry Christmas from the Withers!……

Dec 19, 2014: Love marrying family! Sue &amp; John #marriedbyjosh styled by @signsofwear and photographed ………

Dec 19, 2014: Top ten things that uptown funk don’t give it to ya.

Dec 18, 2014: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them. MARK TWAIN”…

Dec 18, 2014: Bad news in the @Serial world, guys, the little girl who can’t pronounce @Mailchimp never learnt how to pronounce Mailchimp for the last ep.

Dec 18, 2014: NEW/LAST SERIAL, YO…

Dec 18, 2014: I don’t mean to boast, but SEO guy told me that my site is the 1,159,786th most visited site in the world. Take that,…

Dec 18, 2014: Anyone remember that old website that was useless -… or something like that - hypnotic animate background or something

Dec 18, 2014: I think we’re all a Waleed today.

Dec 18, 2014: Skills: Substantial aptitude in adopting voluminous lexicon in a resume.

Dec 18, 2014: Why doesn’t anyone use underline anymore? Kids these days are all about bold and italics, why all the underline hate?

Dec 17, 2014: Shopping centres, full of those of us not smart enough to shop online at Christmas.

Dec 17, 2014:……

Dec 17, 2014: How do self-employed people ‘chuck a sickie’? Asking for a friend.

Dec 17, 2014: Running your own business is just a minefield of unexpected expenses …

Dec 17, 2014: Should we keep on renting a car or Uber do you think?

Dec 17, 2014: Our car is being repaired, post Kangaroo incident, and it’s still going to be another week or two apparently.

Dec 17, 2014: I love the market stubbornness of @612brisbane and @NewsTalk4BC both broadcasting the same cricket match. Over to podcasts now.

Dec 17, 2014: Everyone should listen to Britt explain ‘the cloud’. Right now she wants me to ‘just drag Taylor Swift’s album’ from her …

Dec 17, 2014: You can’t even make a blockbuster movie about assassinating a dangerous unstable sitting world leader without ruffling feathers these days.

Dec 16, 2014: Should’ve been using these…

Dec 16, 2014: Bored…

Dec 16, 2014: #VSCOcam……

Dec 15, 2014: Jae + Sally #marriedbyjosh……

Dec 15, 2014: Proper function……

Dec 15, 2014: Trialling a new #Behringer portable PA system at Jae &amp; Sally’s #wedding tonight……

Dec 15, 2014: Freakingly stunning Brisbane evening! #tonightsoffice…

Dec 15, 2014: The taxi council’s ads are just sad and they have to be bordering on slanderous @NewsTalk4BC @Uber_Brisbane

Dec 15, 2014: Listening to @NewsTalk4BC for an hour and have heard 3 anti-Uber ads from the taxi council. So glad my wage doesn’t come from there anymore.

Dec 15, 2014: In a time when the facts change every minute, I just wish there was a hardcopy of everything we knew hours ago…

Dec 15, 2014: Is it national ignorance day again already? I always forget the date.

Dec 14, 2014: I’ve never seen a ‘shooting star’ so I don’t know what to look for #Geminids

Dec 14, 2014: “Life found a way” - Spike and Ellie’s wedding……

Dec 14, 2014: She likes me for me……

Dec 14, 2014: Spike and Ellie liked Jurassic Park … and then they got married #roar…

Dec 14, 2014: “Government closes deal to use Datsun 120Y’s in new high speed rail service” #NBN…

Dec 14, 2014: A wedding is making it’s way to the blog soon that has a strand of it’s DNA in it from one of my favourite movies…

Dec 14, 2014: I was lucky enough to move into an #NBN house last week and can wholeheartedly agree with @mpesce - it’s crazy that lucky had to be used

Dec 14, 2014: Russell &amp; Brianna surprised all of their friends and family and were #marriedbyjosh this………

Dec 14, 2014: Offline Wikipedia……

Dec 14, 2014: Hammer time…

Dec 14, 2014: “Thank you for making our wedding day so special. From the first meeting, your friendlin………

Dec 13, 2014: Expecting a perfect wedding is the first step in planning to fail at weddings……

Dec 13, 2014: All I need……

Dec 13, 2014: You’ll never have a perfect wedding - and that’s ok…

Dec 13, 2014: My busiest enquiry day this past six months has been October 1 … Rocktober must be for lovers.…

Dec 13, 2014: Wowzer…

Dec 13, 2014: Charlie is a free email app that briefs me automatically on each meeting:…

Dec 13, 2014: I’ve got a weekend full of meetings and I wouldn’t be able to stay sane through it all if it wasn’t for @AppCharlie …

Dec 13, 2014: Love getting positive, encouraging, packages in the mail! Thank you, Mark &amp; Amanda! #marriedbyjosh @……

Dec 13, 2014: We had to share these photos we just got from our USA trip……

Dec 12, 2014: Luke and Mallory took some amazing photos and we had to blog them!…

Dec 12, 2014:……

Dec 12, 2014: #BrooklynBridge with my favourite human on the planet, @hellobrittanyjane - thanks for t………

Dec 11, 2014: Uptown, downtown, turn the beat around town. Hip hopping, diddy beat bopping. There’s no………

Dec 11, 2014: My kingdom to read the @SatPaper on my #Kindle.

Dec 10, 2014: “Thanks so much for being our celebrant- the way in which you listened and helped us pre………

Dec 10, 2014: It’s such a blessing to have created a business where not only I can do something that b………

Dec 10, 2014: #Qantas flights turning back &amp; everyone goes home &gt; @Qantas not addressing warning signs &amp; everyone burning in a firey disaster

Dec 9, 2014: If any men come into the house they’ll smell my assembling and no doubt leave.

Dec 9, 2014: Marked my masculine territory in the new house by assembling IKEA furniture everywhere.

Dec 9, 2014: I hope you guys have been watching over my FarmVille farm for me.

Dec 9, 2014: Shoutout to the #Sydney crew! Early bird tickets for @loveonthelawn1 are available now f………

Dec 9, 2014: My new @Kobo eReader is the buggiest frikkin thing on the planet. Although the @JBHiFi sales idiot sold Britt a 2yo model :/

Dec 9, 2014: Happy 0th anniversary. Thanks, Kobo.…

Dec 8, 2014: So proud #ACA……

Dec 8, 2014: So proud #ACA…

Dec 8, 2014: Well this is pretty awesome #mrandmrscorbett #marriedbyjosh - pic by @bendog at #Vellero………

Dec 8, 2014: Look at what @hellobrittanyjane got me for my cake day!……

Dec 8, 2014: “I need you to help me find a wife for my brother” - phone call from a young Indian gent right now who I’m pretty sure was not …

Dec 7, 2014: Friend just received this message on a dating website…

Dec 7, 2014: This seems like it could be my only chance to get @AustenTayshus1 to ever talk to me, so here goes. #TeamJustin @justinhamilton_

Dec 7, 2014: I’m quitting jokes until I write a book, Tomorrow I turn 33. That marks one year since ………

Dec 7, 2014: Paula + Tim awesomely #marriedbyjosh at the #VelleronHouse! #mrandmrscorbett……

Dec 7, 2014: Freelancing: How to talk yourself into charging more…

Dec 7, 2014: #VelleronHouse today with @bendog for Paula &amp; Tim’s #wedding……

Dec 7, 2014: [How to Do What You Love] An 8 year old article on the world of earning money…

Dec 7, 2014: Designing a logo would have to be such a brain killing, so important but equally, so useless, process … @popupwed…

Dec 7, 2014: Confessions of a Mortician…

Dec 7, 2014: Any graphic designers want a quick Sunday morning job? I’m trying to design a logo but my brain is all like “get lost”.

Dec 7, 2014: What’s with people only sharing things that reaffirm their worldview? [Article: The iPhone 6 Plus Changed My Brain!]…

Dec 7, 2014: My Google Calendar has access to the smartest and best tech on the planet. But still feels the need to remind me of my impending birthday.

Dec 7, 2014: Regram: @signsofwear. I didn’t understand @hellobrittanyjane obsession with plants at fi………

Dec 6, 2014: My friend told me that all females are the same but he always makes broad generalisations.…

Dec 6, 2014: #StevieWithers #catsofinstagram #cat #cats……

Dec 6, 2014: Probably the best part about having a cat as a pet is when you call it’s name, and it just looks at you, wishing you’d go away.

Dec 6, 2014: Geoffrey + Janette #marriedbyjosh - and in a world first for my famed #celebrantselfie t………

Dec 6, 2014: Cleaning out the office and found these. Don’t want to throw them out. Do you think they………

Dec 6, 2014: Hey ‘Murcia, can your Police stop killing black people for a few minutes so some Christmas cheer can leak into my Facebook feed.

Dec 6, 2014: Life Pro Tip: MacBook users, hover your mouse over any word and tap three fingers on the trackpad to see the definition (via Reddit)

Dec 6, 2014: Any recent articles on “things to plug into your TV” I’m out of step with TV tech /cc @MolksTVTalk @trevorlong

Dec 6, 2014: What’s the Instagram filter that makes you look really sexy without doing your hair or losing weight? Asking for a friend.

Dec 6, 2014: It’s like the NBN was made purely for Netflix and Hulu.

Dec 6, 2014: Joe Hockey: don’t let Santa down……

Dec 6, 2014: Yo B*TCH. Get on YB, NOW. My username is WITHERS. Download here:…

Dec 5, 2014: Ho, to the power of three #merrychristmas……

Dec 5, 2014: So I still feel weird but awesome when I read what other people have to say about what I do, ………

Dec 5, 2014: Our old wireless router is slower than the Internet connection #NBNpeopleproblems

Dec 5, 2014: You might think I’m a successful person but I still can’t get the ‘ohh’ at the right time in the bridge of Faith No …

Dec 5, 2014: Taxi driver trying to convince you to use him and not Uber #awkward

Dec 5, 2014: Every now and then I look back on our own wedding vows … makes me feel so amazingly blessed………

Dec 5, 2014: Good to see #NBN on @iiNet doesn’t change this status quo. 2/2

Dec 5, 2014: Over the past 16 years I have started new tel communication connections with almost every telco and it never ‘just works’. 1/2

Dec 5, 2014: I wrote this post 1 year ago, and it’s still good: 3 things you’ll find at a boring wedding……

Dec 5, 2014: Werk it……

Dec 4, 2014: So proud of @hellobrittanyjane who poured her heart into this shoot- along with some of ………

Dec 4, 2014: Only joy ………

Dec 4, 2014: Listening to @612brisbane of course

Dec 4, 2014: Photo of me enjoying @BarackObama’s ‘Brisbane speech’…

Dec 4, 2014: If I had to try and describe exactly what I do all day, it would be “make the little red circle push notifications go away”.

Dec 4, 2014: If I had a hobby it would be editing how my website appears in Google.…

Dec 4, 2014: New @replyall #podcast: how homosexuality and Henry Ford invented the popup ad…

Dec 4, 2014: Proud day #qantaslyf…

Dec 3, 2014: “They’ve catnapped me!!” she screams over and over #movinghouse……

Dec 3, 2014: Thank you…

Dec 3, 2014: Report: More Americans Setting Aside Money In Case Of PR Emergency | The Onion…

Dec 2, 2014: We’ve moved house that much this year that our removalist has my number stored in his phone and answers “Hi Josh” #VIPclient

Dec 2, 2014: So there’s at least a bazillion NBN plans - anyone got a suggestion for a pure internet, 100mbps, big data plan?

Dec 2, 2014: The web dev guys behind the PayPal for business website are most certainly on crack.

Dec 2, 2014: Don’t mess with me on Gumtree…

Dec 2, 2014: So I probably need a few minutes away from keyboard.

Dec 2, 2014: I dreamt last night that although our new house is in an NBN area, our house was the only one on the block that didn’t have the NBN.

Dec 2, 2014: Any vinyl collecting peeps after a 4x4 IKEA Expedit White shelving? It’s the cancelled line. Still in box un-packed. Make us an offer.

Dec 2, 2014: “I assumed all the storm troopers were black because no one cared when they got shot.” @JakeCurrie

Dec 2, 2014: I know I’m in the minority here, but I think Mr Sheffield should have ended up with Miss Babcock.

Dec 1, 2014: #Swap #ForSale #GoldCoast Swap filing cabinet converted into kitchen cabinet for unicorn…

Dec 1, 2014: #ForSale #GoldCoast Game of Thrones-suitable TV cabinet to hold majestic television…

Dec 1, 2014: #ForSale #GoldCoast Cultural Exercise for Make Benefit Glorious Nation Treadmill…

Dec 1, 2014: #ForSale #GoldCoast Set of three buffet sidetables - the best 3 in the known universe…

Dec 1, 2014: #ForSale #GoldCoast Cute corner table cube thing with drawers #totesawesome…

Dec 1, 2014: Samsara Moroccan Camel Sled turned into a coffee table, wut?!…

Dec 1, 2014: #ForSale #GoldCoast World class family meal eating dining room table for six…

Dec 1, 2014: #ForSale #GoldCoast Hide things in your home in this wooden sideboard buffet cabinet!…

Dec 1, 2014: Cultural Exercise for Make Benefit Glorious Nation Treadmill…

Dec 1, 2014: Three bum holding timber wicker stools…

Dec 1, 2014: Life is good.……

Dec 1, 2014: Game of Thrones-suitable TV cabinet to hold majestic television…

Dec 1, 2014: Set of three buffet sidetables - the best 3 in the known universe…

Dec 1, 2014: Cute corner table cube thing with drawers #totesawesome…

Dec 1, 2014: Samsara Moroccan Camel Sled turned into a coffee table, wut?!…

Dec 1, 2014: World class family meal eating dining room table for six…

Dec 1, 2014: Hide things in your home in this wooden sideboard buffet cabinet!…

Dec 1, 2014: I just made the most exciting Google search I’ve ever made…

Dec 1, 2014: The car industry has “sold” itself into a corner that is dark &amp; dingey. Youngins already knew it but it’s great to watch my …

Dec 1, 2014: Dear car industry, my father-in-law is reading every blog he can find for reviews of the Mazda6 so he can make a decision without a salesman

Dec 1, 2014: Tim on the suggestion from Paula that he remember and recite his own vows “No way, I’m not Nelson Mandela!” #MrAndMrsCorbett

Dec 1, 2014: And finally - a plug for a little thing I run:………

Dec 1, 2014: And even better to read her writing in the mag!……

Dec 1, 2014: The best! So good to have @hellobrittanyjane standing next to me in an ad!……

Dec 1, 2014: New issue of @whitemagazine! Nothing better to read over a morning coffee at #featherand………

Dec 1, 2014: Out of the ten million to-do apps for the iPhone - what do you use and why? I’ve bought so many, and then, have not-used the same quantity.

Dec 1, 2014: I’ve been trying to think of a joke about the @hilltophoods song ‘Cosby Sweater’ with @BillCosby but there’s nothing funny …

Nov 30, 2014: I was honoured to be a part of James &amp; Liliana’s #fawkenwedding yesterday. @kristina_chi…… …

Nov 30, 2014: It’d be great to see them all come into being.

Nov 30, 2014: I seriously want a team of app developers to just be at my beck and call. I have (what I believe to be) amazing ideas every day.

Nov 30, 2014: One year full-time self-employed today…

Nov 30, 2014: Changing home address soon…

Nov 30, 2014: I need to buy head lice treatment for an 8yo, and I’ve been told “no natural stuff, get chemicals” … any tips? …

Nov 30, 2014: Why Millenials aren’t buying cars (it’s Uber &amp; Airbnb’s fault)…

Nov 30, 2014: It’s time to treat push notifications as sacred…

Nov 29, 2014: Jurassic Park 4, Star Wars 7, Independence Day 2, Dumb and Dumber 3, Fast and the Furious 10,006. We have no more ideas for films.

Nov 29, 2014: #fawkenwedding #celebrantselfie #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 29, 2014: James and Liliana came home from Paris to get #marriedbyjosh at the @bris_powerhouse tod………

Nov 29, 2014: I couldn’t help myself, I had to get a new @twoguysbowties #bow tie for #TheFawkenWeddin………

Nov 29, 2014: Puns banned in China. Chinese puns retaliate by starting a pun tribute band.…

Nov 29, 2014: Like it was making him mad ……

Nov 29, 2014: Bye bye bye (blog comments)……

Nov 29, 2014: I’m turning off blog comments, and turning on a social network…

Nov 29, 2014: It’s the little things hey.

Nov 29, 2014: I don’t even care how good your weekend is, I just saw a non-indicating temporary citizen get snapped by a radar going at least 140km/he.

Nov 29, 2014: Simply accept the new light saber you will.

Nov 28, 2014: It’s so exciting that we’re probably only months away from a photo of PM @JulieBishopMP and Pres. @HillaryClinton having a girls weekend.

Nov 28, 2014: Cakes are getting personal! Check out John and Kristy’s from yesterday #weddingcake……

Nov 28, 2014: Gerard + Peta #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 28, 2014: Gerard + Peta #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 28, 2014: Six guests, two bottles of champagne, a bride, groom, photographer and a celebrant. Gera………

Nov 28, 2014: Queensland, apocalyptic one day, beautiful the next……

Nov 28, 2014: It gets really good about 45 minutes in

Nov 28, 2014: Asimply amazing and insightful hour long Shia LaBeouf interview…

Nov 28, 2014: Plot twist: Jurassic Park 4 and Independence Day 2 is the same movie and the dinosaurs are actually aliens.

Nov 28, 2014: Brisbane looks like a war zone.

Nov 28, 2014: Un-Lightspace, fluoro sign, post #bnestorm…

Nov 28, 2014: This week’s obsession is a podcast about starting a podcast company - aka @abexlumberg’s awesome podcast network story: @podcaststartup

Nov 28, 2014: Has anyone figured out who backpack guy at Fortitude Valley Station is yet?…

Nov 27, 2014: Full list of things affected by #bnestorm: everything dot com

Nov 27, 2014: Dear all Brisbane breakfast radio people, please dedicate tomorrow’s show to finding out this guy’s story #bnestorm…

Nov 27, 2014: My favourite guy from #bnestorm is the backpack guy just waiting for a train at Fortitude Valley Station #neverforget…

Nov 27, 2014: Bin #neverforget #bnestorm…

Nov 27, 2014: Storm life #bnestorm - audio required @ Lightspace Brisbane…

Nov 27, 2014: #BNEstorm2711 #NeverForget

Nov 27, 2014: Positive reports coming out of #bnestorm that some #citycycle bikes saw some action (pic by @liam_renton)…

Nov 27, 2014: Hail, yo…

Nov 27, 2014: I doubt many trains are running North of the Valley #bnestorm @QueenslandRail…

Nov 27, 2014: Lots of this stuff on a tin roof = apocalypse #bnestorm……

Nov 27, 2014: Facebook video of the hailstorm hitting @lightspacevenue #bnestorm…

Nov 27, 2014: OMFG #bnestorm

Nov 27, 2014: Storm cometh #bnestorm……

Nov 27, 2014: If this celebrant thing doesn’t work out I think I’d like to start a Queen tribute band called Queenslander Rhapsody.

Nov 27, 2014: Mr and Mrs Papageorgiou! #marriedbyjosh at #canyonlookout #springbrook……

Nov 27, 2014: Today’s office is pretty spectacular……

Nov 27, 2014: Even though you own your own comet …

Nov 27, 2014: Can’t wait for that tweet to make it around Cannon Hill

Nov 27, 2014: It’s often hard to know if 4BC is parodying itself on Twitter…

Nov 27, 2014: Cutest damn thing keeping me awake tonight……

Nov 26, 2014: A guide for celebrants that want to be rockin'……

Nov 26, 2014: How to be a rockstar wedding celebrant, a quick&amp; simple guide…

Nov 26, 2014: Is there a plan I can just mail this pile of business cards and they send me back a file I can import into my contacts app?

Nov 26, 2014: Featured on a UK blog: trying to convince Scots to get married on a Gold Coast beach……

Nov 26, 2014: You're going to love James and Amy's wedding photos by Prue Franzmann…

Nov 26, 2014: Weddings are happy - but let’s make certain that yours is as well……

Nov 25, 2014: My back is famous on Uber…

Nov 25, 2014: Recipe for a finger linkin' good wedding……

Nov 25, 2014: This SEO report thing tells me my website is the 34,335th most visited website in Australia. Take that, Tony Abbott’s Facebook page.

Nov 25, 2014: Heath and Alicia are new to town, but not new to photography, let me introduce you……

Nov 25, 2014: Heath and Alicia are new to town, but not new to photography, let me introduce you……

Nov 25, 2014: Im going to start a book club where we talk about all of the books we bought at that cute bookstore in DC but haven’t touched since.

Nov 25, 2014: Coke’s new premium milk to ‘rain money’…

Nov 25, 2014: #kikkik……

Nov 25, 2014: “It’s the bride’s day” myth debunked……

Nov 25, 2014:……

Nov 25, 2014: The catchphrase of 2015 will no doubt be ‘my watch has crashed’…

Nov 25, 2014: Humble brag with holiday photos……

Nov 25, 2014: Business idea: a shopping centre without annoying people. We’ll call it Westfield Heights.

Nov 24, 2014: A short and sweet guide on how to stand in a wedding ceremony - don’t sweat the small stuff……

Nov 24, 2014: We went to heaven and held James and Amy’s wedding there - see the pics :)…

Nov 24, 2014: “I found you on Reddit” - probably the best thing I’ve ever heard a groom say

Nov 24, 2014: Thanks for the love and the interview, 2GB and Andrew Moore and Catablog!……

Nov 24, 2014: I’m getting a bit preachy here, sorry, not sorry.……

Nov 24, 2014: If this was comedy it would be funny, but it’s not, and it’s really sad…

Nov 24, 2014: If you were thinking about inviting me into your wedding day - you best read this warning…

Nov 24, 2014: Tell me Chris and Jade’s Moda wedding wasn’t amazing. Come on, I dare you.…

Nov 23, 2014: Dear all wedding venues: please do this one thing to help us all out! (Please share with your wedding venue!)…

Nov 23, 2014: She who floats my boat #marriedtobritt……

Nov 23, 2014: Wow Michael + @hayleypicoto #marriedbyjosh and photographed by @andrewtallon at #Casuar………

Nov 23, 2014: How to prevent being unhappy on your wedding day. By a guy that likes to make people happy (that’s me)…

Nov 23, 2014: The 11 herbs and spices that make a finger lickin' good wedding…

Nov 23, 2014: Which side does the bride and groom stand on? Answering all the big questions on the wedding blog :)…

Nov 23, 2014: The best thing to happen in TV this year…

Nov 23, 2014: Life update: I can’t figure out how to get an NYC domain name registered in my name. That’s all. Move along now.

Nov 23, 2014: A must read for anyone not marrying their brother or sister…

Nov 23, 2014: Weddings aren’t about style, they’re about people. And sometimes people have sweet style.……

Nov 23, 2014: A guest post by Annabel: Let’s talk about (marriage) sex and why you’re not getting any…

Nov 23, 2014: Happy first wedding anniversary to Ant &amp; @jaacs! #marriedbyjosh on #SaltBeach and they ………

Nov 22, 2014: Why I love pop-up weddings!!! (Have I mentioned there is one coming up on the Gold Coast soon?!)…

Nov 22, 2014: Marketing advice: Make unexpectedly big promises. Keep them. Show up with enough resources to do both.…

Nov 22, 2014: Heath and Alicia are wedding photogs new to town, let me introduce you to The Left Lane wedding photography…

Nov 22, 2014: Your “place to put gifts” isn’t as cool as Jarrod and Renee’s!……

Nov 22, 2014: I looked at this rack and felt instantly stupider……

Nov 22, 2014: Mr and Mrs Pryde #marriedbyjosh!! Worked with the dream team of @kymmi_o_ @briandjdavis ………

Nov 22, 2014: My Sydney brides and grooms need to read this interview with Amy from the Significant Space…

Nov 22, 2014: I bet you wish you had a job that involves following cut guideposts along a road……

Nov 22, 2014: Introducing, The Picotos! @Hayley_Wilson &amp; Michael #marriedbyjosh at #Osteria at #Casuarina…

Nov 22, 2014: This is a tricky one: joint bank accounts - yay or nay?…

Nov 22, 2014: It’s not only the bride’s day - it’s the grooms day as well!…

Nov 22, 2014: Have you been to confession for your seven deadly wedding sins yet?…

Nov 22, 2014: #ApplePie……

Nov 22, 2014: I wrote down a quick list of three things that are really important to me in the wedding world, did I miss anything?…

Nov 22, 2014: How lucky am I?! I get to have breakfast with @hellobrittanyjane, she’s a bit of a cutie!……

Nov 22, 2014: Christmas presents for children in detention #lol #sosad #TheSaturdayPaper……

Nov 21, 2014: Who do you think Charles Manson’s fiancé’s choices for snog and avoid were?

Nov 21, 2014: In the next 5-10 years I imagine that we’ll be fundraising to send selfie sticks to kids that have to selfie with their own arms.

Nov 21, 2014: How to create a sophisticatingly simple wedding ceremony…

Nov 21, 2014: “Until I started reading your blog, the entire saga [of getting married] seemed more like a punishment than a party” - Michelle :D

Nov 21, 2014: Thinking about #NYC … can’t wait to be back there next year! Also can’t wait to see ou…… …

Nov 21, 2014: Lauren and Dre unknowingly emailed me my job-description. Love this!…

Nov 21, 2014: We fought the Samford Valley heatwave today to see Alan and Ann get #marriedbyjosh! Met………

Nov 21, 2014: It’s pretty cool looking back on these old videos: that time we were on Seven News in Perth!…

Nov 21, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 21, 2014: These little ditties just set my heart on fire! Thanks @amylsummerville &amp; James!……

Nov 21, 2014: Learn why Andy and Meredith invited me to their wedding at Old Government House…

Nov 21, 2014: This is comedy. Awesome hilarious wedding comedy.…

Nov 21, 2014: Remember this for a super awesome marriage (and a pretty good wedding too)…

Nov 20, 2014: A few quick Josh-tips on how to be a rockin wedding guest…

Nov 20, 2014: You’re invited to our holiday slide night…

Nov 20, 2014: You probably think this blog post is about you (if you’ve been wondering how to stand in a ceremony)…

Nov 20, 2014: A non-overly-sappy couple got married at Stanthorpe, check out Ant and Sally’s story on the blog now…

Nov 20, 2014: My web hosting has been down for 46min &amp; counting. If u can guess exactly how many mins it will be down for you’ll win a sad face from …

Nov 20, 2014: If you love me (and this photo of Britt) you’d click the link &amp; vote for ma sexy photo PLEASE!… …

Nov 20, 2014: What’s love got to do, got to do with it? (The ‘it’ is marriage…)…

Nov 20, 2014: I’m running a meaningful business - hopefully that’s something that sets me apart (that &amp; this pic from Tricia King) …

Nov 20, 2014: WOOHOO! My iPhone photo of @hellobrittanyjane at #PuertoRico is a finalist in the @pedes………

Nov 20, 2014: Please vote for my photo of Britt in #PuertoRico in the @pedestriandaily photo awards! :)……

Nov 20, 2014: If you’re going to forget things, forget these (wedding tradition) things…

Nov 20, 2014: TV channel idea: 24/7 rolling coverage of toddlers dancing to pop songs filmed by their mothers. This could be amazing.

Nov 19, 2014: I can’t myself a journalist - but this blog post applies to me, and more so, it applies to my friends and my wife…

Nov 19, 2014: I wrote a thing about my first year full-time in the wedding business - on LinkedIn…

Nov 19, 2014: These two are some of my favourites! Love the pics by Alcorn as well…

Nov 19, 2014: Whoa there, tiny dancer, whooaa. Too close.

Nov 19, 2014: Who are my web app developers on Twitter?

Nov 19, 2014: Is it Tuesday?

Nov 19, 2014: Just spent the whole shower trying to figure out which day it is. Which is probably the best way to describe self-employment.

Nov 19, 2014: The secret to everything I do…

Nov 19, 2014: My blog chosen as blog of the week, what an honour! Thanks 2GB &amp; Catablog!…

Nov 19, 2014: Weddings used to be really frikking weird, reveals Jen Doll on my blog today…

Nov 19, 2014: It’s a bit bloody freaky when @magicpixx actually gets the exact right image for a tweet - like the actual Dan &amp; Kate …

Nov 19, 2014: Kate and Dan’s sparkly wedding celebrant celebration at Hillstone St Lucia - check it!…

Nov 19, 2014: “He’s just a fan that’s going a little too far, it’s becoming like that song Stan by Eminem.” said coal…

Nov 19, 2014: Hard drive has gone soft :(…

Nov 19, 2014: Can’t believe they’re playing Christmas music on eBay already.

Nov 19, 2014: It’s Official: Netflix To Launch In Australia And New Zealand In March 2015…

Nov 19, 2014: Friendship……

Nov 18, 2014: I feel like there needs to be a feature comedy film about all of the stupid things Microsoft has done. Starring Jen Anniston &amp; Seinfeld.

Nov 18, 2014: Good Gumtree copy goes a long way - my over priced bookshelf will sell to 1 of the ppl making offers tomorrow morn :)…

Nov 18, 2014: Airbus looks to UFO for better plane designs…

Nov 18, 2014: Can I tell you a secret? Whenever I talk about marriage in a ceremony, I’m thinking of h………

Nov 18, 2014:…

Nov 18, 2014: The people at the Powerhouse tell me that taking a photo in front of this graffiti gets ………

Nov 18, 2014: Fish + Chips + Seagulls + Burleigh + Love……

Nov 18, 2014: The people at the Powerhouse tell me that taking a photo in front of this graffiti gets you a lawyer’s letter ……

Nov 18, 2014: “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the year.” - Spanish Proverb

Nov 18, 2014: “This dead tree has been artfully arranged to create a really sexy bookshelf - the Leonardo DiCaprio of bookshelves” …

Nov 18, 2014: I pretty much hate having my photo taken, but somehow I end up on camera regularly. Love………

Nov 18, 2014: Amelia Earhart’s letter to her fiance “You must know again my reluctance to marry”…

Nov 18, 2014: Don’t act like you don’t highly desire to buy this shelf………

Nov 18, 2014: New profile pic day! Thanks @leftlanephotographs!……

Nov 18, 2014: For sale……

Nov 18, 2014: I’ve got some new sexy profile pics thanks to Heath and Alicia at @theleftlane_au……

Nov 18, 2014: Anyone rocking a really big monitor on their computer? High resolution? Just want a screenshot of the front page of…

Nov 18, 2014: Only a few days left for everyone to and from your wedding for free with Uber! Free ride promo code inside!…

Nov 18, 2014: What would I say if I had all of my social media, blog, email brides and grooms in the one room?…

Nov 18, 2014: I’m not procrastinating. I’m searching the internet for just the right folder icon to put my course documents in before I start. Gosh.

Nov 18, 2014: So it’s probably a bit late for you to support @benabrahammusic’s @Pozible - but you can probs get his 1st album at…

Nov 18, 2014: 2yrs ago a bunch of people though @benabrahammusic could record a sweet album, so we threw money into his @Pozible. Today we listen &amp; enjoy.

Nov 18, 2014: I wrote a little article for F* Yeah Gay Weddings on: Creating your own wedding traditions…

Nov 18, 2014: In other news, I think “F* Yeah Gay Weddings is the coolest name for a wedding blog @FYgayweddings.

Nov 18, 2014: I wrote a little piece for @FYgayweddings on creating new and personal wedding traditions, gay or straight…

Nov 17, 2014: Just had an a great chat with the #G20’s florist - so many cool, and classified, stories!

Nov 17, 2014: Aww thanks peeps! And thanks to #WOMO too!……

Nov 17, 2014: Chicks, eh?…

Nov 17, 2014: Hey @Qantas - this chick is really annoying. Even a little close or x button would suffice :)…

Nov 17, 2014: Can’t wait until the year 2060 where we’ll all be listening to Classic Dubstop AM radio stations.

Nov 17, 2014: Can anyone recommend an iPhone app that allows you do crop images to actual pixel sizes, like 100x100px?

Nov 16, 2014: Made a new friend at Lawrence &amp; Mel’s wedding today……

Nov 16, 2014: Britt and I are now available for modelling work or any criminal activity.……

Nov 16, 2014: Abbott and Putin take on the dropbears #g20…

Nov 16, 2014:……

Nov 16, 2014: When best friends marry! Lawerence + Mel #marriedbyjosh on #MountTamborine……

Nov 16, 2014: I thought you might like this from The AWL: The Eight Truths About Weddings (That No One Ever Tells You)…

Nov 16, 2014: The Cult of Busy…

Nov 16, 2014: A meaningful wedding business…

Nov 16, 2014: Check out Tim Coulson’s photos from Chris and Jade’s wedding at Moda……

Nov 15, 2014: The spectacular @mattokine, everybody!……

Nov 15, 2014: Suspecting that tonight could be a surprise wedding, Raoul’s groomsman enquired of the f………

Nov 15, 2014: Chris and Jade’s fancy, foodie, fun, family wedding…

Nov 15, 2014: PM Abbott could have guaranteed a long rein in Australia if he opened the #G20 with a serious warning on the dangers of drop bears.

Nov 15, 2014: The Clem7 has apparently receive an upgrade……

Nov 15, 2014: I’m no @karlstefanovic but I wear the same suit a lot as well #celebrantlyf

Nov 15, 2014: Cameron and Racquel #marriedbyjosh!……

Nov 15, 2014: Having heard the leader of the USA speak, on the same day and the leader of Australia speak, I literally can’t #G20

Nov 15, 2014: Pretty much the only thing Australia can do now is just wave a white flag and hand Obama the keys to Kirribilli #G20

Nov 15, 2014: I’m pretty sure @BarackObama just held a public intervention with @TonyAbbottMHR #G20

Nov 15, 2014: Ummm, did @BarackObama just shirtfront Putin? #G20

Nov 15, 2014: Listening to Obama speak makes you wish Australia could be lead by a statesman, not an embarrassment #G20

Nov 15, 2014: What time does Captain Planet arrive for the #G20?

Nov 14, 2014: A quick request for every single wedding venue on the planet……

Nov 14, 2014: Rich + Jacqui #marriedbyjosh at #theabbeycobaki……

Nov 14, 2014: Tissues. My reputation proceeds me? 😂😪😢😓😤😭……

Nov 14, 2014: There’s a new blog post on my website (link in bio) that every single #weddingvenue need………

Nov 14, 2014: Attention all wedding venues: please do this one thing, it’ll really help us out!…

Nov 13, 2014: Next #ValentinesDay is one of the only available Saturdays I have next year - I think I ………

Nov 13, 2014: Chris + Di #marriedbyjosh photographed by @storiesbyash at @spicersclovellyestate and fe………

Nov 13, 2014: Julia + Travis #marriedbyjosh at #boomerangfarm……

Nov 13, 2014: Life would be easier if just had the voice control button replaced with a ‘Call Britt’ button.

Nov 13, 2014: I’ve got a state of the art voice control system in my car and the only thing I do is argue with it about trying to call Brittany.

Nov 13, 2014: Today’s office #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 13, 2014:……

Nov 13, 2014: Pen emergency #celebrantlife

Nov 13, 2014: Finally @KimKardashian and @TonyAbbottMHR are working together on a project: #BreakTheInternet

Nov 13, 2014: #Vespa lovers, Chris + Di #marriedbyjosh, photographed by @storiesbyash at @ClovellyEstate……

Nov 13, 2014: “Everybody’s trying to leave their mark on the world. That’s why there’s graffiti and babies.” - Kristen Schaal

Nov 12, 2014: It really doesn’t matter what I’ve got: this is what it’s all about, two kids in love! T…… …

Nov 12, 2014: Let me introduce you to a friend of mine that makes iPhone wedding films!……

Nov 12, 2014: Seth Godin on the end of AM and FM #radio…

Nov 12, 2014: This time last week we were doing this. I miss that beard … and holidays … and Ameri…… …

Nov 12, 2014:…

Nov 12, 2014: Things that Kim Kardashian and I have in common: same party tricks.…

Nov 12, 2014: Walked past the Brisbane Marriott today, Obama’s sleeping there Saturday night. The White House looked less secure last week! #G20

Nov 12, 2014: Let me introduce you to a friend of mine that makes iPhone wedding films + she’s giving one away…

Nov 12, 2014: Just received an email that had “Sent from Surface Pro” at the bottom of it. Is this a new joke that I missed out on whilst in the states?

Nov 12, 2014: Instagram advice: did you know that if you click the three dots beneath your pic you can………

Nov 12, 2014: The best thing about #TheTalkShow is where @gruber tells @siracusa “let’s wrap up on this” and Overcast says there’s 40 minutes left.

Nov 11, 2014: Post wedding awesome! #marriedbyjosh and photo by #timcoulson……

Nov 11, 2014: Post wedding excitement! Chris + Jade #marriedbyjosh……

Nov 11, 2014: “First of all, a huge thank you for making our wedding day possible! Sorry it has taken ………

Nov 11, 2014: How good is this!? Amy + Giles #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed at @summergroveestate - p………

Nov 11, 2014: Is anyone doing a #RedFooFacts Twitter joke thing yet? Anyone? @RedFoo?

Nov 11, 2014: Still crying about #Ikea cancelling the vinyl-record-loving Expedit shelving? @FakeAshPunch is moving house &amp; selling…

Nov 11, 2014: Make an offer to @FakeAshPunch

Nov 11, 2014: 54″ Samsung rear-projection TV with Nintendo 64 for sale in Broadbeach Waters, send this straight to the pool room…

Nov 11, 2014: Pretty cool to see @MolksTVTalk as the byline on an article at @thehoopla…

Nov 10, 2014: Post holiday blues: Trying to empty my “Business to be attended to” email folder. Only matched by the joy that is my “For …

Nov 10, 2014: Thanks Siri, just sitting there on the table listening to our conversation, assuming we were talking to you…

Nov 9, 2014: Can I introduce you to the Carrs?! Also introducing my sweet photography skillz! #marrie………

Nov 9, 2014: Which side for the groom, which side for the bride, everything you could want to know about it……

Nov 8, 2014: Is this what they mean when they say “all in a day’s work”?

Nov 8, 2014: Fly from LA to Sydney, Sydney to Brisbane, drive Brisbane to Gold Coast, perform two ceremonies, and stay for the second’s reception.

Nov 8, 2014: Everything you could ever desire to know about why a bride and groom stand on a particular side…

Nov 8, 2014: Let me introduce you to the Paynes! #marriedbyjosh at #boomerangfarm……

Nov 8, 2014: YES!……

Nov 8, 2014: So Skycam is pretty cool on the @Qantas A380…

Nov 7, 2014: Looking forward to getting home so I can pin bad wireless internet service on @Telstra instead of free airport and cafe WiFi.

Nov 7, 2014: America, you’ve been good to us. A little too good with this unscheduled extra day in LA. See you in 21 hours. Australia!

Nov 7, 2014: #LAKings……

Nov 7, 2014: All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray. I’ve been for a walk on a winter’s day. We…… …

Nov 7, 2014: Damn you @DanAndMaz!!!…

Nov 7, 2014: The title of the next, next #StarWars movie has been released: Star Wars: The Force Is Grabbing A Late Brunch Today.

Nov 7, 2014: A whole store dedicated to Cinabons. It’s like the Apple Store of happiness.……

Nov 7, 2014: Sorry, beard, you just weren’t cool enough :(……

Nov 7, 2014: Smexi - Moto360 Android Wear watch……

Nov 7, 2014: So LA’s pretty cool

Nov 6, 2014: And we’re done taking USA. Onwards to #BWI, then #DFW, to #SYD and home via #BNE #wither………

Nov 6, 2014: For a news and media junkie like me, the @Newseum is a pretty frikkin spectacular visit ………

Nov 6, 2014: We made it to the @Newseum! Taking the obligatory #NFAselfie…

Nov 6, 2014: The Withers take The House Of Cards #witherstakeusa #washingtondc #flipagram ♫ Music: Jeff Beal -……

Nov 5, 2014: Weddings are happy - but let’s make certain that yours is as well……

Nov 5, 2014: Why are weddings happy? And how can you make sure yours is?…

Nov 5, 2014: Went past the Women’s Museum in Washington DC. Seems a bit pointless, women don’t ever forget anything. They need a men’s museum.

Nov 5, 2014: “I wish there was a way for me to pay to re-watch the show that I finished watching last yr” - potential customers of …

Nov 5, 2014: I found @steelesaunders' hometown. And you said you were Victorian ………

Nov 5, 2014: How much kale do I need to eat to offset a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks? Asking for a friend.

Nov 5, 2014: It’s pretty embarrassing that Microsoft and Google’s health-wearables beat Apple to mark…… …

Nov 5, 2014: It’s pretty embarrassing that Microsoft and Google’s health-wearables beat Apple to mark…… …

Nov 5, 2014: This is our “Segways for Christmas please!” pose #witherstakeusa……

Nov 5, 2014: I’m havjng far too much fun in DC.

Nov 5, 2014: Haven’t shaved in three weeks - still no face beard, only neck beard. Damn you DNA! #wit………

Nov 5, 2014: This guy! #witherstakeusa……

Nov 5, 2014: We found the @CourierMail out the front of the #Newseum. Who’d ever imagine me reading the Courier Mail on a #Segway?…

Nov 4, 2014: I put $10 on this filly today. Won big time #melbournecup……

Nov 4, 2014: We visited the Holocaust museum today and I’ve got thousands of thoughts going through m………

Nov 4, 2014: Phalic monument #witherstakeusa……

Nov 4, 2014: Considering booking Josh as a celebrant? Take heed of this warning!……

Nov 4, 2014: Considering booking Josh as a celebrant? Take heed of this warning!……

Nov 4, 2014: Serious White House selfie……

Nov 4, 2014: Super massive congrats to @philrogg &amp; @bekgrace_ of @heartandcolour!!!……

Nov 3, 2014: Considering booking Josh as a celebrant? Take heed of this warning!……

Nov 3, 2014: Considering booking me? Take heed of this important warning!…

Nov 3, 2014: Tour operator just showed off Kim Beazley’s house, one of three. A home for his servants, for him, &amp; for entertaining…

Nov 3, 2014: Say what you will about Jesus, the Catholics know/knew how to make awesome buildings #wi………

Nov 3, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Nov 3, 2014: #witherstakeusa #washington #dupontcirestation……

Nov 2, 2014: “This white man has a bigger penis than this white man” - Pretty much every advert on American TV this week #midtermelections

Nov 2, 2014: GrubHub isn’t perfect, but it’s easy to order food from and they’re honest. After all, they wrote this tweet.…

Nov 2, 2014: Hello Washington DC!

Nov 2, 2014: I for one welcome our new #Flyfi overlord #JetBlue

Nov 2, 2014: There’s something awesome and scary about flying through turbulence at 753km per hour at 20,000 feet, watching #GOT whilst on Twitter.

Nov 2, 2014: Loving my new @fossil bag - a worthy travel companion #myfossil……

Nov 1, 2014: The funniest but also the saddest thing on @Instagram today is @byefelipe #byefelipe #ti………

Nov 1, 2014: Puerto Rico is hot, muggy, and more full of Americans than New York.

Nov 1, 2014: I’ve just had a scroll through @paulbamford’s photos from the last pop-up wedding held i…… …

Nov 1, 2014: The almighty dollar (spender) lol #witherstakeusa……

Nov 1, 2014: Beach resort cat #witherstakeusa……

Nov 1, 2014: I’ve been playing with photography a lot while I’ve been on holidays, and I had this tho…… …

Nov 1, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Nov 1, 2014: Requested the good seats for dinner tonight #witherstakeusa #PuertoRico #ConadoBeach #Ha………

Nov 1, 2014: #ConadoBeach #PuertoRico #witherstakeusa……

Nov 1, 2014: World’s biggest kitty litter tray #PuertoRico #CatsOfPuertoRico #catsofinstagram #cat #w………

Nov 1, 2014: The Caribbean! #PuertoRico #witherstakeusa……

Nov 1, 2014: Ya know, for when a sexy baby gropes you…

Nov 1, 2014: Britt and I are in Puerto Rico for Halloween this year, we’ve never really been anywhere………

Nov 1, 2014: Siesta #PuertoRico #OldSanJuan #witherstakeusa……

Nov 1, 2014: That smile #PuertoRico #OldSanJuan #witherstakeusa……

Nov 1, 2014: A Puerto Rican conversation…

Oct 31, 2014: Our hotel doesn’t have the normal pool. Instead, four baths on the rooftop. Love it!……

Oct 31, 2014: I call this one ‘My Puerto Rican Wife’ #witherstakeusa……

Oct 31, 2014: When lightning strikes a moment after the shutter opens #witherstakeusa……

Oct 31, 2014: Puerto Rico. Where the rum is cheaper than the soda and it’s at the checkout next to the………

Oct 31, 2014: With that in mind you might enjoy this confronting but empowering article Britt sent me today:…

Oct 31, 2014: And for first marriages it’s even lower.

Oct 31, 2014: Did you know that the 50% of marriages don’t actually end in divorce. Recent research shows that it’s about 30%.

Oct 31, 2014: Can’t wait to try out @saddington’s new desktop publishing app - writer or blogger, you’ll like this…

Oct 31, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Oct 31, 2014: Britt in the ‘Casablanca #SanJuan #PuertoRico #witherstakeusa #HotelCasablanca……

Oct 31, 2014: The Hotel Casablanca #SanJuan #PuertoRico #witherstakeusa #HotelCasablanca……

Oct 31, 2014: #SanJuan #PuertoRico #witherstakeusa #yesPeurtoRicoIsTheUSA……

Oct 31, 2014: #SanJuan #PuertoRico #witherstakeusa #yesPeurtoRicoIsTheUSA……

Oct 31, 2014: There’s something awesomely liberating about being in a city where every sign is in Spanish. It’s like a lovely forced ignorance #PuertoRico

Oct 31, 2014: Call it over-exposure to pop culture, or just plain silliness, but whenever a local finishes a sentence my brain adds “Hey Macarena!”


Oct 30, 2014: I’m on the Internet FROM THE SKY OMG! #flyfi #jetblue

Oct 30, 2014: Let’s go……

Oct 30, 2014: JFK ✈ Puerto Rico!

Oct 30, 2014: These boots were made for walking around #NewYork- 112km this past week!!……

Oct 30, 2014: I ain’t afraid of no ghost!……

Oct 30, 2014: You may say he was a dreamer #Imagine #JohnLennon #StrawberryFields #CentralPark……

Oct 30, 2014: Sought permission to purchase soup from the actual soup nazi. He said ‘soup for you’ and…… …

Oct 30, 2014: Strawberry Fields, a little corner of #CentralPark dedicated to #JohnLennon just near where he was……

Oct 30, 2014: Empire State #witherstakeusa……

Oct 30, 2014: Bottom of the Rock #witherstakeusa #nyc #topoftherock……

Oct 30, 2014: #CentralPark’s #LiteraryWalk with @hellobrittanyjane 😘……

Oct 30, 2014: Met New York’s finest tonight as we reported our GoPro stolen 😢 #witherstakeusa #withers………

Oct 30, 2014: #TimesSquare #nyc #hwllskitchen #witherstakeusa……

Oct 30, 2014: Get your eggs #LES #nyc #witherstakeusa……

Oct 30, 2014: Downtowwwnn #witherstakeusa……

Oct 30, 2014: Isn’t she lovely? #witherstakeusa……

Oct 30, 2014: Thanks, France! #statueofliberty #witherstakeusa #nyc #statenislandferry……

Oct 30, 2014: My last day traversing around the Big Apple with this beautiful tour guide! We’re going ………

Oct 30, 2014: Tomorrow we’re off to Puerto Rico for three days then we hit DC, home Friday-week!

Oct 30, 2014: My last day traversing around the Big Apple with this beautiful tour guide!…

Oct 30, 2014: Today we’re going to the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Top of the Rock and ….

Oct 30, 2014: we’re going to drop in on @charlescory because I want to meet his boss (Gary Vaynerchuk!!!!)

Oct 29, 2014:……

Oct 29, 2014: #empirestatebuilding #witherstakeusa……

Oct 29, 2014: #nyc #witherstakeusa……

Oct 29, 2014: #nyc #witherstakeusa……

Oct 29, 2014: Totally watching CBS to watch the #Letterman show I’ve already seen taped.

Oct 29, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Oct 29, 2014: Saw a @The_lateshow taping, @taylorswift13 &amp; I made eye contact. Best day…

Oct 29, 2014: Sooo @taylorswift13 and I connected, like in the eyes, tonight at #thelateshow … do I need to leave Britt now?

Oct 29, 2014: No soup for us.' Mainly because we’d rather an ice-cream, so you have ice-creams?……

Oct 29, 2014: I was on @2GB873 two weeks ago, thought I best share the podcast here:…

Oct 29, 2014: Tossing up the idea of going to the Letterman show this afternoon dressed as a sexy ebola nurse.

Oct 29, 2014: #nyc #witherstakeusa……

Oct 28, 2014: All day, everyday, subway……

Oct 28, 2014: Hippies……

Oct 28, 2014: We may look posh ………

Oct 28, 2014: This happens every few moments at New York City Hall……

Oct 28, 2014: Warhol #moma #witherstakeusa……

Oct 28, 2014: Got soup? #moma #witherstakeusa #andywarhol……

Oct 28, 2014: #murica #moma #witherstakeusa……

Oct 28, 2014: #moma……

Oct 28, 2014: #NYC #witherstakeusa #weirdmonkguy……

Oct 28, 2014: #Letterman #witherstakeusa……

Oct 27, 2014: Today’s mission: Letterman, Fallon, Colbert or Stewart tickets. Please be kind standby ticket deity!

Oct 27, 2014: Brisbane peeps getting married, win a wedding film package from my friend Samantha Fletcher!…

Oct 27, 2014: iPhone is charged. RT @MolksTVTalk: WiFi is working. RT @tiennevu: The Sexiest 3 Words a Man Can Say to a Woman…

Oct 27, 2014: Dear, @Telstra. Sincerely yours, @joshuawithers.……

Oct 27, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Oct 27, 2014: #empirestatebuilding #witherstakeusa……

Oct 27, 2014: Mixing traditions in marriage is nothing like mixing drinks at a bar ………

Oct 27, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Oct 27, 2014: Checked out the new Kindle at Best Buy - I’ve never thought of an e-ink tablet as sexy, but hey, first time for everything!

Oct 27, 2014: Mixing traditions in marriage is nothing like mixing drinks at a bar ……

Oct 27, 2014: Doing my part, please spread the word #todayinnyc…

Oct 27, 2014: Noosa yoghurt??……

Oct 26, 2014: Almost died today. I wanted to bring these puppies home but Britt threatened my life if ………

Oct 26, 2014: SUGAREXPLOSIONOMG #dylanscandybar #witherstakeusa……

Oct 26, 2014: #NYClyf #witherstakeusa……

Oct 26, 2014: Brunch means something totally else in #NYC #witherstakeusa #Brooklyn #AlicesArbor……

Oct 26, 2014:…

Oct 26, 2014: Credit goes to @KasturiShan who says that a situationship is a relationship without any emotional relationship.

Oct 26, 2014: New York term for being exclusive, but not in a relationship: situationship. The most passive aggressive of the ‘ships.

Oct 26, 2014: #Brooklyn #witherstakeusa……

Oct 26, 2014: #subway #witherstakeusa……

Oct 25, 2014: Should’ve put a ring on it……

Oct 25, 2014: Manhattan……

Oct 25, 2014: No sleep til Brooklyn……

Oct 25, 2014: Think different #witherstakeusa……

Oct 25, 2014: I promised to love her at her worst #witherstakeusa……

Oct 25, 2014: Empire State Of Bridge……

Oct 25, 2014: Today // @hellobrittanyjane + @lukejleasure + @hellomalloryanne……

Oct 25, 2014: Parallax wall design without CSS … #need joke…

Oct 25, 2014: Say yes, Lisa!!……

Oct 24, 2014: With Ebola so close I’m watching I Am Legend today for a refresher NYC survival course.

Oct 24, 2014: Spent tonight in the devil’s lair, a NYC bar with all girls, reading txt messages to boys……

Oct 24, 2014: Well I’ve got to say, it’s an honour to be in the same city as Ebola. Later on in life when everyone ignores me, I’ll have have a reason.

Oct 23, 2014: 8:45am on day 5: they have accepted me as one of their own. Barista at the Starbucks across from my apartment cracked a joke with me.

Oct 23, 2014: Hey, join me on tsū, a publishing platform where I share my content now:…

Oct 23, 2014: Plus ‘traditional web design’ is a hilarious thing to say

Oct 23, 2014: Signed up for The Grid because I think traditional web design is dying a slow death and maybe AI design is a thing…

Oct 23, 2014: T-shirt cannon! #slowmo #witherstakeusa #msg @ Madison Square Garden…

Oct 23, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Oct 23, 2014: Bought the caps, totes Knicks fans now……

Oct 23, 2014: Can see Kendall Jenner, she’s now more real than the moon landing.

Oct 23, 2014: Knicks vs. Wizards #MSG……

Oct 23, 2014: Went full hipster cut #witherstakeusa……

Oct 22, 2014: Breaking News: Mickey Mouse actually a Mexican man, not a mouse……

Oct 22, 2014: Lost: one wife……

Oct 22, 2014: Uptown, downtown, turn the best around town, hip hopping, beat bopping, there’s no stopp………

Oct 22, 2014: Mapel-coated sugar-cube-chip caramelised chocolate cupcake #whynot #witherstakeusa

Oct 21, 2014: As much as Tosh 3.11 would’ve been lovely, it’s was the non-$3 beer that lead me to warn everyone to never go to Dangerfield’s.

Oct 21, 2014: Was lied to by the ticket seller on the street. Promised @danieltosh &amp; #TinaFey sold us four tickets instead of two and promised $3 beers

Oct 21, 2014: Seemingly haunted #NYC house is under attack by an arachnoid #witherstakeusa……

Oct 21, 2014: Haters be buildin'……

Oct 21, 2014: It doesn’t even matter how many hotdogs I ate today, walked 18km around Manhattan.

Oct 21, 2014: A store wholly dedicated to the good things in life #witherstakeusa……

Oct 21, 2014: A Lego Lego store #meta #witherstakeusa #flatiron……

Oct 21, 2014: #witherstakeusa #flatiron……

Oct 21, 2014: #witherstakeusa……

Oct 21, 2014: Going to church……

Oct 20, 2014: I fail to see how any American could get fat. Everything is so sugar-encrusted here. And sugar is totally natural.

Oct 20, 2014: Can confirm: this city never sleeps.

Oct 20, 2014: Hashtag legit……

Oct 20, 2014: Let’s talk about (marriage) sex … and why you might not be getting any……

Oct 20, 2014: Let’s talk about (marriage) sex … and why you might not be getting any…

Oct 20, 2014: These two were giving me all kinds of feels during yesterday’s #wedding #ceremony! #sama………

Oct 20, 2014: Real estate in LA. Nothing under a mil.……

Oct 20, 2014: I’ve got a bit of a crush on the @Qantas #747 after flying on one for the first time today #LAX…

Oct 20, 2014: Rebel……

Oct 20, 2014: LAX is a happening place (read: Ghost-town) before 8am.

Oct 19, 2014: Pretty sure the reason God didn’t want us to have sex before marriage is for this exact reason.

Oct 19, 2014: “Hi, you used to date my wife and you awkwardly broke up. Let’s share personal space for a day.”

Oct 19, 2014: I hate it when people say this, but it’s true: I can’t even.

Oct 19, 2014: Of all the flights, and all the seats.

Oct 19, 2014: Well, this happened. 14 hours of awkward.…

Oct 19, 2014: On a flight sitting next to my wife’s ex-boyfriend.

Oct 19, 2014: Start spreading the news, we’re leaving today. We want to be a part of it, New York, New York!……

Oct 19, 2014: Your shadow ………

Oct 19, 2014: No sleep til Brooklyn! It’s #NYC day!……

Oct 18, 2014: I am on holidays … back to work in three weeks!

Oct 18, 2014: I think I just broke the shop assistant’s heart when I mistakingly said I’ve just finished work for the year &amp; I’m on holidays to NYC 2morrw

Oct 18, 2014: I’ve married some freakingly amazing people recently #marriedbyjosh #luckyboy #flipagram ♫ Music:……

Oct 18, 2014: Sam + Isabel #marriedbyjosh #samandizzygethitched #almostcried #freakingawesomewedding……

Oct 18, 2014: #samandizzygethitched……

Oct 18, 2014: #samandizzygethitched……

Oct 18, 2014: #samandizzygethitched……

Oct 18, 2014: #samandizzygethitched……

Oct 18, 2014: #samandizzygethitched……

Oct 18, 2014: Abbott Commits To Cutting Australia’s Reputation By 30% By 2015…

Oct 18, 2014: James + Jo #marriedbyjosh at #sirromet……

Oct 18, 2014: What happens when I shirtfront Russian leaders…

Oct 17, 2014: Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking Out Loud’ is a beautiful song about a man lovingly telling his wife he’s planning to divorce her on his 71st birthday

Oct 17, 2014: “Out of all of my weddings and all my celebrants, you’re definitely my favourite!” - Kir…… …

Oct 17, 2014: Uber Sydney and Perth is hiring…

Oct 16, 2014: Happy Gold Coast Uber Launch Day #UberGC! #nomnomnom……

Oct 16, 2014: Off to @rabbitandcocoon for the @Uber_GoldCoast launch tonight! #UberGC

Oct 16, 2014: I find someone as crazy about significant spaces as I am .. so I interviewed her!……

Oct 15, 2014: Wedding Magazine - Real wedding inspiration: Jason and Marisa -…

Oct 15, 2014: Please spread your word of mouth about me … on @WOMOcomau, please review me with 5 stars!……

Oct 15, 2014: I find someone as crazy about significant spaces as I am .. so I interviewed her!…

Oct 15, 2014: Three things everyone should know about product psychology…

Oct 15, 2014: BREAKING NEWS: Original Killer Pythons found at Currumbin Beach’s The Deck Cafe…

Oct 15, 2014: Just shirt fronted the ATO. The ATO won. But I got a few fronts in before it got me.

Oct 15, 2014: I’m learning customer psychology with…’s course that sends lessons to your inbox every week…

Oct 15, 2014: We’re 347 years late for #NYC……

Oct 15, 2014: Just shirt fronted a coffee. The coffee lost.

Oct 15, 2014: Ok, stay with me on this: Jay Z in Beyoncé in a black Gone Girl but it’s real life. Brilliant?

Oct 15, 2014: Cool Toy Story, bro…

Oct 14, 2014: Partner in crime, @hellobrittanyjane photographed by @paulbamford……

Oct 14, 2014: Netscape Navigator celebrates 20th birthday by launching as an iPhone app. Unfortunately not true news :(…

Oct 14, 2014: Grin!……

Oct 14, 2014: “Wrong clients are a blessing. Thank them. Help them. Embrace them.”…

Oct 14, 2014: Just changed my Dropbox password to boobs

Oct 14, 2014: Any recs for a travelling app to store itineraries, flight numbers, reservations etc? TripIt looks liek a win, do you use anything?

Oct 14, 2014: Come on, let’s go some place strange……

Oct 14, 2014: Why I have a pop-up love……

Oct 14, 2014: Come on, let’s go some place strange …at @rabbitandcocoon…

Oct 14, 2014: Like to know more about my jokes? Send a stamped self-addressed envelope to Studio 4, 30 Light Street, F/Val, &amp; I’ll send you a …

Oct 14, 2014: … find a better method of putting the ball at the end of the field.

Oct 14, 2014: Let’s all just never mention a country or race in the world again ok. Unless it’s a sporting match in which case those Kiwis can go …

Oct 14, 2014: I want to wake up……

Oct 13, 2014: 2nd Fremantle @popupwed date released! @hellobrittanyjane &amp; I have been overwhelmed by t………

Oct 13, 2014: Me and that @twoguysbowties … Photo by @antheaauldphotographer at the #PerthPopUpWeddi………

Oct 13, 2014: Why I have a pop-up love…

Oct 13, 2014: One week from today @hellobrittanyjane &amp; I touch down in #NewYorkCity - comment with all………

Oct 13, 2014: Got any #NewT#YorkCity must sees, must dos, must meets? @hellobrittanyjane and I touchdo………

Oct 13, 2014: I’ve got some really talented friends :)……

Oct 13, 2014: Every single list of songs about #NewYork I could find on the Internet was useless … so I made my own #Spotify #NYC…

Oct 13, 2014: Thinking about wearing a dog suit and leg cast, carrying a boom box the whole time we’re New York #BigCityNights

Oct 13, 2014: Ashely asks: do we need to have joint bank accounts?……

Oct 13, 2014: Simon +Mia #marriedbyjosh photographed by @paulbamford at the award winning @summergrove………

Oct 13, 2014: I don’t want to seem petty, but someone has changed the font on my GMail email notifications and TODAY IS RUINED.

Oct 13, 2014: Nothing is on fire. Fire is on things. Mind. Blown.

Oct 13, 2014: Ashely asks: do we need to have joint bank accounts?…

Oct 12, 2014: Talked about commitment and love to seven couples today, and for the first time in a lon………

Oct 12, 2014: I know I keep going on about NYC, but this is the biggest thing I, we, have ever done. I………

Oct 12, 2014: Andrew + Natalie #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding! #popupwed #popupwedding #summerg………

Oct 12, 2014: Adrian &amp; Katie #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding #popupwed #summergrove #wedding……

Oct 12, 2014: Gilles + Amy #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding! #popupwed #popupwedding #summergrove……

Oct 12, 2014: Damien + Kate #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding #popupwed #popupwedding #wedding #we………

Oct 12, 2014: Simon + Mia #marriedbyjosh at the #gcpopupwedding #popupwed at #summergrove……

Oct 12, 2014: I feel a bit petty just leaving but I feel they’re being petty trying to get another $3 out of me.

Oct 12, 2014: Has there been an economics study done on $10 minimum EFTPOS a limits? If there’s a limit being enforced I’ll just go to another shop.

Oct 12, 2014: Adrian + Liz #marriedbyjosh at the #popupwed #hc popupwedding #popupwedding #wedding #Go………

Oct 12, 2014: It’s #popupwed time! #goldcoastwedding #goldcoast popupwedding #wedding #summergrove #tw………

Oct 12, 2014: It’s nice being the talk of the town lol

Oct 12, 2014: Bilambil service station attendant asks me if I’ve heard about the seven weddings happening at Summergrove Estate today! #popupwed

Oct 12, 2014: Tonight on 60 Minutes , the man who once proclaimed ‘every day I’m shuffling’ caught walking.

Oct 11, 2014: Can you actually earn, or spend, Flybuys points on actual flights anymore?

Oct 11, 2014: 97.3fm must be the only station that plays Star Trekkin after LMFAO

Oct 11, 2014: Tonight on 60 Minutes, the man who once proclaimed ‘every day I’m shuffling’ caught walking.

Oct 11, 2014: Tonight’s office……

Oct 11, 2014: “My grandfather knitted me this jumper“ - thing we’ll hear when we’ve really reached gender equality

Oct 11, 2014: Persevere my brothers and sisters in the faith.

Oct 11, 2014: An encouragement for the survivors. It’s been three weeks since the iPhone 6 came out and I haven’t upgraded yet. It gets easier each day.

Oct 11, 2014: I try my hardest to not talk about politics and religion on here, but wouldn’t that be a cool band name? #PoliticsAndReligion

Oct 10, 2014: Hanging out with my bestie tonight #wifenight……

Oct 10, 2014: #marriedbyjosh pic by @jessmarksphoto……

Oct 10, 2014: In planning her wedding ceremony styling Angel employed the services of Bradley Cooper t………

Oct 10, 2014: #Legit…

Oct 10, 2014: Well I don’t know what you’ve been doing today but I just got ordained as a minister in the state of New York.

Oct 10, 2014: Mars is the only planet in the known universe that is 100% inhabited by robots.

Oct 10, 2014: Eight years ago today Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion. The biggest purchase I made that year was a MacBook.…

Oct 10, 2014: “Ebola is an infectious, often fatal virus. For more information, consult your own darkest paranoid nightmares.”…

Oct 9, 2014: “There used to be a Pizza Hut there!” - me, like, everywhere

Oct 9, 2014: Bang bang - pic by @samvarendorff……

Oct 9, 2014: We’re at Summergrove Estate in the Tweed Hinterland this Sunday - hope the skies stay blue

Oct 9, 2014: It’s the #GoldCoast #popupwedding weekend with seven couples getting married! I love #popupwed because it’s no BS, 100% authentic …

Oct 9, 2014:……

Oct 9, 2014: My tweets are big at Griffith Uni (sent to me by a student) #lol…

Oct 9, 2014: That moment! Photo by @antheaauldphotographer……

Oct 9, 2014: *an…

Oct 9, 2014: Look who’s featured on The Knot today!…

Oct 9, 2014: “There are people who can be relied upon to respond promptly to emails, and those who can’t”… via @saddington

Oct 9, 2014: #Jesus…

Oct 9, 2014: The @entreleadership podcast helps me #gimmiefreestuffyo

Oct 9, 2014: A little share from my heart: my values……

Oct 9, 2014: Sharing my values…

Oct 8, 2014: My goal, one day, somehow, some day, is to write a book … I have no idea how to do that……

Oct 8, 2014: Zara Kids now open. // Reach out to protect the rights of children. Amnesty.……

Oct 8, 2014: Ugh! I just saw my first Instagram ad. My photos are all so dirty now. I’ll be back after this shower brought to you by Johnson &amp; …

Oct 8, 2014: I’m sure none of their other vendors hold them to account for every dollar as much as I do.

Oct 8, 2014: I really do feel sorry for any wedding media that ever approaches me to advertise.

Oct 8, 2014: I just entered to #win &amp; you can too: “Fujifilm X-T1 Digital Camera”. Enter the #giveaway here:…

Oct 8, 2014: Voting (in America) just went sexy #turnoutforwhat…

Oct 8, 2014: The Brisbane market has never been more ripe for the @BrisbaneTimes to click print on it’s website &amp; start selling something at a …

Oct 8, 2014: I’m sure every bloke that brings his car in for repair brings a Cosmo Bride magazine, right?……

Oct 8, 2014: TC 41: Kira Soltanovich &amp; Graham Elwood…

Oct 7, 2014: I’m not saying we should, but, like, has anyone ever given a sloth cocaine - @eliyudin

Oct 7, 2014: Enter, check it out, stalk him, at…

Oct 7, 2014: I’ve been working with a pretty awesome Sydney photographer on his new website and blog, and he just launched, and is giving away a camera!

Oct 7, 2014: The Gospekl of Hey Jude……

Oct 7, 2014: Bloody Josh……

Oct 7, 2014: Are you breaking any of the seven deadly wedding sins on your wedding day?……

Oct 7, 2014: Tom + Pippa #marriedbyjosh photographed by @dawnphotographyorg……

Oct 7, 2014: Thoroughly making sure all of my bikini pics are gone from the internet in-case I get murdered and it makes frontpage news.

Oct 7, 2014: Well this “Turn Down For what” website manipulator is the best thing on the Internet this week…

Oct 7, 2014: If you can’t be a good example … #WordSwagApp……

Oct 7, 2014: Are you breaking any of the seven deadly wedding sins on your wedding day?…

Oct 7, 2014: “Victim of murder-suicide? Let’s put her on the frontpage in a bikini and call her a she-male” - Courier Yay-l…

Oct 7, 2014: Daddy just got paid!…

Oct 6, 2014: We’ve had a crazy weekend……

Oct 6, 2014: Simon + Carmen #marriedbyjosh, photos by @lisabrookeclark more on ello……

Oct 6, 2014: Simon &amp; Carmen #marriedbyjosh at @VictoriaPark and photographed by @lisaclark_photograph………

Oct 6, 2014: Ballina prawn star……

Oct 6, 2014:……

Oct 6, 2014: “Thank you Josh. Your bubbly personality is such a delight. We enjoyed your ceremony hea………

Oct 6, 2014: The sophistication of a wedding ceremony, and how it can all get in the way……

Oct 5, 2014: These 15 wedding traditions can go straight to the bin……

Oct 5, 2014: Word of the week (in my head): authentic……

Oct 5, 2014: Freakin awesome #marriedbyjosh weekend……


Oct 5, 2014: Tom + Pippa!! #marriedbyjosh……

Oct 5, 2014: This is a nerd public service announcement: the domain name… is not registered …. yet.

Oct 5, 2014: Surely it’s time the world saw another song featuring the word ‘haver’?

Oct 5, 2014: My guide on how to be the perfect wedding guest……

Oct 5, 2014: Oh, by the way, Daily Mail yo…

Oct 5, 2014: The Josh quote of the day “WA gobbled it up”…

Oct 5, 2014: Zhe and Sunny #marriedbyjosh!……

Oct 5, 2014: Lunchtime’s office……

Oct 5, 2014: Just did an interview with the Daily Mail!

Oct 5, 2014: A challenge for your marriage……

Oct 5, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Oct 5, 2014: This email really made my day, plus I have a great answer for The Bobs now!……

Oct 4, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Oct 4, 2014: “Loads of our guests have mentioned what an awesome job you did”……

Oct 4, 2014: Rolly &amp; Kelly #marriedbyjosh in such an authentic sunset wedding ceremony at @evesonther………

Oct 4, 2014: “Loads of our guests have mentioned what an awesome job you did”……

Oct 4, 2014: Just saw someone renting a DVDS from an automated DVD kiosk, so it’s a pretty massive day for the DVD industry.

Oct 4, 2014: That one awesome time I was in the Daily Mail … !!! ……

Oct 4, 2014: High school friend just invited me to like her favourite supermarket’s Facebook page. Life really is a box of chocolates isn’t it.

Oct 4, 2014: “In life, change is inevitable. In business, change is vital.” Author, Warren G. Bennis

Oct 4, 2014: Remember the good old days when we used to post on ello? Good times.

Oct 4, 2014: “Definitely recommend Josh to anyone, he is someone who dares to be different”……

Oct 4, 2014: That last tweet is possibly too meta

Oct 4, 2014: Do you think Apple’s U2 giveaway might have been more successful if they hid the album in a folder on the phone called Fun Stuff?

Oct 4, 2014: It might have something to do with not having lost any direct family members or friends.

Oct 4, 2014: I know I’m young, ignorant, and lucky, but I’ve not mourned the loss of someone more than Steve Jobs -3yrs tomorrow…

Oct 4, 2014: OMG WHEN OR WHERE WILL THIS #BACHELORAU SAGA END? Asking for a friend.

Oct 4, 2014: Over-excited Korean guy wearing a Jeep shirt driving a brand new Jeep bought a Jeep.

Oct 4, 2014: “Never bring a Dyson Airblade to a towel fight“ - @MrBigFists

Oct 4, 2014: “We had a great time on the day and your service was absolutely fantastic”……

Oct 3, 2014: Happy Valley lived up to it’s name for Ant and Sally’s awesome Stanthorpe soirée……

Oct 3, 2014: Date night with my girlfriend!……

Oct 3, 2014: Most people hate traffic jams but how often do you get the chance to take in-focus photo………

Oct 3, 2014: Can anyone recommend an electrician on the Gold Coast? Our hot water system is on strike, showers are forecast with a cold front expected.

Oct 3, 2014: Luke and Bianca #marriedbyjosh - what an awesome ceremony!……

Oct 3, 2014: A list of other people’s wedding vows, that might help you write your own vows……

Oct 3, 2014: Also rocking a new #bowtie by @twoguysbowties from @absofabstore #mensstyle……

Oct 3, 2014: New hair things day, thanks to @kingbrown_pomade from @the_pomade_shop #hair #mensstyle ………

Oct 3, 2014: Leaked texts!…

Oct 3, 2014: Everyone stop asking me why @MolksTVTalk and i are consciously uncoupling. He’s the one making all of the decisions.

Oct 3, 2014: WANT!!: Exclusive: Australian hands-on with Apple CarPlay (Pioneer AVH-X8650BT)…

Oct 3, 2014: “We are both so grateful and happy to have had the most awesome celebrant ever”……

Oct 3, 2014: “From the moment we met Josh we felt like he was just like a close friend who knew exactly wh… joshs.lin……

Oct 3, 2014:…

Oct 3, 2014: I’m 32 years old and I still don’t “know what that means” when radio announcers say “it’s Friday and you know what …

Oct 3, 2014: “As far as a testimonial goes I can say this: Thank you for giving us the freedom to be us”……

Oct 3, 2014: In breaking news, The Bachelor transforms into the bachelor, same guy but without the capitalised first letters cause it’s not a title now.

Oct 3, 2014: Ok, stay with me on this one, new name for Blake: The Batch-he-lay-her #TheBachelorAU

Oct 3, 2014: Hi, I find u on the Google, how much you charge? $935 My friend got married last month for $350, why u so much, u don’t do anything special

Oct 3, 2014: I’m going to wear a burqa to Parmigiana tonight.

Oct 3, 2014: Peter is to oin tune with the termites RT @612brisbane: Called in a pest controller to answer your concern on the cereal box Peter.

Oct 3, 2014: I can’t help but think I’ll be a broke elderly man spending every last dollar on remastered Eminem and Nickelback albums.

Oct 3, 2014: JibJab Messages by JibJab Media Inc.……

Oct 2, 2014: “We wanted to say thank you very much for delivering a fantastic ceremony”……

Oct 2, 2014: Wife just started following me on Insta, so that’s cool……

Oct 2, 2014: OMG MINI TACOS #hillstoneweddings……

Oct 2, 2014: Could. Not. Resist. #hillstoneweddings #brisbanecelebrant #briswed……

Oct 2, 2014: 15 wedding traditions I’d like to see you throw out…

Oct 2, 2014: There needs to be a ruling made on whose armrest is whose in a cinema.

Oct 2, 2014: Love is … making lunch for each other :)……

Oct 2, 2014: You probably didn’t know this, but the official bird of the City of #Brisbane is a guy trying to drive the wrong way down a one-way street.

Oct 2, 2014: Promo tweet for freebie: Meet Felice Theme, a FREE “Coming Soon” WordPress template from @hibluchic . Check it out…

Oct 2, 2014: “You were a ray of sunshine on a very cloudy, rainy, stormy day!”……

Oct 2, 2014: New fav blog:… @sgaustralia

Oct 2, 2014: A wedding reading you might find some inspiration in if you met on the Internet……

Oct 2, 2014: In a moment of confusion, Parliament House’s chef has taken burgers off the menu.

Oct 2, 2014: TC 40: Alicia Malone &amp; Michele Mahone…

Oct 2, 2014: “Josh’s ability as a speaker is only surpassed by his ability as humourist”……

Oct 1, 2014: “Your part in guiding our ceremony was unquestionably excellent” Annarie &amp; Marcus #marriedbyjosh photo Jessie Dains …

Oct 1, 2014: All the information for brides on how to change your name after your wedding…

Oct 1, 2014: The sophistication of a wedding ceremony, and how it can all get in the way…

Oct 1, 2014: “I find Bourke Street confronting” - Josh Withers

Oct 1, 2014: Movie Idea: #LiamNeeson just stands in front of a camera punching people for 2 hours: “Taken 4: It’s Face Value”

Oct 1, 2014: Movie idea: #LiamNeeson’s daughter is totally ok so they buy a tandem bike: “Taken 4: A Ride”

Oct 1, 2014: Movie idea: Liam Neeson resigns from being a retired CIA agent and becomes an Ibuprofen: Take 4: Back Pain.

Oct 1, 2014: Movie idea: #LiamNeeson realises the movie producers have been behind his daughter’s kidnapping this whole time: Taken 4: A Fool.

Oct 1, 2014: “We had a great time on the day and your service was absolutely fantastic”…

Oct 1, 2014: Movie idea: #LiamNeeson is replaced by @HackedOffHugh in the next in the Taken series. It’s called “Taken 4: Granted”

Oct 1, 2014: So GIF keyboard is changing my iOS8 life…

Oct 1, 2014: Trying something crazy in my business: accepting anonymous feedback. Would appreciate if you tested it out for me…

Oct 1, 2014: “Thanks so much for being a brilliant celebrant!!!”……

Oct 1, 2014: Wow! I’m working from home today and just realised I’d been wearing pants all morning for no reason!

Oct 1, 2014: Any Wordpress theme nerds available to do an Illustrator to Wordpress theme conversion? We’ve hired @chopchoporg but they’re being …

Oct 1, 2014: “Your reliability was comforting and passion and excitement for weddings was infectious”……

Oct 1, 2014: Will Smith and the remaining survivors will really enjoy your #Ebola jokes in 6 months.

Oct 1, 2014: I’ve just started writing for other SME’s on @SavvySME - check out my first article about creating WOW moments…

Oct 1, 2014: When meeting with your venue, ask them these questions so you have a rockin' wedding……

Oct 1, 2014: Probably the best piece of radio content regional Australia has created in recent times…

Oct 1, 2014: Do you ello? Add me and say … ello…

Sep 30, 2014: “We were after a young, vibrant, non-traditional celebrant and that’s what we got in Josh”……

Sep 30, 2014: “Thanks Joshua, we were so happy to have you involved in our special day!”……

Sep 30, 2014: “The Celebrant” #coffee……

Sep 30, 2014: This beat poet has something awesome to say about marriage……

Sep 30, 2014: If you’ve got a niche #podcast, you ought to snap up one of these available podcast. TLDs…

Sep 30, 2014: I think my iPhone’s Soundblaster 32 drivers need to be updated.

Sep 30, 2014: “Josh, I can’t thank you enough. The ceremony was perfect!”……

Sep 30, 2014:…

Sep 30, 2014: sslllllooowwwwwww mooooooooeeee video photo booth……

Sep 29, 2014: Obligatory begging post for Ello invite. If you’ve got an invite, pass one on to a brother.

Sep 29, 2014: I’m so frikkin pumped! 11 nights in NYC, 2 nights in San Juan, 3 nights in Washington DC!

Sep 29, 2014: Tickets to Puerto Rico booked! BOOYAH!

Sep 29, 2014: A few ideas on how to invite Uber into your wedding … and $50 to help you get started!……

Sep 29, 2014: Sometimes when we’re bored we film Stevie the kitten. She’s totally into it.…

Sep 29, 2014: Locking away some last minute details tonight for our next #perthpopupwedding at @kidogo………

Sep 29, 2014: BREAKING: Local man really hasn’t got time for these roadworks. Onlookers have watched him change lanes three times over the course of 50m.

Sep 29, 2014: Lian and David #marriedbyjosh! Love a Monday #elopement #wedding at #Lightspace……

Sep 29, 2014: “Our guests all believed that you were a friend or relative of ours”……

Sep 29, 2014: Here’s to the boring ones… via @saddington

Sep 29, 2014: Why can’t silence be @RedFoo’s new thang?

Sep 29, 2014: Would appreciate your thoughts on a blog post I’m working on: How Google’s driver-less cars would positively impact …

Sep 29, 2014: A few wise words on marriage from Hillary Clinton……

Sep 29, 2014: My guide on how to be the perfect wedding guest…

Sep 29, 2014: This will only end well if @karlstefanovic jumps onto the bandwagon early. Do it Karl, do it. (If you happen to read this Karl, hi)

Sep 29, 2014: Stellarossa HQ Wickham have named my coffee order, a Caramel Long Black, “The Celebrant”…… …

Sep 29, 2014: In the coming months Hitchiker’s 11 will be “that song” that everyone mimics in funny videos on YouTube … and eventually …

Sep 29, 2014: Trend Alert: The band is called Hitchhiker, they’re from South Korea, the whack song is called 11…

Sep 29, 2014: “Your energy and enthusiasm really set the mood for the entire day!”……

Sep 29, 2014: Britt got me a pressie!……

Sep 29, 2014: Best prepaid SIM-only deal for an Aussie travelling to the USA for three weeks?

Sep 29, 2014: A new Marriage Monday blog post, with a challenge…

Sep 28, 2014: I just charged my new iPhone in the microwave like Facebook said and it’s rubbish. It’s only charged on the outsides, not in the middle.

Sep 28, 2014: When in doubt ………

Sep 28, 2014:……

Sep 28, 2014: Ten little wedding ceremony ideas you’re welcome to steal……

Sep 28, 2014: It’s nice to see my family growing #fatherhood #bowtie #twoguysbowties #mensstyle……

Sep 28, 2014: Five quick and awesome wedding ideas, throw these into your planning book!……

Sep 28, 2014: Hey Australia, my 100% non-terrorist dark-skinned mate had a glass bottle thrown at him yesterday. Everyone chill the feck out.

Sep 28, 2014: Read how my friends re-invented wedding speeches……

Sep 28, 2014: Promo tweet for free GB … Download a Bear!… @theTunnelBear…

Sep 28, 2014: “Josh has such a modern and profound understanding of what marriage is today”……

Sep 28, 2014: “Put another shrimp on the Barbie, and Ken, and anyone else with cancer” - UQ scientists…

Sep 28, 2014: #MarriedByJosh at Midginbill Hill - pics by #LoveIsAPlacePhotography…

Sep 28, 2014: NYC IN THREE WEEKS TODAY! But who’s counting?! Pic by @patricknlewis……

Sep 28, 2014: “Josh was happy for us to construct our own ceremony but deliver it in his own natural style”…… …

Sep 27, 2014: I’m quite partial to this wedding styling, do you like it?……

Sep 27, 2014: Love is in the air at #Riverfire……

Sep 27, 2014: Just caught a ride to Riverfire with Uber for free using my own ‘marriedbyjosh’ promo code!

Sep 27, 2014: Nic and Emily #marriedbyjosh!……

Sep 27, 2014: Getting hitched outdoors? Here’s a few ideas……

Sep 27, 2014: Doctor Who theme music blaring out of the PA system, on the grounds of a university, as fighter jets fly over #justanotherdayatwork

Sep 27, 2014: BOW TIE! By @twoguysbowties and found in #Brisbane at @absofabstore……

Sep 27, 2014: Doing my 100th wedding for the year this afternoon … that explains where the year went!

Sep 27, 2014: Yep … I just quoted the Bobs in a blog post. It’s a good day.

Sep 27, 2014: Marriage at it’s core doesn’t require love … this could be interesting ………

Sep 27, 2014: This email really made my day, plus I have a great answer for The Bobs now!…

Sep 27, 2014: The most encouraging thing is when people just get it, when they just get what you do: “………

Sep 27, 2014: Nude photo of me…

Sep 27, 2014: Here’s a few ideas on how to save a dollar or two on your wedding day……

Sep 27, 2014: Grabbing a coffee in Woolongabba and of course I’d randomly run into Perth’s awesome cel…… …

Sep 27, 2014: Quick! Help me choose which @twoguysbowties bow tie to buy!!……

Sep 27, 2014: “Definitely recommend Josh to anyone, he is someone who dares to be different”…

Sep 27, 2014: Dad found all of my childhood achievements!!! NATIONAL CHAMPION YO!……

Sep 26, 2014: “Josh has a natural ability to connect with people due to his desire to know their story”……

Sep 26, 2014: Question, I’m taking my little brother out to Surfers Paradise tonight, are they still d………

Sep 26, 2014: “Our ceremony was everything we could have hoped for”……

Sep 26, 2014: “I can’t believe it’s us in the selfie!!!” - Mrs Goodall #2goodall2betrue #marriedbyjosh… …

Sep 26, 2014: “Thank you so much for what was an amazing day”……

Sep 26, 2014: “What caught our attention the most was Josh’s philosophies on marriage”……

Sep 26, 2014: #HeyASIO my ICQ number was 49739400 but I’ve forgotten my password- help a brother out?

Sep 26, 2014: “We both would love to thank you for creating such a memorable wedding ceremony”……

Sep 25, 2014: Well, a boy can try /cc @TerryDougie…

Sep 25, 2014: $50 on your first two #Uber rides, it’s on the #marriedbyjosh house……

Sep 25, 2014: Just emailed one of my heroes that lives in NYC. I figure that I’m not in NY every day, and maybe Seth Godin wants to have lunch with me?

Sep 25, 2014: I’m worried that once day my child will be asked what daddy does. And they’ll be forced to answer “drink beer or coffee with people …

Sep 25, 2014: As I limbo dance through my thirties this is not the email I want to receive, APIA…

Sep 25, 2014: Wanted: bow tie alignment technology so that my bow tie is always horizontal. Get back to me when I can send you a cheque, science.

Sep 25, 2014: #Noosa #sunset……

Sep 25, 2014: Eagerly anticipating Apple iOS 8.11 for Workgroups

Sep 25, 2014: Tyler &amp; Jess #marriedbyjosh #noosacelebrant #noosawedding #wedding #noosa #celebrant……

Sep 25, 2014: “I have a bum” - pop music today

Sep 25, 2014: “What a wonderful ceremony you created for Jay and I on our special day!”……

Sep 25, 2014: Happy Valley lived up to it’s name for Ant and Sally’s awesome Stanthorpe soirée…

Sep 25, 2014: Sorry, I didn’t recognise you without the Instagram filter.

Sep 25, 2014: While we were in Perth for @popupwed recently Seven News turned up to capture the story……

Sep 25, 2014:……

Sep 25, 2014: I have a problem, and I need your help to solve it: I have earned enough Stellarossa poi………

Sep 25, 2014: Photo by @triciakingphoto #butterfly #butterflies #butterflyrelease #briswed #brisbanec………

Sep 24, 2014:……

Sep 24, 2014: “If you’re having iPhone problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a bend ain’t one” - iPhone 5S user

Sep 24, 2014: Dr Seuss’s wedding vows are probably the coolest on the planet!……

Sep 24, 2014: Sharing Anthony and Sally’s story on my blog soon! #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 24, 2014: There are three kinds of people. #WordSwagApp……

Sep 24, 2014: I dare you……

Sep 24, 2014: Saw two Twitterlebrities today. Is this supposed to happen in threes?

Sep 24, 2014: #getonuptogetdown……

Sep 24, 2014: If anyone’s looking for a good deal on advertising from the Police Institute in their members magazine I’m got a guy on the phone …

Sep 24, 2014: So @1Password is nice and super buggy on iOS8 isn’t it? I take it that this was a bad time to become a new user?

Sep 24, 2014: Meredith and Andy’s wedding guests said something pretty cool about me!……

Sep 24, 2014: The @popupwed is coming to #rabbitandcocoon on April 19 next year!……

Sep 24, 2014: “You’re the iPhone Stocks app of people” - awesome insult I just invented!

Sep 23, 2014: #marriedbyjosh and photographed by @triciakingphoto……

Sep 23, 2014: #marriedbyjosh and photographed by @triciakingphoto……

Sep 23, 2014: #marriedbyjosh and photographed by @triciakingphoto……

Sep 23, 2014: The authenticity and amazing was of Holly and Mark’s wedding day is seriously jumping ou………

Sep 23, 2014: Things you, and Britt, took away from the first Kardashian wedding……

Sep 23, 2014: #SethGodin nails the ‘two ends of each market’……

Sep 23, 2014: Can’t wait to share James + Amy’s story on the blog. Check out the view from #BinnaBurra…… …

Sep 23, 2014: I think #Gillard has forgotten what the deal with Australian politics is. It’s a parliament that represents the public, not personal views.

Sep 23, 2014: “Nick and I would like to thank you for the outstanding job you did as being our celebra………

Sep 23, 2014: Booking a celebrant is a lot like dating…

Sep 23, 2014: Guys, spring has been hiding in Toowoomba. In case you were looking for it.

Sep 23, 2014: CelebrantSelfie #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 23, 2014: Just married @spillfilmsmaker &amp; @ebonynave at @homesteadwedding! #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 23, 2014: I think there’s a reason @homesteadwedding is so popular #GabbinarHomestead……

Sep 23, 2014: A modern point of view on “giving the bride away” #bringadowry……

Sep 23, 2014: Phone call from Australia Post’s Albion MC tells me that they can’t post a letter when they’ve only got my name &amp; phone …

Sep 23, 2014: #GabbinarHomestead……

Sep 23, 2014: What should you have in your wedding day emergency pack?……

Sep 23, 2014: My grandma told us a lovely story last night about how she used to have a nice young helpful tanned house boy.

Sep 23, 2014: It’s weird that 20 years on everyone is Friend-crazy but when it first aired no-one even tweeted about it.

Sep 22, 2014: Marriage at it’s core doesn’t require love … so that’s interesting ……

Sep 22, 2014: We just announced new @popupwed dates on the GC tonight! We’re rocking 2 #popupwed at @rabbitandcocoon on April 19…

Sep 22, 2014: This Seuss book is one of my favourite ways to start a wedding ceremony……

Sep 22, 2014: The iPhone 0 Plus really is bigger isn’t it!…

Sep 22, 2014: The next @popupwed location is being announced tonight at 8pm. There are animals involved!

Sep 22, 2014: Idea: four motorcycles welded together with a large square bracket so you get all the excitement of a motorbike with the capacity of a car.

Sep 22, 2014: Thinking about getting to &amp; from your wedding? Here’s an idea, use @Uber_Brisbane! Free $50!… …

Sep 22, 2014: Int’l Anaconda spokesperson says that they indeed do want some and the recent speculation about them wanting none is far from the truth.

Sep 22, 2014: Waiting for @jedileelee to make me pretty at @ckbarber……

Sep 22, 2014: “The best way to complain is to make things.” - James Murphy

Sep 22, 2014: Sho wants to sign their marriage certificate with drumstick pens? Should I buy these?……

Sep 22, 2014: How to get married in Australia, if you’re not from, or in, Australia……

Sep 21, 2014: *world of Warcraft reference…

Sep 21, 2014: Aww! The chef is hip and with it!…

Sep 21, 2014: Wedding advice: put the Pinterest down!!!……

Sep 21, 2014: Simon &amp; Carmen #marriedbyjosh at #victoriaparkgolfcourse……

Sep 21, 2014: #marriedlyf……

Sep 21, 2014: So I know a guy, ok.

Sep 21, 2014: Super dodgy looking guy out the front of my office in an old Commodore wants to know if I know if I know anyone looking to buy a laptop.

Sep 21, 2014: Get some creative wedding ceremony inspiration with these 8 quick ideas……

Sep 21, 2014: Kind of in love with this music video come wedding video!……

Sep 21, 2014: In exactly four weeks time we’ll be Jetset for LAX, and onward to JFK! New York City cannot come soon enough!

Sep 21, 2014: #breakfast……

Sep 20, 2014: Five quick points that married people don’t tell engaged-to-be-married people……

Sep 20, 2014: Congratulations to Mark and Holly! #marriedbyjosh Shoutout to @hellomrjenkins in the ba………


Sep 20, 2014: Let them eat #weddingcake……

Sep 20, 2014: Holly and Mark’s backyard was made for an event like today, bring on the wedding!……

Sep 20, 2014: Bartenders for the day, @hellomrjenkins, have gone bush for Mark and Holly’s wedding today……

Sep 20, 2014: What’s on today?……

Sep 20, 2014: Welcome!……

Sep 20, 2014: How the groomsmen can have fun on the morning of the wedding as well……

Sep 20, 2014: Thinking about getting to and from your wedding? Here’s an idea, use Uber! ($50 promo code inside!)…

Sep 20, 2014: This is what happened on my wedding day … only click if you’re a stalker :)……

Sep 20, 2014: After seeing Harley Davidsons wrapped in rainbow flags ridden by angry men I’m almost too scared to ask what’s happening in the valley?

Sep 20, 2014: 10 things to think about in regards to handfasting ceremonies……

Sep 20, 2014:…

Sep 19, 2014:……

Sep 19, 2014:……

Sep 19, 2014: Your wedding might never be as cool as this wedding … because Foo Fighters……

Sep 19, 2014: Trust Apple and Scotland to make enough noise to push International Talk Like A Pirate Day off the frontpage.

Sep 19, 2014: Talent……

Sep 19, 2014: Hashtag wedding your wedding on hashtag Instagram hashtag YOLO……

Sep 19, 2014: Meredith and Andy’s wedding guests said something pretty cool about me!…

Sep 19, 2014: Dear UK wedding people: the domain name is available and I can’t register it because “apparently” I don’t live in …

Sep 19, 2014: A thought piece on why brides aren’t changing their last name……

Sep 19, 2014: As a younger man I was obsessed with a book named after, and centred around, this street……

Sep 19, 2014: When you have a crazy awesome idea, and everyone else agrees it’s awesome too … and then the news shows up!…

Sep 19, 2014: Love this marriage proposal, watch the video……

Sep 19, 2014: Beats International playing on @B105Brisbane, is it the end times? This is jam hot.

Sep 19, 2014: Wedding ring diamonds … for dummies … a simple guide……

Sep 19, 2014: Lining up outside Woolworths, gotsta get me new Apples. I’m first in line yo!

Sep 19, 2014: I married her because she’s funnier than I try to be…

Sep 19, 2014: Has America liberated Scotland yet?

Sep 18, 2014: A short and powerful guide on how to decide the big one: who to invite to your wedding……

Sep 18, 2014: Enough good wedding photos, here’s some ruined ones you’ll enjoy……

Sep 18, 2014: I’m about to really mess with the WA marriage stats for the year as I register seven mar………

Sep 18, 2014: Google Maps got some notification love in iOS8…

Sep 18, 2014: Sometimes wedding business people can suck! Here’s some tips on how to stop being sucked in……

Sep 18, 2014: Guys, be careful downloading iOS8, I’ve heard that Chumbawumba’s latest album is forced upon you and there’s no way to remove it.

Sep 18, 2014: Back in the office today, hard at work #likeaboss……

Sep 18, 2014: RIP smart watches that aren’t Apple Watches. In other news, anyone want a Cookoo “Smart” Watch?…

Sep 18, 2014: You’ve read all of the other top tips, now get your marriage advice from scientists!……

Sep 18, 2014: Ugh. I haven’t got enough space on my iPhone to tweet about not having enough space on my iPhone to upgra

Sep 18, 2014: My ‘on the radio’ selfie!……

Sep 18, 2014: Dare you to ask your wedding guests to RSVP like this……

Sep 18, 2014: U2’s album distribution measures /via @nicshields…

Sep 18, 2014: Ugh! Can’t believe U2 forced an album onto my Walkman /cc @Natty_Nat_Nat…

Sep 18, 2014: About to go on air on @Nova937 - if you’re in Perth tune in! Talking about the @PopUpWed and about how weddings can be awesome! #popupwed

Sep 18, 2014: Avril Lavigne &amp; Chad Kroger breaking up, which is sad news, but maybe now they’ll refocus on making us terrible chart topping music …

Sep 17, 2014: TV show idea: Dancing With The Scars, a dancing show with anyone who’s lost Dancing With The Stars #DWTS

Sep 17, 2014: Errmm #weddinginvitation……

Sep 17, 2014: Guy brings his own chair to cafe I’m at. What does that even mean?…

Sep 17, 2014: Dear SEO experts that email me multiple times daily…

Sep 17, 2014: Chatted to @Cooksphere about @PopUpWed on the radios this week, listen here:… #popupwed

Sep 17, 2014: I think it’s hilarious that GMail refuses to ever accept that emails from Apple are not spam. I’m sure Google has nothing to do with it.

Sep 17, 2014: Really excited to be chatting to #Perth’s Nathan, @Natty_Nat_Nat and Shaun on @nova937 in the morning about @PopUpWed and awesome weddings!

Sep 17, 2014: Ugh! Bono’s whole iPhone address book just automatically downloaded to my phone.

Sep 17, 2014: (Imagine me in a begging position, but still looking cool) would u be so kind to review me as a celebrant on Google+…

Sep 17, 2014: If you think a free Uber ride is cool, wait until you see what we’re doing next year with them!

Sep 17, 2014: Off to a wedding? Your @Uber ride there &amp; back is free with promo code ‘marriedbyjosh’ for 1st time riders!…

Sep 17, 2014: You know what laptop or phone launch would blow my mind? One where the battery lasts all day. That’s my business' biggest limitation.

Sep 17, 2014: Watch the TV news segment on Seven News Perth about the pop-up wedding…

Sep 17, 2014: Newsmakers! #popupwed #celebrant #perthwedding……

Sep 17, 2014: Myself and the #Perth @PopUpWed crew on @7NewsPerth…

Sep 16, 2014: Crooked bow tie!!! Sorry @twoguysbowties! #popupwed……

Sep 16, 2014: I’m not in Perth tonight so I can’t see it, but I’m on @7NewsPerth for the @PopUpWed in a moment! Would love it if anyone sent me …

Sep 16, 2014: #TheLoveConveyorBelt … coming up at 6pm onPerth’s 7 News … what the heck have I got …… …

Sep 16, 2014: So apparently us celebrants get annual certificates and name badges now……

Sep 16, 2014: Breaking News: David and Margaret reveal they never even liked movies anyway. They’re both reported to be ‘so relieved’ now everyone …

Sep 16, 2014: Breaking: scientists say rhyme supplies are getting very low. Govts are calling on rappers &amp; poets to use their rhyme reserves wisely.

Sep 16, 2014: To celebrate the new Currumbin mosque, everyone’s going to church tis weekend. Pass it on.

Sep 16, 2014: Zzzz (@ Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport (SYD) - @sydneyairport in Mascot, NSW)…

Sep 16, 2014: I do!……

Sep 16, 2014: As always Perth you were spectacular, I do promise to be backb……

Sep 16, 2014: A Marriage Monday encouragement on your marriage, and your fan…

Sep 15, 2014: THE LOVE CONVEYOR BELT! lol…

Sep 15, 2014: If i had of know that at some time in my life I would be in charge of a love conveyor belt, I would’ve lost my shit as a younger man.

Sep 15, 2014: Dear #Perth, yes that was me interrupting your #thexfactorau to say hi! I’ll see you tomorrow night on @7NewsPerth to talk @popupwed!!

Sep 15, 2014: Remember this place @stularsen &amp; @ashpunch?……

Sep 15, 2014: My Perth dinner date just postponed, anyone want to eat drink and be merry tonight in ol' Perth or Fremantle town?

Sep 15, 2014: Adam and Shelley #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed #popupwed at #VillaPourzand!……

Sep 15, 2014: Let me introduce you to @antheaauldphotographer - our amazing #popupwed #weddingphotographer!……

Sep 15, 2014: The #popupwed furniture partner for this #Perth #popupwedding is @maiseycollections, lov………

Sep 15, 2014: Our styling and floral partner for the #popupwed is @poppyandwillowblooms - everything l………

Sep 15, 2014: I’ve had so much fun at the #Perth #popupwed - let me introduce you to our partner @love………

Sep 15, 2014: Russell and Simone #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed #popupwed #VillaPourzand……

Sep 15, 2014: Cheyne and David #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed #popupwed #VillaPourzand……

Sep 15, 2014: Aaron and Joanne #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed #popupwed #VillaPourzand……

Sep 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at the @popupwed #popupwed #VillaPourzand……

Sep 15, 2014: Joe and Kath #marriedbyjosh at @popupwed #popupwed #VillaPourzand……

Sep 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at the #Perth @popupwed #popupwed #VillaPourzand……

Sep 15, 2014: Good morning! Look at this Perthect weather!……

Sep 15, 2014: It’s Perth pop-up wedding day! @popupwed

Sep 14, 2014: I’m at The Merrywell in Perth, WA…

Sep 14, 2014: Love visiting #Perth, so many great memories and friends here!……

Sep 14, 2014: Freakin' excited about making some wedding history tomorrow as seven couples get married in seven pop-up weddings in #Perth!

Sep 14, 2014: This one’s to you, @hellobrittanyjane! #regram from @inbloomflowerdelivery……

Sep 14, 2014: Hello Perth! (@ Perth International Airport (PER) in Perth, West Australia)…

Sep 14, 2014: Airport cuisine is really underrated.

Sep 14, 2014: Business idea: a chain of restaurants that bring the charm and flavour of traditional airport food to people that aren’t flying today.

Sep 14, 2014: Dear Melbourne Airport, a billboard for the Sydney Airport train, in your airport, is confusing…

Sep 14, 2014: Hi Melbourne …. for a few minutes (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL) - @melair in Tullamarine, VIC)…

Sep 14, 2014: #Perth!……

Sep 14, 2014: Best day ever. I was on a flight full of school children going on camp. But flight has been changed! Now flying to Perth via Melbourne :)

Sep 13, 2014: Save the date card! (Designed by Matt Inman of @TheOatmeal comic, and friend of the brid………

Sep 13, 2014: Here’s some new ideas on how to spice up your wedding reception from Surrealtime Media!…

Sep 13, 2014: Perth friends, should I pack a jacket for tomorrow/Monday?

Sep 13, 2014: #briswed #brisbanecelebrant #gccelebrant #weddings #wedding #bridal #celebrant #goldcoas………

Sep 13, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 13, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 13, 2014: Jong-Moon eerily and awesomely recreates the iPhone 6 and Apple Watch keynote, with Steve Jobs… via @jiggityk

Sep 13, 2014: #New tie day! #awwywah#suitup……

Sep 13, 2014: Eight more ancient wedding traditions you can learn about then forget again…

Sep 12, 2014: Brittany Snow-Withers and I both just commented “wow” on a toilet paper deal at Woolworths so do we get the pension now?

Sep 12, 2014: Ask……

Sep 12, 2014: Australia’s terror level has been raised to high, but don’t be alarmed it’s still 3 levels behind our ‘People Different To …

Sep 12, 2014: Ben+Sarah #marriedbyjosh photo by @alcornimages party at @springfoodwine……

Sep 12, 2014: Ian Thorpe thinks Ricky Martin is fully sick.

Sep 12, 2014: #marriedbyjosh…

Sep 12, 2014: So just to clarify, is our national security level “high” or “get high”?

Sep 12, 2014: Number one reason I love my wife is for SMS about the mayor like this…

Sep 12, 2014: Well someone got lucky last night…

Sep 12, 2014: My old breakfast radio show is looking for a new host!…

Sep 12, 2014: Rest in peace, Richard Kiel. Here’s a photo of the time the Bond villain had my head in his hands. A gentle giant.…

Sep 11, 2014: “Just a short note to say a BIG thank-you! Before meeting you we were apprehensive about………

Sep 11, 2014: Pretty new M1!……

Sep 11, 2014: Get involved in Ben and Sarah’s lovely love story! Thanks to Alcorn Images and Spring Restaurant too!…

Sep 11, 2014: Ok, stay with me on this one: Degrassi Park. A movie about an island where an eccentric millionaire has brought Degrassi High back to life.

Sep 11, 2014: Who amongst us can honestly say he has a face that’s a work of art, a smile that would light up New York City, and a sexy heart?

Sep 11, 2014: Thank you to every bride and groom that asked for my help in creating an awesome wedding………

Sep 11, 2014: How we used to register marriages……

Sep 11, 2014: I’ve found running a small business a really tough gig, made easier by chatting to peopl………

Sep 11, 2014: I can confirm that I probably don’t have Ebola and I live on the Gold Coast.

Sep 11, 2014: Can anyone confirm if the P-Plater 300 car race is on today on the M1? Also, Qld govt, your road safety advertising isn’t working.

Sep 11, 2014: Australia needs a former national leader tweeting like the US has @dick_nixon. Whip out your iPhone, Bob, John, Paul, Malcolm?

Sep 11, 2014:…

Sep 11, 2014: Prediction: version 1 of the Apple Watch sees it as a slave to an iPhone host. By version 5 the watch will be the host, the CPU.

Sep 11, 2014: The New Fairfax, everybody! RT @danilic: Looks like “Essential Baby” have a new SEO guy:…

Sep 11, 2014: Ebola just became very GC. Just wait ‘til all the kids are doing it.

Sep 11, 2014: Gwyneth Paltrow’s nanny is suing Apple over their misuse of the name ‘Apple Watch’.

Sep 11, 2014: Are you ok?……

Sep 10, 2014: #Love……

Sep 10, 2014: Britt!……

Sep 10, 2014: In 25 years time are they still releasing annual #OMGiPhone updates?

Sep 10, 2014: From a long term branding and marketing perspective, what’s Apple’s long-game for the iPhone?

Sep 10, 2014: Does anyone else chart their email usage? I’m a nerd aren’t I … in other news: spam email is up this month…

Sep 10, 2014: Community TV has been flushed down Canberra’s loo, community radio is hiding in the shadows…

Sep 10, 2014: #Love……

Sep 10, 2014: Why I don’t roller coast [pic] —…

Sep 10, 2014: Some lovely feedback from Carl and Emily! #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 10, 2014: Consider this Twitmas: I’ve just deactivated every fake, joke, random idea, cool idea, idea that I don’t have time for, Twitter account.

Sep 10, 2014: #Love……

Sep 10, 2014: My worry of a Mosque opening in Currumbin is that a giant hole in the earth will open betwn it &amp; the Arundel mosque &amp; swallow us …

Sep 10, 2014: Fleeting trip to Perth this weekend. Still managed to book myself onto a red-eye flight, like I always say I won’t do.

Sep 10, 2014: Well someone’s getting an iPhone 6 Plus for Christmas……

Sep 10, 2014: #Love……

Sep 10, 2014: A long, long, time ago … I can still remember how that clickwheel used to select things #RIPClickWheel…

Sep 10, 2014: Everyone settle down, Apple Pay and Apple Watch are only available in the US.

Sep 10, 2014: Apple completely redefines the watch industry by releasing a watch that will need to be replaced every September #gamechanger

Sep 9, 2014: #Love……

Sep 9, 2014: #Love……

Sep 9, 2014: Ppl aren’t pirating, they’re not watching ‘correctly’. Shift focus from we’re ‘being stolen from’ to …

Sep 9, 2014: Boat right now…

Sep 9, 2014: New #ThingCommittee podcast yo! Jo Stanley, Kate McKinnon &amp; Dan Hall…

Sep 9, 2014: Tangalooma dolphin calls for help……

Sep 9, 2014: “That’s the best wedding ceremony we’ve ever had on the island” - Tangalooma’s Events Manager. Why thank you sir!

Sep 9, 2014: Someone that collects the empty beer glasses. What does everyone else ca them? RT @JohnLacey: @JoshuaWithers – What’s a “glassy”?

Sep 9, 2014: Of course they’d give him the lowest paying job on the island.

Sep 9, 2014: David is an evangelist at heart, he just wants to convert everyone to the good church of Tangalooma.

Sep 9, 2014: Tangalooma’s biggest ambassador is a glassy named David. He’s the happiest and friendliest person on the island. And on the boat over.

Sep 9, 2014: Go home, Sun, you’re drunk……

Sep 9, 2014: But first, let me take a #celebrantselfie #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 9, 2014: The guests sat in a circle #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 9, 2014: The #bride arrived in a #helicopter! #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 9, 2014: And the bride arrives in a helicopter @ Tangalooma Island Resort…

Sep 9, 2014: Every day I learn a new way to love and be loved by her. It’s kind of sickening in an aw………

Sep 9, 2014: #Love is like an #Almond……

Sep 9, 2014: This little fella is coming home to Tangalooma today as well. He was rescued a few month………

Sep 9, 2014: This little fella is coming home to Tangalooma today as well. He was rescued a few month………

Sep 9, 2014: F%^konomics…

Sep 9, 2014: Bye bye Brisbane #TangaloomaBound @ Tangalooma Ferry Launch…

Sep 9, 2014: Island bound today for Ryan and Karen’s wedding! (@ Tangalooma Launch Dock in Pinkenba, QLD)…

Sep 9, 2014: Fleeting catch up with my Dad this morning! Love that guy :)……

Sep 9, 2014: #bnetraffic Traffic stopped northbound through Springwood on the M1 due to a dropbear on the motorway mauling a pedestrian to death.

Sep 8, 2014: Lee and Nicole wanted to make their wedding day all about their marriage. So today it wa………

Sep 8, 2014: New research shows that we put a lot of faith in new research.

Sep 8, 2014: I ask a pre-marriage counsellor: What are the most unpopular things for engaged couples to talk about…

Sep 7, 2014: In future seasons of #DWTS Ch7 will be matching professional dancers with massive luminous spheres of plasma due to local star drought.

Sep 7, 2014: Everyone’s ‘gramming #hashtag……

Sep 7, 2014: Father’s Day dinner at Britt’s dad’s place. He flicks this across the table informing me…… …

Sep 7, 2014: Why don’t lobsters share their food?……

Sep 7, 2014: Happy Father’s Day, Dad! Thanks for keeping me alive for 32 years!……

Sep 7, 2014: Britt bought me new ties today!!! It’s like a not-a-father-yet, it’s our wedding anniver…… …

Sep 7, 2014: TWO!……

Sep 6, 2014: #marriedbyjosh #celebrantselfie……

Sep 6, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 6, 2014: #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Dad leaves home only to do more housework than he used to

Sep 6, 2014: “Successful people do what successful people won’t. Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better” - Jim Rohn

Sep 6, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 6, 2014: #marriedbyjosh #malenywedding #celebrant #justmarried……

Sep 6, 2014: I quite literally just threw the GoPro in the tree #heypresto……

Sep 6, 2014: Today!!……

Sep 6, 2014:…

Sep 6, 2014: Trying to find a bunch of money I had hidden somewhere no-one would look. Finally found it in my Google+ account.

Sep 5, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 5, 2014: “You were smooth, funny and not boring, that was a great ceremony!” Says Dan of his and …… …

Sep 5, 2014: Breaking the news: PM Abbott meets India’s PM wearing the traditional headdress of their people.…

Sep 5, 2014: #BOUQUETALERT … also, congrats Marcus and Annarie!! #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 5, 2014:……

Sep 5, 2014: 1990 called wanting their t-shirt back but then I told them about the iPhone 6 and then they hung up.

Sep 5, 2014: #BREAKING Research reveals that Paleolithic cavemen were really into cupcakes. The implications for those on the Paleo Diet are exciting!

Sep 5, 2014: Beware everyone, the sultanas container doesn’t contain sultanas. Stay tuned for more br………

Sep 4, 2014: All revealed: my secret sauce has been found!…

Sep 4, 2014: Why doesn’t Obama just tell Liam Neeson that ISIS have his daughter?

Sep 4, 2014: Everyone! This is your ultimate climate change bucket list!…

Sep 4, 2014: John has instituted a ‘don’t use windows’ rule at @lightspacebrisbane. Luckily I use Mac.… …

Sep 4, 2014: But first, let me take a #selfie with @tashofthrones &amp; @curst #celebrantselfie #weddings………

Sep 4, 2014: #family……

Sep 3, 2014: #vscocam……

Sep 3, 2014: Day two of Operation: Touch The Beach, success!……

Sep 3, 2014: Weddings years ago were crazy, silly, and weird, check out how weird they were in today’s blog post…

Sep 3, 2014: Sabrina Salerno’s Boys Boys Boys…

Sep 3, 2014: If you weren’t sure if today was an awesome day, the elderly gent sitting at the table next to me is watching “Boys Boys Boys” on …

Sep 2, 2014: Get amongst the love and sparkles in Katie and Dan’s Hillstone St Lucia wedding!…

Sep 2, 2014: Love this print @hellobrittanyjane had framed for our bedroom #love……

Sep 2, 2014:……

Sep 2, 2014: New season resolution: walk on sand daily. Because for crying out loud Josh it’s like 50………

Sep 2, 2014: TC 38: Claire Hooper, Lehmo &amp; Adam Zwar…

Sep 2, 2014: Breaking News: Dinosaur owner, failed resort owner, politician and mine-owner finally relents and allows himself to pay less tax.

Sep 2, 2014: If you like wedding magazines, you’ll love this one … not only because it’s got me in it :)…

Sep 2, 2014: Nightmare on 13th Avenue #horrormovie……

Sep 2, 2014: I’m kind of really liking this cut. It could just be me wanting to be young however.……

Sep 2, 2014:…

Sep 2, 2014: I just took this “Hipster wedding SEO” campaign to a whole new level…

Sep 2, 2014: Please, no-one distribute my nude hacked iCloud photos. They’re all terribly photoshopped and not representative of my true nude self.

Sep 1, 2014: We had dinner with Tammy and Regan tonight, I married them a few years ago, and now they………

Sep 1, 2014: QLD Fire weather warning issued at 4:26pm EST | Issued: Monday at 4:26pm ESTDescription: Fire weather warningSum……

Sep 1, 2014: … I did google hipster alternative celebrant and I found you." 2/2

Sep 1, 2014: Email: “Let me know your thoughts on this, I know it is unusual and I am asking you if you would feel comfortable and ok to do it … 1/2

Sep 1, 2014: Just found my new favourite wedding planner…

Sep 1, 2014: OMG DID I JUST INVENT A NEW VIRAL HASHTAG CRAZE?!!?? #whitepeoplesolutions

Sep 1, 2014: #whitepeoplesolutions…

Sep 1, 2014: “Hey Josh! Lee and I just want to send you a MMMAAAASSSSIIIVVVEEE thank you for being su………

Sep 1, 2014: Facebook Messenger really is this generation’s world war isn’t it.

Sep 1, 2014: Love this now tie, @twoguysbowties……

Sep 1, 2014: And the bride wore … #marriedbyjosh #seaworld #seaworldwedding #goldcoastwedding #gold………

Sep 1, 2014: Can you guess where today’s office is!? Here’s part of the logo! #marriedbyjosh……

Sep 1, 2014: Hanging with Supe'……

Sep 1, 2014: I think I just got a great finance deal on a garage door opener, store owner said he had no remote interest in selling me one!

Sep 1, 2014: We just found a new bridal party position. There’s the groom, the best man, the groomsman and now: the worst man…

Aug 31, 2014: Is there a tool that tells you why a certain site ranks higher than yours for certain keywords on Google?

Aug 31, 2014: Get immersed in Lee and Courtney’s Maleny stunning wedding photos by Sunlit Studios! #marriedbyjosh…

Aug 31, 2014: 15 weddings in the first 15 days of September … oh my lord.

Aug 31, 2014: One of the groom’s vows for upcoming wedding “I vow to let your mother park her broom at our house when she comes to interfere, I mean …

Aug 31, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 31, 2014: Tony and Karen excitedly #marriedbyjosh at #BroadwayChapel!……

Aug 31, 2014: Plot twist: GRL’s ‘Ugly Heart’ is actually a poignant political anthem.

Aug 31, 2014: Happy first wedding anniversary to Nathan and Lauren ‘surprise’ married one year ago today!……

Aug 31, 2014: The barista’s wearing shoes. I want my money back. (@ Barefoot Barista in Palm Beach, QLD)…

Aug 30, 2014: #yawn……

Aug 30, 2014: Simply wow #jazandtimwedding #weddinglighting #bangalow #babgalowwedding #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 30, 2014: Sometimes I’ll marry a couple who’s love inspired me so much that I just can’t wait to g…… …

Aug 30, 2014: Tonight’s office is a showground……

Aug 30, 2014: Bill Caralis' Superradio network’s weekend talkback is probably the closest Australia has to the Grand Theft Audio in-car talkback station.

Aug 30, 2014: An hour at Sea World makes me feel like I’ve been on holiday for days (@ Sea World Resort in Main Beach, QLD)…

Aug 30, 2014: Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.…

Aug 30, 2014: Can we just stop and recognise that @Telstra is using a Postal Service song in it’s recent ads.

Aug 29, 2014: Goodnight little lighthouse……

Aug 29, 2014: Sometimes at weddings they release butterflies or doves. Tomorrow, we release The Krakken.……

Aug 29, 2014: Schapelle Corby: God’s gift to current affairs television.

Aug 29, 2014: The McMahons #celebrantselfie! #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 29, 2014: The McMahons! #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 29, 2014: I’ve got more destination weddings booked in 2016 than local weddings! I’m going to need…… …

Aug 29, 2014: From the guy that wrote ‘Call Me Maybe’, the definitive guide to writing a pop song…

Aug 29, 2014: It’s lovely that the nine Gold Coasters with full time jobs not in retail or hospitality get a public holiday today.

Aug 29, 2014: Lulu has no time for Yoda’s rubbish talk this morning #hyperlapse…

Aug 29, 2014: #bradpitt #angelinajolie #married!……

Aug 29, 2014: Congrats Mr and Mrs Pitt! I made you a new movie poster :D…

Aug 28, 2014: Congrats Mr and Mrs Smith #justmarried…

Aug 28, 2014: Everyone thinks this is great…

Aug 28, 2014:……

Aug 28, 2014: Yo, therre’s a new #ThingCommittee #podcast with Jane Kennedy, Alice Zaslavsky &amp; George Donikian…

Aug 28, 2014: GC Freebie: @Uber_GoldCoast launches today! Better, faster, safer than a taxi. Try FREE for a week…

Aug 28, 2014: Everyone thinks pre-marriage counselling is scary, so I asked a psych all the big questions…

Aug 28, 2014: I’m having coffee with a pre-marriage counsellor right now. Why are you, or aren’t you, or did you, get pre-marriage counselling?

Aug 28, 2014: Dear collective nerds of the world, can you recommend a desktop printer, that’s not a $30k photocopier, that can print on 300gsm paper?

Aug 28, 2014: Check out these smexi cards that @sennajeandesigns created for my couples to read their ………

Aug 28, 2014: Police blocking off Light Street in Fortitude Valley, sirens, lights, what’s happening? I can’t get to my office.

Aug 28, 2014: Digital radio just celebrated it’s 5th birthday in Australia. Still not in regional areas, still not in almost every car.

Aug 28, 2014: 40km/hr when lights flash … or when on a motorway #motornoway……

Aug 28, 2014: The latest ep of the EntreLeadership Podcast is good “Go Make Something Happen With Seth Godin”…

Aug 28, 2014: “Why would you disturb me whilst eating?” - Lulu and Stevie……

Aug 27, 2014: Brit and I are in #NYC from October 19 to 30, it would be soooo cool to do a #wedding wh………

Aug 27, 2014: These five words are the words most ignored by Australian marriage celebrants in the Marriage Act of 1961, which is……

Aug 27, 2014: Any lawyers around? I’d like it if someone could give an interpretation of “or words to that effect”

Aug 27, 2014: I’m a wee bit teary eyed after reading Chris and Mel’s testimony about me being their celebrant…

Aug 27, 2014: “Pay any price to stay in the presence of extraordinary people.” - Author, Mike Murdock

Aug 27, 2014: Cardoge……

Aug 27, 2014: Owen loves a selfie……

Aug 27, 2014: Owen loves a beard……

Aug 27, 2014: Since the last episode of the @ThingCommittee was released, 8mths ago, 8,226 ppl have listened. So there’s more coming. This is a teaser.

Aug 27, 2014: It’s equally awesome and terrible to see yourself in film…

Aug 27, 2014: Upworthy launches TV channel…

Aug 27, 2014: Wow, this iPhone 6 leak is phenomenal…

Aug 26, 2014: Just a reminder of how we all used to use HTML frames a decade or more ago…

Aug 26, 2014: And now I feel old and ungrateful. And I want to play Wolf3D.

Aug 26, 2014: Now I feel bad because I complained that my internet connection is 2.23 original Wolfenstein 3D’s per second.

Aug 26, 2014: Lodged an @Internode line fault tonight because my Internet connection is maxing out at 3.6MB per second download speed.

Aug 26, 2014: Four common traits of shit weddings, things to avoid!……

Aug 26, 2014: Say what you will about Google but it only took 24 hours for me to go straight to the top of the page one for “shit celebrant”

Aug 26, 2014: Avoid having a shit wedding: a how-to guide [Please share this!]…

Aug 26, 2014: So when you see that stuff … vote away! The last time I almost won and I also got in tonnes of shit at Fairfax because I was nominated!

Aug 26, 2014: Fair warning: I’ll be annoying everyone soon asking them to vote for me in the Pedestrian Daily Blogster Awards because I’d like to win.

Aug 26, 2014: [My Best Tweets] (19RT, 6Fav)… (10RT, 6Fav)… (6RT, 7Fav)…

Aug 26, 2014: If you’re looking for a @mailbox betacoin to try the new #Mailbox for Mac Beta let me know, I’ve got three to donate

Aug 26, 2014: The Game of Thrones theme song just got upgraded to version 2.0…

Aug 26, 2014: Britt and I took a walk with, down, The Left Lane at Bilinga, pretty piccies inside!…

Aug 26, 2014: Sam and Ellectra’s #elopement to #ByronBay with only four guests is covered on the @MarryMeCharlie blog!… #celebrant

Aug 26, 2014: Katie and Dan’s #wedding story is covered in @polkadotbride … and of course I was their #celebrant!…

Aug 26, 2014: That’s a new phone number to get a spam call from…

Aug 26, 2014: Poaching a GoPro … and an egg ……

Aug 26, 2014: I do have a Fairfax news subscription though … so that’s kind of paid for

Aug 26, 2014: I’m equally ashamed and proud of the fact that the only online journalism I actually pay for is from @TheOnion …

Aug 26, 2014: #dragons…

Aug 26, 2014: 90s textual masturbation, by @JohnBirmingham …. and I like it…

Aug 26, 2014: Why don’t we make BMX movies anymore? Particularly BMX movies with BMX dance-offs?……

Aug 26, 2014: Seth Godin’s insight on #Amazon buying #Twitch is particularily personal but powerful today…

Aug 25, 2014: Reddit user posts this photo saying “the best man lost the #weddingrings”……

Aug 25, 2014: RG @hillstonestlucia: It’s that time of year again… Hillstone St Lucia’s Wedding Open …… …

Aug 25, 2014: Gay weddings are the luckiest, or are they, I’m torn … need help…

Aug 25, 2014: In the Internet’s defence, how many famous Attenboroughs could there be?

Aug 25, 2014: #ChopperGate, three years ago today, never forget … @MolksTVTalk @FakeAshPunch…

Aug 25, 2014: Three day weekend starts now!!!……

Aug 25, 2014: So that’s where my data pack has gone ……

Aug 24, 2014: If you’re having a really good day and want to get unlucky, there’s a tunnel of unluckin…… …

Aug 24, 2014: “We had an awesome day and you were wonderful. Thank you so much for everything.”…

Aug 24, 2014: Back in my day business……

Aug 24, 2014: I just got nominated for the nice bucket challenge. Which sounds funny but is quite hard, there aren’t many nice buckets.

Aug 24, 2014: Good morning, #AirAsiaX……

Aug 23, 2014: Scott and Freya surprised everyone with an awesome wedding tonight! #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 23, 2014: Rocking the surprise wedding with @paulbamford!!……

Aug 23, 2014: You’re invited to an engagement party, not! It’s a surprise wedding night!!……

Aug 23, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 23, 2014: Clint, the groom, just said after I took this photo “mate, I thought you were going to b………

Aug 23, 2014: #weddingcake……

Aug 23, 2014: Today’s office looks more like a wet bar #weddingsattiffanys……

Aug 23, 2014: TV show idea: a remake of early 90’s 60 Minutes.

Aug 23, 2014: Congratulations John &amp; Rebecca! We found refuge from the rain under the #NewsteadHouse v………

Aug 23, 2014: Best thing about the rain: the motorway to the “Sunshine” Coast is empty!

Aug 23, 2014: The mice bucket challenge would’ve never had the same response.

Aug 22, 2014: You may now kiss your husband!……

Aug 22, 2014: #MotorNoWay……

Aug 22, 2014: Mr and Mrs Reincastle #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 22, 2014: Let me introduce you to The Reincastles! #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 22, 2014: It’s a … nice day … for a … wet wedding……

Aug 21, 2014: Well, do you?…

Aug 21, 2014:…

Aug 21, 2014: RG @sweethopephotography: I agree @joshuawithers! Love it. @whitemagazine #regramapp……

Aug 21, 2014: My cheekiest spam email I’ve sent yet…

Aug 21, 2014: Does anyone else want to see a full episode of Tool Time, with Tim “The Toolman” Taylor?

Aug 21, 2014:……

Aug 21, 2014: ClivePalmerStrokingNipple.gif vs.TonyAbbottWinking.gif…

Aug 21, 2014: “If you are a journalist at a print publication, your job is in danger. Period.”…

Aug 21, 2014:……

Aug 21, 2014: High school buddy just unfriended me on IceBucketChallengeBook!

Aug 20, 2014: What have I done?…

Aug 20, 2014: Check out hte pics from Natasha and Gavin’s rainy day Noosa wedding by Aaron Shum Photography!…

Aug 20, 2014: #weddingtraditions……

Aug 20, 2014: 237 same-sex Australian couples have gotten married in NZ since they brought in marriage equality laws…

Aug 20, 2014: Stevie the cat is hesitant about joining #TeamAustralia

Aug 19, 2014: This hat’s got 99 problems but a witch ain’t one……

Aug 19, 2014: Second anniversary coming up soon! (@ Gucci in Brisbane)…

Aug 19, 2014: #warmandfuzzy!……

Aug 19, 2014: Confession: whenever I hear a @janoskians song I imagine that @nicwkelly is the lead singer

Aug 19, 2014: There’s been something playing on my mind recently, it’s a hard topic to speak on, but, I’m all about that bass, ‘bout that …

Aug 19, 2014: #velleronhouse #topsecretweddingvenue……

Aug 19, 2014: #velleronhouse #topsecretweddingvenue……

Aug 19, 2014: Velleron House #topsecretweddingvenue #velleronhouse……

Aug 19, 2014: Tumbulgum……

Aug 19, 2014: Tough mixup competition, @dkonsky…

Aug 19, 2014: I like this, how a password changed @manicho’s life (I’ve done something similar before!)…

Aug 18, 2014: Self-employment is a haunted house of emotions. Also, who do I give my medical certificate to? Asking for a friend.

Aug 18, 2014: #TeamAustraliaFYeah…

Aug 18, 2014: Just now, @hellobrittanyjane being shot by @paulbamford for @whitemagazine……

Aug 18, 2014: Nemo found……

Aug 18, 2014: Robot + photos. Yes please! #ThankYou, @theleftlanephotographs!!!……

Aug 18, 2014: Any software developers around that specialise in Google Calendar/Apps API stuff?

Aug 18, 2014: This self-employed thing is all consuming isn’t it. I don’t know a life outside of Gmail, Quickbooks, Google Calendar and my word …

Aug 17, 2014:……

Aug 17, 2014: #vscocam……

Aug 17, 2014: Talent: @JoshuaWithers &amp; @hellobrittanyjane Photographer: @PaulBamford Director: @mrsbam………

Aug 17, 2014: Flowers for @hellobrittanyjane from #albaroses!……

Aug 17, 2014: #weddingfairlyf……

Aug 17, 2014: Rockin the @vintagebridemag #weddingfair today!……

Aug 17, 2014: “It’s such a relief to meet a #celebrant that’s a normal person!” - bride just now at the #vintagebride #weddingfair …

Aug 17, 2014: Vintage #Bride #WeddingFair at the home of the Broncos today!……

Aug 17, 2014: Is running for a seat in the next federal election with a single policy against Facebook Messenger a sure win? Asking for a friend.

Aug 16, 2014: The Presland’s! #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 16, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #AmoreGardens #CurrumbinValey……

Aug 16, 2014: The ‘Classic Josh’ :)……

Aug 16, 2014: This is rap music…

Aug 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Aug 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #Noosa and photo by @aaronshumphotography……

Aug 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #Noosa and photo by @aaronshumphotography……

Aug 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #Noosa and photo by @aaronshumphotography……

Aug 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #Noosa and photo by @aaronshumphotography……

Aug 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #Noosa and photo by @aaronshumphotography……

Aug 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #Noosa and photo by @aaronshumphotography……

Aug 14, 2014: “There is no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard. No song that I ………

Aug 14, 2014: One of these two has love in their eyes, the other is dead inside because they’re wearin………

Aug 14, 2014: License To Wed on channel Go!!!!!!!! #RIPRobinWilliams……

Aug 14, 2014: The power of Christ compels you!!! #LicenseToWed #RIPRobinWilliams

Aug 14, 2014: License To Wed on channel Go!!!!!!!! #RIPRobinWilliams…

Aug 14, 2014: 66 days……

Aug 14, 2014: May I present to you Mr and Mrs Bowman! #marriedbyjosh ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #Mod………

Aug 14, 2014: I brought someRobin Williams wisdom into Nikki and Julian’s wedding tonight: “You’re not………

Aug 14, 2014: There’s some crazy wet weather forecast for this weekend, have you planned for it to rain on your wedding day?…

Aug 14, 2014:……

Aug 14, 2014: One year ago #Bali #quad……

Aug 13, 2014: Movie idea: “@JoeHockey’s Big List of Things Poor People Don’t Have”

Aug 13, 2014: There’s an interview with “The Young Celebrant” in issue 25 of @WhiteMagazine, you can read it here!…

Aug 13, 2014: Time to do some #celebrant professional development……

Aug 13, 2014: Robbie Williams holding Annie’s Boobs #Community…

Aug 13, 2014: Celebrants training day, and boy do I stick out like a sore thumb today (@ Indigiscapes in Capalaba, QLD)…

Aug 12, 2014:……

Aug 12, 2014: Chris &amp; Di’s #JewishFusion #weddingceremony was a ball! #muzeltoff ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Lo…… …

Aug 12, 2014: This girl, she makes me feel like the luckiest man. Pic by @leftlanephotographs #love……

Aug 12, 2014: Seth Godin rocks my business world every bloody day. This one is killer ‘what’s it for?’…

Aug 12, 2014: Dear SEO experts that email me daily, get back to me when your website ranks on the 1st page of Google &amp; you’re not using a hotmail …

Aug 12, 2014: I’m blowing ten crazy wedding traditions wide open, and Grandma’s gunna hate it…

Aug 12, 2014: Seven weddings everyone is glad to not be attending this weekend…

Aug 12, 2014: I’m at Robina Town Centre - @robinatc in Robina, QLD w/ 2 others…

Aug 12, 2014: It’s so good to catch up with like minded friends in business! @paulbamford (@ Paddock Bakery in Miami, Queensland)…

Aug 11, 2014: See you at @vintagebridemag #Brisbane #weddingfair this Sunday at #Broncos Leagues Club,………

Aug 11, 2014: I spilled the goss on how I became a celebrant, how @hellobrittanyjane and I met, and al………

Aug 11, 2014: #surfersparadise from #bilinga #beach……

Aug 11, 2014: Kinda ❤️ this girl……

Aug 11, 2014: She’s my smile-maker……

Aug 11, 2014: Saw this #starwars #wedding #ringbearer and thought of you @jedileelee :) #starwarswedding……

Aug 11, 2014: We’re revolutionising the #selfie industry with #lazyselfies……

Aug 11, 2014: 😎……

Aug 11, 2014: Why, hello there my little White friend!……

Aug 11, 2014: I’m looking for my wife, would you happen to know where she is?……

Aug 11, 2014: Love #Kitanobo’s photos from Emma &amp; Steve’s wedding on Friday! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Locati…… …

Aug 11, 2014: I’m here for my crowning #hairroyalty (@ Culture Kings in Southport, QLD)…

Aug 11, 2014: Steve and Emma! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #SaltBeach #Kingscliffe #NSW #Australia Cre………

Aug 10, 2014: In the past tribes/groups/churches found membership by being right or wrong. A modern tribe says “you’re welcome " …

Aug 10, 2014: Crazy face #celebrantselfie! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #SaltBeach #Kingscliffe ▃▃▃▃▃▃………

Aug 10, 2014: My two cats……

Aug 10, 2014: Have you seen my fancy (and massive) wedding song playlist?…

Aug 10, 2014: Wedding-learn with the #Kardashians ….…

Aug 10, 2014: I have a confession to make. I love animated wedding GIFs…

Aug 10, 2014: Today’s office……

Aug 10, 2014: “Antiques Roadshow appraised my 2008 Toshiba TV”…

Aug 10, 2014: Pretty much nightclubs when I was nightclubbing RT: @JohnLacey: My nineties dance playlist on @Spotify…

Aug 10, 2014: Facebook Messenger’s terms &amp; conditions is such a literary hit it’ll only be a matter of days before they announce the movie.

Aug 10, 2014: The Megaw’s!! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #TheLanding #Dockside #KangarooPoint #Brisban………

Aug 9, 2014: Britt doesn’t rate it, but I just had a ripper comedy podcast idea: me walking people th………

Aug 9, 2014: Ely and Andrea’s wedding had more feels than a Michael Bolton concert today #MrAndMrsDic………

Aug 9, 2014: Ely and Andrea’s wedding had more feels than a Michael Bolton concert today #MrAndMrsDic………

Aug 9, 2014: In retaliation @hellobrittanyjane……

Aug 9, 2014: #BREAKING White, non-war-stricken, generally happy humans complain about ‘being forced to use free social network’s free messaging …

Aug 9, 2014: Well that’s a first. Watched someone steal my GoPro in the middle of a wedding ceremony.

Aug 9, 2014: Hey ‘media’, you guys are going to frikkin love this edition of @iLoveGGLetters #biggestloser…

Aug 9, 2014: The #ByronBay hinterland was perfect this afternoon! Congratulations #MrAndMrsDickson! #………

Aug 9, 2014: I present to you, #MrAndMrsDickson! #MarriedByJosh in the #ByronBay hinterland, #PossumCreek……

Aug 9, 2014: Don’t get me wrong, I like John Legend, and I like ‘All Of Me’ … but there’s other songs…

Aug 9, 2014: Ginuwine is joined by Tim the Toolman Taylor in this refreshing remix of Pony Time featuring Tim’s grunts…

Aug 9, 2014: Idea: release a really cool book with a great premise and cool cover. There’s a massive market for buying cool books that don’t get read.

Aug 8, 2014: “The best guide ever to writing your wedding vows” said someone who knows things about weddings, about this blog……

Aug 8, 2014: A comprehensive and detailed guide on how to memorise and remember your own wedding vows…

Aug 8, 2014: The McLucas’s! #marriedbyjosh #wedding #love #kingscliffe #saltbeach……

Aug 8, 2014: Don’t be fooled by the ties that I rock, I’m still, I’m still, Josh without a knot #elas…… …

Aug 8, 2014: Dear radio execs, here’s a free idea. A radio station that only plays Five, hosted by the members of Five #justsayin…

Aug 8, 2014: I just saw a netbook in the wild. Everyone remember net books?

Aug 8, 2014: Here’s the heads up: you don’t make chocolate cake from poo, and you don’t make awesome weddings from Google…

Aug 8, 2014: There goes the neighbourhood…

Aug 8, 2014: The iPhone Paramedics are here to help…

Aug 8, 2014: I liked a @YouTube video… iPhone Paramedics

Aug 8, 2014: We’ve all been there #MotorwayLyf…

Aug 8, 2014: Instagram’s Snapchat competitor, Bolt, is now available in Australia……

Aug 8, 2014: Instagram’s Snapchat competitor, Bolt, is now available in Australia……

Aug 7, 2014: I achieved that much today that it would take the government a few weeks to sort through today’s metadata.

Aug 7, 2014: What’s my guilty pleasure? 5ive #KeepOnMovin

Aug 7, 2014: Rehearsing for a pretty cool wedding happening this Saturday! (@ Dockside Apartment Hotel in Kangaroo Point, QLD)…

Aug 7, 2014: Actually got to catchup with my favourite Texan!……

Aug 7, 2014: Thank you, Corey &amp; Claire!! #marriedbyjosh #weddings #brisbanecelebrant #mavisskitchen…

Aug 7, 2014: Now that I’ve got the all-clear on what metadata is, I’m only visiting websites now, not web addresses #phew

Aug 7, 2014: Good morning from Salt!……

Aug 6, 2014: I’ve typed ‘celebrant’ so much on my iPhone that it just auto-corrected ‘cake ebrsbt’ to celebrant … correctly.

Aug 6, 2014: Good morning, #Coolum……

Aug 6, 2014: The Australian Expendables would be Harold Bishop, Alf Stewart, Alan Jones and Paul Hogan.

Aug 5, 2014: #imoji……

Aug 5, 2014:……

Aug 5, 2014: Surely if Michael Bay just stopped making movies we’d get world peace? #simple

Aug 5, 2014: QTAX or QTRAX?…

Aug 5, 2014: We went to Australian living treasure, dinosaur owner, miner, future prime minister and ………

Aug 5, 2014: Clive Palmer feeds his dinosaurs real-life airplanes instead of spoons that sound like a………

Aug 5, 2014: #legitosaur……

Aug 4, 2014: #DanceLikeDelta #LeaveDeltaAlone

Aug 3, 2014: #love……

Aug 3, 2014:……

Aug 3, 2014: Running my first #celebrant training workshop with @samicelebrant at #TheSummit at #Moun………

Aug 1, 2014: Preparing the presentation for my first celebrant training workshop on Sunday // pic by ………

Aug 1, 2014: Stevie loves her mane #not #catsofinstagram……

Aug 1, 2014: Dom &amp; Bridget! #marriedbyjosh #wedding #sirromet #love #weddings……

Aug 1, 2014: Dom &amp; Bridget! #marriedbyjosh #wedding #sirromet #love #weddings……

Aug 1, 2014: Dom &amp; Bridget! #marriedbyjosh #wedding #sirromet #love #weddings……

Aug 1, 2014: My creative and awesome bride, @hellobrittanyjane, had a wax seal made for me and I’m tr………

Aug 1, 2014: Me doing @lovelockedco at @lightspacebrisbane by @callie_marshall and featured in @polka………

Aug 1, 2014: I had a video idea…

Jul 31, 2014: Guess who just broke into the Texas wedding market?!!!???!!! #weebitexcited #popupwed

Jul 31, 2014: #Ikea does #wedding styling now?……

Jul 31, 2014: Researching costumes in-case Dianna wins #TheBachelor and needs a celebrant……

Jul 31, 2014:…

Jul 30, 2014: Today @hellobrittanyjane dressed #steviewithers up and she looks great, I’m not lion, th………

Jul 30, 2014: Idea for Disney and hospitals: Disney sponsor the children’s ward and rename it the X-Wing of the hospital. #StarWars make hospital cool.

Jul 30, 2014: In-app game purchases are the 2014 version of the Timezone token.

Jul 30, 2014: I want to win a copy of the DirectoryEngine Wordpress @thingie so I tweeted about it. You can too:…

Jul 30, 2014: Apple just put a few dollars on the nose of squashing talk radio…

Jul 29, 2014: Britt and Josh take Tasmania!…

Jul 29, 2014: Jillian shares her wedding ups and downs, and why she and Brandon chose who they chose for her wedding…

Jul 28, 2014: Me, at #adarlingaffair last week … rocking @thephotoboothguys' name badges at #thechap………

Jul 28, 2014: 4 degrees on #MountWellington at the moment … plus the wind, so windy #withersintassie………

Jul 27, 2014: Roadtrippin' #withersintassie……

Jul 27, 2014: It’s important to try and see the Brittany through the trees #oldtassiesaying #withersintassie……

Jul 27, 2014:……

Jul 27, 2014:……

Jul 27, 2014:……

Jul 27, 2014:……

Jul 27, 2014:……

Jul 27, 2014: Builders at work #withersintassie……

Jul 27, 2014: What? The duck..……

Jul 27, 2014: Antarctica bound #auroraaustralis #withersintassie……

Jul 27, 2014: #withersintassie……

Jul 26, 2014: Up there behind the most and clouds is the usually glorious #CradleMountain. A selfie of………

Jul 26, 2014: Over 1600km in four days #withersintassie……

Jul 26, 2014: This girl rocks! The #BayOfFires is ok too……

Jul 26, 2014: Frikkin Tasmania #withersintassie……

Jul 26, 2014: Walking past radio stations you’ve worked on but never been to the studios #radiolyfe #l………

Jul 26, 2014: Dora the explorer. @hellobrittanyjane……

Jul 26, 2014: Apparently #Siri is on annual leave too!……

Jul 25, 2014: Rainforest adventuring! #withersintassie……

Jul 24, 2014:……

Jul 24, 2014: This house has a terrible backyard #BassStraitUpLegit #withersintassie……

Jul 24, 2014: She wanted to stop to ‘meet and say hello’ to the cows. She’s a little too excited, but …… …

Jul 24, 2014: Bass Strait? More like Bass #StraitUpLegit……

Jul 24, 2014: Nailed it! #withersintassie……

Jul 24, 2014: 1st attempt #letstakeaselfie #withersintassie……

Jul 23, 2014: #hydroelectricityselfie #withersintassie……

Jul 23, 2014: Took @hellobrittanyjane to meet her Tasmanian relatives today. Got a cold reception #wit………

Jul 23, 2014: Quality time with @hellobrittanyjane #withersintassie……

Jul 21, 2014: The last time we were in Tasmania @hellobrittanyjane ended up in jail. Who knows what co………

Jul 21, 2014: I received the loveliest thank you gift from Kobie and Andrew today! In Roman times rece………

Jul 21, 2014: One of my best photographer buds has just discovered/rediscovered #Instagram, please wel………

Jul 21, 2014: Katie and Matt’s Cherbon Waters wedding, check out these piccies!…

Jul 21, 2014: #photoboothjunkie……

Jul 21, 2014: After the craziest week I’ve ever had, I’m in Safe Mode today……

Jul 21, 2014: Things we missed last week……

Jul 21, 2014: Congrats to Bill Scully for winning celebrant of the year at the @weoaweddings #qldawards.……

Jul 21, 2014: Chatting to John and Garry on @NewsTalk2UE about cool places to get married in a minute.

Jul 20, 2014: Colour us pink, it’s the @weoaweddings #qldawards DJ of the year! Congrats Glen + g&amp;M DJs!……

Jul 20, 2014: The @weoaweddings #qldaward for best #weddingphotographer went to @milquephotography! Co………

Jul 20, 2014: A bunch of celebrants in a photobooth … I wanted to pick a/the winner……

Jul 20, 2014: Congrats to @summergroveestate for winning newcomer of the year at the @weoaweddings #ql………

Jul 20, 2014: Congrats to @showoffproductions for their @weoaweddings #qldaward!!……

Jul 20, 2014: #BrisWed represent at the #WEOA #qldawards……

Jul 20, 2014: Today #lovelocked……

Jul 19, 2014: Missing my favourite human like crazy tonight!!! Can’t wait to catch you in Hobart airpo………

Jul 19, 2014: #lovelocked #weddngfair tomorrow, 11am at @lightspacebrisbane!……

Jul 19, 2014: Hey there @_weekendedition! Thanks for the plug for @LoveLockedCo tomorrow!… #lovelocked

Jul 19, 2014: I’m at Woolworths Carseldine and they’ve got an ‘ugly fruit and vegetables’ stand, $2 for a bag. Nice work, @reddit …

Jul 19, 2014: Is there a business ATM in Brisbane that will give you change for a til?

Jul 19, 2014: #adarlingaffair’s bridal models and this ridiculous #celebrant……

Jul 19, 2014: Lurv #succulents - this is @fairlightblessed’s stall sign……

Jul 19, 2014: Picked @hellobrittanyjane a little gift from @fairlightblessed’s stand at @adarlingaffair……

Jul 19, 2014: A @penelope_the_celebrant for your thoughts #apennyjoke #adarlingaffair……

Jul 19, 2014: Love good paper! @_maytidestationery’s stand at #adarlingaffair……

Jul 19, 2014: Look who I found! It’s #brisbanecelebrant, @marriedbylinds!……

Jul 19, 2014: I’ll be banned from @thephotoboothguys' #Instaprinter before the end of the day at #adar………

Jul 19, 2014: A Darling Inception #adarlingaffair #thephotoboothguys……

Jul 19, 2014: Let’s all go to the fair! #adarlingaffair……

Jul 19, 2014: Bowls looks like fun! @ Woombye Bowls Club…

Jul 19, 2014: Today I’m at #Woombye for #ADarlingAffair, the #SunshineCoast’s coolest #weddingfair! Co…… …

Jul 19, 2014: Freakiest podcast I’ve listened to, ever #TheTruthPodcast…

Jul 19, 2014: 2.8❄️ at #PalmBeach……

Jul 18, 2014: OMFG…

Jul 18, 2014: I said, THERE’S SOMETHING IN YOUR BEARD!……

Jul 17, 2014: I liked a @YouTube video… Uncommon Dietary Requirements

Jul 17, 2014: Where’s the nicest, most iconic,@McDonaldsAU restaurant in Australia? I’d like to take t…… …

Jul 17, 2014: #lovelocked this Sunday in #Brisbane @lovelockedco……

Jul 17, 2014: Being dressed by @blackjacketsuiting #menswear #suitup #suilife #lovelocked #mensstyle #………

Jul 17, 2014: Now that we’ve gotten rid of the carbon tax I can finally afford to grind up and smoke $50 notes in my pipe.

Jul 17, 2014: Talking about this on @NewsTalk2UE tomorrow morning…

Jul 17, 2014: Call me judgey but I’ll avoid a bearded man wearing a Slayer shirt carrying a bottle in a brown paperbag by the neck in the Valley at 1pm.

Jul 16, 2014: Three sleeps until @lovelockedco! #lovelocked……

Jul 16, 2014: #justmarried #weddinglighting……

Jul 16, 2014: New wedding fair stand!!……

Jul 16, 2014: A beard bouquet. I’ll just leave this here.……

Jul 16, 2014: Apple and IBM forge global partnership … Steve Jobs rolls over in his grave.

Jul 15, 2014:…

Jul 15, 2014: Just another night in the M1 carpark.……

Jul 15, 2014: I’ll swap you a 1999 @TripleJ #Hottest100 CD for your 1999 Barina #BuyMyBarina…

Jul 15, 2014:…

Jul 15, 2014: Say hello to my little Paypal Here friend!……

Jul 15, 2014: “The phone call is greater than the Facebook comment” - modern saying I just coined

Jul 15, 2014: What’s with everyone keeping peeves as pets? Doesn’t everyone know they’re dangerous?

Jul 14, 2014: Britt and I are scouting for Sydney venues for the @popupwed, how cool would Cockatoo Island be!?…

Jul 14, 2014: “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.” Inventor, Charles Kettering

Jul 14, 2014: This girl #vscocam #gopro……

Jul 14, 2014: #lovelocked @lovelockedco……

Jul 14, 2014: Wifey got me some gloves so my fingers don’t fall off in Tasmania … eight sleeps!!!……

Jul 14, 2014: I wish I could tick some boxes in category 3. Renewing my insurance could be so much more exciting.…

Jul 14, 2014: Pretty proud to announce that I’m going to be taking up a Certificate IV in Reading My @Telstra Bill.

Jul 13, 2014: Turn back the firetrucks…

Jul 13, 2014: Trying my hand at Reddit advertising. Watch out /r/perth tomorrow!

Jul 13, 2014:…

Jul 13, 2014: I just can’t believe that King Missile haven’t had more hits.

Jul 13, 2014: These wedding photos by photographer Colleen Niska are causing a bit of a …. whirlwind ……

Jul 13, 2014: Ian Thorpe’s sexuality isn’t news. Ian Thorpe’s sexuality being news, is news. More in our 6pm bulletin.

Jul 12, 2014: Blurry night selfie! #marriedbyjosh……

Jul 12, 2014: Fire near Kessels Road, anyone know what’s up, I can see smoke plummeting from the western side of the M1.

Jul 12, 2014: They met on the escalator at #Myer and got #maried at James' family’s favourite place to………

Jul 12, 2014: #marriedbyjosh #jamesandamy ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #binnaburra #beechmont Credit: ………

Jul 12, 2014: #todaysoffice……

Jul 12, 2014: A better angle #queenslander #beechmont #cropcircles……

Jul 12, 2014: Spot the crop circles #queenslander #beechmont……

Jul 12, 2014: So many Australian #podcasts have more listeners than Brisbane #radio shows.……

Jul 12, 2014: Claire and Corey’s high school sweetheart romance just overflows into their wedding day ………

Jul 12, 2014: If the question ‘have we become selfie obsessed’ makes it onto TV, things are pretty good on planet earth atm…

Jul 11, 2014: My creative and breathtaking wife had an idea for a contrasted photo shoot. She pulled t………

Jul 11, 2014: Dear old nerds, many many many moons ago an @APCmag cover CD contained heaps of really old PDF editions of the mag. I’d love to find this.

Jul 11, 2014: My fruit juice brings all the girls to the yard……

Jul 11, 2014: Ran into my grandpa at Australia Fair this morning and taught him about selfies and the ………

Jul 11, 2014: The world’s so politically correct these days.…

Jul 10, 2014: Reached a whole new level of receipient-of-celebrant-anger today as a celebrant from Victoria corrects me (incorrectly) on my blog. Bless.

Jul 10, 2014: Well that explains my brain hurting last month…

Jul 10, 2014: In some cultures people would worship me now #inboxzero…

Jul 10, 2014: Anyone know anything about official Instagram advertising I. Australia? Is there someone you call?

Jul 10, 2014: Dear Mazda, the Mazda3 speedometer is wrong. Sincerely, Mitsubishi Lancer driver borrowi………

Jul 10, 2014: Scouting for future #lovelocked locations!……

Jul 9, 2014: I could see it taking off, @cjjosh…

Jul 9, 2014: Back in #Perth for the @popupwed on September 15! #popupwed……

Jul 9, 2014: A #TeamMellish stamp #besstampever……

Jul 9, 2014: A #TeamMellish #thankyou envelope #totallengend!!……

Jul 9, 2014: A #TeamMellish #thankyou note #totallengend!!……

Jul 9, 2014: The @popupwed &amp; its inspiration @popwedco are featured in this week’s #WeddingsForALiving podcast w/ @debbiequain…

Jul 9, 2014: Atlanta airport……

Jul 9, 2014: Dear comedians, why now Brazilians waxed jokes today?

Jul 9, 2014: I wrote a little awesome thing on how to write kickass wedding vows for @polkadotbride on@pdbwisdom… is the

Jul 9, 2014: Well, at least Brazil won the Hottest People In The World Cup, which is arguably better than soccer.

Jul 9, 2014: “You asked if there was any piece of advice that I could offer any of your brides out th………

Jul 8, 2014: THANKS VONBIBRA!…

Jul 7, 2014: You will suddenly wish you had of read this free list of inspirational textual improvements earlier than today…

Jul 7, 2014: Pink Floyd to release 1st album in 20y “I’m in the hi-fidelity 1st class traveling set and I think I need a Lear jet” …

Jul 7, 2014: The waitress assures me we’re an adorable pair #dinnerdate……

Jul 7, 2014: Awkward #Perth…

Jul 7, 2014: A wedding invite for you! See you at @lovelockedco on July 20!……

Jul 7, 2014: I’ve got a wedding invitation for you. It’s a big fake wedding on July 20 at @lightspacevenue called @lovelockedco…

Jul 7, 2014: Is “sorry we don’t serve syrups here” the new racism? #coffeeism #stupidquestionsbyjosh

Jul 6, 2014: I’ve spent all afternoon making a belt out of my watches. I wouldn’t recommend it as it’s a complete waist of time.

Jul 6, 2014: This #firstlook by #bekgrace is so sweet and intimate ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #mavi………

Jul 6, 2014: The Nanny webpage, copyright 1999…

Jul 6, 2014: I love it when Britt’s naked …. cakes #PGrated……

Jul 6, 2014: Sorry Seinfeld…

Jul 6, 2014: “I CAN’T THEY’RE SHUTTING ORKUT DOWN!!!!!” - no-one

Jul 5, 2014: Spotify does to iTunes what iTunes did to CDs what CDs did to Cassette Tapes what Cassette Tapes did to Vinyl ……

Jul 5, 2014: Avon calling!……

Jul 5, 2014: Here’s looking at you, kid……

Jul 5, 2014: Thanks to @thephotoboothguys I am immortalised in polka dot!……

Jul 5, 2014: Love @thephotoboothguys!……

Jul 5, 2014: I was snapped by The PhotoBooth Guys at #millard14 today! These guys have one of the coolest photobooths!…

Jul 5, 2014: #selfiefromthetree……

Jul 5, 2014: #kenilworthhomestead’s #rusticwedding dining hall is pretty darn #vintage……

Jul 5, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #kenilworthhomestead……

Jul 5, 2014: Kristen kicked #cancer’s ass and then said yes when Brendan asked her to marry him! ▃▃▃▃………

Jul 5, 2014: Congratulations Andy &amp; Meredith! #millard14 #celebrantselfie #justmarried ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃………

Jul 5, 2014: Congratulations Andy and Meredith! #Millard14 #marriedbyjosh #celebrantselfie ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃………

Jul 5, 2014: #goodmorning……

Jul 5, 2014: Kickass looking day from Kangaroo Point…

Jul 5, 2014: Media nerds and content creators will really enjoy @oshergunsberg’s podcast with @danilic…

Jul 5, 2014: In an ideal world, girl’s would gossip about how hot a guy’s tie-knot was……

Jul 5, 2014: One year on I’m still quite proud of this piece…

Jul 4, 2014: “Guards, I order you to tie this Kangaroo down, indeed” - #RolfHarris being sentenced in my imagination

Jul 4, 2014: Deal with it…

Jul 4, 2014: “Back in my day we had to deal with multiple popup ads popping up over the browser window when we tried to download a TV show” - us in …

Jul 4, 2014: Kahli &amp; Shane’s ‘backyard’ soirée, as featured on @polkadotbride! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Loc…… …

Jul 4, 2014: 1001grammers! W00t. Though I do note that I’m not following everyone back. If I ought to………

Jul 4, 2014: “YOLO” - YO-LO #RIP……

Jul 4, 2014: #itsnotatumor……

Jul 4, 2014: They call me ‘the one who laughs’ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #MountTamborine #Home Cre…… …

Jul 4, 2014: I wish I had this when I was at Fairfax Media…

Jul 4, 2014: That little wedding fair called @LoveLockedCo is on soon &amp; @polkadotbride had a bunch of lovely words to say about it…

Jul 4, 2014: Mind you, they’re all on their iPhones and Facebook whilst talking about it.

Jul 4, 2014: Sitting at a cafe listening to the table next to me recite stories from Sea FM this morning … maybe radio’s not as dead as they say it …

Jul 3, 2014: I got a sneaky peek this week at the new @CloudlandBrisbane ceremony terrace that’s unde………

Jul 3, 2014: I meet the nicest people!!! Thanks Jed &amp; Rachel! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ I’m the guy in charg…… …

Jul 3, 2014: Google+ just emailed me with a list of posts I missed, the only one being my own post ……

Jul 3, 2014: For those of you following along. The “stolen” light bulb is still absent. But I’ve repu…… …

Jul 3, 2014: At some point in the last decade our society decided talking or magical cars weren’t cool anymore. What happened to us?

Jul 3, 2014: #duellingselfies……

Jul 3, 2014:……

Jul 3, 2014: Checking out the GC @popupwed venue with @hellobrittanyjane! #Summergrove #popupwed……

Jul 2, 2014: Errrmmm someone took my lightbulb … #yaycoworking……

Jul 2, 2014: Reminiscing over 1995, the year that kid who just won Wimbledon was born in #NickKrygios…

Jul 2, 2014: I’ve got a new neighbour at @lightspacebrisbane! It’s Chaddy from @dearandtine!……

Jul 2, 2014: $1 domain names today only at @mediatemple. Use the promo code Domain1 to buy random domain names for $1 today only.…

Jul 2, 2014: I’ve got a new neighbour at @lightspacevenue! It’s Chaddy from Dear and Tine wedding photography…

Jul 1, 2014: He’s the hero Gotham needs, wants, deserves, everything. He’s Pantsman.…

Jul 1, 2014: I feel like I brought my wrong #makeupbag to #MeccaMaxima’s #makeupbagmakeover……

Jul 1, 2014: Picked @hellobrittanyjane up a prickly gift today because she’s been dealing with prickl………

Jul 1, 2014: Become an instant nerd…

Jul 1, 2014: People have accused me of not being ‘extreme’ enough to own a #GoPro … so here’s me being extreme…

Jul 1, 2014: Well if this isn’t the creepiest darn video on the internet I’ll pee in my mouth…

Jul 1, 2014: #MarryMeCharlie said “Marry me, Josh” and then we all got confused and then I ended up on their website…

Jul 1, 2014: Ice on the window … good morning Quensland……

Jun 30, 2014: Hello #gopro #selfies!……

Jun 30, 2014: Happy #EOFYS everyone!……

Jun 30, 2014: I liked a @YouTube video… Radio Announcer on a Date

Jun 30, 2014: Does everyone else mystery shop their competitors?

Jun 30, 2014: Idea for a band name: Tony Abbott and the Beacons of Humanity.

Jun 29, 2014: Last night’s wedding was so much awesome. A 5:30pm #ceremony, live musicians including g………

Jun 29, 2014: #lightspace……

Jun 29, 2014: Went on holiday for two hours today……

Jun 29, 2014: #MarriedByJosh onboard the P&amp;O #PacificJewel! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #Portside #Cr………

Jun 29, 2014: #todaysoffice……

Jun 29, 2014: #todaysoffice……

Jun 29, 2014: Breaking News: Just spent 5min wondering if it’s easier or better to just sleep in the car or go inside the house. Story is still developing

Jun 28, 2014: We don’t usually take a #celebrantselfie this late in the evening #rockon! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃………

Jun 28, 2014: #MarriedByJosh brought to you by coffee……

Jun 28, 2014: Idea: A Transformer that transforms into an actually good movie about Transformers.

Jun 28, 2014: QR codes on cars …. don’t work…

Jun 28, 2014: “I’ll sleep on you if that’s cool, Josh” - Stevie #catsofinstagram……

Jun 27, 2014: This girl has taken up so much of the work in our business that I’m not skilled at. She ………

Jun 27, 2014: “Palazzo Versace said we had to call you!” #phonecalloftheday

Jun 27, 2014: Prettiest public toilet I’ve ever seen. Could also double as a chapel.……

Jun 27, 2014: Just created a new husband and wife out of these two lovebirds on #Marcoola #Beach with ………

Jun 27, 2014: Very disappointing, there was no slippery dip in this toilet.……

Jun 26, 2014: Another #marriedbyjosh wedding video!…

Jun 26, 2014: Just caught an UberX car in Brisbane. I don’t think I’ll ever catch a taxi again.

Jun 26, 2014: Small ceremony, small reception, massive party…

Jun 26, 2014: Big Day Out? More like Big Day Ousted. Yes, I did that.

Jun 26, 2014: My favourite coffee shop just got cooler! Plus I am now eligible to learn a free handshake.……

Jun 26, 2014: #FortitudeValley #Cyclist……

Jun 26, 2014: Unit #FortitudeValley…

Jun 26, 2014: An 18 year old girl writes from inside the Christmas Island detention centre…

Jun 26, 2014: This story is developing #trainnews

Jun 26, 2014: And two strangers have disposed of their iPhones and are engaging in what seems to be a conversation #trainnews

Jun 26, 2014: Curly haired girl is breaking out the bold bright orange sweater today #trainnews

Jun 26, 2014: Balding guy is not thrilled at the prospect of going to work today #trainnews

Jun 26, 2014: Long hair girl is riddled with a disease, coughing furiously #trainnews

Jun 26, 2014: Light pink hair girl is doing great things with her follicles #trainnews

Jun 26, 2014: Time for the 8:10am train to a Brisbane news update.

Jun 26, 2014: Backyard weddings are often the best in my experience. Nathan and Stacey’s backyard wedd………

Jun 26, 2014: Loved this intimate #chapel wedding with Jenni, Bryan, their kids, a few local friends a………

Jun 25, 2014: All class, 7-11…

Jun 25, 2014: Oops #email #inboxzero……

Jun 25, 2014: Scott Thomson’s guide on how to Fakebook gooderer…

Jun 25, 2014: Gold Coast brides and grooms: we’re bringing the @popupwed to the Tweed Hinterland!…

Jun 25, 2014: “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” - Community Activist, Karen Lamb

Jun 25, 2014: “I just wanted to send you both a huge thankyou! We are both so grateful and happy to ha………

Jun 25, 2014: Woohoo! Hamilton Island approved!…

Jun 25, 2014: I’m probably the first business person to ever get excited about his contact page on his website…

Jun 24, 2014: A #beachwedding #elopement, still love this pic by #justforlovephotography ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃………

Jun 24, 2014: Who was #PeterGretse’s employer at the time he was arrested in Egypt?

Jun 24, 2014: The moment I saw @jessizorko’s #weddingdress I was simply in awe. So original and truly ………

Jun 24, 2014: Kind of in love with @avideas_corporate’s #weddinglighting ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: ………

Jun 24, 2014: That time that the Internet thought I was on the Footy Show…

Jun 24, 2014:……

Jun 24, 2014:……

Jun 24, 2014:…

Jun 24, 2014: WHAT DOES CHRIS KNOW???……

Jun 24, 2014: The #MikicWedding’s #photobomber continues to make me laugh - #regram ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃………

Jun 23, 2014: Soft launching a new website tonight…

Jun 23, 2014: Years later this is still the funniest thing on the whole Internet…

Jun 23, 2014: Here’s some #GroomStyle #inspiration from our #FrenchStyle blog post on @nouba_blog ▃▃▃▃………

Jun 23, 2014: “Thanks for everything, you made our day very special. Nick said you really helped him f………

Jun 22, 2014: Get amongst it! I’ll be performing a demo wedding ceremony there, so you can get a taste………

Jun 22, 2014: Married at the pop-up wedding with no stress and no guests ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: ………

Jun 22, 2014: “We would like to thank Josh for making our wedding ceremony all we had envisaged and mo………

Jun 22, 2014: Did you know that #ValentinesDay is a Saturday in #2015? I was booked out, but the coupl………

Jun 22, 2014: Did you know that Valentine’s Day is a Saturday in 2015? I was booked out, but the coupl………

Jun 22, 2014: Ask the nearest child to you “what is #love?” and comment with their reply……

Jun 22, 2014: “You made us feel at home and from that gave us a ceremony that was so personal and stil………

Jun 21, 2014: What would Brian Boitano do?

Jun 21, 2014: A global village assembled today at the #StateLibraryOfQueensland for Kobie and Andy’s i………

Jun 21, 2014: “After our big day nearly every single person that attended our wedding said what an inc………

Jun 21, 2014: In four weeks' time the #SunshineCoast’s @adarlingaffair will have wrapped. It’d be so c…… …

Jun 21, 2014: Love travelling to #Canberra for a wedding! Even better to marry friends. And it’s alway………

Jun 21, 2014: May I present to you, Mr and Mrs Ewan #marriedbyjosh #selfie #celebrantselfie ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃………

Jun 21, 2014: At the very first #Lovelocked wedding fair hundreds of people got to take a real wedding………

Jun 21, 2014: From this day forward you shall be known as the Rissmans! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #………

Jun 21, 2014: Dan tried the classic ‘spill a drink on the girl’ pickup at a bar in #Brisbane, they got…… …

Jun 21, 2014: You’ve probably heard other people say that a wedding represents one thing or another, a………

Jun 21, 2014: This Stradbroke Island wedding was threatened by storm cells and rain all afternoon. But………

Jun 21, 2014: Marrying these two lovebirds today!! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Credit: Chaddy from @dearandtine………

Jun 20, 2014: Scrolling through my iPhone’s ‘Notes’ app and found this nugget of goodness from 1:09am …… …

Jun 20, 2014: May the marriage force be with you, Meika ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #Glengariff Credi………

Jun 20, 2014: “I promise to try not to frustrate you” one of my wedding #vows ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Loc…… …

Jun 20, 2014: You may now pash your bride like a crazy man! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Location: #TheRiad Cred………

Jun 20, 2014:……

Jun 20, 2014: Anyone know what characters these lines are in an @Instagram post? I assume they’re copied and pasted in…

Jun 20, 2014: This wedding is coming to my blog soon! #mountwarning #wedding #bekgrace #mavisskitchen….……

Jun 20, 2014: Price to change $90 @JetstarAirways flight: $375. Price for replacement flight: $79. FFS.

Jun 20, 2014: Today’s office playlist:…

Jun 20, 2014: #June #Kanye #MeetThePugs……

Jun 20, 2014: I hope you’ve made your way over to the @nouba_blog this morning to see @kylie_justforlo………

Jun 19, 2014: Me + a bunch of my awesome at friends all featured in this French inspired wedding shoot………

Jun 19, 2014: Anyone know anyone that has a large format printer or plotter? A really big one.

Jun 19, 2014: Facebook’s down!!! This is just like the prophecy foretold!

Jun 19, 2014: Twitter now supports animated GIFs!…

Jun 19, 2014: This explains why Twitter’s been sucking recently, I was oddly not following @danieljohnhall

Jun 19, 2014: Is there a support help desk for coffee? I think mine’s broken. It’s just not working fo…… …

Jun 19, 2014: I wanna Yo you! Add my Yo username by tapping here:……

Jun 19, 2014: #breakingnews……

Jun 18, 2014: Another one of @privatekanye’s early wedding photo edits found (by Matt Palmer of York S………

Jun 18, 2014: Kanye’s lost wedding photo edits…

Jun 18, 2014: Did you know it took #KanyeWest four days to edit his photos ready for Instagram? Here’s………

Jun 18, 2014: Another one of @kanyewest’s wedding photo self-edits that wasn’t supposed to go public…

Jun 18, 2014: NOMINATED FOR BEST CELEBRANT IN THE UNIVERSE!!! (Queensland region)… thanks @W_E_O_A!

Jun 18, 2014: #Kimye’s honeymoon was ‘interrupted’ because @kanywest had to edit his own wedding photos. Check out this early edit …

Jun 18, 2014: I thought radio was a cool job. It’s got nothing on being the wedding celebrant.

Jun 18, 2014: A couple that will schedule their whole wedding around our holidays and my availability, just leaves me in awe…

Jun 18, 2014: Nice shoot in @hellomaymagazine, @nickevansphoto!……

Jun 18, 2014: Seriously shitting myself because my decision to play @IGGYAZALEA almost got me killed.

Jun 18, 2014: I like public transport but recent train travels tell me that I’m almost always going to be sitting next to a student or a criminal.

Jun 18, 2014: Cool guys on the train playing hip hop on speaker. So I start playing music loudly. Then an undercover cop arrests them for weapons.

Jun 18, 2014: Wut?!……

Jun 18, 2014: “Love is when you tell a guy you love his shirt and then he wears it everyday” - seven year old girl

Jun 17, 2014: If I can accomplish this in just one flight imagine what I could do if I set my mind to ………

Jun 17, 2014: So today’s office is probably the best in the known #wedding universe……

Jun 17, 2014: This girl has married a bridge (over troubled emotional waters)…

Jun 17, 2014: Well, if I achieved anything today, it was ‘looking completely desperate to a PR officer’

Jun 17, 2014: A survey of all of the Sydney taxis I’ve caught this week tells me that 100% of Sydney listens to @smoothfm953

Jun 17, 2014: #whitagram……

Jun 17, 2014: #doppelganger……

Jun 17, 2014: Good morning my old friend……

Jun 16, 2014:……

Jun 16, 2014: Found my Bearded Friend™ somewhere in Sydney……

Jun 16, 2014: Spent an hour trying to find the Australian Technology Park so I could hear @photomatt answer two questions about #Wordpress

Jun 16, 2014: I don’t think I’m sage enough to be dishing out life advice, but I can definitely advise you never trust Apple or Google Maps in a big …

Jun 16, 2014: Rock on……

Jun 16, 2014: “You’re one connection away from being able to change your life.” - Author, Larry Bennett

Jun 16, 2014: Yo, Sydney, anyone up for dinner? I just had my evening open up.

Jun 16, 2014: #partytime……

Jun 16, 2014: AFP guy is a terrible photographer……

Jun 16, 2014: A TP wedding dress competition…

Jun 16, 2014: Good morning from Sydney…

Jun 16, 2014: Where to get an awesome breakfast in Kirribilli? Assuming @TonyAbbottMHR’s not inviting me over.

Jun 15, 2014: I’ve come to Sydney to find myself……

Jun 15, 2014: My driver is pleasant and I got a free bottle of water. Best non-taxi EVER!

Jun 15, 2014: I’m riding in a @Uber_Sydney car! THIS IS THE FUTURE EVERYONE!…

Jun 15, 2014: Apparently tonight is the wrong night to signup to @Uber - SMS verifications not working. Taxi line about 4 bazillion km long @Uber_Sydney

Jun 15, 2014: HI SYDNEY!……

Jun 15, 2014: This might sound obvious, but pharmacies at airports don’t sell razors. A little FYI for everyone playing along at home.

Jun 15, 2014: Inflight entertainment is soooo boring. Taking things into my own hands this flight.……

Jun 15, 2014: Hi, @jessatpollenflorist!……

Jun 14, 2014: #vows #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 14, 2014: FYI: #TheFaultInOurStars is not an expose on how the media unnecessarily celebrates celebrity culture. Good movie though, cried waterfalls.

Jun 14, 2014: Jun 14, 2014:… via @YouTube

Jun 14, 2014:……

Jun 14, 2014: Timelapse caught me dancing-moving……

Jun 14, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 14, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 14, 2014: So honoured! At Shafston House they have a photo of me taking a selfie on the ceremony v………

Jun 14, 2014: The #marriedbyjosh selfie with @whitepearlphotography sneaking in the back there……

Jun 14, 2014: #marriedbyjosh #timelapse @ InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort…

Jun 14, 2014: What everyone doesn’t realise is that Mike is the Australian version of Mile…

Jun 14, 2014: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Mike Mike Mike!

Jun 14, 2014: I think there’s a little bit of Mike in all of us today #Socceroos #WorldCup #TonyAbbott #MeelayIsHardToPronounce

Jun 14, 2014: If you sign an NDA, can you say you’ve signed an NDA? Asking for a friend.

Jun 14, 2014: All of my email inboxes are 0:0 #scorrreeee

Jun 14, 2014: How about that local football team playing in South America today.

Jun 13, 2014: A study has proven that crayfish suffer from anxiety. That’s cray cray.

Jun 13, 2014: A darling chandelier #adarlingaffair……

Jun 13, 2014: Hashtag sayinghashtaginreallife

Jun 13, 2014: My superpower is remembering the words to every Cake sing when it comes on the radio.

Jun 13, 2014: Pretty excited about all of these new parties my new wireless portable PA system is goin………

Jun 13, 2014: Tomorrow’s office……

Jun 13, 2014: #CentralPerk #NotTheCentralPerk #Logan #Hyperdome……

Jun 13, 2014: [Redacted]!!!!!!!!!!! #OMFG

Jun 13, 2014: Like the round ball and you’re getting married? #wedding #weddings #soccer #worldcup #br………

Jun 13, 2014: Like the round ball and you’re getting married? #wedding #weddings #soccer #worldcup #br………

Jun 12, 2014: Stevie loves being loved #not #catsofinstagram……

Jun 12, 2014: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” - Harry Potter and the Deathly …… …

Jun 12, 2014: Not a month goes by where there’s not a weird data usage iPhone thing from @Telstra (supposed to have 5GB …)…

Jun 12, 2014: He’s got the warrant!!!

Jun 12, 2014: Guy on the train is appearing in court next week for attempting to steal a plane … and fraud.

Jun 12, 2014: I don’t just get #butterflies ………

Jun 12, 2014: “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” - Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius

Jun 12, 2014: Lunch at GYG. Group of young students walk in. Nekminit I’m that old guy drinking a beer at lunch, by myself, on Thursday, next to students.

Jun 12, 2014: “You were frickin' awesome! We had quite a few people come up to us at the wedding saying that it was good to see a fun, young celebrant”

Jun 12, 2014: If the original computer engineers were being honest with themselves they would’ve called the thing that held information forever a wife.

Jun 12, 2014: I don’t know what everyone is freaking out about. There’s only been 74 school shootings since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012.

Jun 11, 2014: Can haz pie?……

Jun 11, 2014: #itsgunnablowwww!!!……

Jun 11, 2014: She’s just a girl……

Jun 11, 2014: It’s Reining Deers……

Jun 11, 2014: Family road trip day!……

Jun 11, 2014: That love condition #briswed……

Jun 10, 2014: Everyone else’s plans to #lovemesomefoil, will be … foiled … @blushingconfetti……

Jun 10, 2014: Things must be getting tight at Fairfax. Republishing an American wedding article that is 50% irrelevant to Australia…

Jun 10, 2014: I indirectly watch The Gilmore Girls with Britt, not for the feminine rom-com-drama, but for the subtle and awesome cultural references.

Jun 10, 2014: Just letting you know so you can prepare the balloons and confetti.

Jun 10, 2014: I’m probably an hour or two away from reaching inbox:zero for the first time in weeks.

Jun 10, 2014: “Postage stamps are such a cool idea!” - @snow_withers

Jun 9, 2014: I’m pretty sure I’m the only guy that actually replies to spam email with a reference to legal action and the Spam Act of 2003.

Jun 9, 2014: Free stuff!…

Jun 9, 2014: If you were in a positive and generous mood, a 5 star rating on my fB page would probably make my day…

Jun 9, 2014: Really digging the Robina Apple Store’s front window display. So simple yet effective. @ Apple Store,……

Jun 9, 2014: #fame……

Jun 9, 2014: #marketing……

Jun 9, 2014: In five years or so you’ll wish you had of followed @redlips_onships before it was cool (that’s like, now)

Jun 9, 2014: File this video under “White people gone crazy”: Baby Got Back, Sir Mix-A-Lot with the Seattle Symphony…

Jun 9, 2014: Andrew Denton once said that he only really asked variations of one question on Enough Rope, basically: “Life is hard, how are you coping?”

Jun 9, 2014: 10 Ways a Modern Wedding is Completely Different to a Traditional Ceremony [A little guest blog psot I blog posted!]…

Jun 9, 2014: Is there a literal ‘Internet cafe’ on the Gold Coast that serves coffee like a cafe, but has Internet sessions that last more than 30min?

Jun 9, 2014: It’s me in @thewest_com_au!…

Jun 8, 2014: I’ve gone all out on my new @easyweddings profile……

Jun 8, 2014: #marriedbyjosh and #photographed by @lucasandcophotography #brisbanecelebrant #briswed……

Jun 8, 2014: Natalie and Dean’s wedding timelapse:… via @YouTube

Jun 8, 2014: And the King decreed that it was indeed a two beer kind of night, so we all drank two beers.……

Jun 8, 2014: “No-one goes to radio station websites! That’s why we’re listening to the radio, because we’re not at the computer” - …

Jun 8, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 8, 2014: Eat, drink and be #marriedbyjosh……

Jun 8, 2014: Fusion Jewish ceremony today, this plays a central part. It’s a chuppah.……

Jun 8, 2014:……

Jun 8, 2014: Today’s office……

Jun 8, 2014: There’s just something about driving a convertible that says “I’m a poor decision maker”

Jun 8, 2014: Make @JoshuaWithers smile, a how-to guide: vote for me in the @W_E_O_A People’s Choice Award… #WEOA - RT much?

Jun 8, 2014: Make Josh smile, a how-to guide: vote for me in the WEOA People’s Choice Award…

Jun 8, 2014: Thanks, spellcheck.…

Jun 7, 2014: Stevie says “it’s so terribly inconvenient for me to be sleeping on your chest, you shou…… …

Jun 7, 2014: Love a good love story #briswed #brisbanecelebrant #gccelebrant #weddings #wedding #vows………

Jun 7, 2014: Forever Mr and Mrs Young, a surprise wedding timelapse:… via @YouTube

Jun 7, 2014: Mr and Mrs Young’s sneaky garage chapel surprise wedding timelapse #marriedbyjosh…

Jun 7, 2014: Just surprised all of Jed and Rachel’s family with an awesome surprise wedding in their ………

Jun 7, 2014: Matt and Katie #marriedbyjosh at #cherbonwaters……

Jun 7, 2014: Any West Aussies got a copy of The West nearby? I want to check whether a particular story ran today.

Jun 7, 2014: My greatest fear is that Kanye West will only be truly appreciated after his death.

Jun 7, 2014: The only wedding I’ll let you heckle me at this year is on July 20 at @lightspacebrisban………

Jun 7, 2014: Guys, Instagram is down. Let me know your fax number, I’ve got a selfie to send you.

Jun 7, 2014: If you really were a comedian you would’ve made a parody of Asshole by @DenisLeary about @TonyAbbottMHR by now.

Jun 7, 2014: “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you are right.” - Henry Ford

Jun 7, 2014: And also this morning, a shoutout to lone-tweeter, @Poulyn_, who retweeted this old doozy… …. 10k RT would be nice

Jun 7, 2014: That’s the nerdiest tweet I’ve tweeted in a whilte, back to normal programming with @WHITEMagazine… sorry @RobinaTC

Jun 7, 2014: Dear @RobinaTC, your public WiFi terms and conditions acceptance splash page has some CSS errors. I had to disable CSS to click “Login”.

Jun 6, 2014: Trying something a little classier for Chris and Di’s #wedding #vows this weekend……

Jun 6, 2014: “Success comes from doing the hard part”…

Jun 6, 2014: Hello modelling career…

Jun 6, 2014: You know what’d be awesome? If you clicked this link, searched for Josh, clicked the vote button!…

Jun 6, 2014: “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” - Art Linkletter

Jun 6, 2014: Just been voted the Universe’s most rad celebrant. Legit.

Jun 6, 2014: #marriedbyjosh #brisbanecelebrant……

Jun 6, 2014: I told everyone at the ceremony that the only rule synths wedding was that everyone have………

Jun 6, 2014: Kerri and Kirt’s wedding timelapse at the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club:… via @YouTube

Jun 6, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at #theriad photos by @lucasandcophotography and all the other pics and a………

Jun 6, 2014: #marriedbyjosh photo by @lucasandcophotography……

Jun 5, 2014: Looking forward to taking a selfie with a guy who’s hopefully eaten live chickens with Marilyn Manson, or something.

Jun 5, 2014: I’m going to be marrying Rob Zombie’s drummer’s father-in-law, which is enough of a connection to get 17 y/po Josh to look up from …

Jun 5, 2014: Sam and Ellectra’s #marriedbyjosh elopement featured on @the_lane today……

Jun 5, 2014: Sam and Ellectra’s #ByronBay #elopement at #The Riad is on @the_lane now. Pics by the ob………

Jun 5, 2014: Calvin: What’s it like to fall in love? Hobbes: Well… say the object of your affection w………

Jun 5, 2014: Love getting warm and fuzzed in the mail, thanks Tim and Anna!!!……

Jun 5, 2014: ARN building in Stones Corner has a KIIS FM logo on it.

Jun 5, 2014: Please stop sharing the new ‘Bieber being stupid’ video, I’m waiting for the box set to come out.

Jun 4, 2014: #Marriage tip for awesome husbands……

Jun 4, 2014: That time I was on the Today Show in Perth with some mates…

Jun 4, 2014: “Tweeting” @ Warner Bros. Movie World - Gold Coast, Australia…

Jun 4, 2014: Check out this Joker……

Jun 4, 2014: Our stint in the Justice League. They kicked us out.……

Jun 4, 2014: A testosterone hurricane. Please lock up your women and children.…

Jun 4, 2014: “Oh no! Where’s Robin?” says @hellobrittanyjane……

Jun 4, 2014: I’ve got good news everyone, Britt and I have been invited to join the Justice League. T………

Jun 4, 2014: “Stay gold, pony boy”……

Jun 4, 2014: This was the height of fun when I was a teen……

Jun 4, 2014: Probably will never see that face again #RIPDoc

Jun 4, 2014: Rollin……

Jun 3, 2014: Cute bird served me coffee this morning……

Jun 3, 2014: I was wandering the streets of Sydney today between meetings and stumbled across @luifro………

Jun 3, 2014: Love my @twoguysbowties ensemble……

Jun 3, 2014: I liked a @YouTube video from @theshortcuts… Milestone and co - Jessykah Miles - Marriage Celebrant

Jun 3, 2014: A happy person ……

Jun 3, 2014: Dear Lyndon, thanks bro…

Jun 3, 2014: How much can a Koala bare? @ T3 Qantas Sydney Domestic Airport…

Jun 3, 2014: Homeward bound. As much as I love that bridge, I love @hellobrittanyjane about a tonne m………

Jun 3, 2014: They say that you can measure a man by his remaining iPhone battery charge. I am the 1%.

Jun 3, 2014: Just caught up with my favourite #sydneycelebrant, @jess23m……

Jun 3, 2014: Don’t jump, you’re worth it, Lorikeet.……

Jun 3, 2014: When I grow up I’m going to have a travelator in my house…

Jun 3, 2014: Wake up everyone!……

Jun 2, 2014: I’m no doctor but this girl has crabs……

Jun 2, 2014: I couldn’t help but make an ass of myself in this selfie……

Jun 2, 2014: Going to the chapel ………

Jun 2, 2014: If you missed me schooling @Lisa_Wilkinson on Pop-Up weddings today on @TheTodayShow you can watch it here… @popupwed

Jun 2, 2014: Watching yourself on TV never gets less weird.……

Jun 2, 2014: Just had a chat with @SteveMillsPR and @BasilZempilas on @6PR about the @PopUpWed

Jun 2, 2014: I’m in Perth’s red light district this morning……

Jun 2, 2014: About to go live on the Today Show!……

Jun 2, 2014: About to go live on the Today Show! @ Chapel Farm…

Jun 1, 2014: Is there anyone actually giving out cigars to people that got close enough?

Jun 1, 2014: I should film him and release it as an exercise DVD.

Jun 1, 2014: Watching this man, across from me at the airport, eat an ice-cream has positively ruined ice-creams for me, forever.

Jun 1, 2014: Some crazy bride at this wedding expo has tattooed my name on her foot……

May 31, 2014: Rick and Lisa’s Cloudland wedding timelapse by Brisbane Marriage Celebrant Joshua Withers:… via @YouTube

May 31, 2014: If you listen back to Fatman Scoop’s ‘Be Faithful’ I think you’ll find he’s quite the equal rights activist …

May 31, 2014: Fun wedding vows are real, honest and personal vows…

May 31, 2014: #marriedbyjosh with four of their closest…

May 31, 2014: Tonight’s office……

May 31, 2014: Bee Gees selfie……

May 31, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at @cloudlandbrisbane……

May 31, 2014: Just resisted the temptation to ask The Veronica’s for a post-wedding selfie.

May 31, 2014: Not my office today, someone else’s……

May 31, 2014: Old age is when you’re reading a clients birth certificate and they were born in a year you can clearly remember.

May 31, 2014: Love recognises no barriers. Here’s to everyone celebrating love this weekend!……

May 31, 2014: SEO…

May 30, 2014: Dear weddings, it’s not 2004 anymore. A guest post by @Pippy_la_rue!…

May 30, 2014: Men on mountains…

May 30, 2014: Who of all of my Tweeps are Perth mediaites? I’ve got a Perth wedding story for those keen, we’re rocking the @popupwed in WA this Monday!

May 30, 2014: I liked a @YouTube video… The Ground is Lava - Ten Years On

May 30, 2014: I just had the most Queensland problem ever: I couldn’t find my good thongs.

May 30, 2014: A few weeks ago I talk to @kochie_online and @sam_armytage on @sunriseon7 about @PopUpWed !… This Mon we’re in Perth!

May 30, 2014: Some people say dogs have poor memory. But Lulu knows exactly where she is today.……

May 29, 2014: Off to see a girl about a thing……

May 29, 2014: Mr and Mrs Jut!……

May 29, 2014: “You don’t make weddings with salad” - a bride just now on Facebook chat :)…

May 29, 2014: Was #Kimye as good for you as it was for me?…

May 29, 2014: Google Ad: 85c, the phone call, $1.60, hearing her whisper ‘woohoo’ before she ends the call to see if I’m available: priceless.

May 29, 2014: I’m just going to check-out from adulthood for a moment, be right back……

May 29, 2014: The problem with top 40 radio, and the top 40 web…

May 29, 2014: Mog has been rumoured to be replaced, updated by/to Beats in Australia.

May 29, 2014: Australian Beats/Apple angle: Mog is owned by Bears. In Australia Mog is sold/licences by Bigpond Music, no data charges on Telstra.

May 29, 2014: Apple right now: Just Beat it.

May 28, 2014: #marriedbyjosh #wedding #timelapse at #hillstone #stlucia #brisbanecelebrant #brisbanewedding @……

May 28, 2014: I need to do some family history research, stat…

May 28, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

May 28, 2014: Love a Wednesday wedding!……

May 28, 2014: October 19 to 30 I’m in New York City. Let’s do a wedding while I’m there, ok? #nycweddi…… …

May 28, 2014: I’m not wearing the right shade of maroon am I? #origin……

May 28, 2014: Barber is playing Slipknot. It’s a good day.

May 28, 2014:……

May 28, 2014:……

May 28, 2014: Team Mellish’s Ecostudio Fellini Awesome Wedding…

May 27, 2014: Something……

May 27, 2014: My phone with wifi networks is like my wife when she meets people from Mackay, “You must know Josh!”…

May 27, 2014: Following the “Cups (When I’m Gone)” culture progression…

May 27, 2014: Some people go to theme parks for fun. Me? I just open the laptop but don’t open GMail straight away. I’m a thrillseeker.

May 27, 2014: Twitter bio of former Channel Ten Wake Up producer…

May 26, 2014: Lisa and George’s Lightspace Fortitude Valley Wedding…

May 26, 2014: This Sunday!……

May 26, 2014: Big thanks to @bondnickbond for writing the #Kimye vows for my wedding ceremony…

May 26, 2014: Dear Hollywood … a billboard on on consciously uncoupling. Pic by @markdanielspears……

May 26, 2014: On the blog this morning: Did you know I was supposed to be @kimcardashian and #kanyewes………

May 26, 2014: Did you know I was all lined up to be @KimKardashian and @kanyewest’s celebrant but lost the job to @richwilkersonjr…

May 25, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

May 25, 2014: One of my weddings has just been featured in @polkadotbride!…

May 25, 2014: Breaking: Australia to be renamed to The Straylia.

May 25, 2014: As much as I like @AlecBaldwin’s podcast, I’d probably highly rate him reading a microwave oven manual in a podcast…

May 25, 2014: Sifting through @kanyewest’s back catalogue trying to guess which song he sung himself down the aisle to.

May 25, 2014: I’m in-stalled at Toowoomba’s @vintagebridemag wedding fair until 3pm……

May 25, 2014: #notmarriedbyjosh……

May 25, 2014: “We both would love to thank you for creating such a memorable, light, relaxed, cheerful………

May 25, 2014: “We were after a young, vibrant, non-traditional male celebrant and that’s definitely wh………

May 24, 2014: Once Upon A Dream wedding photography documents the making of a #selfie……

May 24, 2014: Jedd and Kate’s Kingscliffe Salt Beach wedding…

May 24, 2014: Mike and Sandi’s Bundaleer Rainforest Gardens Wedding…

May 24, 2014: Webstats always tell such a fun and odd story. Today two people have Googled “cost of joshua withers”.

May 24, 2014: GCal runs a tight and lean ship, is very unforgiving, but given fair warning is very generous with days off.

May 24, 2014: Some say that being self-employed means that you’re your own boss. Not true. I’m employed by Google Calendar.

May 24, 2014: #marriedbyjosh captured by, and regrammed @bekgrace_……

May 24, 2014: The amazing @bekgrace_ will go to great heights to get the right pic #weddingphotography……

May 24, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

May 24, 2014: #marriedbyjosh #timelapse #mavisskitchen #mtwarning #wedding @ Mavis’s Kitchen and Cabin’s @ Mt Warning…

May 24, 2014: Today’s going to be pretty cool……

May 24, 2014: I’m usually not one for traditions. But reading the @SatPaper could easily become one.

May 24, 2014: Considering a new photo-journalism series “Motorways turned into carparks”

May 24, 2014: Do not ever give up. Simply print this out, stare at it forever, and eventually you will die.

May 23, 2014: “A man’s errors are his portals of discovery.” - Writer, James Joyce

May 23, 2014: Britt trying to describe zip-ties: the things rapists use.

May 23, 2014: I’m spending far too much time doing 0km/hr on motorways this week.……

May 23, 2014: Two sleeps until @vintagebridemag wedding fair hits #Toowoomba. I’ll be there with a bun………

May 23, 2014: #marriedbyjosh…

May 23, 2014: Mirra really dresses up for a ceremony!……

May 23, 2014: Increasing by an average of five people per day.

May 23, 2014: Hey, if anyone’s looking for website, Google, or SEO help I’ve got the details of about three trillion Indian guys that can help you.

May 23, 2014: Dear Internet, is there a Brisbane/Australian company that can, or does, make custom memo envelopes like this?…

May 23, 2014: The real casualties of the universe expanding are the local universes that are already doing it tough in this astrological environment.

May 23, 2014: Marriage is less about being madly in love and more about always letting your bride have some of your chips.

May 23, 2014: I see many wedding videos, but none have starred @RealHughJackman or Laurence Fishburne. Nice work, @joemichalczuk!…

May 23, 2014: New favourite Tumblr blog:……

May 23, 2014: As much as I tell everyone that I don’t miss the media, of course I’m the wanker whose first reaction to a truck on fire is: video that …

May 23, 2014: Even at 2am the M1 motorway is a carpark…

May 23, 2014: Truck on fire on Gateway Bridge:… via @YouTube

May 23, 2014: Truck on fire on the northern side of the northbound Gateway Bridge #bnetraffic…

May 23, 2014: I’ve hit a new low. Listening to Ice-T’s podcast.…

May 23, 2014: Sigh…

May 23, 2014: Sad, funny, strange. Words I’m using to describe people passionately dancing to Semisonic’s Closing Time at 11:59pm.

May 22, 2014: The one who winks…

May 22, 2014: Life’s always good when you’re playing tunes. I’m at Novotel Twin Waters tonight. Don’t mention the two hour drive home at …

May 22, 2014:…

May 22, 2014: Weddings: not a girl thing…

May 22, 2014: I think we should spend a weekend here sometime, Britt xx……

May 22, 2014: A couple on why they booked me “we do not want a boring ceremony, we’re in love - not going into retirement”

May 22, 2014: I said “please don’t give me a girly little cup”……

May 22, 2014: I said “please don’t give me a girly little cup” @ Monk &amp; Grind…

May 22, 2014: Shuts … but shits is also appropriate.

May 22, 2014: It’s not a day ending in y unless there’s another crash on the motorway that shits down the whole motorway …

May 22, 2014: Enter to win a one year membership to The Inner Circle from @evolveyourbizuk &amp; a year membership to @stickyalbums!…

May 22, 2014: Don’t be worried about what I’m doing :)……

May 21, 2014: With Channel Ten axing News it’s got a new show planned: Olds. It’s the best of the Ten News of the past 50 years.

May 21, 2014: Citizens of the world, let’s put aside our politics &amp; beliefs to unite against our true enemy: the canapés “no thanks” …

May 21, 2014:…

May 21, 2014: “We were after a young, vibrant, non-traditional male celebrant and that’s definitely wh………

May 21, 2014: You know you’re in the country when the local council installs signs instructing drivers to ignore their GPS.

May 21, 2014: Newspaper reports ….……

May 20, 2014: It’s not often I’m the shortest person at the end of the aisle! #marriedbyjosh……

May 20, 2014: My bride!!……

May 20, 2014: Wouldn’t it suck to be the guy who’s lasting legacy was inventing pistachio crispbread.

May 20, 2014: We’re in the latest Brisbane News magazine! (2/2)……

May 20, 2014: We’re in the latest Brisbane News magazine! (1/2)……

May 20, 2014: Britt came back from the shops with these new fangdangled things for me that the kids ar………

May 20, 2014: A wedding ceremony venue is a frame for a memory. This is a very elegant and cool frame ………

May 20, 2014: I don’t see it working RT @mashable: The “world’s first” Braille phone is now on sale.… …

May 20, 2014: I suppose 91.7 is aimed at an older demographic?

May 20, 2014: ABC Gold Coast is such a different radio station to 612 Brisbane. I literally feel young listen to 91.7, on 612 I feel on par.

May 20, 2014: Lake Orr pond?……

May 19, 2014: People wanting to be stars, shouldn’t be stars #TheVoiceAu

May 19, 2014: Pick up a copy of Brisbane news this week, Danielle from @whitewhiteweddings and I are i………

May 19, 2014: Monday’s are Saturday’s in wedding world. On Saturday’s we BBQ. Here’s to the #freakinwe…… …

May 19, 2014: Getting my #BonjourBeauty on at @meccamaxima……

May 19, 2014: I know that’s a mega smart-ass tweet, @abcgoldcoast, but you’re doing the tech equivalent of announcing @JuliaGillard as the new PM.

May 19, 2014: ABC GC doing a new technology segment where they’re breaking the news of Google Glass, right now. Need a hand over there, @abcgoldcoast?

May 19, 2014: This banner is a little bit out of place on the Gold Coast, let alone in Australia…

May 19, 2014: Fixing father-in-law’s computer, what malware software do kids use on Windows PCs these days?

May 19, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

May 19, 2014: I’m starting to think that the only reason Stevie says hi in the morning is so she can s………

May 18, 2014: Kids these days……

May 18, 2014:……

May 18, 2014: I better set the table!……

May 18, 2014: I stopped an smelt a rose yesterday, and it was quite lovely……

May 18, 2014:……

May 17, 2014: #marriedbyjosh photo by Natasha Jade……

May 17, 2014: #marriedbyjosh at the #gabba pic by Natasha Jade……

May 17, 2014: #MarriedByJosh, photobombed by Mr Mo, pic by Natasha Jade……

May 17, 2014: #MarriedByJosh at the Gabba, pic by Natasha Jade……

May 17, 2014: #marriage…

May 17, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

May 17, 2014: #MarriedByJosh at @SarabahVineyard…

May 17, 2014: “Potential is the complete absence of achievement” - Actor, Grant Bowler with @oshergunsberg…

May 17, 2014: The hens party was directly before today’s wedding……

May 17, 2014: But first Llama take a selfie……

May 17, 2014: Beats by Steve.

May 17, 2014: “Are we being invaded?” #MarchInMay…

May 17, 2014: Lovvvve this pic #marriedbyjosh……

May 17, 2014: Bitch of honour ……

May 17, 2014: Coofffeeeeee……

May 17, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

May 16, 2014: Imagine all the people ….…

May 16, 2014: Awesome wedding readings never heard at a wedding…

May 16, 2014: Do you know someone that works for a printing company? I’m looking for a blank, possibly even broken, pull-up banner. Bris/GC/Tweed.

May 16, 2014: The M1 is a carpark …….……

May 16, 2014: Being regular, again……

May 16, 2014: Being regular, again @ Padre…

May 16, 2014: Couldn’t help myself #Gabba……

May 16, 2014: #marriedbyjosh……

May 16, 2014: Couldn’t help myself…

May 16, 2014: Today’s office……

May 16, 2014: Really hoping everything is M, A, R, a V, E double L, O, U, S for today’s wedding…

May 16, 2014: Wedding on the Gabba turf today, I’ve got cricket puns, don’t worry, but if you had something extra specially punny, feel free to comment.

May 16, 2014: I wanted to post a Jay Z/Beyoncé joke and Britt said I could do it Solange as it was funny.

May 16, 2014: Seven awesome readings you’ve [almost probably] never heard at a wedding…

May 15, 2014: Mega thanks to everyone :)

May 15, 2014: I’m worried this PA system thing is getting out of hand. Ch9’s on the phone … might just pay for one myself :)

May 15, 2014: Whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same……

May 15, 2014: I have a very large collection of books … which I would like to start reading one day.

May 15, 2014: I liked a @YouTube video… Documentary - Very Short Stories

May 15, 2014: #marriedbyjosh photo by @paulbamford……

May 15, 2014: Wedding is Thursday May 22 on the Sunshine Coast, I can pickup/dropoff to Bris/GC

May 15, 2014: Place I normally rent from can’t donate, so I thought I’d ask publically.

May 15, 2014: I’m donating my services to a terminally ill bride next Thursday night, needing a PA system and party lights for the reception, can u help?

May 15, 2014: As if you had anything better to do this morning and listen to @MolksTVTalk and I talk about TV … live in a minute…

May 15, 2014: Amirite?

May 15, 2014: More like hero pussy

May 15, 2014: I’m reading Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss on @Blinkist…

May 15, 2014: Really proud of @hellobrittanyjane today. She’s a little #MeccaMaxima super trooper toda………

May 15, 2014: It’s a good day on the Gold Coast!…

May 14, 2014: “It’s people like you that we need more of in this confusing web of wedding information.” - Adam and Mel

May 14, 2014:…